News Briefs – 04/28/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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After complaints, National Institutes of Health launches review of Havana Syndrome study. You can feel that somebody is lying. And that is strange, because you can feel it because somebody is pushing back on the lies.

Salon senses something else is going on – The government is hiding something about the “Havana syndrome.” Havana Syndrome is the conspiracy. I think it is just the conspiracy trying to purge our government agencies of patriots which might oppose it. So as a result some parts of government are saying it is nothing, while others seem to honestly want to get to the bottom of it.

I have been going back and forth on the TinySA forum, looking at data I was building. The EMF-390, which it seems many Targeted Individuals are steered to, appears to be producing erroneous results in rf browser mode, maxing out at 34 watts/m2 when there may not be any significant rf. And further more, other TI’s report the same reading, which indicates sensor saturation with rf. However, the TinySA does not show that. I always assume everyone is lying, however it seems 34 watts/m2 is enough to light up fluorescent bulbs, and so I set three up on an XYZ axis, and they did not light. So the EMF390 appears unreliable (and it appears when I have seen fluorescent bulbs light it was indicative of microwave energy beamed through the house). And yet, when the EMF390 fires off, I can feel something. To the point I can tell when it is registering something by how I feel. It feels like that is not coincidental. Like we are steered to the meter because it registers whatever they are doing as rf energy, even though it is not rf energy. So we say we have all this rf energy coming in and when a professional looks, there is nothing there, and we are branded as cranks.

However if we can find something which is not rf, which triggers the EMF-390’s sensor, then we might have something.

I always suck at whatever I do when I start. But I also never quit, and I usually end up mastering the subject beyond what anyone else could accomplish by the time I finish. We will see what we can do here.

I also found out with a broad spectrum, log-periodic antenna, you can use the TinySA directionally, which in a SHTF scenario means if you are running it, and see some sort of radio traffic indicating enemy action nearby, you can directionalize it. I have ordered the antenna, and will be seeing if it is of any use analyzing The Beam, and will keep it should there be any SHTF festivities forthcoming.

Although AARO director Sean Kirkpatrick said there were no firsthand witnesses, Christopher Mellon, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, noted that he himself had brought some firsthand witnesses to AARO, and Sen. Marco Rubio has also stated that he’s spoken to firsthand witnesses himself.

Newly unredacted documents show FBI trying to figure out who Trump’s valet was dating so they could try to turn her and get her to help try to turn him, so they could use Trump’s Valet as a spy against him. We are kind of past the “American intelligence community not operating domestically or using espionage to manipulate elections.”

FBI asking others about the valet’s state of mind so they could figure out if their pressure was wearing him down, and it might be worthwhile to take another bite at turning him to get their spy next to Trump, so the FBI could try to prevent him from getting the Presidency again. Play this game long enough and the FBI will be sending exploding cigars to Trump.

In a three part truth (Part One, Part Two, Part Three), Donald Trump unloads on RFK Jr:

RFK Jr. is a Democrat “Plant,” a Radical Left Liberal who’s been put in place in order to help Crooked Joe Biden, the Worst President in the History of the United States, get Re-Elected. A Vote for Junior’ would essentially be a WASTED PROTEST VOTE, that could swing either way, but would only swing against the Democrats if Republicans knew the true story about him. Junior’ is totally Anti-Gun, an Extreme Environmentalist who makes the Green New Scammers look Conservative, a Big Time Taxer and Open Border Advocate, and Anti-Military/Vet…

His Radicalized Family will never allow him to be a Republican, and his Chief “Funder” is the V.P. Candidate that nobody ever heard of, except her ex-husband, who’s been stripped of a big chunk of cash. She puts herself down as a businesswoman, or maybe a doctor, and actually, I guess you could say that she’s right. Her business was doing surgery on her husband’s wallet! She’s more Liberal than Junior’ by far, not a serious person, and only a Pot of Cash to help get her No Chance Candidate on the Ballot…

I lived with RFK Jr. in New York and watched him convince Governor Cuomo to make Environmental moves that were outright NASTY. Upstate New York was not allowed to drill or frack as Ohio, Pennsylvania, and others ripped off New York Energy. Because of this, prices have skyrocketed all over that part of the Country, but especially Upstate New York and New England. Their Energy Costs are the highest in the U.S., with the exception of California, run by Gavin Newscum, the Worst Governor in the State’s History. I’d even take Biden over Junior’, because our Country would last a year or two longer prior to collapse – But it would be dead either way. His Views on Vaccines are FAKE, as is everything else about his Candidacy. Let the Democrats have RFK Jr. They deserve him!

If you killed a family member I loved, we are at war. There would be no peace. But not the Kennedys. Nevertheless, use what they give you to advance how you can, but never trust any of them. In the war for freedom, they are all the enemy.

Stephen Miller: “If they say there’s no immunity for official acts, the moment Joe Biden leaves office, every single red city and red state DA in the country can charge him for financial crimes related to illegal student loan bailouts, can charge him for war crimes related to deaths of service members overseas, can charge him for human trafficking, human smuggling and by the way, more election interference than you can even count.”

New Hampshire election audit was rigged, apparently.

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas raised the question of whether Special Counsel Jack Smith is even legitimate, given he was never nominated by the president or confirmed by the Senate at any time.

Donald Trump slams Mitt Romney as ‘total loser,’ endorses Utah mayor Trent Staggs.

Rep. Massie warns it could soon be forbidden to criticize Israel.

Cemetery filled with Bluetooth signals as dead vaxxed emit MAC addresses from the grave. I have not looked at the video beyond seeing they claim there are bluetooth signals in the cemetery, as I am pretty sure they are not about to dig up bodies, elucidate a complete technical mechanism by which the vax creates a power source to feed an rf signal generator, and show how this is happening. I am sure it is just the usual, “It must be the graphene in the vaccinations!” bullshit. However remember, Bill Binney is emitting an rf signal he has detected, even when he travels overseas and across the globe, which he says he believes is coming from an implant some intelligence organization put in him which his doctor sees on X-ray, and he believes most, if not all intelligence officers and FBI agents at some point get knocked unconscious by a directed energy weapon, and people enter their house and implant them without their knowledge. What you might be seeing here is people who all got the vax, died around the same time, and the power supplies on their implants are still operational and they are still transmitting. Which might mean those implants extend pretty far into the normie population. I do not know. I have no firsthand knowledge. I am just looking at curious assertions, which could fit with hard information we have seen previously, and point to a very strange world. The surveillance op I see is capable, manpower-wise and organizationally of implanting most of the people in each of their neighborhoods. Which has me wondering if the vax as a bluetooth computer interface is just a cover for the reality they have begun to chip everyone.

Another video claiming the same thing here in a military cemetery, but this one shows them coming from graves from 2016 and 2017. They hypothesize these guys were experimented on while in the military with a precursor to the graphene vax, but you have to wonder if they are just finding all these military guys were implanted covertly like Binney to track them, but they cannot put it together it is a more (relatively) prosaic explanation. Interesting video.

This doctor found 96 of 112 vaccinated emitted Bluetooth signals, while none of the 25 unvaccinated emitted any signals. The vaccination program could just have been a cover to chip specific targets in the run-up to whatever this is, which is coming. The chip might have been what was magnetic. Curious if true.

I have to say, looking back on this clip from the 2018 documentary The Lobby, I do wonder if what you are looking at in domestic surveillance could possibly be Israeli. It might explain how they are so assiduous about keeping the secret. On the other hand, it would require so many handlers, that they could not possibly all be Israeli. Then again they could have recruited Americans to fill lower levels as force multipliers.

U.S. Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) and advocates of slavery reparations are openly — and loudly — urging President Joe Biden to establish a commission that would dangle the prospect of free cash in front of black voters to help defeat GOP presidential opponent Donald Trump.

House Democrats reject giving Massachusetts homeless veterans preference over migrants in shelter system.

Health Canada confirms Pfizer ‘chose not to’ inform them about DNA in COVID jabs.

The Biden EPA’s plan to ration electricity. New rules are designed to eliminate fossil-fuel power plants. Energy scarcity is sure to result. If a hostile foreign actor infiltrated our leadership positions with its agents, and wanted to kneecap our competitiveness, this is exactly how they would do it.

Now John Eastman, one of the attorneys who worked with former President Donald Trump, has been debanked by both Bank of America and USAA for his ties to the 2020 election contest.

Biden lauds Wounded Warriors, telling them they are the spine of America, and adds he is not even joking when he says that, he talks for a few more minutes about how he is serious and not being sarcastic, and finally Jill has to go up and turn him around, as the wounded warriors were behind him and he was telling all that to the press corps.

Biden roasted for agreeing to debate Trump on Howard Stern: ‘His handlers must be furious!’ How does a President even end up calling in to Howard Stern, who was known as a degenerate and now has lost almost all of his audience?

Rep. Bill Posey (R-Fla.) abruptly announced on Friday that he will not seek reelection, after initially planning to run for another term. An establishment asshole who waited to make the announcement until after the date closed to jump into the primary for the seat, in a hard red district, and who made sure his crony entered the primary quietly as the only candidate.

Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) is “not too worried” about a possible primary challenge from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, he told a local news anchor Friday evening. It would be nice to get rid of that asshole.

‘Hypocritical’ anti-cop NYC council members plead for NYPD protection after receiving ‘scary’ threats (Chi Ossé, Shahana Hanif, Yusef Salaam, and Carlina Rivera).

California legislators nearly unanimously voted to limit “influential” anonymous online free speech by requiring social media companies to “seek to verify” personal information.

Hulking 240lb, autistic boy, 17, filmed battering female teacher’s aide unconscious for threatening to take away his Nintendo switch, files lawsuit claiming school staff ‘triggered’ him.

Over 4,000 female athletes have called upon the NCAA Board of Governors to protect women’s sports by barring male athletes from competing.

You could say the same thing for Q-anon:

Pharaoh’s tombs may have been cursed by the people who sealed them in, bringing in radioactive waste and other toxic materials. Not a lot of evidence for the theory, IMO. Article also shows, “King Tut had buck teeth, a club foot and girlish hips.” I was always struck by Kim Jong Il. Nork Special Forces are animals. And Kim would always have hardened generals behind him who were clearly killers. But they would all cede authority to this chubby 21 year old kid? Nobody ever tried to take over? Clearly in retrospect, there was a hidden hand over them all. I see it in America as our leadership are clearly brainlets and all the GATE kids are kept on a leash. It implies in the time of King Tut, things were much the same, and you cannot help but wonder if it was the same conspiracy, artificially supporting the dysgenic because they had to be loyal, or they would not stand a chance.

Obama’s first drone strike killed 18 civilians in Pakistan, 4 of them children, and he went on to order 506 more drone strikes – three times as many as Bush.

Blinken tells CNN the US has seen evidence of China attempting to influence upcoming US elections.

Israeli Minister Haim Biton has been involved in a car accident and his father has been seriously injured. This is the second car crash involving an Israeli minister in two days. What is going on?

More than six months into the war in Gaza and with dimming hopes for a cease-fire deal, Palestinians there are growing more critical of Hamas, which some of them blame for the months-long conflict that has destroyed the territory — and their lives.

The Trudeau regime has announced plans to donate over $100 million in taxpayer funds to pro-pedophilia groups in Canada who want to decriminalize sex between adults and children. It is broader LGBTQ+ groups which also support pedophilia.

Canada’s new hate speech bill will apply retroactively to things people have said in the past? You haven’t said anything which would upset the government, have you anon?

The largest economies in Africa and the Middle East are moving their gold reserves out of the United States.

Long lines form and frustration grows as Cuba runs short of cash.

A large part of Western aid to Kiev is being embezzled by Ukrainian officials, despite President Vladimir Zelensky’s assurances that it is being used in the fight against Russia, a top French politician has said.

Russia has found the critical vulnerability in NATO’s American tanks.

Russian advance blamed on Ukrainian troops rotation blunder. They don’t want to admit Ukrainian troops fled.

Fast-paced Russian offensive yields over a dozen conquered cities and villages.

A Russian shows you why you don’t eat the candy bars left behind in a warzone:

U.S. intelligence agencies have determined that Russian President Vladimir Putin probably didn’t order opposition politician Alexei Navalny killed at an Arctic prison camp in February, the Wall Street Journal reported on Saturday.

Former Attorney General Bill Barr is not backing down on his support for Donald Trump, much to the dismay of CNN’s Kaitlan Collins.

Former Rep. Peter Meijer, one of just 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach former President Donald Trump,  is dropping his bid for Michigan’s open Senate seat, the Republican said in a statement Friday.

Biden has dropped to a 68-year presidential low, 38.7% approval. That is nearly 10 points below where former President Jimmy Carter was at this point in his presidency.

Pennsylvania GOP enjoys clean sweep of voter registration gains ahead of primary election.

Supreme Court ruling to end all nationwide “assault weapon” & magazine bans put in motion. Multiple cases challenging state bans on so-called assault weapons are now appealing for immediate Supreme Court review. Everyone here should have a firearm. Nobody knows how what is coming will go. Cabal appears to want the Roman model, in which the government fails, and we end up like Haiti. And since we have imported Haiti, Haiti may be exactly what we get. However, if Cabal stumbles, you might get a hybrid American Revolution and American Civil War, in which case your guns could be good for a lot more than survival. Arm up and be ready, whatever comes. That is an order.

Trump is surging in the swing states according to the new Bloomberg numbers, with Trump’s lead increasing to 7 and 8 points in Arizona and Nevada, respectively and to an astonishing 10 point lead in North Carolina!

Spread r/K Theory, because you should be prepared for what is coming.

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10 months ago

“You could say the same thing for Q-anon:”

I remember Anonymous claimed it was going to find and expose Q, and nothing ever came of it.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

I still maintain that Q is exactly what it repped out as – the Q Group at NSA originally tasked with retrieving Snowden. At the very least they are an unofficial offshoot of the Q Group. An unofficial group carved off of an unofficial group that you can’t infiltrate because it’s invite-only. They would have access to everything and be able to directly do NOTHING. So instead they embark on the painstaking process of setting up dominoes.


Reply to  lowell
10 months ago

An unofficial group carved off of an unofficial group that you can’t infiltrate because it’s invite-only.

If cabal operates as we know, then this is an impossibility. They would know of this group because they’ve been cataloguing the psychology of all members, inserting child agents into the associate group, and infiltrating it as a top priority.

The more secretive you think you are, the more likely an agent is sitting next to you.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

It is in the nature of all humans to become complacent in the absence of resistance. Bottom line, if they were actually that all-knowing they would have been able to keep us from knowing about THEM. They’re not gods, they’re just men.

I am not crazy, but you may be
I am not crazy, but you may be
10 months ago
Reply to  I am not crazy, but you may be
10 months ago

I don’t click on descriptionless Facebook links.

Reply to  I am not crazy, but you may be
10 months ago

It is a facebook link without context nor description

Last edited 10 months ago by Name*
10 months ago

Note the handshake. This is Wy governor who is a rancher in Wy where handshakes are culturally prolific and not ever accidently fucked up during photo ops, unless it is an intended signal or cue. Governors being term limited, often pander up to other deep state jobs and paid gigs for after office terms. This crank showed stripes and went to Harvard to speak (audition for the deep state) and is all in and on board with carbon capture grift schemes in play in his state. The Cabal is indeed embedded in even rural ass deep blood red states, the surveillance and Intel ops permeates everywhere. There is no Mayberry, USA anymore or unspoiled areas. We are all behind enemy lines, thus operate as if an enemy of the state, because we are all targets. File away and widely disseminate the photo my anons and frens out there, continue with those red pill salvos, and fire for effect and at will. Nobody quits, every one fights.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

It is another symbolism or comms thing used by geeks in a club or as a cult’s membership flag. This event was an award (Carnegie medal, big p.r. event) for a legit Chad that pulled a boy and mother out of a house fire. The opportunity for wide dispersal of that image is an opportunity any minion of cabal would salivate to use for comms, or good old politicing. He may be telegraphing this sign to cabal, or using this unnatural hand grip and position as an exertion of command or dominance signaling to an audience of cabal members that are inside. The fellows arm tattoos and casual dress attire probably ruffled feathers or sensibilities of those elite classes in a state capitol, so a little cabal signal was flagged out. It may not be a mason’s thing any more and is being co-opted by cabal where it will be scrubbed from view or suppressed. Background data of these actors involved along with these acts and stupid statements from them fits the puzzle pieces together. Thanks A.C.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

I disagree that it is not an official Mason handshake.

There are numerous drawings from the 19th century showing Masons shaking hands like this.

I’ll try to dig some up and post them here if I can find them. Most of the drawings came from manuals on Masonic orders.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

Robert Anton Wilson was a big scholar of all of these groups and wrote many books, both fiction and nonfiction… And there is no question that easy handshake and other body positioning “signals” are used to convey membership to others silently, to figure out who’s a member as well.
“We meet on the level and part on the square”
After receiving instruction in the proper communication of the substitute for the Master’s Word, the candidate is then instructed in regards to the Grand Hailing Sign of Distress. It is given by raising both hands toward heaven, with each arm forming the angle of a square, or a 90 degree angle. The arms are then lowered in three distinct motions to the sides. In other words, ending with both arms in the natural downward position, such as when one is standing at“Furthermore, I do promise and swear that I will not give the Grand Hailing Sign of Distress of a Master Mason, except for the benefit of the Craft while at work or for the instruction of a Brother, unless I am in real distress; and should I see the sign given, or hear the word spoken, I will hasten to the relief of the person so giving it.” The candidate is additionally instructed, however, that if he is in a place where the sign could not be seen, he is to utter a substitute for the sign: “O Lord, my God, is there no help for the Widow’s Son?” He is additionally advised that the sign and these words are never to be given together.

Freemasonry for dummies:

Grip or token: A special identifying handshake used by Masons to identify each other, different for each degree.

Profane: A non-Mason. 

Sign: A hand gesture used as a mode of identification between Masons, different for each degree. 

Step: A position of the feet used as a mode of recognition between Masons, different for each degree. 

Word or pass: A password used as a mode of recognition between Masons, different for each degree. 

Also not a Mason, but my grandfather was, and we discussed it, and I wasn’t interested (cause it was dying by the time I was of age, nobody was joining, it was the equiv of a old veterans club, at best.). At one point was it influential? Yes. Is it still? I doubt it, it’s an old boys club.

Last edited 10 months ago by scruffy
Reply to  scruffy
10 months ago

Also not a Mason, but my grandfather was, and we discussed it, and I wasn’t interested (cause it was dying by the time I was of age, nobody was joining, it was the equiv of a old veterans club, at best)

And other things a true member of a secret society bent on perpetrating evil would tell someone who’s psychological profile lists them as “blows the lid on evil acts by secret societies.”

Accept that your grandfather likely gaslit you to keep you from trying to join as he knew from your local surveillance that you would never be a fit for their evil little outfit.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

I mean anything is possible, but… i kinda doubt that. He wanted me to do things I had zero interest in…. He was in WWII, and he couldn’t understand why I had no interest in the military… if I’d expressed interest in the Masons, I could have, but it was just older and older men by then. They didnt grow with the times. Maybe I missed the secret evil hidden within. I saw old men drinking and hanging out, playing pool in the masonic hall…

Another Anon
Another Anon
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

That is the handshake of the DeMolay, a masonic youth group.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

I have old friends who were in DeMolay. Bunch of idiots. It certainly didn’t put them “in” with anything.

Reply to  Festis
10 months ago

Did they stay in Masonry and give the handshakes to people?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

Makes sense, and oddly reverses the obvious that later higher degrees would be more influential, I think they’d like that.

Reply to  Frosty
10 months ago

Who do we target after Will?

10 months ago

Whitney Webb dispensing black pills:

One hour. She argues that Trump’s role is to sheep dog the right into accepting more totalitarian measures, after Obama/ Biden sheep dog the left.

Before you dismiss the argument, she usually knows her stuff, and the thing is, the black hats are still in control and Trump doesn’t “win” the “election” unless he has made a deal with the Cabal. It was the same situation in 2020, by the way. Vote for Trump anyway if there is an election, given the alternatives, but his winning cleanly and the Democrats leaving peacefully would actually be a bad sign.

I don’t agree with her main argument, since I think “Biden” is too useful to them for them to let them go and have someone who can think for himself there, even if they have made an arrangement. But this points in the direction of another steal, or no election.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Ed
10 months ago

Unfortunately, I have to agree with much of her take.

Trump is taking some obviously bizarre positions, like doggedly supporting the mRNA vax, or doggedly supporting Israel and its continuing massacre in Gaza, or supporting Mike Johnson even when it’s clear Mike is a comped and controlled lame duck.

I do not believe patriots or “white hats” are in control of anything in the West, because if they are in control, and they’re letting this degradation and criminality swamp our society without moving a muscle to interrupt it, then they are as bad as any cabal.

Reply to  Another Dave
10 months ago

Trump needs to shut up about the jab.

Trump is right when he says that Israel needs to finish eliminating Hamas, we can disagree about how they do it, but we can’t control how they do it.
One side or the other has to win completely or the killing will never end, as an ideal they should make real peace and get along but neither side will do that.
As long as every conflict over there ends in a false ceasefire both sides will keep the violence going and then fan it into another war over and over while trying to drag us into it.

I agree with Sundance about Johnson, the RINO plan is for him to be vacated and then he and maybe other RINOs will use it as an excuse to resign and hand the House to the Demoncrats so they can declare Trump ineligible for “insurrection” and cram even more of Brandon’s agenda down our throats without even having fake opposition from the RINOs.
That’s why Trump is supporting Johnson for now

Q claimed it had to be this way and it was all part of the plan, and that’s why Q should be hunted down and executed for Treason when this is all over.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

Maybe, but then again they are privy to info that we are not, so none of us are really in any position to judge. After this is all over, let them make their case, maybe there were good reasons for it to go down this way. If not, then treason it is.

10 months ago

Former Attorney General Bill Barr is not backing down on his support for Donald Trump”

Is this one for the Mandela Effect? Bill Barr backs Trump?!?

Reply to  Fester
10 months ago

I wouldn’t trust him… Or the reporting of it.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
10 months ago

Lame Cherry documents the CIA Ukraine money laundering, war crimes, and dope trade.

A War in Ukraine as Cover for Organized Crime

Reply to  Teo Toon
10 months ago

She has been on fire lately.

This post is perfectly comprehensible, for a change:

“There has been enough fakery of Joe Biden in fake White House backgrounds, mics that appear and disappear and Biden one day being spry and the next moment looking like a fossil, that there are doubles for Biden as there are for Barack Obama.”

“Could it be that the real Joe Biden is locked in some private sanitarium in Delaware for all these years and the Obama’s ran a stand in so Big Mike could be directing 1600 Penn again and that by some chance the treatments on senile Joe worked and he somehow escaped captivity and is now wandering around Delaware hoping someone will discover him or at least give him a bowl of Fruit Loops?”

Also this:

It ties into the Whitney Webb interview I posted earlier today.

Dom Zerchi
Dom Zerchi
10 months ago

Sasers? As soon as lasers were invented people began speculating about sasers; Wikipedia says the first successful sasers were demonstrated in 2009.

10 months ago

Kraken SDR for Doppler DFing.
AC is going to end up with more cool radio shit than most hams.

Reply to  Teo Toon
10 months ago

Don’t forget to connect the Gaza Genocide with the Bolshevik Revolution in Christian Russia. A leopard doesn’t change its spots. Part of Jewish Messianism is the carrying out of Justice; they’re gods–stand in their way–you will be mowed down; you committed past crimes–Justice is coming for you at their hands. They are a Dangerous Animal.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
10 months ago


Reply to  Teo Toon
10 months ago

Skeptical of all atrocity stories. Why? Because the details are overkill. If you’re dealing w/ a large civilian population w/ embedded Hamas operatives & trying to do it quickly, why waste time attempting to skin ppl & remove their organs? The organ removal thing is a classic trope btw.

As the devil’s advocate, I could make a case that Hamas are terrorizing those whom they suspect are spies for the Israelis. Or else, the IDF are torturing relatives of Hamas in order to get to them. See – I’ve just posed 2 alternative explanations – so the version being pushed is probably not the reality and we don’t really know at all the truth of anything in that place.

10 months ago

For recieving, any antenna will suffice. Wire or whatnot. Dont spend big bucks to recieve, transmit is different.


Reply to  Tom762
10 months ago

Hans Schantz wites about antennae. His work might be a useful resource.

Another Dave
Another Dave
10 months ago

Say what you like about RFK,jr., but his views on vaccines are anything but fake, and Trump should back the fuck away from his embarrassing attachment to vaccines, in particular mRNA, because that is a spectacularly losing position to take, a position he will regret as the true cost of mRNA, and his role in fast tracking them, becomes ever more clear.

I really have no idea why Trump keeps hanging onto the vaxx train, because it’s flying off the damned rails as we speak, and will only get worse.

Reply to  Another Dave
10 months ago

What RFK says about vaccines is true, but he does not believe it.
He has a “mixed” record to say the least.

I do wish Trump would at least shut up about the jabs if he’s not ready to reveal the truth.

Reply to  Another Dave
10 months ago

He cannot back away from the vaccine. He would set himself to be attacked as the messenger. There is no way he can be any kind of anti-vaxxer.

And, no, no one should trust RFK, Jr. It is obvious that he is some kind of controlled opposition. Think about it. Can you maintain any kind of professional career as a lawyer being an open and outspoken anti-vaxxer? For that matter, can he lend his name to any NGO, any non-profit, let alone work for them by openly pissing off the clients and donors that Big Pharma represents?

For pete’s sake, Cabal gave him a Hollywood actress/handler to play with/manage him.

None of the Kennedys can be trusted. They made a Devil’s bargain with Cabal, assuming those assassinations were even real to begin with. How can anyone think that this family is somehow composed of mavericks who will fight the system?

Reply to  map
10 months ago

Not just any actress, but the lead actress on the Jewiest show of all time. (Caveat: #NotAll, stay focused on Cabal not “The Jews”, etc. But I mean…come on.)

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

Except she’s Catholic, and always has been.
Not saying she isn’t Handling him:

As supportive a wife as she is, Hines does occasionally draw lines in the sand. She confirms that she has forbidden her husband from communicating with far-right agitators Steve Bannon and Alex Jones. “Bobby will talk to anybody and wants to connect with everybody,” she says. “I understand where he is coming from. But I also have my limits.”

Reply to  scruffy
10 months ago

Forbids. That’s a deal breaker. Who does he forbid she talk to?

Reply to  scruffy
10 months ago

Yeah, and? Where’s the “except”? I did not assert she herself is Jewish. (Although you never know, since the Sabbatean types love pretending to be other religions.) But it is a fact that Curb is the Jewiest show of all time. So, do you think she’s a member of the Hollyweird Jew set, regardless of how she herself identifies? Duh.

Reply to  map
10 months ago

Trump could absolutely back away from the Vaccines. Listen to Robert Barnes talk about it. The deal Trump struck was not only not met but the companies KNOW they didn’t meet it and lied, faked data and worse.
Trump continues to trust people around him giving him bad advice. That’s the biggest problem with him: he trusts advisors until they are proven wrong and then blames them entirely, rather than accept his own fault in doing so.

Sam J.
Sam J.
10 months ago

U.S. Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) and advocates of slavery reparations are openly — and loudly — urging President Joe Biden to establish a commission that would dangle the prospect of free cash in front of black voters to help defeat GOP presidential opponent Donald Trump.

This is a great idea, and seeing as how the Jews brought the vast majority of slaves from Africa to the US, I’ve heard over 90%, then we can make the Jews pay for all this as they are responsible. Add to this the US census before the civil war showed that 40% of Jews owned slaves as opposed to, I can’t remember the exact number, but I recall it as being 2% for Whites. Possibly wrong percent for Whites, but the number was very low.

The real problem the Jews have is, the truth. As soon as you know the truth about them, all their special pleading are shown to be vile, foul and parasitical.

Reply to  Sam J.
10 months ago

Oh yes, the Southern plantation owners were all Jews…. You truly are an idiot, not even a useful one. Keep it up.
Lots of different people giving facts here:
The number of Jews, compared to Protestants, is a much smaller number… Thus the percentages are totally misleading. But you either are too stupid to realize that… Or… Nah, it’s the first.
I just wish AC didn’t just let you spout, cause you and the others guarantee that any new eyeballs will just think that the rest of us are the sort who agree with you.. the antisemitic tropes are just the Cabal’s way of guaranting that nobody will focus on the puppet masters who are not of any one sect/race/etc… by ensuring that the identity politics divide people.
When the leftists are shouting things you agree with, and you don’t question the validity of your viewpoint, YOU are the useful idiot.

Last edited 10 months ago by scruffy
Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  scruffy
10 months ago

Once again, your hamfisted Jew mindwarp fails,

“…Oh yes, the Southern plantation owners were all Jews…. ”

Of course, I did not say that and you conveniently skip over the racial identity of the slave ship owners, operators, and for damn good reason to cover for the Jews.

“…The number of Jews, compared to Protestants, is a much smaller number… Thus the percentages are totally misleading…”

You pretend this is so, but it in fact shows as a race of people the Jews are a bunch of slavers and evil by large percentages.

Reply to  Sam J.
10 months ago

Color me shocked you can’t do math.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  scruffy
10 months ago

Here’s some math for you. I did this a long time ago and commented on a site that the feminist killed off. The guy running it was a Communist. But he was interesting and, not so politically correct.

It’s the Jew evil quotient

evil Jews
37,400,000 results
evil Whites
11,600,000 results

So, we’ve got 710 million Europeans in Europe and 230 million (mostly European-descended) white Americans which comes to a total of 940 million whites. Then you’ve got 200 million white Latin Americans, which pushes the total past one billion (1,140,000,000). Then you’ve got the 54 million whites in Australia, Canada, and Africa to push it to 1,194,000,000. The 3.3 million European New Zealanders pushes this number up to 1.2 billion, the population of India.

And then white nationalists call us an endangered species. I don’t know about you, but 1.2 billionis a lot.

number of whites on earth
number of jews on earth

I decided to end all debate about the nature of Jews with SCIENCE. Liberals and anti-Whites love science, right. So, here it goes. I will use the “evil quotient index”

evil quotient index=number of evil quotes/number of people

I typed into google “evil Jews” and got 37,400,000 results, then “evil Whites” and got 11,600,000 results.

So let’s look at the all important evil quotient. This is # of evil comments / # of the race, Jew or White. So evil Jews 37,400,000 / # of Jews 13,746,100 = 2.72.

Now evil Whites 11,600,000 / # of Whites 1,200,000,000 = 0.00967.

2.72 / 0.00967 = 281.46
So the Jews are 281.46 times MORE evil than Whites. That the Jews are truly evil is now a proven fact.

It’s a scientific fact that Jews are 281.46 times more evil than Whites.

(the numbers have likely changed. I’m sure the evil quotient has gone up considerably for Jews)

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  scruffy
10 months ago

How many plantations were mortgaged or encumbered by debt…to Jews?

Reply to  scruffy
10 months ago

be that as it may, there is no reason for the current population to pay anything. Freedom, no matter how much wealth you did not acquire over the intervening years, is priceless. It’s rich that well off blacks can’t see the irony. How much have they been willing to share with their brethren?

Reply to  Sam J.
10 months ago

Never forget who the second most powerful man in the South was after Jefferson Davis: Judah Benjamin.

But, AC’s point still stands that one should never mistake this with the fight against Cabal.

Bond, Liberty Valence Bond
Bond, Liberty Valence Bond
10 months ago

Canada shows its true colors, with civil liberties to become a distant memory. They join the UK, AUS and NZ, as those have also put in place restrictions during and after Covid.
That leaves just the US to defend speech and liberties in the English-speaking world. No wonder that so many Americans are disgusted at Biden and the Uniparty for selling them out. Electing Trump can’t come soon enough to begin to stem the tide.

10 months ago

“You kill a member of my family, we’re at war to the death – but not the Kennedys”

A family of soulless sociopaths made a business decision. Yes, sociopaths, every single one, starting {as far as we know} from the patriarch, Old Joe. The guy who had his own daughter lobotomized, because she was embarrassing him, and he was tired of it. Yes. Really. And on a 100-scale of his doings, that’s about a 55. So naturally, they went into banking, and then politics. Sociopaths do well in those fields.

Reply to  anonymous
10 months ago

They started in Organized Crime and never left.

Reply to  anonymous
10 months ago

Didn’t some Kenedemon lobotomize one of their daughters so she would behave better at public events? The whole gaggle is fruit from the poison tree as far as I care.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

She was institutionalized. Never to be seen again.

Reply to  anonymous
10 months ago

Yeah, the widespread lobotomizing was the Trans-ing of its day.
“more than 50,000 lobotomies were performed in the United States, most between 1949 and 1952.”

Reply to  scruffy
10 months ago

And the Kennedys made their pile in smuggling Seagrams whiskey with the Bronfmans…so they gave us a choice: Either a bottle in front of me, or a frontal lobotomy.

I am not crazy, but you may be
I am not crazy, but you may be
10 months ago

Re: It implies in the time of King Tut, things were much the same, and you cannot help but wonder if it was the same conspiracy, artificially supporting the dysgenic because they had to be loyal, or they would not stand a chance.

It’s only ever been one conspiracy, and that is the conspiracy of Lucifer who became Satan. It’s been in operation throughout the history of the descendants of Adam. The minions change, but the one they serve has stayed the same from the beginning.

He has only ever had one purpose, and that is to destroy the human race because they were created in the image of God.

You have one Hope. That is Jesus Christ and him crucified and resurrected. The door is still open and the day of salvation is still at hand, but the door will eventually shut, and then it will be too late. So, take advantage of the opportunity to be saved while you still can. Tomorrow is never guaranteed.

Last edited 10 months ago by I am not crazy, but you may be
10 months ago

Vaccines, Vaccine Injuries, and Vaccine Injuries in states with a great many pharmaceutical executive families.

10 months ago

“What happened after World War II for the Japanese is they were subjected to this ‘fallen’ kind of mind control.

First of all, they were given an inferiority complex towards white people. They were made passive. They were made so they didn’t have opinion. They work hard, and think that America is a wonderful, wonderful country.

Any time anyone got too smart… the other thing is they made sure there would be no geniuses. This is how they keep Japan under control. Then when people do get smart, they either co-opt them or they kill them.

RENSE: You’re talking about the Rockefellers.

FULFORD: Yeah. They’ve had to kill at least four Prime Ministers in the post-war era.

RENSE: In Henry Makow’s article that was one of the most interesting claims. Four dead, and over 200, I guess, major Japanese figures.

10 months ago

This guy claims to be a bigwig at a state park presumably in Florida. He claims that there have been shuts downs of the park for archaeological reasons, and even for the National Guard. He claims there is supreme weirdness going on.

“I’m near 5 National Parks. The secrets they hide”

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  lowell
10 months ago

Henry Lee Lucas, serial killer, and Ottis Toole, a self described arsonist and cannibal, said they were trained in Florida at some sort of camp.

“…In 1985, just a couple years into his incarceration, he attempted to tell his story in a book, written for him by a sympathetic author. The book, titled The Hand of Death: The Henry Lee Lucas Story, tells of Henry’s indoctrination into a nationwide Satanic cult. Lucas claimed that he was trained by the cult in a mobile paramilitary camp in the Florida Everglades in the fine art of killing, up close and personal. Other training involved abduction and arson techniques.He further claimed that leaders of the camp were so impressed with Henry’s handling of a knife that he was allowed to serve as an instructor. Following his training, Henry claimed to have served the cult in various ways, including as a contract killer and as an abductor of children, who were then taken just over the border to a ranch in Mexico near Juarez. Henry has said that this cult operated out of Texas and from a ranch in northern Mexico, trafficking in children and drugs, among other nefarious pursuits. In essence, Henry claimed that what appeared to be the random work of a serial killer was in fact a planned series of crimes often committed for specific purposes….”

People should read this. It’s the craziest thing, but there are lots of verifiable facts in the article that point out no matter how outlandish the story, there must be some truth in it.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

Also check out, the process church of the final judgement. There is a lot of ‘glowing’ regarding Manson and son of sam etc.

Nothing is ever what it seems.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

I had a teenage childhood friend I hung out often with who lived on the same block as Berkowitz lived, (This was about 8 years later) it was a typical urban/suburb block (Had both apartments and houses, nothing fancy) I’m sure he used to walk his dog around there… I was only 6-8 when he committed his crimes, too young at that point to grasp it.

Reply to  lowell
10 months ago

The whole Missing 411 fantasy shit is definitely a cover for some weird stuff in national parks. Draw attention away from real stories with obviously fake supernatural fiction.

The government doesn’t buy up and “protect” millions of acres of totally usable land out of the goodness of their hearts. Whatever the reason, it ain’t a good one.

10 months ago

Steven Spielberg’s latest project: Providing strategy for the Biden campaign

10 months ago

> Biden lauds Wounded Warriors

Remember, Wounded Warriors is a scam outfit. There have been a number of expose’s about how money flows in, but never goes out.

Either nobody checked, or (more likely) they’re covered by the Feds.

10 months ago

> The Biden EPA’s plan to ration electricity. New rules are designed to eliminate fossil-fuel power plants. Energy scarcity is sure to result.

[rubs hands, chortling] Good! Good! Mother Gaia approves! Solar panel farms (somewhere else) and windmills (somewhere else) will give us clean, green, renewable energy!

And now is a good time to outlaw fossil-fuel-powered transportation, and outlaw those nasty gas stoves and heaters, too! And we want electric airplanes, and helicopters and ferry boats, and locomotives, and… and… and… surely we can mandate electric rockets, right? Those chemical-fueled boosters SpaceX sends up every week or two simply *have* to be green-ified.

[sigh] Exactly how this is going to happen is never explained, though it’s preordained the consumer is going to get shafted hard.

10 months ago

> Biden roasted for agreeing to debate Trump on Howard Stern: ‘His handlers must be furious!’ 

Well, Stern is hard-Left-media, so maybe Biden’s handlers felt it was a safe venue.

10 months ago

> Another video claiming the same thing here in a military cemetery, but this one shows them coming from graves from 2016 and 2017.

I can totally see the Pentagon thinking it would be a grand idea to chip soldiers like dogs, to make it easier to identify them should they be killed in action. Probably no cost savings over DNA testing, but the chip would undoubtedly become part of their VA ID. Plus it would be a good, controlled test before starting to mandate it for other groups.

Remember, ID chips for kids have been on the market since the late 20th century, pushed as anti-kidnapping measures to helicopter parents. I bet there are a lot of adults wandering around nowadays who never even knew they were chipped as children.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

“…The question then would become, have they found a way to create a chip which can emit continuously, and never needs a battery….”


Paul BROWNResonant Nuclear Battery
( The Alpha-Beta Voltaic Effect NuCell )

10 months ago

> The largest economies in Africa and the Middle East are moving their gold reserves out of the United States.

Any sane nation would do the same.

The question is now, “can the Fed actually come up with the gold they’re supposedly holding in trust?” Note that every decade or so there’s a push by citizen groups and a few Congressmen to do an independent audit of the gold reserves at Fort Knox. The Treasury Department has fought bitterly each time to prevent it from happening, which isn’t exactly something that builds confidence.

10 months ago
10 months ago

> Everyone here should have a firearm.

[sad] Alas, I lost all mine in a tragic kayak accident.

[happy] Maybe I should buy some replacements!

10 months ago

Pharaoh’s tombs may have been cursed by the people who sealed them in, bringing in radioactive waste and other toxic materials. Not a lot of evidence for the theory, IMO. Article also shows, “King Tut had buck teeth, a club foot and girlish hips.” I was always struck by Kim Jong Il. Nork Special Forces are animals. And Kim would always have hardened generals behind him who were clearly killers. But they would all cede authority to this chubby 21 year old kid? Nobody ever tried to take over? Clearly in retrospect, there was a hidden hand over them all. I see it in America as our leadership are clearly brainlets and all the GATE kids are kept on a leash. It implies in the time of King Tut, things were much the same, and you cannot help but wonder if it was the same conspiracy, artificially supporting the dysgenic because they had to be loyal, or they would not stand a chance.”
I do think that God might of flooded the Earth to save humanity. The Book of Genesis 6 in the Bible talks about the Sons of God taking human women and having Nephilim Giants.
6:12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
I know the book of Enoch talks a bit on this but I have not read it.