Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Binance Reopens Russia To Crypto-Business
DFT – Louisiana’s Bid For Carbon Well Permitting Control Heads To Federal Register
DFT – Pinterest And Snap Plummet After Quarterlies Show Digital Ad Revenues Slumping
DFT – EPA To Allow E15 Fuel Sales Over The Summer To Lessen Gas Prices
DFT – China’s Cross Border Payments See Yuan Overtake Dollar
Texas Arcane, I got an email that I had sent to you bounced back undeliverable, with your email service rejecting my IP. I changed IPs and resent, but have no idea if you have anything from me. Please drop a comment here, if you have seen any of my emails beyond the last one you sent back to me that got spammed.
Innocent Youtuber girl takes measures so people can’t find her, yet suddenly she has adults all around her house, flying drones in her backyard to freak her out at 2AM, knocking on her door and running off, doing other things she can’t talk about (probably because you would not believe it) and letting her know, they know who she is:
Nobody warns you these things exist, or that domestic intelligence feels posting stuff online is only for them, and if you do it and get successful, they will come looking for you. Nobody tells you that they have a minimum of 2-3% of the population everywhere, and maybe as much as 10-12% of the population or more, employed as real-life surveillance-harassment to haunt you, or that they have control of law enforcement, so when they show up, it is you alone against their entire army of civilian informants and harassers.
I post this stuff just so people know going in, if you begin to succeed, this is what you will run into. Don’t freak out, don’t panic, you are not the first, they have just been lying to everyone about how the world works in the West, and whether we were free, which apparently we were not. Nobody knows about this stuff because nobody tries to do these things, and fewer still succeed. But know going in what you are getting into, and how difficult it is. And don’t feel bad if you decide you want to chose another path that looks easier. Though in truth, I am not sure there is a path where you will be able to succeed the way you want, doing your own thing, where this thing will not be looking to destroy you and turn you into a worker drone for them, living day to day off the pittance they drop at your feet after you dutifully follow their orders. It is entirely possible until this thing is destroyed, nobody will really be free.
But harassing this harmless girl – so shameful.
More than 10,000 Federal employees have access to NSA’s database to conduct searches on American citizens. One person per 30,000 people, in a country where half are full-on sheep, and maybe a tenth are actually working for the conspiracy.
Tucker is not fired, but cannot get into his email and is not allowed to do his show anymore, even himself, doing his own podcast, or video on youtube. Nothing more at the video at the link.
Fox News ratings slump below MSNBC’s in timeslot Tucker Carlson dominated. Not how capitalism works.
Kevin Morris, Hunter Biden’s lawyer, controls an entity with a ten percent stake in BHR Partners, a Chinese state-backed investment fund founded just days after Hunter and President Joe Biden visited China in 2013, a source confirmed Friday to Breitbart News. They are getting money from the CCP, and the lawyer is hiding it for them.
A second firm hired by the Trump campaign to investigate fraud in the 2020 election said all of Trump’s fraud claims were false, the firm’s founder told The Washington Post. You would think a firm he hired, which was unbiased, would say, “The avenues we examined were not fruitful,” or even false, but there could be something else. Clearly there was fraud, even if what they looked at was not provable.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris participated in the official Biden-Harris campaign call with grassroots supporters, but it only attracted 1,800 viewers on the live stream on YouTube. Probably all Democrat staffers across the nation who were told to tune in.
Founder of Open the Books Adam Andrzejewski —— “Here’s what we found in the books, we found in the latest audit that 103 federal agencies had purchased guns ammunition and military-style equipment,” he said. “What’s interesting is that only 27 of those federal agencies are traditional law enforcement agencies. We found 76 traditional paper-pushing regulatory agencies.”
Andrzejewski’s investigation found some alarming statistics when it comes to just the sheer number of federal agents we have right now and how much weaponry was purchased for some federal agencies like the IRS and Health and Human Services.
“It is agencies at the federal level like the Environmental Protection Agency, or Health and Human Services, or the Internal Revenue Service like the IRS. As a matter of fact, the IRS since 2006, has purchased $35 million worth of guns ammunition and military-style equipment,” he said. “They actually own 4500 weapons, and that includes over 600, shotguns, 500 AR-15 style weapons and even 15 submachine guns.”
I don’t know enough about what should be normal, but it would not be surprising if something big is coming, and they know and are preparing.
‘Broken marriages are ugly and in them people do ugly things’: Political commentator Steven Crowder DOUBLES DOWN as he claims wife leaked EDITED video of his verbal abuse – and now vows to release sealed mental health history. You can feel how all this chaos will divert his purpose, and put him off his path now. I find it more fascinating he could have millions of fans, supposedly, which would be catnip to many, many ladies, on top of being rich, and he cannot make it work.
An anon who claimed to know Crowder, (and could be fake) claims Crowder never had full-sex with his wife, and is not sure if she artificially inseminated herself with his sperm, or if she was cheating. That is unusual. If he married her, and she managed to keep regular sex off the table, now I am thinking she looks like an asset, who went in not sure how far to go or what she could get away with, and taking what she could get at each step. Interestingly, the fight was over her leaving to go “shopping,” under conditions which would have left him trapped at home with no car (and thus unable to track her to where she was going), and she seemed to feel she had to go. Now I am wondering if the one-car situation was engineered (by creating problems with the other car to get it to the mechanic) so she could meet with a handler and not have to worry he’d peel out in another car and would catch her. I had a relative who I am pretty sure was Cabal-infiltration, who at the time, years back before anybody knew about the surveillance in my family, was noted to have not been going where he said once, and it was always curious why he lied. I am beginning to wonder if Crowder was a goof they promoted because they thought he was controllable and served their purposes at the time, until he was not, and now they are taking him down. And he has had no idea what was going on.
During the entire clip, only one car goes by, and it does it perfectly timed to the beginning of the fight. The guy in the house at the start said he was going to beat the other guy up while he was inside the house. And the 24/7 surveillance-observation/monitoring post in the neighborhood, was listening inside the first house, because they were listening before, in the other guy’s house, when the other guy said he was going to go next door and complain. So the listeners in the neighborhood were following the events, knew what was coming, and then sent a car by to capture the beginning of the fight. I presume they have video rolling out all four sides of those roving cars, 24/7. They were probably also backdoored into the phone and watching the fight there too. I am not making this shit up, I have seen it for ten years now, firsthand. The United States has gone beyond bizarre with this shit. And to those people, it is entirely normal. Of course it means, everything, from serial killers, to child abductions, to terrorist attacks and mass shootings, has been done with at least the tacit complicity of this operation, which was always watching, and could have stopped any of them, even 9/11, but for some reason, chooses not to.
US Army temporarily grounds pilots after four helicopters crashed in matter of weeks. Remember when Q implied this was something Cabal did to make known its displeasure to someone, and the patriots had to take some kind of measures to stop it?
First Republic Bank appears to be going down this weekend.
Looks like the Banking Crisis may take down the entire economy in the next few weeks, if you assume Jim Cramer is always entirely wrong about everything:
An ABC News host admitted the network edited statements Robert F. Kennedy Jr. made about the COVID-19 vaccine out of an exclusive interview. “We should note that during our conversation, Kennedy made false claims about the COVID-19 vaccines. We’ve used our editorial judgment in not including extended portions of that exchange in our interview. Data shows that the COVID-19 vaccine has prevented millions of hospitalizations and deaths from the disease. He also made misleading claims about the relationship between vaccination and autism.”
47 USC 315 makes it illegal for TV networks to censor Presidential candidates but Thursday, ABC showed its contempt for the law, democracy, and its audience by cutting most of the content of my interview with host Linsey Davis leaving only cherry-picked snippets and a defamatory disclaimer. Offering no evidence,
justified this act of censorship by falsely asserting that I made “false claims.” In truth, Davis engaged me in a lively, informative, and mutually respectful debate on the government’s Covid countermeasures. I’m happy to supply citations to support every statement I made during that exchange. I’m certain that ABC’s decision to censor came as a shock to Linsey as well. Instead of journalism, the public saw a hatchet job. Instead of information, they got defamation and unsheathed Pharma propaganda. Americans deserve to hear the full interview so they can make up their own minds. How can democracy function without a free and unbiased press? As President, I will free FCC from its corporate captors and force the agency to follow the law by revoking the licenses of networks that put the mercantile ambitions of advertisers ahead of the public interest.
DeSantis prepares to sign bill allowing him run for President while remaining Governor.
DeSantis dines with Miriam Adelson, other major GOP donors in Israel.
CIA Officer John Kiryakou relates how hostile Israeli intelligence is to the CIA and visiting Americans in general, even cutting the tail off a CIA Officer’s dog while they were at a party, even though the CIA officer was declared and just visiting Israel as an analyst for the State Department, and wasn’t spying:
Only need to watch from 7:26 until 11:06 for the story, and the video is queued up to it above. Very odd. Why so hostile to CIA? So much of the intelligence world seems retarded. They gain nothing from fucking with these people. It would be ten times smarter to leave them alone and just watch. And yet there must be some logic to it, because the domestic gangstalking brigade in the US also gets involved in the lives of people of no consequence. It is really like there is a demonic influence throughout the entire intelligence community.
Hunter Biden claims Russian drug dealers stole another one of his laptops for blackmail while he was drugged out in a Vegas hotel room in 2018. Another weird aspect of Cabal surveillance, as you know they were watching, but I would assume this was judged a non-operational event, and they got away with it. Maybe they are just there to prevent an assassination of an asset, or gather blackmail.
Stonetoss touches on surveillance in the US.
New report says Biden is only functional six hours a day, five days a week.
Biden momentarily forgot about Irish visit at White House event. A real Irishman would remember, I would think, unless his dementia is super-advanced. I wonder if everything about him is fake, from the law degree, to his “Irish” backstory.
DOJ fights to stop Guo Wengui from testifying in Pras Michel trial.
Anheuser-Busch faces call to reaffirm support for trans community after Mulvaney pushback. LOL.
Proud Boys blame Trump as defendants prepare to find out fate in sedition trial. An attorney for Enrique Tarrio, the head of the Proud Boys, said federal prosecutors were trying to make him a “scapegoat for Donald J. Trump and for those in power.”
Disease detectives with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are investigating a cluster of rare and serious brain abscesses in kids in and around Las Vegas, Nevada, and doctors from other parts of the country say they may be seeing a rise in cases, too. In 2022, the number of brain abscesses in kids tripled in Nevada, rising from an average of four to five a year to 18. “In my 20 years’ experience, I’ve never seen anything like it,” said Dr. Taryn Bragg, an associate professor at the University of Utah who treated the cases… After a presentation on the Nevada cases the Epidemic Intelligence Service Conference on Thursday, doctors from other parts of the country said they are seeing similar increases in brain abscesses in kids. It is apparently not a single specific pathogen, so it points to an immune failure creeping up in kids that is letting a number of different things get ahead of the immune response.
South Dakota’s richest man who’s worth $3.4B had images of naked underage girls on an email account linked to him but was NEVER charged. It was OK, he was “with intelligence.”
Supreme Court Justice Alito says he has a ‘pretty good idea’ on who leaked Dobbs draft decision.
Alito: Trust me, the Dobbs leaker wasn’t a conservative.
America’s teen mental health crisis laid bare: One in TEN high school students have attempted suicide, 30% are depressed ‘most of the time’ and a third are abusing drugs, CDC data shows. Maybe it is the surveillance, and knowing about Cabal, but man, the whole world now is just so dark and hostile. I remember a time where it didn’t feel like that, where music was great and people enjoyed life peacefully, though granted I was younger and a kid. But it seems like when those planes hit those towers, a portal opened and the whole world was just awash with evil suddenly.
James Woods on Twitter, click through for the video of LaLa land:
Notoriously liberal West Hollywood had the brilliant idea of replacing police officers with unarmed “safety ambassadors.” Let’s take a peek at how that’s worked out during an assault in progress…
Oregon Democrats want to give homeless the right to sue if forced to move their encampments.
California bans the sale of new diesel trucks by 2036.
Leftist students at Syracuse University recently voiced opposition to an event featuring Yeonmi Park, a North Korean defector. She “has criticized concepts like political correctness, trigger warnings and ‘woke culture’ in her career…”
Three Czech diplomats aged 46 to 55 died suddenly in the past five months.
Australia Record migration revealed: 400,000 to arrive this year.
Ukraine working with FBI to censor social media — Kiev’s top cyber spy reveals collusion with the FBI to have information they deem as against their country removed from Facebook, and how his government defines “disinformation.” Sundance covers this too – FBI working to silence Americans for a foreign government that is ripping us off.
When did they develop an under-barrel flamethrower for the AR platform, and why was I not informed? Not sure I want to use that in the hallway outside the bedroom, but it definitely will be a conversation starter at your local indoor shooting range if you try it out there. Video here.
Joe Rogan says Democrats have no hope in 2024 election ‘other than President Biden, 80, dying – like very soon.’ This is something I wonder about. I don’t think those in power take chances on events turning random. And yet, how do they know Biden won’t keel over tomorrow? Do they just have backup plans equally as certain as the present plan? Because it seems if Biden died, the shift to a Kamala-Presidency would be a major timeline shift, requiring such extensive planning, that it would have been preferable to use somebody younger than Joe for his role to begin with, so you would likely not need a backup plan. And yet they seem unconcerned, as if they know he will not die. Did he die already, and that is why we keep seeing indications this is a man in a mask?
Federal Judge rules Mississippi must allow religious exemptions for school vaccines.
Illinois Assault Weapons ban update: US District Court stops ban from going into effect, smacks down Fatboy Prickster & smarmy Raoul in epic ruling. More at Fox News here. I wonder how long it will take to knock down NFA 86 and get short barreled rifles classified as long guns or pistols and new machineguns on the market.
Bannon interviews Trump for an hour:
Spread r/K Theory, because darkness should, at some point give way to light
Evidence of potential construction of a Chinese military site has been observed by American spy services in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
But I was told the Virtuous Pagans didn’t want an empire of military bases all over the world.
How else are they going to militarily support their African colonies when they dump 100 million of their surplus population on the continent to better facilitate strip mining the place? Hey, if they don’t do it, you know full well Europe will, or the US will, or SOMEBODY will.
“Evidence of potential”
“Has been observed by American Spy services”
Clown world!
It’s not just you, AC, something has changed in the world. Maybe there is something to the claims that 9/11 was an invocation ritual. I’m starting to think that the endgame of Enlightenment thinking was to dull us to the possibility of higher realms and impose a false spirituality with ersatz religion. Yeah it seems like darkness has come into the world. Mossad had their hands deep into 9/11 and they always use dark and disturbing methods (Epstein anyone?). It would follow that they just do bad sh*t to even their fellow Intel agents. These are sick and evil people manifesting this into the environment like spiritual pollution. Poisoning the well so to speak. Its like Galadriel’s monologue from the beginning of “Fellowship…” (released in 2001 btw):
The World is changed
I feel it in the water
I feel it in the earth
I smell it in the air
Much the once was is now lost
For none live who remenber it…
Freedom of speech is gone. Freedom of the press is gone. Freedom of religion is gone. I used to think Vox was an alarmist when he claimed those “freedoms” were actually anti-Christian tactics concocted by Satanic “Enlightenment” thinkers to destroy Christianity. Except it looks like he is right.
I wonder if 9/11 had multiple purposes. Maybe Iraq was a sideshow meant to distract us as they accomplished their true goals: the creation of Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, increased domestic surrlveillance, the ruining of air travel, and so on.
Once they got that in place, they began banning speech, first as hate crime, then as “disinformation,” now as “Putin propaganda.” No matter what you call it, freedom of speech is on its way out. Freedom of the press is based on freedom of speech and now reporting the wrong thing gets you thrown off media and potentially arrested. How about freedom of assembly or freedom of religion? On their way out. COVID showed the sham of both. The Oregon decision to forbid a Christian woman from adopting or fostering children, on account of her religion, and the closing of churches, but not BLM rallies, during COVID are data points on the destruction of those so called freedom.
So if you realize all this, and you are a Christian, then what would keep you from instituting mandatory Christianity? After all, if there is no freedom of religion, then what would you prefer, child raping, child sacrificing Satanists ruling this area; or the child protecting Christians who built the European and North American civilization that is quickly being destroyed before your eyes?
Fr. Seraphim Rose gives an excellent overview of the Christian view of post-Enlightenment history that made our current situation inevitable:
In UK it changed with Blair in 1997, and Clinton & Blair were of the same package.
However, they have been moving for a long time. JFK, assassination attempts on Reagan & Thatcher, Bush Sr as president etc.
After 2008, I saw a major change in US politics where Obama interfered in police & justice. Mike saying “Get in their face” was the first time I saw the democrats mainstreaming violence & intimidation. The fact that ISIS disappeared with Trump also suggested that it was a neocon proxy.
True. I want to say, it began with Clinton. Before him, America at least pretended it had morals. An affair, or draft dodging, or just being a blatantly lying POS would be enough to keep you out of office. Once he got elected, (Thank you Ross Perot, though obviously it was all rigged), everything changed. America changed, because peoples’ views of what America supported changed.
But you are right, before Clinton, you had poppy Bush, and then MK Ultra, so on, going all the way back to Kennedy, and before him was WWII, and then the Federal Reserve, and Lincoln before that. It has been one long chain of evil, ever encroaching.
“Because it seems if Biden died, the shift to a Kamala-Presidency would be a major timeline shift”.
Assuming Biden is just a puppet, I would think Harris can’t even pee without permission. I doubt we’d see any difference. Come Nov 2024, we may find she’s even more popular than Biden was.
News: YouTube has permanently deleted and removed Black Conservative Patriot podcasts. He appealed. And they changed the reasons and removed him. His latest podcast was brilliant where he constantly talks about the stolen 2020 election. He is now free to say what is going on in America.
I urge many here to subscribe and listen to his podcasts—He is easy to listen to, has the right voice tone, has enthusiasm, and his analyses are really good and insightful.
News: Andrew Torba has sent out an email—Gov DeSantis WENT TO ISRAEL to sign a Florida Law that prevents criticism of Israel, the Holocaust and the passing out of “offensive material”! You can’t push back against the genociders here in America. You can’t out the dangers of Jewish influence in this country.
Ron DeSantis Flies To Israel To Destroy Free Speech In Florida – Gab News
NO to DeSantis. He is Jewish controlled!
What is weird is, if I was running for office, or doing anything in politics, the last thing which would dawn on me would be to go to Israel. It is so far, and like a desert, and seems so strangely foreign, dangerous even. How long is the plane ride? And yet all these guys, from Drudge, to Breitbart, and every politician hits the wailing wall, or whatever it is. make the trip.
Do people tell them they need to do that? If so, how do they convince them? I’d be like, “How long is that plane ride? Thanks, but I’ll just campaign here.” Are they meeting somebody who won’t come here to the US? Are there US Jews who wouldn’t vote for them, unless they go there? Are there things some Israelis want to say or negotiate with them, but they cannot risk them being recorded, and require they come to Israel?
Feels like that is an important anomaly to examine, with something interesting behind it.
DeSantis met with Nate Adelson’s widow. That’s why.
It’s absurd and infuriating. But this is what GOP pols are made to do.
This is why you aren’t in politics anon.
Here fucking everyone has a long history of being a proxy of someone. For example, argentinian presidential candidates. Sergio Massa is backed by U.S. Senator Menendez, Patricia Bullrich by germoney, Horacio Rodriguez Larreta and Javier Milei, by the United Kingdom, Amerikwa, germoney, Holland, and maybe even the french. The leftist unions, by the french according to an oral testimony, but I havent look documentation of it, and on and on. The chinks are involved with the leftists here. Russians, have some agents, but not presidential level candidates. Iranians have some agents too. Israel also has agents. Milei and Bullrich are both heavily connected to it. Bullrich is another case of the partner you may want to add.
Another case, historical, the “democratic union” in the 1940s vs the rising national peronist movement. Trump copied Juan Peron too. You can see it by comparing both movements, as being very latin.
Do people tell them they need to do that?
If so, how do they convince them?
Personal experience, political support, what I asked here and was denied.
Its simple, you do this, we back you politically. This are our conditions, and this is the support we offer to you in this and this. We also want this law, policy, etc… including commercial monopolies, regulations, subsidies, or even asking to go to war and genocide someone, like iraq, and others.
Can also ask for your demographic replacement. Was done here in argentina and in Brazil in the late 1800s, is being done in the first world.
Are they meeting somebody who won’t come here to the US?
Yes. People who will fund his presidential run in exchange for certain laws, executive orders, or other concessions done by the U.S. federal government.
Its possible that the countries or diplomats of 3rd or 4th countries will meet with him, and offer him money for his campaign in exchange for the mentioned above and in other comments.
Are there things some Israelis want to say or negotiate with them, but they cannot risk them being recorded, and require they come to Israel?
YES high level politicians, diplomats, scientists, industrialists, inventors, journalists, spies, investigators, etc… are always under human personalised surveillance. If you are somewhat connected to someone who is running for office, you will have some kind of state level spy prying on whatever you are doing. A century prior, you would have had your correspondence openned and read. For example, Jose de San Martin, who rebelled against the spanish monarchy, was spied by the local liberals who were fighting with him for power over the just “free” state.
They go as a sign of fealty to their masters, people like (before he died) uncle Sheldon.
Dirty Harvard Yale Freemason Jesuit DeSantis also went to the UK.
Israel = British mandate in Palestine.
Anon, as a politician, I ask you something.
¿If israel puts a billion dollars in my political campaign, and you put exactly cero, how it’s easier for me to become president and give back the “favor” or investment done by my political backers? Now you get why politics both in merica and in argieland and in all other countries is choke full of nation states funding candidates, it’s because it’s cheaper to fund a presidential campaign and ask for the pentagram to then use it to go to war than to prep an army and go to war. It’s simple math anon.
I treat this issue briefly in my second book, how to choose a false president, available at
‘Almost 90% of US monkeypox-related deaths were in Black men, and nearly all had weakened immune systems from uncontrolled HIV, CDC reports.’
When your priority is immediate gratification, stuff like that is inevitable.
Honkey Pox
FYI, Crowder might be the #Cabal asset versus the wife. Comedian Owen Benjamin used to work with him and years ago bemoaned that the wife had mistakenly married a gay guy who would not give her children, and never would. You may not know/listen to Owen, but I believe him on this one. Crowder’s done plenty of gay stuff for “comedic” purposes that are gross. Benjamin has a skit he did where he dressed up as Liberace, and says he made his own decision and has to own it, but Crowder is the one who directed it.
In short, I don’t trust Crowder, I don’t necessarily trust the wife, but if I had to pick which one I trust least, it’s the guy with the dildo in his rectum doing a skit.
It’s both.
The question is why this is happening.
What kind of weirdo tries to come on to Raw Hamburger Roger?
<<<I would say, ‘He’s my future husband.’ It never stopped. I’d ask him to twirl for me. I adored him,” she added, later admitting that what she did was wrong but paling in comparison to Ailes allegedly ruining America.>>>
If Cabal is inevitable, can we at least have Cabal that isn’t a raging 5-alarm tire fire of cringe 120% of the time?
Is that too much to ask?
It probably is. But still.
>>I am beginning to wonder if Crowder was a goof they promoted because they thought he was controllable and served their purposes at the time, until he was not, and now they are taking him down.
our side would do better if we avoided entirely contact with closeted homos and jews
Is Governor of Florida a position something like Prince of Wales. Jeb Bush gave the appearance of competence when he was Governor of Florida. Then runs for President and blows any pretense of competency out of the water. DeSantis failing early?
FL is NYC’s southern colony.
It’s a seat of power in the region for those who also control NYC.
It seems to also have been chosen as a seat of controlled opposition.
The Bannon interviews, more of a conversation, with Trump is worth the time to watch.
A key takeaway is that Trump blames COVID on Xi and the Chinese Communists. It increasingly looks that it was created at an American DoD contracted facility that had to be located in China. I currently think that Trump was told that the USA was under biowarfare attack by China, and Xi was told that China was under biowarfare attack by the USA, to get them to both go along with the lockdown and vaccination program. I’m increasingly leaning towards the Xi aligned faction of the CCP not being the Cabal aligned faction, though its impossible to be sure about these things.
Another one is that Trump is well aware that the 2020 election was stolen, and seems to expect the same thing to happen again in 2024. Its not clear why he is running again or if there is any plan in the works to deal with this.
The British Crown is behind Covid 19
not british (fake word per uk folks anyway), and not german like some try and claim. to direct yer eyes elsewhere… yahoodi/banksters are in control.
The British Crown are grocery clerks and errand boys. They aren’t running anything.
Absolutely agree. Check out, the Anglo Saxon Mission explained by Bill Ryan. This was created in 2010 and lays out the covid operation. From the City of London.
British Genocide Plan for the World.
Crashed helicopters to cover up losses in Ukraine? Or to ship “dead” men and “crashed” helicopters to Ukraine? Cabal seems to have massive number of safe houses and fake ID’s. Wonder why cabal needs to fake these things? Cabal can’t trust cabal minions?
I wanted to write a long post on Biden’s background, but I would want to research it and write it up separately, and I save posts of that length on my computer. I don’t have time to do that today, but the issue came up in three of the links, so I will write an abbreviated version.
Essentially I went through Biden’s wikipedia bio, and it confirmed by impression that we have very little hard information on him before he was elected to a local city council at the age of 29. There is a Miles Mathis essay on his early life also pointing out that what facts we know don’t add up. Then he becomes a United States Senator in 1973, with no obvious reason why anyone would elect him. Periodically throughout his life he has disappeared in this hospital for major surgery.
My conclusion is that “Joe Biden” was an intel program to see if they could create the identity of an imaginary person from scratch, and then get that fake person elected to the United States Senate. “Joe Biden” was not born in 1943, the identity was created in 1971. It gets played by a rotating cast of actors. And the entire family is at least as take as the “family” of spies in the movie “Black Widow”, none of them are blood relations.
I’ve been thinking about this and it holds up remarkably well in explaining some of the anomalies we have seen with the Prez. The election, where there were almost two dozen other cabal controlled candidates available, who were actual people, was done because they decided they couldn’t take a chance with an actual person, even someone who was part of the network from a young age, in the role. “Biden’ was created as something of a prank but turned out to be very useful at that point. The dementia is cover so that they can limit public appearances of “Biden” when he is in a role where he is supposed to appear in public and receives more scrutiny.
The laptop would also be fake, not in the sense that it wasn’t owned by the Biden family or the information was inaccurate, but that it documents the activities of someone who doesn’t actually exist. The videos were probably filmed at a porn studio in the San Fernando Valley. I think it was meant as a trap, in that they would get Trump and associates to promote it, and then reveal some of the information as fake, but for some reason they never followed through on the second part of the operation.
Obviously “Biden” stays in the White House until they get the nuclear war or whatever else it is thay are angling for.
Continuity of Government. In WW2 the War Department basically took over the entire country, nationalized all industries, took over all media. COG has done the exact same thing. Currently the military is doing things that it only does during war time, such as the Coast Guard and Navy being intertwined as well as all kinds of allied nations flying their military aircraft over CONUS. They didn’t give Biden a presidential salute, they gave him a FUNERAL SALUTE for an inauguration that happened at the wrong time where multiple camera angles clearly demonstrate that his inauguration was filmed in multiple takes. We’ve seen “military” personnel on the ground greeting Harris wearing incorrect uniforms with full beards.
I don’t like this plan either, but it’s the one they went with for absolute minimum civilizational disruption.
X22 – Derek Johnson – Continuity Of Government Is In Place, Military In Control, Scare Event Necessary
I’ve read Derek Johnson’s articles. Some of it adds up, some of it doesn’t.
If Trump is still in charge, then why is there a massive invasion taking place on our southern border, as Yon has shown repeatedly.
Why are Trump and his handlers allowing that to take place? What purpose does it serve and how are they going to eject millions of illegals who have been quietly dispersed all over the country?
What puzzles me is from what I have seen, intelligence operations are controlled. And I mean, nothing is left to chance. You fake everything, make it look random, but under it, you are in full control as the exact outcome you set up at the beginning happens. But so much of this “Plan” seems uncontrolled. Biden has one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. Any day he could go wide-eye’d and keel over mid sentence. The Border invasion could easily produce a real pathogen spread that would wipe out all the cities. I would think that would change events somehow. The violence is killing a lot of people, and destroying the lifepaths of countless others. Who is to say it doesn’t one day take somebody who alters the timeline?
Lots of things like that, which could change the course of events, which an intelligence operation would never allow, and yet I cannot believe whatever is in power is leaving things out of control. It is to the degree it feels like there is some other hand on the wheel, whether you want to see it as supernatural, or some highly technologically advanced others working behind the scenes capable of controlling all that. Either that, or everything is fake, and all these border actors are Cabal’s ground operators overseas, brought up as actors, in character, playing the role of border invaders, in a heavily scripted and controlled production being presented to us normies. Maybe it is just all a Hollywood production on the border, and the flood is fake. I don’t know. I just saw one article asking where they were all going, since we have absorbed six or seven million now, and nobody seems to be seeing masses of non-english speakers flooding their communities.
“Maybe it is just all a Hollywood production on the border, and the flood is fake. I don’t know. I just saw one article asking where they were all going, since we have absorbed six or seven million now, and nobody seems to be seeing masses of non-english speakers flooding their communities.”
Really? My experience has been just the opposite – I have seen numerous short brown people who speak Spanish all over the country. (I lived and worked in many different US states during my tech career.) And this was mostly before Biden was installed.
Many cities even have Mexican music radio stations, which are always a popular choice for boomboxes at construction sites.
I don’t think things are fake. I think there’s a genuine flood of illegals at the border. I think the crime problem is VERY BAD in the cities. I think that we are genuinely close to WW3. Q said “people are dying” and everyone right from the start has ignored that.
Started with the Q crowd themselves who suddenly started saying that they had a cure for the vaxx and it was just going to scare people with very few deaths. No, lots of people are going to die. We’re ALL going to lose loved ones to this.
There are still people pushing this whole Quantum Financial Magical Bullshit Computer System that’s going to make literally everybody rich. Because quantum or something. No, the economic collapse is going to make everybody broke, to the point that starvation will again be known in the United States in the next year.
Every single person that’s ever gotten into a ring knows that one side or the other “controls” the fight, like Q Patriots “are in control”. By their own admission, nobody has ever tried this before, so they don’t actually know that they are going to win. Q said that nothing can stop what is coming without specifying because they don’t know for sure just what is coming.
They just knew that things couldn’t keep going and that they had to try SOMETHING.
We are really rich, as a nation at least, now, and look how fucked up some areas are with the homeless and crime. Look how a wilding mob can take over Chicago in a moment and the public can’t so shit. What will that be like in a real Depression?
It’s totally destroying civilization.
Whoever or whatever told them this would minimize civilizational disruption was a liar or a fool.
What’s funny is all these agencies purchasing guns. Without leadership they might as well hand the guns to their adversaries. Romel couldn’t have made it across North Africa without British gas and equipment.
perhaps some of them plan to “empty the armories” and hand weapons to the cabal assets flooding into the country… so they can assist with or conduct ops.
Trump is going to win big and his opponents won’t be able to claim voter fraud.
Unless it is rigged again, which is likely
Struggling to see how AI isn’t another fake and gay money laundering operation like advertising and modern art and pro sports.
The amnt of money is absurd. And for what?
It’s the next big dot-com bubble forming. The difference is that unlike the first one this time it’s going to absolutely decimate corporate office jobs as well as the corporate entertainment industry. Within five years normal people will be able to make feature length photo-realistic films with professional scores, voice acting, sound effects, big cgi spectacles, etc, and not a single bit of it will be done by a human except for the script, which itself will also be able to be AI generated if the person doesn’t want to take the time to write one.
Graphics arts, lawyers, office paper-pushers, engineers, etc – they are all about to be out of a job. You’re going to tell me that corporate wouldn’t want to dump huge amounts of money into that? The higher paid people are getting hit next.
Brett In Tech – 10 Useful AI Tools You’ll Actually Want to Use! 2023
PromptJungle – Harry Potter By Balenciaga | Step by Step Tutorial
One of the reasons that I want to deliver viable small CNC solutions for small businesses is that the future belongs to people that work with their hands and/or MAKE THINGS because automation has it’s limits when you are talking about physical production whether small scale or mass scale.
You can’t automate plumbing. Can’t be done. You can automate wood working kinda, but ultimately you human hands to finish it out. Automating construction in general doesn’t work because you have to have humanoid androids capable of improvising.
Good poast Lowell.
Seems to me that “bubbles” are just the sign of some tech advance or access to new unexpected resources. I’ve long believed that. They’re irrational and over responses. And money laundering hijinks.
If you go through the history of bubbles and look at them through that lens I think everyone would agree.
So, I guess I need to change how I am looking at this.
I recommmended a Bitchute video about clones yesterday, but my comment didn’t show up. I think there’s stil issues with the system, as it couldn’t have been offensive to AC.
I can’t find the video anymore, but Kevin Hart explained that he could get so much done because he had two clones. Jack Black said that you couldn’t turn down movie roles because “they’d clone you and they’d kill you.” Both were “joking,” but you can’t be too sure about anything these days.
Look into the rapper BOB’s account on it as well. Allegedly visited the cloning centers, was threatened to comply or die, refused, and who knows what happened after that. Put out a couple of great albums about the surveillance and NASA hoaxes, etc.
On the young people in addiction and trying to off themselves [high overlap]. Young people go through suffering just as people who are old and in the last stages of life.
One of the real evils of pedophilia is that they strike when people are vulnerable and in some of the most sensitive and formative eras in life. They really deserve respect, not pandering, respect. It’s not about deferring to their judgement, we can’t look down on them and say, “Oh well they’re immature addicts, so kick them to the curb.” Unacceptable. Their addiction comes from dis-ease that touches on the evil in ways we as adults really don’t sense as they know.
I remember holding my baby sisters in my arms, and they are absolute sponges. Even before they could talk, I know for a fact they understand things we wouldn’t expect. Listen to them. Take AC’s lead on this one, they need to to know we love them and they will not be abandoned. Otherwise we are handing over to the lucifarians.
Notice how all the Rainbow flag wavers got frightened by the measures of Florida?
Watch what we are about to do to all known Homosexuals.
“Coming Out” = Detainment list
Cracked – If Cruises Were Honest | Honest Ads
Arming the federal agencies is part of the effort to make DC a breakaway Republic from the US.
It seems more defensive than offensive.
DC has declared that the power to confer political legitimacy in DC comes from DC and no where else.
The Pentagon controls DC’s foreign force and the agencies are the colonial force intended mostly to defend DC from the near abroad (the US).
also, the more guns and ammo they take off the market… less for us…
Yes. Denial of resources is part of evrything they do.
Cracked – If Jobs Were Honest | Honest Ads
Cracked – If Smart TV Ads Were Honest | Honest Ads
A bit of speculation—Why have massive watching Stasi when you can have cameras everywhere?
Maybe the deepfake stuff is better than known? That way you have to have actual eyes on the target to make sure reality and your spy record of reality conform?
Or, it could be that cameras used to not be so good, and so they had to have a lot of people. Now, they don’t need as many people, but at the same time, you can’t just fire people in a conspiracy. So it could be a make work job for some of them. This might explain why the uppers are okay with killing off the lower level agents.
Just some speculation.
Excellent question. It is puzzling.
Redundancy and double checking as you mention. Intel can be wrong, look at any secret military operation that’s been declassified over the years. You have to double, triple, 10x check it if possible, and even then it may be outdated or flawed.
The manpower isn’t 100%. I’ve personally stress tested it and managed to get out of the overt network a couple times: I don’t believe I made it totally free, but I’m guessing they don’t buzz the planes if ground game is right on your ass.
if you slip out the want redundant methods to backtrack and fill in gaps.
Cameras don’t replace people. Because people have to watch the cameras. Besides, people gather intelligence. They drop by and ask seemingly neighborly questions in order to find out your intentions. Business going well? How are the kids doing? Are you thinking of selling your house? The overly friendly and seemingly “good” neighbor can extract all kinds of very useful intel that organized crime would find beneficial in targeting you.
The point isnt to watch, its the act of watching that fucks with people. If the point is to fuck with someone, you need to know what makes them tick. That’s the work of the camera, and the person watching the camera. Then, if someone is predisposed towards, say, paranoia, you work under that premise. Who needs earpieces when you can merely mime wearing an earpiece?
This is in line with the long-standing rumors that Crowder is gay. I think Owen Benjamin said this a couple of times (but I don’t have a strong memory of it, so I could be wrong.)
The explanation I have heard was that they were between second cars while they waited for delivery of a Tesla.
Remember the whole “we stayed virgins until our wedding night” story that Crowder made very public?
Didn’t Crowder come out as bi recently?
Which is same as saying Gay.
And yes Owen Benjamin called it years ago.
NeonRevolt just posted this to Gab. Amazon’s network is somehow compromised. Accounts>Login&security>CompromisedAccount>force logout of all devices and change your password and 2FA.
My new pass is 20 characters long with upper/lower-case letters , numbers, multiple symbols and is considered NOT vulnerable to a brute force attack.
I just had my Dad reset his account. He only uses his mobile but for some reason his account showed that there were 11 devices logged in.
RE: Jim Crammer
I am definitely one of those people that believe that Jim Crammer is deliberately used to prop things up and/or send out a warning signal for insiders to dump whatever it is RIGHT NOW.
Kinda sucks. I am two paychecks away from the new spindle for MK2, as well as another paycheck away from the 1045 polished steel shafting that I need to use for the bearing system. So I need the dollar to hold out until at least middle of June.
RT: Giuliani divulges vote-rigging secrets of NYC”
City liberals hate it when you own them with this one simple trick.
Owen Benjamin is jewish, right?
That last name…
Idk anything about him except he is some ex-Hollywood homesteader e-celeb.
Owen Benjamin Smith. Benjamin is his middle name. When he started comedy, there was already an Owen Smith doing stand up, so he went with Owen Benjamin.
He has a grandmother (father’s mother IIRC) who was jewish. He’s held no punches against the “small hat grabblers” as he usually refers to them.
Owen Benjamin is a guy who says there’s a shield around the earth and that when rockets go up they hit the shield and are destroyed.
“We Simply Don’t Have The Ammo” – Polish General Says Can No Longer Supply Ukraine, Warns Russia Has Resources To Continue War
“Billions of dollars have been spent over the past few decades to arm federal agencies with more agents, guns, ammunition and military-style equipment”
Great, now we know where to resupply when it goes down. Thanks, Feds.
I believe this is what they will use to arm all these illegal immigrants to come after us. The military won’t come after us even if it’s filled with gays & trannies. Americans will be confused as brown people & Chinese men run thru their neighborhoods with nylon IRS jackets & long guns. But they have proven to be sheep so they will take the bullet or get in the box car when these people tell them to do so.
Americans will turn away muttering to themselves when brown people and Chinese men in IRS jackets are found hanging from lamposts.
I’m not a big anime fan, but this movie is definitely an animation masterpiece. The score is absolutely amazing and the plot engaging. It takes place in an alternate history Japan that sided with America in WW2 AND STILL LOST, getting nuked and invaded by the NAZIs. The plot revolves around a fully armored SWAT-style force that take all their inspiration from the SS, down to the MG42’s and STG44’s which are all correctly animated. Basically when these guys get called in, everybody dies at 1200 RPM. The film is a political thriller about the fall out of a terrorist/revolutionary bombing and the failure to stop it by a rookie of the Special Unit. Definitely worth picking up.
Jin Roh: The Wolf Brigade
The ASPCA is a joke. My Westie once swallowed a mouse that had been slowed down from rat poison. We saw it happen, so I immediately called the ASPCA poison control number (for pets) from a magnet on my fridge. Before they would help me with my potentially poisoned dog, they wanted me to put in my cc info and pay $50. I hung up and used the internet.
A tsp of peroxide and he immediately threw the entire mouse up undigested. We then threw the magnet and all the rat poison in the trash.
On this morning in 2002, I woke up before daylight to join a journalist friend in Brooklyn, where we both lived, and to follow a NYPD bagpipe band down to Ground Zero. The NYPD arranged for one of its piper bands to begin marching from each of the five boroughs, all to converge simultaneously at Ground Zero, where the memorial service was to begin.
The only people who had access to Ground Zero were family members of victims, and officials. But when we arrived there, a huge crowd had massed outside the perimeter. I said goodbye to my friend, and melted into the crowd to gather material for the piece I was writing for National Review (I had gone to work there that previous January). I remember standing there at the edge of Ground Zero, looking at my watch, waiting for the minute when, one year earlier, the first plane struck the north tower. That was also to be the signal for the start of the memorial service at Ground Zero.
At that moment — at that precise moment — a ferocious wind blew in from the same direction that the plane had taken. It was uncanny. There was a hurricane far offshore, and this was its outermost fringe. Still, the timing was eerie. That wind blew like something biblical, all morning. Signs, chairs, anything not tied down was blowing around. I walked around in that for hours, watching and talking to people.
I walked back home to Brooklyn, wrote a piece for NR, filed it, then relaxed. The phone rang. It was my journalist friend, slightly freaking out. “Come over,” she said. I took off.
At her apartment, she led me into her home office, and pointed to something hanging on a wall. It was a small American flag, almost paper-thin, and very old. Judging from the number of stars on its field, I would say from the Revolutionary War era. It was mounted and framed under glass.
And it was torn from top to bottom, right down the middle.
“What am I looking at?” I asked.
She explained that someone had given her that antique flag many years earlier. She had it framed, and it had hung on the wall of every home office she had had since then, wherever she lived. Every day she was home, for years, she had looked at it.
On this day, however, when she returned from Ground Zero, she noticed that it had been torn right down the middle.
Nobody else had been home, and if they had been, they would have had to have torn the paper on the back of the frame to get to the flag. It was untouched.
AC. The Darkness that you see is the result of the Divine Judgment. After 2001. God handed America and the Western World to their Wickedness(Romans 1).
And soon God will begin to do even more Judgments soon enough.
I think you are right.
I remember that piece. The story is just like the myriad of them you hear about during the Revolution. Magical Mists rising from the earth, visions, impossible chances. And I am sure it will be remembered the same way one day.
We were a nation dedicated to God from the foundinrhg of our nation at Jamestown and Plymouth; and we were once a Christian nation; then we became ruled by wicked men and a foreign lucifarian tribe; and a people who never knew God flooded into us through the plans of that tribe; and we Whites forgot God and sought false doctrines and became perverts and reprobates; thus God has cast off this nation.
Is this Rod Dreher?
Because Rod Dreher wrote that piece and I seriously doubt he would post a comment here.
It’s an incredible story, and I believe it, but I used to be a regular reader and commenter at his blog, and he lives in Hungary now, and I don’t believe he would comment here.
His hand is stretched out still.
GOD will judge the wicked and rebuild with the righteous.
A new food I found out about is Natto:
Very good for diabetes. Melts away cellulite. And more health benefits. Including pain relief from injury and possibly removing scar tissue. Helping healing.
Natto will prob make you gag the first 3 times. Then you’ll love it. That’s what the Japanese say and it was true for me. I had to try it out of politeness and now really like it.
Heated with a little mustard and japanese soy sauce over white rice is classic.
Confims what AC’s been saying for years about beneficial bacteria and gut biota.
For years, Texas’s establishment conservatives and BoomerCons have haw-haw’d everyone else about how rough and tough their State is compared to the sissies elsewhere, but they’re gonna have cartel members policing them before the decade is over.
Texas House is now thoroughly taken over:
Your concern is noted. Collect your fedbucks on the way out.
For all of you who keep saying AI is just much about nothing and that there’s no originality there or no threat. Those that think that this is a “linear” instead of an exponential change. I ran across this video. You should watch it. Most of the people criticizing AI as being a big nothing appear to me to not know a single thing about what is going on with it. If you don’t watch please stop telling others that you understand the threat, because you don’t.
Here’s a quote from it [and this is real], “…50% of AI researchers believe there’s a 10% or greater chance that humans go extinct from our inability to control AI…”
They note, what if you got on a plane and 50% of the engineers responsible for making the plane fly told you there was a 50% chance it would crash and kill everyone.
The AI Dilemma – Tristan Harris – Center for Humane Technology March 2023
Sam, “AI researchers” do not equal aeronautics engineers.
I think your post strengthens Sam’s point. An aeronautical engineer in charge of a typical part might have a couple million lives on the line, while the AI engineer has 8 billion lives and the rest of humanity on the line.
So you’re saying “AI researchers” are stupid? If I understand correctly, these people are STEM trained. It’s not some advanced basket weaving to get in their position.
For the hell of it, I decided to look this up. Here’s a few.
Andrew Ng
Ng is an adjunct professor at Stanford University and a Doctorate
Fei-Fei Li
Sequoia Capital Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University another doctor
Daphne Koller
professor in the department of computer science at Stanford University[4] and a MacArthur Foundation fellowship recipient Phd.
Now I do know there’s some nepotism and funk in these positions but it’s unlikely the Chinese are into much of that. These people while not Gods are not fools.
Educated idiots.
I subscribed to that Kallmekris youtuber a couple of weeks ago.