I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at http://www.qanon.pub
That is the end of Q’s posts as of now.
Food for thought, Q always said D5, and the most redacted page in Mueller’s report was D5:
Spain’s election authority bans the nationalists from the debate.
Governments pass laws making platforms responsible for content posted to them, with the tacit approval of those platforms because the script is for the platforms to then ask government to take over a central censorship function on all of the platforms, and in so doing release the platforms from the responsibility of policing their content. Clever. They are saying Tarrant’s NZ Mosque shooting was the opening act in the script.
Rumors are Congressional Democrats want to try and go after Erik Prince for perjury over comments he made to Mueller. It is tough for rabbits to grasp just exactly to what degree a guy like Prince gives no fucks for their petty attempts to inflict minor discomforts. Prince has demonstrated superhuman pain tolerance and a complete comfort with death as a SEAL, and Nadler and Pelosi think having to spend an immeasurably small part of his vast fortune to deal with clerical shit will bother him. And they wonder why Trump’s side is dominating them and destined to win.
Ecuadoran is cracking down on the former leaders who had supported Julian Assange. Was Assange Cabal, and his Ecuadoran support was Cabal-proffered, and now the new guard is purging them? Or has Cabal taken over Ecuador where they had not controlled it before, just to get at Assange?
Mexican Cartel spent a day in Nuevo Laredo hijacking tractor trailers and parking them across roadways and deploying caltrops all to create a one-day vehicle blockade. Kept Police occupied undoing the blockade, probably while the Cartel operators were busy doing something else.
Yellow Vest protests to continue, banned near Notre Dame. Also, claims a computer glitch caused the computerize fire-detection system to misidentify where the fire was occurring.
Bernie Sanders says Law Enforcement shouldn’t look like invading armies. At the same time has no problem with a real life invading Army of violent Migrants at the Southern Border. What bothers Bernie, and all other rabbits is any display of strength. Probably inculcated with envy while being lower on the social pecking order in childhood.
Romney is “Sickened” by Trump administration dishonesty exposed by the Mueller report. The phoniest, most dishonest scumbag in the Republican party, who will say anything to get elected, and has no real beliefs beyond advancing himself, and LARPing as a paragon of morality. I think what has happened is Cabal issued orders to its people, on the assumption Mueller’s report would have been an indictment of Trump as a Russian agent. Mueller may have exonerated Trump, but the orders are already issued, and since Cabal does not maintain open comms, and what comms they have may have already been disassembled in large part, now we get to watch all these agents introduce impeachment resolutions, and call for impeachment, and play the roles they were given, all of which make no sense in light of Trump’s exoneration. Romany is high IQ, so he has tempered his play, but have no doubt if Mueller had played his part in Cabal’s conspiracy, Romney’s part was to help take down Trump from the right – or at least give the impression, that what was goingt to happen was part of the Democrat process and a result of us selecting bad leaders, and not a pre-scripted Coup d’état run against our wishes by paid Cabal agents answering to the Architects, all of which would betray the effective dictatorship we actually lived under.
While Romney was smart enough to carry out his orders while adapting them to the clear reality of Mueller’s report, others were not so smart. Clapper says Mueller’s report is a devastating roadmap to Trump’s Impeachment.
Warren didn’t bother to massage her orders, and is operating as if everything is going according to plan, probably figuring that if they can at least start Impeachment, they can stall things until 2020:
Bronfman pleads guilty in NXIVM case. The small fish always get to plead, which is leaving just Raniere that we know of. And he may yet get to plead, which will reveal NXIVM’s real leaders are names we haven’t even heard of yet, and its purpose was much more than a mere sex cult. I suspect this will be a pattern we will see often as Cabal machinery is disassembled. We will not recognize the ultimate leadership.
Possible video of the shooter of the journalist killed by gunshots during a riot in Ireland, who was named Lyra McKee. Black mask, and appears to be, with a spotter, picking up his brass after letting the rounds go by point-shooting. She had been investigating the deaths and disappearances of boys and young men in Ireland. Oddly enough, just like Podesta was in NZ for Christchurch, and Michelle/Michael was in France for Notre Dame, Pelosi was in Ireland for this. No telling the significance today, but it calls to mind the Smiley Face killer. I crossed paths with somebody who said a relative was a young male attending a concert, he had a beer, and didn’t remember anything afterward beyond getting in a car with a group, and waking up the next morning in a ditch in his underwear. He would not talk about it any more, but appeared traumatized. After years of the type of research and investigation that an event like that in a family produces, they were of the opinion he had run into some sort of massive, national, secret society/organization that did those things to young, potentially successful males, and for whatever reason, they decided not to kill him. He never reported it to anyone.
Former US Marine was arrested for taking part in the North Korean Embassy raid in Spain. Article says other members of the group live in the US, they gave what they stole to the US government, and Spain wants them extradited. Like I have said, there is a Secret Society, and it is dedicated to thwarting the Storm, because it likes things exactly as they are. This may very well have been exactly why the talks broke down.
Public pooping is spiking in San Francisco, up more than five fold since 2011, to 28,000 documented cases. Imagine our nation has actually gotten to a point we have people going out and documenting each of the times the bums poop on the street, rather than cleaning it up. How does that investment advance the nation? It doesn’t even fix the pooping. It just notes that it happened. And given government workers are lazy, I will bet they are even walking by piles “failing” to notice them, and failing to document them to reduce their workload. Does California actually have any chance, heading into the Apocalypse?
British Lawyer who was a pillar of the community despite defending pedophiles, now pleads guilty to molesting children in the youth group he operated. The Secret Society transcends national borders, and elevates its people to leadership positions.
High ranking Vatican Cardinal warns Pope Francis is facilitating Islam’s invasion of the West, and he must be stopped. Is this the beginning of the Storm in the Church?
Vietnam bans Glyphosate/Roundup, US Agriculture Secretary immediately goes on the attack. Glyphosate probably acts as a competitive inhibitor to an active site on an enzyme in Glycolysis, which blocks further breakdown of glucose and causes the cells to think there is more than enough ATP, so it can divert the intermediate breakdown products of Glycolysis to cellular proliferation. That is one of the traits people have noticed in cancer cells, so Glycolysis may provide one of the steps in Oncogenesis.
Whole Foods bottled water has unsafe levels of arsenic. People who try to go organic are, in the eyes of Cabal, more wealthy people denying the Pharma wing of Cabal, Inc the profits it is entitled to. Add a little arsenic, and suddenly their risks of GI cancer are right back up there with the rest of the population.
AOC says she thinks about running for President every once in a while.
Video of Robert Kraft in massage parlor rumored to be up for sale. Don’t forget, when Police supposedly staged a bomb threat to get everyone out of the building and install their tech in the massage parlor, the owner of the parlor reportedly was standing outside watching them on her phone as they installed the tech inside. She was watching them on a security camera system she had installed inside and connected to the internet. This might point to outside actors having accessed that system, rather than a leak of the Police videos.
Look at the power of intel operations. You infiltrate honest CIA, get into HR, infiltrate your assets into positions throughout the agency as officers, then use the intel you have access to, in order to burn the agents of honest officers operating overseas, eliminating the power and influence of officers who are not loyal to your conspiracy. In the process, you improve the position of your own protectorates overseas by closing their doors to the officers in CIA who were working for the people and the nation:
Iranian Intel Minister: We Identified, Arrested 290 CIA Spies In Different Countries https://t.co/vaKzsoHbSX
— SouthFront (@southfronteng) April 19, 2019
I keep saying, the Machine probably likes everyone focusing on guns, and fortifications, and hand to hand, and battle tactics. Intel is the really dangerous skill. A platoon of US Spec Ops-level shooters, working without intel-abilities is actually at a disadvantage to a group of misfits who understand how to do intel. Because real fights end up won before the fighting even begins.
BREAKING: Mueller knew he had no collusion case more than a yr before midterm elections, yet kept teasing collusion in court filings thru out the 2018 campaign. Some ex-prosecutors suggest Mueller had Machiavellian plan: swaying the congressional electionshttps://t.co/pA1hrclaP8
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) April 19, 2019
This one is interesting:
White people genuinely think that police make kids safer when in reality at most schools the police ARE the threat.
This is why we continue to say. #BlackLivesMatter https://t.co/MGxzTbN7iD
— David Hogg (@davidhogg111) April 19, 2019
This kid is the son of an FBI agent. That means dad has probably brought home other LE who treated him terrifically. He knows better. Why is he tweeting this? His family is Secret Society (Mom worked for CNN), and he has been given the role of leftist agitator. This is the script. I spent a lot of time thinking people really meant the things they wrote. But lately I am thinking if we heard the voices, they were elevated to that spot by Cabal, and if they were Cabal, they were just playing the role they were assigned.
Top Democrats aim to block funds for detention beds at the border as they simultaneously complain about there not being enough beds at detention facilities on the border https://t.co/mGJiZO9Evz
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) April 19, 2019
CNN claims Trump wanted to do Obstruction, but was saved when his underlings refused to follow his orders. This might be right. Imagine you are in the White House, and (((They))) have eavesdropping all throughout it, probably operating remotely and set up in privately owned, denied areas in buildings around it which you can’t hit and take down. Would you want them to hear a measured, strategic genius thinking ten moves ahead leading a disciplined army of subordinates who follow his every order, or would you want them to hear an impetuous, uncontrolled, undisciplined maniac with self-destructive tendencies leading a staff which is prone to ignore his orders? The most interesting part of all of this may be the many levels of deceptions employed by everyone from the top down, and including the purposeful bringing in of enemy agents, and then containing them without letting them know they are contained, to make the enemy feel comfortable and in control.
CNN does an amazing piece blaming Obama for allowing the Russians to interfere in our elections, and saying he failed spectacularly. They may be beginning to try and save themselves.
Unrest in Algeria demands a new government. You can see, if Cabal had taken over all of these governments and their intelligence services, and your only chance to clear it out was to purge it everywhere simultaneously from out of nowhere, you would need to organize that plan for decades in deep secrecy, going all the way back to Kennedy’s assassination.
Majority want Congress to move on from the Russia Hoax. Notice the term? Cabal put great effort into developing and programming the “Move-On” meme in everyone’s brains under Clinton, and now Trump is using it to advance us toward Cabal’s destruction.
Unemployment drops to another record low.
Trump refers to some claims in the Mueller report as “Total Bullshit.” First look at the brilliance. If Mueller was a Trump operation, Trump created an opportunity for Cabal agents to destroy him, then sent them in and watched which ones would take the bait and try to take him out. Second, on the use of “Bullshit,” I knew a guy who had a motorcycle accident. He described a vivid memory of time slowing down, feeling himself lift off the seat and begin flying, sensing before his one shoulder touched the ground what it would feel like, knowing immediately what the next part of him to touch the ground would be as he tumbled, and feeling, and remembering, every little detail in slow motion. The shock of the impact turned his amygdala on, and he went into hyper-memory mode. There really is no way to draw attention to a statement, as you emphasize your total belief in it, that is quite as effective as employing profanity. Politeness is a means of not flagging amygdala, which is deadly for burning an idea clearly and completely into the mind of an observer. You need to present the idea and hit that amygdala to put everyone’s brain online and storing memories clearly. The shock of the social transgression, especially by somebody of Trump’s status, emphasizes it in the minds of the listener. As an added bonus, since profanity is normally employed most aggressively by the amygdala-activated in the run-up to violent conflict, it also carries with it a threat stimulus, something I think Trump may be using it for. He is presenting cognitive sensations to the left of a fed up warrior and an impending battle. Again, you have the socially cowardly who will adhere to social protocols at the expense of their mission (think George W Bush), and then you have the warriors who have singular focus on the success of their mission of good, at the expense of everything else. Trump will accomplish more for the cause of good than everyone else because his purpose is singular. And he is likely to begin fucking up liberals with extreme prejudice very soon.
Q reference on Twitter maybe?
Great reminder from Massachusetts National Guard — The Nation’s First today — April 19, 1775 – The American Revolutionary War began with the “Shot heard round the world” #MassachusettsNationalGuard National Park Service #Concord #Lexington https://t.co/6ipgMZXPZ1
— New England District (@CorpsNewEngland) April 19, 2019
Bombard says Rosenstein is under immense stress, and while he and Barr have a stressful relationship under duress, he acknowledges Barr is in control. Also notice the relaxed right shoulder, and the stressed and tense left shoulder. Bifurcations may be for more than just faces. It may affect body language as well:
Trump campaign rakes in $1 million after Mueller report release https://t.co/NFZ2JLMWUC pic.twitter.com/CRLN48rlqy
— New York Post (@nypost) April 19, 2019
JWPrez @TomFitton Mueller Report Confirms Russia Hoax, NEW Deep State Lawsuit, John Kerry Colluding w/ Iran? https://t.co/u0alefxcvb
— Judicial Watch ? (@JudicialWatch) April 19, 2019
The Washington Post and New York Times are, in my opinion, two of the most dishonest media outlets around. Truly, the Enemy of the People! https://t.co/AG3vccsJvg
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 19, 2019
Fundraiser for Landens Family by Noah Hanneman : Help For Landen – Mall Of America Attack Victim. https://t.co/qq6rijSpQC
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) April 19, 2019
A reminder for @CNN and the rest of those in the mainstream media gaslighting the American people by claiming they got the #RussiaHoax story right…You didn’t. #FactsFirst ???
Ten Most Embarrassing U.S. Media Failures on the Trump-Russia Story https://t.co/zk2HIIiIWm
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) April 18, 2019
Statements are made about me by certain people in the Crazy Mueller Report, in itself written by 18 Angry Democrat Trump Haters, which are fabricated & totally untrue. Watch out for people that take so-called “notes,” when the notes never existed until needed. Because I never….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 19, 2019
…agreed to testify, it was not necessary for me to respond to statements made in the “Report” about me, some of which are total bullshit & only given to make the other person look good (or me to look bad). This was an Illegally Started Hoax that never should have happened, a…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 19, 2019
….big, fat, waste of time, energy and money – $30,000,000 to be exact. It is now finally time to turn the tables and bring justice to some very sick and dangerous people who have committed very serious crimes, perhaps even Spying or Treason. This should never happen again!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 19, 2019
Time for Democrats to accept reality https://t.co/3SyAnkSVlX
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 19, 2019
RR was far far away except when he heard a cue from his master.
I’d say he was in despair.
What is this? K disgust without the fear? (low amygdala)?

Not related to your post, but still noteworthy: I remember a blog from long ago (December 2017) where you said that DRD4-7R isn’t a leftism-predisposing gene but rather a gene that makes a person especially affected, for better or for worse by their environment. I’ve been doing alot of research on Differential Susceptibility (Michael Pluess and Jay Belsky’s term) and Highly Sensitive People (Elaine Aron’s term), also called the Dandelion-Orchid spectrum and I’m pretty sure that your newer interpretation is correct; HSPs/Orchids, about 20% of the population, do especially poorly in life when exposed to negative stimuli but do much better than everyone else when exposed to positive life stimuli. The Dandelion-Orchid articles I mentioned listed DRD4-7R as one of the “Orchid Genes” and also the “MAO-A” gene which turns a person in a negative environment extremely violent.
AC, have you read Ann Coulter’s latest column? If so, what were your thoughts? It’s starting to look like both Jared and Ivanka are Cabal.
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