Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Roche First Quarter Sales Fall 7% Off Covid Decline
DFT – Danone Raises The Outlook For 2023 Sales
DFT – Standard Chartered Says Crypto-Winter Is Over
DFT – Tesla’s Base Model Y Now Less Expensive Than The Typical New Vehicle In The US
DFT – First Republic Plunges After Q1 Earnings Report Shows Massive Deposit Outflows
Tex, I just got your’s. That was an old one. When you sent that, you had not got my last one which said thank you and obviously, it would be great. I sent you another one with a copy of the first in it yesterday. So there should be two of mine with you, mostly the same stuff, but who knows if it will work that way. I assume nobody wants us linking up, as our kind need to stay fractured and bubbled off from each other. I assume they cannot change what appears here too much, which is why I got your initial message.
A secret meeting is planned for the second week of May, in Washington DC, to be held by David Becker, the founder of the infamous ERIC system — and current head of Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR), at Washington DC’s International SPY Museum, which will include a hidden list of attendees including secretaries of state, and election officials from around the country, to discuss/plan for the 2024 election cycle. It will be fully closed to the public. They are calling it the summit on American Democracy. The word Democracy seems to be some kind of inside joke to them.
The Nashville Metropolitan Police Department (NMPD) denied a Tennessee Star public records request for the release of the manifesto left by the shooter who killed six people at a Nashville Christian school. Must be pure gold. And sooner or later it is coming out.
Transgender supporters cause mayhem inside Montana’s statehouse in latest violent Tranny insurrection over the censure of a tranny state legislator. Could these be government agents too?
Trans activist threatens to murder people who stop men from entering girls’ bathrooms: ‘Buy a gun.’ It is not at all improbable the trannies are going crazy of late. But some of these do feel like whoever is running the psyops has calculated the pendulum has swung enough the one way, and now it is time to bring it back, and this is them giving a show which will bring it back. I think we are in 1923 right now, or maybe 1928. I suspect at this point we are on a path where we will live to see everyone, from transgenders, to gays, to migrants, to probably even Jews, brutally turned upon, and eradicated in zeitgeists which we will have about as much control over as we have over the myriad of zeitgeists of the last fifty years, whether we like what is going on or not. And we will probably get a World War to boot.
Although I will say, I do not think in the 1920’s, the people would have had such a large segment in the population, which could even begin to consider so many of the truths we take for granted, from MK Ultra School Shooters, to the CIA/Mockingbird media propagandists, to the rigged elections, and the surveillance. Which is ironic, because it means the single best chance for the trannies, the Jews, the gays, every minority out there, to avoid being hunted down, dragged screaming from a car, and enduring a horrific, final end, would be for them to make everyone see the surveillance, understand the conspiracy, and grasp that something closely akin to the whole Q-thing is actually real. Because absent that, this population is putty in the hands of Cabal, and I think Cabal plans to kill them all.
Trans runner beat 14K women in London Marathon after running NYC as a man.
J6 video footage helps identify 80 possible government agents embedded in the crowd. If they used all their surveillance people and domestic intelligence assets for that, you can see why it would be so important to keep the video contained. It would also say Tucker is a trusted asset who would control access and protect the identities of assets, which is why they released it to him – so they could act like they released it, when they really only released it to themselves.
Hundreds of noncitizens ended up on voting rolls in Maricopa County.
Walmart has been videoing gun sales in its stores.
Whistleblower to tell House that US govt is ‘middleman’ in multibillion dollar migrant child trafficking op. They say the government handed about 300,000 found children off to “sponsors” in the last two fiscal years, and now cannot make contact with 85,000 of them. Steal kids in Latin America, maybe kids local surveillance has identified as our kind, drop them off at the border, let the US government pick them up, and then hand them off to the network in the US, and for at least a decent number, nobody ever sees them again.
One America News Network founder Robert Herring extends invitation to Tucker Carlson to become host on network in multi-million dollar offer. One of the things which fascinates me about these people like Tucker is how they all not only know each other, but seem to always have pictures of themselves hanging out socially, and they obviously share a real brotherhood, even guys like Hannity and Don Lemon, taking selfies together. It is shades of the surveillance, where as a teen I would catch wind of kids who pretended not to know each other when they met in school, but who were all hanging out together for some unknown reason miles away at a train station. Today I see kids who appear as if they belong to different social groups (Goths, dirtbags, normies) hanging together on the street in my remoter area, all talking about following people. And then there is Posobiec, and Jack Murphy, and Cassandra Fairbanks, in a bar together, with people like Richard Spencer, or as below Alex Jones and Tucker ending up in a kitchen arm in arm:
From here: Fox News executives reportedly possess a dossier of ‘damaging’ information on Tucker Carlson, which they are prepared to use should he speak against the network… the file contains internal complaints about workplace conduct, disparaging comments about management and colleagues, and allegations of creating a ‘toxic’ work environment.
Abby Grossberg, who was fired by Fox News shortly after she filed a pair of lawsuits against the network, spoke out about Tucker Carlson’s firing. Turns out she went in there with the hidden recorder going, recording everything, everywhere, and turned it over to Dominion in their lawsuit, including tapes coaching her on how to testify. Over on 4Chan, they are certain that since the ADL was agitating for so long to get Fox to can Tucker, that Abby Grossberg may have gone in there and been working in some capacity to make that happen, or could have even been employed by the ADL, or whoever runs them.
“it is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” – Upton Sinclair.
This is the Board of Fox. Does anybody find anything unusual about this list?
Also, What’s this Wisconsin thing ? (Click for full size)
Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy said in an interview that former Fox News host Tucker Carlson would make an “good addition” to the 2024 presidential race. So maybe he runs and challenges Trump. Cabal might think he would have just enough juice to do what DeSantis has failed at. We might just get to see this little preppy-traitor-cocksucker taken down in grand fashion yet.
Laura Ingraham has ‘inside track’ to replace Tucker Carlson at 8 Pm on Fox News.
Bolton and Pompeo are just warmongering to get a check from Israel? Full thread basically laying out full treason accusations here:
Failure to cut spending in debt limit deal could trigger Greek-style financial chaos, expert fears. “… could trigger a Greece-like financial collapse, potentially even sparking violence and unrest of a kind not seen in modern America, warns a federal budget expert at the conservative Heritage Foundation.”
Florida Senate creates amendment nullifying “resign to run” law specifically for DeSantis.
Migrant caravan of 3,000 heading toward border seems small, when each year there are 150,000 unaccompanied children, alone. Last year we averaged about 7,500 per day. So for one day, this caravan might swell things by less than 50% if they all rushed the border at once.
Human tidal wave is waiting for border to open May 11 — Biden has no plan to stop it. Title 42 will end then.
City of El Paso, Texas to declare state of emergency before Title 42 ends on May 11.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. calls on Joe Biden to join him on debate stage. I suspect he has zero chance of making it to the General, so might his purpose here be to show Democrats how rigged their system is, and how this thing is screwing them too?
Biden doesn’t need to campaign when he has a ballot harvesting apparatus in every key state – Lesson in that
A 41-year-old Georgia mother of seven young children has been rejected as a candidate for a kidney transplant by Emory Healthcare Inc., even though she’s on dialysis and potentially facing death, because she will not take the vaccine. So these hospitals must still be getting kickbacks for getting people to take the clotshot.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau claimed that he never forced anybody to get the Covid-19 vaccine, despite his government legislating some of the strictest vaccine mandates in the world. – “My responsibility is to keep as many Canadians alive as possible and all of the scientists and the medical experts and the researchers, not just in Canada but around the world, understood that vaccination was going to be the way through this. Therefore, while not forcing anyone to get vaccinated, I chose to make sure that all of the incentives and protections were there to encourage Canadians to get vaccinated and that’s exactly what they did.”
Lots more ambulance callouts for under 30’s with heart issues this year below, and the under 40’s here are no better. Each big bar is the measure for a month this year. The smaller bars are previous years’ monthly measures:
If the immune system is eating away at the heart, it is not good over time. Understand also, you are seeing it here because the heart is so critical, and just some damage can disrupt rhythm and cause symptoms you feel early on in hte process. But the vax is probably not only hitting the heart. Kidney function, liver function, reproductive organs, even muscles and connective tissues – they are probably all taking hits too, but you will not see that until it is significantly more advanced, as symptoms will only show up as total failure is imminent, if they show up at all. Fortunately for most, I suspect the Vaxes they got were either saline, or heavily degraded. But those few who got the real thing, all took a hell of a risk.
Horror story: Teen boy dies in “gender-affirming” operation where doctors tried to create fake vagina using part of his colon. There was bacteria on the colon tissue, which then rotted him out from the inside out, and all the antibiotics in the world could not stop it. This will be looked back on as Mengele-tier shit if we ever get rid of Cabal and the public debate becomes genuine. Nobody will believe a doctor cut off a kid’s genitals, carved out their insides, hacked off apiece of colon and stuck it in there, bacteria and all, and it was basically an experiment to see what would happen. And then the kid dies, and the whole establishment shrugs.
Artificial Intelligence is being prepped to one day take over for lawyers and judges, determining our fate according to their programming. Notice, Cabal hacks into the computer, inserts the decision they want, and you cannot complain about the outcome.
Kim Foxx won’t seek reelection as Cook County State’s Attorney.
Gavin Newsom and wife set record by ‘quadruple-dipping’ into taxpayer money.
Oregon denies adoption after woman refuses to back gender ideology, homosexuality.
I don’t know enough to even judge if this is real, but it does not look good:
Moment ‘gang members’ beg for mercy before vigilante lynch mob stones them and burns them alive among petrol-soaked tyres in the streets in Haiti. We need to enrich our culture with more of this kind of diversity.
WHO cites “huge biological risk” as Sudan fighters seize lab containing deadly pathogens.
Italy strips some gay couples of parental recognition.
American officials report that Ukraine will start its counteroffensive in May.
Government seeks Supreme Court review of federal gun regulations on domestic abusers, bump stocks.
Bud Light sales decline is ‘staggering’ according to beer industry research firms.
Bud Light turns to conservative marketing consultants in bid to find the “right” message. Literally, they need to ask somebody, how do we pretend to be pro-American patriots who espouse decency? They cannot imagine not being Clownworld Central.
Indiana joins wave of Republican states banning ‘sex changes’ for children.
Good piece of scholarship on the history of gun bans at the time of the Second Amendment shows there were none, and cannons were allowed. Says the study will be the gold standard in looking at Bruen. Might mean machineguns are coming back, and maybe, maybe, artillery?
Lawsuit filed against Washington’s semi-automatic rifle ban.
‘NO!’ – Trump signals he will refuse to partake in Republican debates under left wing media control.
Trump boasts largest lead yet in latest 2024 Republican primary poll.
Trump on Levin:
Morning AC, just an encouraging word, last night I had a dream that you, (it was your silly avatar photo), Tex and myself were all sitting around ‘in person’ swapping notes and sharing info. But clearly whatever you and Tex are pursuing keep on that path!
Clearly God wants you two to keep it up!
Reason I mention this is I don’t usually remember my dreams in this much details, especially of people I don’t know personally.
There is a reason why Tex’s entire existence was scrubbed clean off the internet few years before the fake pandemic. We may not know exactly what the reason was but clearly he was priority target for them at the time.
he said or mentioned that the current rulers of the satanist cabal are not human, but the mixed remnants of a precursor humanoid species that made the current sapiens as a bioweapon against the Neanderthals, and that the current humanity, is a mixture of the 3, mainly sapiens with some little neanderthal admixture. He called them, the melonhead, likes the one with the paracara skulls.
re: M1 money graph
”I don’t know enough to even judge if this is real, but it does not look good”
Yup, it’s real.
If this change was nefarious, the change would obfuscate a slowdown in M1 growth. In 2006 the Fed quit publishing an M3 estimate and the speculation at the time was that the Fed didn’t want to provide official numbers for Fed critics to cite (because something bad was going to show up in M3 growth or lack of, see 2008 Great Recession). So yes, all these things that couldn’t be foreseen by the Fed were foreseen by the Fed. The Fed is covering up the fact that the Fed is worse than useless at monetary policy.
Recommend watching “Who Killed Malcolm X?” on netflix.
Aspects of the pov presented (e.g. generally blaming white people) will seem exaggerated, but the underlying theme about LE/FBI corruption is close to what you would hear on any red-pilled site.
A few FACTS: there were nine FBI agents present when MX was killed; the shooter who actually murdered MX was widely known, but protected throughout his entire life, so he never suffered any consequences; two innocent men, known by the FBI to be innocent, were convicted of the murder and spent 20 years in prison; the participants (black muslims) who had knowledge of the circumstances, uniformly believed that the contentious atmosphere at the time was exploited by “puppet masters” to create the conditions where the murder was not only inevitable, but also as easily accomplished as possible; they also believe that the murderer was an FBI agent.
There is much more which is interesting on a human and political level. For those on our side, whose natural response even a few years ago would have been to dismiss it all as nonsense, there is a lot to be sympathetic with, especially concerning the evil corruption which stops at nothing, and has us in their sights on a daily basis.
Starting in the 1950’s, and probably long before then, Intel had not only infiltrated dissident political action groups on both sides of the aisle, it seems possible that Intel created many of these groups from whole cloth, and set them at odds with one another in an effort to create as much social chaos as possible, and this strategy continues to this day.
Marcus Garvey too. A great man.
Heck, one tell of the existing fakery is all of the police body cameras that lack timestamps.
Malcolm X was a good man, who drastically changed his world view at least three times, based upon discovering facts that were new to him. He’d probably have changed it a couple more times if not for being murdered. It’s a pretty good bet that he’d eventually have wound up celebrating April 20th.
Never ever associate with an (((Abby Grossberg )))
“Over on 4Chan, they are certain that since the ADL was agitating for so long to get Fox to can Tucker, that Abby Grossberg may have gone in there and been working in some capacity to make that happen”
Abby GrossbergFeinSteinWeiss would never do that!
I wish “every single time” was a meme but it’s a law of the universe
It is. The word “democracy”has been ther euphemism for socialism since Woodrow Wilson; and socialism is their euphemism for communism.
And communism is the code word for satanism.
The phrase “our democracy” is literal code for their cabal. It’s plain as day. It’s the same way the mafia would call a straight citizen a “friend of mine” but someone who was in the criminal world a “friend of ours.”
Figured it was a good time to shit on miles mathis, here’s a post from a member of symbols’ telegram, just wanted to spread the word.
Miles Mathis is a Gatekeeper and thus Disinfo and you can easily verify it.
As an example let’s take his 4-pages-PDF on the Hitchcock movie “Vertigo”.
In this document he criticizes the movie harshly and says that it’s rated highly only because “Phoenicians” are in it and “Phoenicians” would only promote their own.
He does not connect the movie as promoting MK, like I pointed out months ago.
Instead he ends the article and adds a small story from a bar, which is made to look like something he casually wrote down, just because it happened around the time he wrote the PDF document on “Vertigo”.
Mathis writes that he was asked in a bar which is the fastest animal. He answers “Gyrfalcon”, but the correct answer is “Peregrine Falcon”. He then adds the thought that it’s not making sense to measure their velocity when they dive, but rather that they should be “clocked on a level”.
In this short passage Miles Mathis is using comms to explain to comms aware readers, that the movie is about MK Ultra.
Do you remember Symbols Decode of the term “Falcon”? Symbols explained it at the end of this post:
The term Falcon was important for another Hitchcock movie “The Maltese Falcon”. It also connects to Captain Falcon from F-Zero X, a game about super fast driving and intentional collisions with other racers.
It therefore connects to MK.
Miles also makes sure to use the word “clock” when measuring the speed of the falcons.
In the murder-scene the MK victim follows the target on the stairs on a clocktower. Then a nun comes up and he turns around (nun=no one) and says “I heard voices” (so it’s actually not the nun saying this, but it’s in the mind of the MK victim) and then the target falls (think pushed) from the edge of the tower.
The nun is grabbing a rope and ringing the big bells of the tower (Bell telephone company).
Since Miles Mathis shows that he is comms aware but does not share his knowledge by decoding connections openly, I hope it’s now clear without the shadow of a doubt, that he is Disinfo.
Agree. I suspect Miles Mathis is a “flood of lies” misinformation operation, designed and intended to obscure whatever truth about Cabal tries to trickle out. The genelogy diarrhea that makes up large parts of his posts are unverifiable, and don’t scan well chronologically.
His output prolixity makes me think of a team of intel contractors working by manual.
The Maltese Falcon wasn’t Hitchcock but John Huston. Still interesting though in that Huston played the incestuous pedo business magnate in Chinatown and directed The Man Who Would Be King, which is basically a comic disclosure of freemasonry. He was also an accomplished painter and did some wine labels for the Rothschilds.
Um…I’m kind of intrigued; but Hitchcock did not direct Maltese Falcon–that was John Huston. Maybe you’re thinking of The Birds, which was Hitchcock.
Hmmm…it’s possible that Mathis is disinfo so maybe it should be included on a probability matrix.
I have been playing with an AI ChatGPT-style program called
I uploaded that Miles Mathis paper into the program. You can see the output here:
‘Laura Ingraham has ‘inside track’ to replace Tucker Carlson at 8 Pm on Fox News.‘
She won’t come anywhere close to replicating his ratings – especially with that voice.
I’ll bet Kari Lake could fill his spot.
>> Literally, they need to ask somebody, how do we pretend to be pro-American patriots who espouse decency?
Lol what do you think the (((conservative marketing specialists))) specialize in?
been getting weird error on todays post when trying to post myself.
Strange red bar on top of screen with an english language option then nothing happens.
On phone with brave browser.
“Fox News is run by Rupert Murdoch, a protégé of the king of British propaganda and mind control efforts, Max Aitken, known to history as Lord Beaverbrook. The Board of Fox is controlled by Bush Republicans, led by Paul Ryan, and globalist investors. Fifteen percent of the company is now owned by Blackrock. In addition to Tucker, Fox also parted company with the very popular Dan Bongino and Lara Trump, looking to shed personalities the Murdochs cannot control.”
Dirty British controlled opposition outlet FOX also fired Lou Dobb.
LaRouchies always have interesting stuff.
These idiots are so out of touch with their audience that they think this is “damaging.”
noone gonna read it anyway. I have an insane “dossier” books on how the elections of the countries most people in this forum are have been globally stolen, and after more than a decene of sales, no pages read at amazon. Same with the libertarians, you can promise to end the unions, cut subsidies to certain private networks, and till now none of those socialists is going to read an excellent book about the libertarians. Population is too social media adicted to think clearly, and in most of history hasn’t thought rationally about impersonal issues of society, state, government or other huge and very deep and complex matteres, due to several environmental limitations, just like now.
State pension plan investing the plan funds, paying the pensions from the returns on the investment. Before Blackrock et al pension funds like that were the main stockholders of pretty much everything.
Nashville (globohomo) and Memphis (west atlanta) elect TN statewide politicians.
Trump elected Senator Blackburn. Senator Hagerty has the resume of globohomo. The Governor of TN seems to be a closet globohomo.
Nashville = Masonic sodomite town
From the article:
This is an artifact of our panopticon style of battlefield now. Russia can’t move an assault force under concealment, so you have to have a “reason” to preposition units. They aren’t opening these tanks up to attack because (other than it being stupid) they are being held for a breakthrough push. The trick will be figuring out how far and quickly these can be rushed, and where the massing points are based on that.
For Russia to be successful, they will need to get inside the US/NATO/UKR OODA loop. If the Russians know how long that loop takes, they can plan their operation to already be a fait accompli by the time the URK OODA loop gets to the Act stage.
True. Good point. Multiple layers of loops. RUS well inside US/NATO material supply loop. And moreso inside troop supply loop.
And RUS tempo vastly superior on all fronts.
Is that a female?
Can’t say for sure. The article says,”They share four children together…”. Doesn’t say if they have children or not (this is a joke but that is what the article says).
way better looking than Schumer’s wife for sure. Have you seen that mug?
Schumer’s “wife” is a man.
My, what long arms you have…and what slim hips!
Wasser bier, the big story in America?
Nobody wants taste?
Fosters, it’s Australian for beer.
The AI scam will most likely run out of money. The last AI scam (AKA expert systems) that I have personal knowledge of came out of Texas Instruments UK and died when owners of industrial businesses rejected them. The owners didn’t see any way it would save or make them money. This was 1985 or 1986. That particular AI scam was dead by 1991.
Since the biggest businesses in the world aren’t making any money, and the people running those businesses aren’t owners, this AI scam most likely will go on until financing collapse. We may be seeing the start of that.
The AI winter didn’t produce any results and the investors realized it was all hokum. This time is different … some of this stuff is yielding really useful tools. I used to laugh that after hundreds of millions spent 1980-2000, the only decent expert system was my CLIPS from Nasa that actually was good at diagnosing problems once programmed with enough data. Which was public domain!
This new AI is everything they promised back during AI winter except it is working. I don’t know if it is going to want for investors this time around. Some of it is genuinely impressive tech. Of course the scary thing about any tech is the fear it will be used as a weapon against the rest of us.
ChatGPT and its competitors aren’t any sort of “artificial intelligence.” They’re just very sophisticated web scrapers, collating things they wind on the web into a natural-sounding reply.
If anyone has read John Brunner’s “The Shockwave Rider”, which I’ve mentioned here before, that’s how the Delphi boards worked. The government used Delphi boards to monitor social trends to keep the jackboot down; private Delphi boards were strictly controlled to make sure they wouldn’t be used against the government.
Brunner wrote that in 1975. Since then, a surprising amount of his dystopic vision has turned into reality.
AC, my offer still stands – email me a shipping address and I’ll send you a copy. I know most of your time is taken up running this site, but I think it would be worth your time to browse through it. Like “1984”, it might as well be a template for what’s happening nowadays.
Genuine question: show me one impressive thing it’s done. Some of the photobashing work is interesting until you see it’s just ripping off existing art and smashing it all together. The chatbot shit is absolutely toy-tier, in that it has no practical utility beyond being a wikipedia alternative that has an 80% chance of lying or making shit up.
It’s just not readily apparent why any of this is anything other than a novelty project.
“There was bacteria on the colon tissue, which then rotted him out from the inside out, and all the antibiotics in the world could not stop it. This will be looked back on as Mengele-tier shit if we ever get rid of Cabal and the public debate becomes genuine. Nobody will believe a doctor cut off a kid’s genitals, carved out their insides, hacked off apiece of colon and stuck it in there, bacteria and all, and it was basically an experiment to see what would happen. And then the kid dies, and the whole establishment shrugs.”
Perfectly summarized! Demonic insanity in the name of equality.
Lab grown meat, why not lab grown vaginas?
“We need to enrich our culture with more of this kind of diversity.”
Unironically might be cool to see Haitian immigrants get a chance to do the same to the Clintons, perhaps as a punishment legally authorized by a tribunal, after a post-revelations ruling that a flaming tire necklace is neither cruel nor unusual in the case of such unthinkably-evil monsters.
“it is difficult to get a man to understand something…”
The above is why God is bringing economic collapse to the world. The only country that everyone agrees isn’t having an economic collapse is Russia.
Wow, AC, this is the biggest news day in years, with Col. MacGregor’s announcement as the story of the decade (at least)! You have outdone yourself! Let’s hope the word gets around.
“…because it means the single best chance for the…”
…Perverts is to be locked up at GitMo. Trump enlarged GitMo. Anywhere else (including Alkatraz) could be overun by mobs. I’ve read that the most sensitive parts of Area 51 were moved to an island off the shore of California because agencies were afraid large mobs would overrun Groom Lake.
AC writes: It will be fully closed to the public. They are calling it the summit on American Democracy. The word Democracy seems to be some kind of inside joke to them.
No. Democracy IS Communism, …is Marxism! I posted this a long time ago, time to repost:
“Democracy is the road to socialism.” Karl Marx
“Democracy is indispensable to socialism.” Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
“Modern Socialism is inseperable from political democracy.” Spargo, John (1912) Elements of Socialism. pg 337.
“The view that democracy and Socialism are inwardly related spread far and wide in the decades which preceded the Bolshevist revolution. Many came to believe that democracy and Socialism meant the same thing, and that democracy without Socialism or Socialism without democracy would not be possible.” Mises, Ludwig von (1981) Socialism. Liberty Classics: Indianapolis, IN. pg 67.
“The Western democracy of today is the forerunner of Marxism which without it would not be thinkable.” Adolf Hitler as a young man watching the Social Democracy marches in Vienna. (Mein Kampf. Manheim translation: Mariner paperback. pg 78.)
“For Bernstein democracy was both means and ends of the struggle to achieve socialism, the belief in a future new dawn when the dust of the apocalypse had cleared a utopian chimera.” Weisberger, Adam M. (1997) The Jewish Ethic and the Spirit of Socialism. Peter Lang: New York. pg 146
“But the tents of Shem are communism, internationalism, democracy, the equality of the races, nations and peoples, the universal brotherhood of man, the emancipation of the working class, and the human society.” Wanton, Harry (1939) A Program for the Jews; An Answer to all Anti-Semites; A Program for Humanity. Committee for the Preservation of the Jews. Astoria Press: NY. pg 74.
Democracy is the personification of gnosticism! It is a vehicle for destruction. It is the manifestation of Tikkun Olam, getting rid of hierarchy, races, classes, genders, religion, etc. They are serious. Democracy is a particular platform for the doing away of particularities. It is PART OF THEIR PROGRAM! Their ideology–it is a fundamental need. Your conception is not their conception–what matters is their conception. It is this “Future New Dawn”—therefor it is religious! Democracy is a religious requirement. Democracy is the face of Gnosticism.
If you wish so it’s easy to explain it by a politician and its part of the darkest side of the emotional populace anons!
T. Author of the Dark side of the libertarians / liberals and How to “choose a president” (rob an election)
If anyone reading this wants an answer, can send a whatsapp at +5491122632827 or an email at
> “Democracy is indispensable to socialism.” Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
Absolutely! And the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was *way* more democratic than our Federal Republic is. Democratic representation made the proletariate feel like they had some say in matters.
The Party – the CPUSSR – controlled the elections and did as they pleased regardless of what the citizenry wanted. Everyone knew the formal Soviet government was just a sock puppet for the Party. Here, we know the formal US government and both Parties are sock puppets, but we don’t know who pulls their strings.
Marxism is Fabian Socialism which is the feudalism of British Monarchy.
On the Tucker firing. It is the consolidation of the media into the Left. Eric Metaxis had Dick Morris on, and it is great inside on the great overarching intent of the Tucker firing:
(57) Why Fox News Fired Tucker Carlson & Rupert Murdoch’s Agenda | Dick Morris | Eric Metaxas On TBN – YouTube
And then ISteve over at the Unz, posted an article that exposes a lot–and I mean A LOT. Like in March, Tucker was in California with Murdoch and his soon-to-be-new wife and that the fiancé pulled out a Bible and started to read a passage out of Exodus–and that infuriated Murdoch–he ended the relationship and then began the process of getting rid of Tucker. That ex-fiance was supportive of Tucker.
Another Tucker theory: Rupert fired him as vengeance on Murdoch’s ex-fiance, by Steve Sailer – The Unz Review
This firing is a signature event.
Reposting this comment by “The Phantom” from Sarah Hoyt’s blog. Its not related to any of the links here, its that I’m almost done reading the comments on that thread and want to close the tab. The comment was posted at 9:26 PM (not sure what time zone) on April 24th.
The thread itself is at Its a discussion of cities, and Sarah Hoyt’s original post and many of the comments are informed and interesting. But I want to highlight this comment, since it points to the existence of a secret economy, underlying and affecting the businessmen selling goods and services people want economy that we are told is the only one existing:
“I speculate, because SO MANY PLACES are doing it in North America (but not all places) that it is a business model. As Sarah said above, some form of real estate crash/burn/rebuild type of scam. They have some way of going short on the crash cycle and long on the rebuild cycle.
“I do know that the reason Rudy Giuliani’s broken windows policy was thrown out the day he was no longer mayor was Big Real Estate.
“It turns out that having grungy neighborhoods become drug sale havens was great business for guys who owned run-down old buildings. All the drugs were sold out of street-level storefronts pretending to be convenience stores, cafes, what have you. Some fat guy sitting on a chair in front of a fridge with pop in it, couple bags of chips, that’s a “store”. For which the landlord charges $10,000+ a square foot like it was in Times Square. Drug dealers can pay that rent. An actual business can’t, as all the REITs and landlords found out very fast when Giuliani locked up all the drug dealers.
“That’s why crime is back up in NYC, and why Republicans never win there. Landlords, not illegal immigrants.
“That’s why Chicago has free-fire zones. Same reason.
“So if you want to FIX that, first you have to know why they’re doing it. You have to find the profit.
“Currently I don’t know how anyone profits from filling the City of Toronto with drug addicts and homeless immigrants. But SOMEONE is, and if we find them, that’ll be a big step to f-ing over their little scam.
“Same thing with industry. Somebody makes money when a company leaves Canada and sets up offshore. The company does for sure, but to the point, somebody makes money by forcing them to leave. Otherwise, why do it?
“Who makes money when Sherwood Sports Equipment gives up and sends their whole hockey stick manufacturing facility to Hunan China, where the ponds never freeze? The Chinese do. Connection? Could be, given the news in Canada lately is filled with China!China!China!!! all day long. They might have bought our whole f-ing government for all I know. It wouldn’t shock me, that’s for sure.”
Part of the gentrification cycle is allowing drugs and crime to lower property values.
This take on the story of rampant crime in big cities is definitely part of the picture, a big part.
The other reason, and one that seems completely nonsensical to rational people, is that the majority of the crime in most major cities in North America is committed by black males, and white liberals, while being subconsciously aware of that, can’t deal with it, or the implications, so we get a spiral of soft on crime approaches until crime becomes ubiquitous, then large sections of the productive tax base leave, and either you get an incredible backlash, which is what happened in NYC in the 90’s with Giuliani, or you get total, permanent, destruction, like Detroit.
Quote by John Milton giving Lucifer a motive: “Better to reign in Hell, than to serve in Heaven.”
Trudeau: Cabal is afraid of leaders. Cabal installs idiot tyrants.
Cabal goes through the motions: “… a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich. Then why do we have indictments? The answer is that the United States Constitution requires indictment by a grand jury in all federal criminal cases.”
Biden: Cabal could elect a potato with the most votes so far.
The ‘Breakaway Civilization’ of the John Wick movies, with its criminal parasitic economy.
Who makes money? ✡️
>Walmart has been videoing gun sales in its stores.
Wal-Mart videos *everything*, including the parking lots, and have since the 1990s. It all goes to their giant data center in southern Missouri. They also run facial recognition and license plate scanners. If you walk into your store, they know who you are, what aisles you went down, what you looked at, and what you bought, even if you pay cash.
That said, the store is an FFL, subject to arbitrary audits by the ATF, and not all the gun counter employees are particularly ept. Recording sales on video is due diligence; it could save their corporate ass if the ATF got a wild hair.
Not only that, I haven’t seen a home&pop gun store without cameras since the 20th century. Wal-Mart is borderline evil, but there’s nothing particularly notable about what they’re doing.
Hillary Clinton was on the Board of Wal-Mart.
I thought she still was. I wonder what her relationship with Tyson is nowadays, for that matter.
I never met Sam Walton, but I know several people who knew him casually. They all thought he was a stand-up guy. I know a few other people – not the same ones – who have had dealings with his children, who are running the business now. Their impressions aren’t fit for relaying to a polite blog like this one. Let me just say they were unfavorable.
A trannie makes threats if he can’t use the woman’s toilet? Has this moron ever been to an event where there is barely enough restrooms to begin with? The line into the womans head is a mile long. If he really had to go he’d head to the men’s where a urinal is provided. I’ve seen women in a hurry enter the men’s and grab a stall. And what is this so called man/b*tch going to do if a group of women stomp his butt after he swings his meat in front of them? Heaven help him if he offends a couple of old timey bull dykes. They would gladly make a mess of him.
Funny, but true. Reminds me of back in the day when I went to a lesbian bar night with some lesbian friends in SF. This was the 90s, so I was not threatened for being cis-male. Since it was 90% women, both bathrooms were in use, and both had long lines. After waiting a minute or so, I walked past them to the unused urinal trough and drained myself in front of a dozen or so women. I did not check their expressions, but remained focused on the task at hand.
Doubt I could get away with that today.
BTW: one of my graveyard-shift bosses was a butch dyke who was totally cool unless she was PMS-ing, which she always warned us about. Those nights she would drink discreetly and stay back, She gave me excellent advice about women. She had been a bouncer back in the day and said she had been with hundreds of women. Her lipstick g-f was hot.
“… cis-male…”
Please don’t use this term. It’s a made up derogatory term for heterosexuals. It is hate speech. If we had a real government, they would prosecute people for hate speech for using this derogatory made up cuss word for normal people.
I should have put “quotes” around it, as I was being facetious.
And while I’m at it, if all children are Americas children, as Biden says, then we all have a legitimate right and responsibility of bringing child molestation charges against him for America’s child abuse at his own hands for the abuse of his daughter, grand daughter .
> Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy said in an interview that former Fox News host Tucker Carlson would make an “good addition” to the 2024 presidential race.
FYI, Lenin and Stalin were newspapermen, as were Roosevelt and Churchill, and Hitler was a newpaper publisher.
The Media and the State have always been butt-buddies.
Mussolini was also a newspaper journalist.
Yes, good catch. And he was an editor and publisher as well.
So was Karl Marx.
Because ….democracy.
Not so with monarchies and true republics. But alas—americanists will never learn.
Don’t be ridiculous.
Don’t ask more of a man than he is capable of.
> Good piece of scholarship on the history of gun bans at the time of the Second Amendment shows there were none, and cannons were allowed.
And armed warship was the most powerful weapon in human history, all the way up to 1945. In 1776 the revolutionary government leased privately-owned vessels to make up their navy. And in 1789 privately-owned warships far outnumbered those of the Navy.
> Kim Foxx won’t seek reelection as Cook County State’s Attorney.
She’s probably being positioned for the Governor’s office or the Vice President slot. The Dems need more than one backup if the Stacey Abrams thing belly-flops.
Must say more about Douglas MacGregor’s comments. When he says that US involvement in WWII was a mistake, he is also announcing that the Holocaust is a fraud, isn’t he? But he is the senior Pentagon advisor? DJT undoubtedly knows and agrees. Remember his very first meeting with AIPAC, when he did not say one word about the holy hoax. That impressed the hell out of many Americans.
MacGregor is part of the dissident Quaker Faction that gave us Smedley Butler and Nixon.
He’d need to be part of some faction, right? Is this Quaker Faction the group behind Trump, and (if it really exists) what is about to happen come June and July?
Everything I’ve read about Smedley Butler, the author had already decided he was a failed hero or a failed dirtbag, and expended all their efforts to presenting that view. And despite all the foofraw, there seems to be remarkably little information about the supposed ‘plot’ he was supposedly associated with.
It would be interesting and probably informative to know exactly what happened, but so many people have had a vested interest in shaping that particular narrative it would be a major task to get a good view. None of the newspaper accounts from the day are trustworthy, and there’s not a whole lot else.
I am sure it’s about much more than the Holocaust. You must understand that Nazi Germany wasn’t created by the Jews, but by others in Western Europe and the US who’ve always had it out for both the Germans and the Slavs.
That may be, but for him to make a statement that even implies that the fake Holocaust doesn’t matter, given the intense level of Jewish hate that you’d think would be directed towards him — that’s incredible.
Consider that a school official was fired for not taking the offensive against parents who didn’t think Holocaust education was important…consider that my phone here keeps automatically capitalizing the word Holocaust?
Hitler was a Catholic.
if it is “bad” then jews are somehow involved. jewish nazis got away, also.
It’s always more than one group.
But don’t even try to pretend Jews were not involved if you want to be taken seriously.
Turkey’s Erdogan cancels campaign travel after health scare
Despite earlier claims that the president’s televised health scare was “a mild inconvenience,” Recep Tayyip Erdogan has taken the day off from active campaigning and will attend a high-profile ceremony at Turkey’s new power plant through a video link on Thursday.
More at:
Is he going to hop on his bicycle and haul his butt to a school shootenouing site; or, is he now old enough to ride a moped?
David Hogg is a biological female.
Erdogan’s video connection to the nuclear fuel delivery ceremony at the Akkuyu nuclear power plant has been postponed to 16:00 Moscow time, the office of the Turkish President reported.
It was previously scheduled for 13:30 Moscow time(11:30 CET time)