News Briefs – 04/11/2019

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.


Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Q dropped the big one:

This is the big one. It is the thread that unravels everything, because the surveillance of Trump leads to Papadopoulos. Because intelligence never jumps in on an operation without knowing everything about all the moving parts. Papadopoulos was not an unknown entity to them when they chose him as a target. His name didn’t pop up in a meeting, and they said, “Who is this guy? Let’s see if we can use this guy – put surveillance on him!” What happened was, they looked at Trump’s campaign, pulled out reams of thick surveillance files on everyone even tangentialy associated with it, all formed and built out over the previous decades, and went over them all with a fine tooth comb, looking for the perfect candidate. Probably something in PapaD’s file made him seem the most vulnerable, maybe because he was young and therefore assumed to be naieve and vulnerable, and they thought they could beat him.

They chose him because they already knew everything about him. They knew everything about him because they had already had him under surveillance for some time. So Trump leads to Papadopoulos and Papadopoulos leads to the surveillance of Papadopoulos, which PapaD has said was not about Trump, but rather began years back, supposedly on the predicate of some meeting he did in Israel.

We know when they wanted to get a FISA on Trump, they used one of their own agents to approach PapaD, and simulate a criminal-intelligence interaction, so that interaction could be used to justify the surveillance. So given PapaD’s initial surveillance began with an interaction with someone in Israel, it is not out of the question to assume their surveillance of him was begun with another ruse, using another of their agents, having another one of their own in Israel approach PapaD or someone he knew (maybe even another agent of their’s) to get the predicate to begin surveillance on him. So now we have a random, seemingly meaningless American who was put under surveillance long before he was ever of any importance to anyone. And behind that, we begin to see a pattern which may have been used on more people than just them.

Then you have to ask, did they do that just for him? Was PapaD alone picked out of hundreds of millions of Americans, and the only one this happened to? Did they do it to others? If so, did each individual get treated as a special case, a special government program all their own, to justify bogus, criminal, illegal surveillance? Or might someone have consolidated all of those operations under one umbrella? Even crazier, might there have been a dedicated program, with a dedicated office, with dedicated staff and intelligence operatives, and dedicated agents overseas, doing this daily to anyone in politics who became of interest, or might one day be of interest? Did it stop at politics?

Now look how government works. You build a division and put someone in charge. It becomes a little fiefdom. Every fiscal year, they fight for more staff and more assignments. They try to get their budgets increased. And here you have a division of government, subject to those forces, which will have J. Edgar. Hoover levels of blackmail on the very people who control the purse strings, and which will be of vital importance to the Cabals control. How many decades was that fiefdom growing as big as it wanted? You see now how Trump’s case may be the thread which will lead right back to that operation. And surveillance is just a minor thing. It is one tool of a larger intelligence operation. And that intelligence operation, wherever it was hidden, was ultimately being given orders by Cabal. This all leads back to that.

Now something interesting. Back when r/K began, right at the beginning, I was approached online by someone living in Europe who represented themselves as an American who had spent considerable time in Russia, even studying at a University there where he became fully fluent in Russian (Q has said that usually means CIA). He wanted to help promote r/K, and I entertained it, mainly because I thought he might have been sent and it was the only way I could learn about how the game was played. He even opened a Russian Yandex email to use with me, ostensibly to avoid Google.

I assumed at the time there was a good probability he was intelligence of some sort, working for someone, though it could just have been Democrat PI’s for all I knew. I tried to look him up online, and only saw very sparse generic profiles – nothing super well done like I would have thought CIA would have done, but nothing really telling either indicating a regular civilian. I even wondered if someone just had him out there floating around on his own to see what he could come up with. An address he gave me to mail something to looked like a field in the middle of the Midwest on Google. As I recall there were a couple of times he pushed for a closer relationship, and wanted my ID but I wasn’t about to do that. As a result, we went back and forth at a distance before he broke it off as unproductive. I filed it away as an interesting interlude, but didn’t get enough to know exactly what it was either way.

He floated around Europe after we parted ways, as I kept tabs online. Last I saw, he was running a preparatory program for the children of elites in Europe who wanted to go to the US to study in Universities. I assumed he was culturing sources and agents, and building files on kids in Europe who would eventually rise to prominence in various places and be of use to the machine one day back home. I obviously know nothing for sure, he could just have been what he seemed, but it looked odd to me at the time.

If he was what I thought he might have been, then there is probably a fairly massive official US government organization hidden away down there in some corner of DC devoted to doing to anyone in politics what was done to Trump, namely having someone approach them and simulate a criminal act, so the government can then go to the FISA Court with this crime they just discovered, and get permission to unleash the surveillance machine on them.

So this is the big thread which will unravel back to the Cabal’s surveillance activities. Those surveillance activities, will lead to the Intelligence operatives who organized it, and those should lead right back to Cabal’s highest ranking officers in America.

And it is worth noting, Q said, FISA brings down the House.


That is the end of Q’s posts as of now.

Julian Assange was just evicted from the London Embassy and immediately arrested by British Police on a warrant for not surrendering himself to the court. This must be Storm-related. The timing with Barr is very coincidental.

Then again, this came out just before he was grabbed up:

Ken Starr says he did not include the evidence of Hillary dressing down Vince Foster right before his suicide because he did not want to inflict further pain on her. Bullshit – he’s covering his ass. He omitted the fact Hillary was livid with Foster, right before Foster turned up dead. He covered up a potential motive to make the Clintons look better and stifle conspiracy theorizing. And now, out of the blue, he is coming out explaining this, as if he is worried people might think he had ulterior motives. No wonder his investigations, into the most corrupt and guilty couple in the history of our Republic, always went nowhere. Either he was the most incompetent prosecutor in history, or he was compromised, and occupied the Special Counsel role to prevent any real investigations of the Clintons from ever happening. All the history we know will need to be rewritten in our minds.

Planned Parenthood sues to stop Utah abortion law that bans abortion after 18 weeks.

FBI says Russians targeted elections in all 50 states. The question is, which Russians, and who were they trying to help? Don’t forget Hillary was in bed with some Russians in Uranium One.

Apple censors songs about Tiananmen square for the Chinese government.

New Zealand Parliament votes 119-1 to ban assault rifles. And Cabal’s control increases. Nice job Tarrant.

Mount Vernon busts Fake-News Politico website for making up a story about Trump’s visit to make him look bad.

JFK JR had made the flight to Martha’s Vineyard before with no problem, and wasn’t afraid to not fly if conditions were bad. A bit of a sad piece because he sounded like such a nice person.

College promotes male cuddling, as a way to deal with stress. Again, this has one purpose. It subconsciously alters everyone’s Overton Window, and suddenly being a democrat doesn’t seem nearly as pathetic. Get rid of the defectives and the degeneracy, and furries and the diaper fetishes, and the other weirdos, and then being a Democrat would be much more marginalized. Add them in and Adam Schiff almost seems like a semi-male-like-figure.

Salvini’s party office bombed by Muslim Migrants.

Amazon employees are listening to what you say around Alexa, to “help improve the user experience.” It isn’t illegal eavesdropping if you install the microphone.

Lewandowski says Trump knows Obama authorized the spying. Trump doesn’t fly by the seat of his pants. By the time he acts, he has already won – he is just waiting to let you know.

EU agrees to delay Brexit until Oct 31.

Now an Ethanol processing plant has had a major fire. I wonder if Cabal had its back to a wall, if it would short various stocks right before accidents burned down chemical processing plants owned by those companies.

Washington Post “Conservative” writer Jennifer Rubin wants Bob Barr impeached and removed. It still surprises me how many of these writers didn’t really believe in the cause, but rather were just playing a role. For that matter, it surprises me how I was always arguing with people as if what I said made any difference, in a country which didn’t work anything like I thought.

Chinese cops stop people and search their phones for facebook – if found, they are sent to concentration camps. This makes it look like they view facebook as a security threat.

Google founders have disappeared lately – won’t show up to any townhalls. The old guard is clearly shocked and in hiding.

Treasury declines House request for Trump’s tax returns.

Venezuela has another blackout spread across large parts of the country.

Public Unions lose 90% of non-member dues after SCOTUS ruling.

Twitter algorithm suffers a glitch which makes any tweet with the words “Enemy of the people” direct it to the New York Times.

Avenatti’s $4.5 million dollar private jet seized by the government.

Kim Kardashian is studying to be a lawyer. Might she have the impression that social media influencer will no longer be a thing after the Storm?

CNN is melting down, in panic mode:

Adam Schiff’s Intel Committee Chairmanship is in trouble.

Horowitz’s FISA abuse investigation may be finished by May or June. I think Barr’s announcement he is going to do an investigation may be theater. The investigation is already almost done or done. If they announced when they were really beginning it, they are looking at two years of drudgery and leaks, and by the time they are ready to do something it is all old news and nobody cares. Instead, they do the investigation in secret, nobody leaks because the enemy doesn’t want to admit there was ever even a problem, just before it is finished they announce they are going to start it, and suddenly after a short bit it is finished, and is a blockbuster.

If you click no other link, this may be the one to click to understand the machine Trump is fighting. Michael Scheuer, former CIA Station Chief in Afghanistan, and head of the Bin Ladin Unit, posts a blog positing that he sees a total rewrite of American domestic power structures by Trump, first destroying the Federal Bureaucracy, the Democrat Party, The Intellectual/Collegiate Academy, and the entire media. Then he says his read is the Israeli lobby is being saved for last by Trump and will be destroyed entirely. I am not an anti-Semite by any means, but this guy is the equivalent of a PhD in this subject, who saw it from inside the deepest parts of the CIA. I am probably between a late Middle School to a High School freshman, if even, compared to him, and I had no inside access, just good extrapolation skills. I figured Cabal’s origins went back to Europe, but then again the cradle of civilization was in the Middle East. Maybe that is where it began, before moving on to Europe. And I keep seeing Vox Day a few years back noting how some Jewish organization was putting out word that it might be time for the Jewish community to begin moving to China. Also of interest is, Q said that Israel was being saved for last for some very good reason, which seems to be what Scheuer predicts. Also, to find the author you have to put the domain into google, which will show it is his blog. Be funny if he was Q. Given his background, his status in the Intel community, the fact he is on the right side of the war, and this sounds kind of like Q, it is not impossible. Then again, it was Michael Flynn who was signing his book Field of Fight with “WWG1WGA.”

Mexico busts a leading Los Zetas Cartel member in a raid.

Trump signs an executive order to fast track oil and gas pipelines.

A clapper side by side from Q’s board:

Which means, now everything that was already done over the last two years will be pulled in and unified under Barr, and weaponized by him and his office. As opposed to him having to do all this ground work himself from scratch starting now. So Huber may actually go home now and we will never see him again, as Barr just picks up all his material, combines it with Horowitz’s, Mueller’s and maybe adds stuff from the various House and Senate committees, as well as a possible additional stealth prosecutor nobody knows about, and runs with it all. I wonder if Barr is the third prosecutor Q talked about, or if he is the Stealth bomber Q spoke of who would get to his target without being seen before unloading all the ammo everybody else has amassed.

Spread r/K Theory, because the happenings are beginning.

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5 years ago

I’m hearing the term “Cabal” pop up more often of late in relation to the Russia/collusion/spygate story. Rush used it on his show yesterday and Maria Bartiromo used it on her morning program on Fox Business today. Interesting.

5 years ago

Thanks AC.

5 years ago

Related to Amygdala stimulation and the impact of war on K-strategist warriors:

I think all men who go into combat or undertake situations that would massively trigger the amygdala would need a ritual purification to help assauge PTSD:

Whilst K-strategist would have better coping mechanisms for stress in combat. I think the warrior rituals of tribes could help heal mental wounds from the overload of Amygdala and a way to transition back to civilian life.

No K-strategist warrior in my opinion should ever need to endure sleepless nights of nightmares and depression.

And whilst bad memories shouldn’t be deleted the other aspects of PTSD should be a priority treatment but should avoid medications.

Reply to  info
5 years ago

Its especially important too for soldiers to be allowed to weep openly for their dead comrades to the fullest extent over their fallen brothers. And not be allowed to restrain themselves for doing so at prearranged times.

As it was during the time of the Illiad and Odyssey.

Because its a way of unloading the Amygdala. Therefore ensuing that PTSD doesn’t develop in most cases.

Part of the reason why PTSD is so comparatively rare compared to modern times.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  info
5 years ago

I have no doubt that PTSD would be more rare in ancient times, but there’s also the thorny question of how we would really know. There’s not a lot of firm data on these things, other than vague references of soldiers being changed by the war experience, both for good and bad.

But let’s say it’s true. There are other factors:

In the ancient world, war was over and then you came home. Here, soldiers come home and are hit with constant media stimulation of the ongoing war. That kind of stimulation didn’t exist just a few generations ago.

Additionally, ancient soldiers fought to either defend or to conquer. Our soldiers? They fight for propaganda, essentially. They are servants fighting for empire but denied even the joy of conquest. Or the joy of really defending something. When you take things like Iraq and Afghanistan, it’s very easy for people on the home front to be indifferent because they are not conflicts that threaten our existence. And the reasons we’re told we are fighting for our usually highly distorted. I have no doubt that many troops ultimately sense this.

Humans fight for defense of home and they fight for conquest. Despite talk in our national mythology, humans don’t appear to fight too much for abstract ideals. Even religious based conflicts are essentially conflicts of tribal affiliation.

5 years ago

New Zealand Parliament votes 119-1 to ban assault rifles. And Cabal’s control increases. Nice job Tarrant.

Since NZ doesn’t have the death penalty, they can’t fake an execution like they did for McVeigh. They will have to engineer a Ted Bundy style “escape” for him instead.

5 years ago

“…then there is probably a fairly massive official US government organization hidden away down there in some corner of DC devoted to doing to anyone in politics what was done to Trump…”

Here’s how to deduce that organization.

a. It’s going to be funded entirely out of taxpayer’s money. Cabal won’t pay for something that massive if they can off-load costs on something else, just like a true parasite.

b. Its personnel needs are going to be disguised as something legitimate. But it has to be secretive enough for its activities to be hidden. And given the scope of work you refer to, there has to be thousands of employees, all most likely working in compartmented projects, with only a few at the top seeing the entire picture.

c. And the organization has to be deep. Even deeper than the NSA, the original “No Such Agency.” It’s going to have a boring cover story, nothing exciting like the Agency or NSA, and probably produce some legit product used by the IC and other USG customers. But there’s another secret aspect to its mission and work, as you surmise being across the political intelligence sphere.

My money’s on it being NGA, the former NIMA. It has some nice, vanilla offices on Rt. 50 and 28, which are easy to see via Google Earth. And it fits all the above requirements. But this clandestine op also could be a “Treadstone”-like secret appendage of a well-known IC agency. That one will only come out in the Big Reveal.

Who knows which one is correct, but all truths are eventually revealed. Even the ones over a century old.


On a related note, you are spot-on about Ken Starr. Talk about a Deep State type. He had no intention of finding out the truth in the 1990s, and those working in DC at the time knew that. But he’s smart enough now to start seeding doubt about his work to cover his rotten bottom.
Starr recognizes where this is going: breakup of real power bases like Cabal’s acolytes in Washington. BTW, he’s pretty bad about coming up with excuses. “Further pain?” No one at that level of power is altruistic. He had the Cabal squeeze on him in some way back then.

Finding your site, AC, was the best thing I’ve encountered in real news speculation in years. It makes so much more sense than the info drivel being spoon-fed to the sheep. Thanks again for your strenuous efforts to keeping the site working and real.

Reply to  lordofthehundreds
5 years ago

“Universal Export”.

5 years ago

So, let me try to understand this, AC. You’re saying that Papa was already being spied upon because of something he did in Israel – do you know what he did? – and then, based on information they had gleaned, they pegged him as an easy mark which eventually made him the unwitting “cause” of their FISA on Trump?

Obviously, Papa was put through some sort of wringer. But why? Papa believes he was framed, and it certainly looks that way, but Occam’s razor doesn’t apply to these sorts of things, and so the more unlikely answer may be the true one.

Doesn’t Israel have incredible intelligence, perhaps the best in the world? Surely Israeli intelligence can locate, immediately, any individual in their country from other agencies or groups. (Just fly into Tel Aviv and look at the hundreds of young “agents” who speak multiple languages and are highly trained to observe visitors. Some people stroll in and out of the airport with a little knowing wave from these agents – others are taken to small rooms on the perimeter for a little chat.) So I can think of three potential explanations for the Israel connection: First, put simply, 1) Israel is “them.” Looking for the un-obvious answer, however, suggests that 2) Israel was in on whatever was done to Papa, or 3) Israel’s intelligence isn’t as good as thought. My hunch is option two, that Israel isn’t “them,” but an integral part of, or deeply involved, with them.

But why? Why would Israel be/join them here? What’s in it for Israel?

Survival as a country explains part of it, and the Jewish mindset – deeply insecure and paranoic – explains a lot more, but … but … does this explain why the Israeli’s would get involved in such a tawdry, seemingly small-potatoes exploit? I’d think the downside potential of being involved would be greater than any upside potential. Wouldn’t they worry about getting caught or snared, offending the Greeks (natural gas pipeline?), irritating Trump (Bibi’s supposed friend), making Russia mad … who knows.

Of course, the upside could have been big. Perhaps they got something in return for targeting Trump via Papa. Something from Obama or Hillary.

Mostly, I don’t see why they bothered to get a FISA. FISAs are routinely granted – hardly any are refused, right? Wouldn’t they expect to get it? Didn’t they intend to spy on Trump indirectly, by spying on Trump’s people, for which a FISA would be easy to get? Note this article, one of many on the topic:
It seems as if they controlled the FISA court process, AC. So why go through all those hoops to frame some innocent(?) guy for a FISA warrant that would have been granted anyway? I just don’t see how this “justifies their bogus, criminal and illegal surveillance” that could be done anyway.

It doesn’t add up. They knew they’d get the FISA … they also knew they didn’t need a FISA to do whatever they did.

Your idea that there are other people treated like Papa seems likely. He’s not a black swan. This means that agencies (ours) assume they can target Americans and foreigners with impunity … so, why bother with the FISA application? Just do it. My hunch is that they’ve been doing this to many people for a long time without any FISA permission.

Back to Papa. They could have spied on him without the FISA cover. Similarly, they could have spied on other Trump associates without FISA cover. They spied on Bernie and others. Did they have FISA permission to do this? I don’t know. But it seems they spied on any candidates who didn’t share their worldview. They couldn’t have known that Trump would be the one to emerge from the big Republican field – – he was the outlier who wasn’t expected to win: Jeb was pegged to win. So why bother with the FISA cover at all? Why?

You suggest the fiefdom. This sounds so true, that there was a little group of overpaid, underworked, marginally intelligent bureaucrats that didn’t want to lose their unearned status, a proto cabal, if you will. Then it grew, as all agencies grow – Max Weber’s bureaucratization thesis – until some sort of revolution occurs and the whole mess resets with different players and the same, eventual result. We may be at that point. But if there’s a fiefdom, as you suggest, then, again, why get FISA permission? After all, a fiefdom’s power is inversely related to the number of permissions it needs to get from other fiefdoms. Acting without permission is acting with strength, that is, asserting power.

Is the fiefdom the same group as cabal? You say it’s not, that cabal is organizationally over it. Okay. This could be. But the agencies may be the functional headquarters for which you seek. Lets say the rogue, expanding intelligence agencies merge forces to some degree – five eyes stuff – and then use and reward willing outsiders. Rather than put the locus of control on the outside, perhaps the only existing organizational group is within the agencies, mostly in the US? Again, I don’t know.

To sum: I don’t see why they sought the cover of a FISA application, and without that a motive or reason for getting a FISA warrant, the argument for framing Papa falls apart. If they didn’t need it, why get it, AC??? Why frame that dear man??

Furthermore, if, as you say, the FISA application is used by Trump’s associates to “bring down the House(house)” then it’s even stranger that they got one. Had they not had a FISA warrant, none of this would have come out.

Thought: Could it be that there were, among the bad guys, a few rogue good guys who had planned their destruction and so got the FISA warrant? Seems hard to fathom, but, well, there’s Q.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Will ignore Israel. Sorry. Unlike you, I don’t have the knowledge or skillset to discern what is, and is not, germane.

Doesn’t the setting up of Papadopolous exemplify the banality of evil?

What struck me, when reading email exchanges, was how sloppy and blithe they were, banal even. The shallowness of their discourse is so telling. Often they emoted, being angry about this or that. They’re a bit like your “r” selected individuals.

If rK is about an orientation to the outer world, the way one appropriates reality and, in turn, shapes it, look at Strock and Page and Comey and McCabe … and then wonder about the other people in their fiefdom, the ones we don’t know. These unknowns may have set the FISA report into play. And Srtock and friends may be gullible blackhats who fell for the suggestions made by this handful of rogue, Q-like, K-selected whitehats in their midst.

Reply to  K
5 years ago

Doesn’t the setting up of Papadopolous exemplify the banality of evil?

Yes. And its depth is in its banality.

Reply to  K
5 years ago

Doesn’t Israel have incredible intelligence, perhaps the best in the world?</blockquote?

Based on what evidence? That they say they are? That other incompetent agencies say they are?

Look at the evidence. Mosaad does a terrible job of predicting or preventing terrorist attacks. That they are audacious and put out tons of agents for illegal ops doesn't make them skilled, it just makes them active. All of the agencies overhype what they can do and how well they do it. Israel is included in all agencies.

Mosaad seems like they are omniscient because they spend the last 60 years cultivating nearly every jew in the world as an intelligence asset. That’s not just me blathering now, that is their own bragging. I’m not taking it as face evidence, I’m taking it because it matches up with the results. They have been able to track people before because the airport counter agents, travel agents, etc largely reported to them. Now that people are booking their own travel and printing their own tickets, they lost a lot of that edge.

Mosaad isn’t incompetent. But they are very unlikely to be incredible, or anywhere close to best in the world. (Look at the GRU for that — I think. USN and DIA are probably close, maybe better.)

Reply to  everlastingphelps
5 years ago

You are assuming that the Mossad wants to prevent the terrorist attacks.
They may be causing them in order to manipulate their citizens and world opinion.

5 years ago

What are your thoughts on the arrest of julian assange