News Briefs – 04/25/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Did the Globohomo’s Strikeforce just try to kill Roger Stone with a drone strike in the middle of Ft Lauderdale? Don’t ask me, I have no idea anymore. The official story is rumored to be it was a gas leak, but it does kind of look like a crater in there. And remember, Roger was driving in an SUV, and just as it hit an intersection, another car T-boned it at speed, disabled his vehicle, and then just took off, and nobody knows who that was – even though Roger is under the full package.

Remember the Infamous DoItQ.jpg photo which showed up on Trump’s twitter with that filename, despite the fact twitter filenames are supposed to be randomly generated sequences of letters and numbers? Dan Scavino just posted that photo to Instagram:

This is the first page of an excellent piece by a guy who knows what he is talking about, on his observations of how infiltrators sought to enter the Gamestop Short-squeeze, and disrupt the organization of it online. (Archive here.) Links to subsequent segments of the piece are at the bottom of the piece. This shit is everywhere in our world. You need to know it if you are trying to find truth in this sphere. These types of pieces will be read by readers very differently. If you have encountered it in real life, your amygdala will prioritize it highly, and make it feel much different as well. You will hang onto every word because you know how important the material is. Descriptions will spark fireworks of recognition, little stories will trigger waves of memories of similar experiences (because they are all very similar), and the whole piece will be quite intense and vitally important. If you haven’t seen it in real life, it will seem much more bland and not nearly as informative, even though once you see the real thing, you will realize in retrospect it is all there in the article, and dead on. If you have never seen it before, I can summarize the important parts as follows – operate with an assumption everyone is an infiltrator, because when you see the real thing, many of them are. (Infiltration agents, of which there are many, getting ordered in, is actually a more common behavioral drive than individuals standing up for principle sadly). Constantly scan for inconsistencies – information they shouldn’t have, unlikely occurrences, chance successes, things which sound strange, or don’t fit in their stories. Look for eagerness, effectiveness, affecting aspects. Have they entered your circle where most other people pass by? If someone triggers you – you think they just helped, or exposed the enemy, or are definitely on your side, or somehow advance what an agent would want to gain credibility – look closely and trust them even less than others. The one thing this guy misses is the coverage everybody involved will get and the size of the support operation. The coverage is only able to be spotted by behavior, forget about Time, Environment, Distance, and seeing the same faces. Your infiltrator does not get a small team assigned to support. He gets an allocation of whoever is available whenever they are available, from a massive support network which is made up of as much as 10% of the population. It sounds crazy, but that is the best assessment possible without actually getting the official records of it. If you are here, and you are not part of the conspiracy, and you oppose the rigging of our elections, and you felt relief when Hillary wasn’t elected President, you are going to get at least a little bit of this in your life. And if we don’t want any of that stuff, we would be well served to all get schooled up on it, because it is their biggest advantage and our biggest weakness.

New documents in the Seth Rich case raise the question, “who took Seth Rich’s personal laptop home with them after the murder?” Name was redacted.

Video reveals that Arizona election workers are running ultra-violet ballot testing on Maricopa ballots. This might mean the UV watermark claims a few months back are real, and we are about to find out only 65% of the ballots were official ballots. The other 35% were printed out in a basement in China and shipped over for the Democrats to fill out prior to election night, since you cannot produce millions of fake ballots in 12 hours. It is also possible they are just examining ink fluorescence, but either way, watermark or ink, it means they think some ballots were not printed officially, and were brought in from another source, and either are not watermarked, or they used the wrong ink.

Arizona audit has excellent security, with a camera on every single ballot as it is audited.

The media and Secretary of State are already trying to say the ballots are not secured properly, and thus any number they come up with may be compromised.

Video showing how nervous democrats are as they talk about the audit going on in Maricopa County.

The Republican-controlled Arizona State Senate failed to pass an election integrity bill that tightens the rules for who are mailed absentee ballots when State Sen. Kelly Townsend (R-16) surprised her colleagues by joining with all 14 Democrats who voted no. Just a chance temper tantrum.

Kansas GOP will try to override vetoes from the Democrat Governor on voting integrity bills, and firearms carry.

Work of former medical examiner to be reviewed after he testified for defense in the Derek Chauvin trial. These are messages from the conspiracy to anyone who might be intellectually honest and not bow down before it.

Chauvin sentencing date set as the Judge orders juror information be sealed indefinitely. Why seal it? They voted guilty to everything, so nobody in BLM is going to hunt them down.

The U.S. government is actually gearing up to acknowledge the “reality” of UFOs with the public, says the man who claims to have run the Pentagon’s UFO program for 9 years.

The “fit, healthy, and happy,” niece of Bee Gees singer Barry Gibb is found dead of a suspected heart attack days after receiving her second Pfizer vaccine. If you are going to get the vaccine, familiarize yourself with how your pulse feels, and how many beats per minute is normal, for a few days before getting it. If you feel any flutter, or the heartbeat speeds up, or gets faint, or misses beats, get it checked out fast.

California National Guard members say a fighter jet was put on standby for a “possible domestic mission” last year, raising concerns that the military could be used to disperse protesters in the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, according to a report.

Vice President Kamala Harris’s children’s book Superheroes are Everywhere is being included in welcome packs for unaccompanied migrant children entering America at the Mexico border. They are not getting those books for free. So some friend of the administration got millions of dollars to tend to migrants who arrived by giving them worthless bags of nothing, and in return, Kamala is getting royalties as a kickback. Nice bribery system.

Kamala Harris laughs when describing how 2 million “women people” lost jobs during the pandemic.

Biden to increase number of migrants released into US by 800 percent as border crisis worsens under his watch.

Biden stops fining illegal aliens who do not depart the U.S.

Pentagon says, more troops will be deployed to Afghanistan before the Sept. 11 pull out.

Biden nominates a radical leftist to lead Bureau of Land Management.

Gavin Newsom to phase out fracking in 2024, and end oil extraction in California by 2045.

Some Arizona Sheriffs refuse the governor’s offer of National Guard assistance to close the border. Cabal takes the positions it needs to run operations.

Broward sheriff’s deputies are being told not to enforce Florida’s new anti-rioting law unless absolutely necessary. Command there is completely compromised.

George W. Bush leads a secret push for amnesty and cheap labor.

John Cornyn says Senate should pass a stand-alone DACA amnesty for illegal aliens.

Jeff Flake says, “The Republican Party desperately needs people like Liz Cheney if we’re going to be a force in the future.” No Republican wanted these jerks, but let an election happen, and this is what we get.

GOP lawmaker asks FBI to reassess decision concluding 2017 baseball shooting of practicing House members was ‘suicide by cop.’

Black-owned businesses at George Floyd square beg for help amid spiking crime and nosediving revenue.

Pixar animation house releases casting call for ’14-year-old transgender female’ cartoon character.

Turkish crypto exchange boss goes missing, reportedly taking $2 billion of investors’ funds with him.

Facebook deletes 120,000-member group where people posted stories of alleged adverse vaccine reactions.

Yale epidemiologist says, more than half of new COVID patients have been vaccinated. Supposedly vaccination rate is about 40% nationally, and presumably higher where the virus is higher. If everybody was getting infected equally, 40% of new infectees should be vaccinated.

Eyebrows raised as ‘pregnant people’ green-lighted by the US government to get Covid vaccine shots.

Norway says the risk of dying from AstraZeneca is higher than of COVID-19.

Inflation is coming as companies plan this week to raise prices to offset rising commodity costs.

Japanese volcano blowing. No immediate danger, but volcanic activity can precede global cooling cycles.

A physicist says the upcoming Grand Solar Minimum could wipe out global warming for decades.

After Officer is fired for donating $25 for Kyle Rittenhouse, the donation site is now raising money for him.

Senate Republicans, including Ted Cruz, John Kennedy, and Bill Haggerty introduced a bill that would have barred “Federal funding for any institution of higher education that discriminates against Asian Americans in recruitment, applicant review, or admissions.”

Major League Baseball is now questioning fans about political affiliation in their new post-game survey about the ballpark experience. I’d bet somebody is looking for hard evidence to present to the higher-ups to argue against going woke.

Donald Trump tells Sean Hannity CNN broke law after technical director was caught on camera telling a ‘date’ that the network was focused on removing him from office.

Trump makes $10,000 donation to families of missing United Cajun Navy members. 

President Trump has demanded that either Arizona state police or the National Guard are sent out by Governor Ducey to protect the current forensic audit taking place in Maricopa.

Spread r/K Theory, because UV doesn’t lie.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“This might mean the UV watermark claims a few months back are real”

Yikes. We can only wonder how messy this gets

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

large yes. messy? no i think the results will be rather neat. and incontrovertible.

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Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

What a pity Trump didn’t take action, back when he supposedly had power to take action.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“GOP lawmaker asks FBI to reassess decision concluding 2017 baseball shooting of practicing House members was ‘suicide by cop.’”

They won’t. It’s a threat, the FBI is threatening the GOP.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Inflation is coming as companies plan this week to raise prices to offset rising commodity costs.”

You guys bought that gold and silver yet? Time’s running out.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Fuck that. I bought seeds and ammo. If I had the land I would get cows and chickens.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

Finishing up the reloading setups myself.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

Here’s an interesting way to distribute seeds with less labor and also provide for a guerilla garden. Seed balls.

I got this guys book “The One-Straw Revolution” and experimented a bit with it but never any large scale gardening. I just threw a hundred or so out. Some things I added to his recipe was urine, I saved it up, time released fertilizer and (my favorite) super hot chili powder. My thinking was the seed ball protects the seed from being eaten by birds but not necessarily other animals who break it open so I added urine and hot powder to ward them off.

If you garden this way you don’t need ploughs or any large equipment. You might get less yield but I bet yield per labor would be really high.

These things are hard as ricks and you can throw them on the ground and step on them to implant them in the ground.

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Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Don’t buy PMs. Buy brass, lead, fuel, concrete, seeds, equipment, land, chickens and goats and pigs – stuff you can use to feed yourself.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

Companies making announcements about their price increases through their industry groups, surveys and trade publications sounds suspiciously like collusion.

Inflation is like tax increases or tariffs: there is a limit to how how much you can pass costs onto consumers before they shift to alternative companies or even to alternative products. These announcements sound like they are coordinated, which should invite a swift anti-trust investigation.

Reply to  map
3 years ago

Outside the US beverage cans across producers went from 355 ml to 330 ml at about the same time.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Black-owned businesses at George Floyd square beg for help amid spiking crime and nosediving revenue.”

You’ve got to police your own, or go broke. Also when you don’t police members of your own identity group other identity groups will naturally begin to dislike your entire identity group.

Mountain Farmer
3 years ago

Anonymous Conservative, according to r/K theory r’s have lots of offspring and K’s have few. Why with people in the USA today are the r’s having few children and the K’s more children?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

already there

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

The r population will crash and burn when welfare goes away.
And it will go away one way or the other, their proliferation will collapse it if Ks do not put an end to it first.

Reply to  Raymond R
3 years ago


Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Raymond R
3 years ago

Here they are letting people who are burning down the cities go but let a White person forget to return “Sabrina the Teenage Witch” and it’s a felony. How can a something of that value be a felony? They’re not even prosecuting heroin dealers.

3 years ago

Catching up on news…from yesterday, regarding Lindell on Kimmel. ABC has a new president as of mid April, Kimberly Goodwin. Good wins? She was former executive at CBS, the network with bright spot Catherine Herridge. Reasonable to assume getting footholds in the media would be a top priority for patriots, lying in wait. Keep an eye on ABC, they have already been reporting a few things you would not expect.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

My assumption is that Lindell is being brought on to Kimmel to be ritually humiliated in front of millions because insiders are afraid his documentary might go viral at some point and wake up the normies.

Whatever good points Lindell tries to make will be edited out and they will position Kimmel as the hip but smart Hollywood insider making the dumb rube pillow executive look like a boob.

This script has been run a hundred times guys.

The only good that might come out of it is the tiny fraction of Kimmel viewers will try to do their own research on Lindell and his documentary.

Cabal is simply trying to get out ahead of any truth about the election getting exposed.

3 years ago

cruz, kennedy, and traitor haggerty are merely pandering. its another putative law that would have been corrupted. aren’t many muslims and all jews basically also Asian…

3 years ago

> the Judge orders juror information be sealed indefinitely. Why seal it? They voted guilty to everything, so nobody in BLM is going to hunt them down.
Maybe some of those jurors aren’t on the up-and-up. Crisis actors, in-place or moved in shortly after the event, ready to be “randomly” selected?

A little searching shows that anonymous juries are the hot new thing in the injustice system.

3 years ago

> George W. Bush leads a secret push for amnesty and cheap labor.

2000 was Bush vs. Gore, 2004 was Bush vs. Kerry.

It didn’t matter who “won”; the Uniparty was going to win either way.

3 years ago

> GOP lawmaker asks FBI to reassess decision concluding 2017 baseball shooting of practicing House members was ‘suicide by cop.’

It doesn’t matter either way. Everyone already knows the FBI is crooked. The shooting was performed to send a warning to the Republican legislators who weren’t on-board (or on-board enough) with the Narrative. Having the FBI rule it ‘suicide by cop’ was just to grind dirt into the faces of those who might not have gotten the hint.

3 years ago

> Black-owned businesses at George Floyd square beg for help amid spiking crime and nosediving revenue.
Sorry, those aren’t Black Lives that Matter. Buncha Oreos deserve what they get!

3 years ago

> Major League Baseball is now questioning fans about political affiliation in their new post-game survey about the ballpark experience.

Uh… yeah. It’s *possible* it’s legit, but anyone who has ever dealt with surveys is going to know it’s going to skew Left. Liberals are always going to take the opportunity to show how Woke they are. People with no particular convictions will often claim to follow what they think is the prevailing thing; which if they follow any broadcast or ‘social’ media is going to be hard Left. Some conservatives will be silent because they think the information might be used against them, and others will remain silent because it’s nobody’s damned business.

Further, while people who *play* baseball tend to be rural and conservative, people who *watch* baseball tend to be urban and leftist, at least according to my admittedly-undersize sample set.

10 quatloos says the MLB will find its fans are overwhelmingly pro-LGBT Biden voters and are fully in support of the MLB’s decision to leave Georgia.

Surveys are *hard*, unless you already know what results you want…

3 years ago

> Trump makes $10,000 donation to families of missing United Cajun Navy members. 

That link has been updated; now it says the donation was toward the search for the bodies of Cajun Navy sailors who went missing while assisting in the rescue of crew from a ship called Seacor Power, and that itself has not yet been verified.

That’s a pretty sizeable oopsie from the author.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“Video showing how nervous democrats are as they talk about the audit going on in Maricopa County.”

Uhhhh…why might it be dangerous, right wing, a bad thing, to count the votes? I mean if they won the votes are there…aren’t they??? Why is it a problem???


“The U.S. government is actually gearing up to acknowledge the “reality” of UFOs with the public, says the man who claims to have run the Pentagon’s UFO program for 9 years.”

Not saying this was done but…are there possibilities that people have been genetically engineered and brain washed to believe they are aliens and fly around in UFO’s.

This far fetched but I just don’t believe that aliens would go all across the galaxy and then crash in a corn field in New Mexico or allow themselves to be easily seen but…never become public. I mean if you allow yourself to be easily seen then why not just land on the White house lawn? Why not go on TV? IT MAKES NO SENSE TO BE PUBLICLY ZOOMING around yet pretend to be hiding. If there were real aliens their tech would be very high indeed. and they would have mastered nano tech that could build nuclear powered micro cameras. They could study us to their hearts content without anyone seeing a damn thing.

Why cut the organs out of cattle? With enough computing power and an advanced x-ray or other high frequency scanner you could get any data on cow organs you wanted down to the molecular level. Meaning what we are told doesn’t make sense. It does not add up. It’s not logical.

So getting back to genetically engineered humans. The first sheep was cloned in 1983. The first “publicly acknowledged” genetically engineered, transgenic, animal was in 1974.

Now if you were a psychopath you could continuously engineer humans and throw away the failures at a high rate and by now you would have a flock of gill humans or scale humans or whatever raised from birth to believe they are stranded aliens. So if you ever see scaled or other odd humans that claim they are aliens flying around in “inertia drive” (I covered this already) spacecraft then don’t automatically say they really are aliens. They could be engineered brain washed humans.

Especially if they tell you all your tech dreams will come true if “only” you create a world wide government so that the aliens can bring ever lasting peace and prosperity. If they say that then the blaring sirens, ringing bells and flashing lights of FAKE should immediately start in your head.

If the “aliens” say they were raised on Earth or the Moon it should also raise red flags.

Never forget Von Braun aid Dr. Carol Rosin said that Von Braun told her many times that fake aliens would land and this would be used to start a world government take over.

Von Braun,”…And remember Carol, the last card is the alien card. We’re going to have to build space based weapons against aliens,’ and all of it, he said, is a lie…”

Von Braun’s Legacy (with Dr. Carol Rosin)

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

I’m with Sam J. on this one.

This alien thing has become way too open and way too acknowledged for it to be true. I bet even that flying “tic tac” is something faked by military intel, as well as some “ball of light” that shut down the Aegis defense system on a Navy destroyer.

This kind of technology is a massive intelligence and military failure. Nothing can defeat it. If is is US tech, then America has permanently changed the balance of power on the planet. Why hide it? If it is non-US tech, then…it permanently changes the balance of power on the planet. Why hide it? If it is alien tech, then, again, the balance of power is changed forever. Why hide it if you’re going to expose yourselves in the first place.

Besides, what exactly is so rare in the universe that aliens would want anything here? Chlorophyll?

Now, humans genetically engineered to resemble aliens and brainwashed to think they are alien and stranded here? Yeah, I can see that.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

>Never forget Von Braun aid Dr. Carol Rosin said that Von Braun told her many times that fake aliens would land and this would be used to start a world government take over.

Yeah, the fake alien push is starting to ramp up, sad to see AC is pushing it here too, make of that what you will.

The tech will be utterly convincing when they go for the big reveal, and bring humanity together in peaceful enlightenment.

They won’t require any God, or any Jesus of course, humanity will be deemed ready to move on from such things.

Don’t be fooled, be wise as serpents.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“Gavin Newsom to phase out fracking in 2024, and end oil extraction in California by 2045.”

These guys must own a lot of oil and oil stocks and want the price to rise to make some quick cash. In 2018 there was, according to BP, $2.184 trillion worth of oil consumption.

As a fairly rough calculation if they could double the price of oil they could put at a minimum of $2 Trillion dollars in their pockets. Oil is an inelastic commodity meaning that a certain amount will be used no matter if the price is high or not.

This is why I’m super totally enthusiastic about electric cars. With electric cars you can source the power from coal, nuclear, solar,hydro or whatever NOT just the Oligarchs that control oil.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

But you will source the lithium from the oligarchs.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
3 years ago

There’s always carbon based batteries and the guy who invented the Lithium-ion battery has a new solid state battery that can work with glass, lithium or sodium or potassium, so that won’t be a problem unless they suppress it.

Sam J.
Sam J.
3 years ago

“Senate Republicans, including Ted Cruz, John Kennedy, and Bill Haggerty introduced a bill that would have barred “Federal funding for any institution of higher education that discriminates against Asian Americans in recruitment, applicant review, or admissions.””

Uhhh..what about White people???

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Incrementalism. It’s how the left took over, and it is a viable vehicle for us to take it back.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

RE: mRNA not-vaccine deaths

I think what I am about to say will not be popular, but as I see it what we are witnessing right now was the goal of Operation Warpspeed, and why Trump is still pushing the jab. I’ve heard lots of talk comparing our situation to both The Flood and to The Exodus, and quite frankly I think we need to come to terms with the fact that when Q said the END WON’T BE FOR EVERYBODY, it was meant literally because everybody isn’t going to survive to see it. Think about the Exodus, the generations raised in Egypt had to die off before the Hebrews could enter into the Promised land because they were hopelessly tainted/indoctrinated. They were dead weight. So for forty years they wandered until it was only those that had never known Egypt and would appreciate finally having a home and would be strong in God’s ways because they had never known the Egyptian ones.

Well instead of forty years to weed out the wheat and chaff, instead of having to compile death lists and exile/deportation lists to identify the dead weight to be tossed overboard, there is a self-selection process underway that will speed things up tremendously, and it’s going to have a lot less collateral damage from mistakes. No need to send the National Guard to round up lefties, they’ll be getting sick and dying because of their own choice. There will be no civil war despite historic divide, because the side that takes these shots will die from it.

The right wing is refusing the jabs, except for the Boomers and remaining Silents. The surplus people in the cities are taking it. The corporate people are going to take it to get their vaccine passports. The weak willed will take it to avoid being in the out group. MAGA will be left standing. MAGA will be the remnant. And it’s because MAGA is awakened. According to Dr. Tenpenny, it’s likely that the deaths from this shot won’t actually began for several months – haven’t seen anything yet, it will get MUCH worse – and not just directly from the shot but indirectly because it compromises the immune system. The board will be cleared. There will be a lot of surplus resources, housing, money, all of it, and it will go to the people who didn’t have their genetic code rewritten. There is no magic pinprick to reverse the Cabal pinprick, the people that take the Cabal pinprick are just going to die, and in rare cases they will take their children with them, such as with pregnant women getting the jab.

Guys, this is war. It had to be this way. You toss the dead weight overboard and the ship rises in the water.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Every leftie and NPC I know has taken the shot but if all of them die I will be very angry.

Some of them are family. Most of them are good people. They’re just naive and trust that the government is looking out for their best interests. Not sure why after what we’ve witnessed this past year but they do.

Still, if this happens we get the joyful task of rounding up the murderers and sending them off to see their master. They think they’re going to rule over the survivors and live like Gods? Jokes on them. We’d rather die first. It’ll be a war between us and them.

Just a note that it could be the other way around and the jokes on us.

Get 500 million sheep to take the needle and then release the real Captain Trips killing off all but the vaxxed. Then they could control the vaxxed by saying if they try and get revenge they won’t be allowed the regular top-up shots they’ll need to survive the virus.

I’d add that this scenario is the least likely imo. It’s far more likely the shot is the deadlier option. Most likely the vaxxed will be marked for whatever they release and the virus and its mutations will be harmless for everyone else.

Karl Denninger wrote about the tagging aspect of the vaccine and why in Bio-warfare it’s the Holy Grail. How to take out your enemies while leaving your own side healthy. Bio-marking the other side is the only way to achieve this without unduly risking your own.

Reply to  Corn Pop
3 years ago

The shots are also causing the vaccinated to shed something which affects those around them.

It’s like Cabal has this covered whichever way you look at it.

3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago

Lindell’s MyStore is starting up and looking for people to sell things there.
All of the authors here and anyone else with anything to sell should look into it.