News Briefs – 04/24/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

FBI finally releases highly redacted documents on the Seth Rich murder which they had claimed never existed.

Israel said probing link between Pfizer shot and heart problem in men under 30. It makes sense. The most basic DIY vaccine for research purposes is Freund’s Adjuvant – just whatever protein you want to immunize against mixed with a dead bacterial culture and some oil it is frothed in before ejection, to make it release into the system slowly. By being close to the bacteria, the protein is judged foreign, and the immune system attacks it too. If you told me you were going to have mRNA express a foreign protein on the surface of human cells, right next to the normal proteins on the surface of normal human cells, I would expect you would get cross reactivity to the other proteins on the surface of those cells. Here, they are injecting the vaccine into the deltoid, so the spike protein shows up on the surface of muscle cells in the deltoid, and then they are surprised the immune system begins attacking proteins on the surface of heart muscle cells? It is probably active against all muscle cells in the body, but the heart is critical, so they notice it’s results most in the form of adverse reactions there.

Infant’s death connected to breast milk of vaccinated mother. Possibly points to shedding of mRNA fragments into bodily fluids? Or are the antibodies the mother produces cross-reactive with something important in the infant’s body, like heart muscle cell surface proteins?

Detectives perplexed by mysterious Oregon cattle mutilations. There was an anon on 4Chan who would frequently post autopsy photos of humans who had been found mutilated like this, with precision wounds that were clearly not predation. He beleived it was alien scientists in UFOs. One interesting theory I had read was the government did this periodically, as part of some sort of test, releasing a cloud of radioactive isotope, and then tracking its spread and biological uptake in these animals across the country. They used farm animals because they didn’t want to create a big footprint with their own farms, lest Americans grow upset about radiological clouds floating over them and through their neighborhoods.

A Maricopa County judge ordered a pause after state Democrats filed a lawsuit to block the ballot audit, but the audit continues after Democrats balked at a $1 million bond requirement to pause it. I don’t know why they would balk, given this type of thing is “in for a penny, in for a pound.” Plus, if they are run by an intel operation, they would not balk, but would follow through, and the money would appear, unless this was just some sort of feint. But I fail to see how a feint to stop this audit would help anyone while it is ongoing.

An article citing how Nevada’s Secretary of State issued a statement defending the election, and all the ways she really piled on the bullshit to minimize the massive cases of confirmed fraud that had been identified. Mainly interesting in that she was clearly under orders to lie at all costs.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s office won’t reveal what it told the Justice Department about COVID-19 outbreaks in nursing homes, rejecting Freedom of Information requests from The Post and other media outlets.

New Jeffrey Epstein accuser emerges after Ghislaine Maxwell arraignment.

Flashback to 2014 – Obama’s high school pot dealer who he thanked for the ‘good times’ was beaten to death with a hammer by his gay lover.

Jimmy Kimmel books Mike Lindell in what’s sure to be a fiery interview.

Independent journalist Alison Marrow exposes the mysteries surrounding the ambush of New Mexico State Trooper Darian Jarrott. It looks like the officer was sent in to do a stop of this suspect by the Feds, but was not given information saying how dangerous he was, given he allowed him to maintain control of an AR-15 that was in the car, which the driver subsequently used to murder the officer. Clearly the Feds knew this was a bad dude, since they seemed to have uparmored SWAT medics on site, so his family is looking at suing to find the truth. That all sounds strange. Given we are in a covert civil war, and part of the war seems to be a war on cops, who know things the average citizen does not, it is ominous. Plus, we are told the suspect was supposedly shot dead shortly thereafter, so nobody will be looking for him or asking him any questions. Intelligence operations are like magic acts – nothing you think happened necessarily is what happened. If intel is operational in your nation, nothing you see may be the full truth.

Racist Biden interview resurfaces, where Biden says Blacks are dooming the United States. “…this country is doomed. It is doomed. Not just because of African Americans, but because by 2040, this country is going to be minority white European. You hear me? Minority white European. And you guys are going to have to start working more with Hispanics.” It is very typical for a true narcissist to not have any internal core of ideas, or solid belief system. The purer narcissist they are, the more they have looked around for some person who is respected, or some value system of those they wish to appeal to, and adopted it as if they really believe it. But they don’t really feel bound to it, and can change belief systems entirely on a moment’s notice whenever it becomes convenient.

Joe Biden’s climate summit for World Leaders attracts 200 YouTube viewers and by the time the summit got to John Kerry, the total dropped to 23 viewers.

Alternate juror on the Chauvin trial says she feared riots and the idea of people turning up at her home.

DOJ investigating Derek Chauvin over a 2017 arrest where he struck a black 14-year-old boy with his flashlight and knelt on him for nearly 17 minutes. “17 minutes?” 2017? I don’t think Chauvin is in the Secret Society, but in this screwed up simulation, it is always possible he is playing an acting role, and is off to better things somewhere else in the world as we speak, as Cabal uses his character’s visage as a punching bag to intimidate the rest of our kind and try to convince us it doesn’t matter if we are in the right, because we cannot possibly resist.

Derek Chauvin had at least 17 complaints against him. They don’t look up the actual number, but just use 17 as a lower limit.

Derek Chauvin was reported on by FOX17.

The girl who recorded the Floyd arrest was just 17.

News headline from the Chauvin trial notes it is day 17 of the trial.

A news article which highlights an arrest by Chauvin in 2017, and which notes he was a private security officer for 17 years. I don’t know what these mean, but it is interesting you will not turn out this many references on the number 16, or 15, or 18, or 9 in association with Chauvin. Why is the number 17 important? Are they signaling something? Is it important to their cult and they highlight it where they see it? And yet many should be hard facts, so if they are not in dispute, it would either have to be chance, or there was a script writer and everything is fake.

A well done screencap listing reasons why the Chauvin trial might be a psyop. I can’t vouch for it because I don’t have the time to fact check the assertions. But it is possible, given the weirdness of these times.


Fight breaks out at Daunte Wright’s funeral.  What kind of subhuman gets in a fight at a funeral?

“Queen” Pelosi demands Republicans go through new House metal detectors but walks straight by them herself in a new security video.

GOP House “leader” Liz Cheney boasts to reporters that she did not invite President Trump to the annual GOP meeting next week in Florida. It tells you we are not electing these people. Because if we were, she would at least be more diplomatic. Makes me wonder what happened to Cheney’s other daughter to turn her lesbian, and if it was part of a deal.

Senate Republicans and Democrats meet to discuss amnesty for illegal aliens.

Caitlyn Jenner announces plans to run for governor of California.

Sec­re­tary of State Antony Blinken has autho­rized U.S. diplo­mat­ic out­posts around the world to fly the Pride flag on the same flag­pole as the U.S. flag at their embassy or con­sulate show­cas­ing sup­port for LGBTQ rights.

Virginia is the latest state to legalize marijuana after Gov. Northam signs a new law.

Virginia moving to eliminate all accelerated math courses before 11th grade as part of equity-focused plan.

The accounts in India portray a wildly out of control Chinavirus outbreak that is savaging the population. It is possible a Chinavirus infection’s severity is dependent upon the dose of your exposure. If everybody around you has it bad, maybe you get hit with a ton of viral particles all at once from everyone, and the infection gets a head start over your immune system before it can begin to fight. But if everyone is masked, and the infection rate is lower so fewer people have it, and all you get infected with are a couple of viral particles from a single person, it takes time to build up the infection size inside you, and your immune system gets a critical few days to adapt to the infection and develop your defenses before your lungs get restricted by the virus and crash your immune system.

CDC panel recommends lifting the J&J vaccine pause.

FTC censoring Americans – charges and fines a St. Louis man for questioning vaccines, and promoting zinc and vitamin D. According to the article – “In 2020, the U.S. Congress quietly installed a new censorship clause in a coronavirus emergency response and relief package. In HR 133, Congress gave the FTC supreme authority to target, arrest and fine anyone who doesn’t follow the government’s narrative on lock downs, masks, quarantines and vaccines.”

Justice Dept. now expects to charge more than 500 in Capitol riot probe.

George W. Bush wrote-in Condoleezza Rice in the 2020 election. He is not that stupid.

MTA pulls security cameras from NYC subway train due to vendor’s ties to Chinese facial recognition company.

Anti-terrorism probe launched after French police officer (and mother of two) killed in a knife attack by a Tunisian migrant in her own Police station.

The headmaster of Grace Church School who was secretly recorded saying that ‘we’re demonizing white people for being born’ has issued an apology to staff, declaring he’d been ‘trapped’ by a disgruntled teacher and didn’t mean what he said.

Soda with artificial sweeteners raises the risk of liver cancer by 28 percent.

On Twitter, the US Army’s new enhanced night vision creates a high contract border around people and light differentials.

Rumble is experiencing massive growth as people ditch Big Tech.

Texas sues Biden for exempting border crossers from Chinavirus rules.

Poll shows Americans are not buying into the Democrats’ anti-gun panic rhetoric.

Gun sales hit an all-time high amid a flurry of mass shootings.

Brand new survey data suggests that corporations that cave to the left alienate more consumers than they attract – by a big margin.

Oklahoma passes law protecting drivers who unintentionally kill or injure rioters while fleeing. If we expose Cabal and get rid of them, we could easily get a law saying blocking the road is akin to unlawful confinement, and you can use lethal force of any type to break through them.

Spread r/K Theory, because the world is magical.

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3 years ago

17 was often used to reference Q. Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet.

Also, seems like the post office is monitoring social media posts for some reason, much as you suggested they would. Who knows what else they do.

3 years ago

Also, Chauvin could be short for chauvinistic. His name is pre-loaded with negative connotations. “Hey look everyone, this is the bad guy right here!”

3 years ago

I have bad news bros, I was really rooting for VoxDay’s new project Arktoons but I think they are doomed because there is no way they’ll be able to compete with this:

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Fren, don’t you know it’s the double chin that is the source of power?

Reply to  Imwill
3 years ago

That explains why 4chins is bery ebin, much power, such wow : DDD

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

I’m impressed. Though Emilia Clarke, 34, is channeling her inner desire to be a mother.

1) Superpowers based off of menstrual cycle
2) uses superpowers to fight a cabal of secret human traffickers

Basically a momma bear right there. Somebody needs to put a ring on it and knock her up, but of course, she has to let them. A 34 year old woman, even a pretty, rich and famous one, isn’t really going to attract Alpha type men, unless they’re 24 looking for a fling, or 54, recently divorced and loaded.

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
3 years ago

AC, Masks do not lessen the amount of any virus getting into people; in fact they do not protect from virus particles at all. I’ll fetch recent studies and post it to you. An Indian gentleman I know reports his friends in India report that the claimed “variant” ccp virus is not doing what the BBC,Reuters, etc. claim at all. He said most people know to get otc ivermectin if they get sick from ccp virus. His friends are telling him there is a bad flu going around that produces secondary infections of bronchitis, pneumonia. He reports in the more squalid areas with poorer more crowded housing situations that flu is rampant in places, but not ccp virus cases. FWIW

3 years ago

>”It is probably active against all muscle cells in the body”

Fug, /fit/’s not gonna be happy about this GAINZocaust.

3 years ago

mathis on the Floyd/Chauvin op.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  lastkingofscotland
3 years ago

“mathis on the Floyd/Chauvin”

I have a better idea. Next time you get a hankering to read any Miles Mathis you should go out to the shed, find yourself a board and whack yourself on head with it. It’s a much more productive use of your time.

Johannes Q
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

The only piece of Mathis’ I’ve read was about a subject I know very well (the philosopher Wittgenstein) and it contained several factual errors; these are forgivable in what seems to be a hastily written Wikipedia-collated hatchet job, but Mathis’ interpretations of both the life & writings of Wittgenstein are eccentric to the point of idiocy. For example, he refuses to believe Wittgenstein was actually in the First World War, just because he was rich. He implies that Wittgenstein murdered one of his students (zero evidence). Etc.

His dismissal of Wittgenstein’s and Russell’s philosophy as “garbage” is oddly myopic, for someone who is presumably of above average intelligence. I can understand not liking or not being interested in fine questions of logic, mathematics, & how our thoughts can be represented in language, but to just assume that the only reason other people find it interesting is because Jews control the world is bafflingly moronic. I find it strange that anyone is impressed by Mathis. He comes across as a belligerent drunk who read a few books and is convinced he could do better, so he denounces everyone as a Jewish puppet.

Perhaps it’s the arrogance of the very intelligent, a man who can’t imagine that anything he doesn’t like might have any value. I don’t like horror movies, even well-made ones, but I don’t claim they’re a Jewish psy-op and total garbage; I find chess rather dry and gruelling but don’t claim that anyone who likes it must be a liar or subject to Jewish mind control. I really dislike beer and still find it baffling that people can enjoy it, but I don’t accuse them of lying or being brainwashed by Jews. Maybe I’m just not smart enough to be arrogant.

Maybe Mathis’ other works are more solid, I don’t know. He just seems to look for anything remotely odd and then claim it’s a Jewish trick and couldn’t possibly be real. The funny thing is, if the biography on his own website is true, one could very easily write a similar hit job on him, pointing out oddities and unlikely coincidences and then concluding that the whole MM operation is a CIA/Jew front (or an elaborate Owen Benjamin sketch).

I wonder if one reason Mathis hates Wittgenstein is because the Tractatus focuses on logic, eschews rhetoric, and Mathis seems incapable of the most basic logical thought. It’s as if his mental world is one of pure rhetoric and subjectivity. The whole point of philosophy is to at least TRY for logic and objectivity, to as it were stand outside of one’s own (often childish) self and biases and to analyse things coldly and with rigour.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Johannes Q
3 years ago

“…Maybe Mathis’ other works are more solid, I don’t know…”

Let me save you some trouble. I’ve read at least ten of his “missives” completely and every single one of them dissolve into some sort of incomprehensible, illogical gobbledygook. I’ve looked at others but they so grind the truth to dust I can’t bear to finish them. I seriously doubt I’ll ever read any more.
He takes one little piece of facts from an article or from a data stream and twist it’s meaning far beyond it’s actual meaning. He also takes that one piece of data and leaves out a vast amount of other data that may even in some cases completely change the meaning to the opposite of what he says it to means.

He has a 100% method of Jew speak down pat. There’s a method to their lying and distorting the truth that follows certain patterns and he is 100% on that path. It would not surprise me in the slightest that he was a Jew.

Just to show how crooked he is I have gone through a few of his silly assed articles and shown the vast number of half-truths and tortured spin logic he uses to totally alter the facts to make them in comprehensible to anyone putting the best known facts next to his.

Owen Benjamin is I believe also a disinformation agent. I mean if he is supposedly a critic of the deep State how has he been able to make a living? He also says stupid shit like that there’s a shield of some sort around the earth that rockets can;t go through. Either he’s stupid, a liar or a slight possibility he’s doing some sort of elaborate joke. If so I don’t get it and never will because after seeing a little of this I refuse to watch or listen to any more.

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
3 years ago

AC, here is a link to an article about Stanford’s study on masks. There are links in the article to the study publication.

Reply to  Lois Lane
3 years ago

Stanford. One of the Woke-ist colleges in the country.

The time is long past when their name lent credibility to an announcement.

3 years ago

I guess you have seen this from Miles Mathis about Chauvin :

I never quite know what to think of it all but there are some strange things going on around this


3 years ago

A Maricopa County judge ordered a pause after state Democrats filed a lawsuit to block the ballot audit, but the audit continues after Democrats balked at a $1 million bond requirement to pause it. I don’t know why they would balk…..

Having seen the opening presser the mainstream and local reporters were asking almost solely questions regarding the funding going toward the audit and who was behind the funding (these questions weren’t answered although there was indication they will have some inclusion in the final report).

So I think they want to hold on to the narrative of ‘biased’ or even more likely ‘foreign interference’ funding and if they lost the court suit the $1 million bond would go to the audit straight from the Arizona Senate Democrats and undercut this fallback discrediting narrative.

IMO that’s wht they didn’t pony up, it wasn’t over the amount.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  speakn2pabst
3 years ago

“…$1 million bond would go to the audit straight from the Arizona Senate Democrats and undercut this fallback discrediting narrative.

IMO that’s wht they didn’t pony up, it wasn’t over the amount…”

I think you’re right about that.

3 years ago

Where do people submit articles to your attention, AC? I’ll leave this here since I don’t know:

Dutch MPs in video conference with deep fake imitation of Navalny’s Chief of Staff

3 years ago

FBI finally releases highly redacted documents on the Seth Rich murder which they had claimed never existed.

Ripped through this stuff (didn’t do notes, timelines, etc, just read what wasn’t redacted.) The only things of note in it are

1) In 2018, the AUSA in charge of Rich’s murder investigation was still trying to get an image of Rich’s laptop from the FBI — no indication that they actually gave it to him

2) Manafort was snitching like a bitch on Roger Stone, because Stone (allegedly) told him before the Podesta drop that it was coming. The FBI also knew that Jerome Corsi had figured out that there was a dog that didn’t bark — the previous drops didn’t have any Podesta emails in it, so obviously WL was waiting to drop those separately, and told Stone that. So the whole Roger Stone setup was about running with what Manafort snitched while ignoring what Corsi told them.

Figure out who the snitches in your life are, and cut them out of your life as much as you can.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

amen to that. snitches, narcissists, blackpillers, Dark Triaders, pessimists, ‘let’s-you-and-him-fight’ers …

it’s a long list, sure. but with 8 billion people in this world, you *can* find replacements.

3 years ago

> I don’t know why they would balk

Lower-echelon True Believers, not in the command/financial chain. They can’t hurt anything, and they make a good show for the media with zero risk to the organization. (if the organization was worried, there would be a fire, or shredder trucks would move in during the night, or… they’re not exactly subtle)

M in the 517
M in the 517
3 years ago

Miles Mathis points out how the number 17 shows up uncannily in historical documentation.

3 years ago

> beaten to death with a hammer by his gay lover.

Obviously, the country needs common-sense hammer control laws Right Now! How long can we let this epidemic of sensless deaths continue?

Did you know anyone – even children or convicted felons – can buy hammers with no background check or even paper trail?! And few jurisdictions even have laws prohibiting them from carrying these dangerous weapons!

Contact your representatives now! Think of the children!

3 years ago

> part of the war seems to be a war on cops,

Thinning the herd of the ones who might not go along with the new regime. You know, the bad apples – conservatives, independent thinkers, and the honest ones who might be tempted to speak up if they see something skeevy.

They could just be dealt with via a car wreck or gas leak, but they’re heroes if they’re killed in the line of duty.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“Virginia moving to eliminate all accelerated math courses before 11th grade as part of equity-focused plan.”

That’s one way to get all the East Asians to go private. Basically a huge tax. It also funnels all mathematically gifted students into (likely) cabal-run private schools.

3 years ago

> Virginia moving to eliminate all accelerated math courses before 11th grade as part of equity-focused plan.
Well, cheaper than New York’s plan to just pack the advanced-placement classes with retards and bangers for ‘equity’. Virginia gets the same results without having to pretend they have an advanced track at all.

Whoever gets the Brawndo concession in Virginia schools is going to make a killing.

3 years ago

> Soda with artificial sweeteners raises the risk of liver cancer by 28 percent.

It’s always good to take “studies” like this with a grain of salt, preferably one like they put out for deer bait.

However, more than 10 years ago the FDA began allowing soft drink manufacturers to substitute artificial sweeteners for sugar or corn syrup *without* noting it on the FDA Nutrition Label. Our local bottlers promptly did so, and every soft drink got that nasty “diet” taste. We used to drive to the next state to stock up, until the bottler there started doing the same thing.

Besides the taste, Stevia gives a sizeable percentage of people the uncontrollable shits. And there are lawsuits from bad reactions to aspartame going back decades. And before that, saccharine, and before that, cyclamates.

And it’s not just in soft drinks. Aspartame is used in all sorts of places it has no logical reason to be – in gel caps, pill coatings and in milk, for example. If you’re one of the people who is sensitive to it, there’s no way to tell if any given food product has had aspartame added to it until you try some and get sick, since they no longer have to inform you on the package, and any attempt to look it up on the web leads you straight to “conspiracy debunker” web sites.

Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

Wow! How can Americans(or I guess people in general if worldwide) avoid artificial sweeteners then? Do they have to avoid all processed food?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
3 years ago

I’m old enough to remember when Gatorade had a ton of cyclamates in it. That stuff tasted great. Far better than it does now and it quenched the thirst better because it didn’t have so much sugar.

Bring back cyclamates! It’s probably a sugar producers plot to get rid of it.

And another thing. Do you notice how chips and stuff goes bad immediately now. I mean really fast. if you don’t eat them immediately they go bad. In the good ole days we had BHA and BHT anti-oxidants piled into the chips and they lasted forever. Like months. I’m not kidding. I read once that morticians said that during the fabulous BHA and BHT days when it was in a lot of foods peoples corpses didn’t rot near as fast because of all the antioxidants.

I remember a bunch of Hollywood actresses made a big stink and testified in Congress about “additives” but not using the proper word “anti-oxidant” and how they were so evil they got them banned. How much you want to bet the chip companies paid for all this and made sure it was banned so no other chip company could come along and make a better product which wouldn’t go bad in a couple days.

After all vVit. C is anti-oxidant, so is Vit. E and many other really good things. Why manufacturers sell anti-oxidants for big bucks now but some the cheapest and most readily available, BHA and BHT, were fortified in your foods for free.

Bring back BHA and BHT! Better living through chemistry!

They ban all the good stuff. It works too well and solves problems instead of requiring you to constantly pony up a long stream of cash.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

Wow. Antioxidant Red Pill.

Reply to  Sam J.
3 years ago

I used to love Fritos. Then they made a big PR thing about how they’d “removed all the preservatives!”

Apparently the preservatives were what made Fritos taste good. Modern ones are so bland, they’re not even a shadow of the original product.

3 years ago

> The accounts in India portray a wildly out of control Chinavirus outbreak that is savaging the population.

You mean an outbreak like the media assured us was happening in the USA, but nobody ever actually managed to document? Overflowing hospitals with reefer trucks ready to store the piles of dead bodies, yet the medical staffs were mostly sent home and doctors had time to make dance videos? Where hospital ships finally sailed away without being used, and the National Guard patient overflow sites were broken down and returned to storage? Where the authorized medical testing centers were caught, time after time, returning false positives? Where the official disease control agency chances its official story so often, not even the media listens to them any more?

And… you’re talking about *India*. Between corruption and incompetence, not even the Indian government knows what is going on in India.

Also note that if you *do* have a chunk of population dying, you can just mark “COVID-19” on the death certificates and send the bodies to the incinerators. Even if someone suspects otherwise, all the evidence is conveniently disposed of. If someone has “a little list”, there’s no better time to act on it.

3 years ago

> Oklahoma passes law protecting drivers who unintentionally kill or injure rioters while fleeing.

“Of course it was unintentional, Your Honor. I’ve played video games all my life, and nobody ever got hurt when I ran over them.”

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
3 years ago

Here’s a recent study about masks:

3 years ago
3 years ago

I’m disappointed in myself for asking if there were increases in infant deaths since the vaccine, but it had to be looked into.