News Briefs – 04/26/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


That is the end of Q’s posts as of now.

Trump’s interview with Hannity, if you missed it:

Tommy Robinson is running for MEP office.

Wife of VP Mike Pence’s Former Chief of Staff Joshua Pitcock worked for Peter Strzok at FBI. Now we know who they were talking about when FBI discussed recruiting White House sources to spy on Trump. Understand how illegal all of this was, and understand how the reason they did it was because of how much more illegality they had already engaged in unrelated to Trump, and how deep they were. Much bigger things than this will eventually come to light. And some of it may be weird. I have said Cabal has a cult-like quality to it. Q has said, “Follow the wives.” What I suspect we are going to find out, among other things, is Cabal’s female members were used as infiltrators, and often actually married targets which Cabal felt might be of use, or which they wanted control over. I think they literally sacrifice their own life of autonomy and happiness, to serve the machine. As I have said, Cabalites are a strange bunch, with an almost religious commitment to the organization. I do not know why, but I keep feeling the tug in my mind which says there is something much stranger here than we are capable right now of accepting.

Port Talbot steelworks blows up in South Wales. Q has said they were distributing bad steel to weaken us. Was this covering their tracks?

Now sanctuary communities are banning ICE from using airports in their jurisdictions.

Venezuela sells $400 million worth of gold.

Baltimore mayor Catherine Pugh, whose offices were raided for corruption, is missing in action, and “out of the state.” Q said they all have foundations, and she had a foundation. Is she getting debriefed? Is she going to make a run for it?

Renown scientist’s career ended abruptly when she discovered there were retroviruses in our vaccines.

Hacker finds that he can remotely break into GPS tracking apps and disable car engines on the fly.

Abortions in Russia decreased nearly 20% in 2018. Not surprising if you accept that K-selection is in the air.

Los Angeles University is quarantining students because of a Measles outbreak.

Organizer of Unite the Right rally described as one-time leftist activist. Reminds me of another chick who I see everywhere who has quotes floating around about how all cops are traitors, but now she is a big conservative. If you see the voices on major sites with lots of traffic, one, they are controlled, and two, a lot of that traffic is all generated out of a handful of servers and the secret society, just to make the site look more important.

Ilhan Omar called Jack Dorsey this week to demand he delete one of Trump’s tweets.

Feds are dropping child porn cases rather than disclose how their surveillance works. Notice, keeping the ability to watch everyone is more important to them.

Joe Biden kicks off his campaign by praising Antifa.

Macron says Notre Dame should be built to reflect diversity, architects recommend an Islamic minaret.

New one dollar Canadian coin will feature two men kissing.

Bisexuality tripled in the last decade. r-selection peaking under Obama, just before the shift.

Judge charged with obstructing justice for helping an illegal escape ICE by letting him duck out a back door.

As knife crime picks up, German women’s magazine offers tips on treating knife wounds.

Marvel wants its movies to go inclusive, with gay and “body positive” role models. The way this may work as programming is it removes all need to aspire to improvement. If I am a kid and I see the Hulk, I may want to improve myself by lifting weights. I would aspire. I see Ironman, I might want to be a brilliant engineer. (((Their))) answer is to make the hero look overweight, and weird, rather than a fit, all-American, so it will not trigger aspiration.

UCLA will offer pole dancing as a class. Ironically it is unusual in that it is a class which could actually help a student make money.

Deutsch Bank is turning over documents relating to its dealings with President Trump.

Pelosi says the House may have no choice but to Impeach President Trump.

WaPo discusses how pilots were able to get the Navy to redo its UFO reporting requirements in response to a recent rash of brazen intrusions by UFOs into Military areas that began in 2014. Makes me wonder if Cabal has been developing some tech in secret under private contractors, and the previous dissuasion of any reporting was part of Cabal’s desire to keep their toys private, and maintain the upper hand. The kid who ran the UFO YouTube channel Secure Team 10 posted a few videos where he was freaking out about people following him and lurking outside his house to intimidate him, presumably to shut down his channel.

Flopping Aces cancels his National Review subscription. The only interesting part of the article is he indicates his letter should warn employees that the magazine is going under because subscribers are fleeing, as if the magazine needs their money to stay afloat. The magazine is probably always run at a loss, and funded by the elites, solely to imbue real conservatives with the idea their views are out of the mainstream, even within conservatism, so when the previously fixed elections happened, we would think the results were honest, and not rebel.

The European commission redacted information about talks between George Soros and Tony Blair regarding Brexit at the Davos Meeting.

Guy who came up with the idea we are probably a simulation says as technology advances, a humanity-devastating technology may be discovered, so we need to fit everyone with a personal surveillance device allowing them to be watched 24/7 to make sure nobody ever uses the devastating technology. Little does he know…

This one is designed to cost the GOP house seats in 2020:

Jacob Rothschild to step down as RIT Chair.

Putin says Kim Jong Un willing to denuclearize if given security guarantees.

OPM will no longer do background checks for Federal workers. An Executive Order transferred responsibility for all background checks to DOD. Like I have said, if you are a hostile intel operation, you look first to take over Human Resources. OPM was (((Their’s))).

Germans are increasingly hostile toward asylum seekers.

Joe DiGenova says a Bombshell report on Jim Comey is incoming.

Spread r/K Theory, because the we still are not tired of winning yet.

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5 years ago

Captain Manjaw saves intersectionality. Hurrah!

Reply to  mobiuswolf
5 years ago

Only humanity devastating technology can save us!

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

I’ve totally soured on Trump. I think he’s compromised in some way or he was crooked from the start but…

“…Executive Order transferred responsibility for all background checks to DOD…”

THIS is very significant. Very good news. Susan Lindauer, I think it was her, said that they mostly hire people who have something in their background that can be used as leverage. She specifically used the Judiciary as an example. She also was thrown in jail under the patriot act for telling Congress that there was plenty of warning in advance about 9-11 and noting that in her role as a agent to talk to Saddams government that the Saddam said he would do most anything to NOT be attacked. Including big oil company contracts and guaranteed car and truck imports from Detroit in the millions of units.

Trump has done so much contrary that we can only wait and see. I have lost faith that he’s going to make much difference in the long run. True he’s done a few good things but he has not stopped the bleeding. This must happen in a fairly dramatic way to stop the corrosion of the country. There seems to be no way to finesses this in some genteel way.

5 years ago

Macron says Notre Dame should be built to reflect diversity, architects recommend an Islamic minaret.

New one dollar Canadian coin will feature two men kissing.

I checked out that “Canadian coin which feature two men kissing” and its true!!!! I can’t believe it! Two men kissing on a government coin!

Liberalism is like rabies. People really should know classical antiquity because “There is nothing new under the sun”. @ Sparta: Cinadon was a young and valiant man. He was a military officer who carried out important missions for the ephors; he had a scytale in his possession which was used to direct hippeis, members of the elite Spartan guard of the Spartan army. He was well educated and, because of his job, he should have been a valued and respected person likely (according to Xenophon and Aristotle[2]) to be a member of the peers (homoioi). In fact, he was a member of the “Inferiors” (hypomeiones), those Spartans who had lost their civil rights either through cowardice,[3] or poverty (for example, the inability to pay their dues to the syssitia) (From Wikipedia Cinadon Conspiracy)

Cinadon got the idea of Equalite and so he launched a conspiracy to destroy the old Spartan state and kill off the elite. The Spartans found out about it and then tied him to a horse and dragged him to death.

Once somebody bites off the apple of Equalite—It’s all over. They have “human rabies”. And human rabies (liberalism) is contagious. The Liberalism of the FFofA is leading to this final conclusion. Once a dog has rabies—it must be put down. The Cathars were the same thing—and the Medieval Catholic Church called a crusade and put them down like the rabid dogs they were. You can’t let the cancer grow—As you can see with Macron–and the Canadian Coin—These people have lost their minds. And the people of France voted in Macron. The people of Canada voted Trudeau in. See, the Spartans and the Medieval Catholic Church knew how to treat Human rabies. You don’t.

“Free Speech” is about letting liberals spread cancer. Infecting others. God dealt with that and it was called “The Flood”. Only Noah was saved. Once the herd is infected—well, then the WHOLE lot has to go!

Paul Watson, whose article you linked to about the Canadian Coin, labelled his website “Clownworld”. But these clowns are murderers. You saw them in the French Revolution and in the Spanish Civil War. They are out to kill. It is the ancient Iconoclasm. As the American Revolutionaries destroyed the Statue of King George in a fit of iconoclasm, the taking down of Confederate statues and the renaming is a sort of Iconoclasm—and as they take down statues, they will take you out as well. The space must be purified. Equalite is a murderous ideology. Abraham Lincoln was ready to kill for it! Look at the Democrat candidates—It’s a clown circus–these people are insane–and the demography of Human rabies in America makes it look like Trump may NOT win a second term. It’s NOT about Economics anymore—It’s the Agenda.

Human rabies.

5 years ago

Baltimore mayor Catherine Pugh, whose offices were raided for corruption, is missing in action, and “out of the state.” Q said they all have foundations, and she had a foundation. Is she getting debriefed? Is she going to make a run for it?

Does she own property in NZ?

5 years ago

Reminds me of another chick who I see everywhere who has quotes floating around about how all cops are traitors, but now she is a big conservative.

Ehh, I’ve said very similar things before, and I’m still pretty solidly conservative. Cops make it easy with the “everyone (of us) goes home tonight” shit and the “just doing my job” behavior.

I’ll pick the cops over the criminals, but the cops also are in dire need of reform. It was the cops of the time that nailed Christ to a tree.

American Graffiti
American Graffiti
5 years ago

In your wheelhouse. They want to give lottery winners even more anonymity and are passing legislation to fix it:

New Name
New Name
5 years ago

As to Trump’s asking about taking down statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson… if Cabal had their way they’d be down yesterday. The confederate statues are just a warm-up exercise.

5 years ago

” I think they literally sacrifice their own life of autonomy and happiness, to serve the machine. As I have said, Cabalites are a strange bunch, with an almost religious commitment to the organization. I do not know why, but I keep feeling the tug in my mind which says there is something much stranger here than we are capable right now of accepting.”

I’ve seen zero evidence for any of this. Cabal participants are well taken care of, they even have contingency care for prospects that don’t work out as they’ve hoped. I’ve noticed that they’ll gladly chew up and throw out the lowest of the low, but once you reach a certain level you are quite secure.

I really think that you’re looking in the wrong direction. It’s no cult. There’s no fancy doctrine, no initiation, no ceremonies. They are incredibly averse to leaving anything in writing which means everything is done via word of mouth. Which means everything is remarkably simple.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

It’s not just ambition and greed. It’s fear and terror. The ultimate motivation comes when you combine desire for the outcome with fear of failure. Fear of your kids ending up damaged is powerful incentive. And knowing that going to the authorities will make it even worse as powerful incentive.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

I should point out that at the upper levels of Cabal there is in fact extensive philosophical writings that justify their behavior. There’s also sociological and a lot of psychological literature. This, of course, is hidden in plain site like so much of what they do. As has been pointed out, Mario Puzo’s novels are clearly operational texts, not tragic warnings but practical “how to’s”. For obvious reasons, I’m not identifying other things that would give it away. I don’t need the heat.

But they do have intellectual justification for abusing people, violating their rights, etc. Surprisingly deep stuff. Most people have a profound need to justify themselves. Many in Cabal believe that they are carrying out God’s work, and that somehow justifies behaving outside of God’s word because they feel themselves to be more inline with God’s work than whomever they target. From what I can observe, it’s an “end justifies the means” kind of approach where they essentially feel it’s justified to be evil to whom they perceive as evil because those evil actions reduce the ability of evil people to do more harm.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Much like the billionaire heiresses who found John Effin’ Kerry and Robert Francis O’Rourke so irresistible.

Reply to  Anonymous
5 years ago

I agree that cabal participants, particularly those in the higher echelons, are well provisioned, but that doesn’t mean they’re not worried …

Perhaps cabal isn’t monolithic but formed of many separate and competing, individuals or groups. Some of those groups could be downright evil (Clinton/Podesta/Soros); others merely opportunistic (triple parens). Note that underneath both evil and opportunism lies anxiety, not security.

Imagine yourself comparatively “well provisioned” but nagged by the knowledge that sometime in the past, perhaps the recent past, the tables had been turned so that those who had thought they were safely provisioned were actually quite vulnerable. What would be your insurance policy if large, uncontrollable forces determined your fate? I’d think you’d look to your family, those viscous genetic ties. You’d find people who share your values and faith. You may even scheme and plot to control those few levers of power available to you.

But you’d know, deep inside, that the ultimate power is always coercive … it’s raw force. Military power trumps everything, even ample provision. A pocket filled with gold, jewels or trading slips will be quickly emptied when a guy with a gun demands it. For this reason wealth, nice as it is, is always insecure. There’s no “insurance policy” for it. Or for political power.

AC pointed out a couple days ago that intelligence groups/agencies don’t naturally cooperate but rather compete for information and advantage. So, too, the groups and individuals in cabal. They’re always in flux. Those on top, or near the top, can never be certain that their provisions and power are safe and secure. It’s not ambition and greed that motivates them, but a deep fear of losing out and maybe dying. Theirs is a negative motivation, the fear of loss, not a positive motivation, the desire for more. It’s not a machine, but … what is it? Is there a central headquarters? I doubt it. Clear line of leadership? Nope.

Whatever it is, it’s based on a shared mentality, a sense that what is could easily not be, and a willingness to do what it takes to be secure.

Sometimes the enemy is hard to grasp because it’s not graspable … it’s not people, but ideas or fears or the desperate need for security. The people in cabal seem to share this mentality. They group, like birds of a feather, because they think alike. It’s not a coincidence that cabal is left-wing, anti-religious, anti-capitalist, centralizing and hierarchical, and amoral if not immoral. You’ve got to pity their desperate grasping, their insecure relationships, their godless outlook and distant families.

The opposite are right-wing, family-oriented, capitalist or meritocratic, community oriented, mostly religious believers. The people who read this blog probably fit in this group. I can’t imagine being committed to the increase of my power or provision, but I can imagine living for my God, husband, children, parents, trustworthy friends, neighbors and church, in that order, and that my strength and security lies in serving them and being passionately devoted to their well-being.

Security, then, is a fervent and fiery, self-sacrificial love.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Hey Anonymous C
Would you mind dropping a post with books you think are must reads in order to begin to grok this topic? You’ve mentioned chameleo a few times. Any others? Maybe a top 10 for our new folks? (And me)

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

There are factions and competition near the top in my opinion, it’s the only way to explain some world events and it is the natural result of people who are so greedy and/or paranoid, they all want to be the king and rule the world their way.

P.S. I see there is no blog entry for today so far, I hope everything is alright

Reply to  Farcesensitive
5 years ago


AC is miles beyond me which is why I almost always defer to his ideas, but I’m with you on this one — I think there are competing cohorts at the top.

I can’t imagine Hebrew banking families working with Iranian mullahs, or so many other similar incompatible pairings.

Long-ago, deeply-rooted historical animosities don’t just go away.

The recent Armenian remembrances of their genocide at the hands of the Turks, for example, is still raw and painful to the Armenians … and thus quickly denied or repressed by the Turks. Do these two ethnic and religious groups have cabal participants that work together, get along, and keep the secret handshake going? I doubt it. I doubt they can paper over those deep hatreds to work together.

Even the agencies in the US compete — the FBI v CIA v DIA, etc. … are territorial and don’t willingly exchange information. They don’t like to work together, but prefer to conduct parallel, closed investigations.

Pulling the camera back, AC, it seems as if you’re working with a few big ideas that haven’t jelled into their final form, or perhaps it is more accurate to say that the overarching ideas that you present aren’t yet woven together. You’ve shifted from the narcissism to rK to an analysis of cabal, and though these three main ideas are obviously connected, that connection isn’t fleshed out … yet.

Glad to know you’re well and safe. Prayed for you.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Yes, you have to see it. Because it’s shocking how effectively this machine works that is completely unacknowledged by the media, academia, and the curriculum of our public education system. Secondly, it’s very hard to believe that people can be manipulated so easily into being so ruthless. If I had to guess, your previous views probably assumed that people can’t keep secrets, that there’d be a breakdown in conscience of some members, and any non rational public policies are most certainly the result of simple incompetence and ignorance and stupidity. Certainly evil or ulterior motives aren’t so prevalent! Discovering evidence that these cherished assumptions are wrong is a huge blow to the psyche.

“You do not let your eyes see or your ears hear that which you cannot account for.” – Dr. Abraham Van Helsing.

It’s as traumatic as learning that our society is populated with vampires or werewolves. In fact, it is.

5 years ago
5 years ago
Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

“Canadian coin which feature two men kissing”

I demand a coin of a wife making her husband a sandwich.

5 years ago
5 years ago

Where’s you go AC? You ok?

5 years ago

Curious… Oliver North ousted from his leadership position at NRA. We know that North is a cabal asset. Looks like they might have wanted to take over more of NRA. I’m not sure about LaPierre’s status.