Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – FDIC Seeks Bids For First Republic Ahead of Receivership, JP Morgan To Buy
DFT – Germany Considers Limiting Chinese Access To Semiconductor Chemicals
DFT – Fitch Downgrade’s France’s Credit Rating
DFT – Bloomberg: EU Imports Banned Russian Oil Through India
DFT – Indian Banker Says Reserve Dollar Is A Financial Terrorist
Paging Texas Arcane, Day 3. I’m not sure if you come here every day Tex, but this is day three of me posting this. That was not the important email I sent you, it was an old meaningless one, and even that got spammed. I’ve sent you four others, two saying I appreciated the offer and wanted to take you up on it, and pay you for it. I suspect us working together on this project, which is more interesting than it sounded, might have them wanting to keep us separate. One of the four emails I sent, was bounced back to me as undeliverable to your address(?), but not the other three, which last I heard from you, you had not seen. I have heard nothing more from you on the others, so if you emailed me, it did not get through, and we may need to do this by phone or even in person (I would travel to you). Sooner or later we will hook up. If you see this, drop a comment here or email me, and know if you do not hear back immediately, somebody is diverting our messages, because if I see it I will respond quickly, by email, and here.
Japanese professor Murakami of Tokyo University of Science makes an astonishing finding. Pfizer’s jab contains the SV40 sequence which is known as a promoter of the cancer virus. With the old Polio vaccine it could be argued the SV40 virus was in the monkey kidney cells used to culture the vaccine accidentally when they were harvested, and nobody noticed (though obviously now you assume ill-intent). But that does not apply here, as E coli would not have SV40 in it. If it is in there, somebody had to consciously synthesize it and put it there to cause cancer – it would be absolutely no accident or mistake. It will need to be confirmed, but if it is, then the anon on 4Chan who listed all the different things he and his fellow scientists in the manufacturing labs at Moderna (IIRC) knew, pointing to this being outright sterilization and depopulation tech, would be proven dead on. Again, I asked over and over, why didn’t somebody, when the vaccine was being given, take a sample and sequence it? Sequencers are everywhere. All the looking at it under a microscope was retard-tier. If I was going to fuck people’s shit up, Cabal style, it would only have been seen in the nucleotide sequences in there. Plus it would have been easy to see everything in there almost instantly, the way the database searches work. This would have popped instantly, and been a huge red flag.
How LBJ stole a Texas Senate seat in 1948 by rigging an election, and using the same techniques as were used in 2020 to keep poll watchers at bay. And the poll watchers were, according to the rigger, “surprisingly compliant.”
I just want to archive this montage, of apparent homosexuals and a Jewish girl, making fake “Christian,” “white supremacist” hand signs the media made up out of whole cloth, as the Fed-run media represents them as the leaders of our kind to us – millions of regular pro-American, pro-freedom, conservatives who just want to be left alone, and not have degeneracy, crime, and the destruction of America foisted upon us. I just thought it was a perfect representation of the political debate today:
Epstein’s VERY tangled web: Pedophile met with current CIA Director William Burns, Obama White House lawyer, Noam Chomsky and music director for the American Symphony Orchestra in the years AFTER his sex offence conviction. Strange, because he sounded to me like a low-level low IQ employee who was only hired because his psychopathy and his libido were able to drive him to do the low-IQ, evil, degenerate things to innocents that the regular agents, and even their janitors, didn’t want to do. Maybe he was doubling as a courier. Or his ride-along took over for the meetings.
WOW: Rothschild bank caught lying about Epstein meetings…
“Mrs. de Rothschild, who married into the famous banking family, had more than dozen meetings with Epstein…In 2019, after Epstein was arrested, bank said Mrs. de Rothschild never met w/Epstein and it had no business links with him. The bank acknowledged to the Journal its earlier statement wasn’t accurate.”
Biden may lose Iowa and New Hampshire’s primaries. The Party told the two states to move their primaries behind South Carolina, or else the party will ban any candidate from campaigning there. The states said “Fuck you,” and will still hold their primaries first, so now Biden can’t campaign there. Meanwhile Marianne Williamson and RFK Jr have said they will campaign there, and presumably might win, giving the first two primaries to them, and forcing Biden to play catch-up in South Carolina.
Ron DeSantis prepares to take out another Soros-backed prosecutor. These little vignettes they set up for him make me think he might not be teamed up with Trump though.
On Twitter, a user asks, what was the purpose of the all the high production nurse dance videos during the pandemic? It seems on closer inspection, hospital rules often would not allow them to some of these things in secure settings, nobody can identify the nurses involved as nurses, with some thinking they looked like professional dancers, and some had such high production values, they would have required a lot of money to turn out, which somebody was paying. No real answers, beyond they suspect it was supposed to have some sort of MK Ultra effect on the population.
‘I knew the risks’: Whistleblower executive who handed feds 150,000 docs about Trump’s Truth Social now works as Starbucks barista for $16 an hour. Oddly enough, where is the Starbucks? This could be a surveillance posting. I have been checked out at grocery stores by surveillance people, where most of the cashiers appear to be teenagers just out of high school. I assume they get a real salary, probably commensurate with a government agent, and maybe get to pocket the cashier salary too. If this dude is working a Starbucks near a bunch of Embassies in DC, or next to RNC headquarters, you know what is up. Remember, expensive restaurants or bars in important places probably have most of the waiters and waitresses as surveillance, because important people will hold meetings there and talk. Shades of the innkeepers and barkeeps of the Revolutionary War, who worked for the King because the revolution was planned in Taverns.
Re-analysis of mRNA vaccine data suggests one serious side effect is psychosis. Said 7:50 in, the doctor thinks it might have something to do with people becoming so angry about others not getting the vaccine, and seeing what they did to themselves challenged.
500 Australians join world’s first COVID vaccine injury class action lawsuit.
OB/GYN Dr. Dan McDyer on the Alarming Increase in Irregular Bleeding & Cancers He Is Seeing in His Practice Since 2021
“There’s a distinct difference that I’ve seen over the past year to year and a half. The majority of patients have a laxity of the lower uterine segment and some are actually qualifying as postpartum hemorrhages.”
21K Venezuelan migrants in 12 days crossed border into one Texas sector.
Former child actor Matthew Lawrence says he was fired by agency after refusing casting couch advances by Marvel director. You think it is about sex, and there is probably an element of that since they would recruit a perv for this role of Director, but the perv has orders, and the purpose of the orders is to get blackmail to make sure anybody who might get a microphone will be controlled fully, and cannot speak out if they ever learn the truth. They do not let anyone have the microphone unless they know they can control him, or her.
Georgia trans person faces more than 50 child sex abuse felonies following arrest at daycare.
Transgender women are still at risk for prostate cancer. LOL.
Planned Parenthood abortion biz now sells millions in hormones to mutilate children.
Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said Sunday a recent report on the party’s disappointing performance in last year’s midterms showed that the GOP was unable to lock down the support of independents, citing abortion messaging as a key reason why. As if the election was not rigged. That is why exposing the surveillance is vital. If people suddenly know the kids at their child’s school asking what they were going to do for the weekend were spies getting intel – for the adults in their neighborhood who are listening in their homes… if they grasp the US government wealth was used to recreate the Stasi in suburbia, then they will know there is no other possibility beyond the elections being rigged. They will know, that kind of control needs to be kept, because that secret is so shocking it would destroy the legitimacy of the United States government overnight, and put the entire country on the mission of destroying it long term. Surveillance is this thing’s Achilles heel.
Government is designing an AI to try to perform mass-mind-control on large populations for the elite. His emails are getting blocked from going out to other people at the server. Checks out.
Mike Pence appearance at UNC causes some to leave campus: ‘scared for their safety.’
Under the proposed legislation, Irish authorities will be given the power to criminally convict people for a variety of “hate” offences, including the possession of material that could “incite” hatred in others if disseminated. The proposed law also states that the country’s justice system can simply presume that a person in possession of such “hate” material intends to distribute it if a court deems it reasonable to do so, prompting fear that the proposed law in effect is an attempt by the Irish government to usher in “thought crimes.”
Taiwan now has ‘real time’ intelligence sharing link with Five Eyes. Since CCP has spies in Taiwan, I suppose now, so does China?
Massive Russian Air attack underway in Ukraine, seems to be targeting arms depots.
Ukraine’s air defenses may soon fail, which will allow Russia to begin augmenting the ground forces with airpower and bombing. None of this had to be. The West created all of this, probably in large part because Trump got us out of all the forever wars, so they needed a new one.
Texas Senate passes bill banning citizens from hostile nations from buying farmland.
Spread r/K Theory, because you don’t need foreverwars forever
Unless it’s young guys worried about Pence coming for their bungholes I can’t imagine why they’d be scared. He’s the most milquetoast politician out there.
Low energy Jeb Bush is a dynamo compared to Pence.
Their lives are boring & playing the victim gives them a thrill.
“Forcing Biden to play catch up in South Carolina.”
He’s got Jungle Jim Clyburn for that. Despite Sanders incredible amount of pandering to the blacks and promising them everything under the sun, Clyburn still managed to knock him out of contention and how did Biden thank Jungle Jim? Clyburn didn’t get so much as a cabinet post, inner circle consultant gig or comfy ambassadorship.
Vox Day posts a relevant article:
but it’s private therefore we -supposedly- cannot oppose it
you know, like Judas privately betrayed Jesus, so God let him off the hook? 😛
> Biden lose primaries
If my memory is correct he had not won any primaries when they installed him the last time around. Seems like they will just run the same script again.
You can’t pilpul like Noam Chomsky can pilpul.
Massive Russian Air attack underway in Ukraine, seems to be targeting arms depots.
If the attrition in WWI focused on that, supply lines, command centers, arms factories and other ways that people on the battlefield are armed, coordinated and so forth.
Their ability to organize and to act coherently.
Then the long stalemates of the War would have been considerably shortened. Disarmament really helps to heighten the asymmetry that allows more rapid victory and defeat.
The focus of attrition primarily should be on that rather than on killing people per se.
Yes. And what happened in WWI looks strange now, but it really was a different culture then. There was no stigma to war; countries fought all the time. Germany had invaded France before; they fought until it was obvious the Germans had the winning hand, so France negotiated a surrender and tribute which wasn’t quite big enough to break their economy. Germany coasted along on that money for years.
By 1914, Wilhelm’s treasury was running low and some more of those shiny French gold livres looked very nice. Besides, his cousins in the other royal families thought he was a bit of a prat, so he’d show them he was a force to be reckoned with.
Wilhelm’s armies hit France like a steamroller. But while France’s army was unprepared, its politicians had been busy, signing interlocking defense treaties with its neighbors. One by one they mobilized troops and wat materiel sent them in. Also, this time France was able to take advantage of the French Empire, which wasn’t that much smaller than the British one. A while lot of soldiers and support personnel from French North Africa and French Indochina as well as food and other material.
Wilhelm’s field marshals had expected a quick victory, and the German economy was fully mobilized to that plan. France refused to surrender, and there was no ‘slack’ on the highly-planned German side. The Germans finally gave up when their economy collapsed. Pretty much the whole country collapsed, having given its all to the war. Wilhelm and the royals were replaced by the Weimar Republic, and if you’ve read about the Depression in America and Britain, it was much worse there;
“Japanese professor Murakami of Tokyo University of Science makes an astonishing finding. Pfizer’s jab contains the SV40 sequence which is known as a promoter of the cancer virus.”
I cleaned up one of my bookmarks files yesterday, deleting among others four Jim Stone bookmarks that are no longer valid as his site gets crashed every few months, and spent some time going through a blogger called “Rintrah”. Rintrah is supposedly a Dutch blogger who for some reason posts in English, and posts a lot that I don’t agree with, but sometimes makes interesting points. On April 23rd 2023 he referenced this paper:
“New-generation mRNA and adenovirus vectored vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 spike protein are endowed with immunogenic, inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties. Recently, BioNTech developed a noninflammatory tolerogenic mRNA vaccine (MOGm1Ψ) that induces in mice robust expansion of antigen-specific regulatory T (Treg) cells. The Pfizer/BioNTech BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 is identical to MOGm1Ψ except for the lipid carrier, which differs for containing lipid nanoparticles rather than lipoplex. Here we report that vaccination with BNT162b2 led to an increase in the frequency and absolute count of CD4posCD25highCD127low putative Treg cells; in sharp contrast, vaccination with the adenovirus-vectored ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine led to a significant decrease of CD4posCD25high cells. This pilot study is very preliminary, suffers from important limitations and, frustratingly, very hardly can be refined in Italy because of the >90% vaccination coverage. Thus, the provocative perspective that BNT162b2 and MOGm1Ψ may share the capacity to promote expansion of Treg cells deserves confirmatory studies in other settings.”
Restated by Rintrah in non-technical language: “is identical for all practical purposes to a vaccine they were simultaneously developing that was intended to treat an autoimmune condition affecting the brain by provoking a tolerogenic anti-inflammatory response.”
Discussion, including the comments, is worth checking out and is at
How LBJ stole a Texas Senate seat in 1948 by rigging an election, and using the same techniques as were used in 2020 to keep poll watchers at bay.
Robert Caro wrote a really long three volume biography of Lyndon Johnson, that was serialized in the New Yorker decades ago (I remember reading it, I think it was the 1990s or maybe even the 1980s), that described that election and the rigging in great detail. It got a good deal of comment at the time and fairly well known among historians.
The deal is that every election was rigged, and if my memory is correct, LBJ had lost an earlier statewide race due to vote rigging and was out-cheating his opponents in 1948. So this is not as important as seen in first glance.
Overall, with representative government, where government officials are elected, instead of voters deciding on laws themselves, elections get rigged. Or the “representatives” are put under control by various methods. The USA historically has been particularly bad among countries with election rigging. If we could do it, adopting election practices of cleaner countries is worth a try. You could abandon universal suffrage and restrict suffrage only to the people whose opinions the elites care about, which was the way it was done before the twentieth century. I would try direct democracy before that, direct votes on laws seem to work better because government contracts aren’t at stake, and there is less interest in rigging them.
Name one country with fair elections. Seriously, I want to know one; I legitimately don’t believe there is one vote cast in the entire world that matters.
The British Crown controls all elections worldwide using satellite-rigged machines like those called Dominion, and by using media conglomerates like AP, who call their presence as official arbiters of the vote count, “the Decision Desk.”
The Queen’s Privy Council call their crypto-colonial vote rigging system, “the Invisible Chain that Runs through all Democracies.”
Trump, backed by the US Military, has exposed this fact. And, in fact, the British Monarchy is being destroyed because of it. All “royal” bloodlines of Europe will be put to death in the coming military action.
This is the final battle of Our American Revolutionary War: the removal of the Royal Houses that the Roman Empire set up long ago through breeding.
Those who seek power seldom want to give it up. And they’re in the position to stomp the fingers of anyone below them trying to climb the ladder.
“Biden may lose Iowa and New Hampshire’s primaries.”
He lost them both in 2020, and didn’t even get many votes in either. Biden and Clinton in 1992 were the only two candidates, since the modern nomination by state primary process was instituted in 1972, to lose both the Iowa caucus and the New Hampshire primary and get a major party nomination. Think about that.
“On Twitter, a user asks, what was the purpose of the all the high production nurse dance videos during the pandemic? “
Someone on Reddit, I think it was in the now banned “No New Normal” forum, posted that they were directly involved in the videos and their production at that hospital were ordered directly by the hospital management.
Has any commentator posted or re-posted a call for Tex Arcane to get in contact with AC?
I realize that recently comments to the site have been showing up very late in the day, and comments aren’t making it on to the page. If the AC posts asking for Tex Arcane to contact him are getting shadow-banned, so Tex Arcane won’t see them, I wonder if a comment in the comments section repeating that will also be shadow-banned. So this one is a test.
The issue could be we are getting served different versions of the site too. So you may see your comment, but Tex might not. It is strange, in that I sent him an email, he never got it, an old email of mine was buried in his spam folder, he was happy to work with me and wanted to know more, and now we cannot connect. It could be innocent, but I would like to know if we have bene isolated.
If you both installed I2P. You could get a free email from within I2P and I don’t think anyone could stop the exchange of data sort of cutting off all internet together. I’m sure there are other ways of exchanging data that could go through, but I don’t know of them.
dead drop
Try setting up a messenger and schedule a time.
At some point we are all going to be meeting up on a 40m sked.
Someone who goes there should post a comment at his new blog.
Just did 🙂
Yes a couple of us are attempting to play telephone.
And we aren’t going to give up. I’ve been told to aid with this communication so that’s what I’m going to do.
Thank you!
It is possible he is just a busy guy and for some reason he went off-grid at this exact moment. But he approached me to help, I emailed saying lets do this, no response, I posted here in the brief telling him he had an email, he emailed me, and said my main email accepting his offer to him on this never got to him and he never saw it, he noted he offered to help me here in the comments and thought it odd I never replied, and without having seen my email, he offered to help again, a second email from me saying lets do this and explaining more was bounced back to me as undeliverable when I was replying to the email he sent me (so the address was not mistyped), and although he seemed to be here all the time before, now he hasn’t responded to my last three emails or all these notes to him in the briefs. It is curious. It could be consistent with him not seeing any of this because his online contacts are being filtered aggressively, to the point when he logs in here he was served a custom brief without my comments to him in it anymore, which I would think would be of interest to him. Or he is responding, and the emails are being filtered before they reach me, and comments here are being evaporated before I see them.
I’m more interested now if there are interventions this aggressive to control who works together on the internet, more even than I am in the original project.
If they were going to do it, they would do it here, since the original project was a bigger affair, which could benefit our side immensely across all of our people’s platforms, even down to the smallest, if it worked out. So if he joined it, there is no telling if he would see something even bigger, and it could snowball. Plus a lot of sites would get to know him, and obviously, he is not supposed to become widely known, nor I suspect am I, and they would know of me.
If he is being filtered this aggressively, then that would mean they have those tools. And if they have those tools, they will use them everywhere, meaning all of us may be under that kind of control. Just 99 percent of the time it is never noticed and we blow off instances where we “miss” somebody or somebody doesn’t respond to something we say. It might be why in the scamdemic they didn’t want people meeting up – they were using it aggressively, and didn’t want in person meetups exposing where stuff was said or emails sent, and it was never seen.
This might be an instance where we caught it and could explore the phenomenon further with Tex, who we know would not be bullshitting us, and would give us a very clear account of what happened from his side.
Either way, I feel confident saying even if it turns out not to be the case here, there is no doubt, 100 percent (and I never say 100 percent) this is coming and we are heading to an internet where we will each get customized internets designed to fully contain us, filtering out some people’s efforts to connect with us and our efforts to connect with specific other people. The entire thing will control who we connect with, and what we see, and who sees us.
I suspect when it reaches apogee, not only will who we are able to “see” on here, and who will see us, be fully controlled – I suspect everyone we see will be specialized AI chatbots serving special material just for us. It will not even be real, and it will all be designed to bombard us with MK ultra-influence material to try and control us and bend our thinking while it contains us. It will probably work on most people.
This thing has a trajectory, and presently it is not heading toward us all freely hooking up with who we want, freely sharing with everyone what we want, and all of us forming friendships and alliances outside this thing’s control as ideas and understandings about the world freely crop up organically, in truth and correctness.
We may be ground zero as a testing laboratory because of who we are – it may begin here – so it would be interesting to explore this further to see if we caught anything interesting.
Anonymous Conservative:Hey AC,
At Farcesensitive’s advice I sent Tex a copy of this News Briefs’ message in the comment section of his post titled “How To Die Immediately After World War III“. Can you see this comment on your end? For completeness, here’s the comment URL:
Thank you I do see it.
I think I may have gotten Tex’s attention with yesterday’s brief, though it sounds like he isn’t getting any emails from me. I’ll try to get him to use this site for our comms. If there is the threat of exposing some sort of control they have and are using, they may back off and just let us talk, rather than intervene too much and expose their ability and willingness to get into email blockades.
AC, I was on TA’s substack and the latest entry as of yesterday he interacted with a poaster back and forth about something, but the entry before that there was a poaster who dropped that you wanted to talk to him here, but no back and forth from him. Crickets, like he didn’t see that on his substack replies. ???
He and I are talking, but we hit another snag in getting private communications.
Thank you for the info!
You’re welcome. You’re talking? Great!
Conversely, they can insert email or blog interaction into the web in such a way that it would be impossible to prove in court that it did not come from you.
“Too bad, comrade. You shouldn’t have made those threats against El Presidente. You and Bubba have a nice night, OK?”
“Epstein’s VERY tangled web: Pedophile met with current CIA Director William Burns, Obama White House lawyer, Noam Chomsky and music director for the American Symphony Orchestra in the years AFTER his sex offence conviction.”
Vox Day posted this this morning, linking to a somewhat longer Zero Hedge post. You might as well go to the Vox post, if only because his site is easier to read than Zero Hedge, with Zero Hedge just adding the names of more people:
This is so over the top that I wonder if its planted information. The single post manages to list every group probably affiliated with the Cabal with this guy. I suppose they could have figured out a way to include the Vatican and the Chinese Communist Party. It really lays out in the open how this network works.
The earlier Vox post repeats a pretty substantive commentator here attacking the 18th century Enlightenment. That also is worth checking out, but its an involved enough subject that I would have to think it over quite a bit more before I could produce my own take.
“…Vox post repeats a pretty substantive commentator here attacking the 18th century Enlightenment….”
Attacking the “Enlightenment” is stupid and gay. That people have taken parts of the Enlightenment and corrupted it says nothing about the Enlightenment itself. Many times, people attacking the Enlightenment are using the corruption of it to say we need Kings or some other authoritarian system. But DUHHHH is it not completely apparent that corrupting ONE King or authoritarian figure is far easier than corrupting a whole society or a Democratic Republic? Of course it is. This is just more of that gas-lighting fuck-wit Moldbug and and his stupid Jew society destruction meme. Where he channels your thought to some other stupid idiotic control system like Kings instead of a Democratic-Republic. Remember this thought,”any time the a Jew has his mouth open and is agitating the air, he is either lying outright or is trying to weasel you into some other disadvantageous position by channeling your thoughts into unproductive areas” Always. Never fails. 100%.
The Jews destroy enlightenment, then, “to help us out”, [they’re so helpful aren’t they], they channel control to some foolish King based system. Pay attention to their constant gas-lighting to push control into “their” hands, not the people.
When I mention a limited voting system with all the voters as being in some way qualified. No welfare, maybe only after age 35, possibly home owners, etc. Meaning qualified voters, to run the country as we USED to have. Crickets. They don’t want to hear about that. No they destroy the system we had then refuse to change it back so that we would have a measured government.
I say again in a different way. Attacking the Enlightenment is stupid and gay. What should be done is to attack those that are the “corrupters” of the Enlightenment. Not attack the enlightenment itself, as it is not responsible for the corruption of itself. The people who corrupted it are responsible. These people would of course be the Jews. You can’t live with these people. The only way to deal with them is to get rid of them. Peacefully if we can get it, but by any means possible get rid of them.
I will even provide another example totally unrelated to cut those off who will, predictably so, say that the enlightenment has within itself it’s own destruction. Now this is sort of true, but only in a, “look at everything possible scenario”. In fact any and everything has in itself the roots of it’s destruction “IF” you are “corrupting” it from itself. An example totally unrelated to politics to show what I mean. Nuclear power. Nuclear power today is mostly high pressure water reactors. Now most all the accidents we have had with nuclear power is from this super high pressure. So is nuclear power inherently evil. No. No it’s not because there are many “other” reactors. Molten salt reactors use no high pressure steam so they can not blow up or melt down. We have operated these for long periods of time without problems and even if they do overheat this will only open a drain plug so that the salt flows into a chamber where all reaction stops. Here’s another example. There are reactors that work off of particle accelerators, so when you stop bombarding the fuel with particles it stops. I used this as an example to show that it’s the corruption of a system not the system itself. I know that reractors is far off from the subject but I used them on purpose so you can open your mind to this sort of alternate thinking. You need to understand they are constraining your thinking. They want to channel your thoughts into specific corrals, herd you into them so they can further control you.
Let’s look further into what is driving the present system we have and how it has been corrupted. The government system we had in the US was pure “enlightenment based”. In fact part of that was the separation of powers to control corruption. But the supreme court in a totally illegal decision removed “regional” based representation from State Senates. “Regional”, as in the same as the Federal Senate. The founders warned us about just this. And now we see that this has corrupted the system exactly as they warned. Now we have what is in essence a “mobocracy” by investing all political power in the largest cities. So the problem is not “the enlightenment”, it’s the corruption of it.
I show you in absurd, super anal detail how to correct this in this comment and in links in that comment. We don’t need any vile evil stinking Kings or Queens, which as we can see from England are a total waste of time. We don’t need to get rid of the enlightenment. We only need to control those who corrupted the system. Not destroy the system.
Here’s how. Multi-step process.
I cover how to do this and the Constitutional provisions that make it possible here and links, linked in that comment.
Agreed. The United States is the nation of the Enlightenment. It’s a curious mix of Protestant Christianity and Enlightenment philosophy. The fact that both can be corrupted doesn’t mean that they are inherently corrupt.
The filthy Jesuits are intent on dragging us back to the Dark Ages.
Our Enlightenment will prevail.
You’ve understood nothing. Neither the Jews nor anyone else corrupted anything. The Enlightenment was satanic and 100-percent anti-Christian from the start. It was always intended to go this way, including abortion and transgenderism.
You clearly have not read enough Enlightenment philosophy to understand that it was always intrinsically evil. It’s just another satanic tool, like communism and libertarianism.
It took me a long time to get there, but it is undeniable that every fruit of the Enlightenment has been thorns. It has brought forth no good fruit, and should be torn up by the roots and thrown on the fire.
Everything that we think is a fruit from the Enlightenment always turns out to be a Medieval fruit that the Enlightenment strove to convince you wasn’t there in the earlier, Christian period.
Every political regime works. None of them work for ever. Wankel engines work, straight eights work, v6’s work, deisels work, electric motors work, nuclear car engines work, steam engines work, horses and buggies work.
It’s all about maintaining the machine and organizing the work it does.
“Personnel is policy”
“You can be ruled by God or ruled by the Jews”
“…allow its agents to secretly obtain financial records, without ever notifying the account holders.”
LOL government agencies already do the above. Private agencies already do the above. People in agencies know more about my finance than I do. Agencies don’t know what I’m praying for. We get what we pray for. Pray for good things. Works for me.
“…all 3 of the Murdoch men running Fox News…”
Roger Ailes built Fox News. Took 3 sons of a rich man to destroy it.
“…right to seize domain names…”
LOL Stomp any signs of life out of the internet.
“The dead Internet theory is a theory that asserts that the Internet now consists almost entirely of bot activity and automatically generated content…”
(ominous music) It started with spell check …
So i am deep into the symbolism/comms aspect of things, and I came across a youtube channel by the name of emkay, (Mk, not a coincidence) with 3.16 mil subscribers. (Also not a coincidence) Speaking of hand signals, his picture is dueces or peace sign, whatever you want to call it, and his banner is full of hand signals. Ac, what is your experience with hand signals? In the surveillance tab of this site, there is a video of them using hand signals, albeit very far off in the distance. It would be interesting to catalogue what these mean.
It is tough to say with hand signals, in part because you never know what you are seeing, and what you are being shown. I went into a store once, and the camera on my car was running as one guy, seemingly not seeing it, moved right in front of it, and proceeded to rifle off about ten signals, grabbing his ear lobe, stroking across his chin, and so on, to another guy who then followed me into the store. I don’t know why they didn’t have a microphone and earpiece, and wonder if they did it as a show in front of my camera. There couldn’t have been that much interesting to say, and I now know they have the tech.
So it is tough to say.
“The show Naked Attraction, shown repeatedly on all the Channel 4 linked channels, was the first on mainstream British TV to have naked men and women standing in front of another adult, in order to decide which one they would like to form a relationship with, and now they are involving children in their purposeful extension of the naked revolution.”
“18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”
As the “Naked Attraction” TV show indicates. And since the incident at the memorial of 9/11 shows. When the American Flag was torn in 2 despite being behind a class casing sealed from the air outside.
Once God has withdrawn his protection of Western Civilization. He likewise hands people over to their depraved desires.
Unrepentant immorality increases because God Anger is boiling. God is by then allowing sin to reach its logical conclusions.
So that a Nation’s sins fill up the cup until the measure is full. And in the meantime. Increasing turmoil and destruction comes wave after wave as warning judgments. Before more severe punishments come.
Ripperger talks about it as psychic punishment precedes physical punishment.
The good news is that when the physical punishment starts the course is more than half way run. God has relented and begins instructing rather than chastising.
The chastisement is for his children. But for those who aren’t his destruction is more likely.
The righteous will be spared and rebuild with his protection.
To amend, since despair is a sin, you will be protected from these judgement days by your faith in Jesus Christ the savior. The nation may burn, but you will not, as God protects his children who have faith.
But even us Righteous will suffer even if spared. As a form of discipline.
God refused to burn Sodom and Gomorrah until the last good man left. He will not punish those who do not deserve punishment.
Pfizer Jab sequence also published on substack, A good series of articles, Jab contains cyclic DNA plasmids as well as RNA
NOTE: AC, this one probably needs to be added to the surveillance page.
Quick Synopsis:
Reverse speech has been around for awhile, but David Oates started applying it towards politicians and famous people. Showed how President Bush knew about Desert Storm in speeches before IRAQ invaded Kuwait. It gained national news and he was “ASKED” to come talk to the alphabet agencies. When he came back to his house….strange things started happening:
Start watching the video @15:45.
Drive by shooting by his house.Strange phone calls (leave the JFK thing alone).People started his house on fire, while raiding his research.He was in the house (attempted murder) when it went up.He caught the people on tape who raided his house on audio.Moved his work to an office building.Office building got broken into multiple times.Staff discovered a program on one of his computers.Every day at 3:00am, it would upload his research to an IP in Virginia.He got the ridicule and “conspiracy theorist” labels attached.2016 CIA declassified documents saying they were keeping an eye on him and taking his research seriously.Worth watching the whole episode. He reverse analyzes the moon landings, people involved in the JFK murder, etc.
Thank you!
The implication is that people can’t ever lie, because if you reverse play the speech the “truth” comes out.
I wonder if that has something to do with Rhetorical speech working so well on the masses.
The general theory makes so much sense to me. The brain can absolutely do this. And it explains a lot of non-fluencies and pauses and word choices and sentence structure choices.
It’s really just a moderately complex cryptography. Prob not even moderately complex.
Dude. That was awesome. Thanks.
Vox Day’s post: How the world really works:
The Economy of Evi
It has become completely obvious that Pizzagate was merely a glimpse of the tip of the iceberg, and that the liberal world order rests upon an evil economy of abuse, blackmail, sex trafficking, and worse.
In the 1950s there was a television dramatic series, I Led Three Lives about Herbert A. Philbrick, an FBI spy against the Communist Party USA; valorizing him as an heroic patriot.
Bud Light’s famous “Spuds Mackenzie” ad campaign in the 80’s sparked mild controversy from feminists when it was discovered that the studdly party animal bull terrier was in fact…female. (And whose real name was Honey Tree Evil Eye)
Ah, those were the days….
This really is the best of all comments sections. Really and truly.
Regarding Tic Tokin Nurses.
In the UK they are ushering in “NHSX” which means far fewer staff required,
Eg. you’ll go for surgery, and while still under anesthetic be carted back to YOUR OWN bed to recuperate, with a regime of drugs and a tablet to talk to someone onscreen if you need to.
Destroying the NHS is a goal, the tikTokin nurses pissed many of us off, and have us happy to see the NHS aka “world health service” gone…
No doubt something MKULTRA about it all too, but I think winding us up to hate the NHS was deliberate.
The Tik tok nurses were bizarre & creepy and its was a global phenomenon. On twitter today another poster linked the ritualistic dancing to the Celtic goddess Morrigon who was the goddess of bringing forth life & death. Morrigon isn’t actual Death, but the transporter of death. Devotees danced energetically in circles also. This connection gives weight to the ritualistic aspect of the Tik tok nurses dancing – nurses can bring life & healing or else usher in death.
This NHS ad for the jab is also bizarre & creepy. Dancing has same energy.
The song used in the NHS ad Rhythm of Life was from a 60s musical Sweet Charity . Sammy Davis Junior sang it playing some grifter hippy cult preacher. The lyrics & the dance routine in the movie should be watched (youtube) as it gives off the same energy – ritualistic & creepy.
Once upon a time ppl wouldn’t notice this stuff but in past few years many eyes are getting a tune up. When you start to notice, then this weird creepy stuff pops up everywhere.
The Tik Tok nurses dancing psyop seen during the Covid lockdowns was started in Britain with the NHS, and is predicated on the Satanic predictive programming ceremony during the 2012 Olympics in London.
“…As if the election was not rigged. That is why exposing the surveillance is vital.”
Anon I wrote a book where among other things, I exposed the surveillance even in countries different than the United States. ¿ Now how does this continue?
May I tell you something weird anon. When I was threatened during the 2019 elections, it was through an indirect threat, via my father, who works in the state bureaucracy. This year, his bosses at the federal government decided a lot of traveling along the country. I didn’t tell him, but I’m telling you, this would be a lot of openings for the modern cabal, or the way I lost yesterday a “paradox’s interactive” game. Just going for the kill there. Would be worthless so far for me. Exposed in a book my experience of a decade with politics, intel and surveillance here, just to be ignored and what I know wasted by argies, brazilians, and yanks so far. This could change in a whim though, with the intent to do so.
Like the former political operative of the current president who asked me to write the book about the libertarians and then bailed on his commitments in the typical argie fashion, told a guy who manages the social media of a small former presidential candidate here in late 2021, “imagine if I were given a bag with dollars as pay to destroy them all”. We were at a meeting due to the ending of the year.
Think about it A.C.
Maybe I sound threatening, and it wouldn’t be my intention. My intention is to make something useful of my deep and dark knowledge of politics, in the side of the non-ticket takers. I could be inside politics, I rejected the satanists, and I’m being frustrated by this (good) side. Hell, I even dated for two years the daughter of a cabal operative. I met her at a nightclub. She told me in 2015 about the satanic cabal, as her father was part of it, as well as her brother. Both intel. She rejected it happily. Could have put it in my books, but truth is, I won’t press the issue without support. Without it, will just leave politics, and that’s it. I rejected the cabal, and was politically purged so far, so need to make something outside the gaystream.
May God bless you and keep you all!
Pablo Villizzianto
We just keep chipping away, telling more and more every day, brother.
¿ How would it be if you quoted the liberal democrat mass media talking about (republican) electoral electronic fraud during the 2000s and 2010s?
They even developed a “conspiracy theory” about a republican Michael Connel being murdered by a future trump aide to hide their fraud in Ohio.
This is just one case I quoted.
¿ Do you have a viable strategy?
For example, here I’m pulling through, but not at the fast pace I would like. People are just too irrational, emotional and intuitive, as usual, and can’t get the breadth, depth, and detailed complexity of the liberal international, nor of the socialist one. Also, one political sellout in 2019, and two cowards with the books who routed in fear of the satanic cabal didn’t help, and sabotaged. One an argie, “former political operative” of the current president, still in contact with some political “friends” of him. Maybe was intel all along and betrayed at a fairly important moment, or when his superiors told him they weren’t interested in using the book about the libertarians against the current liberal surge. If so, maybe they will contact me in a year or two or more for usage against them. Would have to heavily charge them then. The other a brazilian who is smart but psychologically unstable due to a difficult life. The sellout a former governor of a province here, who defaulted on political compromises after a meeting with an authority of a local liberal party in the 2019 elections. 2 of them are vaxxed. This political and economic elite, and the brazilian. This guy told me he vaxxed himself due to suicidal desires due to a difficult life. Were his own words that he “wanted to die.” The betrayer “former political operative” is a fundie, an evangelical preacher, somewhat crazy but with good socio-political vision / understanding, and saw it spiritually, as possibly the mark of the beast, so didn’t vax himself.
It’s going more or less as planned so far at the start of this year. A couple of months for my second book, and then moving back to finish college.
The Brazil book didn’t work as well as planned, nor the one on the liberals, due to 2 separate and unrelated political betrayals. Same that suffered in 2019 with the political aggrupation, so it’s as usual here in Argentina.
Got some unexpected interviews for the book about the liberals, and not much more than it. So, moving back 2 years maybe to college.
Think about my experience A.C., may be useful to give it some moare planning to it. Germanics are famous for it too.
Maybe it can help you do something interesting there in ‘merica.
Writing here to see if you got my email Anon.
Also, I was thinking the same thing. I could of stuck the vaccine under a USB microscope here and looked for stuff. With all these doctors claiming they are examining the vaccine, none of them with all that expensive equipment tried sequencing it. I know that SV40 is well recognized so they would have known within a day.
Sounds too paranoid but makes you think many of the vaccine “investigators” were also paid shills to keep people thrown off. Would’ve helped to know on day one the vaccine had :
HIVSV40Possible live AIDs?I remember that guy on 4Chan, sounds like he was an authentic insider who knew about this before anybody because he worked on it.
What kind of madman would’ve let anybody stick that needle in them even knowing the circumstances surrounding it? Gets worse everyday but people who trusted their instincts and put their faith in God dodged a bullet there for sure. Even if it is not the Mark of the Beast, it is something which PERMANENTLY contaminates your biology.
Going to take some more Nattokinase right now just to calm my nerves.
I got a single email from you saying you found an old, unrelated and unimportant note from me back a while ago in your spam. That was not it. I have four other emails I sent you, two fully outlining what I want to do, that I want to pay you, and explaining why it would be so great and how it would work, and how you could use the system and benefit from it as an example of what everyone else will be able to do.
It would be pretty cool, and another developer I discussed it with was too busy, but when he heard it he said, “Wow. I never heard of anybody trying anything like that.”
One of those emails I sent popped up quickly back in my email, as I was using it after I sent it, marked “undeliverable,” even though I had hit reply to the email you sent me. I suspect if I had not been there just as it came back, it ight have disappeared from my inbox before I saw it, and maybe my other emails to you have not gotten to you. I sent another fifth email today from a different email address and system, so we will see if it arrives.
I definitely want to do this. and will reply quickly if you contact me at email or here.
>On Twitter, a user asks, what was the purpose of the all the high production nurse dance videos during the pandemic?
it’s not even MKUltra, it’s just marketing 101. Dumb-dumb brain see other do thing and dumb-dumb want do thing too ooga booga. I will bet good money that pharma companies bankrolled the productions to artificially create the “look how popular this jab is among fellow social media users!” trend, lower public inhibition, etc
Bandwagon buyers are common, and if they can get effects without deploying the shrinks then they’re probably going to do that first.
I disagree, in that what you describe was the core finding for the MK programs. If you want to control people, you simply set someone up as “high status” and then have that person exhibit the behavior you want duplicated.
This is what makes social media so dangerous — the algorithm can be manipulated to make anyone “high status” simply because they have attached a score to it (likes/views/subs/etc.)
A local postal worker reports that at least one local Demoncrat received two ballots for himself and stated an intention to use both in the local election.
And 82,000 rural administrators enter Rural China! CCP Prepares for massive unemployment & war
The Great Leap Backwards
ATF [to be] Stripped of Power by Supreme Court Decision
Tanker Pablo Explodes in the South China Sea | Rescue Efforts Underway | Ship-To-Ship Transfer?
Norwegian yacht strikes again.
I do not buy the video broadcater’s excuse.
>An Indiana bar is begging customers to come back after telling them they weren’t welcome for speaking out against Dylan Mulvaney’s Bud Light partnership.
Sorry, that’s a nope. I would never set foot in that place again, no matter how much they groveled.
They made their stand, now they can face the consequences.
Glenn Beck: If we don’t ‘pause’ A.I., CHINA WILL WIN. Here’s why.
China Votes in Favor of UN Resolution Acknowledging Russian Aggression Against Ukraine
China, India, Brazil and several other states close to Russia have unexpectedly voted for a UN Resolution which strongly censures Moscow.
The Virtuous Pagans stab Russia in the back, who could have predicted it?
This certainly hearkens the immanent end of the Russian military action in Ukraine.
I doubt that very much.
Russia will not stop until they have taken everything they want.
Especially since the West has now depleted their stocks of supplies, and are beginning to not be able to send unlimited weapons and ammo.
Now I am wondering if that gunpowder facility in Louisiana which blew up, and is impacting artillery shell manufacture, was a Russian cyber attack. If so, thanks to Putin for lessening our tax bill for funding this bullshit.
Joel Skosen, a few decades ago.
BOMBSHELL VIDEO: @RealAmVoice reporter captures Border Patrol on video CLEARING PATHS FOR ILLEGALS to enter the US.
BEN BERGQUAM: “Not only are they not closing the borders, or even making it more difficult, they’re CUTTING A NEW PATH to invite them— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) April 29, 2023
PANIC Patriots Are NOT In Control.
What are Trump and Q waiting for?
Maybe they are sending them all to the cities, and when the collapse happens and food delivery into the cities becomes too dangerous, they will wall the cities off and let the 90 percent casualties which were predicted for EMPs happen inside there.
Whoever is left then is either deported if foreign, imprisoned if criminal, or if American, probably not liberal any more.
“…What are Trump and Q waiting for?…”
2 weeks!
Resistance to WEF in English city proven successful:
where’s the 4chan anon listing the moderna stuff? do we have a link? A bookmark? Archive?
The music had programming like Simpson’s Join the Navy episode. Layered audio. Could be studied by someone with right equipment. Whole thing is why tiktok exists.
Psychosis is a side effect of brain inflammation past brain barrier and spikes were found there in the first autopsy study I found online, including as a side effect of steroids aka roid rage. This is why women avoid gym guys. Literal, homicidal psychosis like that Kingsman film where a tone made everyone go mental. Can be triggered by sensory overload. Like the government putting out a PSA saying “sorry, you’re all going to die but it’s for your own good.” The Boomers especially without that pension ponzi would go apeshit. I guess that’s a way of pushing WEF prison populations like 15m cities because they can claim police state is needed to prevent more ‘unrest’ and to my knowledge the state of emergency is still a thing here legally.
There were lawsuits in England already or at least payouts so I assume cases. Honestly I think they deserved nothing because these adults stupidly consented to be experimented on. They knew it was experimental and gloated to us about it.
I’ve researched this. Many vaxx period symptoms are concealed by women being on the Pill. Bleeding is considered a symptom. Prolapse type damage will cause miscarriage (3rd trimester, maybe kill the mother) and it mimics in my research the worst kinds of endometriosis (metaplasia, like cancer in the body and can convert), but it’s untrue that endo causes infertility by itself, I’ve seen guys erroneously claim that, but it can contribute alongside STDs or other inflammation, so the vaxx is like that trigger on steroids.
Pass the Satanists a rebound Koran and rebound Talmud and watch them rip it up, then film the torn pages held up to the camera. Then wait for the Muslims and Jews online to figure it out. Do not tell the Satanists in question, just name them when you post the video. Sit back and enjoy the chaos. Also, they said sold out but there were about 50% empty seats in the video. Get a guy to bless them on camera in vague God terms and then he pulls out a star of david on camera, pause for their reaction. So many options. ADL would be FORCED to act.
No dual passports and no foreign ownership of land in America (or UK, ideally). It shouldn’t be hard to figure out, even places like Thailand apparently figured this out. Also, no GMO anything, from food to people. Test IVF isn’t messing with kid’s DNA between generations because I never met a normal one. Has never been proven safe intergenerationally, yet is SOMEHOW legal.
Surprising, I found it in the archives.

And I forget the details now, but one of the things he cited, I remember distinctly was a dead center hit that got confirmed later on without doubt, and the chances of him scoring that hit was about on in a quadrillion, so whoever wrote this was most likely legit.
Thanks, there used to be a talk here with a French woman who’s a prize winning geneticist (forgot the name) and she was talking about intergenerational damage from the shots?
It was in English and I posted (now gone) a transcript of her describing said permanent damage with EVERY successive generation (as in, compounding like mutations in genetic load) based on findings that held even in insects (she showed wasps, I remember that) when there’s environmental pollution or teratogenic poisoning (in womb or of mother/father). It reminded me of the fox domestication experiments where their actual morphology changed to dog-like ones and I have a theory this happens to non-whites somewhat in First World conditions, but if 4chan has a copy of that video it was GOLD. Our team will definitely need it. I can’t find a mirror just searching. This woman was pro-RNA vaccines, a literal Professor on it but said any side effects of these rollouts would harm the reputation of what might be a good technology if used responsibly. She’d won like a French science award that’s very prestigious like their version of an Oscar. Yet YT deleted it. Probably cos I posted it…. there will also be sociological fall-out from whites waking up when they realise all their sacrifices for family plans are literally dead. Many of my own gen, Gen Y, are just plotting to succeed Boomers so finding out they won’t live to retirement age would be a total shitshow, anti-fa psyops would NOT be required. Intergenerational contracts cannot sustain that amount of damage. Many middle class Guardian reading twits tow the line to make their own kids better off at the expense of those working class, living with diversity. This cannot be over-estimated but even Vox doesn’t quite get its significance as a flip to K-shift. When Whites flip out like a chimp out. 4chan used to have a meme about this. The ‘white minority’ stuff is also filtering through and sinking in. They are realising white people won’t set the cultural tone of say America forever (white hegemony is the search term). Linked is from a 2013 paper infographic posted online so you can reverse image search it.
They haven’t studied men openly post-vaccine but all men who got it NEED their sperm checked, even if they “just” slept with women who got it. This might be like our century’s syphilis, which also has sterilising, maddening properties. e.g.
There are openly sperm quality and spermatogenesis findings for “real” COVID with one quick search (for the ‘we warned you’ part of the reveal) and we know they took the most dangerous part, the spikes, for the “vaccine”. ACE2 is also very important to male fertility (testes), as mentioned in linked study. They want white men specifically to die out, they’d attack the bullets in the gun metaphorically and it’s concerning our side isn’t discussing male infertility. There’s a lot there.
Found the 4chan meme on white people finally snapping, keep this one on file, it may be necessary. It may prove prognostic.
Is there a game theory chart for speculated reproduction outcomes on this? Like a man who got the shot might have perfectly healthy kids with a woman who never got it? That kinda thing? Seems Gattaca but I’m trying to wrap my head around the coupling outcomes.
Nobody knows how the shots will work, given that the Moderna anon seemed dead on, and if he was real-deal, then clearly this thing was FAR FAR more engineered than anyone would think.
Even if it was just spike RNA, it is not impossible, given we have seen the RNA burns back into DNA and can remain present long-term, that the RNA that then produces long term could prove infectious all by itself – maybe not reliably, in every exposure, but eventually, given enough exposures. Meaning a vaxxed man, repeatedly exposing a unvaxxed woman to RNA molecules, might eventually see one RNA molecule get into the woman’s cell and complete the reverse transcription into DNA, which then begins producing RNA in her body in a more sustained fashion, which could spread. At those kinds of low doses, the immune system might not bother it. And if the exposure were sexual it might set up and get off the ground right in the woman’s reproductive organs.
I keep saying, when you deal with biochemistry and molecular biology, and pharmacology, and especially when you bring the immune system to the party, there is no way to predict how things will work, and there will be pathways and mechanisms you had no idea were there which will crop up and create effects you could never predict. When they rolled this out, they said it was RNA, and would be broken down and gone in a few weeks. I said, you do not know that, and sure enough it gets burned back into DNA, and will actually become heritable if it is in the right place.
Unvaxxed and looking for kids is going to need to seek out the unvaxxed if possible. Given the uncertainties of the human machine, and how difficult these things are to predict, it is really the best bet.