News Briefs – 04/30/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at



I almost forgot, our own Farcesensitive dropped this in the comments:

You have authors as readers and commenters here like Hans G. Schantz and I would like to invite them and anyone else interested to a new site a friend and I have put together where they can post writing samples and advertise their works.

As long as we are probing the events related to Cabal-targeting, and just how early it begins, there is one thing I am curious about from others who are now under, namely curious incidents in grade school.

I had the ridiculous good fortune to fall into a martial arts school when I was younger which taught real fighting, which actually worked because you actually trained on a real, resisting opponent who was attacking you as you attacked him. It may have radically altered my psychology later, when I think I may have run into the high-school version of the machine, and it tried to mold me.

Freshman year of high school, I didn’t think I was much different from all the other freshman, but I literally had five or six juniors who all immediately marked me independently of each other, and each seemed bent on trying to make me buckle under within the first week or two. All of them probably had between 25 to 35 lbs on me each. I thought it strange at the time, as I wondered why nobody else in my class was such a focus of any other upper classman, especially, since my philosophy was always if you left me alone, I left you alone. Nobody else in my grade had any bullying, and I didn’t see it through all four years of high school outside of my circumstances for those first few weeks. But within the first few weeks of my freshman year, I had three fights, all of which I ended up on top of because I knew to attack like a hockey fight when we started striking, and the moment we clinched and went to grappling, none of them knew what they were doing.

It was one of the most enjoyable times in my life. To me, I was just warming up. I had a sophomore I saw push around the retarded kid in gym class who I made a note to escalate any interaction with up to fighting, and I had the remaining juniors on my list. Each day I looked forward to the places in the halls where we passed each other, and I thought about how to provoke them to throw the first blow. I was riding high, walking in each morning on a cloud, when all of a sudden, everything stopped, and everybody left me alone simultaneously. Again, it could have been innocent, but I didn’t think any of them really grasped what had happened with the others, as it was a bigger school, and in each of my fights, there weren’t a lot of people around when it went down. All of them were big enough compared to me I assumed they would have still thought they could take me. The bullies were all in different cliques and seemingly didn’t know each other, and my interactions with them had an air of emotional hatred, or at least I felt they did, so I could not see the remaining guys I had problems with just walking away and avoiding me like that if they disliked me that much, let alone all of them doing it probably within a few days of each other, and not particularly close to my last fight. It just happened. It really had the feel of all of them getting told that the plan had changed, and now I was to be left alone, and that was it.

In retrospect, I feel fortunate that due to circumstances, the opportunity for molestation or rape never really presented itself, as I strongly suspect that is another way they try to inculcate a subservience to power, or at least take a lot of the teeth out of a potential threat. If that was what this was, I could easily have seen some sort of molestation/rape as a plan B.

Seven or eight years later, I saw one of the bullies in what I now realize was a TEDD (Time Environment/Distance/Demeanor) situation, when he walked into a bar I was in out of the blue, and loitered there. I got a weird air off him, even though by then my hair was shaved short, I had gotten much bigger, my face was radically different, and I looked unrecognizable compared to the long-haired scrawny 13 year old who weighed a buck twenty-five, that he would have remembered.

He recognized and knew me, even though he shouldn’t have. Even his story was interesting, though I failed to see the significance back then. I had given him the blackest eye you would ever see anyone get. For about six months he wore it every day, until it just about faded. One day as we passed in the hall, I noticed his other eye was as black as coal, exactly the same as the first had looked, just on the other side. I knew somebody who knew him, and asked if he knew what happened. It turned out he was in town (which was strange, as town was a long way from the nicer, more remote area where we both lived, so now I wondered why he was in town to begin with). For no reason, he walked up to a twelve year old kid on a call on a pay phone, hung up the pay phone on the kid mid-call, told him he needed to make a call and the kid should get lost, and proceeded to get punched in the face by the kid, who then just walked off. And he did nothing but wander away to lick his wounds.

At the time, I asked my friend laughingly, “why doesn’t he just leave other people alone?” It was funny to me, but it was an honest question. Normal would have been leaving people alone. Not normal was leaving a beautiful rural area for a shitty populated town, where you fuck with random people you don’t know for no reason. Between the fact he was going around fucking with random people he didn’t know, and the fact I saw him in a place eight years later where he shouldn’t have recognized me but he did, and then he got strangely squirrely as I looked at him, makes me harken back to high school, where on looking back, I now suspect (((They))) were running at least 10-12 kids in just my class in the school, and maybe more.

So my questions – Does anyone else here, who is under coverage today, have any unusual experiences in high school, which in retrospect may have been attempts to inculcate a fear of, or reflexive capitulation to power/force, or create some form of emotional/psychological control through a girl who was strangely eager to be with you, like the stereotypical Jewish girlfriend the Chans talk about, or other random people strangely trying to steer you to the girl despite your disinterest, or somebody trying to lure you into a crime, or do drugs, or somehow gain a measure of control over you via some other means? Was there ever any time anyone in the school knew something about you which they could not have learned on their own, and which should not have been intel that was out in the open? Anybody notice anything strange in their neighborhood, like cars you saw in the same place all the time, being driven in ways people would not normally drive, like people who didn’t live on a dead-end street turning into one as if they were going somewhere, when they obviously were not, and they were just dodging you. Or cars that always drove by when you went to get the mail, or take out the garbage? I am mainly interested in fleshing out any unusual school experiences which might be relevant. These will be experiences which have stuck with you, because when you encountered them, deep down your mind knew something didn’t fit, and thus it will have been stored away quite neatly as strange, and maybe somewhat puzzling, even all these years later. Also any quote-unquote paranormal experiences from you or your family, which might have simply been high technology you did not recognize. Also, any familial history or lore such as problems your family line may have had with the powers of Cabal. Oddly enough there is at least one book entirely about one of my ancestors, who was quite the thorn in the side of the Cabal back in his day.

What I am mainly hoping to work this exercise around to is, are they identifying kids in the schools, and trying to hammer down the nails that poke up, or have they already identified people, perhaps through some bloodline type thing, or maybe even some AI, and the proliferation of the machine around you is put there that early because you are already a target.

My working hypothesis now is GATE was probably not the only way they were identifying people, given they were probably running kids as agents, and building out files throughout each grade in the school. I suspect GATE may have been used to corral the kids who got marked as of interest, maybe for experimentation, maybe for trying to mold those who could be threats somehow, maybe even to mold some they intended to turn into cogs in their machine.

Whatever the answers, I am pretty sure, given all of this is being done in secret behind everyone’s back, by savvy, intel-trained adults looking to get over on kids when they are young, moldable, and most naïve and vulnerable, it is not about helping each person find God’s unique path for them so they may follow it to His glory. My own guess who is ultimately behind it (The painting is Satan Summoning His Hordes):

Symbolism will be their downfall.

Former FBI General Counsel James Baker has flipped – Durham is building a conspiracy case on all of those who lied to the court!

FBI notes detail an active effort to catch Flynn in lie to ‘get him fired’ as Trump adviser.

Original defense counsel for Michael Flynn spurned congressional immunity overtures following Flynn’s guilty plea, and allegedly said he would be unlikely to pursue congressional testimony by Flynn without the approval of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. I have long said, if it is of importance to Cabal, chances are your judge will be Cabal, your Jury will be rigged with Cabal, and even your own defense lawyer will be Cabal. Look through some listing of Super-Lawyers, and you will see people who were put on that list by the network so when you needed a lawyer you would choose one of their’s. Personally, I think Flynn knew all of this, and everything that happened to him was part of his/Q’s/Trump’s plan to expose and destroy this thing. But imagine how any of us could have just gotten railroaded ten years ago, without ever even realizing it, without any of this knowledge. Nothing worked the way we thought. God Bless Flynn. I hope when he sues and gets all of Brennan’s, and Comey’s, and McCabe’s, and Clapper’s, all of the other’s Cabal riches, he gets a very long and expensive vacation.

Grassley wants Michael Flynn’s case documents unsealed and released to the public.

Kansas cannot demand that new voters who register under the federal Motor-Voter law prove citizenship before their applications will be accepted, a U.S. appeals court ruled Wednesday.

Pennsylvania Education Secretary says, schools may not open in fall. This would be a mark of total failure. The most likely probability now is that June, July, and August, everyone who isn’t high-risk should be out and about, in a way that will make any exposure to the virus as small a dose of viral particles as possible, while getting everyone high on Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Zinc. That means in masks, buildings with windows open, and with hand hygiene constantly emphasized. TrumpPills need to be available on a moment’s notice at the first sign of illness without somebody needing to go to the hospital, and Remdesivir needs to be online and moving. Then, let everyone get exposed to as minor a dose of hopefully weakened virus as possible, when they are high on Vitamin D from sunlight, in the warm, humid air (which will minimize dose-exposure), while probably higher on vitamin C due to eating fruit, with the medications they need available, and let them get immune. You can always go to lockdown if the numbers look concerning, but I think the key is not simply herd immunity, but getting people exposed to very small doses of virus, as would happen in the heat and humidity, when everyone is wearing masks and cleaning their hands, and where everyone is high on the nutrients which can support a fight against this, and backed up by free availability of the drugs which can suppress it more aggressively as needed. If we get to the fall, and still need lockdowns, it will be a very bad thing.

Germany faces having to bring back strict coronavirus lockdowns as cases surge just days after easing them.

In this next image, Coronavirus active cases globally may be leveling off as resolved cases ticks upward, probably due to a mixture of running out of the reckless who expose themselves, and exhausting the most genetically susceptible, so those infected are more genetically resistant and are healing faster. Good news as things are a lot more fucked globally than in the US and West. Don’t forget, you need 60-70% infected for herd immunity if 100% of the population is infectible. If only 20% are genetically susceptible for the disease, then you will have herd immunity at 12-14%. 30% susceptibility requires 20-23%, 50% needs 30-35%, and so on. We don’t know what percent of the population is genetically unsusceptible:


Victims of CCP virus in China begin lawsuits to hold the regime accountable.

Pompeo pushes China to provide access to Wuhan labs over coronavirus outbreak.

Firm tests UV light treatment that media claimed Trump was crazy for talking about.

Rigorous Government Sponsored Clinical Trial Shows Gilead’s Remdesivir Quickened Recovery From COVID-19

Italian study finds incredible prophylaxis results for patients on Hydroxychloroquine.

Turkey claims success treating COVID-19 with broad use of drug touted by Trump. Technically, liberal availability of Hydroxychloroquine plus ending the lockdown is kind of like a vaccine. Given the adverse reaction profiles of some vaccines, it may not even be that much different practically in terms of averse reactions.

If you have a background in any sort of public health, you can make $57,000 with benefits as a contact tracer. It is possible it is a Cabal-only job, I don’t know.

Was guitar legend Jimi Hendrix assassinated by the US government and a manager with mob ties? Ten years ago the government and the mob working together, and doing an assassination would have sounded crazy. Now it is the most likely scenario. Some have said Hendrix was actually kind of redpilled and patriotic, and didn’t really buy into the Hippie bullshit.

Since 1985, the first year for which the Census Bureau has posted this nation’s bilateral merchandise trade deficits on its website, the United States has accumulated $5.5 trillion in trade deficits with China.

Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) stated that the sexual misconduct allegations against 2020 Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden have been “fully investigated” by the New York Times, Washington Post, and Associated Press and those outlets “have concluded that there was no substance to these allegations.”

WaPo editorial board calls for Biden to address Tara Reade allegations.

Harris County TX OKs up to $12M for mail ballots amid coronavirus concerns.

U.S. marriage rate is at record low. This was engineered. Though in truth, I am beginning to think for anyone who has potential, you need a full awareness of how vulnerable a propensity to enter into that union can make you if your eyes are not fully open.

Colorado man wins two $1M lottery prizes in one day using the same numbers.

Indian migrant tests positive for Coronavirus after illegally crossing border into California.

Satellite photos that showed luxury boats flitting around Kim’s coastal villa, where his personal train has been parked for days, spark speculation he is just isolating to keep away from the Coronavirus. A good thing, as his constitution shows a lot of what TCM doctors refer to as dampness, something which has seemed anecdotally to correlate with bad outcomes from the disease.

The Primary Model election modeling says it is 91-95% certain Trump will win reelection.

There is a 19-point voter enthusiasm gap, as Trump supporters are jazzed to vote.

Japan begins ‘mass exodus’ of manufacturing from China.

In the UK, there’s a U-turn on trans toilets in schools as parents force the council to pull guidance allowing transgender pupils to use girls’ bathrooms and dormitories. K is coming back fast now.

“The Greg Gutfeld Show” was the most-watched late-night program in all of television, topping all broadcast and cable comedy programs, including CBS’ Late Show with Stephen Colbert, NBC’s The Tonight Show and ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live.”

Sen. Ted Cruz urges development of domestic rare earth supply chain.

NYPD Union President calls de Blasio ‘an idiot’ for asking officers to ‘violate people’s rights.’

Not sure how the Police haven’t gotten totally compromised yet, given how massively their entire departments must be targeted for infiltration and purging of recalcitrants, but somehow they appear to have resisted the takeover to date. I can only assume Cabal doesn’t want to be the cannon-fodder they throw into the meatgrinder:

This actually sounds like a good idea:

Spread r/K Theory, because it feels a bit windy



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4 years ago

What can be done?

AC — a couple of days ago (28 April), you offered some comments about what can be done about the surveillance and about the pedophilia Luciferians. This is what you said:

“If you want to stop the trafficking, torture, and even murder of children, the first concrete step is to expose the surveillance operation Cabal runs, and get it shut down.”

“… there is only one path forward for those who want to try and stop the horrors, and that is to chip away at the secrecy surrounding he surveillance machine first.

“… the surveillance machine is the only thread that I see which you might be able to tug on, and disable, and then begin pulling on it and maybe operating effectively against the pedophile networks, and tracking down exactly who was involved, and what their details were.”

I agree, but the phrasing seems a bit bleak (and too limiting). More hopeful notes are needed, like the ones President Trump tries to hit. Despair and despondency are two of Lucifer’s most powerful weapons. Remember: the Soviet totalitarian state lasted only 70 years. And we are not in the death camps yet.

There is much more that can be done; more threads that can be tugged (or, maybe, there are many ways of tugging on a thread). While we wait for the opportunity to engage in larger, more vibrant actions, here are a few options to consider —

(1) make noise; stand up; be counted — as you said: “And just openly talking about it” makes a difference
(2) engage in politics; elections matter — if Hillary had won, we would be in a totally different pile of sh*t; under Pres. Trump, pedophiles ARE being arrested (certainly more than if Hillary had won)
(3) make videos; run a blog; write a book — as you said, “All the guys doing videos of what they are seeing … is powerful.”
(4) help your friends, family (and complete strangers) break their operant conditioning
(5) turn off the propaganda; help others turn off the propaganda — avoid the Luciferian emotions of fear, anger and despair

(6) talk to your watchers — castigate them out loud for being deceived by evil; make them feel shame; you never know, you may subvert and convert one or two from evil to good; if you pray, pray for them, pray at them loudly; play music that you love but that might annoy them
(7) be willing to draw fire onto yourself — waste the Cabal’s resources; be a distraction that maybe allows others to run below notice

(8) pray if you are prayerfully inclined — prayer works

(9) become more and more self-reliant and self-sufficient — have less debt, produce increasingly more of what you and your family need to live; more self-reliance = less control that others can have over you
(10) live your life as an example of righteousness; as much as you can, live the virtues and avoid the vices; in particular, be strong and not weak, create instead of merely consuming; do as Solzhenitsyn said: “Live not by lies.”
(11) protect yourself and your family — self-defense is part of being self-reliance
(12) know your enemy; this is part of self-defense; learn and understand the techniques of control and surveillance

Reply to  Uncompliant
4 years ago

Very noice!

Reply to  Uncompliant
4 years ago

Fantastic, thanks for this. The Solzhenitsyn quote is very aspirational — and challenging to follow at this very moment — but all the more reason why we must try to.

mobius wolf
4 years ago

I just assumed bullies were naturally occuring at about 5% and I was being targeted as the new kid. I was training to be Tarzan 🙂 and found pain to be the best deterrent, as well. I never thought it might be organized, though I noticed their parents seemed to condone.

BTW Cause for concern, not “concerning.”

4 years ago
Rhapsody The Blue
Rhapsody The Blue
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

Unleash the Orc memes.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

When I write my novels I am going to make goblins hyper-intelligent animals/retarded, worse than Tolkien portrayed them.
I had always intended that but it pleases me that I will be defying the SJWs now.

LemdraborDos6Drilliões :DDD
LemdraborDos6Drilliões :DDD
4 years ago

>Satan Summoning His Hordes painting
Zadan has a smoll benis. Hehehe :DD
>Benis :DDD

Name Edited For Privacy
Name Edited For Privacy
4 years ago

Loved the comeback by Trump with that Yahoo reporter. Yes, it’s true Birx and Fauci were almost certainly cabal assets but, they obviously spilled the beans to Trump/Q and it’s a crisis. That’s how informing works, it’s a race to be first. Also understand the pressure medical, especially highly educated medical professionals are under from a primary cabal pillar, Big Pharma. In the medical fields you can’t do anything without pharmaceutical companies approval. Medical doctors and chemists don’t do well in the spy vs. spy, humint, mafia-style whacking environment. Never have and never will.

More on some cabal tactics. Yes, they seem to be playing around with Google street view. Here is some stuff from north Cedar Springs, MI from Sept. 2013 on what looks like a weekday.
The street watcherscomment imagecomment imagecomment image

Then the vehicle traffic in the neighborhood. 3 open garages in a row. A traffic parade. Notice the Red Trucks coming around again and again, empty each time. There is a construction site in the neighborhood but, little work seems to be getting done (MI is a union labor state)comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image

Blurred house in the neighborhood (the only one that is) and LOS to a water tower, a perfect location for surveilling equipment.comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image

And of course, more watchers to watch the exit. Some are grown men, at mid-day on a weekday. comment imagecomment image

Imgur really didn’t like the last one and wouldn’t let me post (cabal is about the little, but important things), it’s important to convey a more active watcher team. Two guys in a red truck.

So, they have a thing for potential line-of-sight comms (visual), red trucks, and in home surveilling of traffic. I didn’t go looking for the red trucks, but picked a town in a blue state at random and this was what I noticed was out of place. It does appear that 2-5% of the population is involved in some kind of cabal traffic/location op. Could be for drugs in Michigan (Meth is everywhere). Maybe the red trucks are a calling card to others? Like a bat signal.

4 years ago

I’ve noticed whenever I’m trying to accomplish something, a narc shows up. Sometimes multiple unrelated narcs and who tag team. They sniff out vulnerability, say you’re struggling with an injury and you’re trying to launch a business venture for example, suddenly your narc neighbor will start harassing you and your narc family members will decide to interfere in your love life, pretty soon you’re overwhelmed with pain and distraction. It makes no sense in the natural—they seem to work off a higher intelligence. I thought it was just me until I stumbled on a YouTube channel dedicated to exposing narcissism and there were two videos on this very subject although she uses the term “Demonic Possession” (narcissists appear to rely on a secondary intelligence) it’s odd whatever the explanation.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago


I don’t know if Protestants actually have good exorcists. But it seems only the Catholic Church I know has professional exorcists.

We need Exorcists and their services who are spiritually strong and skilled in calling down the power of God.

Reply to  info
4 years ago

We do. They are harder to find and are more “big hammer” exorcists along with traditional American earth magic (which also ropes in the Mormons). They pretty much just open the windows and pummel the demon with the name of Christ until it gives up. It’s very life altering to see how effective simply the name of Christ is, verifying all the gospels and book of acts.

You’re not going to find them in the rainbow flag “Jesus is my boyfriend” crowd, but if you go to any of the more fundamentalist (including conservative Presbyterian, church of Christ, etc) cults they are there if you need one.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Thanks to your article about dealing with narcs, I came to realize there is a line of narc women on both sides of the family who have been keeping the men from succeeding. But, relevant to the demonic possession, after your article, suddenly South Park (the cartoon) had an episode about a narcissistic relationship. It was very detailed and accurate. Then YouTube started throwing videos up, and it threw up the good ones, not the bad or wishy washy ones. Glad I wasn’t sucked in by Sam Vaknin. One of them was a women who got the spirit to say its name. That name was Lucifer.

Lucy, Lucille, is feminine form of Lucifer. Suddenly a LOT of pop culture references made sense. Even Lucy in I Love Lucy. Lucy in Charley Brown, always yanking away the football. In the show the Walking Dead, the psychopath character Negan did it all for his dead wife. He had a baseball bat covered in barbed wire, that he worshipped. The bat was named Lucille. The name of his dead wife. Negan was a flying monkey. In the show the Addams Family, the wife Morticia was a narcissist. Sad that the Addams family in that 60’s TV show seemed more loving and functional that almost any family in TV for the past quite a while. And yet, the matriarch was a full on narcissist. But until you’ve experienced a narcissist, you wouldn’t recognize the tell-tale signs. Watch what happens every time Gomez tries to show affection. It wasn’t just 60’s TV being coy.

Lucy teases and tantalizes. She always leaves you feeling unsatisified.

That is another thing, I had never seen the Addams Family; but after I learned about narcissists, suddenly YouTube threw that show my way.

So, my particular narc, a very un-technical person, was able to guess, twice in a row, some six character strings of random numbers. I know about computer security; my compsec education goes way back. If that isn’t supernatural, then she had some outside communications and I haven’t caught any indication that she has such. But her timing over the years has been amazingly precise, EXACT timing, over and over, to sabotage things that she had no knowledge about, and could have had no knowledge of, because I know enough not to say or do things that can be monitored through the electric and radio waves.

Is there a supernatural element? YES THERE IS. Even if the narc doesn’t know the devil is possessing or influencing them, Lucifer is there, if not possessing them at all times, at the very least, guiding them most of the time.

If you look at the description of Lucifer in the Bible, I think in the book of Ezekiel, the description perfectly fits the personality characteristics and motivations of a narcissist.

So, for me, case closed. Narcissism isn’t a simple case of demon possession; it is Lucifer himself. Lucifer is probably different from Satan, or maybe Lucifer is “a” satan, but he is still one of the very powerful demons.

Although I have big beefs with him, Saint Athanasius wrote a good biography of Saint Anthony; it is good reading; the description of his battles with demons is important education for all Christians; even others of Abrahamic faith can benefit from reading it, since Jews and Muslims also do exorcisms. Saint Anthony was the founder of monastery life, going way back to the time before Constantine, but still after the Man of Lawlessness had taken over much of the Church.

Reply to  Rowe
4 years ago

Thank you sharing the videos. It was an interesting.

4 years ago

What I am mainly hoping to work this exercise around to is, are they identifying kids in the schools, and trying to hammer down the nails that poke up, or have they already identified people, perhaps through some bloodline type thing,

I was utterly untargetted in grade school. I think it is a bloodline thing, and my bloodline was determined to be either self-destructive enough to not worry about or too unpredictable to dare touch, or possibly we were protected.

My grandfather was career NCO with the USAF, and served directly under names you would recognize. The cabal should have been ALL over our family, and I absolutely don’t see my GF as being part of it (my family has had none of the typical rewards OR tragedy/sudden deaths that are the fruit of cabal). So either he was protected due to his work and long, long list of SAPs, or my bloodline was flagged as too unpredictable or wild to touch. (He also had a habit of punching officers who got crossways with him, which kept him from getting to E-8.)

It’s also possible that my (immediate) family was considered to simply be too poor to be a threat. I didn’t get attention until I essentially created the job that I have now in the legal industry and became active on the internet. I honestly think that I’m protected from the worst of it by God. He hid me from them as long as He could (not saying that He was unable to protect me any further, but that it was His will to protect me that far and not further.)

FWIW, I never realized it while he was alive, but my mentor was likely maneuvered by them without ever knowing it. He was what I would consider a dangerous bloodline in their minds, had the unusual rewards/punishments along with personal family tragedies and all the other fruits. I don’t think he was directly involved, but certainly could have been (which would make my exclusion even MORE remarkable.)

4 years ago

Colorado man wins two $1M lottery prizes in one day using the same numbers.


I wonder if he figured out some sort of loophole in the agreement where he gets to keep the second jackpot. (Punchline: They don’t give a shit about loopholes and Epstein him over it.)

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  everlastingphelps
4 years ago

Thinking about most people I’ve heard of who win the lottery, most end up broke or dead within a few years. To win twice in one day like that? That guy is toast. I’m actually surprised there are enough idiots out there like that to launder money for cabal openly. Cabal really only exists because a sucker is borne every minute.

4 years ago

So, weird happening today (maybe). Thought I’d pass it along. Before reading this blog, it would have just been weird or maybe not even noticed.

I went out to the yard to put the trash out and do a couple of other things. It takes me a minute or three to get the trash bin to the curb; then I go to do some minor quick stuff in the yard. So, five minutes at most, but probably less.

While I am doing this, into my neighbor’s driveway (right on the property line, near where I am doing yard work) pulls a utility truck from the local electric company. I sort of wave and they drive down the narrow driveway and pull into one of the neighbor’s parking spots. Right behind them arrives a big square paneled truck (like a Bullex maybe). It pulls down and parks in a second spot. This is a tight driveway and parking area, so it is weird place to park for big bulky trucks. They pull into the spots, but the engines are still running. I am vaguely expecting someone to get out and bang one on the neighbor’s doors. But no one gets out.

Then my new neighbor’s red pickup starts up. I did not notice that my neighbor came out of the house next store and got into his pickup truck. So it was a bit surprising to hear the truck start up. The pickup truck leaves.

Anyway, I finish what I am doing and I start walking back to my house. The utility truck backs up a few times to get facing the right direction and then leaves. Same with the square paneled truck. No one got out of the trucks. The new neighbors have been there for a couple of months, so they did not need any utility hookup or anything. Same with the front neighbors.

Neighbor’s pickup truck comes back 10-15 minutes later. Might have been nothing. Maybe neighbor and the two trucks were meeting up to go do some project. But was weird; sounded familiar based on some stories told here.

Reply to  Uncompliant
4 years ago

Grats. Now you know which neighbor is the one assigned to you.

The funny thing is I literally haven’t seen my assigned snoop since I announced the conclusion out loud to my wife.

4 years ago

Damn, read this comment from this article on VoxDay’s blog:


“you may not realize what a Potemkin Village the U.S. legal system is. It’s no more legitimate than the infamous Stalin-era Soviet show trials.”


12 years ago I had a friend from Belarus. I learned that she had fake-married some guy in order to stay in the country after her visitor visa had expired. OK. That’s a crime. They caught her and put her in jail.

Her attorney called me and asked if I knew her, blah blah blah. Yes I told him, but I did NOT know her really well. He said “fuck these Russians, they’re all guilty, I took all her money.” I said, whoa, don’t you have to be her advocate anyway and help her out? He just laughed.

Well the prosecution labeled her “Russian Mafia.” Was in the papers and all over the news. They said she had massive assets. Demanded she rat out everyone else she knew “in the ring.”

None of this was true. She was nearly penniless. She was not “in a ring.” She was kept in a county jail for 11 months without a conviction, without a trial. The prosecutors said she “posed a threat to the security of the United States of America.” She had a few hearings, only to maybe set bail, but this was usually denied by the judge. (Her being such a threat to the security of the United States and all). Meanwhile, alleged murderers in same county were being granted bail.

At the 7 or 8 month mark the judge considered bail and her own attorney objected!!! WTF!!!

She became suicidal. She was told repeatedly by prosecution (US attorney), for months, that she would be “let out next week, just sign this document of guilt.” She signed more and more documents as the months dragged on, she told me it was only because they promised to let her go, she just wanted to go home. The prosecutors promises for release were all lies.

Finally at the 11 month mark there was a hearing where the US Attorney once again told the judge she posed a threat to the US and should get NO chance at bond. A day later she agreed to sign a final document admitting some kind of guilt, one she had resisted for months, another complete fabrication. But she had been locked up in a county jail, often in isolation, for almost a whole year. I helped her out then. Paid a bond of something like $500. Felt sorry for her. Her punishment FAR exceeded her crime, which was a stupid thing she did at the age of 22.

Funny, the next week they let her go. Finally. After signing this final admission, and me paying a only few hundred bucks, this person magically ceased being a threat to the security of the US as the US attorney and ICE had long maintained. A couple years later she was deported.

I remember while she was wasting away in jail that at the same time in California and other places illegal aliens who broke immigration laws were being called “dreamers” and “no one is illegal” etc etc. During those Obama regime years it struck me how hard the feds were punishing this white immigrant from Europe for a non-violent crime, but brown ones from Mexico and Somalia got a pass. Fuck man, even some state POLITICIANS in California bragged about how they were illegals themselves!!!

It’s all rigged. The judges, the laywers, ICE, all of them spread so many lies and bullshit that they themselves should have been locked up. Instead they’re called “heroes” who protect us.

Nah, they’re just apparachiks of the whims of the state.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

Take care of that Belarussian chick Lem, I’m sorry our system is so fucked up.

Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

That’s not me fren, I don’t comment on VoxDay’s blog because you need a google account to do it, and I am not comfortable with that.

4 years ago

First, let me say the Cabal thing finally sunk in. Watched TuCa last night, he crapped on K Gillebrand about her stance on Kavanaugh and Biden. Totally Cabal. I know it’s obvious to most of you, but I’m fairly new to this. It’s kinda fun, sorta, to notice this.

As far as my childhood….I’m a firstborn son. IQ tested 3 times, each time between 146 & 152. I have an MS in a hard science. I’m now a STEM teacher. When I was in 4th-5th grade, I was put into the “enrichment” program at my school. We played games like Stock Market (Whitman Publishing, I think), and did cool stuff outside of our regular class. There was a nuclear group of us. I was the youngest of the group, as I skipped a grade early on. I was never really picked on, and I always thought it was because I was not only smart, but an athlete too, and earned respect by my ability.

Now, at my age and reading about all of this on your blog and others, I’m thinking maybe (((they))) knew I wouldn’t play their games because of my faith. I was a “good boy”. A girl even mentioned in what she wrote in my yearbook that she was impressed that I didn’t party like the others

Or did they know something else? This is some heady stuff. Thanks for giving me something to think about. Would love to know your response. Am I missing something?

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“…Was guitar legend Jimi Hendrix assassinated…”

His manager had him whacked for insurance money. Remember Randy Quaid and the Star Whackers. Numerous other stars who had sizable fortunes but were through acting have died in mysterious circumstances. Then they clean out their accounts. I know it’s hard to prove but I’m convinced the Jews are a tribe of psychopaths. Not all but a lot. If you could brain scan all these people it would be obvious immediately. We should brain scan all government employees for psychopathy. They have no morality at all but the survival of Jews but if they didn’t have the Goy to prey on they would start on each other.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“…“The Greg Gutfeld Show” was the most-watched late-night program…”

This just shows how out of it I am. I haven’t even the slightest, remotest idea who Greg Gutfeld is. I haven’t watched TV in a long, long time. Maybe I glance at it every so often but…I never really pay attention to it.

4 years ago

“I almost forgot, our own Farcesensitive dropped this in the comments:

You have authors as readers and commenters here like Hans G. Schantz and I would like to invite them and anyone else interested to a new site a friend and I have put together where they can post writing samples and advertise their works.

Thank you for posting that at the top of the blog 🙂

4 years ago

Well, ain’t this interesting:

“Andrew Cuomo
We make decisions based on data.

We have the playbook: Test — Trace — Isolate.

We are building an army of tracers. …”

The Chinese flu and the “need” for contact-tracing as a present-time misdirective mask for a past-created extensive in-every-neighborhood surveillance network.

Cabal says: “What? Why, NO, this network has NOT been here for decades. I don’t know what you are talking about. We just created this. Look how vast and intricate the network is. We are very efficient and competent. This network will save lives; without it, people will die!!”

I am sorry, but this COVID-19 event reeks with the stench of an evil plan.

Imagine if Hillary had won. Economy destroyed cuz “OMG !! people will die.” My guess: millions WOULD have died; many American dissidents; the deplorables; perfect sleight-of-hand; Hillary’s version of the Stalinist Holodomor. Who would know? Who would be able, alive, allowed to research and uncover the truth? All the Cabal agents would be easily protected from the virus by HCQ (cheap and widely available).

And notice the Cuomo chilling playbook: “Test, trace, isolate.” Test the youngens for free thought; trace them their whole lives; isolate any that might be a threat. Wrongthinkers are “infected,” are “contagious,” are a public health risk. It’s the Soviet playbook: dissidents are mentally ill and must be ISOLATED in asylums.

This was part of the Hillary plan; the Cabal is trying to make it work even though Hillary lost.

4 years ago

@OutbackMike. Agree with AC and his comment that “My guess is if they skipped you over, you were a bad fit.” But, given where you are in the machine, you might be “a fit” in the future, so be vigilant.

4 years ago

Did Comey tweet a photo of a Mr. Lincoln rose?

comment image

4 years ago

LOL…. sorry, couldn’t resist posting this tweet about a drive-thru stripper joint in Oregon. (Pics not safe for work.)

This is either proof of American genius or complete depravity.

4 years ago

Basically under that definition Cartels able to kill Justices and Mayors with impunity. MS-13 and other like street gangs fit the definition of insurgencies.

4 years ago


“As long as we are probing the events related to Cabal-targeting, and just how early it begins, there is one thing I am curious about from others who are now under, namely curious incidents in grade school.”

In elementary school, I had a few incidents of note.

I was mostly a shy kid until I warmed up to you. I was mostly around older adults and was more comfortable around adults than kids, because of the people we were around. My dad was the youngest in his family. So most of the relatives were older. I had a cousin who was my dad’s age. I had friends in school, but never really had kids come over and hang out much until I was older. That was really rare. I’m more of a FAMILY person than a “FRIENDS” person. In my elementary school, I was also the know it all and was the smartest boy in the class. There was a girl in my grade who was really smart as well, probably smarter. This might also explain why I was targeted by the kids (jealousy, appearances, etc.). No idea if it is Cabal or not. I do have the ringing in my ears occasionally.

Based on the brief amount of research I’ve done, my family has been here since around 1680. It appears we hail (Male lineage) from England, but genetics (yep, I was stupid and took the test) shows Scandinavian and English DNA. My family’s landing on the east coast and moving progressively west each generation and settling in the Midwest. Farming family for the most part in the older times. More recently, a lot of us are in trades, farming, or engineering. My grandfather was born in 1887. I am 43. He owned a Livery Stable and was on the RMS Lusitania when it was torpedo’d, during WW1. He survived that. He was a tough son of a bitch. I wish I was a quarter of the man he was. There is a book that the one of our family members put together detailing the history. It also looks like my male ancestor is on the Valley Forge roll as being there. There is a book that talks about his grandfather being killed by the Pirate Kidd. No idea how much of it is true, but the book talks about residents of the county and has a quick snippet about them. We are not a rich family by any means. My parent’s were low middle class, but my brothers and I work in construction or engineering fields and make high-middle class salaries (6 figures). My dad was a NCO in the air force and his brothers were all in WW2 (army and navy).

Bad Dreams
I remember having really bad vivid realistic dreams when I was younger. Specifically, there was a dream where my family was in a car. My dad driving and we are waiting at a stop light. No other cars. The road leads straight ahead to a bridge and we had to floor it to make the jump. We never made the jump. We would be falling and I would wake up. When I woke up screaming, because my toes would be crossed. Like all of my toes would be crossed one on top of another. I could barely do that with help let alone in my sleep. Night terrors maybe. The weird part is one night I just said to myself we are going to make it. And i went to bed, had the dream, and we didn’t die.

Being asked to eat shit I didn’t want to.
In 4th grade, the science teacher handed out some type of berries for the kids to try as part of an exercise. Fruits and vegetables taste like crap to me, so there was no way in hell I was going to do that. I’m mostly agreeable, but I was a picky eater for anything plant based. I told her no. I wasn’t going to eat it. She said the rest of the class had eaten theirs and I needed to do it. So I slammed my hand down on the desk smashing the berries and said NO. She was completely shocked.

Giving the finger to everyone at my church.
Another example of my personality showing through was in 1st grade. My elementary teacher was my CCD teacher at church. My mom volunteered me to be Joseph in the church Christmas play. And I had to walk up with this girl from my class and hand the fake baby Jesus to here and not do too much. I didn’t want to do it. AT ALL. It wasn’t cool. I would hear the constant shit for the next two months how that girl was my gf and at that age I hated that. Plus, I was deathly afraid of a crowd and being under the spotlight. My mom made me do it. Now, the night of the play I was screaming and crying and kicking. Literally holding onto the walls and being pulled into the car. We got to the church and I walk down the main row to the front of the church. My mom is in the 2nd row I think. We get to the front and now its my turn to hand over baby Jesus. I guess I was so pissed off I took the baby and fired it at the poor girl who was Mary. The crowd laughed. I wasn’t laughing (fuming mad) and my mom was mortified. I didn’t give one shit about anyone in that crowd. I was going to go down without a fight. I included this, because it’s fricking funny and I’m probably going to hell for it, but I notice this same stubborn behavior in my son’s. Especially, the one that looks more like me. He wasn’t taught this. It’s in the blood.

Arson at the school.
In 4th grade, we were standing in line at the start of school after dumping our coats/bags/etc. in the back hallway of the school. This one black kid (who was from a troubled family) was late to school and we sat and waited while he put his stuff away. He was in the front of the line (i was at the back) and I noticed something blue and silvery shiny at the top that he took out of his coat and put in his pocket. I thought it was a rabbit’s foot or something, because that’s what I had my house key on as well. Fast forward past lunch one of my friends, a poor Puerto Rican kid, saw that his coat had a hole in it. Like someone burned it. Someone found a blue BIC lighter and I immediately thought back to earlier. I ended up talking to my teacher who then took me to the principle. I explained the story and the kid ended up confessing to the act. Of course one of the students I talked to about this blabbed her fucking mouth to the rest of the school and by the last class black vs. white was going back and forth. How I was going to get my ass kicked, etc. Nothing happened to me regarding that. The kid was expelled from the school for that.

Full Nelson Fun.
Same year. I had a 4th grader black kid goon (also probably from a broken family) and another 5th grader approach me at recess. The 4th grader had me by 50 lbs at least (I was always a skinny kid) and the 5th grader distracted me enough for the 4th grader to come in behind me and put me in a full nelson. The 5th grader proceeded to punch me in the stomach a bunch of times and then they dropped me. I didn’t even know the 5th grader. I was really upset grabbed a teacher and called both of them out on it and they did nothing. How could they? They didn’t see it happen. And I didn’t have enough confidence in myself to do anything about it.

First fight.
5th grade year my younger brother and I are walking home from school and we were jumped by two 4th graders. I barely knew either of them. None of us could fight, but I was taller than the bigger kid and was using that to my advantage. We broke free and took off to our house about a block away. We had dogs, so no one was coming after us once inside our yard.

Was any of this cabal? I’m not sure.

In elementary school, I was picked by the teacher’s for various jobs in 4th and 5th grade. A handful of us were trusted to sell the hot lunch tickets in the morning. Two kids in the entire school (myself being one) were picked to sell pretzels and popcorn, during our recess. I did it, because my Mom loved popcorn and we could take home what wasn’t sold. I also was in safety patrol for the school to make sure kids didn’t walk on the grass and got to their buses. There was a math competition that I was part of. We were learning 6 & 7 grade math for this competition. I don’t remember doing very well, but I didn’t study.

I’ll do part 2 tomorrow. I have had some other interesting experiences in school and in my 20’s.

Reply to  Bman
4 years ago

Kek, that was funny to read.

4 years ago

I very occasionally read a blog named ‘Colony of Commodus’ and even more rarely read the comments, yet I read one today. By a commenter named Sam J. That you?

Texas Arcane
4 years ago

Absolutely 100% they were running game when I was in my pre-teens.

The problem was my mother moved us so frequently that it was almost impossible to get a bead on me. Just as the machine was setting up to pull me in (scheduled to see school psychologist to talk about gifted classes etc.) off we would go again to the other side of the country, no forwarding address, another rental property in the middle of nowhere. So they could not track me with confidence most of the time I was growing up.

Yes, I have thought about it a lot lately, the “jewish girlfriend,” literally being shoved towards me by several other people. Most of my life I preferred to be alone than take the bait. My wife was the penultimate “jewish girlfriend” and I know now it was no accident. The last 25 years I think was the result of me taking the bait that one time. It has worked pretty well, too.

I was in the running to go to the national spelling bee twice. Both times, something happened to make sure I didn’t get there. There were other weird derailments, it seemed like they were driven to make sure I was known to them but not allowed to excel in anything that might bring me to the attention of people who could be sincere. Twice in life I suddenly had these Professor Xavier patrons and I don’t think either one of them was interested in helping me, rather they appeared to be making an effort to isolate me.

Reply to  Texas Arcane
4 years ago

Protection by mothers might actually be one thing they can’t counter. I remembered during reading another account that my elementary wanted to jump me straight from 1st to 4th grade. My mother wouldn’t consent because she didn’t think I was socially adept enough to handle 11 year old peers at 7.

She was right.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Texas Arcane
4 years ago

It started when I was in elementary school. Various adults came into my life, mostly pretending to be friends to my parents, who tried influencing me in certain ways. And, I’m quite sure, were gathering intel on me. I’d have good friendships with good kids from fairly well to do families, and those relationships would inexplicably dry up or go bad. I never knew why at the time but looking back I’m sure that they were told stories.

It’s really the silent genocide. I have reason to believe that my father and grandfather were also targeted.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Texas Arcane
4 years ago

Texas – you may wish to consider that your constant moves in your childhood were part of the plan. It kept you from developing long-term relationships and kept you isolated. They lured my grandfather across the country when I was a boy with what I presume was the intent to keep him from mentoring me. I didn’t piece it together until just recently that his move was odd.

4 years ago

I’m not being watched so far as I know. 🙂

But I do have a couple of strange/vivid memories from elementary school. I was officially in GATE by 4th grade in 1981 (not sure if they had it before then). My IQ is about 99.7 percentile and I remember my 4th grade teacher making a big deal about this to my parents. That was probably the first time I was tested.

In 3rd or 4th grade I rode the bus to school (long 30 min bus ride in a rural area) with a kid who was maybe middle school age. The bus included elementary, MS, and HS students for the first part of the route and then the older kids would transfer to a new bus at my elementary school.

This kid would always sit next to me and started telling me stories every bus ride about “naked people”. At some point he started holding my head down under the seat for much of the ride and threatened to tell on me for talking about the “naked people” if I reported him or fought back.

By 4th grade there was also an older kid in my grade who had failed 2 or 3 times who used to try to pin me down on the playground every day. I heard he later ended up in prison by age 20 or so.

After 4th grade I transferred to a small private school, started lifting, started playing sports, was one of the strongest kids in school by 9th grade, and ended up playing small college football. So I didn’t have problems with other kids bother me once I was out of public school.

UPDATE: Seems like first comment may not have been posted so I’ll try again. Adding that my FIL is ex-CIA so maybe I have a “handler” but I don’t think so. 🙂