Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
No DFT today.

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Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito suggested Thursday during oral arguments regarding presidential immunity that criminalizing individuals just because they question government-run elections would destabilize true democracy.
Clarence Thomas asks why previous presidents haven’t been prosecuted for orchestrating coups and carrying out attacks against civilians under Operation Mongoose.
Kavanaugh asked DOJ Lawyer if Barack Obama should be prosecuted over his use of drone strikes against civilians.
Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) argued Thursday before the Supreme Court that droning American citizens is permissible because Obama’s DOJ said so, whereas questioning election results isn’t OK because the government also says so.
Thursday’s argument in Trump v. United States was a disaster for Special Counsel Jack Smith, and for anyone who believes that the president of the United States should be subject to prosecution.
Conservative Chief Justice John Roberts signaled concern about relying merely on the “good faith” of the prosecutors to prevent abusive prosecutions against presidents if the Supreme Court rejects presidential immunity.
Judge Aileen Cannon on unsealed more records related to Jack Smith’s classified documents case against Trump including newly unsealed documents alleging Jack Smith’s prosecutor Jay Bratt threatened Stanley Woodward, an attorney for Trump’s valet driver Walt Nauta, trying to bribe him and threaten him with a sinking judicial nomination if he didn’t get Walt Nauta to testify against Trump.
Court document release indicates Jack Smith and FBI were after Obama and North Korea-related documents in Mar-a-Lago raid.
Trump LOSES his bid for a new trial or a judgment overturning the more than $80 million verdict for E. Jean Carroll in the second trial.
Kevin McCarthy protégé under investigation for sexually assaulting daughter.
Secret Service agent assigned to Kamala Harris threw menstrual pads at other agents before getting into brawl at Joint Base Andrews. Clearly insane behavior. The question is, was it encephalitis, was it Havava Syndrome, could she have had a coffee spiked by a hostile actor, or did Secret Service hire someone who was genuinely mentally ill. You would think the last was actually least likely. And yet:
Secret Service officer who fought colleagues while assigned to Kamala Harris once sued Dallas for $1M claiming gender bias.
Lawless Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs vetoes bill to require proof of residency for voting.
DOJ refuses to comply with congressional subpoena for audio of Biden’s interview with former Special Counsel Robert Hur.
Ukraine-Israel aid bill includes ‘$3.5 billion to supercharge mass migration from the Middle East.’
Part of the $9 billion in relief being sent to the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip, claims a former Congressman who sat for years on the Foreign Affairs committee, is secret funding for massive Palestinian resettlement in America and Canada.
Nearly half of Latinos support mass deportations of illegal aliens – more than Blacks.
The office of Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-La.) acknowledged that it is increasingly unlikely that the U.S. Senate will pass a major bill on border security between now and the election at the end of the year.
Thieves snatch Rep. Adam Schiff’s luggage in S.F. He gives dinner speech without a suit.
TikTok Owner says they would rather shut down the controversial app than sell it.
Bill requiring liability insurance for gun owners advances to the full State Senate in Colorado.
Pfizer ‘Chose not to’ tell regulators about SV40 sequence in COVID shots: Health Canada official.
The CDC just announced that the birth rate in America fell to just 1.62 births per woman, the lowest ever seen.
Report says 13 banks helped feds spy on Trump supporters.
Old West train robberies back in vogue – San Bernadino county busts criminal gang which stole cars, they used the stolen cars to stop freight trains, board them, and load the cargo into the cars.
Biden proposes the biggest capital gains tax in 100 YEARS as he continues his raid on the rich with huge hikes The 44.6 percent rate is stunning those who say it will disincentivize investment.
NASA administrator has ‘no idea’ why China is going to far side of moon that is ‘always in dark.’ This guy can walk through all sorts of doors you will never be allowed through.
Harvey Weinstein’s rape conviction overturned in New York; DA will attempt to retry.
White principal accused of racism based on fake AI audio of his voice saying racist things.
A Maryland high school teacher was arrested after he allegedly used artificial intelligence to create phony audio, planting racist and antisemitic words into the voice of his boss, officials said Thursday.
Democrats introduce the STAGE Act, a $1 billion per year ‘cash infusion’ so ‘artists can find out who they are and become themselves.’
Hertz increases the number of electric cars it wants to get rid off to 30,000 from 20,000.
US military starts building pier off of Gaza to deliver aid.
Not only Columbia University: the riots against Israel are expanding.
Israel fears the International Criminal Court is preparing an arrest warrant for Netanyahu over Israel’s war in Gaza.
Opinion polls are projecting that EU voters will shift towards right-wing nationalist politics in the European Parliament elections in early June.
Orban says, Liberal world order must be destroyed — The values system dominating the West has “brought chaos,” the Hungarian prime minister believes.
Ukraine pulls US-provided Abrams tanks from the front lines over Russian drone threats.
Russia is expected to grow faster than all advanced economies this year.
Future of the world will be decided in Ukraine, according to, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko.
Donald Trump plans historic rallies in Bronx, Madison Square Garden: ‘Good chance of winning’ New York.
FOX News analyst from Chicago says fed-up city residents are serious about voting for Trump in November.
Trump wipes away Biden’s momentum in key swing states: Poll.
Spread r/K Theory, because we don’t want to be post WWII Germany
The date says 25 again when it should say 26.
Thank you!
Trump LOSES his bid for a new trial or a judgment overturning the more than $80 million verdict for E. Jean Carroll in the second trial.
Let me impersonate Phelps for a moment:
This was the judge who ran the trial, there was no way he was going to grant a new trial.
But the motion had to be made so it can be appealed.
100% correct. Our comments passed each other in moderation.
Two comments just disappeared.
EDIT: and they are back once I post again and refresh, it seems to work fairly reliably.
Australian Free Speech is under attack, pray for us!
You forgot to change the date in the headline.
Thank you!
Date is wrong, should be 26th
‘The CDC just announced that the birth rate in America fell to just 1.62 births per woman, the lowest ever seen.’
Comes as no surprise to any of us. The world is teetering on the brink of WWIII, and a good percentage of Western women are, quite frankly, assholes.
I think it’s vaccine poisoning. Once the pharma industry collapses, and it will once the Deep State can’t maintain it for whatever reason, birth rates will bounce back and then historians will blame it on optimism or somesuch nonsense.
It’s so bad, with childhood shots, that we will be seen as even dumber as Romans drinking lead. Injecting babies with aluminum? Those year 2000 Americans were so silly.
Don’t forget the injections.
Report says 13 banks helped feds spy on Trump supporters.
Well… just ask Joseph Nacchio, former Qwest CEO, what happens when you don’t give the feds what they want.
He didn’t cooperate prior to 9/11:
> Thieves snatch Rep. Adam Schiff’s luggage in S.F. He gives dinner speech without a suit.
Was Sam Brinton around? They probably share underwear.
“Kevin McCarthy protégé under investigation for sexually assaulting daughter. ”
I clicked on this and the article contains more information, that sort of is what we all expected.
Its the county executive of Kern County. Kern County is where Bakersfield is and McCarthy’s congressional district consists of Kern County outside of some neighborhoods in Bakersfield. So that is the McCarthy connection, though this would be the case with any elected politician in that county.
The information comes from the county sheriff. This man was arrested because he was stabbed by his children, and the police responded. The children probably said they were defending themselves against sexual assault.
> Old West train robberies back in vogue
The linked article had very little information, but right at the top was a very interesting thing: supposedly the San Bernardino County sheriff’s department was making the arrests.
That’s interesting because SBCSD doesn’t have jurisdiction over the railroads. All railroads and their easements are the jurisdiction of the Federal Railroad Administration, which has police powers over American railroads. UP, BNSF, Amtrak, and others have their own police, operating under FRA authority.
Even assuming the DA doesn’t know any better and charges them, even the dumbest public defender should have them back on the street quickly.
Or they could be cooperating with SBCSD.
They criminals will be released only if they are of the correct race and political party.
“NASA administrator has ‘no idea’ why China is going to far side of moon that is ‘always in dark.’ ”
AC comment: This guy can walk through all sorts of doors you will never be allowed through.
Its worse than this. Google “Bill Nelson NASA administrator”.
He is a former US Senator and Congressman, and a former astronaut himself. He was on the space shuttle but it was never claimed he went to the Moon. He is also 81 years old.
Now consider this. All the Apollo landing sites are on the side of the Moon that always faces Earth. Supposedly the astronauts that stayed in the space craft saw the other side as it orbited the Moon, but no landings on that side of the Moon were attempted. Why not? It faces away from Earth, but still gets sunlight, and you would think you would want to explore the part that can’t be seen with a telescope from Earth.
So are they just hiring actors to pretend to be astronauts?
It is like Biden advising people that if they hear someone on their porch, just fire their shotgun through the front door, and you won’t have any problems, when he is supposedly a lawyer.
These things are not adding up. I think there is a reasonable possibility the conspiracy is just hiring people, surveillance people, who grew up as theater kids, to play roles.
I wish the world could make sense. This is all very irritating.
“We call it riding the gravy train”
>So are they just hiring actors to pretend to be astronauts?
No one has ever been to the moon, so yes. Plenty of evidence of the space station being a CGI festival with fake actors. The astronaut interviews, allegedly the top 0.0001% of 0.0001% smartest pilots, etc. all sound like mentally challenged people. Its a total farce.
Smartest pilots is an oxymoron. They aren’t picked for brains, but for piloting skills, and NASA, for passing physical tests and following orders.
” no landings on that side of the Moon were attempted. Why not? ” It was because the radio signals to and from Earth would have been blocked by the mass of the Moon. No TV to show the world . No way to get technical advice if something went awry.
Yes, with today’s radio relays it’s not an issue, setting up radio comms with the Dark Side of the Moon wouldn’t be hard at all.
> Harvey Weinstein’s rape conviction overturned in New York; DA will attempt to retry.
We already know the Constitution doesn’t apply in New York, but there’s a little bit about “double jeopardy” in there. Weinstein was tried in a criminal court; the best they could do is charge him again in a civil court, like they did with OJ Simpson. Which is also unconstitutional, but the courts aren’t worried about that, either.
There are other rape charges they can go after.
Twelve minutes with a former investment banker on War Room about the home buying scam:
He was involved with some sort of alternative real estate company that the National Association of Realtors got shut down. And yes, its a scam. It reminds me a lot of the diamond engagement ring scam.
Andrew Angelin defends Tucker Carlson, arguing that he isn’t a CIA shill, but is sort of stupid:
I’ll take that as confirmation Tucker is CIA.
But he may be a dissident faction.
I found Tucker’s discussion of the wrongness of lying under any circumstances, combined with his total rejection of email and television, to be an interesting problem:
He doesn’t use the Internet at all. He doesn’t watch TV. He doesn’t use email. So where is he getting his news and information from?
Andrew Angelin is not to be trusted further you can throw him. Russia, Russia, Russia et al.
If you hear something about a “Jordan Report”, the House Judiciary Committee just released a 300 page report focusing on the New York County (Manhattan) DA’s office.
It got released yesterday, so obviously I haven’t had time to read it.
Searching for this, I found something else, also newly released, about messing with dissidents’ bank accounts, that could lead to something more interesting.
100% fake news. Trump never EXPECTED to win this motion. This is a procedural motion he has to file to preserve his appeal. Judges almost ALWAYS deny these motions.
I’m glad you’re on top of this. I would have never known the real story.
The real point isn’t that the legal news is reported this way — it’s that ALL news is reported this way.
Michael Crichton termed it Gellman Amnesia (after Murray Gellman, a friend of his), that you could read a news story and KNOWING the facts, see how wrong and incorrect it was, and then turning the page to the next story, you’d trust they got it right, since you didn’t know anything contrary.
I first hand witnessed that every news story I was involved in was misreported most of the time (the sole exception was a reporter friend where I knew he was on my side, and wed talked about it). It wasn’t even sometimes, it was the norm.
Trust NO Mainstream reporting, and most non mainstream is confused often and factually lacking often.k. If they tell you the sky is blue, don’t bet that it is…
There are no women who want to be USSS and can qualify who are not crazy. The administration demands women in the USSS, and Kamala likely demanded women on her USSS detail, so she gets crazy. There’s no other options for the demands.
Reporting from the Soviet State of Michocaun (formerly known as Michigan).
In Ottawa County: Some time ago, when things were normal, the county board denied a LGBTQ Protestant minister from giving the invocation. The County was sued by the Gay pastor. The Gay Pastor won.
Soooooo…..the consequences??? Satanist gives invocation ending with “Hail Satan”.
In the Commie-pinko-fag city of Battle Creek–the invocation is silent prayer. When I first arrived in Battle Creek 24 years ago, a Prot minister always gave the invocation. Now, when the gay crap came to head–well, we are flying gay pride flags at city hall, the city allowed them to paint a sidewalk between two churches in LGBTQ colors and we have since moved to silent prayer.
Christendom was a theocracy which we need to return to. Because Protestantism creates so much diversity, tolerance becomes necessary–and then, incrementalism, now Satanists give the invocation or invocations disappear all-together. There is no -ifs-ands-or-buts, we must all return to a theocracy, Christendom.
Another flea on the tail of the dog instigating the wagging.
Look at each such story as a bizarre heckler’s veto over society. That some fringe group that has minimal support among the populace could succeed means that there are hidden resources and malefactors. Eventually, those will be found out, but not before turning off many people. In that way, the malefactors will have succeeded, at least partially, for a while.
The backlash will be intense once enough get damn good and tired of the bullshit.
Can’t let someone not controlled by the CCP see the source code.
That might make sense.
“Not only Columbia University: the riots against Israel are expanding.”
Miles Mathis, as you would expect, on how these protests are fake, and gay:
I’ve seen one of these in person. He is right about this. I wonder when the pallets of bricks will show up.
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
The protests, like the Occupy ones in 2011, after the first week, are all controlled by the leftists activists who are paid to so. It’s NOT organic. Occupy was for the first week or so, an organic populist movement of left and right folks… I was there. Tim Pool was there, and all of the perceptions align: the left took it over, shut down any dissent and steered it to meaninglessness.
All of these groups are controlled by a handful of “leaders” who are paid by NGOs (and I’m not making this up. I was literally told this by some of them), and a large pile of “sheep”
“Discover the revolutionary world of #Meshtastic, the new tech sensation that’s changing the way we communicate off the grid. Move over, Flipper Zero, and welcome to a decentralized communication network that’s open-source, free from big brother’s watchful eye, and powered by tiny, affordable, and low-powered ESP32 microcontrollers”
FYI, The Meshtastic code allows you to adjust levels of precision from accurate to general to none, so this is not going to expose your location unless you want that, and only to your desired level
Meshtastic complete units are sold on Amazon/elsewhere for as cheap as $25, with nicer self-contained units going for $75, and solar powered “base/relay stations” going for $100-$200. Multiple vendors, multiple hardware options, open source… Good knowledgeable source to buy from:
Range varies greatly based on antenna and location… Urban might only be a few miles, rural records (point to point) are 100 miles+
Mesh network, so more nodes the better… And vice versa, this isn’t useful except for local communication.
Obligatory meme …
You have a Flipper Zero so you can talk to people with some unicorn mesh bullshit.
I have a Flipper Zero for going Goatse on Canbus devices.
FYI, Meshtastic has zero to do with flipper zero.
This is very cool.
It’s all fake. The money laundering is apparent, and the book sales for the famous people are all fake if you think about it and ask yourself if anyone really buys the books they claim are the big sellers. Who is buying them and why don’t you see those books discussed or read in public or even sold used….
And who is the successful author who everyone buys their books and reads them, so they have to pay them hundreds of millions, so much they cannot even include them in the data, they are so massively successful? Michelle Obama. Does anyone know anyone who has read even one of her books?
I am beginning to think being an outlaw might be the only honest living out there. At least the old west train robbers could say, here is the work I did, here are the risks I took, and here is how it made me money, and you could follow the logic.
When I sally forth to seek my prey
I help myself in a royal way.
I sink a few more ships, it’s true,
Than a well-bred monarch ought to do;
But many a king on a first-class throne,
If he wants to call his crown his own,
Must manage somehow to get through
More dirty work than ever I do,
For I am a Pirate King!
And it is, it is a glorious thing
To be a Pirate King!
I buy books. Just not the ones that I’m supposed to think are awesome because some famous twit got paid millions of dollars to hire someone else to pretend to be them and write a book.
I’m not a very successful author at this point, but at least I wrote my own stuff.
Lawless Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs vetoes bill to require proof of residency for voting
And to think. If the House Republicans had the balls of a sand flea, they could pass a resolution that no one in the US could vote for a Representative unless they were citizens. In fact, they could make it where no one who was not a natural-born citizen could vote for House Representatives.
The Constitution provides that…
“…Article I, Section 5, which provides “Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members …”
One of the reasons I have not last all hope is the hurdle to reforming the whole entire system is so small. A majority vote in the House would start the whole ball rolling. Look at the trouble they have when a handful of Representatives cause trouble. They have lost but some they won and in the ones they lost they cast a huge shadow on those who buckled to the dark State. Some of these people are going to be booted out in districts where they can’t steal all the votes and likely, very likely, be replaced with people of a much less pliable misdemeanor. With a minority, but a stronger one than we have now, of determined, take no prisoners Republicans in the House, it could cause no end of grief and set the stage to overturn all of the deep States plans.
“Trump LOSES his bid for a new trial or a judgment overturning the more than $80 million verdict for E. Jean Carroll in the second trial.”
Judge ((Kaplan))
This is a direct attack on the NFA34, and the 5th Circuit is actually TAKING IT.
BREAKING!!! Supreme Court Decision Changes Second Amendment Suppressor Landscape Forever!
Off topic, there was a recent comment about Gregorian chant, and its origins as a treatment for traumatized crusaders.
If anon sees this and is willing to fill in, I would be grateful.
I will do my own research in the meantime, but any momentum is most appreciated.
In the book “The brain that heals itself” it has a chapter about acoustics and how they can help the brain. It turned out that cathedrals were perfect to amplify the sound for maximum skull penetration.
Regarding the headlines that say, “Blacks prefer Trump over Biden.” I have a black coworker that was recently at a family get together with about 200 all black relatives. My coworker said that only 2 out of the 200 are voting for Trump. Even explaining everything to people, he said they just couldn’t overcome the programming.
This slow rolling shit has done nothing to change people’s minds.
Black women aren’t voting Trump, too deep in the brainwashing. And Black Men are breaking for Trump in larger margins than the past…
It definitely depends on the location too. Blacks in strongly D districts aren’t going to break heavily enough to convert the district to R… Blacks in moderate districts might.
Childhood vaccine damage?
Many of the central tenets of progressivism are actually autistic traits
‘The world is overwhelming’ so it leads to a desire to control all inputs including weather, speech, and other people
ISRAELI National Security Minister Ben Gvir has been injured in a serious car crash.
Vietnam’s National Assembly Chair Vuong Dinh Hue resigned from his position and his roles in the Central Committee and Politburo over unspecified “violations and shortcomings” likely related to the corruption of his subordinates, The Straits Times reported on April 26….
Now that you’re done giving my right nut a scratch with that downvote, my left nut still has an itch …
And no, it’s not all of the whores and honeypot tarts, those of you in the peanut gallery, I just haven’t washed off after fucking the downvoter’s sister in the [REDACTED: NOPORN]
All that vitriol for a down vote? Sheesh.
So your solution is to go totally Satanic? I hope you have your asbestos underwear on.