Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Chief Economist Of The Bank Of England – Brits Need To Accept They Are Poor Now And Wages Are Low
DFT – In The Fight Against The Dollar, Gold Has Become An Asset
DFT – Microsoft Announces A New Cloud Data “Region” In Poland
DFT – Eastern Europe Is Going Into Debt Over Inflation, Energy, And The War In Ukraine
DFT – Yellen Issues New Warning Over Debt Limit
Stormy Daniels is summoning spirits with magic cards during an interview: ‘My eyes filled with tears.’ And the reporter says the whole atmosphere in the room changes once she succeeds. Daniels looks different in the more recent pictures at the link too, almost possessed.
Turn of events: Trump reportedly mulling DeSantis as 2024 running mate. None of these stories are even vaguely real, because they act as if all these guys are individuals operating alone. In this case, either DeSantis is being blackmailed by Cabal into sabotaging himself and destroying his future prospects, to hurt Trump, or he made a deal with Trump to get Cabal to bet on him as their Trump killer, before he turns and sabotages Cabal, and then joins Trump, where he will be a shoe-in for 2028. But if this is Trump setting the stage to bring DeSantis on as VP, then DeSantis has been on Trump’s side all along.
Mostly videos you will have seen here already, but somebody has now petitioned Broward County to examine why so many NASA space videos are obvious fakes:
Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman, Ronna Romney McDaniel, appears with freshly enhanced duck lips on Fox News this morning to unveil the secret weapon the RNC has been constructing to defeat the national ballot harvesting efforts of the DNC – new Fact Checking website. We’re not gonna make it, anons.
Michigan Democrat sentenced to house arrest for 2020 ballot sabotage.
At a a House hearing on the border:
“Ms. Rodriguez, I apologize that you had to — you’re here for a hearing on the border, they don’t want to talk about a border. Mr. Swalwell is down there, obviously everybody knows he’s made some comments, he’s got a checkered past,” Nehls said as Swalwell interrupted him.
“I’m sorry — I have a checkered past?” Swalwell blurted out.
“It’s my time,” Nehls replied. “Alleged affairs, relationships with Yum Yum,” he continued.
Swalwell interrupted Nehls again, insisting “you don’t get to say that shit. That’s not true,” Swalwell said.
“He had an alleged relationship with Yum Yum, now he’s angry,” Nehls continued, as commotion ensued.
Biden prepares to hand America’s sovereignty to the WHO. Should be interesting when the WHO declares there is an epidemic of gun violence in the world, declares an emergency, and we are supposed to cede our sovereignty.
Writer E Jean Carroll testifies in New York court that Donald Trump raped her violently, with every detail of the story exactly the same as an episode of the TV show Sex and the City. What is troubling is we have long passed the point where these things will operate in any way sanely. If the jury are Cabal/leftists, they will award massive damages just to “get even.” And I would think they almost certainly are Cabal-selected.
Whistleblower reveals law enforcement isn’t vetting sponsors for child migrants.
Nikki Haley is hoping Trump will pick her as his VP.
Nikki Haley nukes her campaign, sides with Disney in ridiculous attack on Ron DeSantis.
Disney sues Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, alleges political effort to hurt its business.
RFK Jr polls at 19% against Biden.
Fox News Tonight loses over 700,000 viewers after Tucker Carlson’s departure. I read this, with 2.6 million people tuning in to watch Brian Kilmeade, and realized, I get the same feel from this, that I got years ago, when I saw various website trackers saying National Review got 6 million, ten million pageviews per month. Something is off. I think these stats are entirely fake. I don’t know if they have the surveillance across the country assigned to Nielsen to be sampled for the stats, or if they all put their TVs on Fox before they head out to do follows in their community, but I will bet you in the entire nation, there are not millions tuning in to watch people they barely know tell them what to think. People, especially today, have shit to do, things to take care of, and not enough time. I bet you, we will find out they were lying about these numbers, which is why a guy like Chris Cuomo is lucky to get 10,000 views for a podcast once he is on his own.
Fox News ordered one of its producers, Abby Grossberg, to spy on Maria Bartiromo, who execs called ‘crazy,’ ‘menopausal,’ and ‘hysterical,’ new lawsuit says. You can see how if you are a normie, not playing the espionage game, and you get dropped anywhere in this sphere, you won’t last ten seconds. Your friends will be spying on you, your neighbors will be watching you and documenting every moment inside your house, your wife will be one, your coworkers will be them. There are a few of you out there maybe, thinking one day you might form a discussion board, build a website, write a book. I’ve been down that road. It is not the way normies think it is. Then again, neither is the rest of the world.
Was Hunter Biden shtooping Antony Blinken’s wife? (Video commentary) I suspect, after your first child sacrifice, this would not seem as strange as it does to you now.
Republicans STRIP $200 MILLION meant for a park in Nancy Pelosi’s district in new debt ceiling bill.
School district (VT) replaces ‘boy’ and ‘girl’ with gender-inclusive phrases ‘person who produces sperm’ and ‘person who produces eggs.’ Literally, send your kid to that school, and they will come home dumber each day.
Duke professor calls for $14 trillion in reparations for black Americans.
A Democrat state lawmaker was caught red-handed hiding Bibles in the Arizona House of Representatives members-only lounge in a bizarre video. Always interesting to me, as I was raised without any religion, in an environment which casually assumed the religious were a little kooky and superstitious. I was a kid, and you absorb those things. Even absent any life experience pointing to religion actually being based on knowledge of the world, and the spots where the spiritual things bleed through, back then I had no hatred of the Bible, like this. It points to the idea these people have life experience pointing to where the spiritual bleeds through too, and they have chosen the opposite path. Very interesting, especially given they lie about it and claim it is because they hold no beliefs in anything spiritual, when this obviously shows they must.
DEI (Diversity Equity Inclusion) official at U. Alabama Birmingham earns $34,000 per month. That is a Cabal position, designed to leverage the leftist cover for Cabal moves.
Granholm: DoD will be all-electric vehicles by 2030.
The Pinkertons were said to be the forerunner of our nations’ domestic intelligence/surveillance as they maintained the domestic surveillance networks around railways in the days of train robberies, with civilian informants watching the towns around the railways for rough types moving in who might be looking to rip off a railcar. Turns out they are still around, and operating under the Pinkerton name, doing loss prevention, supposedly under Paragon Systems – Magic publishers sent Pinkerton agents to a YouTuber’s house to retrieve leaked Magic The Gathering cards. Might point to domestic surveillance being private sector. It would depend, when those civilian informant networks were taken over, did the government agency taking them want to be running a civilian informant network like the Stasi, or did they decide to leave it private sector and contract it, to maintain plausible deniability?
Dylan Mulvaney, a man who claims to be a woman, advertised women’s shaving cream by shaving his male facial hair, and claiming that he’s the type of “girl” who has to shave his face “every day.” I think the script is purposely trying to cultivate hatred and disgust. And I do not think it is the first time they have done this show.
Mexico: Authorities find 8 bodies in Cancun resort as drug cartel violence rages.
Fauci, DOD, & CDC funded deadly pathogen research at Sudanese biolab seized by militants.
Canadian government rolls out first phase of so-called ‘assault rifle’ confiscation program.
Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan canceled his scheduled campaign rallies on Wednesday and Thursday for health reasons. Rumor is he had a heart attack.
Meanwhile, in Poland – They have had enough of child grooming and LGBT indoctrination.
The courts in Brazil have banned the use of the Telegram messaging app, mandating that all phone carriers and app stores remove it from their platforms after it refused to hand over user data to the Brazilian government. Social media apps are all intel ops. So expect that governments will ban the apps of rival governments eventually.
Chinese readout of Xi-Zelensky phone conversation – – Beijing will send a Special Representative for Eurasian Affairs to Ukraine and other countries for in-depth communication with all parties. China getting involved in trying to shut down the wars the US is starting.
The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) has detained a suspect that was allegedly planning a terrorist bombing attack on a military hospital in Crimea. – “Bortnikov also warned that Western and Ukrainian intelligence services had launched an “aggressive brainwashing and recruitment [campaign]” in an attempt to involve Russian youths in sabotage, extremist activities, and terrorist attacks against their own country.”
Russia’s spies operating under diplomatic cover are increasingly being ferreted out, but its illegals are also getting uncovered more lately. The illegals are people who get dropped in a Western community, with an ID like the “Mexican seamstress” who moved to Greece, in the article, who was really a Russian spy of some sort. I would imagine they are getting uncovered more for two reasons. One, it may be a sign the domestic Stasi that is everywhere in the West is getting bigger and more interconnected, and has more time with nothing to do, so it is just doing deep dives into everyone in its specific sector. And as it expands globally, it is easier for a Cabal Greek neighborhood sector commander to reach out to the Cabal Mexican village sector commander to look into somebody’s backstory, check their records, and so on. And two, obviously, as Cabal gets more exposed due to the growth of the Stasi in the West, it is getting into a bigger conflict with Russia, which seems to be fighting off the Cabal infiltration as best it can. If I was Russia, I would fully expose the domestic Stasi in the West. It will put Cabal on its heels, outrage the citizenry in the West, and take the pressure of their assets in our countries, who, quite frankly, I view as less a threat to democracy, decency, goodness, and the average citizen of Western governments than the satanic Cabal and its intelligence apparatuses that are busily setting about smoking out anybody with potential when they are children to kneecap them before they grow up, and can just do what they want.
Montana House GOP votes to ban trans Democratic lawmaker from chamber.
Children under 13 would be banned from social media under bipartisan Senate bill.
Poll: Solid majority–54 to 25% of GOP primary voters think Trump more electable than DeSantis.
Donald Trump on 2024 movement: ‘It’s even stronger than it was in 2016.’
Spread r/K Theory, because Trump is more electable than DeSantis
“Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman, Ronna Romney McDaniel, appears with freshly enhanced duck lips”
“What’s wrong with your face!”
Seriously though, it looks like she has a huge divot right above her top lip. Looking at older pictures of her it’s not there. I mean why go under the knife to look uglier than you naturally are? So retarded.
Because her husband likes it. (Think about it.)
Back in 2016, I knew a lot of people that were complaining about Trump’s “lies” and “racism” because they didn’t understand him. I was telling people back then that if you don’t understand teevee rasslin’, you’ll never understand Donald Trump.
DeSantis going against Trump seems like a “face-heel turn”, where a good guy (a “face”) turns into a bad guy (a “heel”). DeSantis subsequently teaming up with Trump, if it happened, would seem like a “heel-face turn”, where a bad guy becomes a good guy. It’s totally possible that the two of them have been tag-teaming the anti-Trump RINOs that still control the Republican Party. Totally possible — not sure how likely. It’s also still possible that DeSantis did what he’s done simply because he’s a dumbass.
“A Democrat state lawmaker was caught red-handed hiding Bibles in the Arizona House of Representatives members-only lounge in a bizarre video.”
According to the article Rep. Stephanie Stahl-Hamilton is an ordained Presbyterian minister. A minister, hiding bibles..
This is why women shouldn’t be in leadership positions. They’re duplicitous by nature. She’s married with three kids btw but still needs to have a hyphenated last name that just screams “me first!”.
Further info here:
An Arizona House Democrat and ordained minister recorded on video hiding Bibles at a lounge at the state Capitol apologized to her peers for her actions.
“I hold Scripture very dear to my heart,” Rep. Stephanie Stahl Hamilton, D-Tucson, said Wednesday, following the moment of prayer that begins every House floor session. “It is what guides me. It is what shapes and informs the decisions I make. I have the utmost respect for people of all faiths, and for people for who choose not to have a faith. And because of that respect, I recognize my actions could have been seen something as less than playful — and offensive.”
Stahl Hamilton described her actions as a type of protest regarding the separation of church and state.
I just love the total respect she shows for all non-Christians. Why though? I don’t wish harm on them but neither do I respect their wishes or opinions.
Liberal women. There are and have been great women leaders, but they tend to be tough as nails. Like me.
“Chief Economist Of The Bank Of England – Brits Need To Accept They Are Poor Now And Wages Are Low”
The same goes for the US. It need not be this way. The link I had on how bankers issue vast sums of debt to buy to up everything explains why this is so.
Productivity has NOT collapsed. From the seventies it has steadily increased, while wages have not and inflation has gone up. Wages in real terms have plummeted. Now some of this was expected as countries and trade expanded from WWII but not at this level. The people didn’t trip and fall off the cliff, they were pushed. The banks jam up everything with debt and, I would say skim but they’re not skimming, they are shoveling off the profits and the productivity of the citizens. And they do NOTHING. Not a damn thing for us. Nothing. They have no value at all. They have negative value for the citizens. We should make banking less profitable for individuals in the banking system than it would be to be a Doctor or selling real estate. We could change the banks over to be a stodgy business where people who want a safe, reasonably well paying job make a career of it.
I want add Jim Stone has some astounding data. I don’t know how he finds this stuff. Every so often he says stuff that makes me think he is dead it’s so off the wall, but then he also has this super devastating research mind. He digs up really significant stuff. Unlike MIles Mathis, who does dig up some stuff also, but every time he does he sprinkles, as far as I can see, every single paper with some sort of gas-lighting bullshit. It’s like you went to a restaurant and had a great meal prepared and right before you ate it they sprinkled shit all over it and served it to you.
Anyway, Jim Stone has this graph that shows data collected from cell phones and the activity in San Francisco is only 30% of what it was a pre=pandemic. WOW! Only 30% so they lost 70% of cell activity. A lot of other cities are off too. Graph link.
Now at first I said, come on, it can’t possibly be correct. So I look on the graph, find out where it says it comes from. Look around the site and damn if this site doesn’t track this sort of thing. Is the site a lie? I don’t know, but it is there. Here’s the site and then the paper the data comes from showing the drop off.
You have to download or open in your browser the pdf file.
It’s not the debt. It is the interest.
The Jim Stone data may mean less than implied. I think the piece is arguing that remote work has devastated a lot of big urban areas and they are suggesting how to get it back.
No matter what it means, a 70% drop is a big hit to the city. I understand this figure comes from tracking cell phones in the area, or devices, but that I assume is mostly cell phones.
You’re right, it’s still huge.
“French President Emmanuel Macron is now travelling around France with his own electric generator as protesting French unions keep cutting off power during his regional visits, a report claims.”
That’s funny but also really unnerving if you’re a WEF stooge politician. Alarm bells should be ringing that Ceaușescu time is drawing near.
Never trust anyone with an Emo Philips haircut. Carny folk are more trustworthy.
Forgot to mention this is Abby Grossberg.
Emo Philips! That’s a blast from the past.
‘Dylan Mulvaney, a man who claims to be a woman, advertised women’s shaving cream by shaving his male facial hair[.]’
Gillette, no doubt.
“DoD will be all-electric vehicles by 2030.”
That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard in my whole life. I don’t think you can find a more pro-electric car guy than me, and even I think this is so stupid as to be insane. Hybrids, that would be good. Maybe save a lot of money, but all electric…insane.
That we are surrounded by evil is not new. But the highly coordinated level of infiltration and evil in every single organization is mind boggling. The tranny getting featured everywhere at once is a prime example. What HQ sent out that command such that it was followed to the letter? It’s hard to avoid spending a lot of mental energy trying to comprehend it all.
See “Return of the Gods” by Jonathan Cahn.
The “gods” (demons) are back and run the US of Gay.
I agree. None of this stuff was “a thing” only a few years ago. Now it seems if you’re not a tranny or considering becoming one, you’re a deviant. Gay marriage seems like a quaint notion now considering that pedophilia and hideously made up hairy-ass men wearing tutus in front of 1st graders is not only government approved but government sponsored. What the hell was the fulcrum that set all this world-turned-upside-down in motion? Was it isolation from the lockdowns? An outward manifestation of a syphlitic type attack on the nervous system brought on by the not-vaxx? Maybe just the critical mass of the leftists’ long March through the institutions corrupting critical thought? With it happening in government and he corporate world, there is some kind of mover here. The obvious pick is The Lord of the Flies, Satan.
“What the hell was the fulcrum that set all this world-turned-upside-down in motion?”
God removed the restrictor, supposedly. (Private revelation to Mark Mallett.) Saint Paul discusses the restrictor, vaguely, in 2nd Thessalonians 2:6~8
After some time of reading A.C.’s posts and becoming disgusted -so much so that I could feel the disgust lines forming on my face -, I suddenly realilzed why I developed the habit of watching cute cat videos after reading the morning news.
“so much so that I could feel the disgust lines forming on my face”
LOL, me too. Cat videos are remarkably relaxing, they clean the mind’s eye!
“At a a House hearing on the border”
I enjoyed how Rep. Troy Nehls kept referring to Swalwell’s spy girlfriend as Yum Yum hoping Eric would correct him.
“It’s Fang Fang not Yum Yum thank you very much!”
Fang Fang, Yum Yum, it’s all the same.
Fang Fang is the vampire variant.
“Mostly videos you will have seen here already, but somebody has now petitioned Broward County to examine why so many NASA space videos are obvious fakes”
What’s odd to me is that they fake the video, but clearly the space station is up there. On a dark clear night, you can see it easily with the naked eye. With a decent (say, 10″ aperture) telescope, you can see details. Amateurs used to watch the Mir cosmonauts dump their garbage into space.
What is their schedule like up there? Do they do anything important for somebody, which ends up being valuable and expensive, so it is just cheaper to to the PR on the ground, so they can spend every minute up there doing something we don’t know they are doing?
Or they don’t want us to see what they do up there so they fake it on the ground.
Could be. I think it was Bob Lazar who said some of the parts of the UFO’s he was assigned to back engineer could only have been made in a zero-gravity environment. I wonder if the ISS is really some kind of automated factory churning stuff out, loading it on capsules, and dropping it back to us.
I’d like to know what that mini space shuttle the Air Force puts up there for a year or more at a time is doing. They say experiments, automated, for a year?
Operation Chrome Dome II, I suspect.
Yep. Looky over here!!!! *While the man behind the curtain….”
All that matters is the official narrative is that every single second of footage is from a live spacecraft in orbit around the earth. They do not claim a single second of it is mocked up for PR reasons.
When the official government agency is caught lying, repeatedly, with no intention of clarifying the reason for the lie, all statements must necessarily be discredited permanently until proof of behavior correction has been established.
The entire space narrative is faked in this way. We’ve been catching them lying since the 60s with the obviously “PR Value’d” moon landings. We’ve caught them faking videos and pictures allegedly taken from space, we’ve caught them faking images of other planets from alleged craft sent out into the solar system, we’ve caught them faking moon rocks and we’ve caught lies in every aspect of it from day 1.
Why would they have to lie even once if space was real as described, they were capable of going up there as described, and they could record images and video as described?
It’s all faked because no one has ever gone to space and no one ever will. Understanding this is the simplest Biblical proof that exists, which is why they work so hard to hide this fact.
Again, probability matrix. None of us will solve this 100 at this point, so a lot of things could be true. And as some have pointed out, you can see the ISS with a telescope, so something is up there. The only thing we know is they have faked at least some evidence, and the reason would imply they are hiding something from us, and had some reason they could not just film that stuff up there, which I would imagine would have been quicker and easier, and less risky to their credibility, than doing all the greenscreen stuff.
The ISS is less than a football field in size. At the alleged altitude of 250 miles you would not be able to resolve that size of object with the naked eye.
It is also moving at an alleged speed of 4.6 miles per second. At that rate, it would pass entirely out of view in seconds, yet it hovers in the atmosphere for minutes plus.
Whatever you’re seeing is not the ISS, and the reports you hear of people watching them dump trash should immediately and permanently discredit the source as obvious shilling.
That Rockefeller article is what I have been talking about. Physical Gold replacing USTs as global reserve asset of highest quality liquidity. All of which activity being that part of the 30% of the world which is sanctioned by US trying to work around the GR status of USD.
There is currently no existing alternative to the USD as GRC. So all this activity is just a series of work arounds.
True, some of the smaller players are talking about an actual replacement. And Glazyev (LaRouche-ite) is tasked with the issue in RUS. But he is sidelined now. And, CHN and RUS seem to not want an actual alternative at this point.
And why would they really? Do they really care what currency they trade in? I doubt it. Or if the nation in charge of the GRC extracts some privileges for carrying the burdens? Or if the hegemon puts a few limits on their actions? Nah.
“Heavy is the head that wears the Crown”. And being producer of the GRC is a serious burden in the end.
What they want is the opportunity to industrialize and grow. And if the hegemon provides enough GRC to do that and isn’t malevolently psychopathic they’d be happy.
I think this is what DJT was trying to do. And why he got along so well with global leaders. He was trying to be a good steward of the GRC and the global economy. But our crazies and Int’l Finance outright refused to be good stewards.
Ppl shouldn’t put the cart before the horse and think that the recent US abuses of the GRC status of the USD triggered this.
The USD is the GRC because of US military power not because our financial guys are smarter. In 1971 Kissinger came up with the plan to tell Saudi Arabia that “you either sell oil in USD only or we use our subs to glass your country. Oh yeah, and then you buy our USTs with the accrued USDs. Got it? Ok. Thanks.” And because our subs could do that and RUS couldn’t stop us, Saudi complied. The whole current global structure grew out of that. On the back of a part of our sub fleet.
The beginning of the SMO was the explicit statement by RUS that the military advantage we had due to a part of our sub fleet was no longer existent. And hence, the global economic structure on which it was built was not compulsory.
The fact that the US sanctions haven’t worked is further proof. Nations still trade with RUS despite the US demands that they not do so. And they do so without existential repercussions.
The calculations weren’t simple, but the general idea is. RUS ran the numbers and saw that RUS would win vs NATO in an industrial military conflict. Putin then started the SMO because the US intends to de-Russify Russia.
It was just math. And RUS was right on the math. That is why the CHN Defense Chief saluted Putin on meeting him.
But, the fact is, at this point, RUS is not talking about a new GRC. They are talking about de-dollarizing which is a different thing. De-dollarizing is working around the USD. 70% of the world is not doing this. And the 30% absent RUS is largely still using USD for transactions.
The SMO is not an actual War against NATO. An actual War would look very different.
It looks to me like RUS and CHN are saying to the US that “Look, the current system isn’t compulsory anymore. Our Air Defense and our own subs are good enough now. If you want to provide the GRC, you’re going to have to stop being a psychopath. If you don’t, we’ll create a new one. We don’t want to, but we will.”
Good poast. Got any links or resources you can recommend?
I like Luke Gromen and Jeff Snider and Emil Kalinowski. All have twitter accts.
Eurodollar university is a good resource.
And Jeff has one as well. Though he started Eurodollar University.
J D Alt’s Diagrams and Dollars is a brilliant little book about MMT that everyone should read. No matter what side one is on.
Michael Hudson is quite good as well.
Richard Werner is prob my personal favorite as he aligns closest to me “politically”.
A commentator posted this Sundance essay on Tucker Carlson leaving Fox. I am reposting this morning so it gets more visibility:
I get the sense AC will complain that Carlson never pointed out the surveillance. He is wealthy and seems to mainly live in a cabin on a pond in Maine, and may not even notice the surveillance around his house. When you are wealthy you can isolate yourself or get isolated easily. But when he did his broadcasts from the network studio in DC, then he must have gotten the full treatment. The essay above argues that Carlson started becoming red pilled when -because of Covid!- Fox stopped requiring him to come into the office and built a home studio for him.
When I was coming into an office for a salary regularly, I noticed that usually none of the “work” I did there was as difficult as the morning commute, and it pretty much seemed to be an operation to keep me occupied for half my waking hours, and restrict the sites I could visit on the internet, and who I would be talking to during the day. I think a lot of jobs, particularly white collar jobs, are fake jobs, as David Graeber put it, designed mainly to put outer party members in a more intensive surveillance environment during part of the day. The Cabal really screwed up with the work at home thing during the Covid psyop, and have been trying to walk it back, a sign that they really don’t think their plans through.
Fox itself has shown a pattern of firing its on air talent (not just Carlson) right when they are drawing a lot of viewers to the network, which is supposedly their jobs, another indication that the whole economic model of companies existing to sell goods and services that people want to the public, while holding their whole costs downs, is really off kilter from how modern companies work.
I started going to Kim Iversen’s podcast in early 2020, since she was one of the few people covering the “pandemc” to pretty much get it right, and her take on the Carlson firing is probably the best I’ve seen, and she seems to have been fed some inside information. This links to her podcast that evening:
I see she discussed the event with RFK the next day, but haven’t seen that one yet.
The Myles Mathis committee had a paper where he discussed the Dominion Fox lawsuit being completely fake, and then I saw Craig Paul Roberts and Robert Barnes saying the same thing, and Barnes is usually careful not to go that far down the rabbit hole.
The Pinkerton logo sure has a masonic look to it.

There it is!
Holy shit.
Update the astronaut meme. Always was.
“we never sleep”
There is a space game out there where the enviroterrorist/private military/private intelligence “good guy” faction is called The Lidless Eye.
Makes you think
The Old CBS Logo: A Pennsylvania Dutch Hex Sign
DESIGNER: William Golden
Kurt WeihsTYPOGRAPHY: OPTI Didot CBS Special (1952–2021)
TT Norms Pro Bold (2020–present)LAUNCHED: October 20, 1951
The present-day Eye device was conceived by William Golden, based on a Pennsylvania Dutch hex sign as well as a Shaker drawing. The Eye device made its broadcast debut on October 20, 1951. The following season, as Golden prepared a new ID, then-CBS president Frank Stanton insisted on keeping the Eye device and using it as much as possible. The logo is alternately known as the “Eyemark”, which was also the name of CBS’s domestic and international syndication division in the mid-to-late 1990s before the King World acquisition and Viacom merger.
My ex-husband worked for Pinkerton’s. He was bad news.
Oh Jesus. You people need to give up on your symbolism decoding efforts and in particular just completely give up on hallucinating Masons behind everything. The all seeing eye is used everywhere throughout western history and so is the evil eye, a completely different symbol that many people confuse with the all seeing eye. Check out the logo for Alpha Sigma Nu, the Jesuit Honor Society. There’s a prominent all seeing eye on it. It’s just a symbol of awareness. And the Jesuits have had a LONG hatred of the Freemasons.
I’d hate to imagine what some of you people might come up with if you flipped through an old brochure on 4H clubs or Future Farmers of America.
Your propaganda is weak.
Look, here it is. Look at all of these famous and influential former 4H members. You all scoffed at me, but just look at the evidence! Former presidents, famous actors, even astronauts. Clearly, 4H was at the center of the Moon Landing Hoax. And what do you know? Jackie Onassis was a 4H member, BUT NONE OF THE KENNEDY CLAN WERE! I always suspected she was really behind the assassination of JFK.
How can you explain all of these coincidences? 4H clubs are a secret globalist plot to take down Western Civilization. They are cabal, hidden in plain site. It’s all true, but nobody wants to admit it. Nobody.
And that cloverleaf logo, clearly an appeal to celtic mysticism. A cabal favorite. And they say 4H stands for “head, heart, hands, and health” but I’m pretty sure it really means Hell, Hellions, Hermaphrodites, and Hoodlums.
Seriously, the finger pointing at Freemasonry I read here is about is daft as what I wrote above. The brilliant thing about Cabal is even the people who are aware of its existence seem to have no idea who is actually running it. When the shooting starts the armed patriots are going to dutifully line up in a Mexican firing squad and shoot everyone but the bad guys.
You are new here, so you don’t really fit in. We normally don’t like these kinds of posts, for a couple of reasons, and normally I would not allow it through moderation for being too emotional.
One, we generally prefer everyone not care emotionally about topics, and just argue based on facts. We don’t care where this stands now in terms of truth because none of us can know the truth, so we add all these observations, anecdotes, and oddities to our memory bank to be reflected upon later. You have a story of some guy who claimed to be kidnapped by a UFO and shown the truth? If you tell it to us, we will not ridicule you, we will file it away, no matter how out there it may seem, and we will thank you for the anecdote. Whether it is true or not, there is no harm in storing something in the memory you will have no use for later, and there is enough chance the truths we are heading toward are really strange that we don’t mind taking detours in that direction here and there. It harms nobody.
Two, what you wrote is a big long listing of stuff which is not based on any evidence, and it just wastes time reading it, when you could have made your case that the previous observation seemed off to you, without writing all of that. We are all pressed for time.
Three, this site is more about what is possible than what is fact. Many of us have seen this giant intel op firsthand. We know the size, we know there is something very strange about it, and we know it is professional enough at the upper levels to keep its secrets. Nobody is going to give us 100% evidence to prove who exactly is behind it, and we are not yet close to a roster of its command structure. So we don’t generally argue with “You are stupid, this is clearly true, etc etc.” Anybody who has dealt with this long enough knows, nobody who knows is going to post it here.
So instead we amass coincidences and anecdotes, and hope over time patterns emerge. In the meantime we maintain what we call a probability matrix – a quantum dynamics like cloud of possible truths, often contradictory, sometimes so bizarre as to be almost impossible, each assigned a probability, and we hope as we add new facts to it and alter all the probabilities assigned to each possible truth, at some point we collapse the waveform and a single truth emerges.
We have been doing this a while. So we have seen things you may not have seen. The eye is clearly used as some sort of symbol. Is every “eye” them signaling? No. Could their use of the eye be misdirection, and it is actually meaningless? Yes. Are Freemasons involved? We don’t know. It is a power structure like any group, so it makes sense Cabal would penetrate the leadership, and not tell the rank and file, to gain the compliance of the rank and file through the leadership. People at shootings for some reason wear Freemason garb when talking to the media. We’ve seen the video by the Aussie pop star making the case all of Hollywood and the entertainment industry is Freemasons. When Matt Gaetz shakes hands with Rosenstein at DOJ, they use a Freemason handshake, ad we have seen that a lot in DC. We aren’t going to resolve it tonight, so every possibility goes into the probability matrix, gets assigned a likelihood, and we go forward from there.
You have to be here a while to see what is going on. I would take it easy and not care so much for now whether you agree or disagree, and let everyone post whatever they want, and begin stockpiling the anecdotes yourself.
The secret societies, including the masons, are everywhere and have been for centuries and millennia.
From the top level satan worshipers to the lowest level guys with good intentions they love planting their symbols everywhere.
Every denial by you just makes seem more and more like a mason shill here to disinform us.
This poaster is very funny to me. The Jesuits? The All Seeing Eye is nbd guys stop being paranoid? It’s everywhere if you look close enough? Hahahah
Your concern is noted, glowie
Now do the Hidden Hand.
Nice catch. It also reminds me of the Eye of Horus, per Wakiped: “The Eye of Horus, wedjat eye or udjat eye is a concept and symbol in ancient Egyptian religion that represents well-being, healing, and protection.”
Not sure about the first two, but “protection” maybe in the Cosa Nostra sense.
The Bible refers to “Watchers” in the book of Daniel, they seem to be angels.
It is highly likely that there are fallen angel “Watchers” as well and the eye would be a logical symbol for either kind.
”there are a few of you out there maybe, thinking you might form a discussion board, build a website, write a book.”
“Granholm: DoD will be all-electric vehicles by 2030.”
And all the vehicles will be flying this:

This is not relevant to anything linked here today. It showed up on my Quora feed and is an in depth discussion of intel ops. In particular, the author, Catalin Oteanu, who apparently is a Romanian businessman, discusses the degree of Soviet intelligence penetration of Europe in 1941 and how they were still caught off-guard by the German invasion in June.
Some of the details about what Soviet agents were up to are not that believable, but it shows the length to which a surveillance operation can be set up, and how it can be nullified by flawed analysis of the information gathered. And in this case the analysis wasn’t really flawed, what happened was that they didn’t grasp how insane Hitler and the Nazi leadership really were.
Twenty to thirty minute read, but its detailed and gets better the farther along you get into it.
“How true is it that Stalin had absolutely no idea that Hitler would attack USSR, with his ‘knocking on the door’ psychology?”
“When he received reports that the German army was preparing to invade, Stalin simply did not believe them. Molotov said before the invasion: “One must be an idiot to attack us.”
“According to Stalin’s calculations, an attack on the USSR would have meant suicide for Hitler and his empire. This calculation was entirely confirmed by the results of the war. The question is not whether Stalin was afraid of Hitler or not. Stalin had no reason to be afraid. Stalin considered Hitler and his generals to be reasonable people, and reasonable people would not embark on such an adventure, with Britain on their back.
“Soviet intelligence did not consider the German generals to be madmen, and it concluded that Germany was not preparing for a war in Russia.
“But Hitler launched Operation Barbarossa without making any preparations for a war in Russia.
“Stalin had three separate independent espionage services: the First Directorate of the NKGB; the Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff (in 1942 it became Chief Directorate); and Stalin’s personal intelligence service, concealed under the name “Special Section of the Central Committee of the Communist Party.”
“The total power of these agencies was colossal. Sufficient information is available about the penetration into leading German military and political organs by Stalin’s espionage services.
“A group under the code name “Viking” worked in the staff of the OKW (Supreme Command of the Armed Forces); seven high-ranking German officers and generals supplied information straight from Hitler’s cabinet to Stalin’s agents. In Germany, the Soviet military intelligence managed to gain access to the most secret information from the highest levels of power.
“Several networks of agents simultaneously worked for Stalin, completely independent of each other. The lies of one were immediately exposed by information provided by the others. A group under the code name “Alta” worked in the German embassy in Moscow. Its members included Gerhard Kegel and Else Stoebe. The entire embassy was wrapped up in the web of Stalin’s espionage.
“According to Marshal of the Soviet Union A. A. Grechko, “eleven days after Hitler approved the final plan for the war against the Soviet Union (December 18, 1940), this fact and the basic details of the decision taken by the German High Command became known to our intelligence organs.”
“We must remember the friend of Goering’s wife, the first-rate Nazi movie star Olga Tschechowa. This woman dazzled Berlin with her blinding beauty and her cruelty, which was inexplicable, unusual, and unseen even for that time.
“In 1936, on Hitler’s orders, Olga Tschechowa was awarded the title People’s Actress of Germany. She was often seen next to Hitler at receptions. Then, in 1945, the popular Third Reich actress was befriended by Stalin and given the highest Soviet marks of distinction.
“Stalin’s espionage stretched far beyond the borders of the great powers.
“Oddly enough, in 1941 Soviet spies reported to Stalin that Hitler was planning to attack, but Stalin did not believe them. WHY?
“Based on extensive studies of all the economic, political, and military aspects of the situation, the GRU concluded that Germany could not win a war on two fronts; Hitler would not begin a war in the east without first finishing the war in the west. The first conclusion proved correct; the second did not.
“The head of the GRU Lieutenant General F. I. Golikov submitted a detailed report to Stalin on March 20, 1941, which concluded that “the earliest possible date on which operations against the USSR may begin is the moment following victory over England or after an honorable peace for Germany has been achieved.”
“In December 1940, Lieutenant General F. I. Golikov, chief of the GRU, reported to Stalin that, according to confirmed reports, Hitler had decided to attack the Soviet Union without waiting for the war in the west to end. This highly important document was discussed in early January in a very close circle in the Soviet High Command in Stalin’s presence. Stalin did not believe the document, and said that any document could be forged.
“Golikov knew about the massive concentration of German troops on Soviet borders, about the huge ammunition supplies, about the movements of the German air force, about German defectors, and about many other things. He was informed about the numbers of nearly all German divisions, the names of their commanders, and their locations. He knew many important secrets, including the name of Operation Barbarossa and the time of its inception. Even on the eve of the invasion, however, Golikov reported that preparations for invasion had not yet begun, and without these preparations it was not possible for Germany to begin the war.
“Golikov used to report to Stalin that Hitler was not preparing for war against the Soviet Union.
“Hitler’s soldiers needed boots, warm underwear, sweaters, special tents, hats, heaters, skis, ski wax, masking robes, oil and lubricants that would not freeze, devices for heating water, frost-resistant car batteries, and winter fuel for tanks, cars, and airplanes. They needed tanks with broad caterpillar tracks, thousands of cars that could drive in poor road conditions, and so on. They had none of these. Their lack of preparedness was total, shameful, and scandalous.
“All GRU agents in Europe were ordered to infiltrate organizations directly or indirectly connected with sheep farming. Over a few months, intelligence was gathered and carefully processed on the number of sheep in Europe, on the main sheep-breeding centers and slaughterhouses.
“Golikov was informed twice a day about mutton prices in Europe. In addition, Soviet intelligence began to hunt for dirty cloths and oil-stained pieces of paper left behind by soldiers cleaning their weapons. There were many German troops in Europe. The troops were stationed in field conditions. Each soldier cleaned his weapon at least once a day. Cloths and paper which have been used for weapon cleaning were usually either burned or buried,but of course this rule was not always obeyed. The GRU had ample opportunity to collect an enormous quantity of dirty cloths.
“A large number of these dirty cloths were sent across the frontier wrapped around various iron implements, so as not to arouse suspicion. Larger-than usual quantities of kerosene lamps, primus stoves, and lighters were sent across the border, by both legal and illegal means.
“Every piece of information was analyzed by hundreds of Soviet experts, and the results reported immediately to Golikov. He immediately informed Stalin that Hitler had not yet begun preparations to invade the Soviet Union, so there was no need to pay attention to every buildup of German troops or German General Staff documents.
“One of the vital things Germany would need, if it were to be ready to fight such a war, was sheepskin coats—no fewer than six million of them. As soon as Hitler decided to attack the Soviet Union, his General Staff would have to order industry to begin producing millions of sheepskin coats. This would be reflected immediately on the European markets.
“Golikov also calculated that the German army would have to use a new type of lubricating oil for its weaponry. The usual oil used by Germany would congeal in the frost, component parts would freeze together, and the weapons would not work. Golikov waited for the German army to change the type of oil it used in weapon-cleaning. The Soviet experts’ examination of dirty cloths showed that the German army was still using its usual oil, and there were no signs of a change to a new type.
“Soviet experts also watched motor fuel. In heavy frost, the normal German fuel broke down into incombustible components. Golikov knew that if Hitler decided to open a second front, he would have to order the mass production of a fuel which would not disintegrate in heavy frost.
“The GRU chiefs knew where, what quantities, and what kinds of liquid fuel and lubricating oils were produced in Germany and the occupied territories. The quantities of liquid fuel possessed by Hitler were not at all sufficient to conduct deep offensive operations. But the most attention was paid to the type of fuel they produced. Analysis showed that Germany was not conducting intensive research in the field of creating frost-resistant fuels and oils;
“German industry was not producing them in any significant quantity; the rear units of the Wehrmacht Heer and the Luftwaffe were not storing such fuel and oil for a grand-scale war.”
Beach Friends, that immortal phrase from the Ballsyliar-Ford testimony.
Dressing-room Friends, soon to appear for the latest lie-fest?
The Carroll episode is laughable, as was the Ballsy episode, so what is next?
From Drudge: Biden gets big business donor support for reelection bid (
Why would any business support Biden? He’s been a disaster economically! Yet, these yahoos (my apologies to true yahoos) sit there and clamor for more Biden! As AC said, we don’t live in a normal world. Under Trump, we had the best economy! And weren’t we told that “It’s the economy, stupid”–yet they stole the 2020 election from a President who had the greatest economy and gave it to this demented retard! WTF?!?! What about the Phronesis, the practical wisdom, of these people? They have none–yet they are engaged in not only politics but pushing a looooooooser disaster! …Just unbelievable day we live in.
You can’t run a state with idiots –and that is exactly what we have.
“…(my apologies to true yahoos)…”
I enjoyed that. HAAAAHA
Corporations and Big Business want a puppet.
If you think corporations give a shit about “the economy” you need to cure yourself of (((muh free market))) brainwashing.
You don’t get Ambassadorships for free.
THEIR economy was lousy under Trump and is great under Brandon.
They are consolidating their destruction of the middle class and the return of feudalism and Trump set them back.
They don’t care about the size of the pie, they care about their percentage of it.
Once they have stolen everything they will worry about growing the pie.
“They don’t care about the size of the pie, they care about their percentage of it.”
perfectly said. Explains so much that is seemingly “irrational”.
Institutional racism?
Try on the idea of people of Dionysiac character being required to conform to a citizenry of Apollinian social character and phlegmatic tempranent.
I like your analogy. Good idea. It does seem the world is split between the Dionysiac and the Apollinian characters. Good catch.
Bud Light is only one product of many from AB_InBev. Here’s a list:
Some surprises on there for me include Corona, Rolling Rock, Michelob, and Goose Island.
If you drink beer, keep it local. I get mine from a brewery a few miles away, and I know the owner and his wife.
Sam Adams was/is brewed by Miller. I was there in the plants doing work. Those commercials are pure propaganda. The contract could have gone somewhere else, but Miller was doing it when I was in the plant.
That explains why Sam Adams now tastes like Miller, but is more expensive.
Just some info re DJT and the VP slot.
DJT said in his interview with Greg Kelly that the VP choice has no impact on the electoral outcome. And that the decision was one about who follows in case of incapacitation. He seemed very serious about this. And he of course stated how Pence failed him at the end.
Obv, it also has to be about coup insurance. See Medvedev in RUS. And LBJ for a counter example.
that didn’t work out for Kennedy did it?
No it didn’t. That was my point? Nixon had a great insurance plan but they took that out first…
Biden ofc has the all timer.
Medvedev is positioning himself as the extreme hard line successor to Putin.
Looking back I see how hilariously great and brilliant Cheney was as VP. Poppa Bush knew all about coups (Regan).
“Most leftist media speculated that Fox News fired Tucker Carlson for three reasons: a sexual harassment lawsuit; his commentary about the mostly peaceful protest at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2023; and the network’s almost $800 million settlement with Dominion Voting Systems.
But Vanity Fair has offered a different one: During a speech on April 21 at the Heritage Foundation’s 50th Anniversary gala, Carlson urged his listeners to pray for the future of the country.
Religious talk, the website reports, “freaks Rupert out.” And so Carlson had to go.”
This is a spiritual struggle.
>Writer E Jean Carroll testifies in New York court that Donald Trump raped her violently, with every detail of the story exactly the same as an episode of the TV show Sex and the City. What is troubling is we have long passed the point where these things will operate in any way sanely.
Entirely possible this bug-person legitimately imprinted the experience of a TV episode onto their rotten waste-brain.
They call it the “Tell-A-Vision” for a reason: the human brain can struggle to differentiate movies from reality especially if you’re a dumbass “celebrity” who was selected for suggestibility and compliance over intellect and brainpower. This bint might legitimately believe this happened due to years of alcoholism and obsessive TV watching.
>Mom-of-three blasts Washington school board for canceling music lessons for fourth grade students because they promote ‘white supremacy culture and institutional violence.’
If only the blasting were more literal and less metaphorical (after a fair trial by a jury of their peers in a US court of law, of course).
So Scotty Cliffthorne, the hyperwoke Olympia school superintendent who tried to use the White Supremacy card to slash music ed for 4th graders, as part of a budget shortfall, is apparently queer, white hetero presenting. He & his wife both have same sex lovers.
A sham marriage. How verrrrrrrrry stunning. courageous, and brave to “come out” about it.
You know, budgets are budgets, and sometimes cuts need to be made when the funds are not going to be available to account for all of the items in the budget, but it speaks to the arrogance of the typical woke school administrator type that he would push the White Supremacy card in order to get parents to be less resistant about the music ed programs being on the cutting block.
How very cynical. It’s almost as cynical as pulling off a sham marriage in the 21st century.
Vermont is just one step away from declaring boys and girls are just sperm and egg producing creatures. No different than the beasts of the forest. The destruction of humanity continues unabated.
Poor little fish, Hunter files ethics charges? How about filing child sex abuse charges against this creep for abusing AMERICA’S CHILDREN? What say you Daddy Joe?
I thought of this an lold.
The bible-hiding rep:
PCUSA. They are the fag flag flying women minister ordaining heretical anti-christ Presbyterians. (Anti-christ according to the standards given in 1 John 2.)
“…Rep. Stephanie Stahl-Hamilton, an ordained Presbyterian minister…”
I shouldn’t be surprised, but I still am at times.
Worth the read:
Michael Yon.
Key point regarding border crossers.
Most are military-aged males. Many are sick. Four out of six on our two teams somehow got sick on this trip. I just pulled out of the jungle to repair, sent everyone home and I am going back alone when I am finished being sick. What are we all suddenly sick with? We don’t know. But it’s coming your way.
Many “migrants” appear to come from various Chinese intelligence organizations such as Public Security (like FBI), MSS (like CIA), and GS from the PLA (paramilitary). We have specific reasons to think this.
Public Security is setting up “police stations” around the world. I recently was at a Chinese Public Security police station in London and another in Dublin. Implications are severe. They conduct overseas kidnappings, among other things.
I read the link and several other stories there. It’s frightening what he has come up with.
When someone reads that, as I did, does anyone actually think Trump is still in charge, or there is still a plan?
Yon tells us what is coming over the border, and probably already here, is total civilizational collapse.
He wants everyone to grow up, which I agree with totally, but my question is… where have all the tough guys and leaders and patriots with guns been for the past 20 years?
It appears most people, including most military and patriots, have been lulled to sleep, and just sat back and watched the West get taken apart, piece by piece.
I’ve been trying to wake people up since the late 80’s, all to no avail.
Covid certainly woke up millions, but many millions more enthusiastically supported it and welcomed authoritarianism.
Q said they would take us to the precipice.
I hate to break it to Q, but we fell over the precipice and we’re circling the toilet bowl. Next stop, the sewer, with all of the piss and shit and every other failed civilization that fell off the map.
Know of a BP agent who reported a half-dozen agent suicides over the last two years. He said how face-tattoed gangsters spit at his feet, laughing how they will be freed by the next day, as well as minors on their own. None of it makes any sense, except as a state of war.
Have not noticed more Chinese around here, but lots of Africans, many of whom are Muslim and speak little English. And this in a region that used to be 5% black.
Will ask about any Chinese he has seen.
We are nowhere near the precipice. Things can get so much worse.
The precipice is where you can see your destruction but you can still avoid falling and be saved.
We have been there for a long time, if things don’t start to happen we will be in free fall with no chance to be saved.
An odd coincidence, but I just clicked on this video right after reading the brief and he was also talking about the pinkerton group.
FYI, the last full sherlock holmes novel also used Pinkertons as an important player. Its “the valley of fear.”
The Pinkertons seemed to be up to lots of things regarding Lincoln getting the Democrat nomination, election, etc. I have wondered if they were involved in getting him the Civil War, too. I used to think it odd that no one died when the local cadets put a bunch of cannonballs into the walls of Ft. Sumter to give the commander an excuse to surrender… but then two soldiers died right afterwards in a freak accident to give the newspapers the “deadly attack” “spilled precious Union blood” narrative. I used to wonder if a Pinkerton agent quickly killed them after the bloodless handover to make sure the Union had casualties to report. After reading AC here, though, now I wonder if the dead soldiers ever existed at all.
Same tactic got recycled for J6.
“The Pinkertons seemed to be up to lots of things regarding Lincoln getting the Democrat nomination, election, etc.”
Lincoln started in the Whig party, then became Republican, not Democrat
Since Lincoln was a communist and so were the Republicans the confusion is understandable.
Right! “Republicans are the *real* communists,” and don’t you forget it! The 1848 Europe-wide Communist revolution was called “Republican” and many of Lincoln’s supporters, military leaders, and founders of the American Republican Party fled here after losing over there. Lincoln was the “American Lenin.”
not repairing his house
“Space fake”
I am 100% sure we went to the Moon. However, I’ve seen the fake space station videos and don’t know what exactly to think of that, but…I have an idea. It’s just another system of demoralization. That in fact we are in space, [for real] , on the space station, and they are ordered to do this stuff to make us believe everything is fake. This is as exactly as stated here,
“……the Stasi often used a method which was really diabolic. It was called Zersetzung, and it’s described in another guideline. The word is difficult to translate because it means originally “biodegradation.” But actually, it’s a quite accurate description. The goal was to destroy secretly the self-confidence of people, for example by damaging their reputation, by organizing failures in their work, and by destroying their personal relationships…”
I’ve often said that the moon landing wasn’t faked because one they fake things it is to demoralize us and scare us. The moon landing was far too inspirational. If anything, the people currently running things were the ones who cut NASA spending in the 1970s. Remember, Kennedy wanted to go to the moon. They killed Kennedy and then destroyed Nixon and didn’t totally seize power until afterwards. Which is when NASA was essentially gutted.
If people can go to the moon the Bible is lying about God creating the Earth as a realm between the waters above and the waters below, separated by a firmament.
Space is the atheists attempting to “muh science” away any religious claims of divine creation. Add the “big bang” as an additional layer of replacing God with atheist “muh science” and it makes more sense.
The space narrative exists exclusively to demoralize. It frames your entire existence as nothing more than random chance meaningless bacteria fucking on a dead rock in an infinite empty void of nothingness doomed to eventual heat-death with no afterlife, just more dead nothingness.
the reality is that God created you in love, and created a world specially for you to inhabit, with the heavens above for you to look up to. Space is nihilism, reality is divinity.
The Bible was written to explain something impossibly complex and shocking to people whose primary mode of transport was camels. Detailed rundowns of classical Newtonian physics, quantum dynamics, electrical theory, and astrophysics was beyond its scope. IMO, depending on how you look at it, there can be a world of difference between spiritual demons of great powers, and highly-advanced technologically sophisticated interdimensional civilizations meddling in Earth, or there really can be no difference, if you factor in God wasn’t about to sit down and begin explaining technology and how it works.
Likewise, we think we see in three dimensions of space, as we roll through a fourth of time, but that too is not real, according to physics, which indicates strongly there are more dimensions. Our world may be this dimension, as the Demons zip in and out from here to “waters above” and “waters below,” and if so, the moon and space may also be our world, and prone to demons zipping in and out. Might even be why their Tic Tacs effortless slip into water and fly like submarines.
That was great. Thank you!
When earth was created it had a sphere of ice or water surrounding it.
That was the source of much of the water for the flood.
That satisfies the Biblical narrative and the generalities of the scientific one.
GOD created an entire universe to sustain the world he created for us, that’s impressive.
I’m with you. I know that the moon footage is fake. I know that the space station footage is fake. I don’t know why. I don’t know what they are hiding. Not only do I believe that we went to the moon, I don’t think we ever left. I don’t think Apollo ended, I think it just went dark and was later succeeded by something more permanent.
House of Mouse sings
rosie, posie, ashes, all fall down
“DFT – Chief Economist Of The Bank Of England – Brits Need To Accept They Are Poor Now And Wages Are Low”
You must not demand that the ruling class return that which it has stolen.
The beating will continue until morale improves.
I’m sure the guy said it while wearing a $20,000 watch on his wrist.
“DFT – Yellen Issues New Warning Over Debt Limit”
This is how we know a default is the best outcome.
Crazy girlfriend kills boyfriend’s daughter. Puts her in a chlorine bucket and cart. Walks the body to the Mom’s house and leaves it there.
While the bitch is walking down the street, car happens to drive by. I couldn’t tell if the windows were down.
If you watch the upper video closely, the car was moving exceptionally slowly at the end of the street as she walked toward it, and it only picked up and moved quicker as she approached, to pass her.
That wagon probably made some kind of weird noise, and if they weren’t flipping through the sound feeds in houses, and listening as she killed the girl, they knew something was strange when they heard the wagon being pulled, inside the observation post house which all the pole mics feed into. And from there, they are going to mobilize to take a closer look just because out of twenty neighborhoods, that was probably the most curious thing going on at that moment.
It is so dystopian.
Speaking of Pinkerton….
“When a company can spend $5m on private detectives to follow and dig into the past and present life of a political figure for six months and were willing to spend much more, but apparently got enough to make the life of the figure horrible, maybe the political figure should think about negotiating. Apparently this is the oppo research package to end all oppo research packages.”
Disney might have dirt on Desantis.
Oh dear GAWD.
Louis Rossmann – Consumer backlash against touchscreens in cars is WINNING; automakers concede, return to buttons.
DeSantis Travels to Jerusalem to Sign ‘Hate Speech’ Law Making Free Speech a Felony
How did this freak Mulvany get tabbed to do all these endorsements for all of these companies simultaneously?
Miles Mathis Committee has a piece on the dude. He has a fag hag mentor who is part of the advertising world. She has known him since childhood. Acted and acts as a mother to him.
That’s a funny way to spell Shapiro!
Breakthrough Smart Material Can Change Shape and Color In Response To Multiple Stimuli
Now how much supporting infrastructure and supply chain is behind this advanced tech?
Don Biden has a whistleblower disappeared:
This government is merely an organized crime syndicate.
“This government is merely an organized crime syndicate.”
Always was.
ALL Government is an organized crime syndicate