News Briefs – 05/03/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Q’s posts today will contain a plethora of people from all over the world shooting selfie videos saying “Where We Go One, We Go All.” If you are pressed for time you can skip them, they just show Q’s movement has people everywhere.

The Tweet:

I have to say, Q is right, but unless everyone involved is murdered in retaliation, clearly but with plausible deniability, the precedent is China and Russia can just dump bioweapons on our shores, and have no fear of us retaliating.

The Tweet:

The Tweet:

Notice they plan to counter Trump’s online activities with 3.4 million social media accounts. Where are they just getting 3.4 million social media posters, and how do they know they can trust all of them to stay on message? What did I say about the locals in the domestic network? When I’d track them down online, many, many have social media accounts, and when you check them it is all the brainless normie shit like reality TV Shows, the airhead social media “celebrities,” and the narrative of the day. They are carbon copies of mind-numbing, ultra-boring shit, being posted by people who know the big secret that would blow anyone’s mind. They post what they are told, and as a result Management can control what goes viral and what trends on twitter in an organized fashion.

Interesting also McCrystal hates Biden but will still work with this group against Trump and Q. It was one of McCrystal’s staff who told Michael Hastings they were going to kill him, and you saw what happened to Hastings – he ran into the same people who ran harassment on the wounded CIA that came back from Cuba. The idea a Spec Ops-connected staff soldier would come back and kill a reporter over a bad profile of his boss was silly, but if McCrystal is a Cabal asset, not so much.

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Kansas City, Missouri, officials are now requiring every church to submit a list of members and attendees along with their names, addresses and telephone numbers to city officials for tracking and surveillance purposes.

The Australian government trained and funded a team of Chinese scientists who belong to a laboratory which went on to genetically modify deadly coronaviruses, one of which is very similar to COVID-19, that could be transmitted from bats to humans and had no cure, but that lab is not the subject of a probe into the origins of COVID-19. (wink, wink)

The labs website is wiping all the publicity photos on it showing scientists handling infected bats and samples with no protective equipment.

Coronavirus may cause Epstein Barr to re-emerge, and that increases some symptoms like fever. It is interesting to contemplate that some of the symptoms of Coronavirus might not be Coronavirus symptoms, but rather symptoms from other latent viruses that the Coronavirus reactivated.

An article which says populations deep in the Amazon have triple the deaths and are resorting to mass graves to deal with the onslaught.

George W. Bush issues call to unite during pandemic: ‘We are human beings,’ not ‘partisan combatants.’ Comments on Free Republic were 100%, not just negative, but hostile. As they should be given his opposition to our President.

Coronavirus Death Counts Reported by Media Outpace Actual Deaths Reported Per CDC By Nearly 29,000. The difference lies in disregarding the patients who died from their comorbidities while they had Coronavirus, vs just labeling every death, no matter the cause, a Coronavirus death if they had Coronavirus when they died.

A team of scientists, government officials, military agencies, and private companies were reportedly given a blank check by President Donald Trump for coronavirus vaccine development under the “Operation Warp Speed” program.

Sheriffs are refusing to enforce stay-at-home orders, saying they are unconstitutional.

Chinese study finds Hydroxychloroquine useful in controlling Covid mortality among critically ill patients.

Trump threatens a renewed trade war, while Kudlow says China is to be ‘held accountable’ for Coronavirus.

Former U.S. Senator Chris Dodd, who is linked to corporate bailouts, lobbying for Hollywood, and alleged sexual assault of a waitress at a restaurant, is among seven individuals appointed to Joe Biden’s Vice Presidential selection task force.

New York Times wants the Democratic National Committee to investigate sexual assault claims against Biden and tell us whether they are real or not.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Friday that any guaranteed monthly income plan that Congress works on should apply to illegal immigrants with tax ID numbers.

New York City is going to take advantage of reduced testing now to eliminate selection for elite new York City schools, and let retard get access to the elite schools. From the article: “The coronavirus may kill the controversial practice of “screening” students for admittance to NYC’s most coveted middle and high schools, at least temporarily. With this year’s state math and English exams canceled, a watered-down grading policy enacted, and the tossing of attendance, the key factors for admission to selective schools have been dropped or diminished.” You want to say, “Those stupid fucking liberals, and their equality bullshit!” But it is not that at all. (((They))) want a world where those in the network, who support the power-grabs by the Cabal get access to whatever they want, and can get put into elite academic programs so they are on the fast-track to being installed in high office. It will elevate the network above the real Americans, as it allows them to bribe and coerce for recruiting. But so long as there is a meritocracy that favors the capable, they can;’t do that. So they need to get rid of the meritocracy.

Have a baby, and the “government” is grabbing its DNA without your consent, and nobody really has any idea where it is going. Almost made illegal, but Obama saved the day for the Cabal.

Gay-friendly bishops are persecuting straight priests under their authority. No way to know if this is as it seems, or if it is just an excuse for Cabal to suppress non-Cabal priests, while elevating the blackmailable priests Cabal owns.

Four tons of cocaine worth more than $165 million seized off of the Spanish coast last week has been linked to Venezuelan strongman Nicolás Maduro, US authorities said.  That would make sense. They’d want somebody they could control, and who better than a mediocre IQ planted as leader of an unstable country, who needs (((Their))) support to prevent a coup.

The United States is set to reshore substantial manufacturing capacity as China’s demographic time bomb will soon explode.

First Canadian Province rebels, says it may appoint its own Chief Firearms Officer to enforce the gun laws it wants, instead of following custom and allowing Trudeau to appoint his own, who would enforce Trudeau’s assault weapons ban.

NYC couples dropping divorces while quarantined together. Mortal Salience stimuli triggering increasing K, and more pair-bonding tendencies? You will also notice how if death lurks around the corner, or even if it just seems as if it does, lots of those minor daily quibbles are suddenly put in perspective.

90% of farmers back Trump.

Against heavy odds, Trump’s job approval rises 6 points in two weeks, according to Gallup poll.

Spread r/K Theory, because more booms are coming soon.

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4 years ago

>”…illegal immigrants with tax ID numbers.”

How is that supposed to work? How can illegals have a tax ID number in the first place?

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

They’ve been doing this for years, I learned about it in a class I was taking over 10 years ago.

4 years ago

>”90% of farmers back Trump.”

100% of meme farmers back Trump.

4 years ago

It seems to me that the Dems want the coronavirus outbreak to last as long as possible because they believe the only way they can win in November is if there is wide scale postal voting.

Outbreak over = no wide scale postal voting = Dems lose.
Outbreak still ongoing = wide scale postal voting = Dems win

This would also explain the media’s huge hostility to any treatment using existing, approved drugs. If you can effectively treat the coronavirus then a combination of treatment, widespread testing and isolation of those infected should largely wipe it out.

Just goes to show, mainstream media are scum.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Jonesy
4 years ago

Absolutely. It’s why they cancelled school in many states until September. They did that here a month ago. Very rash decision. This will likely result in a flare up come election season. Kids should be getting exposed to it now and developing immunity. But they are all in lockdown and I presume they will try as hard as possible to keep that going through the summer.

They need: More people dying, economic ruin, no rallies, mail in voting. And everything in their narratives and actions indicate they are aiming for just that.

Reply to  Jonesy
4 years ago

Don’t forget big Pharma, if they can’t make any money from it, they don’t really want it.

4 years ago

Also, there’s three ways a virus like this can be released from a lab:

1) On purpose
2) Accidentally
3) Accidentally on purpose

I’m increasingly of the opinion that option 3 is correct. The Chinese want Trump and the forces behind him out of power too.

4 years ago

Also, in terms of my twitter account, what I’m near 100% certain they’re trying to do is program AI to automatically censor whatever they want censored because it’s a hell of a lot cheaper than having to pay teams of people around the clock to censor accounts manually.

Consequently, I’ve stopped posting to twitter altogether now and just follow a few accounts for info purposes only.

4 years ago

“”George W. Bush issues call to unite during pandemic: ‘We are human beings,’ not ‘partisan combatants.’ “”

And God said:

“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed.”

Great hatred is put between the race of the Good and the race of the Evil. You hear all the time, “We need to come together”, “Unity”, and so forth.

You can’t! And you MUSN”T. Our country is fully engulfed in Marxism. Half of the FFofA were Masons and Thomas Paine, an atheist, not a Masonic member, fully engaged in its ideology. Masonry is the forerunner for Marxism. Masonry is Jewish Ideology—of race-mixing, religion-mixing, of good-an’-evil mixing. You can’t lie down, work with evil.

Lycurgus and his patrida solved that problem—-by educating all of its citizens in arete (virtue). All citizens were trained from the ground-up in virtue and commanded to engage in virtue in the public sphere. No Virtue, No Rule of Law. No Virtue, No Good. America is completely devoid of Virtue.

Evil must hate Good and Good must not cooperate, engage, be silent about Evil. “We are not All Good”. That American universities and colleges, churches, media are filled with evil. This is why America is an ochlocracy. There will be nothing but constant war in America. As with the Kavanaugh and Biden situations—both very different but showcase the deep divide. Gen Flynn, railroaded—not a peep from the Mainstream media.

Good and Evil shall never cooperate. God has seen to it. Life is War.

So, don’t fall for the Marxist propaganda, the Masonic Bushite talking points. Without training in Virtue, and Virtue is a HABIT, nothing is going to change in America.

REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

McChrystal was always a premadonna, just ask anyone who worked with him. He should just eat a few burgers and shut up.

4 years ago

What do you make of the allegations of the Falun Gong and Q connection?

The liberalsphere seem to think the Qanon movement is connected to the Falun Gong cult.

4 years ago

Jordan B Peterson has his daughter as his handler:

She is doing some serious black magic on him. And coincidentally holds a Black Cube in the drawing. Symbolic of the Magickal connection to Saturn which has a strange hexagonal shape at its south pole.

Associated with Goddess Worship:

Those Black Cubes are all over the world and is probably one of the many Magickal symbols that Cabal uses.

This is similar to the Spirit cooking that Cabal is involved in.

Reply to  info
4 years ago

How Jewish of her.

Her father can’t handle the pressure of being a zionist gatekeeping shill, so the gaybal has to use his daughter as his handler.

4 years ago

If you just mute the volume this is pretty good insight:

The Black Cube is one of the many aspects of Cabal religion.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

??? That may be so. I didn’t know that was the case myself.

Reply to  info
4 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago


Given how God is so much against Idolatry. I would not be surprised that so many evil practices are connected with this kind of Goddess worship.

Especially noteworthy is Cybele.

Whose rites involved the Castration of the Male Priests the nullification of Masculinity in Men. And cross-dressing(Transvestism) by both men and women.(Triumph of Christianity by Rodney Stark)

And the use of Sacred Whores in contravention of the holy matrimony.

This seems to correlate with r-strategy as we know it.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Yes, they are the ones who Weinstein used to spy on and harass and intimidate rape victims who were thinking of going to the court against him.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

I am also referring the Black Cube sculptures around the world.

Reply to  info
4 years ago


Fascinating. Hope Q will release more info in regards to this.

As the unveiling gradually occurs.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  info
4 years ago

“…Israeli Cabal intelligence outfit takes as its name the very central structure of Mecca. And many Cabalites have some linkage to Islam…”

People will say I’m nuts but it would not surprise me even the slightest if the Saudi family is not all Jews. There were a huge mass of Jews in that area of Saudi Arabia. A central plan of the Jews is to always prop up opposing forces to attack their enemies. The Middle east used to be Christian so they invent Islam and get one Jew clan to run it(Saudis) and attack everyone else. Seeing as how Islam allows a great deal of rape, murder, slavery and stealing, as long as you say your doing it for Islam, then it would be easy to recruit a bunch of cutthroats to your new religion made up and funded by the Jews.

I can’t remember where but I read once where some Jews said they made up Islam. True or not I have no idea but it does fit typical Jew patterns honed over thousands of years.

It would be damn interesting to see a genetic test of the ruling Saudi family, very interesting. If I was in charge that’s one of the first things I would do and if they were Jews I would blackmail the hell out of them.

Reply to  info
4 years ago

>”And many Cabalites have some linkage to Islam.”

Islam was created by Christian Jews (Messiahnic Jews) who decided that Christ was not violent enough for them, and thus decided they needed a more badass Messiah.
Read here:

The Burka was created by Jews, not Muslims:

Say it with me frens:

Reply to  info
4 years ago

The worship of the Goddess Asherah it seems as far as I have read also involved transvestism for some reason. Men dressing as women and vice versa.

4 years ago

AlphaGo which just beat the worldchampion Go player may have substantial Wargame implications:

Utilizing AI to war-game superior strategies that can beat any human opponent. That will give a huge advantage to who has the AI in question.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  info
4 years ago

I would imagine that the effectiveness of AI is built on one of the fundamental rules of computers: Garbage In, Garbage Out. Who, in this contest, has the best intelligence and can filter it into their computers in the most usable format to produce the most actionable product.

In thinking about the Q team, likely originating out of Fort Belvoir, one has to wonder just how much expertise and knowledge they have assimilated. Cabal is a formidable force controlling a vast number of skilled professionals and their expertise, intelligence agencies, religious denominations, and state and local governments. In fact, I would say that entire professional fields, such as mental health, are cabal controlled.

The boldness and audacity of what Trump is attempting to do cannot be overestimated. It’s truly stunning.