News Briefs – 04/26/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Firm launches new effort to find Seth Rich’s killers. Curious timing for a new probe. Does this have the fingerprints of the God Emperor on it?

Google throttles Search results, only returning 210 results. Not brand new, but I hadn’t realized it. This means after they downgrade conservative content, it may never be displayed, and never have any opportunity to acquire an audience.

Scientist who developed Novichok ran his mouth saying Russia killed Skripal, and was promptly run over by a car. The US was clearly on a path to this type of fast reaction. We will see if the trend is reversed.

Trump has ramped up his cell phone usage? Hopefully this is just a signal to us that things are under control now. But I assume Trump has staff dedicated to surfing online sites for feedback of his actions on the base. If any Trump staff see this, bring Trump’s attention to this study, which shows Cell Phone radiation can cause cancer. We need The Donald to live forever and keep all his massive numbers of neurons and synapses. Make him use a hands-free ear-piece/mic to be safe and keep the phone itself away from his body. Inches are a big deal.

African Gang Member leads gang that steals $200,000 of jewelry from a shop in raid, judge says she finds him remorseful, and orders his release without jail time.

Podesta discusses his old job killing pigs. “To earn money while attending law school at Georgetown, he spent two years working at Turkey Run Farm in McLean, now called the Claude Moore Colonial Farm, an 18th-century re-creation… Standing in the kitchen and acting out his role, Podesta explained: “It’s best to do the butchering at 4 a.m., “because pigs should be slaughtered when it is cool… The pig is hauled on a front-end loader in order to split and gut it. It’s most important to slow the pig down by shooting it between the eyes so you can cut its throat. It makes the pig less ornery and a whole lot more cooperative than if you just stick a knife in its throat.” That would indicate it was a pleasant experience. Pigs are quite intelligent and personable too. The farm is right next to CIA headquarters and the George Bush Center for Intelligence, oddly enough.

An interesting article on how the data is manipulated to be able to tell whites they will be a minority very soon, when it is not the case.

A case where an AR-15 was necessary to repel 5 home invaders.

3 Mexican Film Students lost in Mexico are grabbed up tortured and dissolved in acid. If you have never seen video of what the Cartels do, you cannot imagine the inhumanity. Bad, bad videos of people with arms cut off at the forearms, throats slashed, and abdomens opened up, still trying to fend off the spear impaling their neck as they bleed out.

Kanye and Candace are Red-pilling the Black Population. They are a huge shifting of the Overton Window in black brains. You would never have gotten that with Jeb!.

FBI signed NDAs for investigating all matters Hillary, something agents had never seen before.

Little Alfie Evans still alive after life support is pulled, but they will not feed him. How this is not killing a baby who would otherwise live I cannot imagine. And these people would complain about Eugenics and Social Darwinism.

Finland to end Universal Basic Income Experiment. Would seem to have not done much.

Tanzania Demands $930 fee if you want to blog online. What is the yearly income in Tanzania?

Russians have Submarine Drone that carries 100 megaton Nuke that can generate a 300+ foot Tsunami to take out the coast.

David Hogg and Cameron Kasky post gay photo saying they are going to prom together. (link is gay site, Do not click) A parent put out a statement saying they are not actually gay with each other.

Trump admin to grant Iran missiles with range to hit Israel. Iran must now be on board with the Storm, so draw a circle around Iran with a radius of the distance to Israel, and see what is there. Chances are that will be phase two.

Dershowitz says investigate Mueller’s Role Protecting Whitey Bulger. Whitey’s one brother was a priest as I recall, and the other was a politician. Add a criminal gang member, and you have the Cabal’s entire operation in one family. Wonder if Cabal ties were behind Whitey’s good luck.

Federal Judge orders full restart of DACA. His Wife is reported to be head of a charity that helps children in Ethiopia.

Tell Friends about r/K Theory, because the storm is brewing

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6 years ago

For some of the best information regarding the history and ties of the bothers Bulger – check out the books written by Howie Carr. It was the tenacious investigative reporting by Carr that single handedly blew the cover on the brazen corruption occurring n Boston at that time. He did this at a great risk to his life.

6 years ago

What we need is a solidly conservative judge to replace RBG someday, then Trump should go after the constitutionality of anchor babies. That would help stem the tide and end DACA.

Leftists everywhere are eager to cheer the destruction of white people. I’ve seen self-loathing white, child-less weirdo sjws gleefully laud the idea of a white minority. A lot are young. Hopefully, they grow up some, become conservative and do the normal family thing.

The problem with whites is that too many women are into their careers and wait too long to have children. A lot of women don’t even know that fertility drops dramatically after age of 30. That’s why IVF is a great technology, and frozen embryo donation is a good way to boost white numbers. I think the powers that be know this, and they do everything they can to talk people out of donating extras, short of flat out telling them they can’t. I’ve been spreading the word that there are Christian organizations out there that will put them up for adoption at little cost to the parents. Another thing…there are an awful lot of ‘oopsies’ in fertility clinics where either nitrogen tanks fail, resulting in a mass kill-off, or a white woman is ‘accidentally’ implanted with a minority kid.

OT: Found an article that made me think r/K. A homeless man randomly stabbed a father in the neck in a restaurant in San Diego:

The homeless problem in California is the rabbity way of releasing indiscriminate predators on random people.

6 years ago

I don’t buy the cell phone story.

1) It’s CNN.
2) Trump is well known to not carry a cell phone and does his tweeting from a laptop.
3) It’s CNN.
4) It’s just another story about how Trump is “going around” people instead of firing them (which he is famous for.) It’s what rabbits do, not what God Emperors do.
5) It’s CNN.

Reply to  Phelps
6 years ago

Also, it’s CNN.

6 years ago

Demographic data is hard interpret (or predict). Most demographic data takes into account past immigration patterns and past fertility rates. Reality says something different. The U.S. is 61% non-hispanic White, in addition to that are rare cases like Sen. Cruz (pictured in the article), that probably bumps the number of people who look White up to maybe 64 or 65%. That fraction is going to recede, but it won’t likely dip below 50% before 2050.

Also take into account that fertility rates have fallen significantly for immigrants and minorities, and these people tend to live almost exclusively in urban areas. Urban areas are going to be tough places to live, let alone even have kids (much less raise them) in 2050. Also take into account highly fecund White groups such as White evangelicals, Mormons and Amish/Hutterites. These groups will be producing tens of millions of extra White births before and by 2050 (if they are left alone).

Uncontrolled and massive immigration could derail all of that however, most immigrants won’t be coming from Latin America after 2030, they would be coming from Africa and the Middle East (or possibly even Europe). Latin America just doesn’t have the demographics for a youth bulge that Africa will have. It’s not even close. This is just comparing different levels of bad (and of r).

Also, there are a lot of weird things that could happen. A pandemic or War could annihilate the U.S. urban population while leaving the rural and exurb populations largely unscathed. Life extension technology could be popularized, and due to cost would be most available to Whites and East Asians, further nudging their demographics. Gene editing could also raise IQ’s significantly with unknown effects.

North America is always going to have a European character, more so than Latin America, one way or another. All that is required is a conservative, Christian, pro-family outlook that values law enforcement and stability so that those families can exist in the first place. Deportation of illegals and large reduction in new legals also has to be a priority. Any group that tries to derail any part of this is just going to break the continent, and we just return to this anyways along a much more unstable and violent path.

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

“…Trump admin to grant Iran missiles with range to hit Israel…”

This really surprised and I don really surprise easily. I wonder what this is all about???

“…Federal Judge orders full restart of DACA…”

The Congress is going to have to start impeaching judges. They are way out of their jurisdiction and are ruling on all kinds of things that are not any of their business. All it would take would be a couple of impeachments and they would rapidly back off.

6 years ago

AC was wondering your impressions on the picture (Facial Expression body language) of Pompeo with Kim Jong Un

6 years ago

It isn’t a concentration camp if they call it a death care pathway.

6 years ago

Hogg and Kasky may not be homosexuals…but it wouldn’t take much of a prison term…