Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – FDIC Seeks Bids For First Republic Ahead of Receivership, JP Morgan To Buy
DFT – Germany Considers Limiting Chinese Access To Semiconductor Chemicals
DFT – Fitch Downgrade’s France’s Credit Rating
DFT – Bloomberg: EU Imports Banned Russian Oil Through India
DFT – Indian Banker Says Reserve Dollar Is A Financial Terrorist
Texas Arcane. Please go to this page, where we can talk semi-privately. For a password, cut and paste as plain text,the entire third paragraph of the email you sent to me, about one of my old messages being in your spam folder. Include all periods when you cut and paste it as the password. We will go back and forth there, since it seems emails are getting blocked and bounced.
Two parishioners at a Latin Mass Catholic church in rural Northern Virginia say they witnessed suspicious activity from what looked like FBI vehicles in February, a month after the FBI’s Richmond office published a now-rescinded internal memo focused on “radical-traditional Catholics.” Some sort of domestic intel grabbing plates out of a Church parking lot during services. Strange, in that Cabal’s ground intel – the real dangerous intel, which I think makes FBI surveillance look like a handful of cub scouts with decoder rings from cereal boxes – would already have everyone who attends that Church on file, and probably had four or five assets in the congregation, reporting on every service, and probably submitting hidden camera video designed to capture everyone there to the main handler for the Church after every service. So when I see this, I think this was maybe a psyop, maybe even Cabal ground surveillance, bored. Surveillance knew these two people were “paranoid” from listening to them talk about government surveillance of churches in their homes with their families. So surveillance was having fun, by calling in vehicular units as the targets were in the parking lots, and having the cars drive through, and letting the targets see unmarked cars taking plates. Then they watched them spin up and get worked up. The targets had no idea when they went home to tell the wife excitedly about everything they saw, the guy down the street assigned to their neighborhood, was listening and laughing at them having no idea how bad it really is. As if grabbing a couple of plates in a parking lot was a big deal, when the neighborhood unit had broken in their home last week and installed cameras over their bed to watch them have sex, and put it in their files. They probably never thought the targets would go to some news outlet.
Hunter Biden ripped by judge for concealing his money in baby mama showdown.
First Republic Bank seized, sold to JPMorgan Chase: Second largest bank failure in US history. Will the contagion spread?
DeSantis receives lackluster reviews from British business leaders: ‘That’s not the guy.’
‘I would be stupid’ to stick with Trump if he can’t win: Conservative influencer Tomi Lahren. Wasn’t this one of those girls who had a profile on that quasi-modelling website by the Israeli pornographer, which kind of looked like an escort service, and had all the other conserva-thots on it?
“It all went south”: Jack Dorsey criticizes Elon Musk’s Twitter leadership.
After five years, Yale still refuses to display a portrait of Justice Thomas. Mark of true greatness.
Gender clinic trained elementary school teachers on how to ‘transition’ little kids.
More than two dozen Democrats in the state of Colorado have voted against legislation that would make it a felony for anyone to indecently expose themselves to children, reasoning that it could lead to the banning of drag shows. This is what Vox means about you having to choose. Sadly, as time goes on, you either insist on principles, and lose everything, and get this, or you seize the reins and take the power yourself. It is like moderating comments. I used to think you had to be a free speech absolutist. But if I do that here, the intel op will flood its people in, and they will ID each of you, and focus on making you miserable. So I have to block comments. And I undoubtedly fuck up here and there and let a few through I shouldn’t or block a few I should have let through. But you have to take control where you can and try. And in the real world, what we face, is quite literally, an intelligence operation in real life, which I think, at the very top, is controlled by satan, or at least humans who serve him. So you have to seize control for good, and fight all the time, where you can or real life will get just as fucked up as the comments. Live and let live, and respect even the most despicable, is just the enemy weaseling in to a position to molest your children.
Missouri judge blocks state’s ban on child sexual mutilation.
Beloved ‘Frog and Toad’ series becomes latest kids’ show to push LGBT agenda.
Clinton Foundation-aligned Wellcome Trust is funding studies to transplant wombs into biological men. Every day is a new horror. I don’t think man could come up with all this. It is unnatural. You would never see beavers in nature evolve to do this to other beavers, under any circumstance. You couldn’t make a bear do this, or even rabbits. Even Monkeys would look at this like WTF? The natural world, the raw mechanism has a natural goodness about it, where parents love children, and maliciousness is wasteful and disfavored, It really requires a supernatural evil to hijack a living organism and drive it to this type of thing. If you live in the West, this should terrify you, because you have heard what will happen to civilizations this far gone.
Illegal alien shooter in Texas had been deported FIVE TIMES.
High schoolers allegedly gang up on assistant principal, ‘pummel’ her so hard she’s rushed to hospital. One report says she cannot speak.
Graphic video from Oakland, Calif. at a street occupation on April 30 shows a mob beating a victim on the ground until he is unconscious. The man’s car was hit & he got out of the vehicle before being jumped.
NYC Mayor encouraging New Yorkers to put AirTags in cars to fight auto theft. It also allows you to be more easily tracked.
Closer to BlueBeam – According to Canadian astronomers, Earth has received numerous radio signals from space, some of which are suspected to be messages from extraterrestrial sources, NY Post reported. As per the report, 50 of the messages are said to be coming from “repeating sources”. I was under the impression these are usually some natural process and not ET’s, but they seem to be claiming a small subset could be since there are so many, and some repeat, though why they would say that isn’t really clear, and the article might be overstating it.
Scientists use brain scans and AI to ‘decode’ thoughts. If this matures, next-door observation posts will try to find ways to do the scans at a distance on targets. Either the nation will have to have a civil war, and establish a societal norm that illegal surveillance is grounds for lethal force application under the law, like arson, or rape, or preservation of life, or you will have the weirdest dystopia ever. I am a really reasonable, peaceful guy. But at this point I would make illegal surveillance a greater justification for use of deadly force by civilians, in the law, than preservation of life. You will never have a free society without it. And if there is no illegal surveillance, then who would oppose such a law, since it will never have reason to be applied? My guess is, if the truth comes out, that will be the mainstream position. And in fact, I would apply it to all illegal domestic intel, since there is no greater threat to any democratic republic.
‘The Godfather of A.I.’ leaves Google and warns of danger ahead.
Human rights organization Amnesty International is defending its choice to use an AI image generator to create fake pictures to depict protests and police brutality in Colombia, which it portrays as photos. Says it wanted to protect the anonymity of protestors.
Jesse Watters: “It’s never been more clear. Epstein was an intelligence asset. Not only was he working with the CIA, Israeli intelligence, butmaybe even Russia.” I don’t know about Waters. He throws in Russia, but I have seen no evidence Epstein was doing anything with Russian intelligence. Could be a sign Epstein is about to be fully exposed, and Mossad and CIA are going to let him be exposed, and then try to blame it all on Russia.
Ukraine thanks West for Patriot missile batteries, but says it needs ‘much more.’ It never ends, and it is all going into the pockets of the corrupt.
Ukrainian ammunition depot hit in Russian missile attack.
Massive shockwave from Russian strike may have been a rocket storage facility detonating.
Wagner fighters taken a huge warehouse of weapons and ammunition at Soledar salt mine. Supposedly they have been fighting with almost no ammo, so maybe now they can turn up the heat.
“If the CIA have Russian blood on their hands, they will forever regret stirring the Russian bear from its peaceful slumber.”
When questioned by a top aide as to whether the 95% figure was accurate, Putin sighed heavily and fixed the assembled group with his trademark stare before explaining that in regards to how the world is run, all is not how it seems.
Putin affirms that the CIA is a rogue element of the Deep State, and “an expression of the will of world oligarchy and their vision for a New World Order.“
He claims that CIA exists today as part of America — but it is certainly not American. “The CIA does not work on behalf of the American people or act in their interests.”
New York City mother-of-three who plowed her BMW into a group of Black Lives Matter protesters in 2020 walked free from court on Monday having been sentenced to just five hours of community service. She was facing the possibility of up to seven years in prison, but under the deal pleads guilty to reckless endangerment, a misdemeanor, and that will be reduced to a disorderly conduct violation if she fulfills her sentence.
Courtesy of Farce in the comments – ATF files bumpstock ban appeal with the Supreme Court. Bumpstocks were ruled legal in a lower court ruling. It is a video report, which says the case could have broader implications since the Supreme Court will weight the Chevron Doctrine, which says when Congress gives an agency broad regulatory power to make decisions, a court cannot challenge the decisions they make (ie Congress can give an agency God-like powers to decide what it wants to do and that is not the court’s business), versus the Rule of Lenity, which says if a law is ambiguous, and it is possible the citizen felt they were abiding by its unclear strictures, the court must give the citizen the benefit of the doubt, and rule based upon the interpretation of the law most favorable to the citizen. Not sure why it isn’t being debated under Bruen, given a Second Amendment which protects arms (not even small arms), which would be consistent with militia or military use, would surely protect something which barely even qualifies as a select-fire weapon. I would think it would protect a belt-fed M240, making the whole bumpstock issue kind of moot, and savaging the NFA 86 in the process.
The Supreme Court agreed to hear Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, a case which could see an end to Chevron deference, in which courts defer to a federal agency’s interpretation of an ambiguous statute. Another Chevron case. Basically a government agency decided out of the blue that fishing boats had to hire a “monitor” to certify compliance with the law, at a cost of $700 per day for the monitor’s salary. A fishing company said that is not in the law, the agency said their mandate from Congress was so broad it could just order it, and now the Supreme Court will decide if they can.
Coca-Cola shareholders reject proposal to stop selling products in pro-life states.
Vice Media Group, the company behind popular media websites such as Vice and Motherboard, is preparing to file for bankruptcy, the New York Times reported on Monday, citing people with knowledge of its operations. Another Cabal psyop going under financially.
41% of young LGBTQ people contemplated suicide in the last year. Wait until the economic collapse hits and things get really fucked up. I think Depression-era shortages today will create literal warzones in the cities which could kill 40 or 50% of the populations there, or much more, if people begin to starve, delivery companies get too afraid to deliver food, and criminals decide to just take everything freely. Like one massive Rodney King riot, where cops, rather than end up like Derek Chauvin, one day say en masse, “Fuck this shit, I’m going home to the suburbs.” And then the competition becomes, contain the cities, and let nobody out, because criminals will be looking to slip out and raid the suburbs.
Kansas becomes 1st state to pass law defining gender as a person’s sex at birth. Good news, but what bothers me is the silent majority of good is still on the sidelines. They may say, “Yay! They did something good.” But they are still just observers. We aren’t even electing these people. What we really need is that silent majority to be involved – to have the tar boiling, the bags of feathers at the ready, and the pitch forks and the torches lit, and be standing around looking for somebody with a rainbow flag to set upon. We are just not there yet. And I am not sure it is something which can happen in a metered way, or even an uncontrolled way, so long as the surveillance/intelligence op is out there.
Montana becomes latest state to ban transgender drugs, surgeries for children.
Bud Light sales continue to plummet after transgender marketing controversy.
Supreme Court unanimously rejects ethics complaints by Democrats against Justice Clarence Thomas.
Trump to sit for CNN town hall. Sometimes, seeing him in hostile territory, tear it up the way we would want someone to do, can be helpful. It is not like anybody who supports him will change because of a bogus CNN question.
Trump tops DeSantis by 46 points in new poll.
Fox News Poll: Trump still top 2024 Republican preference, DeSantis slipping.
Spread r/K Theory, because what is coming will cleanse too, if it kills
Success with Tex AC? My efforts disappeared, but hopefully messaging got through.
We are closer, but still not there, oddly enough.
AC, just a note. I have seen you reference the acting/modelling website several times. I would guess it is Explore Talent. From my recollection, say early 2000s, a lot of people put a profile there as a lark and also as part of one of those old internet things where you got like ten cents for filling profiles out for different sites. I remember a lot of people i knew, like my girlfriend at the time…and maybe even me?…doing it. This was even pre-myspace, probably days, where having a picture somewhere was kind of unique. To be honest, i personally wouldnt read much into it as an indicator.
Interesting. I never heard that.
“Fox News picked Lawrence Jones to be the temporary replacement for the time slot that used to feature the highly rated Tucker Carlson.”
“The sheriff is near!”
Fox is intentionally making themselves the most hated network by the right. A lot of that going on both sides lately. Like a reshuffle of allegiances and resources. Interesting to see how it all plays out.
About the church thing……you just gotta let that small stuff slide, they will stop the pranks if they cant get a proper reaction from you. Just couple weeks ago they unscrewed couple of lightbulbs in my apartment…..I dont know how or when they did that but I didnt react to it at all and I took few days to put them back and I feel perfectly at ease at the moment.
Agree, 100%
Womb transplants have been on the agenda a long time:
[…] News Briefs – 05/02/2023 — Anonymous Conservative […]
> The FBI’s latest audacious pitch to save the FISA 702 backdoor search loophole: It wants warrantless US person queries for “defensive” searches.
Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution:
“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”
Of course, the courts “interpret” the Constitution as supporting whatever they intended to do anyway.
> shall not be violated
Same mental gymnastics as the second amendment. Shall not be infringed is clear as day, but they see magic writing somewhere that somehow nullifies that in retard-ville.
> He claims that CIA exists today as part of America — but it is certainly not American. “The CIA does not work on behalf of the American people or act in their interests.”
A while back, a commenter on accordingtohoyt commented that she had long suspected the CIA was a CIA front. I thought she was being flip at the time.
Consider, the CIA has vast powers and little oversight. It would be an obvious target, like the media and schools. And the way it’s structured, it’s ripe for hidden cliques and cabals using the organization for their own ends.
CIA = Five Eyes = MI6 = British Crown
Wrong again. CIA is Vatican.
The British Crown is allied with the Vatican.
In any case, Great Britain “helped” the USA set up the CIA to be modeled on MI6 and SOE
From wiki:
“The success of the British Commandos during World War II prompted U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt to authorize the creation of an intelligence service modeled after the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6), and Special Operations Executive. This led to the creation of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) established by a Presidential military order issued by President Roosevelt on June 13, 1942.”
> Outgoing Mayor Lori Lightfoot pleads with Texas Gov. Abbott to stop sending migrants to the sanctuary city of Chicago,
But… but… Chicago declared itself a “Sanctuary City” in… *1985*. Catering to illegals is what they *do*. I haven’t found any indication that the city has rescinded their position.
> calling it “dangerous and inhumane.”
Well, true enough. I’ve met and worked with black people who had moved from Chicago to down here in the deep, racist, redneck South. When I asked why, they both said “Because Chicago is full of n****rs, and those n****rs don’t care what color their targets are.”
Both had families, which prompted their move south. One also commented that he’d never seen any of the type of racism he expected to find when he got there.
> Coca-Cola shareholders reject proposal to stop selling products in pro-life states.
Frankly, I’m astonished the shareholders had a say in the matter. Normally the board just makes decisions and the shareholders are stuck with it.
>. Like one massive Rodney King riot, where cops, rather than end up like Derek Chauvin, one day say en masse, “Fuck this shit, I’m going home to the suburbs.”
The wannabe-elites don’t care; they have private security, often paid for with tax money, and live and work under the protection of armed guards. If the outside world turns into a post-apocalyptic hellhole with burning trash barrels and people walking around in clothing made of chains and old car tires, it wouldn’t affect their lives to any noticeable degree.
At least half of those guards have a plan to kill the elite and take over their house when the Rule of Law goes away, and the other half will go along with them.
I can’t remember where I read it but some sort of consultant who dealt with survival retreats said that the first question all these bankers and tech executives asked was how to control the security when shit hit the fan. They are aware of the problem. They were talking about shock collars and locking up the food. A difficult problem to solve.
If I were a rich man I wouldn’t, “bitty, bitty, bum all day long”, I would get about ten robots for say 100 acres at least. With them would be ten or so drones that the robots could access. The robots and drones would patrol at maybe two or three at a time. Same with drones. The robots and the drones would have visible, infrared and thermal vision. Hard to hide from that. Anyone they see, they grab them and throw them off the property. Maybe have a link to the house to show what sort of weapons they have to determine if they were just wandering around or were a actionable planned threat. If it appeared a planned attack they would be dealt with differently.
You could make a damn near impervious robot right now. With several of them, they could protect you. How much you want to bet they are working on that right now. Using an open source AI, off the shelf motherboards and graphics cards I bet you could easily have enough computing power to do what the robot needed. Walk around and look for people and if it finds them, grab them, alert and throw them off the property. Since the robot would only be trained for a small amount of things, it could easily do what it needed with off the shelf game class hardware. You could have a more powerful system in the house with a large library of pretrained chatGPT type AI models. The larger models could be used to train limited use AI’s to preform task. So the robot, being humanoid, could come by the house and have it’s memory exchanged for a different task. A model example is the llama-models-7-13-30, The 30 is 18.94 GiB and would probably, trained for the task, do everything you would need for patrolling. You could probably load a new task in about three minutes. So general robots with a couple on patrol would be fine while having the others dig, or cut hay or whatever. Any trouble all could run back and be reprogrammed for security, likely in less than three minutes but I used that as a max example. People have fooled robots and maybe they would, but only once. Once they were programmed to see what fooled them, they would remember it forever. I also think thermal and infrared additions would add huge capabilities. It would be really hard to hide from wide bandwidth visual sensors.
“Here, put down that gun I hired you to carry and put on this shock collar, because I locked up all the food.”
> Oklahoma governor Kevin Stitt makes performing ‘irreversible gender transition surgeries’ on children a felony.
Go, Oklahoma!
Stitt takes 1 step forward and 10 steps back. Look into his new Draconian privacy invasive HIE that is putting medical providers out of business and personal health informaiton at risk. He’s been known to use OK government to enrich his Tulsa business buddies. He’s not MAGA. He’s Cabal and a rino to the core
> Conservative influencer Tomi Lahren.
I follow conservative politics, and I’ve never heard of her. Five quatloos says DJT hasn’t either.
She’s a throw-away bottle-blond. Last I heard anything about her, it was trouble finding a man now that she’s rich.
‘New York City mother-of-three who plowed her BMW into a group of Black Lives Matter protesters in 2020 walked free from court on Monday having been sentenced to just five hours of community service.’
I’d buy her a beer. Just not Bud Light.
Stop worrying Anon, those cameras being mounted on your property are by hunters so they can hunt better, so it’s perfectly legal for that thermal camera to be pointed at your house.
You know what is interesting is that I suspect the Mount Athos diet and similar forms of eating is like a K-selected person’s diet:
““Fast” three days a week. This fast does not mean that you don’t eat. It means taking a break from meat, dairy, eggs, and alcohol. You can fill up on fruits, grains, and vegetables.
On alternate days from Fast days, there are Moderation days three days a week. On these days, you can still eat fruits and vegetables and grains, but also enjoy chicken, seafood, dairy, and eggs in moderation. You may also allow yourself a small amount of alcohol (usually red wine) with meals. The monks still do not eat red meat, even on Moderation days.
One day a week is a “Feast” day, where you can eat whatever you enjoy.
You will still want to try to avoid processed foods and keep snacking to a minimum.
The monks eat in moderation every day.”
The Monks of Athos has no health problems that we know of. Or very few. And almost all of them die at a good old age. They are healthy far longer than most Men. That and of course ample physical activity.
Meanwhile the bad diets that we have especially in America. Promotes a “Live fast die young” r-selected form of diet.
Whereas a K-selected person would be a “live slow die old” Life-History.
And there is proof that some people age faster and some slower in accordance with said Life History:
“It turned out that, indeed, people varied widely in biological aging: The slowest ager gained only 0.4 “biological years” for each chronological year in age; in contrast, the fastest-aging participant gained nearly 2.5 biological years for every chronological year.”
That is the diet of Orthodox Christians worldwide.
They fast about half the days of the year, not just on Wednesdays and Fridays (such as for several weeks before Easter/Pascha).
They also abstain from olive oil and similar oils in addition to meat, eggs, dairy and alcohol.
Obsessing about age and long life is against God’s will. He would rather you spend all the time you wasted pretending you could prolong your life even one second in prayer and doing good works for your brothers.
You will love exactly as long as God desires you to live. Being healthy as a means to pursue your purpose is good, devoting your life to the study of defying death is not.
“Being healthy as a means to pursue your purpose is good, devoting your life to the study of defying death is not.”
And why do you think my comment actually says that? It is the facts as it is.
Since the Sexual Revolution our social order has done its damnedest to reverse gender roles – boys are taught to emulate the feminine, girls emulate the masculine. The Disney corporation has been the most active social agent in western culture in fomenting this reversal. Every story across all genres follows the same plot; a repressed little girl would make an even better boy if not for these Patriarchal rules she must break from. The story of Mulan is a good example. The girl Mulan must impersonate a boy in order to prove herself as a masculine equal – and to get closer to the Alpha male she naturally wants to pair with. Our popular fiction today all follows a similar teaching; girls need to break away from self-control to be more empowered.
“Conserva-thots!” Priceless! 😂
Jesse Watters: “It’s never been more clear. Epstein was an intelligence asset. Not only was he working with the CIA, Israeli intelligence, but maybe even Russia.”
Of course he leaves out Great Britain, for whom Epstein actually gathered sexual blackmail material passed directly to the Queen by her son Andrew.
FOX News = Sir Rupert Murdoch
brits dont run jack. yahoodi banksters do. “empire that never ended”, as vox refers to it all. and their hole in the wall gang hideout is 2200 miles SE of london. murdoch is as british as sunak is. as in, not at all.
The British are running The War in Ukraine.
Murdoch’s father was Sir Keith Murdoch, a British Knight.
But, sure, let’s all just blame the Jews for the British Mandate in Palestine, later renamed Israel.
So many filthy Anglophile apologists here. Question is why?
Answer: Cabal = British Crown
Rupert Murdoch was born on 11 March 1931 in Melbourne, the second of four children of Sir Keith Murdoch (1885–1952) and Dame Elisabeth (née Greene; 1909–2012).[21][22]: 9 He is of English, Irish, and Scottish ancestry.
DeSantis should run ads saying, “overseas globalist CEOs say that Ron is ‘not the guy’ for them”.
The problem with that plan is Ron wishes he was the guy.
Photo Gallery for Senior Night.
I no longer feel like this is my problem.
George Wallace 1963,
“…I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny . . . and I say . . . segregation today . . . segregation tomorrow . . . segregation forever…”
The tribe almost always takes pride in the name, but this is the first time I’ve heard of it mattering.
Most decisive thing for the SCOTUS to do would be to deny cert. It will reported as “SCOTUS refuses to hear gun control case.” The reality is, when they deny cert, they are saying, “the lower court was obviously right, and there’s no need to even look at your appeal.”
They need to take it and make it a nationwide ruling or we will have split circuits with different rulings.
That’s not how they work. They are going to wait until a circuit actually creates a split, and then handle it.
Most of the time that doesn’t happen, because the appeals courts understand that at least right now, they have some wiggle room. If they create diversity in the Opinions, then SCOTUS will make a definite ruling and leave them worse off than they are now.
We already have split circuits, that’s the problem.
“What we really need is that silent majority to be involved – to have the tar boiling, the bags of feathers at the ready, and the pitch forks and the torches lit, and be standing around looking for somebody with a rainbow flag to set upon. “
Most people are sheep. And will only act that way with leadership. But giving them ways to do their own thing in their own ways is a good start.
Never forget the Ashe Conformity Line study.
This was the setup. You have the subject and 4-5 actors. You put three lines on a screen, A B C, with one shorter than the others. You set it up so that the subject answers last, and ask them what is the shorter line.
Then you have the actors give the same wrong answer, and wait to see what the subject says. 75% of the time, they give the same wrong answer to conform with the others. There is a 25% of the population that will always say what they see, but the other 3/4 will go along to get along.
Here’s the really illuminating follow on, that is vitally important to us here. When they followed on and had one single actor give the right answer, “A A C A”, the number of people conforming to the majority dropped to 5%. NINETEEN out of 20 people will give the real answer if there is at least one other person giving the correct answer. THAT is why the cabal has to have censorship. That is why the left demands conformity. If there is a single dissenter still allowed to give his answer, 95% of people won’t follow the bullshit answer.
They also flood the minds of the would be subjects with so many questions, nobody knows what they are supposed to answer first.
What is a female? What is marriage?
What is a vaccine? What does died suddenly mean?
What is a republican? What’s a fascist?
Why is there a fence around the Whitehouse?
What are tic tags? What is money? Will I die in a nuclear war? Why are barely functioning idiots elected as Senators? (fetterman
Why is this guy sniffing people’s kids?(our President
Why aren’t pedophiles executed? Why can’t I own a machine gun? How do crack gangs in Chicago get rocket launchers(true story)?Why does the taliban get free machine guns? What is a short barrel rifle? What happened to carbines? If I smash a child trafficker taliban with a free machine gun in the head with my bolt action rifle and I’m a white, law abiding citizen, is that a hate crime? Did I use an assault rifle? If the rifle is a .338winmag with a 22inch barrel instead of the more common 24 inch barrel, is it a short barrel rifle?
You think they are asking themselves these questions, when 10% of them don’t even have an inner monologue.
They don’t need answers to these questions. They just react emotionally to the situation in front of them, and don’t care about an objective or rational answer.
Sheep behave like sheep when a herder has cowed them. Wild rams exist, and sheep left free to their own devices will eventually become wild rams again.
Remove the totalitarian surveillance nanny state, or at least cripple its mechanism to retaliate against people who resist in the name of a good future, and you’ll be surprised how few sheep actually exist vs the propaganda you’re fed to keep you scared and isolated.
“And then the competition becomes, contain the cities, and let nobody out, because criminals will be looking to slip out and raid the suburbs.”
The Drug Cartels are already there I believe.
The US bank thing is not really a contagious spread. It is a series of attacks on the system by foreign actors.
Through the course of trade in the USD, foreign states acquire huge sums of USD. These are usually and traditionally placed into USTs as USTs are very liquid and safe.
But not all are. And the number of USDs is huge. Incredibly huge. Foreign states create shell companies and open accounts at US banks for these USDs.
Banking Regs encouraging exposure to USTs and the recent Fed hikes have created a situation where Foreign states can withdraw sufficient USD from the system via their shell companies to crash a bank.
That’s SVB etc etc and FRB.
JPM has been gathering phys gold in an attempt to circumvent this for itself. As gold can increase in value quite quickly increasing the balance book thus offsetting such an attack. there are macro processes happening that increase phys gold: USTs being replaced as reserve asset by phys gold globally.
The US is in a very very bad spot rn. Hard to even put it into words. In a sense, the psychopathy of our elites is only thing propping up the system.
Tried a couple times but could not log in with third paragraph of that email.
Odd. Now I wonder if we have the same email…
I count 140 characters, including periods, spaces, and apostrophes, first letter I, last letter is y, followed by a period. I highlighted, starting at the period at the back, up to the front letter, clicked copy, and then clicked paste plain text in the password box. I used two different browsers, and it worked for me.
This is very strange. If it doesn’t work, I will try something else.
Mike Tracey has a good twitter thread on RFK jr
RE: AI and how to beat the trap
If your job can be done remotely, it can be done by AI. Basic rule of thumb.
Watch what these guys are doing. It’s literally not worth the trouble to create robots that can duplicate what these hand craftsman can do, but they are not hurting for business, and never will be. People that generate paper in fluorescent cubicle are about to be out of work, but these guys will be thriving… in ALASKA where there’s additional shipping charges on everything making it that much more expensive and none of their customers CARES.
Kris DeVo – The Collaboration I never knew I needed…
TITANS of CNC MACHINING – Why Did This CNC MACHINE SHOP Deserve New Tools???
It is a tech school.
Can I get a physiognomy check?
Felix Tshisekedi leader of Congo.
General Bing img searxh
To me he looks like a Bub and a good dude and “one of us”. Clarence Thomas’ son almost.
But ppl here talk about the upper lip and he does have a Bill Barr look to him.
The Indian Bamker Kotak is quite right to worry about US denying withdrawals on a system wide scale.
It is probably the only way to address the threat of attack on the US Banking system at the moment.
>motherboard cabal propaganda going out of business.
I know its not the same, but I was reminded of something that happened several years ago. I got an email from a reporter at mother jones asking for an interview. Or actually, I was forwarded the request from an editor at arktos, who published my book smart and sexy. Its understood by anyone on the alternative right that none of these reporters can be trusted and that they will twist your words whenever possible to make you seem like a git. However, since it potentially could help with book sales I agreed to do it under certain conditions. Primarily, it would all be done over email in writing and that I would publish the entire interview on my own site so that things couldn’t be taken out of context without at least a record of what I was actually trying to say and why in its proper context. Well, my interview was never used. Not exactly shocking. But what was more shocking was that the email chain disappeared from gmail. I waited a few months to see if it would actually be published so I could make the post at the same time, and when it became clear nothing was going to be published I decided to publish the questions and answers myself. It took some effort to create it after all, and I didn’t want to waste it. When I went to gmail to start that process it was just gone completely and I couldn’t find it. Being paranoid, I had already saved the entire exchange in a word document as it occurred so that didn’t actually stop me from publishing the interview. However, you can see that when my answers weren’t otherwise useful for slander cabal at minimum wanted my time to have been wasted. Its pretty incredible. I expect that a lot of these cabal reporters have the ability to mark email chains for deletion.
Fascinating. All of this has been under control for a long time. And you certainly has somebody assigned specifically to you.
“DeSantis receives lackluster reviews from British business leaders: ‘That’s not the guy.’”
I clicked on both links. The Breitbart article is really badly written but gives more information. However, the headlines don’t really describe the stories, which are actually fairly favorable to DeSantis.
Essentially big “donors” are saying that DeSantis doesn’t return their calls, and the implication is that he doesn’t follow their instructions. The articles try to spin this as a bad thing. It actually implies that he isn’t under Cabal control after all.
My take is that the Cabal thinks they can still run a fake election in the USA in 2024, and even take out Trump in the Republican primaries, so they don’t have to steal it for Biden again, and that DeSantis was their guy and could win against Trump. But DeSantis can’t win against Trump and isn’t even a Cabal guy, apparently. Since DeSantis is young enough to run in later presidential elections, I can’t understand why he is even going through the motions.
The Breitbart article has a picture of one of the donors, who doesn’t look human. He literally looks like a monster from some Disney movie. Where do they find these people?
“Jesse Watters: “It’s never been more clear. Epstein was an intelligence asset. Not only was he working with the CIA, Israeli intelligence, butmaybe even Russia.””
“Maybe” Russian intelligence. Neither Watters or the underlying story give any evidence whatsoever that that Epstein met with “Russian intelligence”. The underlying story does say flat out that Epstein met with the head of the CIA several times.
We may want to start using the term “Russia derangement syndrome”.
“Scientists use brain scans and AI to ‘decode’ thoughts. ”
Kind of a fun thing to see prison guards lean forward and say, “no shit” when my neurologist told them: “He had no idea what was going on.”
My epilepsy has no observable difference from demonic possession. I have the documents. There is literally a million dollars of documents. And almost all of it would have been saved by those cops leaning forwards and saying “Holy shit”
Are you a prisoner? Mental patient?
You just made fools and liars of all those “theologians” who declared St. Paul was really an epileptic and not being given a vision from God;which, by your evidence, was assertling Paul to be demon possessed.
AI written content, or legit schizoposting? The world may never know.
Now my brain hurts for some reason..
“Paraguayan Patriots have defeated the WEF and CIA-backed election coup that saw Klaus Schwab, his World Economic Forum, the US Deep State, and hackers linked to Brazil’s left-wing government meddling in the nation’s politics, with the aim of installing a Manchurian candidate to ignite the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” and “Great Reset” agendas in Latin America. ”
There seems to be some sort of intel operation spinning every piece of news to Americans about South America as a battle between Patriots and the Godless Commies. Its getting ridiculous.
So with Paraguay they can do this because no one outside of South America knows or cares anything about Paraguay, for good reason. But what actually happened is that the ruling party “won” the “election”, just like they have “won” every “election” there for something like a century. This barely qualifies as news. The writing of the article reads like a parody of a propaganda piece, to the point that its almost funny.
It’s notable because outside powers expended resources to overthrow the ruling party and failed.
Paraguay seems like one of the better S. American nations with a better ruling class whether they are retaining power honestly or not.
They hate good ruling classes
“High schoolers allegedly gang up on assistant principal, ‘pummel’ her so hard she’s rushed to hospital.”
There seems to be another PSYOP ongoing to convince people that all the problems are in deep blue areas, and that if you get out or stay away from them you will be fine. Just noting that this happened in the deep red exurbs of Houston.
Houston has been very black for a long time, many decades.
The major cities in Texas are just as bad as any in California or New York.
At a certain point, demographic replacement turns the reddest states into Detroit.
Without Singaporean rule diversity cannot work.
“And in fact, I would apply it to all illegal domestic intel, since there is no greater threat to any democratic republic.”
Anon this is allright, but not enough, needs to be more intense. Bear in mind the current hyper common political electoral involment of most powerful countries in the elections and politics of the other countries. I mentioned the case of argentina in my first book, but it’s the norm too in the states, and elsewhere. With that, of course comes foreign intel, and then, global conflicts. I mentioned it to another user of this forum, a couple of days ago.
I hinted to what I think in my second book, in the subchapter about criminal psychology.
“The Godfather of A.I.’ leaves Google and warns of danger ahead.”
Just more marketing. “Ooo!” the rubes will say, “Google AI must be the real deal!” when it’s just another neural net that puts six fingers on hands or quotes fake news articles to slander people.
“…have been fighting with almost no ammo…”
I would think in tunnels hand-to-hand, pistols, flash-bangs. Above ground draw fire and let artillery and helicopter gunships destroy resistance.
Ukraine soldiers probably disobeyed orders to blow up the supplies in the tunnels.
Epstein was a front man for a criminal business. Russia and every other country in the world involved in global trade could not stop that criminal business from corrupting citizens and employees. Calling Epstein a spook is to imply Epstein was working for a government agency. The reality seems to be goverment agencies are working for criminal businesses.
All the Intelligence services work for the bankers.
Epstein reported to Maxwell who reported to Prince Andrew who reported to Queen Elizabeth II.
“It all went south”: Jack Dorsey criticizes Elon Musk’s Twitter leadership.”
It was terrible! they say six million celebrities lost their blue checkmarks! They called it the Hollycaust. I’ll show myself out…
The acronym AI works for alien intelligence.
That Hideous Strength: A Modern Fairy-Tale for Grown-Ups is a 1945 novel by C. S. Lewis, the final book in Lewis’s theological science fiction Space Trilogy …
Lewis covered what is happening today with AI in the above novel.
“That Hideous Strength” is the best book C. S. Lewis ever wrote, close to being the best book that anybody ever wrote. It’s not surprising that you almost never hear of it. The fact that it is not required reading in junior high school tends to support certain conspiracy theories. “All hail the Head!” Archive dot org has a free audio version.
DeSantis has gone all in on getting the Jewish vote. May help him raise money but DeSantis can’t win nationally without a rigged election. Why would riggers pick DeSantis?
Riggers pick DeSantis because he’s controlled by the Bush family and other major donors.
Dirty Civilian – CQB Every Civilian Should Know
Politically speaking the rape case is positive for Trump. Just like the so called hush-money case.
Trump may be the reset to human (from the demonic). Pfizer may replace Hitler as evil trope. Unfortunately AI is replacing Einstein as genius that can’t be questioned trope.
Could be that clone biden(s) was installed to reveal and make worse so that Trump becomes George Washington+Ronald Reagan in what is effectively a third term. The surveillance is unlikely to go away but maybe it will be less intrusive and obvious.
Where are these mental patients coming from?
Cool AI generated comment! hey chatgpt, do the next comment as a takedown of trump as if you were a redpilled based ally of the dissident right.
Regional banks are being targeted. The Fed is not backing down on raising interest rates. Attack on money laundering?
Possible. Highly unlikely. The banks that stepped in are exposed to same kind of attack on others. Even though they are very large.
But, it is hard to explain FED raising rates into this sitiation. If they do. The clip of the prank w Powell was a few months old. He’s already done one of the two raises he mentioned.
It may be, but the fed is a private institution, owned by very rich (((European))) banking families.
They are intent on collapsing the current system in order to instigate the Great Reset, which is a return to feudalism and slavery for the majority.
Continuing to raise interest rates increases the pain for over indebted people and organisations. If they continue then a deflationary collapse is inevitable, if they pivot then we move into a collapsing currency.
Neither outcome is good for people, but these are the inevitabilities.
“(((European))) banking families” = British Crown
RE: Epstein and Russia
How many Russian oligarchs have been toppled by Putin? How many Russian bureaucrats? How many of them were clown world sell-outs? Would not surprise at all about Epstein having had connections everywhere his brand of honeypot is useful.
What is striking to me is that the children have unlimited years in the shelter. No other shelter has abundant funds, as far as I’ve ever encountered. How is it that there are shelters in high-tech areas with unlimited funds for transying autistic youth?
Are autistic youth mostly height/weight proportional? And not particularly deeply swarthy? And bright? As in, suitable companions for trans-interested tech millionaires? Who else would fund this?
Money isn’t real. The sooner you realize that the sooner you will understand funding. You don’t have to pay someone when the alternative is releasing the video of them sodomizing a child to the media/their family/etc. You also don’t have to worry about paying people when you can make zeroes appear in the bank account, because the inflationary effect is 100% not your problem.
The enemy doesn’t play by logical rules. You have to abstract at least 5 layers of fucked up and then you may scratch the surface of reality.
Okay, so…….let’s not get all movie hacker montage. I am comparing other shelters to this shelter. The numbers are bizarre. It is difficult to find a bed for a suicidal young person, even with insurance. It is incredibly difficult to find a bed for a suicidal young person for a month, inpatient. An inpatient facility that has fun services like movie night?
The ones that are more long-term look and feel like prisons, not school campuses, or youth hostels.
Long term drug treatment places, the sort that go from 30 days to all the way dried out at 90 days, are expensive, and rare and difficult to find and then get into. You have to have an in, a surprising amount of the time. It takes a doctor, not a social worker, and not a state social worker.
Shelters for abused women basically operate at full capacity at all times. They have hair triggers for kicking women and children out.
Homeless shelters tend to be dangerous.
The runaway services for youth, at least in this city, have a problem with pimps and gang leaders shopping for new recruits from the shelter residents.
The out youth program for the city had a major scandal last year when the city auditor (I think?) ( a journalist?) (parent?) noticed that older perverts were using the youth group as a one stop shop for picking up new toys (human children). I did not pay attention too much, since I’d known that, somewhat, for the past twenty years. A young lesbian had gotten involved there, and then quit because of social life issues.
So, a place that schools and hospitals and mental health facilities all funnel children to, for one particular mental set-up, that really wasn’t mainstream until a few years ago, and keeps the children from ages 12-early twenties- and has a social calendar, and apparently, keeps up with their education? That is so different from any other troubled youth facility, at all, anywhere, that I want to know how it is funded.
That there are several, up and down the coast, is even more curious.
I would wonder about the stats when children leave the facility. What are their life paths? Prostitution? Companionship for older tranny fetishists? Suicide? Normal? Robot theorist transhumanist at MIT? I mean, I have questions.
I mean, it sounds more like the school for girls in Africa that Oprah Winfrey opened. No tuition, uniforms paid for, and then sex scandals by the staff, and really bad behavior by the students.
Guess he should’ve stayed in Pakistan.
The Bridge – “Self destruction Is my purpose” The truth about being a Warrior with Tyler Grey
Scientists use brain scans and AI to ‘decode’ thoughts. ” This reminded me of the lie detectors used during the court scenes in “The Fuzzy Papers” by H. Beam Piper.
Jonathan Pageau explains why Art must be Anchored in Function:
There is a good reason why it is said in Genesis 2:
9Out of the ground the LORD God gave growth to every tree that is pleasing to the eye and good for food.
The Unity of Beauty and Function. And why therefore in historic times. People made buildings beautiful. Made vessels of use beautiful and so on.
“Music rots when it gets to far from the dance” ~ Ezra Pound
Why The Long-Awaited Ukrainian Counteroffensive Is Delayed
I’ve been thinking about all of the jokes in movies and shows going back to the earliest days of hollywood and probably farther back to vaudeville or farther where a character complains about having to hire and support a loser nephew, brother in law, cousin etc.
We know these people do that to an extreme, Hunter Biden being a perfect example and they might just be complaining.
But I think they also did it to discourage normal Americans from practicing ingroup preference and building family and friend networks because it was portrayed as a bad deal and shameful to practice “nepotism”.
I know bad nepotism exists, I’ve dealt with it personally.
But why make so many jokes about it in what we know are propaganda pieces if there is not an ulterior motive like I’m suggesting.
They are very clever, and very extreme, in the extents they will go to, and the detail they bring to what they do. To the point the vast majority of what you see is a psyop, at every level. They have been doing it a long time, to be able to practice such a sophisticated game, especially when the vast majority are not genius tier.
I challenged you to find one person who doesn’t have the fuckup brother-cousin-in-law who fails at everything despite being served opportunity left and right.
It exists because it’s an accurate trope describing the fallibility of man, the nature of being imperfect beings, and the ever present regression to the mean of even highly successful people.
Nice try.
It was.
That would make sense, as Cabal, and especially the elites of Cabal, are all about consolidating that wealth, and passing it along to the bloodline to grow, generation to generation, as they are constantly feeding the masses propaganda that you should never give your kids anything, because they must know what it is like to start with nothing, because that builds character. And all these billionaires who claim they are giving everything to charity, and all the boomer propaganda about how cool you are if you are spending your child’s inheritance.
I have never thought about it. But: they believe in genetics? So you would have a consolidated family of genetically related, highly functional people?
The head of NAACP gave a defense of hiring his friends. It was considered scandalous. His defense is that he knew this person, knew they were competent, and knew they would not stab him in the back or otherwise harm him. This head of NAACP did not last long, though. He was competent, before,during, and after his stint as president.
A/C, I think you will enjoy the uchi mata:
Very nice!
ATF [to be] Stripped of Power To Regulate & Control Suppressors Under The NFA!!!