News Briefs – 04/28/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


The tweet was Maria Bartiromo’s saying Flynn would be exonerated:


Vox Day highlights how Bill Gates may have left nearly a half a million children paralyzed in India with vaccines, and what may have seeded Gates with the urge to try to do it. Once you see Cabal, everything you see changes, and things you knew at the time didn’t fit, suddenly fall right into place. Case in point – Bill Gates creating Microsoft. The official story is, IBM needed an Operating System, and Bill Gates went and bought MS-DOS for $50,000 from a programmer who developed it, turned around and licensed it to IBM, and proceeded to make millions, which he immediately plunged into ripping off Apple, which then made billions and he became the world’s richest man. I always thought, a programmer was sharp enough to create DOS. He was in the computer community. IBM was a huge corporation which hired people in the computer community, all of whom probably knew what was out there. It probably hired economic espionage corporations to help it compete. The programmer would probably have been looking for an opportunity to sell his invention to a big company. It always felt like the original programmer and IBM would have been like two magnets drawn toward each other inevitably. It always felt like IBM should have organized their product development so they kept in-house all the money which they gave to Gates. Why didn’t they hire a programmer to create their own DOS? Why didn’t they go right to the source, and buy it for $50,000 themselves, and get a monopoly on a vital part of their market? So how did Gates suddenly pop up and get in the middle, where he ended up with a company that dwarfed IBM, paid for by IBM’s business? It could happen innocently. But you have to assume a business, crafted in a Darwinian business environment, didn’t gather intelligence, didn’t hire intelligent managers, couldn’t find its own ass with both hands in its own specialty, and didn’t try to maximize its own profits aggressively at each opportunity. That the guy they willingly bent over for went on to become this billionaire, who had access to everyone’s computer-information, in an environment where nobody is allowed to become a billionaire without a massive, organized machine that has permeated everywhere, including the intelligence agencies, trying to take them down at every opportunity, only adds too how questionable it looks. An enormous opportunity dropped in Gates’ lap, and he faced none of the headwinds you, or I, or anyone not in the network would have faced had we tried to follow that path.

Fox is reporting Michael Flynn’s plea was coerced with a threat to maliciously prosecute his son. Not new, but it being in the public domain is.

NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio and his wife are heckled as they forced a convoy of SUVs and an armada of staff to drive them across the city, so they could take a few minutes and stroll through a Brooklyn park far from their home at Gracie Mansion in Manhattan.

N.Y.C. deaths reach 6 times the normal level, far more than Coronavirus count suggests.

1 in 4 in New York City may have been infected, new study finds.

Hospitals get paid more for ‘Coronavirus’ patients, even if they haven’t been tested.

Andrew Cuomo blames nursing homes’ greed for not rejecting Coronavirus patients the state made them accept.

Migrants deported by U.S. make up 20% of Guatemala’s coronavirus cases. If it was up to leftists, they would be here, infecting our fellow Americans.

Japan’s Coronavirus cases fell sharply due to Shinzo Abe asking people to reduce their contact with others by 80% and encouraging businesses to reduce hours of operation or close.

Trump adviser suggests reopening economy by putting ‘everybody in a space outfit.’ This guy is smart, and the type of guy who does what needs to be done. The only thing I would have said is to couch it simpler, by saying protective equipment like masks, goggles, and maybe Tyvek suits. If you could do that, you could reopen the economy today, and have a greater effect on crushing the virus than by housing everyone with their families, and letting them go grocery shopping without masks. Sadly, you have to explain big ideas in baby words, if you want the masses to absorb and accept them.

New York arbitrarily kicks Bernie off the New York Democratic Primary ballot, canceling the primary and declaring Joe Biden the entire winner. But there are rules – they can’t just do this… I have never seen any mind bending movie, even the Matrix, which comes close to approximating my own, minor, half-assed awakening to just the small part of this bizarre reality. No Constitution, no laws, no freedoms, the meaningful parts of the entire framework of our nation an illusion precisely designed to enslave a populace which could otherwise resist effectively, pedophile networks that kill children on video to get blackmail, every moment of the lives of anyone who could be a threat is controlled and entered into a permanent record for blackmail, and the most amazing thing – it is all getting openly revealed, which either means full on Civil War coming, or the war is already over and everyone will just be handed freedom. And then there is the possibility there may be some even stranger reality, composed of something we were told is impossible, beneath all of that.

Ocasio-Cortez blasts New York elections board for canceling presidential primary.

Chuck Schumer to demand a provision preventing Trump’s signature on stimulus checks.

The Supreme Court punts on the New York City Second Amendment case. However  Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Thomas, and Alito all indicate the Court will probably have to rule on a Second Amendment case soon, sparking belief they are looking at the roster to find the right case.

Pelosi demands Mail-In Voting in next Coronavirus stimulus package.

Pentagon officially admits the UFO tic tac videos are real.

Hundreds charged worldwide in takedown of a massive child pornography website.

A neighbor of Biden’s accuser says she was told by the accuser of the sexual assault back when it happened.

Majority in new poll say it’s time to reopen economy for all who are not sick or vulnerable. A building force.

Newsom increases enforcement of Coronavirus restrictions after tens of thousands flock to SoCal beaches amid heatwave. Meanwhile, in Philly, stay-at-home violators flagrantly flock to Rittenhouse Square. I view this as great, mostly because these are all people whose brains are blank slates, and their amygdalae are now being trained and adapted to reject government authority, see it as fake, incompetent, and unworthy of trust, and gain relief from rebelling against it. Those pathways, well exercised, produce established patterns of thought and established patterns of behavior.

Barr tells prosecutors to watch for pandemic restrictions that violate Constitution. Barr is feeding the fire.

China’s industrial giants see profits collapse in first quarter of 2020.

Matthew Whitaker to release book detailing alleged DOJ efforts to sabotage Trump.

The president of El Salvador has authorised “lethal force” in the fight against criminal gangs.  Could be a planned step in the Storm.

Roger Stone says he was offered no jail time if he agreed to lie and turn on Donald Trump, and he refused to lie.

Mnuchin predicts the economy will come roaring back in July, August, and September.

Spread r/K Theory, because Flynn is exonerated soon.

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REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

The reason they don’t like Flynn is because he was so good at hunting for SOCOM. Let that sink in for a minute. Think about it.

Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

You mean he was good at planning operations that would involve shooting enemies of the US in the ass using special forces?

New Name
New Name
Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

General Flynn for FBI Director.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  New Name
4 years ago

Even better, General Flynn for CIA and tell him to clean house.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

even better, burn it all down. FBI, CIA, DOJ, IRS… everybody above GS-11 (?) and/or Major./Lt. Cmdr

smash it all into a thousand pieces, burn the pieces, and scatter the ashes to the wind

why play pattycakes with murderous grinning psychopaths – *all* of whom are quite publicly planning to steal/defraud on a massive scale the upcoming elections. you know what the word is for ‘the last guy to keep on playing by the rules even when nobody else is’?

the grand experiment is over. democracy failed – for the same reason they always fail: people voting to give themselves free gummint money.

so save the country. burn the whole rotten governmental edifice down and start over, better. hell, I’ll even get em started: Rule 1) no lawyers in office ever 2) no dual citizenshippers in office ever 3) term limits: 1-2 max 4) line-item veto 5) no gov’t employee unions 6) lawsuits? loser pays

it’s not EASY…. but it IS simple

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  stingaling
4 years ago

I agree with most of these but would not have some.
“3) term limits: 1-2 max”

I would have this for the House but the Senate would go back to being appointed by the Legislature of the States. They would then have long institutional memory so that the bureaucracy would not take over everything.

“6) lawsuits? loser pays”

I’m not so sure about this because it’s almost impossible to stop abuse now against those with lots of money. There’s advantages to this but a lot of disadvantages also.

All the rest is excellent.

Reply to  New Name
4 years ago

Sheriff Dave Clark for director of a new, streamlined FBI that has been divested of its counterintelligence duties.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
4 years ago

End the FBI and transfer its legitimate activities to the US Marshalls.

REX 2020
REX 2020
4 years ago

“Pentagon officially admits the UFO tic tac videos are real.”

Ezekiel’s chariots
comment image
comment image
comment image

I would highly recommend reading all of the scriptures, since we’ve all got the time. Remember some parts were lost or not included so seek those out as well.

They know details CENTURIES in advance, yet you still have free will. Use it.

Zechariah 11:12

Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago


That reminded me of this:

New Name
New Name
4 years ago

” An enormous opportunity dropped in Gates’ lap, and he faced none of the headwinds you, or I, or anyone not in the network would have faced had we tried to follow that path.”

I’ve recently began to assume that the anti-trust case that Microsoft won in the 1990s was the result of a backroom deal that would allow them to keep the OS monopoly but that Gates would have to give much of the money back through the Gates Foundation, and that he’d need to become the global policy wonk for genocide, I mean vaccines.

When you think of it, the Gates Foundation is really very odd. Not your usual Tycoon philanthropy. Paul Allen did the more usual libraries and such. Gates had enough $ to really leave a mark. But it was like after Microsoft reached a certain critical mass it was left to fester while he ran off to cripple brown children.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
4 years ago

I’m willing to bet most of Gates’ success is because his parents were very powerful and well-connected. His mom was on the board of United Way with the IBM CEO, and is credited with “helping” him sell DOS to them: . I’ve read also that his dad was a well-known intellectual property attorney. He was well-connected, in any case.

When it comes to these Cabal people, it doesn’t seem they have any real competence. They are figure heads only, propped up by a myth.

Reply to  Eric The Awful
4 years ago

Gates, Sr. is a major legal figure in Washington State.

Bill, Jr. went to Lakeside School, which is the elite prep school of Seattle. The scions of Paccar, Ackerly Communications, and various pro sports owners have matriculated there, as well as former Governor Booth Gardner and Gates’ old pal Paul Allen. The student body is leavened with just enough black athletes from parts unknown to keep the football and basketball teams competitive. Amusing recruiting hijinks ensued.

4 years ago

If you have to talk about a civil war—something I’ve been hearing since the 80s, the militia movement of the 80s and 90s, one should know that America is a failed state.

A little political science—Plato and Aristotle both talk of the Kyklos–the turning of governments—it goes something like this: Monarchy, to Aristocracy, to Politiea (Republic), to Democracy. Plato writes that Democracy always fails. Democracy in Athens was constantly in the Kyklos, revolutions, strife. It is not a stable form of government, never was. Democracy always, always descends into Ochlocracy, mob rule. We are in that state now. America has descended into Ochlocracy, the mob of the Left and the “Right”.

One of the first classical analysists, Polybius observed: “The result of this combination has been that the Lacedæmonians retained their freedom for the longest period of any people.” and “…for securing unity among the citizens, for safeguarding the Laconian territory and preserving the liberty of Sparta inviolate, the legislation and provisions of Lycurgus were so excellent that I am forced to regard his wisdom as something superhuman.”

Sparta lasted some 600 years or more without a civil war. You can’t say that about Athens. Lycurgus commanded Arete (virtue) be done by all of its citizens.

All people are born defective and evil. That is Original Sin. Virtue, which includes Piety, is what makes a person good. Evil is natural—Goodness is created/made. Without that understanding of reality, any and all states will fail. What was Socrates mission in Athens? …to care for the welfare of the soul…teaching Arete. Lycurgus made his people good. Character comes first.

You can’t have a society with Marxists, with socialists, with liberals. If you can’t control your educational institutions—then, you deserve to die. America is in a civil war, will always be in a civil war—Ochlocracy. Democracy always ends up in Tyranny because it is unstable. People want stability. America has no stability.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

Piety to what? A deadbeat dad god who watches (or ignores) as his creation is ruined by psychopath pedophiles?

The usual response to that is “he gave us free will to make choices.”

Did the children being trafficked around the world make the choice to be sacrificed and thrown into lives of torture? How much agency do people really have under the rule of powerful creatures with no consciences?

But, hey, at least we’ve got folks like you to cleverly chronicle our march to hellworld.

Be nice to have actual men about with actual solutions and the platforms from which to launch them instead of shipping black pills, but, hey, deadbeat dad works in mysterious ways, I guess.

Amy Armadillo
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

“there is only one path forward for those who want to try and stop the horrors, and that is to chip away at the secrecy surrounding [t]he surveillance machine first.”

Okay AC, you’ve been doing this awhile and have done some digging. You’re a pro, or at least a semi-pro. So give us ten names. Not “those guys over there” or “a vast international Cabal network” … ten names, and the associated video or pictorial proof. Let’s start “chipping away.”

I’m so disappointed in the ‘Net these days because I’m realizing every Proud Internet Warrior™ is playing us with vague recriminations that drag on interminably, best illustrated by the ineffable Q.

Facts or nothing. Arrests or nothing. Every day of silence is another dozen dead kids.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Blank
4 years ago

It will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in their day of tribulation than it will be for those who committed abominable acts against those little ones.

I wouldn’t be surprised if those children become Angelic hosts and come back 10 feet tall with Christ when he returns in power and glory.

And everyone has free will. Many in positions of power use that free will to look the other way to all sorts of crimes and abuses. That’s the test of their lives, and brother, most are failing those tests, to their eternal shame and torment.

Chad Bigly
Chad Bigly
Reply to  Blank
4 years ago

Waah! Waah! God won’t make my booboo go away. Waah! Waah! Moron. If you knew anything at all about Christianity you’d know why your pathetic whining about God is so fucking stupid. Maybe try educating yourself before you spew your nonsense

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

So what’s next? Do we dissolve? Fight it out and dissolve then? Or cave?

After seeing how many sheep were wearing masks at the grocery store earlier this morning, my area in SoCal will probably cave.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I wonder how the facial recognition systems are working if everyone is wearing masks / sunglasses?

Could this be a way to train there AI systems to see beyond the mask?

Reply to  Bman
4 years ago

There are video ID algorithms that can id people using their gait pattern. But if you can get a wheel chair, you beat that one too. And you might want to put some kind of fill behind the mask if you want to beat the video face id algorithms, I’m pretty sure it may be possible for them to id people behind masks by analyzing how the mask is fitting on their face and then calculating what the face looks like behind it.

Reply to  OutbackMike
4 years ago

You have to wear masks here in L.A. to enter a store.

What’s really depressing is how many people wear masks OUTSIDE just walking down the street or when JOGGING. In sunny Los Angeles.


Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
4 years ago

“People want stability. America has no stability.”

And as screwy as it sounds, that is as it is supposed to be. America has always been the wildcard, the tiger by the tail. The internet had created a rising tide of populism/nationalism that would get them mauled by that tiger. That’s why Cabal intended to destroy us during the Hillary administration.

We’re not the descendants of kings, we’re the descendants of the people that told the king to go to hell, and then mostly got away with it. Our eternal curse due to being born in blood is that elections are what Americans busy ourselves with in between civil wars, both hot and cold. We were made for this.

4 years ago

RE: “And then there is the possibility there may be some even stranger reality, composed of something we were told is impossible, beneath all of that.”

Putting everything together with what Mark Taylor has said and my own observations and gut feelings – America has not been spared to repeat the last century. America has been spared to burn brightly, brighter than ever, brighter than any other nation ever has, but that which burns brightest burns fastest. Mark has said in a few interviews now that what was revealed to him is that America has done more to send out the Gospel than any other nation and sewed more good seeds but has never received it’s harvest, and we’re about to get that back seven fold.

I think that we’re going to beat Voxday’s 2033 breakup prediction, but only by a decade or two. In that time though, we’re going to see an absolute explosion not only in prosperity but invention and also most importantly in ministry. The revivals will go throughout the whole Earth. The Boss has said he wants a billion more souls before He’ll send back the Son, I believe is something I heard Mark say. And I believe that will happen.

It’s kind of a weird place to be. I have expected civil war since I was sixteen. I’m forty-one now, and no longer see one coming. Now I have to figure out how to live instead of optimizing how I am going to die – the one possibility I never thought possible. God is good.

4 years ago

AC, I know you’re into martial arts, so here’s a sort documentary on game “no touch” techniques that supposedly use psychic powers to disable an opponent.

The first 2/3 are pretty interesting, but the last 1/3 gets fascinating as it details the effort of how China has started pushing Tai-Chi as a legitimate defensive martial art, while denigrating any style that isn’t from China. Meanwhile a Chinese practitioner of MMA has been using MMA to win bouts in China. The Chinese government takes note, and via the social credit system, the government basically destroys this guy’s life.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

“That said, I am struck that there is an acupuncture meridian which runs all the way from the legs, up the body, all the way up to the edge of the jaw, and I have seen people hit right on the acupuncture points on the jaw, only to have their legs turn to water and go out from under them, even if they are not knocked unconscious. ”

Check out the book Anatomy Trains and related videos by Thom Myers. Absolutely brilliant analysis of the body’s interconnected web of fascia that is responsible more movement. He’s found webs through this network that parallel the meridians the Chinese spoke of, he presumes that they noted these connections but just came to explain it via a different, rather fanciful model.

Check this video.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I read an article a few years ago that made a convincing case that “Chi” is referencing oxygen flow through the lymph nodes. I’m not a medical practitioner, but as a layman, his case looked really convincing, he went back to the oldest manuscripts and diagrams. And yes, I think it was linked to the nervous system as well somehow.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

>”The funny thing is, intel might get a lot farther if they’d grab a guy like him in the beginning, explain why he will fail and why he would be better off doing something else, and make a deal with him, but they can’t bring themselves to actually talk, so they send covert signals to autists who miss them, and everyone ends up mired in a battle.”

Kek, those vaccine programs really back-fired on the gaybal cunts.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

James LaFond had a post where he showed a video of one of these Chinese “Masters” defeating all the people in his class. He would wave his arms around and these people would fall to the ground. Now I believe that his students believed that he could do this so…they fell to the ground because, they believed. Then the “Master” was matched up with a minor MMA fighter. The Chinese Master waved his arms around and the MMA fighter smashed his ass into the ground.

I’m not saying there’s no such thing as Chi or whatever but it won’t beat a MMA fighter smashing into you with his fist.

4 years ago

1 min read, interesting bit on the last paragraph on how regional conflict is on the rise (indication of K growing on the gen pop).

Booch Paradise
Booch Paradise
4 years ago

“Leading Swedish doctors and scientists have declared that the Swedish #COVID19 strategy has failed”

Meanwhile, the numbers show that they are fine.

4 years ago

I wonder what VoxDay would have to say about this:

If I started a class-action lawsuit against Twitter & the other corrupt social media platforms for breaking Sec 230 of the Comms Decency Act & censoring conservatives, would you Patriots join me?

Let’s channel our anger into the biggest lawsuit in history!!!!

That guy had his account nuked yesterday.

4 years ago

Once you see Cabal, everything you see changes, and things you knew at the time didn’t fit, suddenly fall right into place. Case in point – Bill Gates creating Microsoft.

I used to believe in the Bill Gates story. Now, I see it for what it is. Complete and utter bullshit.

I have another example of a big bullshit story as well. I’ll put it in another post.

4 years ago

Any of you guys seen this?

The site could be bullshit, but I thought it was interesting.

4 years ago

Does this tick your Cabal-sense?

Bill Gates Sr., also called William Henry Gates Sr., was a well-respected Seattle attorney for Preston, Gates & Ellis.

Both of Gates’ parents served on several boards and were heavily involved in philanthropic and community endeavors, including donating to their Alma mater, the University of Washington, serving on United Way boards and leading Planned Parenthood. They also served with community organizations in their hometown near Seattle, Washington.

Mary Maxwell Gates (Mom)
Regent at the University of Washington since 1975.
She became the first woman to serve as a director of First Interstate Bank (1975), which was
founded by her grandfather.
The first woman to serve as the president of the King County’s United Way.
Board member of the United Way of America.
In 1983, she became the first woman to lead it (United Way), according to the New York Times.
Gates was also the director of several companies, including First Interstate Bancorp, U.S. West
Inc. and KIRO-TV of Seattle.
She met the IBM Executive on the United Way Board. That’s how Bill Gates got the intro to the
Municipal League of King County’s Citizen of the Year.
More on Mom:

Bill Gates Sr. (Father)

Cabal Story
When Starbucks was a small company with only six stores and a total business value of $3.8 million, a man who is now Starbucks executive chairman nearly lost the business in an underhanded deal, according to Yahoo Finance.
When Starbucks was a small company with only six stores and a total business value of $3.8 million, a man who is now Starbucks executive chairman nearly lost the business in an underhanded deal, according to Yahoo Finance. A friend told Howard Schultz to meet with Bill Gates Sr., a prominent Seattle attorney.

“I had never heard of Bill Gates Sr. And Bill Gates at the time was not Bill Gates. Bill Gates Sr. was Bill Gates,” Schultz told Yahoo Finance.

The two had a morning meeting, and Gates Sr. responded with two questions: “Is everything true?” and “Have you left anything out?” He told him to come back in two hours.

When he returned, Gates told Schultz they were going to “take a walk” and see the man.

“My heart was racing. I didn’t know what was going to happen,” Schultz told the news outlet. “And we stormed into the guy’s office, and he’s sitting at his desk and Bill Gates is leaning over, all six-foot-seven of him, and basically points a finger at him and says, ‘You should be ashamed of yourself. This is what’s going to happen — you’re going to stand down, Howard is going to buy the company, and we’re never going to hear from you again. Do you understand?’ I was like, ‘Oh, my God! Now, this is the way business is done.’”

Schultz was still $2 million short on financing, but Gates said he and his son would invest.

“If it weren’t for Bill Gates Sr. there would be no Starbucks,” Schultz said.

So Bill’s great-grandfather founded a bank, his mom becomes the director there, hops onto the United Way board (moves to LEAD IT), meets the IBM executive (on said board), she talks up her son’s software business, they bring Bill in to meet with IBM, he proceeds to sell something he doesn’t even fucking own, buys some other guys software, and ends up one of the wealthiest men in the world. Who now wants the save the world with vaccines? Oh, His dad and him saved Starbucks from going under as well.

Cue the scene from the movie Airplane where the sign says, “Unbelievable Bullshit”.

Reply to  Bman
4 years ago

>”Who now wants the save the world with vaccines?”

After telling everyone about how depopulation is crucial.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

Exactly. Who’s parents were involved with Planned Parenthood.

4 years ago

“New York arbitrarily kicks Bernie off the New York Democratic Primary ballot, canceling the primary and declaring Joe Biden the entire winner. But there are rules – they can’t just do this… ”

The Constitution mandates that the Feds ensure to each state a republican form of government.
It’s time to declare that NY is no longer a republic and occupy it.

4 years ago

Cabal or Not Cabal – You Decide?

Bobby Kotick

1. Robert A. Kotick was born in 1963 in the US, growing up in New York.
Me – Son of Immigrant?

2. He attended the University of Michigan in the 1980s.
Me – Interesting choice.

3. In 1983, Kotick was advised by Steve Jobs to discontinue his studies in Art history and to run his software company full-time. He took the advice and left the University of Michigan.
Me – Did your bullshit meter ring it’s bell?

4. Kotick began his career in 1983 while he was still in college at the University of Michigan,when he began creating software for the Apple II with financial backing from Steve Wynn.

Me – So this fucking guy knows Steve Jobs AND Steve Wynn when he’s in college? 20 fucking years old. Unbelievable bullshit.

Here’s the bullshit story………

Kotick likely wouldn’t be running Activision today if it weren’t for a chance meeting with casino mogul Steve Wynn.

Wynn, one of the richest and most influential men in the world, had and continues to have such a deep impact on Kotick that when I ask the head of Activision if he stays in touch with Wynn, Kotick looks genuinely shocked.

“He’s like my dad,” Kotick says.

The two met by chance, sharing a table at the annual fundraising Cattle Baron’s Ball in Dallas, Texas. Kotick was bound for New York the next day to meet with potential investors in a company he was getting off the ground with a college roommate.

Kotick and his roommate had developed a piece of software that allowed the Apple II to deliver the easy-to-use interface of Apple’s Lisa computer at a fraction of the price

“It was a mouse and an application suite,” he said. “It was a really good idea and a really bad product. We had no idea what we were doing and it was hard to do.

“He was the techie, I was the entrepreneur, we had grad students work on it and they did a pretty good job.”

Kotick and his buddy managed to wrangle a meeting with Steve Jobs to show off their idea.

“I was really scared about the meeting because he was like my hero,” Kotick said. “I showed it to him and he started screaming at us. He threw it on the floor and said it was a piece of shit and then he started criticizing it.”

“He said, ‘This is shit, but I’m gonna show you something really cool.'”

Jobs then took out a blue case from under a table in his office, unzipped it and pulled out a prototype of the Macintosh.

“It was really the coolest thing I’ll ever see,” Kotick said. “I’ll always remember that. What I was wearing. The color of the case…”

Jobs told the two to go back to the drawing board and come up with something that copied the Mac, not Lisa for the Apple II.

“Steve doesn’t get enough credit for how many incredible ideas he has stolen from other people and turned into great consumer products,” Kotick says, laughing.

Despite Jobs’ disinterest in the concept, Kotick and his partner pushed forward with their idea. They just needed the money to prototype the device. They hoped that a group of investors in New York with back them.

The day after the Cattle Baron’s Ball, Wynn heard that Kotick was bound for New York and offered to give him a ride on his new jet, a DC-9. During the flight, Wynn told Kotick about his own run in with fortune and fame and how it helped to launch his career.

In 1971, Wynn, now a multi-billionaire casino mogul and real estate developer, was just a small shareholder in the New Frontier Casino. He was also the night manager. So when a call came in from a man asking to talk to the person in charge, Wynn took it.

The man on the other end tells Wynn that “that damned hotel of yours is blocking my view. I’m gonna buy it.” The caller ends up being Howard Hughes.

More important than the cash Wynn gets from the eventual deal is the friendship he forms with Hughes’ banker. Eventually the financier decided to invest in Wynn.

“He told Wynn, ‘I’m going to help you out, but some day you need to help out a young guy like I’m doing for you,'” Kotick said.

So during that flight, Wynn tells Kotick that Kotick is the one Wynn is going to help. But there’s a problem: Those investors in New York.

Kotick turns the deal down, instead asking for a room at one of Wynn’s many casinos for an upcoming trade show in Vegas. But Wynn’s offer is heavy on Kotick’s mind and he ends up blowing the deal with his investors.

Wynn jumps on the news when Kotick calls, and tells Kotick and his partner to go to Wynn’s New York offices.

“We get to this limo and two gorilla guys say, ‘Get in,’ and they take us to this building that has a helicopter waiting, and the gorillas say, ‘Get in’.”

The helicopter takes them to Atlantic City and another car drives the two to the bottom of a parking garage under one of Wynn’s casinos, where he keeps his office.

Kotick explains the idea and says he needs $300,000 to make a prototype. Wynn writes them a check and then invites them to dinner.

“I said, ‘We have all the contracts here, we’ll change the name and get them to you by tomorrow,'” Kotick said. “He looks us in the eye and says contracts, smontracts. You’re my family now! And he walks out.”

There was one condition. As Hughes had demanded of Wynn, Wynn demanded of Kotick that he help out a young businessman in need if he became successful.

“I’m sitting there thinking, ‘Alright what’s wrong with this picture. We’re in the basement of a parking garage in Atlantic City with a guy with a pinkie ring who just gave us $300,000 who said we’re his family now. We’re gonna die.'”

Kotick laughs, adding that Wynn looked like a movie star when he walked into his own underground basement that fateful day.

“Every time I tell that story Steve tells me that he never had a pinkie ring, but I remember it.”

So, as a COLLEGE STUDENT, this dude is doing more flying and balls than I have done my whole life.
How did he pay his bills?
From New York, living in Michigan, flying to the “Cattle Baron’s Ball”, how do you get invited to this?
Steve Wynn gives him a flight to New York?
Did he get a refund on his tickets?
He just blows off potential investors, wtf?
Steve Wynn says he’s part of the family. (THIS IS PROBABLY THE ONLY TRUTH IN THE WHOLE FUCKING STORY).
Also, did you notice the little snippet about him being the gamer and inventor. Then in the piece it says the other guy was the techie (goy) and he was just the JEW….I mean entrepreneur….i mean bullshit artist….i mean stand-up philosopher.

This guy’s back story is a fucking factory of bullshit. Don’t light a match within 200 miles of him.

It gets better. At age 24, he tries unsuccessfully to purchase Commodore. I’m sure the rest of you had spare cash from your jobs to go buy a company at 24. Then, he ends up purchasing controlling interest in Nintendo’s licensing agent and renames it “4Kids Entertainment” (Pedo?). Once Activision was in the toilet, he another Cabalite bought 25% stake in Activision and took over.

Kotick was a Yahoo! board member from March 2003 to August 2008, and is currently a board member for the Center for Early Education, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, and the Tony Hawk Foundation.

And for LembradorDos6Trilliões………yes he’s jewish and tied to the Ukraine.

Another Snippet.
Miss Ukraine 1996 Natalia Shvachko has lived in the $2 million, two bedroom home for 16 years, ever since she met and fell in love with Bobby’s dad, Manhattan lawyer Charles Kotick.

Except he’s Jewish.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Bman
4 years ago

High power wealthy Jews do help out younger Jews like this. They also mingle with them at times. I’ve heard this in more than one place. I can’t guarantee that I’m right about this but Jews have mentioned this when they thought people weren’t really paying attention but I was. It’s a good deal of why they get ahead. A younger guy with ideas but no money clues in the older ones with less ides but lots of money what is up and coming. That Jews have a code of not ripping each other off means it works. Whites used to have this with high trust societies where you could count on each other to generally follow through on deals and honestly access what they wee worth to each other. Diversity has of course torpedoed this whole system. Honest behavior in business in a society makes everyone vastly richer.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Jews literally have loan funds in which other Jews, and ONLY Jews can borrow for 0% interest. Jews have used this system to drive small goyim businesses out of business in order to take over since forever (if a Jewish business can borrow at 0% interest for long enough, he can undercut pretty much any small business long enough to ruin them financially, and once they knockoff the goyim competition, they jack up the prices and repay the loan to the other Jews).

Judaism, and Jewish culture is literally about being and acting like a mafia which preys on non-Jews, and in which the lower level Jews agree to act as human shields for the high level Jews (just like a mafia).

Jewish collective power, Judaism and Jewish culture have ZERO place in the West, at all. It’s all rotten shit that will get thrown out one way or the other (I hope it’s the peaceful way). – “Jewish Tribalism Reshaping America”

Watch that docu from bitchute, it’s worth every minute, and near the middle-end parts, it goes into specific Jewish laws which Jews used among themselves to call dibs on the right to scam and ruin a particular goyim, so only one Jew had the “right” to do so in the Jewish community.

4 years ago

“The Supreme Court punts on the New York City Second Amendment case. However Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Thomas, and Alito all indicate the Court will probably have to rule on a Second Amendment case soon, sparking belief they are looking at the roster to find the right case.”

Maybe they are punting until RBG is gone and replaced because Roberts can’t be trusted.

I’m still waiting for “RBG is next” that Q promised.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

What are they giving RBG to keep her alive? It must be some powerful stuff.

4 years ago

“Majority in new poll say it’s time to reopen economy for all who are not sick or vulnerable. A building force.”

Trump needs to lean on the blue governors to let up on the rural counties now even if they go slower in the urban counties.

4 years ago

RE: IBM, and American megacorps in general

Honestly, I really do think that there is some validity to the official story behind Microsoft and DOS. I believe that it was after DOS that Microsoft was invested in by InQtel, and very likely Microsoft has embedded a backdoor for US intelligence(and Cabal) in every OS it produces since, and OFFICE, etc.

As to why IBM would do this, just look to all of the Big Three car companies in that era. They were not competitive with eachother, let alone foreign companies. We’re seeing this play out right now in Silicon Valley, where big tech is flailing about due to sheer incompetence. Hell, check this out :

AdoredTV- Inside Intel

Intel is going to go the way of Apple, meaning a cult product that generates revenue but is long since stopped being any kind of performance leader. AMD is taking over the heavy computing sector because Intel is doing exactly what the Big Three did half a century ago. This is not Cabal, this just plain short time preference incompetence and greed tanking the long term prospects of the company.

IBM never went away. Sadly they have continued on and now even own Red Hat which produces the Linux version(RedHatEnterpriseLinux) that forms the backbone of the server infrastructure worldwide, as well as my favorite distro Fedora which serves as a development platform for future versions of RHEL. IBM still sells servers, and have been using RHEL for decades, and now IBM owns it. I’m not sure what to do because I know that there is no way that IBM doesn’t figure out how to put a backdoor into RHEL and Fedora.

4 years ago

Cabal is planting seeds. Not even bothering to hide it :

Royal Expert Says Meghan and Harry’s Second Child Could Technically Become President