News Briefs – 05/03/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.


George Soros dumps $750,000 into the Wisconsin midterms as Democrats gear up for the steal.

Planned Parenthood, other abortion rights groups to spend $150 million on midterms.

After the Georgia election was stolen, Secretary of State Raffensperger still refuses to address lawsuit on irregularities of the 2020 election.

They just seated a Grand Jury in Georgia to see if they can charge Donald Trump with any crimes for questioning if the 2020 election might have been rigged.

George W. Bush to appear at fundraiser for Trump nemesis Kemp. I still cannot believe he is a full blown criminal traitor, but there is really no other conclusion supported by the facts.

Voter registration data shows Republicans taking over legislative districts in Arizona.

Wisconsin legislators call it quits at near-record pace.

Some think this next leak is a distraction from the movie 2000 Mules, which is about to be released in theaters and reveal the election rigging:

In a first, a draft ruling has leaked which showed that the Supreme Court is in the process of ruling to overturn abortion rights, draft opinion shows. It goes against everything we are inculcated with, to the point I can feel myself brace for ridicule when I say it. But they may need abortion much more than we would ever think possible. There is solid evidence there is some ephemeral, technologically sophisticated other present on this planet, and if it is present, it will be in control of this world. Those in history who made this ridiculous proposition, also often said child-sacrifice was its currency all over the globe, all throughout time, even in isolated societies which did not get told that by other societies. This will not eliminate abortion, by any degree, it just throws it back to the states. But I will bet there are some out there who believe they need abortion to hold onto power, who are very unhappy about this.

Jonathan Turley on the leak, which could provoke an assassination of a Justice to alter the final ruling, so it is a big deal:

Documents made public last week by the Federal Election Commission reveal that Hillary Clinton campaign payments to Fusion GPS to dig up dirt on Donald Trump were not treated as legal expenses.

Joe Biden paid nearly $800,000 in Hunter Biden’s debt, and nobody knows if Joe filed the required gift tax return.

Biden says, “There have not been many senators from Delaware. It’s a small state. As a matter of fact, there’s never been one.”

So Biden’s $33 billion funding request “for Ukraine” also gives DHS the authority to put Afghan refugees (and spouses and kids) on a pathway to citizenship. That needs to be a red line. Those are CIA assets being imported to be used against us in a coming Civil War. They cannot be allowed citizenship, they need to be able to be purged at some point. Note how the military interpreters were all left behind. These are straight up enemies of America, in line with CIA, and probably most of FBI at this point.

A new study from MIT has found a 25% increase in cardiovascular events in young people during the vaccine rollout.


At least 10 states are reporting an alarming increase in cases of severe hepatitis or inflammation of the liver in children. Early symptoms include fever, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dark urine, joint pain and jaundice.

Unvaxxed children with liver damage were breastfed by vaxxed mothers.

Tuberculosis makes a comeback in the US amid misdiagnosis and illegal immigration.

PJ Media recounts many of the fires, plane crashes, explosions, and FBI warnings of computer attacks on food facilities.

Fire damages food processing plant in northwest Fresno.

BlackRock and Vanguard are nearly in TOTAL CONTROL of food production and distribution in America.

“John Boehner backed out of a deal to join a marijuana lobbying group — but only after he allegedly stole its data and talking points to form another, pro-weed lobbying outfit of his own, an explosive lawsuit claims.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez and Defense Minister Margarita Robles had their mobile phones targeted with Israeli-made Pegasus spyware.

Taiwan forced to go howitzer-free as US Military-Industrial Complex pumps out guns and sends them all to Ukraine, while not filling orders from Taiwan.

Lawmakers receiving the latest secret briefings on UFOs say national security agencies still aren’t taking seriously the reports of highly advanced aircraft of unknown origin violating protected airspace.

As billions of your tax dollars flow to Ukraine, American cities look like 3rd world countries.

I was going to include this article, but apparently it got edited down by Reuters after the initial iteration was deemed too dense in information:

Stalin’s wife was one, sent in to handle him. It makes sense as her father was “politically active,” so he was probably one too, and she was born into it. Mind Blown. He might never have been anyone if they did not feel that had that hook in him. Stalin’s first wife died very young from some sort of speculated-upon respiratory infection, to make him available for pairing up. Oddly enough that was how my mom’s mom died very, very young, which combined with other events, and created a shattering and scattering of that side of the family when my mom’s generation were young children, which kind of shielded whatever went on with the history of that bloodline from later descendants, as there was no oral history beyond a few scraps about issues with royals in Europe and a well known name in history it centered around. The familial shattering to keep bloodlines from coalescing around a sense of history and shared purpose is a theme I have seen in emails from others who seem to be targets of this thing. Again, it is tough to tell what is pattern and what is coincidence when you deal with something which always cloaks pattern in coincidence.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov: The West has just stolen over $300 billion from Moscow.

From here, another facet of the propaganda machine : TikTok itself has taken steps to align itself with U.S. government policy, deleting more than 320,000 Russian accounts and removing at least 41,000 videos peddling misinformation about the war. In addition to this, it has placed warning labels marked “Russia state-controlled media” on 49 accounts linked to the Russian government. Like other big social media platforms, it has not done the same to Western state-owned outlets such as the BBC, RTÉ, or the CBCSince 2020, there has been a wave of former spooks, spies and mandarins appointed to influential positions within TikTok, particularly around content and policy – some of whom, on paper at least, appear unqualified for such roles.

In India, the Supreme Court said on Monday, nobody can be forced to be vaccinated and it directed public and private institutions to review their vaccine mandates restricting unvaccinated people. “No individual can be forced to be vaccinated. Bodily integrity is protected under Article 21 of the Constitution.” 

Subway has struggled in the year since it hired soccer star and left-wing activist Megan Rapinoe as a national spokeswoman, with hundreds of stores closing across the nation.

Weather Underground member and ‘81 heist participant Kathy Boudin dead at 78. Sit by the river long enough and the bodies of your enemies will float by.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously on Monday that the city of Boston violated the Constitution when it refused to allow a local organization fly a Christian flag in front of city hall.

Jared Kushner’s Trump White House memoir to hit shelves in August.

Trump to rally in Wyoming against GOP foe Rep. Liz Cheney.

Stunning number of Americans, nearly unanimous, want voters to provide ID.

Trump’s Truth Social to be available via web browser by the end of the month.

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.


Thank you to all who waited in line for our Save America Rally tonight in Greenwood, Nebraska. Because of severe weather, including the possibility of 60 mph+ wind, hailstorms, and maybe even tornadoes, I will not be coming to Nebraska tonight, but rather, weather permitting, will be there this Sunday night, May 1st. The most important thing is to keep you safe, and that cannot be done with such a terrible forecast. Thank you to Charles W. Herbster and his wonderful staff for working so professionally with us. See you on Sunday!


Ratings for the Piers Morgan interview with me were great! Unfortunately, after that interview, his show bombed completely because of the fake narrative he tried to portray. The fact is, I got a new close-up glimpse at Piers, and he no longer has what it takes. It’s over for him!

Read article from Breitbart here.


The New York Times said today, in a major article, “Segments featuring Fox’s own reporters consistently drew lower ratings, especially if they were covering stories the audience deemed unfavorable to Mr. Trump.”

The primary thing they don’t want to talk about is the 2020 Rigged Presidential Election. It’s all about that from the Laptop from Hell, to the ballot harvesting scandal, to the Zuckerberg Facebook Unlocked boxes, to cancellation by Big Tech. It’s all having to do with the Election, the most important thing they have ever done, because that’s the one subject they just don’t want to talk about. It was too corrupt, it’s now been proven, and they just want to skate by—they just want this subject to end.

Mitch McConnell and his RINO friends would rather see a Democrat like Biden be president than a Republican like me. It works better for him and his agenda, but it doesn’t work better for our Country. He should have done something about it, and he still should. When a thief robs a jewelry store and gets caught, they have to give back the jewelry. Think of it: The election was rigged and stolen, we found out how, and Republican leadership doesn’t want to do anything about it. They say, “Sir, you’re winning in a landslide, both against Republicans and Democrats. Think to the future, sir. Think to the future.” To which I say, “You can never think to the future until we solve the past, because it will just happen again.”

Everybody go out and study True the Vote and all of the information about illegal ballot harvesting, millions of votes, that’s coming out next week. Also, check out the Dinesh D’Souza documentary, “2000 Mules,” about this scam. You will come away a different person, and say to yourself that our Country’s elections are run worse than those of a third world nation.

Endorsement of Congresswoman Jackie Walorski

Congresswoman Jackie Walorski is a phenomenal Representative of Indiana’s 2nd Congressional District! Jackie is working hard to combat Joe Biden’s abysmal handling of our economy, from out-of-control Inflation to soaring Gas Prices. Strong on the Border, the Second Amendment and our Military and Vets, she is fighting to advance our record of historic success. Jackie Walorski has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Endorsement of Congressman Greg Pence

Congressman Greg Pence is doing a great job representing the people of Indiana’s 6th Congressional District. A former First Lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps, Greg continues to proudly serve our Country in the U.S. House of Representatives. Greg is working hard to reverse Joe Biden’s disastrous record of out-of-control Inflation and restore the respect our Country deserves from abroad. He is Strong on the Border, Protects Life, Defends the Second Amendment, and Supports our brave Military and Vets. Greg Pence has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Endorsement of Congresswoman Victoria Spartz

Congresswoman Victoria Spartz is a strong advocate for the people of Indiana’s 5th Congressional District. Victoria is working hard to Grow our Economy, Secure the Border, Hold Big Tech Accountable, Promote American Farmers and Manufacturers, Defend the Second Amendment, and Support our Military, Vets and Law Enforcement. Victoria Spartz has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Endorsement of Congressman Bob Latta

Congressman Bob Latta is doing a fantastic job representing the people of Ohio’s 5th Congressional District. In Congress, Bob is working to Secure our Border, Fight Inflation, Lower your Taxes, Promote American Energy and Manufacturing, Protect Life, Support our Military and Vets, and Defend the Second Amendment. Bob Latta has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Endorsement of Congressman Larry Bucshon

Congressman Larry Bucshon is working hard for the people of Indiana’s 8th Congressional District! An accomplished surgeon and U.S. Navy veteran, Larry is a strong advocate for our Brave Military and Vets, Energy Independence, American Manufacturing, Better Health Care, Life, Secure Borders, and the Second Amendment. Larry Bucshon is a fighter for Conservative Values, and has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Endorsement of Congressman Mike Turner

Congressman Mike Turner is a strong advocate for the people of Ohio’s 10th Congressional District. Mike was a fierce defender of us during the Democrats’ Impeachment Scam, and he is working to hold Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi accountable for their abject failure and incompetence. He Strongly Supports our Military and Vets, Protects Life, and strongly Defends our under-siege Second Amendment. Mike Turner has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Endorsement of Attorney General Dave Yost

Attorney General Dave Yost is doing an incredible job for the amazing people of Ohio. Dave is working hard to end human trafficking and to stop the flow of illegal drugs into our communities. My Administration did so much to save lives from the opioid epidemic, and Dave is keeping up the fight. He Supports the Rule of Law, Prosecutes Criminals, Protects our Neighborhoods and Defends the Second Amendment. Dave Yost has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Endorsement of Keith Faber

Auditor Keith Faber is delivering outstanding results for the Great State of Ohio. Keith Strongly Supports the American Worker, Small Business, and Lower Taxes, and he is working hard to eliminate Government Waste, Fraud and Abuse. Keith Faber is an ally of our America First movement, and he has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Endorsement of Robert Sprague

Robert Sprague is doing a fantastic job as the Treasurer of the State of Ohio. Robert is working hard to Grow Ohio’s Economy, Protect Taxpayer Dollars, and Restore the American Dream. Robert is a strong advocate for Ohio’s families, and I am proud to give him my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Endorsement of Congressman Jim Baird

Congressman Jim Baird is a tremendous advocate for the people of Indiana’s 4th Congressional District! A Bronze Star and Purple Heart recipient from the Vietnam War, Jim has served our Country with Bravery and Honor. In Congress, Jim is working hard to Support our Military and Vets, Promote American Agriculture, Grow our Economy, Secure our Southern Border, and Protect and Defend the Second Amendment. Jim Baird has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Spread r/K Theory, because the most dangerous secret is you can become awesome at anything

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2 years ago

The massive drop in abortions will be blamed on redneck states, not the vaxx.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

In a first, a draft ruling has leaked which showed that the Supreme Court is in the process of ruling to overturn abortion rights, draft opinion shows.…. But they may need abortion much more than we would ever think possible. There is solid evidence there is some ephemeral, technologically sophisticated other present on this planet, and if it is present, it will be in control of this world.”
The devil is about to send his shafts in the whirlwind. A war just started. The little demons are about to go nuts.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

it about hiding the vaxx sterilisation

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

BlackRock and Vanguard are nearly in TOTAL CONTROL of food production and distribution in America.

Only if people let them. No one is stopping someone from gardening, fishing, raising chickens or hunting. The Mormons make stored food out of SLC that you can buy, and the Amish grow and sell food out of pretty much any midwest farmers market. SOPAKCO makes MRE’s out of Texas, South Carolina and New York. Farmer markets are also prolific in both blue and red areas. Food is everywhere if you’re not a dumbass.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

No one is stopping someone from gardening, fishing, raising chickens or hunting.

Cities commonly have ordinances that restrict gardens to some token size, and usually ban “livestock” outright. They will levy fines, which, if not paid, will lead to men with guns hauling you to jail.

County and/or state Game & Fish are persnickety about fishing and hunting, deciding what you can hunt and when, and they have lots of men with guns to jack you up if they think you’re ignoring them.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Goodness, this wasn’t meant for city slickers. They’re dead already. As for fish & game I have never had a run in with them, ever. Licenses are all up to date. My brother even has one for life. My advice would be to not live in a state run by treehuggers. Just go and do, do everything legal, if officialdom tries to stop you well, you just have to live with that.
Don’t do the MGTOW “it’s too hard to find a good girl” thing with me, because that’s weakness.

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

I forget where I read it, but someone reported that the government was coming to test their chickens for bird flu, and it was actually illegal for them to hire their own tester as a second opinion.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
2 years ago

So you read that somewhere huh? Well, news must have slipped the dozen beaner families I’ve seen with chicken coops a few counties over. Or all the chickens running around when I stop by a back road gas station. And again, I have never, ever seen a revenuer give 2 figs about some damn chickens.

We must never, ever make excuses to be weak, in any way. Has it occurred to you that those with hostile intent put out stories of “government testing” to deter people from having their own small and simple livestock like chickens or rabbits? The government literally cannot send out an official to test every single chicken in a county, let alone a state. It is impossible. Just do things legal and if you get pushback so what? You still must try.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

Comped, a few hundred free does not matter.

2 years ago

As to abortion, I’d not look to get too exotic for the explanations. I really think that these people are quite concerned with straight up eugenics and economics.
The liberals really don’t want to waste any more on social spending than the conservatives. They want to launder that money for themselves. They see a troubled teen likely to have troubled kids being just big expense without much economic return.

In the case of the black community, where abortion has been highly targeted, I really think that cabal doesn’t like blacks. African Americans are far too strong, too creative, too talented. Too hard to control. Take a look at the music from the early half of the 20th century. African Americans made great contributions. Serious contributions. There’s no way these flunky loser cabal bloodlines could ever hope to compete with African Americans in sport or in music. No freaking way, not even close.
So, African American have been set back in every possible way: their schools ruined, their communities ruined, drugs dumped in, ganster rap dumped in, even a war on the black family through welfare (which, it should be pointed out a century ago Black families were more intact than white families.)
I think the great tragedy is that so many conservatives look at blacks and think, “How come they can’t get their act together?” And naturally conservatives are not welcoming to the CRT line or taking any blame. The real mind fuck comes when you realize that blacks in this country HAVE been oppressed. By the systematic undermining from Cabal/Democrats to keep them down, addicted, broken. It really is there.

Lastly, this abortion issue is a desperate hail mary to get out the vote for the democrats. I understand that many here my be the typical conservative anti-abortionist outlook. But I don’t think the issue has as much broad appeal as many would like to believe. However, a bunch of hype about Roe V Wade is the perfect thing to get women to take to the streets between now and November. It’s the perfect issue. It allows them to say, “Sure, Joe has been a mess. But ignore that inflation! Forget about the debt! Forget about World War 3! You really gotta vote Democrat in November or else innocent women will die due to unsafe abortions!”

Missed entirely will be the point that even if Roe V Wade is overturned there’s no reason to believe that abortion will necessarily be illegal.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

“I really think that cabal doesn’t like blacks. African Americans are far too strong, too creative, too talented. Too hard to control.”

Cabal threatened by blacks? No, they just manipulate their inferior intelligence and low impulse control against their enemies. Blacks are their favorite tool because they’re so easy to control.

“So, African American have been set back in every possible way: their schools ruined, their communities ruined, drugs dumped in, ganster rap dumped in, even a war on the black family through welfare”

Ah yes, the great conservative trope of “muh intact black families under attack”.

What you see as an attack is merely blacks reverting back to their natural way of living as the percentage of Whites in this country has declined.

Their was only ever a Nuclear black family structure due to them having our cultural norms pushed on them when we were 90% White.

Polygyny is rampant in African societies where Whites have had little influence or control. Now it’s the norm in African Americans too. It’s just their nature.

Last edited 2 years ago by Corn Pop
Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

Note the Avro couldn’t actually fly… it just bobbled around on its air cushion a couple of feet off the ground.

> nuclear pulse

That would stand out like a spotlight in a dark room for the spotter satellites.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

The unobtanium fuel is very expensive.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Tricks, it was Canada’s first time. Give them some slack. Plus that was way back in the fifties. I’m sure things have improved since then.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

Stunning number of Americans, nearly unanimous, want voters to provide ID.

Let’s see if that ever happens.

teo toon
teo toon
2 years ago

In a first, a draft ruling has leaked which showed that the Supreme Court is in the process of ruling to overturn abortion rights, draft opinion shows.

Vox Day has a post up: He states the leaker was one of Sotomeyar’s fake American clerks: Amit Jain
The photo of the arrogant b*st*rd says it all. We have been overrun by peoples who have no connection to Western Civilization, the Founders, the Rule of Law, and the customs and traditions of American Institutions. He truly is a bastard: he is an abomination and illegitimate citizen.

Last edited 2 years ago by teo toon
Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

At first Vox thought it was a female who leaked. He should’ve made a joke in his correction when we discovered otherwise as he was partly right- the feminine fleeing psyche of a migrant was responsible.

Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

> We have been overrun by peoples who have no connection to Western Civilization, the Founders, the Rule of Law, and the customs and traditions of American Institutions. 

That would be the White House, Congress, Senate, and Supreme Court?

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Yes. After all, it is ZOG. Oh wait, that would be Og.

teo toon
teo toon
2 years ago

So Biden’s $33 billion funding request “for Ukraine” also gives DHS the authority to put Afghan refugees (and spouses and kids) on a pathway to citizenship.

I’ve been pondering Matthew 24:15 the abomination of desolation: this is something which is highly despicable or hateful to a people meant to make a country or an institution empty of its inhabitants. This is exactly what our enemies who occupy our institutions are doing: they are importing alien peoples from around teh world who hate the American civilization; or what is left of it after the hostile Khazarian Jews have inflicted irreparable harm upon us.

Reply to  teo toon
2 years ago

The abomination of desolation is when the anti-christ enters the holy of holies in the third temple in Jerusalem and proclaims himself as God. Happens halfway through the 7 years of tribulation.

2 years ago

Apparently the leaked SCOTUS draft criticizes Obergefell v Hodges also, per the hysterics I’m seeing on Twitter, and they are afraid it will be up next.

I would note, just because it’s interesting considering the Biblical symbolism with the number 7, that the Obergefell v Hodges decision was 7 years ago next month (June 2015) and Roe v Wade was 49 years ago this past January (January 1973).

2 years ago

> Supreme Court decision on abortion

I’ve seen this all over the place, but not with any name of what case they might be ruling on.

Or is this Supremes simply giving up the pretense of being a judiciary, and making up their own laws as they go along? From “the law is whatever we say it is” to “and we make the laws, too”?

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

There was a case before the court about the Texas abortion law I believe.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

It’s “Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Clinic”, the State of Mississippi’s only abortion clinic, located in Jackson. Dr. Dobbs is/was the Chief Medical Officer for the state. He had recently announced his intention to resign before all this blew up. He was on TV daily pushing the shot, so I assumed, like many others, he was getting out before that fallout happened. I was curious if anyone here has read or heard that they’re not only doing this to energize libtards before the midterms, but also to dismantle the whole ,”My body, My choice”, argument. So when the next clotshot case comes before the Court, we can all be forced to get it.

2 years ago

> Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez and Defense Minister Margarita Robles had their mobile phones targeted with Israeli-made Pegasus spyware.

…not to mention the phone’s firmware provider, Google or Apple, and half the “apps” monitoring everything the phone does.

Neither Obama nor Trump could be pried loose from their spyphones, and both refused to use the NSA-hardened secure phones, so it’s hardly a Spanish-only thing.

The smartphone was designed as a spy device from the ground up, and “social media” was designed to addict the vulnerable. As Admiral Akbar so eloquently put it, “It’s a trap!”

2 years ago

> Taiwan forced to go howitzer-free as US Military-Industrial Complex pumps out guns and sends them all to Ukraine, while not filling orders from Taiwan.

Six months from now, Taiwan will be set up for mass production of the armaments it needs, and they’ll be undercutting US prices while shipping a better product.

Good show, Uncle Joe! You just gave away another chunk of the economy.

2 years ago

> Trotsky … Jewish

In my timeline, Trotsky was always Jewish; any article or book mentioning his name was likely to mention that before they said he was Russian. Yagoda is comparatively unknown, but every mention of him is at pains to point out he was Jewish. And so was Lavrenti Beria, for that matter.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

The entire inner circle of Joseph Stalin was AshkeNazi Jews.
Hitler and his inner ciicle appeared to have AshkeNazi links as well.

The war on the Russian Front in the 1941 War appears to have been designed by AshkeNaz to pit German Protestants against Russian Orthodoxy, and of course… TO MAXIMIZE CASUALTIES.

JUST LIKE THE NATO/UKRAINE WAR OF 2022. AshkeNaz is the Master of getting two enemies to kill each other. You have Orthodox Ukrainians and Orthodox Russians killing each other for AshkeNazi Jews.

Reply to  X15
2 years ago

Don’t forget the Vatican’s role in this. Destroying Germans and Slavs has been a preoccupation for Rome for 2000 years. You’ll also find the Vatican very active in causing problems in Ukraine right now, and of course the CIA (the Vatican’s proxy force in America) are actively involved in promoting this slav on slav, orthodox on orthodox violence.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

The Popecy hates/fears both Protestantism and Orthodoxy. Germany – birthplace of Protestantism; Russia – protectors of Orthodoxy.

Jewdom and and the Papal Kingdom have been partners for centuries. Evidence suggest that the Black Popes were/are Crypto-AshkeNaz.

2 years ago

> In India, the Supreme Court said on Monday, nobody can be forced to be vaccinated and it directed public and private institutions to review their vaccine mandates restricting unvaccinated people. “No individual can be forced to be vaccinated. Bodily integrity is protected under Article 21 of the Constitution.” 

A bit late for the court to make that decision. And it looks like India’s Constitution is much like America’s; just so much toilet paper. Well, except Indians don’t generally use toilet paper…

2 years ago

Re: “George W. Bush to appear at fundraiser for Trump nemesis Kemp. I still cannot believe he is a full blown criminal traitor, but there is really no other conclusion supported by the facts.” 

Calling Dubya a “traitor” is a bit grandiose. He’s just a tool, barely able to read his lines. Speaking of which… 

“Let us speak the truth.” – George W. Bush (Berlin, Germany, 23 May 2002)

“Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don’t attack each other. Free nations don’t develop weapons of mass destruction.” – George W. Bush (Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Oct. 3, 2003)

“In a society that’s run by tyrants, you never see the truth.” – George W. Bush (Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, 7 May 2004)

“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.” – George W. Bush (Washington, D.C., 12 August 2004)

Reply to  Philalethes
2 years ago

I wonder how accurate this article is. 

Reply to  Philalethes
2 years ago

We must speak the truth about terror. Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th, malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists, themselves, away from the guilty. To inflame ethnic hatred is to advance the cause of terror.”
-George W Bush (Address to the UN, November 10, 2011)

2 years ago

There is solid evidence there is some ephemeral, technologically sophisticated other present on this planet, and if it is present, it will be in control of this world.

Christians call it Satan, but I don’t believe it is really “other”. Jesus called it the “Father of Lies”. And it is also known as the Prince of This World. As I’ve been watching current events, I’m convinced this is the actual G-d worshiped by the Chosen: note how he demands his devotees cause suffering and death (e.g. genital mutilation rituals, abortion which is a “Jewish value”, all the false flag school massacres, the Odessa massacre – a real holocaust – mentioned today, the war they’re currently pushing so passionately; they just can’t stop themselves), and that the rewards he promises – and delivers – are all things of this world: power, wealth, sensual pleasures. Which may be very gratifying, in the short run. But in the long run…. This is the real tragedy of the Chosen. 

In the Buddhist tradition the name is Māra, but it’s not some supernatural embodied entity. It’s simply one of the many voices in the mind (one of the loudest), all of which clamor for our attention, and identification: “I’m who you really are, follow me, I’ll steer you right!” It offers enticing bennies, and many fall for the lure, without first ascertaining the price. Which will eventually come due, sooner or later. For some reason, this seems to be a time when enough have done so that the collective delusion has become more obvious than usual. (Those behind the current chaos seem to have actually adopted the Book of Revelation as their script, along with “Nineteen Eighty-Four” and “Brave New World”.) Which simply makes clear that we all have the opportunity – the responsibility – to choose. 

Reply to  Philalethes
2 years ago

Judaism is explicitly called the Synagogue of Satan in the Bible. Every real Jew became a Christian when Jesus Christ was born, spread the good word, and died for our salvation. Any Jew still Jewing about after that time period is doing so in direct opposition to God, and it can only be explained as you said: they think Satan is god, and choose to worship him over God.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

This is where it is proper English to use the correct terms:

Every real Judahite became…

The bible translators carried the deceit of the Name Stealers into their translations. If you use the annotations accompanying the word Jew, You find the appropriate translation to be Judahite or Judean.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Philalethes
2 years ago

Jews usually have a lot of trouble with the basics.

“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.”

Genesis 1:26-28
Jews: “What could it mean!?!?”
Everyone else: “Pretty obvious”

2 years ago

From a purely political standpoint (flesh and blood, not powers and principalities) I see a few things. One, this is a response to the insult of putting a half-wit on the court whose only qualifications are that she is life support for a black vagina and is pro pedo. I think that they see her as the stalking horse for court packing.
Second, I think that this goes back to the trannie agenda. I think that they saw Roe being prepared as precedent for opposing bans on child genital mutilation. I think that is how the proponents moved the fence sitters onto their side. If “my body my choice” allows parents to browbeat an 11 year old into killing a baby, it allows parents to browbeat an 11 year old into “choosing” to cut off his dick.
Third, I see this solidifying the partisan divide. Roberts cares about image over everything else, and I think it is how cabal controls him. For image, he <i>has</i> to break with Sotomayor and her clique, and start siding hard with the conservative judges.
Finally, I think that you will see limited distribution of draft opinions now. Justices will only circulate them to justices they are trying to get to sign. Justices that they know oppose won’t even see the opinion until we do.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

How then are plurality or dissenting opinions to be written?

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
2 years ago

What does it matter? They’re not even dicta. The Court can make up some new rules the way it made up the current rules. Really, the only thing that matters is the decision itself on the case. Appellate decisions used to be one-page affairs up into the 19th century in Britain. The Court could in the future say that after the ruling on the lower court judgment itself is fixed by vote, and the majority decision is written, that there is a time period of a few weeks for dissents and plurality opinions to be written.

Courts, including appellate courts, were for deciding cases back in 1787, they do not legitimately have the power to create “case law”. The civil law system has some good points, in particular: having no binding precedents and having judges trained separately from attorneys. (Government prosecutors with a monopoly on prosecution and prosecutors and judges being entirely above the law are even bigger and worse recent innovations.)

Honestly, the whole system is a sham. No one can know what the law is in any given case, and it matters far less than the relative social standing of the parties and the prejudices of the judge. Betting on lawsuits, one would do better to notice that the bank wins over the borrower, the landlord over the tenant, the employer over the employee, the wife over the husband etc. than to try to figure out the merits of the case or the actual law, whether statute or case. Richard Neely‘s book: How Courts Govern America gives a frank, enjoyable-to-read yet learned look at the mess of a system from one of the great judges of the 20th century.

The whole legal system needs to be replaced if it is to serve its ostensible purpose, but of course, like the educational system, its true purposes are being well-served by the current apparent dysfunction.

Last edited 2 years ago by savantissimo
Reply to  savantissimo
2 years ago

What you said, in less words: Cryptocratic-Judicial Dictatorship/Oligarchy.

Reply to  savantissimo
2 years ago

Yup. The real wrongly decided decision was Marbury v Madison.

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
2 years ago

In the dark.

2 years ago

Jim Stone speculates that overturning Roe V. Wade is motivated by the fact that the clot shot has likely sterilized a significant percentage of vaccinated women which will bankrupt Planned Parenthood and in doing so, make it obvious the vaxx is sterilizing women.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
2 years ago

The power of child sacrifice is real. In Old Testament times, when the Israelites besieged the Moabite capital, the Moabite king, in desperation, sacrificed his eldest son to the god Chemosh. King Mesha offered the crown prince as a burnt offering on top of the city wall in full view of the enemy forces ( 2 Kings 3:26-27 ). With this act, Mesha turned defeat into victory. Some translations say that after this, “the fury against Israel was great”. Now was that just indignation on the part of the Moabites, or was it demonic strength given to them?

Lindsay Wheeler
2 years ago

Thank YOU, AC! Thank you! For posting Trump’s comments.

This one for sure>>>>>>>”Mitch McConnell and his RINO friends would rather see a Democrat like Biden be president than a Republican like me. It works better for him and his agenda, but it doesn’t work better for our Country. He should have done something about it, and he still should. When a thief robs a jewelry store and gets caught, they have to give back the jewelry. Think of it: The election was rigged and stolen, we found out how, and Republican leadership doesn’t want to do anything about it. They say, “Sir, you’re winning in a landslide, both against Republicans and Democrats. Think to the future, sir. Think to the future.” To which I say, “You can never think to the future until we solve the past, because it will just happen again.”

President Trump GETS IT! He is 120% RIGHT! It is about Justice and “Redress of Wrongs”. That the Repuke leadership doesn’t get this—scandalous and they all need to go. Thank You President Trump! I’m praying for your Third Term! (Biden is just an usurper.)

2 years ago

I’m much more pressed for time than usual today, and there are more links and substance than usual today. So this should be a longer and more substantive comment than it is.

However, if you only look at one of the news stories on the links today, look at this:

BlackRock and Vanguard are nearly in TOTAL CONTROL of food production and distribution in America.

Investigators found that these firms, and similar investment firms, own most of the outstanding debt and equities of corporations and governments. These firms seem to be the vehicle for how the cabal controls everything. They are why all corporations have identical HR departments and policies. They are why the policies to address COVID in March and April 2020 were identical across the world, with very few exceptions. So pay close attention anyhting that comes up with regards to Blackrock and Vanguard.

The Supreme Court of India ruling against the goverment’s vaccine mandates is also important. I read the ruling. It basically says that the constitution of India guarantees bodily autonomy, and while the government can take steps to separate people unvaccinated from some disease from the rest of society to maintain public health, it can’t compel injections. It also notes that the government submitted no evidence to the court that the COVID “vaccinations” prevent transmission of COVID.

We are starting to see court rulings against COVID tyranny, but judicial systems are deliberately designed to operate very slowly (as are legislatures to a lesser extent), so they are coming in too little, too late to deal with the most serious case of executive tyranny since World War 2. The US Supreme Court overturning Roe and related decisions, if it happens, could be read in this light, since the Roe decisions was on the lines of “doctors are experts and should be free to do any medical procedures they want”. The decision was more about protecting the rights of hospitals to do medical procedures, than of women who wanted to terminate their pregnancies before birth.

Also the fourth comment posted today, the second and longer Anonymous comment, was very perceptive. Even more than the Ukraine conflict, the abortion ruling very much seems like a bright, shiny object thrown up to distract while the cabal prepares its next scheme.

2 years ago

Megan Rapinoe, class of 2008, WEF’s Young Global Leaders. Others in that class: Alex Soros, Mark Zuckerberg, Tulsi Gabbard, Dan Crenshaw, David Rothschild.

2 years ago

They cannot be allowed citizenship, they need to be able to be purged at some point.

When the time comes we need to pay no attention to citizenship status.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

It’s Brit news so perhaps they don’t understand Fresh/Soph difference. 16 would put her at Soph. Not sure if you can get on Dean’s list after only 1 semester, but that could explain it. I went to prom as a Sophomore.
I’m just thinking of the Jon Benet photo with Maxwell in the background. Pageant kids are screwed and doubly so for her being on television. I bet the things she could have told…

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Don’t forget the death in a state park, just another weird ass connection to these parks and unusual deaths.

2 years ago

Luke Smith on his visit to an Orthodox Church

He’s inspiring me and maybe I want to jump on the bandwagon too of trying. Honestly I haven’t been to any church since I had gone with my parents to a protestant one. But it’s annoying since I’m in Europe and don’t speak European well(or Russian). If only I can figure out an English service. I might not mind a Catholic one either.

Edit: Weirdly, I was daygaming earlier. She was leaving the city but would come “from time to time”. I asked if she wanted to meet for drinks so I could get to know her, and she said she was a Christian and was curious if I wanted to know more about Jesus Christ and she wasn’t interested in friendship? but could introduce me to people. I was tunnel visioned on trying to get her/practising game(and leaving quickly/politely if she wasn’t interested) so I turned her down, but now I’m wishing I didn’t. I think maybe at the time I was thinking like these girls don’t have anything to offer me, but did feel I turned down God’s serendipity/synchronicity.

Last edited 2 years ago by kid
Reply to  kid
2 years ago

He’s not going anywhere. You have chances to know him every minute.

Reply to  kid
2 years ago

Orthodoxy is wonderful. I’ve not converted, but I go to the evening mass services (Vespers) now and then. And I just sit in the back and meditate and contemplate. It’s good for my soul. Reading books by Orthodox authors and saints is also good. It’s deep. Philosophical, contemplative, mystical.
I’d never tell anyone to convert or to believe it all. But I do think it’s wise to expose yourself to orthodox thought, to take actions to make sure that it’s a part of your environment and a part of your mental/emotional diet. You’ll pick up good things.
I much prefer it to Catholicism.

2 years ago

Here’s an interesting fact about that 2000 mules movie: The founder of True the Vote, Catherine Engelbrecht, appeared on Stephen K Bannon’s War Room. To identify the mules, they bought geolocation data from telephone carriers! Cellphone apps launder the data and the phone carriers sell it. True the vote would have access to tens of thousands of individuals.
Listen for yourself. She discusses it at the 4:00 min mark: &nbsp;
I am astonished that it is so simple to obtain. This information is promiscuous. It is compact and, in a targeted way, network analysis could be carried out by much smaller companies. This data is synoptic and can establish long term patterns of behavior. Such information can have a long useful shelf-life.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Had to share….

Reply to  anon
2 years ago

I like this video but often can’t hear what’s being chanted in the background.