News Briefs – 04/18/2017

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Lynch Threatened to Prosecute NYPD officers over death of suspect, if NYPD leaked anything off Weiner’s laptop An NYPD anon on 4Chan claimed the insurance file had a video that shocked and disgusted all NYPD who saw it, but the Feds came in, took it, and told them it would be taken care of, and they should not leak anything. He seemed credible, because when asked why he didn’t leak it, he said, “I don’t want to become a target, and neither would you.” The term was significant in today’s civilian threat matrix, and made me think he was legit. Something shocking is probably out there, and the God Emperor probably has access to it. All because of Weiner.

Crazy leftist teacher writes 100 page manual on how to teach about the hundreds of different genders without offending anyone. Mainly interesting to look at a brain that has self-trained to trigger at doing anything that might offend another, and now revels in its skill. The ultimate rabbit characteristic is conflict avoidance, and inherent to this is reality avoidance.

Cities have hid 142 gang members from deportation. Rabbits like mortality.

Syrian doctor says it wasn’t gas in the famous video.

Ground Level FBI agents are furious with Comey for taking on Trump and going political. I’ll bet there is a lot more than just that. It was an FBI agent who tried to help a former Clinton mistress who was being harassed, even as he told her there was nothing he could officially do. At the end of the day, the guys who volunteer for the pointy end of the spear joined to protect, not be the elite’s praetorian guard.

RT on Youtube shows Russians claiming that Americans were training Syrians to launch false flag chemical attacks, and it was filmed just before Syrian attack.

College in California hosts 3 day conference for Venezuelan propagandists to explain to students how wonderful Socialism is. There should be a field trip to Venezuela to see.

Politico does piece saying Joe Biden isn’t handsy with women and children, and his real problem is he is too conservative.

Democrat says women are dying because Democrats are losing elections. A brazen play to trigger amygdalae to drive action. Would work better for conservatives, because of the mortal salience stimulus.

Democrats oppose unions for political campaign workers. Every issue is merely a tool to enact control over the population. Where it thwarts control, it is an obstacle in the way.

Quebec says it has reached its limit of asylum seekers, and now will not accept more.

Right wing street artist Sabo suspended from Twitter for criticizing facebook. Don’t criticize one CIA outfit on another, or you will get banned.

Florida officials are using a tracking device in a horny male python to track the male to females which they catch. It dawned on me the same technique will be used by the Cabal to track resistance to other resistance, and it is a good opportunity to stick the idea in everyone’s brains.

The judge on the Michael Cohen case officiated Soros’ wedding. Think Cabal can’t control which judge gets which case? The funny thing is Q hears all, so it is possible they saw this move coming, and gave Cohen some very interesting evidence, which the FBI will now have to come across, and log, and investigate.

France has more riots in deprived Muslim areas. You won’t see these on the news but they are smoldering embers, just waiting to be fanned by shortage.

Obama weakened our counterintelligence. Jibes with what Q said about our leaders selling out the US for cash deposited anonymously in foreign accounts.

Newsweek says white South Africans should accept giving up some of their land to Blacks now, so their sense of white privilege doesn’t end up costing them everything when angry blacks take all of their land. Never have a liberal in your foxhole, because they will shoot you in the hopes the enemy will treat them wonderfully.

IDF confirms Iran has an airbase in Syria. Q said Iran was next.

Koreas agree to end 68 year war. It lends Q credence. All these decades, and the US government never ended it. The God Emperor is good, but is it really possible the entirety of the former US governments failed at everything Trump has made look so easy and gotten done so fast? Or is it more likely the former governments failed because they wanted to, and Trump has a different agenda?

David Hogg’s Boycott boosted Laura Ingraham’s traffic by 20%. It is a K-shift.

Washington DC may let 16 year olds vote for President. Might be a good threat to motivate K’s to get to the polls.

Tell friends about r/K Theory, because…

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6 years ago

Ha! Quebec is throwing in the towel on the Canadian gov’s bs. Too much more of this migrant stuff and Canada will end up being two or three different countries when all is said and done.

Mountain Farmer
6 years ago

When hard times and collapse are in the United States, in predominantly white rural areas, do you think nonwhite people and mulatto people are in danger of being killed by the whites? Does K bring the strong desire for pure ethnicity?