News Briefs – 04/23/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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DFT – As Microchip Trade Weakens, Taiwan Exports Plunge

DFT – World May Face A Rice Shortage

DFT – India and Bangladesh Ditch Trade In Dollars

DFT – Putin and bin Salman Hold Discussions On OPEC+ Policy And Peacemaking In Middle East

DFT – Argentina Raises Benchmark Rate To 81% As Inflation Roars

Texas Arcane, not sure if you got my email, if you did, no problem and no rush.

From the comments – John Lennon’s murder might have been like RFK’s, with an MK Ultra Windup toy taking shots from a blank-gun, and a pro doing the actual deed. Worth the read. Contains this: “Mr Whelan pointed out that no single eyewitness, including Yoko Ono, saw Lennon being shot by Chapman. Ono’s exact location when John was shot, has changed several times, via various witness statements she gave around the time of her husband’s murder, understandably, no doubt, given her emotional turmoil.” If you are a target, they will send in the perfect girl, based on detailed observations of you, who will never upset you, because it offers the ultimate level of control at key moments. And for these people, whether they are all MK Ultra’d or they are a part of something they are loyal to, when command gives an order, they follow. And this – ”He could not coherently understand why he felt compelled to shoot John Lennon – Chapman did not remember pulling the hammer or aiming,’ said Whelan. ‘All he could remember was a voice in his head saying, “do it do it”. NYPD Lieutenant Arthur O’Connor, stated that Chapman appeared “programmed” on the night he shot Lennon.’… Chapman’s lawyers were aiming for a trial and an insanity plea, but out of the blue, Chapman decided he wanted to forgo a trial and plead guilty, claiming that “a little voice inside his head’ told him to do this,”… that volte-face only came after Chapman was visited in his cell by various psychiatrists employed by his defense lawyers. Three of those doctors had been involved in hypnosis, and one of them, Dr Milton Kline, worked with the CIA on its notorious ‘MK Ultra’ mind control program, which the Hollywood movie the Manchurian Candidate was loosely based on.” Notice, his lawyers hired all these glowie hypnotists. I think prominent lawyers only get prominent if they are in the club.

New subject – I was thinking, suppose Trump wins in 2024. Democrats would want to deny the election and launch a coup. But now it is much tougher because they have spent so much time deriding anyone who questioned Biden’s win or the system, and excoriating the Jan 6th protestors. I don’t say that because I think it a brilliant plan. Quite the opposite. I am sick of the games wasting people’s lives, killing innocents, and destroying the country. But given we are seeing some kind of script, where the present sets the stage for the future, might that be why we saw what we saw – either the scriptwriters feel it will prevent a Democrat coup, or it will allow Trump to call out the military if there is one? Doesn’t really explain the fences and troops, unless that was a dry run to make sure they could put all that together when the time came. Might be why Trump said to Flynn to be ready in a year and a half. Technically Trump wouldn’t take office until almost two years from now. But the war to take office might start the day after election day.

60 Minutes steps up to defend Ray Epps, who is absolutely not a fed, oh no.

Justin Ervin & Matthew Hoover (CRS Firearms) found guilty in Autokey card case. As a novelty, they sold cards with a metal tracing on it, which lore said if you cut on the lines and dropped the card into an AR15, it would fire full auto. But it appears the card would not work without extensive extra work. Regardless, the jury found the cards were machine guns, and one could get 110 years.

A billionaire Democratic megadonor on Friday defended his bankrolling of a rape lawsuit against former President Donald Trump, raising questions about why the accuser’s attorneys are still trying to keep documents about the funding arrangement a secret and why the judge presiding over the case agreed to seal them.

RFK, Jr. asked if he’s afraid of getting assassinated like his father & uncle.

Rep. Nancy Mace said that there are several more Biden family members involved in their criminal grifting, there are more shell companies to explore and more questions about what the Biden family members were being paid for. Still, she is a Cabal shill, but then again, so many are.

Tennessee officials report the FBI is hiding the transgender manifesto outlining the objective for the mass murder.

According to the latest report on international capital flows released by the U.S. Treasury Department on April 17 EST, at least 22 countries worldwide sold off U.S. Treasuries in February.

Texas weighs exit from ERIC as new report cites secrecy around voter data passed to outside groups.

Vaxx mandate fascist Gene Simmons suffers on-stage health issue, cancels show.

Six cattle that died mysteriously in Texas had their tongues removed, authorities said, and the hide around one side of their mouths was also gone, with no visible blood.

Alex Jones: Michelle Obama is really ‘Big Mike’ who has a mammoth anaconda in his pants!

The Biden administration is reportedly finalizing a proposal that would force fossil fuel-fired power plants to substantially curb emissions or utilize costly carbon capture technology. Driving up power costs in a way which will divert the money to their leftist carbon-capture companies.

Anger is rapidly growing as economic conditions steadily deteriorate all over the world. Misery Index, Conservative Policy Mood, Crime Index, it is all tied in.

Bród, beloved dog of President Michael D. Higgins, dies aged 11 after notably barking and chasing off Biden during his visit. Coincidence, or Dog comms?

The DeSantis team had raised $30 million in the last month. Time Magazine is now reporting that $20 million of that financing came from one donor, billionaire Robert Bigelow. That is the guy who acted as the front man for the Pentagon investigation into Skinwalker Ranch. Supposedly he walked away from the project after something quasi–ghostlike followed him home from the Ranch, and his wife died after an extended illness which one source seemed to imply might have been related.

Gates Foundation donates millions to NGO that seeks to normalize child prostitution and sexualization of children under 10.

NYPD employee relations boss Lisa White drives workers away with ‘crazy stuff’: “Bizarrely, the deputy commissioner has accused employees of “planting bugs in her office, bugs in her phone” and “all sorts of crazy stuff,” the source said.”

A former teacher’s aide and drag queen has been sentenced to less than a year after being found guilty on eleven charges of “Encouraging Child Sexual Abuse in the First Degree.”

Homeless man with a 5 o’clock shadow and a mullet sexually assaults woman in woman shelter — Fox News calls him “her” and a “trans woman.”

The pro-legal weed Hochul administration is quietly trying to fire up support for a complete ban on the sale of tobacco products in New York, The Post has learned.

A new text alert system aims to warn Chicago residents of future “teen takeovers.”

Crime-ridden Chicago searches for new top cop after police chief retires after ONE month on job, as residents flee the city which has run wild with liberal policies.

Republican Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said his office is reviewing information regarding the Red Cross after a Daily Caller News Foundation report found that the organization had guides for migrants trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is introducing wristband monitors to lessen the stigma associated with tracking illegal migrants released into the U.S. interior, according to an internal document and two U.S. officials who spoke with the Daily Caller News Foundation.

File under Time Flies: Notre Dame cathedral was on fire four years ago.

New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof used an April 22 op-ed to advise his readers to consider using bear spray against home intruders instead of firearms.

Freemasons appeal to Pope for support after bishop repeats Church’s condemnation.

Protestors in France break out the mortar and start building a concrete block wall across a highway.

Ukraine pitches high returns in wartime fire sale of state firms. Basically if you have $500 million, you give it to Zelensky, he will give you the local powerplant, and then when Russia takes over, you lose everything. We should ask Sam if he has ever seen anyone out there do something like this before.

Europe ‘shot itself in the lungs’ with sanctions on Russia, Orban says.

Twitter of the Russian Embassy in Kenya:

Have you heard of Operation Mockingbird?

It is a large-scale program of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) that began in the early years of the Cold War and attempted to manipulate news media organizations for propaganda purposes.

Prigozhin says war is being sabotaged by Russia’s Deep State. Cabal in Russia?

Republicans in the Tennessee House of Representatives are signaling defiance of their fellow Republican, Gov. Bill Lee, after he proposed legislation to allow law enforcement officers to temporarily seize firearms from persons if a court agrees that they pose a threat of harm to themselves or others.

On Wednesday, lawmakers in Nebraska passed a bill allowing residents to carry concealed guns in the state without a permit.

Donald Trump: ‘I am the only candidate’ who will prevent World War Three.

Trump sees 27-point swing his way against DeSantis since December.

Spread r/K Theory, because the country is now a bad movie you cannot turn off

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1 year ago

>>But now it is much tougher because they have spent so much time deriding anyone who questioned Biden’s win or the system, and excoriating the Jan 6th protestors
This is only true if you believe Democrats care about moral consistency (spoiler: they do not) and if you believe the NPC public is swayed by changes of “hypocrisy” (they are not).

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Qbannon
1 year ago

This is why the “plan” is not only ridiculous, but criminal, at this point.

The left side of the aisle doesn’t care about evidence proving not only hypocrisy, but wanton criminal behavior.

The left doesn’t care if their team breaks every law on the books and violates state and federal laws with impunity. They enjoy that.

Trump and his handlers have made decent Americans look like complete and utter fools for supporting him and for believing in election fraud and any Q related stuff.

Flynn had been quoted, on video, and I’m paraphrasing, that the white hats won’t ride to the rescue until Americans are screaming, begging, for mercy.

Who does that asshole think he is? Who do Trump’s handlers think they are? They live in a bubble of privilege and power.

The covid lockdowns and mandates didn’t touch these people. The economic hits haven’t touched these people. The riots and spiraling crime never touch these people. The tranny insanity is like a joke to these people.

I think even Trump’s handlers get a thrill at watching everything burn and knowing it will never harm them.

At this point I don’t see these guys as being fundamentally different from Cabal.

Both teams see us as cattle to be manipulated and lied to, even killed, as it suits their purposes.

Reply to  Another Dave
1 year ago

I hate to agree.
But I must agree.
The sheeple are not going to wake up and the rest of us are being destroyed.

The people who will scream for rescue have been screaming for it for at least a year.

Q won’t be able to walk the streets either.

Reply to  Another Dave
1 year ago

The Trump administration was produced by the Cabal faction that opposed the plan for war against Russia. They got Trump in the White House long enough to delay the war by about three years. And that was all they were trying to do.

You are reading too much into what seems to be a series internal communications between this and the dominant faction, carried out on obscure message boards, if that.

It looks like the Chinese government was originally going to be in on the war and flipped, so if that is true the plan may well have accomplished something.

Reply to  Another Dave
1 year ago

Knowing the Truth is one thing. An actionable plan is another.

Reply to  Qbannon
1 year ago

if you believe the NPC public is swayed by changes of “hypocrisy” (they are not)”
3% Permanently lost my ass Q. Try 50% at the bare minimum.

Not So Anonymous
Not So Anonymous
1 year ago

Like I imagine Miles Mathis also feels, I want someone to ask RFK Jr. why the guy on the left holding his father’s freshly-shot head on newspaper front pages the next day is missing his hand. (“Hidden Hand”?)

Reply to  Not So Anonymous
1 year ago

I’m not understanding the allusion to “hidden hand”. Is this post saying the person is missing that hand as in it was chopped off between the picture and the next day? A hidden comm like harrisondeal car accident? An occult symbolic act? Or that all such assassinations are carried out by criminal gangs that hide their involvement (“The Hidden Hand”)?

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Hidden hand is the name Benjamin Disraeli used to describe the international bankers. Given that JFK wanted to take the power to create money from the federal reserve, this would have cost them trillions. They then had to do RFK as he would have investigated his brother’s death if he became president.

So yeah, comms. Hidden in plain sight.

Reply to  Not So Anonymous
1 year ago

The Kennedys faked their deaths.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

But for what reason?
I think some fake deaths are negotiated to avoid a real assassination.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Faking death as needed to conduct effective wars and operations is routine for intelligence assets. Changing identities is basic tradecraft.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

No, they didn’t. They were executed in public by a cabal that has had the West by the throat for generations, and the last 20 years has seen that cabal tighten it’s grip to the point even millions of braindead normies are starting to squirm.

The question is… where do we go from here?

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Totally. JFK just ‘sploded his head voluntarily.

Reply to  Not So Anonymous
1 year ago

That’s just his sleeve hanging down, while Robert’s head hides the wrist.
That said, all the “hidden hand” stuff is certainty problematic. I wonder how many people would really be okay with all this occult manipulation if they knew it really existed.
It exists in secret. That’s known to every regular reader of this blog. I just wonder who they are hiding from.

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

“I just wonder who they are hiding from.”
Their victims. Most people dont want to know though, you can tell them but most lack the balls or ovaries for this criminal and demonic issues.

Not So Anonymous
Not So Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

“That’s just…” No. Spare us. It was, at the very least, deliberately airbrushed out. We have eyes. If it were his sleeve, we could tell.

1 year ago

I dont know the truth of John Lennon’s murder. What I do know, is John Lennon paid the bail of “Michael X”. Michael X then skipped bail and murdered Gale Benson.

Gale Benson was politically connected, and the movie The Bank Job (2008) suggested she was a spook. Either way, there is motive, and political will & connections, for revenge. Michael X was executed, and John Lennon was murdered.

comment image

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  AnonymousBill
1 year ago

Fascinating. I’ve been red pilled for decades, and even I had never heard that before.

Reply to  Another Dave
1 year ago

Watch the movie. It is very interesting with subtle clues. Why would a bank robbery have a 30 yr secrecy order?

It is also a good movie.

1 year ago

Prigozhin says war is being sabotaged by Russia’s Deep State. Cabal in Russia?”

I made a comment about this some weeks ago. When the SMO started, vehicles were stranded because truck tires exploded, and they ran out of fuel.

I am not logs, but understand the tires exploded because the vehicles were not “exercised”. They ran out of fuel because the column travelled without fuel resupply.

In the military, particularly the Russian army, orders are orders. How difficult would it be for Cabal officers to engineer this?

Last edited 1 year ago by AnonymousBill
Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  AnonymousBill
1 year ago

Tires deteriorate with time, even if they are just sitting there doing nothing.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

So, that would be factored in to maintenance schedules.

Before going on operations, checks would be made.

Easy to not do what is required.

Reply to  AnonymousBill
1 year ago

Very easy. A few dozen absent trucks can bog down an armored division at a critical time. Tank forces that can’t maneuver are quickly defeated. Forward units denied reinforcements can become exhausted and an offensive can stall at a critical juncture- also resulting in defeat. Fuel is everything to mechanized forces. Fuel is life. No fuel, no life.

1 year ago

Re: Taiwan chips and India/Bangladesh

Global trade is slowing rapidly because nations can’t obtain enough USDs to export/import. Brazil’s Minister openly admitted that the entire world is engaged in a mad scramble to obtain USDs for this reason.

As the producer of the global reserve currency, the US has failed in the core responsibility: provision of USDs sufficient for trade. The US has not created enough and also not been able to assure that what we create gets into circulation. And we are not doing anything to change the situation.

The end result is that CHN esp and other nations are facing certain economic collapse w/in prob 10yrs.

The US knows this, and may have even done it intentionally, idk, or they may simply be embracing it. And hoping to be the least collapsed nation at the end.

So, the fear of confiscation, while real, is not the primary driver of the behavior we see. It is more a series of workarounds being tried out. As no one has created an alternative yet. Prob because US will go nuclear in response.

Reserve status of the USD is based on a portion of our sub fleet. It isn’t the petro-dollar. It is the nuclear submarine dollar.

The rapid acceleration of non-USD trade experiments is due to RUS totally btfo’ing US in UKR.

That’s why the CHN Defense Chief went to RUS to buy armaments and saluted Putin in public. I doubt I need to stress the sig of the CHN military saluting a foreign head of state.

RUS has shown that their protective umbrella works and can extend over the entire world.

The submarine-dollar cannot be forced on anyone absent RUS acquiescence.

But nations don’t really care what they trade in. They care that there is enough currency to facilitate global trade and growth. Whatever privilege the US derives is acceptable as long as the US fulfills the key responsibility of supplying suff USD and ensuring it can circulate.

The US is saying lol no we are crashing the plane. Well, Cabal is saying that. DJT would be a good steward of the USD and reap the benefit.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

I don’t see any good in the USD under the fed. And nuke subs are the Midgard serpent that could rise up and spew poison and destroy everything.

1 year ago

Re: Prighozin

Wagner is completely integrated into RUS chain of command. Prighozin is a totem or mascot. A troll. Strelkov was an FSB guy sent to run the earlier conflict in 2014. Lots and lots of maskirova. Prighozin complaining is often a prelude to large RUS offensives.

M in the 517
M in the 517
1 year ago
Vox posted a piece about revisionist chronology, a subject I haven’t though much about since Clif High was going on about it a number of years back.
I just can’t even. The time I need to fully wrap my brain around it is far more than the time I have available to do anything at all, never mind jump into the rabbit hole of even the historical timeline itself being Fake and Gay.
But it stands to reason that if it is the victors who write the history books, then that history is going to be written mainly by unscrupulous “chroniclers” looking to glorify their employers, the dominant regime, by whatever means necessary.
The Memory Hole is far more ancient than Orwell’s 1984.

Reply to  M in the 517
1 year ago

I’ve seen that, and seen similar arguments on

The non-crank part is, as you wrote, a good deal of accepted history is probably false, and there are not many good historical sources for Europe, the Middle East, and India for late antiquity and the early medieval period. This is why that period is called the “dark ages”. So the narrative in history books involves a lot of guesswork, and could well turn out to be completely wrong.

However, China during this period did not go into a Dark Ages, and Chinese historians continued to work and record what the Emperors and warlords were doing. So the arguments that the chronology was completely different and entire centuries didn’t happen is probably completely BS, since it would mean we would be writing off entire Chinese dynasties too. There would be no reasons for Chinese historians during this time to lie to help the Pope out.

The Roman Emperors basing themselves out of Nicomedia and then Constantinople seems strange, until you remember that empires selecting a new capital city happens quite often (it happened several times in China), and the Senate stayed in Rome. The empire was split into separate geographical military commands, and there were corresponding civil divisions, and the western ones completely failed to maintain any centralized government. That the eastern ones were more successful doesn’t mean that the Roman Empire somehow started in Anatolia and then conquered Italy.

Vox goes full crank sometimes, but his next post, on Best Buy, is excellent and why I keep reading his site.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

>There would be no reasons for Chinese historians during this time to lie to help the Pope out.

The tower of babel was long before this period of time, so there is irrefutable evidence of world-wide coordination to commit falsehoods and strike out at God long before the dark ages.

What motivation does ANYONE have to push the normalization of self-castration to children? And yet we see it ascending in this fallen world.

Do not assume “illogical” motivations = didn’t happen, as we can see plenty of world-wide collusion to pursue “illogical” ends right now, and finding proof this is a new trend will be very hard for you to do.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  M in the 517
1 year ago

Don’t get too wrapped up in it, and don’t assume that the revisionists have all the goods. They don’t.

Unz has posted a number of articles by a revisionist, and while there are certainly some important events that may very well be false, the two main revisionists make a wild claim that 700 years simply never happened, and we are living sometime in the 1400’s.

A number of serious academics jumped into the comments section on many of the revisionist articles, and basically demolished the overall premise. The revisionist author had no real response, but he thanked them for bringing up the serious gaps in his theory.

Numismatics and serious linguistic and textual analysis has conclusively proven that the timeline we all assume to be true, is in fact basically true.

That being said, there are serious holes in Vatican history, as well as major forgeries that would give us a very different picture of how the Middle Ages unfolded, but that doesn’t mean the Middle Ages never took place. New archeological evidence from Gobekli Tepe in Anatolia has conclusively pushed the evidence of sophisticated urban development back to at least 12,000 years. That is many thousands of years earlier than academics believed even 20 years ago. So, not only is 700 years not missing, but the actual evidence shows humans have been engaged in large scale urban planning at far, far earlier dates than recently imagined.

The standard model of history of just the last century needs revision and clarification, particularly WWI and WWII, as well as 9/11, but that doesn’t mean the last century didn’t take place, it just means our elites are liars and gangsters.

Reply to  Another Dave
1 year ago

>A number of serious academics jumped into the comments section

A number of people who claim to be serious academics in a relatively anonymous online comment section, where the two alternate options are outright liar/spook or “serious academics” who are clearly compromised by participation in the corrupt “academic” sphere run by morons and liars. Not exactly a trustworthy source.

>Numismatics and serious linguistic and textual analysis has conclusively proven that the timeline we all assume to be true, is in fact basically true.

The science is settled!™

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The serious academics that jumped in gave their names, credentials and links to their sources, and a review of their sources shows they have far more horsepower on their side than the revisionist in question.

I’m all for historical revisionism based on evidence. I’m not interested in revisionism that claims 700 years didn’t take place, despite textual and archeological evidence from East Asia that it did.

The revisionist in question based his article on the theories of Anatoly Fomenko. Fomenko had an axe to grind, and that has been demonstrated repeatedly.

Reply to  Another Dave
1 year ago

Numismatics and serious linguistic and textual analysis has conclusively proven that the timeline we all assume to be true, is in fact basically true.

Follow the money. Hardest thing to lie about is hard cash (which is why they don’t want us to have any.)

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  M in the 517
1 year ago

I spent Sunday afternoon reading the three articels; but I need to reread them in a few days: very interesting stuff.

Follow Jesus and read His Word
Follow Jesus and read His Word
1 year ago

“Prigozhin says war is being sabotaged by Russia’s Deep State. Cabal in Russia?”

Study Babel by another name, the USSR, A state founded upon violation of the 10 Commandments as well as a form of human sacrifice. There is a massive fight going on right now in Russia to continue the Russian people’s liberation and return to Christ.

1 year ago

“Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is introducing wristband monitors…”
Fitbits. Siemens gave Fitbits to all their USA employees in 2018. $50 value. Siemens also gave every employee a cardboard Ernst Werner Siemens (about ten inches high) and wanted everyone to send in pictures of themselves and Ernst Werner Siemens when the employees were on vacation. I also noticed that the place I worked (200 to 300 employees) had three very talkative German employees pretending to be engineers. Managers started to ride people about finishing projects when there wasn’t any obvious reason (Siemens typically had one release a year). In hindsight the deadline was 2020.
All these immigrants are viewed as slaves and laboratory test subjects by cabal.

1 year ago

“…had their tongues removed, authorities said, and the hide around one side of their mouths was also gone, with no visible blood.”
Someone is being told to watch their mouth.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago


Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Or just some wandering immigrants wanting their favorite dish. :/

1 year ago

African Bishops have soundly rejected the Church of England. Pretty significant move on their part as they’ve basically rejected the authority of the Church of England, their monarchy, and their leadership.

Reply to  swiftfoxmark2
1 year ago

I don’t know who writes for “Christianity Today”, but the story is too breathless because the reporter misunderstands how the Anglican communion works. Note that I’m not a fan of the hierarchy due to the closing of churches for Easter and Pentecost in 2020, though just about every church did that, and for other reasons.

But basically each Anglican and Episcopal church is organized on national lines, like the Orthodox churches. There is a common organization, the Anglican communion, where the Archbishop of Canterbury is first among equals, like the British King with the Commonwealth. The Archbishop has no authority over any national church other than the Church of England, and other Anglican and Episcopal churches can leave the communion and often do. African churches will leave from time to time when the Communion is getting too woke. The USA church left at one point because it wasn’t woke enough. The future is probably with the Africans but these stories by themselves don’t mean that much.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Christianity Today is completely compromised. When it comes to “women’s issues” and feminism. They show themselves the enemy.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Yeah, I stopped reading it in the 90s.

1 year ago

New subject – I was thinking, suppose Trump wins in 2024.”
Modus Operandi of Q:
Media: Trump smelled someone’s farts. (No presentable evidence, just literal words).
NPCs: Did you hear that Trump smelled someone’s farts?
2 Weeks Later —> Media: Lindsay Graham sniffing Nancy Pelosi’s farts. Pictures of Lindsay’s head up Nancy’s bare ass, Video, Testimonies of Lindsay Graham and Nancy Pelosi in sworn affidavits saying that they sniff each others farts, Saturday Night live of it happening, etc. etc. etc.
NPCs: Did you hear that Trump smelled someone’s farts?
Like I said a few days ago, we are headed right for another J6. This time the democrats are going to go full banana republic. Doing everything that they blamed Trump for. All part of the gay movie. The question is how Michael Bay do they make it. Are we going to see Covid-24 in Jan? Lock-downs again in March? Just in time for the joggers burning the cities in May-August? Then the virus breakout by the border like in years past? Trump winning and then Biden going all dictator/banana republic? Arresting Donald Trump before the Inauguration?
IMHO, Yes to all. How much heat are they going to apply to the situation (low, med, high)? Probably the reason for the whole Q “You are watching a movie.”

1 year ago

Then you read shit like this:comment image

Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

What’s the link to this site?

1 year ago

Holy Jesus. An old clip of Hillary praising Soros involving himself in US elections.

Prob be nuked soon. Claims it is still somehow on CSPAN.

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Anon, I wrote a whole book about this stuff, accessible through amazon at

English Tom
English Tom
1 year ago

Re: the Kennedy kid in Ukraine.

Given that RFK jr has a real hard on for Fauci, maybe the kid was doing some undercover work on the bio labs there?

Anon mum
Anon mum
1 year ago

I am convinced every neighborhood sector, or maybe each school sector, has bonafide shrinks on the team, examining every kid in detail, with effort, and identifying the ones who will tend to blaze their own path.
This. 100%. Our neighborhood watchers (“dog walkers”) carefully study our kids while they play in the backyard. They’ve recently extended their dragnet to keep an eye on some other kids in the neighborhood that our kids play with frequently. I assume the purpose is to develop profiles on them too and maybe use them against our children someday.
Watch your kids, and hide their power levels – from their “friends” most of all.
This is the part that feels impossible as a parent. In part since the schools are so infested with surveillance. In some schools (maybe many or most schools?) the majority of the faculty and administration are involved in the surveillance. Apart from living as hermits how can kids keep their capabilities to themselves? A few examples would be tests, grades, sports, clubs and other activities. Almost all schools undertake standardized testing of students which can reveal superior abilities. And an astute teacher will notice “hey, we have a precocious reader here” and then channel that info upwards. As for other power levels – learning how to play soccer in a school or town club will naturally reveal if your kid has talent. Ditto learning to play an instrument and joining a youth orchestra and getting real good. I mean I take your point but just how can this be accomplished practically?

Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago

¿ AC may be possible to see and answer in the thread of another day, linking comments and discussions?

1 year ago

Used to be easier to search evidence for the demonic possession of Muhammad by the demon posing as “Jibril” but now I cannot find it via normal Youtube search. I had to use Yandex to find the result:

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The evidence tends to support the claim. This is a saver; thanks!
Now let’s look at “Saint” Paul, with the same objectivity. He was going about his business of opposing an unimportant-at-the-time Hebrew splinter sect in the middle east. The demon appeared to him and inspired him to take it over, carry it to the current world center, from whence it ruined literally the entire planet (just look around you).
There are good cases made placing the responsibility for creating Islam with the RC church and/or the (((forces))) behind it.

How much warfare, death, ruin, misery, and depravity have these two “cults” caused, both individually and by their combined struggles and competition.
All involved would have been better served by their indigenous ethnic, animistic Folk Faiths!

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

If we were still living under pagan gods, you would be a slave.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

What makes you say that, Phelps? And do you mean in Northern Europe? Pshaw. Meanwhile, we are all enslaved here in “Christian America,” having a much larger proportion of our life and energy harvested than the average feudal serf or even the Negro cotton workers way down South in Dixie. Income tax…property tax…sales tax…fee…permit…dooh da, do da, and I am sure that you know all that.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

I’m not talking metaphoric. Literal slavery. Every pagan culture practiced widespread slavery, along with Judaism and Islam. Only Christianity pushed to end slavery.
No Christianity means you would be a literal slave.

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago
1 year ago

Some insight into who Bobby Jr really is:

In the book RFK Jr.: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Dark Side of the Dream, author Jerry Oppenheimer writes that (…) Kennedy has a dark and troubling history with women, predating his three marriages.

Bobby kept track of some of the alleged affairs in a secret diary that was leaked to the New York Post in 2013, reportedly writing that his greatest flaw was his “lust demons.”

Also, on April 3, 1982. Less than two years later, Bobby was en route to rehab in Rapid City, South Dakota, when he reportedly suffered an almost fatal overdose of heroin on
the flight. After the drug was found in his carry-on bag, he was charged with heroin possession and sentenced to community service.

More at:

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

>three marriages

All you need to know. It’s not hard to maintain a relationship with someone, repeated failures are signals of a serious personality defect that is not fixable and is immediately disqualifying for any serious authority position.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Or it is a sign of honeypot sabotage sent in by Cabal.

Not So Anonymous
Not So Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

So, what that could be, if AC has helped us scenarioize and counter-scenarioize, is a scenario where RFK Jr. somehow wound up with a functioning conscience in that Cabal clan of sociopaths, and so Cabal ordered some floozies and opioid hustlers to ruin him?

Not So Anonymous
Not So Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

All of the most successful Kennedys had “lust demons”, it seems. Interesting. Perhaps it involves literal demonic warfare, whatever that might entail. Or maybe we all have lust demons lurking in us that eventually take us captive the 5th or 10th or 50th time some hot slut comes onto you. Maybe the Kennedys are in the 95th percentile of horny males, especially if there’s a correlation between libido and ambition, so maybe it’s even easier to corrupt them, way easier.

Reply to  Not So Anonymous
1 year ago

Catholic lust demons

1 year ago

How To Resist CBDCs
Unfortunately, CBDCs—and all the terrible things that go along with them—are probably coming soon.
To summarize, here are five steps anyone can take to opt-out of this terrible system.
Step #1: Use Physical Gold and Silver
Step #2: Obtain Financial Sovereignty With Bitcoin
Step #3: Get Organized Locally
Step #4: Exchange Value for Value
Step #5: Become a Prepper

1 year ago

Ex-FBI agents accuse top CIA, FBI officials of 9/11 coverup; CIA said to use Saudis, others for illegal domestic spy operations

Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago

Hey AC, something more for the surveillance page in politics.
Here the chief of the far left campora faction in the 3rd positionist peronist movement mentions how they suffered intel by the previous liberal government.

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

You are welcome anon!

here two more links.
An argie socielite on creepy disney and children being “grabbed”

The other, a mainstream liberal journo angry because of being spied upon for more than a decade

Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago

AC here from the same politician, on the biometric surveillance in argentina of the politically involved by the liberal incumbents politicians

1 year ago

It appears the FBI is set to stage several fake shootings and attempted bombings in June 2023 around so-called PRIDE month events in potentially several US cities and towns. Some of these live exercise drills will be attributed to transvestites, others may be attributed to the “right wing” and involve FBI controlled false flag groups such as Patriot Front as we recently saw in Idaho. These staged events, with their “manifestos,” will be used to kick off fresh BLM-Antifa riots under the “Trans” banner. The MAGA movement will be blamed.

Stay far away from all sodomite (Masonic) events, especially “drag queen story hour” or any drag event where children are the focus, or where guns are open carried by masked individuals such as we saw recently in Texas. Importantly, avoid any such events sponsored By BUD LIGHT, Budweiser, or Anheuser-Busch (note its Masonic Logo). The Anheuser-Busch (Bush) CEO is allegedly with the CIA.

Document online activity, especially posted calls for crisis actors and any online public records of planned emergency drills in June 2023, especially in proximity to Pride events. Keep an eye on the online activity or press releases of the ADL and the SPLC. These two Freemasonry aligned groups have a perennial operating presence at FBI psyops, such as the one in Charlottesville.

It is also very likely that Wray Epps death will be faked by the FBI – DOJ sometime before the 2024 election; to be blamed on the “right wing.” He is clearly going into witness protection with a new identity, hence the 60 Minutes interview where he is portrayed as being forced into hiding.

As the Biden regime panic escalates, there will likely be several new FBI and DHS whistleblowers and embedded assets in mid to late May who will, God willing, help our command structure scuttle the potential June psyops and allow our Constitutional Republic to bring the rogue agents and operatives involved to swift justice under Military Law.

God Bless