News Briefs – 04/23/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Says it was about 30 years ago in NY. I am not exactly sure how a man would rape a small boy under those conditions. It might be a questionable account, though I have no doubt, like them all, Sanders is owned. I suspect something similar happened to Senator Robert Byrd during the Clinton Impeachment hearings, though in that case I think he was held down and burned with a torch of some kind. He was making a lot of noise about having to convict and remove Clinton. Then he showed up with his forearms all bandaged, and needed to leave the proceedings every twenty minutes to get the dressings changed. Sam Donaldson commented he had been reading in his chauffer-driven car when the 12v reading light exploded in flames, and he got those burns on his forearms (and not his hands), which wept so prodigiously they needed new dressings every 20 minutes, trying to put out the roaring flames. Suddenly he said Clinton’s lying under oath was not so high a crime or a misdemeanor.

It would not surprise me though. Intel are sharks and psychopaths, and they are all throughout American society, right down to your street. If true it is one more WTF with Q, for not just telling us all this and giving us names and addresses, first of surveillance to neutralize that and eliminate the overwatch, and then the real players. Four years of children raped is not the way it had to be.

New Crazy Days and Nights Blind says we’re all going to die:

Blind Item #10

Right before COVID, scientists discovered something that was probably going to kill the world a decade later. With all the doom and gloom about COVID, the powers that be around the world quickly decided to minimize that and then again minimized it a year later and then again another year later. They just wants us to be docile like sheep as they try to do something about it and will let us know if it succeeds, after the fact.

Speculation seems to focus on an asteroid.

Michael Cohen, the star witness in Trump’s hush money trial is telling jurors there are threats to themselves & their families, facial recognition will reveal their identities & turn their lives upside down. He just screwed the prosecution & did Trump a massive favor.

Jonathan Turley is in “utter disbelief” that the Trump “hush money” case is being presented in a courtroom. “What is clear is in this case, Trump is right. This is an embarrassment.”

Attorney tells CNN docs lacking Trump’s signature pose serious problem for Alvin Bragg’s case.

Judge Merchan shuts down trial early Monday so alternate juror can see dentist – but same judge won’t allow President Trump to attend his son’s graduation!

Judge Cannon unmasks redacted documents revealing Biden White House direct ties to Mar-a-Lago raid, Jack Smith investigation.

Judge smacks down Letitia James, rules in favor of Trump in fight over $175 million bond.

RFK Jr.: “I’m going to put the entire U.S. budget on blockchain so that any American — every American can look at every budget item in the entire budget anytime they want 24 hours a day.” Not a bad idea.

Former fiscal conservative Mike Johnson considering scheme to expand earmarks.

Mike Johnson will fundraise for horrible RINO Tony Gonzales two days after he accused top Trump supporters of being KKK, molesters (Matt Gaetz) and Neo-Nazis on CNN.

Controversies involving Speaker Mike Johnson and his sons resurface — from monitoring each other’s porn usage to arrest of his adopted son on charges of running illegal cannabis business. Hi Mike, come into this SCIF with us. See Mike? This girl who ripped your son’s clothes off just before this video began, and he started having sex with her? She looks 18 but the reality is she is 11. If this video ever went public, like got released on 8Chan anonymously, your son would do hard time as a child molester in a state prison. We don’t want that, do we? Tell them whatever you want. We just want a vote on the FISA bill. Let it happen, or your son is going to find out in prison what it is like to be a woman. What do you do anon? And they have the girls who will do it. This is why you don’t let intel operate domestically, or target children.

National Archives accused of violating Federal Records Act after allegedly deleting CDC correspondence.

Nearly 700 Chinese migrants apprehended at California border in just one week.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano writes preface to new book “The Assassination of John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis” and includes the CIA connection.

NYC man convicted over gunsmithing hobby for building his own firearms, after judge says 2nd Amendment ‘doesn’t exist in this courtroom.’ Likely to become a big Second Amendment case at the Supreme Court.

Arizona judge declares mistrial in the case of a rancher accused of fatally shooting a migrant when he fired warning shots from an AK-47 at his group.

SCOTUS denies Kari Lake and Mark Finchem’s lawsuit to ban hackable electronic voting machines without comment.

Supreme Court denies bid to expand no-excuse mail-in ballots in Texas.

The Supreme Court will hear a case on Wednesday surrounding the Biden administration’s attempt to require emergency room doctors to perform abortions.

Supreme Court Justices take up “ghost guns” case for next term.

Federal Judge appears ready to reimpose “disinformation” monitoring on a Jan. 6 probationer’s computer, despite having been just slapped down by the U.S. Court of Appeals.

Military could hit troops with court-martials for refusing to use preferred pronouns, experts say.

California’s new electricity-income tax is only weeks away: new fixed charge for electricity based on income.

Alec Baldwin LOSES IT and ATTACKS a woman confronting him about Palestine and Cinematographer Halyna Hutchins “Alec, can you please say Free Palestine one time… Why did you kill that lady…no jail time?” A very triggerable amygdala. He could not hold it in, and despite the threat of arrest for assault, and the bad press, his amygdala-sensations actually drove him to hit the girl. But his amygdala was not so tolerant of risk he would do it openly, he had to use the cheap-shot and try to catch her unawares. Notice also how he tries to quash his amygdala by averting his eyes. That is a mechanical hack of the structure.

Israeli military intelligence chief resigns over failure to prevent deadliest attack in Israel’s history. Most likely was told this was his role in the script. I know there is no way those attacks happened organically. It was not coincidence they moved the music festival to right where the attacks were to land. And this guy knows the entire score. Just like our intel people with 9/11, knowing there is no way the hijackers evaded the surveillance.

Hardline Iranian parliamentarian and member of Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Committee Javad Karimi Ghodousi tweeted on April 22 implying that if granted permission, Iran could test its first nuclear weapon within one week.

Niger’s Russian-backed military junta agrees to release 1,000 US soldiers after Biden announces plans to abandon the $100 million US airbase in the country. Another Biden foreign policy miracle!

British government gets in not-so subtle dig at lefty London mayor Sadiq Khan and his policing policies by stating the Rwandan capital is now “arguably safer than London.”

Haiti capital now a ‘battlefield’ as gangs take control ahead of government transition: ‘Continue burning the houses.’

Germany’s domestic spy agency urged Berlin on Monday to give it more powers to monitor financial flows amid growing concerns over potential Russian financing of regional far-right parties ahead of European parliamentary elections.

Interesting video shows Russia deploying trucks dedicated to laying out thick smoke on a level I have never seen. It blinds drones and infrared guided missiles. I never thought of it but smoke, or even a paint sprayer which could hit a drone’s camera would make it useless. Quick clip:

Russian cruise missile destroys TV tower in Ukraine’s second largest city Kharkov. Missile hitting a thin TV antenna, nice shot. Also takes out some Ukie comms, and makes the city less livable so civilians will begin to leave ahead of the fighting for it.

European Union countries, including the Netherlands, Germany and Sweden, are hesitant to provide Ukraine with Patriot air defense systems.

Ukrainian consulates are set to “temporarily suspend” all services to men between the ages of 18 and 60, meaning such individuals will only be able to procure documents by returning home. Where they will be shipped off to the front.

As Seymour Hersh recently reported, CIA Director Burns had to warn Zelensky to stop stealing so much money.

In Pennsylvania, Dems have lost 195,867 party registrants while GOP has gained 210,319. Independents rose by 108,197. (Video report, that is all.)

Spread r/K Theory, because intel is not something you want operating in your home

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10 months ago

New Crazy Days and Nights Blind says we’re all going to die:

Blind Item #10

Right before COVID, scientists discovered something that was probably going to kill the world a decade later. With all the doom and gloom about COVID, the powers that be around the world quickly decided to minimize that and then again minimized it a year later and then again another year later. They just wants us to be docile like sheep as they try to do something about it and will let us know if it succeeds, after the fact.

Speculation seems to focus on an asteroid.


CDaN is either the originator or the victim of disinfo.

But what if I’m wrong?

1 You should already be prepping for many more likely scenarios.

2 It’s a reverse Pascal’s wager.
If it’s true and you choose to disbelieve it you won’t lose anything, you’ll be dead either way.
If it’s false you could lose an awful lot by believing it.

Last edited 10 months ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

Yeah, if it’s out of our control, not much sense in panic or fret.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

For the record, the “doom and gloom about Covid” was created by the same powers that be that CDAN is referencing.

They created the doom and gloom, and then forced everyone to choke on it for 3 years, so forgive me for not thinking these guys are on the up and up about anything at this point.

10 months ago

“If true it is one more WTF with Q, for not just telling us all this”

Q did say, “those that know cannot sleep”.

Reply to  Name*
10 months ago

Q said a lot of things. “trust Sessions” “trust Barr” “we are in control”

Q was a con. a hustle. an op.

Reply to  anonymous
10 months ago

Q didn’t con or hustle you or anyone else to do a damned thing. You didn’t do anything or buy anything because of Q. Nor did you or anyone else not do something because Q said. American conservatives and patriots have always been lazy asses who struggle to even register to vote. So the idea that Q convinced a bunch of them to just sit back and enjoy the show is also false.

The point of Q was not to hand you a vast list of absolutely true data. It was to paint broad outlines, confuse and alarm the opposition, and make some attempt to keep average Americans from obsessing over the wrong details.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

I think his point is more that Q did not cause people to do anything bad for us.
What Q did cause was more people to waking up, seeing the truth, and getting active.

Reply to  anonymous
10 months ago

I dont think Q was a con. yes, it could have been a sting, with plans within plans. Or it failed.

The left seemed to think it was genuine, and it certainly woke up many

I dont know – but it wasnt very inspiring when after saying the elections are safe, a post said, something to the effect of “It was close” (2018 Senate Election)

Reply to  anonymous
10 months ago

Q was clear that there was disinformation in his posts, the question is who the target was and what effects did Q have overall.

I’m harsh on Q’s plan since Q took credit for what is happening, but Q’s effect on the public was beneficial.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Name*
10 months ago

Q could help pull the plug by doing exactly what AC said above.

If Q can’t sleep, then get the rest of the team, which includes millions of armed Americans, activated and we can start to pull the plug on this shit.

But no, we have to wait for that extra special, as of yet undefined, moment when we win, somehow.

Reply to  Another Dave
10 months ago

People have been telling you for decades. Did it work?

Reply to  Name*
10 months ago

To be fair, “not just another 4 yr election” is true. For any such plan to succeed, its time horizon must be vastly longer than the current timescale of political discourse. Basically, History is not Politics. We have to hope (trust?) that the theoreticians behind ‘the plan’ understand how to make history. That is a very different skillset from steering government.
In fact, we should recognize that the plan is really the creation of a Phoenix culture. That is the path to long-term success. As Cabal Faction Evil implements its century-old plan to destroy Western culture by establishing a price for everything, Cabal Faction Unkown is constructing something else based on value(s), which will take at least as long.
Anthropology, the study of man and culture, is, like philosophy, kept outside the Overton Window precisely so that few will understand the whole ladder from self to family to tribe to nation to civilization, and the timescales of historicity and hysteresis at the various levels.

10 months ago

“They just wants us to be docile like sheep as they try to do something about it and will let us know if it succeeds, after the fact.”

So they are good guys and have our best interests at heart?

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Name*
10 months ago

And what would be the point of leaking knowledge of it to CDAN?

It’s all so tiresome.

10 months ago

“Blind Item #10…Speculation seems to focus on an asteroid.”

Pole Shift and loss of magnetic sphere.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

Actually we’re still in an larger ice age, this has just been a warmer period. And pole shifting would change the ice locations…. The magnetic shift is already (slowly) happening… Airports have adjusted runway names to the newer magnetic bearings.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

Cabal can’t do shit about either of those, so I don’t know what CDAN is trying to accomplish here.

Reply to  Another Dave
10 months ago

CDAN just posts things… It’s not trying to do anything. 99% of the stuff it posts is celeb gossip veiled to avoid libel, and not all of it is true, but a good amount is, and sometimes some form of confirmation occurs. The ‘Blind Posts Revealed’ tag is useful for just reading those.

Reply to  FtR
10 months ago

Yes with solar micronova. Biblical level reset within 1-20 years.

Reply to  FtR
10 months ago

Maybe they realize how badly they screwed everyone over with aluminum vaccines or some other fertility reducing item like pesticides. So they’re taking absolute control while they try to brace for impact of people finding out they won’t have children anymore.

10 months ago

I just had a comment disappear.

EDIT: now that I posted this and reloaded the page the comment is back.

Last edited 10 months ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

Yeah, I’ve seen my unapproved comments vanished and return… If I click on the little person/gear (at top of comment section, next to #comments), then you can see your pending comments. I’ve also seen other people’s unapproved comments rarely. I suspect it’s the same buggy software behind both, whether that is native WordPress or an addon, I don’t know.

10 months ago

Been following the story of the AZ rancher since it hit the news, glad he wasn’t convicted but they can try again because of the mistrial. Oh and as for the asteroid thing…I find it unlikely. Not impossible but unlikely. Yes asteroids are extremely hard to see but the bigger they are obviously the more visible they will be even if their makeup doesn’t reflect much light. If we are talking about an extinction level sized asteroid I believe an amateur would eventually see it. That’s not something they can keep secret I think.

Reply to  Ultra
10 months ago

It’s not a matter of “can’t”, it’s a matter of not yet spotted. Extinction level isn’t that big… It could be spotted by Hubble/etc and not disclosed and then you’d be depending on someone spotting it and figuring out what they saw, and sharing it widely.
The “Don’t look up” show on netflix waspredictive programming was pretty much “comedy” to qwell fears.
There was plans for an adapted show based on Last Policeman (novel about this scenario) that was not picked up. And would have been a serious look at the panic/chaos once people learned the date of impact even years off.

Reply to  scruffy
10 months ago

A lot of things get discovered by amateurs, because big telescope time is scheduled down to the minute, looking for specific things in specific areas.

The professional astronomers generally have a good working relationship with the amateurs, who find more neat stuff for them to look at.

Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

No argument. But space is big and in many cases, if it’s far enough away, you have to be looking for the thing in the first place. So “not yet”

10 months ago

If Carlo Maria Vigano is truly Catholic and not New Order, what is he doing to help evict the New Order from squatting in Rome and getting the Papacy filled with a Catholic man? He pretends to be an Archbishop and writes prefaces for conspiracy theory books. He is a fake. If I realized I had fallen for a tiny hat hoax, I’d expose it. I’d write prefaces only for books exposing The Plot Against the Church like that by Maurice Pinay. Maurice Pinay being the nom de plume of real Catholic Bishops. They warned us and they wrote it down and distributed it widely so they are still warning us. I guess he enjoys pretending to be an Archbishop too much, shame. If our Bishops, our actual Catholic Bishops not New Order actors, are being prevented from electing a Pope due to physical threats, I wish they would read this blog. You can not appease bullies, if they aren’t nuking you they’ll be doing all sorts of other malicious deeds in the dark. You can not control what other people do, but if they fail to elect a Pope, that will be on them.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

He is a retired bishop–he has no see and no power.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

The New World Order (or the Illuminati or the Cabal, whatever you want to call it) did not infiltrate the Church. The Church infiltrated worldy institutions and became the NWO. All roads lead to Rome for this thing. Washington is the military capital, London the Financial capital, and Rome is where the whole thing operates from.

Think of NATO. Who is it protecting? Rome. “Keep the Germans down, the Americans in, and the Russians out.” That’s a Roman imperative.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

You are skipping the part where Rome/cabal infiltrated and captured the early church, just as cabal had done with pre-Christian Judaism.

10 months ago

On Mike Johnson

The Red Flag is his adoption of a black kid. He was never a conservative but a flamin’ SIMP. He was virtue signaling his Cultural Marist creds when he adopted outside. When a family is a personal thing, why bring in total strangers not even of his own race. This is a sign of his total depravity, lack of the Virtue of Righteousness and the Virtue of Phronesis. A man of phronesis would never have done that. He was always a flamin’ liberal who pleased the people to get himself voted in and when he had power switched sides to go with his true self. Sola Gospel is really Cultural Marxism.

I would say that there are Many, maybe 75% of Republicans are just like Mike Johnson. Arete is Conservatism. No Arete, No Conservatism.

Up Votes
Up Votes
10 months ago

Why is there a single down-vote on so many comments?
Is that a glitch in your software?
Or is some A-hole doing that just to be an A-hole?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

When you made it registered only voting, that stopped, but I can see why one downvoter isnt worth the hassle.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

I noticed that too and figured it was the case. Honestly it probably doesn’t even have anything to do with google traffic. I had a Reddit account a long time ago (banned for wrong think) and I saw many cases of people picking up their own personal stalker who, like the guy here, would spend time every day to downvote all their posts. Some people had their accounts reported to admins often and some people would say they would get ban messages from random subreddits they’ve never been to and didn’t know about because their stalker would message moderators telling them whatever he could to get them pre banned. It’s really weird that someone cares enough, especially if the downvotes don’t do anything, but I know it happens.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

I’ve noticed this on some posts that I have made here. Even ones that I don’t think anyone could disagree with, such as personal observations, have received downvotes.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

My point was just proven.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

I, for one, approve of the downvotes. It shows at least one person is looking at my random gibberish!

Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

The downvotes are more like our “permanent record” back in Elementary School. “Oh, no, somebody downvoted my comment on AC’s blog! Now I’ll never get into Harvard!”

10 months ago

Says it was about 30 years ago in NY. I am not exactly sure how a man would rape a small boy under those conditions. It might be a questionable account, though I have no doubt, like them all, Sanders is owned.

The one thing that jumps out at me is that the case was dismissed for failure to state a claim. That screams crazy-pants my-own-lawyer lawsuit. That doesn’t mean things did or didn’t happen — spending your childhood being raped will MAKE you crazy-pants — but it does mean that a real lawyer hasn’t been involved, because rape is one of the easiest claims to plead properly, especially statutory rape, where consent isn’t an issue. It might be hard to prove 30 years later, but super easy to plead.

10 months ago

Federal Judge appears ready to reimpose “disinformation” monitoring on a Jan. 6 probationer’s computer, despite having been just slapped down by the U.S. Court of Appeals.

Hey judge, do you want the entire case to be dismissed nunc pro tunc? Because that’s how you get appeals courts to dismiss entire cases against defendants.

Reply to  phelps
10 months ago

There are instances where a superior court with the proper jurisdiction has simply removed a judge from the bench for deliberately ignoring a ruling.

10 months ago

New Crazy Days and Nights Blind says we’re all going to die:

There is no evidence produced for this whatsoever, but if it were true things would make much more sense. The people at the top of secret society using child rape to run the world have obviously gone insane in the last few years, and this is as good an explanation as any other as to why.

Reply to  Ed
10 months ago

Well, I’m pretty convinced peak oil is in the rear view mirror. Thus, aggregate economic growth going forward is impossible (which is why they are doing the sleight of hand of ‘financializing’ everything). In a no-growth or de-growth scenario, debt money simply doesn’t work. Most assets will go to zero, since even currently-productive assets can’t be expected to yield a future return.
We are basically in the scenario of no longer being able to afford Industrial Civilization, and without Industrial Civilization most people will indeed die. That’s before you factor in all the nuke plants that eventually will go untended. No one will spend any money to decommission them, even if they had the time and foresight.

Reply to  Commenter
10 months ago

There’s no way that’s true, especially with all the suppressed tech to provide new sources of energy.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

Ah, but the depopulatists WANT that collapse, so they are fostering it. The reality, like the myth of overpopulation, is suppressed by folks with an agenda.

Reply to  scruffy
10 months ago

That may be true, but it won’t be because we ran out of oil and other types of energy.

Reply to  Ed
10 months ago

I can believe they believe it.
But as you said, they are raving mad, if they believe it that makes it almost certainly false.

Reply to  Ed
10 months ago

Interesting observation.

Reply to  Ed
10 months ago

If it’s a distilled all-conspiracy, all the time, then it’s something like LookingGlass. They can see A future, or quite a few futures. However, the last time we definitely know it was tried was the skulls in a cave in Israel. They tried to game out a rebellion against Rome. The skulls, apparently, told them they would win- why else the obduracy? And they went all in, and no one survived, and Rome destroyed the political and religious structure of the remaining Jews.

I would point to similar convictions from the Phoenicians versus Rome, again. They sacrificed their own children for prosperity,stability and a trade empire. Their capitol city was obliterated and the ground salted. I’d say it was definitive, except 1. it seems like their people migrated to another religion and kept going and 2. those beliefs in sacrificing infants in horrifying ways seems to have continued. The fraction of society that practices these beliefs seems to flourish, materially.

I look at Jesus dying and going to hell as something that they expected and worked towards. This let them pursue him, and let him in to Hell like a Trojan Horse. I don’t think they expected a resurrection from the deepest, worst parts of Hell.

In other words, they might be right during current conditions, but they are literally blind to the reality that God creates out of his words. It’s not in their possibility set. “Let there be Light.” Miracles. No one expects miracles. No one expects Christians, toddling innocent creatures, to change history.

10 months ago

European Union countries, including the Netherlands, Germany and Sweden, are hesitant to provide Ukraine with Patriot air defense systems.

They know that the Ukes are going to waste them when they might need them for their own country once Ukraine falls.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
10 months ago

“Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano writes preface to new book “The Assassination of John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis” and includes the CIA connection.”

CIA connection is old news. The Israeli connection is the real smoking gun.

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
10 months ago

It’s doubtful that the Israelis could have pulled it off without CIA assistance.

mark in georgia
mark in georgia
10 months ago

How much does it cost to keep the base in Niger?

10 months ago

Continuing the discussion of a better 4chan/discussion forum/etc…
While I hear you, AC, the idea of a “personal” trust list (ie you trust A B C, and I trust A B but not C) is that it’s nearly impossible to grow that. If you don’t trust Person X or Y, their comments shouldn’t appear to you. Perhaps if A or B does trust X, then you might… But we’re back to some form of trust metric. Someone new who appears is untrusted and can gain trust but only if people either know them (assuming external connections) or the value of the content they post/comment…
4chans weakness is anonymous nature. Yes, trip codes can help but that’s a very specific use and has mixed blessings (and site trust issues as well). The bots/shills used to be annoying but far more so today. It’s almost pointless to post there, because the noise is high, the signal is low, and the distractions (often intentionally) are many. And dont get me started in the Janitors and other control freaks, who are nearly as bad as the open leftists/etc.
I’ve said this before: the “filter” is such that VD was getting a small slice of the total people who might pay attention to his content. (My personal take on his current content is besides the point here). Then a slice of THAT audience discovers you via his occasional mentions there. Then a smaller slice of THIS audience bothers to check out TA despite it being linked in the header. The total audience in TA is a tiny tiny slice. And that forum wouldn’t benefit from any trust metric addon: it’s too small. The number of regular posters is such that I can make my own mind up about each. I need no help with that. The ONLY place trust style filters work is is when the pool of users is large enough to be needing something beyond the “small clique” stage. Some way to say “Joe is a good guy, so say a bunch of us” and “Jill is a leftist shill, who you can and should ignore, even though she’s occasionally right like a stopped clock”
And while it can be argued that strongly decentralized little cliques can be more “antifragile”, it doesn’t allow for good widespread trusted information sharing. And in an information war, filled with propaganda and opinions that we don’t all agree on, that’s a critical need. It’s too easy to fake things, bot things, etc. if you don’t know Joe from Jill, you can not only not trust either, but you are likely to distrust valid information that could help. The vaxx disinfo is a perfect example. Some very valid information was mixed with total garbage info. And people who repeated the garbage info thought it was accurate and worth sharing BECAUSE they trusted the source of it… Who trusted their source of it… And when you dug in and discovered the garbage, it harmed your trust of the good valid information too.
That’s the problem to solve. Some way to allow people to Trust but Verify in a way that isn’t as attackable as “every man for himself”

Last edited 10 months ago by scruffy
10 months ago

> Interesting video shows Russia deploying trucks dedicated to laying out thick smoke on a level I have never seen. It blinds drones and infrared guided missiles. I never thought of it but smoke, or even a paint sprayer which could hit a drone’s camera would make it useless. Quick clip:

Yep, common guerilla tactic for any remote operated platform. Kids in the Middle East would throw paint or oil balloons at the cameras on tanks/etc. since it renders the vehicle mostly inoperable until cleared, which requires a soft target to get out and move to a known location to clear (obvious ambush opportunities noted).

What would be interesting would be a 40mm launcher that air-bursted paint or something similar that infantry could carry for anti-drone work. Obviously better to kill the drones when you can, but probably easier to get a near miss with a radius of effect than a direct hit on the small, fast moving drones.

10 months ago

Today’s data point: the NYC judge who slobbered “ain’t no muhhfuhhn 2nd Muhmendment in MAH muhhfuhhn courtroom!” is named Abeena Darkeh. I know what you’re thinking,, ‘what a fine old American name!’, but she’s actually from that proud land of liberty, Ghana.

And she has the power to throw Whitey – or anyone else she takes a dislike to – in jail/prison, ’cause she da law in ha courtroom. Make of that what you will.

We won’t be voting our way out of this.

Last edited 10 months ago by anonymous
Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  anonymous
10 months ago

Abeena Darkeh

I speak jive.

Abeena Darkeh in Ghanaese translates to “Sheeeit”

Reply to  Corn Pop
10 months ago

It sounds like another one of those fake sounding names they give actors in the play.
It sounds like “I’ve been a darkie”.

Reply to  anonymous
10 months ago

How dare you! question the melting stew pot.

Reply to  anonymous
10 months ago

Someone is laying the groundwork for normies to see that foreigners are a blight on the nation and must be repatriated / removed by other means.

If cabal was 100% in control you wouldn’t hear about these cases, whitey would simply be genocided in silence and they would keep winning. Opsec and Infosec are of great value, so losing them voluntarily to leaks makes no sense to preserving a plan.

10 months ago

If true it is one more WTF with Q, for not just telling us all this and giving us names and addresses, first of surveillance to neutralize that and eliminate the overwatch, and then the real players. Four years of children raped is not the way it had to be.”
So, hypothetically, what are you supposed to do when agents approach you? Let’s say you start getting traction and someone comes to either blackmail, threaten or offer a golden ticket. Obviously you don’t take the ticket. Also I assume you let any currently existing blackmail out yourself if they try to hold it over you. But what about the threats and torture?
Would the correct move by Bernie Sanders have been to immediately chimp out and put his thumbs into the threatener’s eye sockets?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

Those who don’t believe in heaven do not have the comfort that they or their families will just be getting an express ride to heaven.
They also do not fear the consequences of anything they do to comply when they get to the other side.

A life without religion is like a tool without an owner, if the devil wants to use you then you are nearly defenseless against him picking you up and using you, only a moral compass worthy of a saint could lead you to the right course of action.
Believers know every ounce of pain they endure for the sake of what is good will be rewarded manyfold.

Last edited 10 months ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Dav
10 months ago

Chimp out if you can.
Die as an obstinate martyr otherwise.

If you are not told to do something heinous but are threatened you may be able to feign cooperation and then defy them and expose them after you are released. (and probably be killed for it)

Your own soul is on the line and you won’t get much leeway for having been coerced.
And once you start becoming an obedient asset in the future you will do far more damage than if you had just gone evil on your own.

But the biggest truth is that they will probably not put you in that position unless you show signs of being the kind to comply, that’s why they watch everyone from childhood and keep files.
They’d rather make sure you were never in a position where they would want to do it to you or kill you than try to do it to someone who is likely to chimp out or just die out of stubborn morality.

Last edited 10 months ago by Farcesensitive