I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
No Q Posts. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at http://www.qanon.pub
CIA agent Kevin Shipp says you should arm yourself because the “Dark Left” is going to go violent very soon once the indictments start coming out. You can see why Trump has been waiting. Ground level Cabal intelligence is not going to be doing violence. They seem under absolute orders to never do anything, even talk. I don’t even think guys like John Lang were done by ex-military or SWAT who were Cabal. I think if you are going to get it, it is going to be Bloods, or Crips, or MS-13 they bring in, who if they botch it leave plausible deniability as to what was going on. Maybe it was just a robbery gone wrong, or regular street crime. MS-13 was very dominant just a couple of years ago, and could have done a lot of damage. That had to be dealt with before Trump could enter this phase, because if all of them were turned loose, with the type of government protection they had just three years ago, it would have been orders of magnitude worse than it will be now. Truth be told, with the gangs as ravaged as they have been for two years, I could see the effect of this now being tough to tease out from the background noise – though if I was a Cabal-guy who knew a lot, I would certainly be preparing for the worst, because that is probably who will get their ticket punched first. Of course if you are on here and not Cabal, but you know a lot, it might pay to take a few precautions too. My guess is they don’t want too many of us around afterward to tell what it was like to the historians.
Obama intel chiefs hacked the computer of a FISA Judge, and hacked John Roberts. You can see the problem they have. This was an outright coup, seeking the overthrow of our government, and a brazen seizure of power by cowards who were not brave enough to do it openly. It is almost certain they murdered opposition like Antonin Scalia and Andrew Breitbart. 9/11 was very likely engineered to get their wing of government controllers even more authority to prepare for the final phase. And if that is true, the wars of the last two decades were equally, entirely bogus. And what they turned regular America into among the citizenry is an equally fucked up shitshow. Justice will be brutal and they know it, so expect them to try and tear down as much as they can around them when their punishment approaches.
They were talking about Ted Kaczynski on Q’s board, and the experiments Harvard performed on him:
As a sophomore, Kaczynski participated in a study described by author Alston Chase as a “purposely brutalizing psychological experiment” led by Harvard psychologist Henry Murray. Subjects were told they would be debating personal philosophy with a fellow student, and were asked to write essays detailing their personal beliefs and aspirations. The essays were turned over to an anonymous attorney, who in a later session would confront and belittle the subject – making “vehement, sweeping, and personally abusive” attacks – using the content of the essays as ammunition, while electrodes monitored the subject’s physiological reactions. These encounters were filmed, and subjects’ expressions of anger and rage were later played back to them repeatedly.[24] The experiment lasted three years, with someone verbally abusing and humiliating Kaczynski each week. Kaczynski spent 200 hours as part of the study.
That is basically the formula for a nuclear amygdala hijack, done until it produces insanity. And as the article below will show, they still won’t release the records, so it is probably worse than that. The professor who performed them was an expert in brainwashing, torture, and interrogation, in large part because he also worked for the OSS and CIA during wartime, so he had actually used the techniques, and seen them applied first hand under the most extreme, and therefore illuminating conditions. There is no way to describe how doing even one amygdala hijack in real life can increase your understanding of the system. I would assume he knew far more about it all, include the amygdala hijack, than me because of his extensive practical experience.
That makes Kaczynski’s case all the more disturbing. According to this article, Kaczynski was assessed on entering Harvard, and found to be completely normal, and great things were expected of him. Mathematics requires excellent amygdala, to produce rigorous discipline, and attention to detail. I had the intellect to create the models in my mind, see the relationship between the height of the water in a tank producing varying pressure at varying heights from the bottom due to the varying weights above it, the relationship of the pressure on the momentum of the water exiting a hole, and the resultant velocity produced depending on the density and mass per unit of the liquid inside, and how it would all change as the tank emptied over time in a formula whose changing rate was determined by the emptying rate it produced.
I could remember the formulas, and apply them to the model, but my bored amygdala would often rush me through and fail to produce the rigor, generating careless mistakes here and there in the rote aspect of the basic multiplications or additions or subtractions. Kaczynski had the triggery amygdala apparently to drive him to take his time and add in the rigor (they even nicknamed him “Lawful,” I would bet because his amygdala made him unusually adherent to rules – perhaps why he was chosen). This professor took that amygdala from a functional level, and developed it to a level where it destroyed what was a promising student. With my knowledge now, I can see clearly what that experiment would do to an aspiring and capable, rigorous mathematician. Given that professor likely was far beyond me in this understanding of the mind and amygdala, I find it hard to think he did not see as well, and it makes me think he may not have been experimenting, so much as taking out a promising mind which for one reason or another, the machine had decided posed too much threat.
It takes me back to the Rofschild, who laughingly derided someone asking for books to learn about reality. He amusedly implied that the books with real knowledge were secreted away, often with copies in the Vatican library, for the elite’s eyes only. What was given to the public was perhaps more often than not, disinformation designed to weaken their ability to see the world clearly, adjust to it, and compete. Vault-Co often echoed that sentiment. If that is true, a principled and decent mathematician who showed exceptional promise, and might have discovered truths and set them free outside the Architect’s control, might have been one the Architects would have wanted to destroy. Notice how if this was true, (and perhaps even if it was not), all of Kaczynski’s entrance assessments and reviews on entering Harvard were not to optimize his educational experience or benefit him. They were intelligence gathering operations on possible opposition, designed to sus out potential threats who still did not even know there was a conflict, so they could be either compromised or neutralized in the coming four years before they became dangerous. I will bet the people collating and reviewing the assessments had some background in intelligence operations. I just cannot see a specialist, with an exceptional understanding of the mind, either needing to perform that experiment to understand a structure and brain function whose operation and development is so simple to conceptualize, or wanting to, unless it was with an objective to destroy the subject. Especially when being associated with the CIA, he could easily have procured enemies from some hostile shithole upon who to practice. Food for thought. Don’t trust anyone.
Navy Patents an “Inertial Mass Reduction Device.” So conservation of momentum is flexible after all? If that is flexible, why not the speed of light? And if that is flexible aliens might just be a probability rather than a possibility. The timeline gets still more interesting. Even more interesting is it being patented, since it makes you wonder what is out there that is so secret they would never publicly apply for a patent.
Ecuadoran Consul says reports of Assange’s bad behavior in the Ecuadoran embassy were fake news.
GCHQ head Robert Hannigan, who Q mentioned, had trouble related to supporting a pedophile priest who was reported as a family friend. Again, this is an intelligence operation, and that priest was probably more of an asset than any sort of friend. I assume the responsibility of that priest was to emotionally damage kids who the machine wanted taken down for some reason.
Hannigan also was an LGBTQ supporter.
Now Wayne Lapierre says the NRA’s ad agency is trying to blackmail him alongside Ollie North.
Corey Booker campaign speech interrupted when a woman in a minivan just drives into a telephone pole right outside it. Could be coincidence. But if Booker displeased me, and I wanted to send a message, remoting a car right into a telephone pole right outside his venue would have a certain panache.
Jet Blue flight quarantined due to measles. I am beginning to understand why the pandemic accompanies the K-shift. Resources contract, migrants go on the move, and that allows disease to get into new, immunologically naïve populations, where it then builds and spreads further. It is interesting to get to see it all begin to play out firsthand right in front of us.
New Zealander faces 14 years after pleading guilty to sharing the mosque shooting video. Notice, they are afraid that the video might sway public opinion against them, and make people think diversity produces conflict. If the video were to promote leftist globalism, they would not make spreading it illegal. The problem they see is, it is amygdala-stimulating, and therefore will build K as it makes people wonder if diversity is really a wise idea.
Top UKIP candidate makes the case it is OK to rape young boys. Do you wonder how he got to that position, when literally nobody in the media will even mention r/K, despite it being the biggest idea in politics since the US Constitution? I think if I had been a pedophile, I would be a Governor by now, probably on my way to challenging Trump in 2020.
JP Morgan thinks we are approaching a point where banks will run out of liquidity?
Commander at Guantanamo was just relieved due to loss of confidence in his ability to command.
Big Leftist company Amazon is ruthlessly Darwinian with its employees, firing more than 10% every year because the computers say they were the slowest 10% at packing boxes. If we could attach Darwinian to Amazon, it would really screw with their brand in the mind of leftists.
During a Maria Bartiromo live report, illegals who were just caught said everyone is telling them in Honduras that if they go to the US, they will be allowed to stay. Cabal probably has control of the government, media, and culture down in Honduras like they do in the US.
A “New IRA” (which claims to have killed the Irish reporter who was looking into Cabal shitbaggery) has shown up and is telling everyone how much it likes Brexit, and how good Brexit will be for it. So the terrorist group shows up, kills a Cabal foe, and is saying exactly what Cabal would have wanted it to, to turn the people against Brexit. Was Old IRA a Cabal op too?
Chicago PD getting into it in a normal night in Rahm’s paradise:
Working on a story this weekend related to the new text messages that goes far beyond anything we have reported yet
I have an idea how the pieces of it all fit, but waiting on confirmation from 1-2 nodes. Once this drops it will be impossible to ignore
USSS involved
— Jack Posobiec ?? (@JackPosobiec) April 27, 2019
NY Giants Draft Pick Injured In Shooting, Another Player Killed – https://t.co/JAMehIQet2 pic.twitter.com/KtGVrRJPnJ
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) April 29, 2019
Palmetto State Armory has the Smith and Wesson M&P Shield compact 9mm for just $249.99 Single stack, seven or eight rounds depending on mag.
Swiss job ad looks for a real Swiss employee who is able to eat pork. Muslims migrants need not apply.
Far right makes major gains in latest Spanish elections. K is coming back, right on schedule.
Trump negotiates for Japan to invest $40 billion into US Car manufacturing.
Chicago’s top prosecutor, Kim Foxx, has been subpoenaed over her handling of the Jussie Smollett hate crime hoax case https://t.co/r58vabtyGl
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) April 29, 2019
Trump retweeted Japanese PM Abe’s tweet as follows, and anons noticed it contained a 4.10.20, which is a series of numbers Q has referenced. (Some thought 4.10.20 referenced D.J.T numerically, others have thought the date will be significant) Some think the tweet is a signal of some sort:
????????4???????????????????????????10???????????????????????????G20??????????????????????????????????????????????? pic.twitter.com/WYlTsLBD19
— ???? (@AbeShinzo) April 27, 2019
Spread r/K Theory, because the our guns aren’t going anywhere with this POTUS.
Way off with the UKIP story fren, fake news. Part of the anti-UKIP narrative.
Mea Culpa. It is not the first time, which is why I put the standard disclaimer at the top.
Though in fairness, I would still be shocked if the guys at the top of UKIP were regular guys who were fed up with Politics, and not somehow plugged into the hidden system of the Secret Society. The level of control that machine has over who makes it into the mainstream is quite impressive.
Here’s a good piece on the Sargon debacle:
I didn’t follow him, thanks for the link.
Interesting bit about Madeleine McCann is that the resort where the family was staying was near to a place used by the Podesta brothers when they visited Portugal. Some suggestion that they were in the area at the same time. If she was taken by them (to order) and they didn’t know her parents had connections, then they probably wouldn’t have expected the story to continually reappear over the years. May also explain the ineptitude of the Portuguese investigation. Especially if they were covering it up.
PS I had difficulty getting onto your site today. Were you under ‘attack’. Initially all I got was a blank page. Then Safari wasn’t keen to let me visit, saying it wasn’t secure. iOS does label your front page of the blog (with all your posts) as unsecured but the individual blog post’s page is secure.
Something was going on, but it may have been the host more than this site specifically. I tried to get through to tech support, and the wait was so long I gave up, and figured they knew they had a problem.
Did you happen to notice the differences on each side of Madeline McCann’s mother’s (Kate) face (the photo of the mom and dad holding up Madeline’s photo). Her right side looks truly sad. Her left side has a look of ‘satisfaction’, even slightly like a smirk, to it.
Podesta bros were staying at known (now dead) establishment Paedophile Clement Freuds (friend of Ponce Charles) apartment 300m from where Madeleine disappeared.
Met Police to date have spent >£12m “looking” for her…..
When AC points out how Cabal finance themselves…….see previous line!
That’s Sargon of Akaad, and it’s a smear. I’ve been watching his videos for a while, and I’m certain that it’s being taken out of context. The video is on youtube, but none of the stories link it. You know why they don’t link it. He’s speaking in the voice of the pedos to expose them, not to endorse it.
Someone has made a clear video on this (reposted by Sargon) clearly showing how the Daily Fail has stitched together 3 quotes taken out of context to make the one defamatory quote.
This is classic fake news,.
Please be more careful regarding what you post about UKIP…. they we I, led the charge regarding Brexit AND I believe swept the path for Trump and the resurgence of Nationalism worldwide….
Niggle Garage and his Brexshit Party (no members, no manifesto, and pushed by the BBC!) Are simply a clearcut case of controlled opposition with the specific aim of splitting the Nationalist vote, not to mention Leader of UKIP Gerard Batten is immeasurably more real than ex trader Farage will ever be, he also hasn’t missed a protest by real patriots since last summer when he was at downing street less than 24hrs after Tommy R was sent down illegally, and Panodrama, and 2 weeks ago when he spoke to us as we protested the current governments decision to prosecute 1 Parachute regiment septuagenarians for action taken whilst serving in HM (head of UK Paedocracy) forces in the 70s.
In summary
Sargon (Carl) Top man.
Gerard Batten, Top man
UKIP – Britain’s only hope politically!
Will do. I have a general suspicion that every good movement will quickly be corrupted by (((Them))), so I am a little triggerable when I see something I thought was that, and the quote about pederasts got me.
“Top UKIP candidate makes the case it is OK to rape young boys.” The Sun is, in Carl Benhamin’s words “Dirty, Dirty Smear merchants”. If you watch the video in question he is speaking in a historical context. Never believe those smear merchants without primary source backing them up.
“So conservation of momentum is flexible after all? If that is flexible, why not the speed of light? And if that is flexible aliens might just be a probability rather than a possibility. The timeline gets still more interesting. Even more interesting is it being patented, since it makes you wonder what is out there that is so secret they would never publicly apply for a patent.”
Just because something gets patented doesn’t mean it has to work.
My understanding is that they were doing fairly extensive testing of this unorthodox concept specifically because they feared a patent would not be granted, unless they had a ton of evidence saying it worked. I take the filing as a sign they feel they have that evidence.
The Navy patent story / aliens reference reminded me of a “story” I heard this morning on local major market radio. The link is so ludicrous, I don’t understand how this “story” made the “news”. However, with all of AC’s talk of aliens in recent months, perhaps there is something to it or a reason why the ‘story’ was selected to be discussed…
I saw that, but the guy had no reference so I didn’t include it. Though it dawned on me if such a thing was true, you might see TPTB reveal it by beginning with an unsubstantiated story like that. If we came across a species on some other plant, which, if we gave it additional genes, could be improved in terms of intelligence and greatness, might we do it, as a way of improving the species’ life, and maybe laying the groundwork for that planet’s life to someday feel like they and we were linked somehow? Be interesting if the errors they see in Darwinism relating to it going faster than random chance would predict are it getting a helping hand somehow.
I don’t know if aliens have had a role in our “leadership” and development or not over history (at this point nothing would surprise me), but I definitely think something more is known about the UFO issue in our upper tiers. Perhaps they may have been hording the info it provided for themselves somehow, perhaps as military tech, or maybe they just feared looking impotent in front of us. I think we will learn more, perhaps just that there is something out there looking at us, once some level of control of our government is restored to us.
Not entirely correct. A patent is rejected if it is an attempt to patent the impossible. Beyond perpetual motion machines, they also routinely reject patents on things like hair-regrowth products. You no longer have to provide a prototype to the USPTO, but your invention does have to be possible and has to sufficiently describe your invention so that a Person Skill in the Art can reproduce the patented invention.
So if this was just pie-in-the-sky wishing, the USPTO would have rejected it. (If you are rejected as impossible, it doesn’t mean you can’t have a patent, it means that it is now your burden to prove to the examiner that your invention does in fact work. Without looking at the File Wrapper, I don’t know if that process happened here.)
Take a look at the independent claim of the of issued patent. Talk about broad.
Reviewing its prosecution history, the claims were initially denied for failing the enablement requirement. Essentially, this means that the claims were not supported by the teaching in the specification, and as such, one skilled in the art would be unable to make the claimed invention. Interestingly, NO prior art was cited against the claims; what this means was that if the enablement rejection could be successfully traversed, the claimed invention would be novel and non-obvious, and therefore entitled to a patent.
This issue of enablement was eventually appealed to the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences, and after filing their brief, a Notice of Allowance was issued. While not unheard of, quite odd.
If you hypothesise that the UK establishment *wanted* Brexit, and played off the anti-establishment sentiment to get it through, a lot more things make sense. They wanted to deepen City of London financial partnership with the Chinese, and consolidate The Right of Kings full and total power into the Cabinet office rather than the 3 branches of authority. This vid explains the last part. HUGELY important for understanding where God-like legal power now resides:
P.S. When unpopular David Cameron campaigned for Brexit, knowing people would resist going along with him, and Obama came in and told us we’d be at the back of the line, etc, it seemed like it was all designed to just piss people off. Brexit is only step 1 of 10 steps to reclaim control.
P.P.S. I believe they are delaying No Deal Brexit due to the storm upsetting their plans, and they are using it as a media blanket soap opera to ensure not one other single issue gets discussed by the people. They have distracted us for 3 years now with daily he-said-she-said junk.
Correction: When David Cameron campaigned for Remain*
P.P.S. If the USA was being pushed to lose a war with the Chinese, and the UK money powers wanted the UK to be the global bottleneck for chinese currency trading after the dollar falls from Global Reserve Currency status, it all makes sense. The Russia Hoax coup implemented by the Queen’s Privy Council to topple Trump, the UK setting itself up to be the Next World Empire’s bankers, and the delay of Brexit since the arrival of the storm. Trump has upset the British Elite plan for WW3 toppling of the USA.
Trump: NRA Under ‘Illegal Investigation’ By Cuomo And New York AG
I have no doubt that the NY investigation is biased and intended to undermine the 2nd but there has been a stink coming from the NRA for a very long time.
I’ve noticed that there have been a couple of (((attempts))) to start a groundroots swell to throw the Nuge off the board (and that neither of them got traction except with a few prominent gun bloggers that I am now highly suspicious of.)
Anyone who saw Breitbart publicly diss John Podesta has an idea why he was ‘heart attacked.’
Re: the woman shot by the IRA, a woman on YouTube called Amazing Polly claims the woman was writing a book about lost boys, ie trafficking. She states in the video that where the elites turn up, carnage soon follows, she also links lots of recent mayhem to child trafficking.
The McCann’s may not be MI5, but they are obviously connected in some way. They even got to meet the pope! Whatever the real story is, it’s not what we’ve all been told.
A few comments
1. I enjoyed your blurb in which Shipp’s term, the “Dark Left,” was used. This may be a term we should consider using, in lieu of “cabal.” Even though Republicans are in cabal, conservatives are not. Not genuine conservatives. Thus, delimiting the term to “Dark Left,” points others to this truth.
2. Yea, I read the Ted Kaczynski stuff, too – simply frightening! The academic who foisted this stuff on his students should be ousted. I strongly suggest that all readers of this blog, if possible, home-school their kids, as well as indoctrinate them with the knowledge needed to resist this sort of mind-bending. It’s either you or them. Let it be you.
I’ve noticed, AC, you’re talking more and more about kids.
3. The Rothchild thing is fake. Books are more ubiquitous and available than ever. Project Gutenberg will upload any book you wish to put there – another unsolicited suggestion for readers of this blog!
4. I have to admit that I rather like the Amazon approach of firing the least productive ten-percent. If they did this across the board, productivity and achievement would increase dramatically. What if they held-back the bottom ten-percent of every grade in school? What if they got rid of the bottom ten-percent in the military or corporations or whatever? As long as the standard is known and evenly applied, I guess I don’t see a problem with this.
Call me cruel.
Farce, I left you a response on 28 April posting.
Relative to T.Kaczynski’s unethical Harvard Professor experimenter: I found this on Wikipedia–>
AC — This is more fun than instructive, but do you think the younger and older supposed images of Baghdadi below are the same person?
What strikes me are his hands. They’re really white, flaccid and almost water-logged in appearance. I wondered if Arab men always had pale(r) hands so I googled images of men wearing those funny robes: in all, their hands seemed to be the same color as their faces.
Here is the article on Baghdadi : https://www.moonofalabama.org/2019/04/baghdadi-is-back-and-turkey-might-be-his-next-target.html#comments
And here is one image of Saudi men with hands revealed :
All of these guys seem to have hands as dark as their faces. Their hands probably get as much sunlight as their faces, perhaps more, so it strikes me as bizarre that the images of Baghdidi show such pale hands.
Tough one. I notice they covered the ear in the second one. I can’t say for sure. Both do seem to have a subtle lift to the left eyebrow, almost as if he is left eye dominant, slightly more exaggerated in the older one. Might be a slight, similar diplopia too, where it looks like the right eye is looking just a little more leftward than the left eye.
“…9/11 was very likely engineered to get their wing of government controllers even more authority to prepare for the final phase. And if that is true, the wars of the last two decades were equally, entirely bogus…”
It would take an encyclopedia to cover all the funny business on 9-11 but there’s one fact that can not be ignored or can not be construed any other way except that insiders were in control on 9-11. All the wars we are in are directly because of the Jews and 9-11. I can prove this easily with two facts. The first is the Jews own all forms of mass communication in the US and they’re not saying a word about this. They can see this as easily as I can and they’re hiding it. The second follows. Three buildings came down on 9-11.Two came down very odd but at least were hit by planes. Building 7 wasn’t hit by a plane. Notice I use no silly assed laser beam, alien or whatever logic to demonstrate that it was a demoed. On 9-11 building #7 fell the same speed as a rock dropped beside it in free air for roughly 108 feet. This means the building had no resistance to falling except air.
All materials fall the same speed in a gravity field disregarding air friction which I don’t thing we need to worry about for a building falling. So the speed of our imaginary rock falling next to the building is just gravity related. The speed of the buildings falling, the exact same as the rock, is just gravity also. This means that there was NOTHING to slow the fall of the building. The density of the material under the imaginary rock falling was air. The building fell the same therefore the density of the material under the building was also air. We know building #7 was not hovering in the air. There is no other explanation that fits the fall of building 7 except for all support for the bottom being demoed out from under it to where only air held it up before it fell.
It’s makes NO difference how big the fires were. The buildings density never reached the same value as air! The fires did not boil away the building structure where it was light as air! All the talk about damage, fires, this, that, all bullshit because the building fell with all four corners almost level the same speed as a rock in AIR. If a building falls as fast as a rock and the rock is falling through JUST AIR then the building is falling through JUST AIR also. Simple equivalence. 1=1, 2=2, big rock falling in air=small rock falling in air=building falling in air. One problem is people sometimes believe that a really heavy thing will fall faster than a lighter thing. Not true. Look at this video of the Apollo astronaut dropping a feather and a hammer on the Moon. They land at the same time.
Here’s a video of reporters going into building #7 AFTER the North tower supposedly fell on it and destroyed it supposedly enough for it to collapse completely. Look at :54 you see the #7 for the building on the door.
Now you’ve seen video of the inside where there is NO massive damage to make all four sides of the building fall. You want pictures of the back? Here’s a picture of the South side of building #7, facing the North tower, after it had fallen. There is no huge gaping hole. There is no massive fire going all the way up the building. So you can’t say it’s the South side and we have plenty of video and pictures of the North side of building #7 pictures with no damage at all.
Here’ another NIST FOIA released video taken between one and two hours before building #7 fell. There’s around three floors on fire.
(Watch the reporter pan up at 2:54. You can clearly see the whole building is not on fire. This side shown is the North side of building #7. Later you can see the fires mostly around three or four floors only and in isolated spots.)
If the fires were hot enough to melt steel then why isn’t the glass in the windows melted? Glass melts at an extremely lower temperature that steel. Ever put a metal can and a glass bottle in a campfire? The glass bottle melts but the steel can will still be intact. These fires were no hotter than a campfire. One last video of all sides from 23 angles also showing the miraculous collapse.
Fireman retired so now he can talk. He was right next to the damn building. Says,”…there was an explosion and the building came down…”
Here’s an astoundingly good short video by a mechanical engineer on the other buildings. It probably one of the best I’ve seen. It’s very to the point and sticks to the facts as can be seen.
For more info look at a site by some engineers that lay out the evidence.
The facts are irrefutable that certain sections of our security in this country are compromised by the Jews and are actively killing our citizens.
I agree, but for one thing. The Jews who run the media could be employees of Cabal. I am still not sold it is Jews at the top, though they are definitely in the game. I still think if the Architects were Jewish, we would not have heard of Jews, except on the most fringe conspiracy sites. The media would not be allowed to talk about them, Jews would be like Khazars, which only a few have ever heard of. Truth be told, before there were Jews dominating shit, back in the early 1900’s, they had Irish running all the financial shit in the US, and in the things I read, it sold the Irish as being just like the Jews today. They were insular, and untrustworty, and psychopathic, and immoral, and sleazy, and had tremendous power. Joe Kennedy was one, and although I think JFK was up for the good fight, and that family has been completely targeted by the Architects for some reason, I have seen a lot of accounts that Joe Kennedy was scamming people on stocks, doing pump and dumps, and betraying America when he was an Ambassador in the UK so he could ship scotch home and profit off it. By the accounts, he was portrayed as having the same psychopathy which you see today in Cabal-Jews like Schumer who are appointed leaders and leading things. And just like you’ll find Jews in the Military or Law Enforcement today, you’d find Irish in the Military and Law Enforcement back then. And all of this is the Cabal-media narrative they were feeding everyone, so who knows.
There are shitbag Jews, and you can make the case the entire Jewish population of good Jews is not worth the trouble of guys like Schumer and the media leaders. But I still think if you purged them all, Cabal would simply find a new group, Elevate the scum of it into leadership positions where that scum would do Cabal’s bidding and piss us off, and we’d just go back to the 1900’s. We’d all be carping about those fucking filthy micks who dominate finance and the media, and only deal with each other, and fuck everyone else every chance they get because they are a bunch of unpatriotic psychopaths.
This is all a play – an elaborately scripted production to get us thinking the way they want us to think. My guess is the Architects are figuring if we ever get close, they’ll go, “Look! It’s some Jews! Fire up the ovens!” And the masses will go after the Jews, as the Architects slip away.
It works. Truth be told, it is so big, and so extensive, I am not sure absent Trump and Q any of us, even having come as far as we have now, could have unraveled it and brought it down. The level of control, and awareness of every insignificant fucking detail is just ridiculous.
Hopefully soon we will see it all exposed, and find out just what is up there.
To take it a little further. Each successive wave of immigrants ends up in the crime mafia of the time. Depending upon location either the Irish of the Jews were chased out in the 30’s and 40’s. So maybe Joe Jr was sent on a mission guaranteed not to be survivable. Remember that the Normandy was burned in NY Harbor to get the Pentagon the agree to let the Mafia continue run the Port of NY. John and Bobby were going up against the new wave of Mafia and both died. John Jr. was meant to see to it that no issue would ever seek revenge. Teddy was so thoroughly compromised by the Mary Joe affair that he was no threat. The balance of the family basically keeps their collective head down. Get too visible and your husband (spouse) is compromised and you are driven off the stage humilitated.
Personally, I suspect that the “Architects” laugh themselves to sleep each night as the fools get up on the stage every day and continue the charade. Schumer et al thinking that they are really doing something when they are merely Bread and Circuses for the truly stupid and their handmaidens the intellectually blind.
Jo Jr was asked to perform a special mission, flying a bomber full of explosives to a target, parachuting out, and then a nearby plane was going to remote the bomber into the target. The last thing they heard on the radio was Joe say, “I’ve armed the explosives.” His next step was to jump out of the plane, but before he did, the bomb was detonated while the plane was still in the air. All just a quirk.
Or it was a faked death, cabal members that have been defeated in faction wars seem to often be given the option of faking their deaths and retiring in comfort if they voluntarily give up power and stop resisting the winners.
That may be the case with JFK too but if Q is not feeding us disinfo about him he may have set a revenge plan in motion before he went.
You’ve left out a HUGE chunk of history. The Jews have been doing this for thousands of years. We have documentation for this for a long, long time.
I certainly not saying they are the only ones but they are the root of the tree of evil. They combine with other psychopaths of other races. I suspect once they get rid of the normies then they will move on to crushing all the people that collaborated with them.