News Briefs – 04/21/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


No Q posts. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


No burying the lead today:

FISA brings down the house. I do not know what the mechanism at work is. I just know I am exceptionally good at coming up with plausible mechanisms based on few observations, and I cannot see one which explains what I see, unless you are going into weird realms like the Demonic, or ETs, or some explanation that includes the fact reality is vastly different than what we see. Whatever the answer, it is going to be very interesting.

NSA appears to have 32 pages of communications between Seth Rich and Julian Assange which are classified due to national security, according to Bill Binney. Also points out how difficult it is to supply information to somebody else without leaving a trail somewhere.

138 killed, 500 injured in simultaneous church and hotel bombings in Sri Lanka.

Still ongoing as we go to press:

Former intel agree Clapper is an idiot:

There is a blank-eye’d look old guys get when the connections just aren’t being made, they know they should be, and they are pretending to follow along as things move too fast for them to keep up. Clapper has it quite often, which makes it quite certain that though he went along with it, probably partly because of a low IQ, no way was he anything close to a mastermind.

Probably not LAPD, but not surprising if he was paid by somebody he was led to believe was LAPD.

The media is catching on that Spygate is now an opportunity to purge the corruption in government. They are more right than they know, because Obama and company were doing that to a massive number of people. Trump was not their first rodeo, nor was his operation likely begun anew as a new, isolated, one-off program. They most likely used the same machinery they used on thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of not tens or hundreds of millions of other Americans. So if they open up Trump’s case, they reveal a massive spying machine, and once they look at the infiltration operation aspect, it will permeate every agency and office in government as they keep pulling threads. My guess – there is a massive database somewhere with every officer, agent, report filed, follow-radio-traffic-recording, and target’s file, and NSA has already gotten it, and it will come out as they peel back layers of the onion. If they let people see the files amassed on them, and just how many people in their lives were reporting on them to the machine, it will overwhelm all other politics, and Donald Trump will be remembered for all time as everyone’s savior, as well as the naiton’s. And the nation will be inoculated against any surveillance state for generations to come.

Colleges are purging book collections to make more room for digital equipment, nap pods, and other services. What books are they purging?

Migrants in Mexico are disappointed they are not getting all the free help and support they expected would be given to them when they left for America.

Charity Founder resigns after alleged rapes at an African school.

Jussie Smollett is waking up with night terrors. For an r-strategist failing to increase their income is bad enough, but imagine then on top of it losing a $1 million dollar a year payday.

New Mexico arrests member of the Militia who was helping detain migrants for the Border Patrol. Paypal and GoFundMe defund the militia off their platforms.

Court rules cities cannot punish homeless people for sleeping on the street. Obama did do a lot of damage to a lot of lives.

Former anti-gay Republican Congressman seen at Coachella making out with another man. Notice how none of them believe what they espouse publicly. I really believe that they grow up in the Secret Society, they do all sorts of shit regular people would not believe, spying on people in their area, knowing everything is ruled by the Cabal, cruising into whatever schools they want, and then they get assigned roles, like running for Congress as a certain type of person. These are mostly who you see in the public eye. I can’t blame them for viewing ideology and political activism as a fool’s errand. The bottom line is, they have grown up knowing, the only success the politically active would have would be financial, and the only ones who got that were those who operated as actors in the play. Everybody else, up until Trump, was wasting their time on a futile effort. What is stunning is how many labor on throughout their lives, blithely partaking of a political process which they think represents their freedom and autonomy, but which is nothing more than a thin deception hiding the dictatorship beneath.

Kirsten Gillibrand parties with drag queens at Des Moines oldest gay bar.

Prep School expels male student because he says it is unlikely Shakespeare was promoting transgenderism in a Twelfth Night.

Militants kill a doctor and drive out foreigners at a hospital in the Ebola hot zone because they say “Ebola does not exist in the Congo.” Two of the stranger possibilities that hit me as possible in these times – the militants are Cabal, acting on orders, trying to hasten the next global pandemic by letting Ebola cook, or somebody is down there testing something, and the Militants are right – the medical teams are not what they seem.

Judge cuts a gang member loose on a gun charge – tells him to write a report on gun violence. Cabal needs those shock troops out and about.

Associate of Smollett supporter and prosecutor Kim Foxx, took off his jewelry to fight Police at a protest, and was let off by Foxx who didn’t recuse herself. Police Union wants a Special Prosecutor.

Professor who digitally scanned all of Notre Dame died six months ago of brain cancer.

Mexican Mafia threatening Mexican President if he does not cease operations against it.

Brennan claims Mueller’s report shows clear evidence of collusion, and thus Trump must be impeached.

Kushner was working to break up the UN Relief and Work Agency because it is hopelessly corrupt.

Coca-Cola, Ford, and Xerox all announce they have ended donations to Planned Parenthood. We are taught to think, “Wow, look how public opinion and activism had an effect!” No. This happens when the orders come down from whoever is at the top. That this happened indicates that either the power that still is, has decided to change our course, or the power that was is gone, and a new power has taken over, and we have somebody to thank.

Donald Trump and Rush Limbaugh play golf together in Florida. I wonder if Trump had to brief Rush on what is coming.

Yellow Vests still going strong in week 23.

Texas Ranchers are putting together their own militia.

Why is the Happy Warrior that enthused?

Spread r/K Theory, because FISA brings down the house, and it is coming out in the coming weeks.

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5 years ago

Saw the Trump/Rush pics posted elsewhere and thought the same thing. We’ll know for sure if Rush starts talking about QAnon.

5 years ago

Digital books need room, too. Perhaps they identify as paper. Those old ones are all wrong anyway.

5 years ago

The books the moderns burn actually makes a twisted kind of sense.

“Imagine holding a beautiful, dusty, illustrated volume of Shakespeare printed in the 1700s, a calligraphic message from its long-dead owner inscribed on the inside cover, and throwing it straight in the trash. I’ve been there, more than once. I could have kept it and maybe gotten a few hundred dollars for it on eBay, if my supervisor wasn’t watching with specific orders to prevent me from doing that.”

Robert What?
5 years ago

Of course Trump and Rush could just have been talking about golf and the weather. Both Trump and Rush have been firmly in the Civic Nationalism camp (America as proposition or and “idea”). Conservatism and Civic Nationalism have utterly failed us and are the reasons we are heading either to a collapse, civil war, or a slow lingering desth.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

I can believe it, they will start up the “Better Red Than Dead” chorus again soon enough if Trump fails.