Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Arizona audit has started. The live feed site is here.
Arizona Democrat Party files suit to stop the audit of 2.1 million ballots in Maricopa County. Mike Lindell was talking about all the leftist media crying about election integrity two years ago, with the HBO documentary Kill Chain, and the CNN report he featured clips from. I was thinking, the left did all those documentaries because the 2020 election was supposed to be a battle of voter fraud, between them, and Trump’s side in Military intel. If they won, they would have let it be, like now, and covered it up. But if they didn’t their plan was to expose the voter fraud in blatant fashion, and tie it around the GOP’s neck, and Trump’s neck. Hence crowing about fraud up until the election. Exposing fraud and Impeaching was the backup plan. They never thought Trump would get as many votes as he did, and that his side would allow them to steal it freely, and generate so much fraud even their media couldn’t hide it.
I do not know if this story is in the public domain yet or not, but it occurs to me that maybe it is not generally known.
What was going to happen on January 6 was this: there were about a dozen senators briefed and prepared to challenge the electoral votes of a number of the states. That is how it was going to be addressed. But then the goons showed up (whether the goons were MAGA or Antifa doesn’t matter), they stormed the capital building, and the next morning no Senators had any stomach for challenging the states.
The storming of the capital could not have helped the bad guys more than if they had planned it themselves…?
So let us learn from our mistakes. At any rallies (and yes there will soon be rallies), your job is to make sure no Goons get the crowd to do anything dumb like that again.
Again, Patrick acts like things work the way normies think. They don’t. Rule one in intelligence work (and this is intelligence work) is always be certain. Everything is controlled, in part using a level of intelligence which can tell you what tests you cheated on in the fourth grade, who you cheated off, and what your score was. If those Senators (who are mostly mid-IQ degenerates with copious blackmail) were going to challenge the votes, they were doing so under orders, and they would not be dissuaded by some whim of fancy of their’s. They are not high enough to have whims of fancy, let alone entertain them. There are kids, little kids, right now, hooked on drugs, because an adult who was assigned to monitor the school decided the kid would go on drugs. They sent other little kids who follow orders for the conspiracy in with drugs, to act like they were friends of those kids, and get them hooked. I’ve seen the kids, and they are operational in the child-environment of schools, 100%, and they have been for some time. They even run coverage on me now today. At the level of Senator, the level of control is vastly greater than in a mere school of kids. If the plan was what he said above, the Senators who were recruited for this would have followed through, because they would have been afraid of what would have happened if they did not. The intelligence people running it would have been certain they had control before they launched. And if the Senators didn’t follow through, we would have seen blackmail aired out to destroy them, or fatal accidents, and we also would have seen a backup plan enacted, because in an operation like this, where the entire fate of the country is at stake and elite level intel is operating, there would have been a plan B, and a plan C, and more, and if all that failed, Trump would have tried one of the three or four plans we saw him presented with to salvage everything and blow it all open. I am still not sure how they wrangled Trump, who I am sure was dying to stir the pot big time and create a giant shitstorm. But Trump didn’t and certainly with good reason. Byrne has to know all this, so I don’t know why he keeps saying these things which are clearly BS. On the one side, he was an FBI informant. And he is a near-billionaire, or billionaire, so he is probably in the club somehow. On the other hand, Flynn seems to like him. But Flynn seems to be on the outside at times too. So I just don’t know what Byrne’s deal is.
Join the class action lawsuit against Dominion here, if you are a registered voter.
The American Enterprise Institute (AEI) refused to ask two important questions of Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger about why he did not produce chain of custody data for ballots from the 2020 election, and how voters could have confidence in the results. AEI was running cover for the conspiracy, and refusing to ask the questions. I’m wondering how this reporter was honest enough to pose those questions, and point out they were not answered. Cabal clearly missed one position.
Americans for Prosperity (AFP) endorsed bipartisan legislation introduced by Senators Ron Wyden, Rand Paul, Patrick Leahy and Mike Lee aimed at ending the legal loopholes that allow for warrantless surveillance on Americans. I’m pretty sure this legislation will not make any difference for people like me.
An interesting article from Microbiology and Infectious Disease is here, in which the author points out the Pfizer vaccine does contain motifs which could possibly trigger the onset of prion diseases and Neurodegenerative disorders. It is very speculative, and is trying to tease out foreshadowings which might or might not hold water in the long term. There are a lot of logical inferences which in biology which fail to play out once they get tested in experimentation, simply because the body has so many parallel pathways and backup systems working in the shadows which only emerge at the critical moment to save the day. But given we have no data any of this is impossible, and the logic says it might be possible, it is ridiculous we rolled this out globally on everyone all at once. The next ten years may get very interesting. And we may find out yet that the elites really never took the vaccines, and all those videos of them being vaccinated with empty syringes and syringes with covers on were more significant than the normies could possibly have imagined.
Coronavirus vaccine has no impact on fertility, Israeli study shows. A little late if it did, which raises the question would they tell us now, if it did?
UFO sightings are increase year over year by massive numbers. No idea if there is any relation, but it is interesting they show up in large numbers during important historical periods, like World Wars.
Gateway Pundit makes the case (albeit with no evidence) that the US Postal Service was involved with the We Build The Wall fraud case against Brian Kolfage, to get his list of donors to act as the seed list for their spying. It is possible, but I would assume the USPS spook operation is one small part of the larger domestic spook operation, and if so, they didn’t need that list.
Phelps writes in the comments:
Zero hedge has surv video from across the street:
What strikes me the most is how everyone is just milling around waiting until the cop shows up, and then SUDDENLY everything goes stabby.
We’re watching a movie.
This will jump out to some people who have experienced masses of random strangers timing a big event to just as you arrive somewhere. Some people here will actually be used to this type of thing. Again, these things are never 100% because they are designed to look normal and random, but the timing is a very precise aspect which was so perfect to the cop’s arrival it seems statistically less likely. Especially since the cops were called to a woman with a knife call, where the caller sounded like she was in imminent risk of death (see below), and yet here, nobody is upset, nobody is afraid, and there is no action until just as the cop arrives, at which point somebody comes within an inch of being murdered at that second. Figure the cops are a few minutes out at least, and you have to wonder how there was a call for a stabber, and then everybody stands around doing nothing and waiting, and then the stabber shows up and starts stabbing, just as the cop gets there. Nobody ran at the outset of the spree when the call was made? The scene just sat static until the cop arrived and then instantly went red hot? It is weird.
‘NBC Nightly News’ is under fire for editing out key part of 911 call before Ma’Khia Bryant shooting, where the caller screamed, “It’s these grown girls over here trying to fight us, trying to stab us, get here now!” And yet everyone was chill when the cops arrived a little while later, until the moment the cop got out. It would have been tough to communicate to myself, before I saw all this, just how big a secret a large swath of the population is keeping from everyone else. Really, anything is possible.
Russia is blamed for ‘directed energy’ attacks on US troops in Syria. The Pentagon denies anything happened, and it is important to remember, Syria is some sort of Cabal battlefield, designed to keep everyone away from Iranian nuclear activities, and maybe more, based in the no-go zones of the battlefield. So counter-Cabal forces could be trying to deploy US Military assets to do things there that Cabal does not want, just as CIA appeared to have counter-Cabal operatives in Cuba get hit in Cuba, and then further attacked, and gangstalked, when they returned to America. I am 100% certain I have periodic uniform EMF due to some type of radiation that I can feel, radiating throughout every square foot of my house uniformly, only at human height, which turns off instantly when I mention out loud I am videoing the meter readings and positions. For a while, they had some type of buzzing thing rigged, but they were only hitting half my bed. If I laid one way, and was still, half my body felt like a still glass of water, while the other half felt a high frequency buzzing all throughout it. If I flipped, the sides flipped and the formerly “still side” felt the buzz, and the formerly “buzzed side” felt still. And that is not even the lower frequency, more violent vibrations, which I have gotten, and which are reported by others in the US. It is difficult to say exactly what is going on anywhere, but it is fairly certain there is some type of exceedingly complex covert conflict afoot, which seems to split even United States intelligence agencies and the entire civilian populace into two sides (three if you count the unawares). I can’t say if this was or wasn’t the Russians, but I am 100% certain that there is somebody out there playing with this tech against Americans who is not the Russians, so I tend to default to this being whoever that is (Cabal). And even our own technical intel specialists supposedly ran into a brick wall in Cuba trying to identify who it is, or how the tech worked. Which makes me wonder if the actual unit of individuals deploying that tech are even known to many on the enemy’s side. One thing is for sure – if this is them, I have yet to see them deploy this on anybody even remotely deserving of it.
Amazon begins rollout of pay-by-palm at whole foods near HQ.
Boulder mass murder shooting suspect is charged with using a large magazine. That is a class 2 misdemeanor, with up to $1,000 in fines, mind you, piled on the ten murders (including a Police officer) and umpteen attempted murders.
Hotline gets more than 200 tips on Andrew Cuomo’s sexual harassment conduct in his impeachment investigation. And people have stopped talking about the Nursing Home scandal.
House approves bill to make DC a state.
Biden eyeing raising the capital gains tax as high as 43.4 percent for the wealthy.
Biden mulling offering asylum or other legal protections to climate migrants.
Chauvin alternate Juror does an interview, and assures everyone that the prosecution in the Chauvin case was overwhelming, and the defense didn’t prove anything. Either we have a much bigger IQ problem in this country than even I would believe, or every single juror was with the Secret Society, because the make up of the jury was rigged.
For those inclined, you can send an email to Derek Chauvin here, if you click on his name. You will have to make an account, and it will get attached to his case, so if we break him out one day and he is on the run, US Marshalls may pay you a visit to see if you are hiding him. Rules for communications are here. He can also get mail at:
Derek Chauvin, OID# 261557
Minnesota Correctional Facility
Oak Park Heights
5329 Osgood Ave North
Stillwater, MN 55082
Ex-general Russel Honoré, picked by Nancy Pelosi to review Capitol security appears on Chinese propaganda network. He was a vehement Anti-Trumper, and is now shilling to the Chinese, insulting Americans over our views of Climate Change.
Pete Buttigieg arrives at an electric vehicles event in a pair of gas-guzzling SUVs. The dude above is OK with that though.
Jeffrey Epstein’s Palm Beach estate has been demolished. Article notes the real estate guy and the developer who bought it, all got together specifically to make sure the property got bought and destroyed. Assume there is a lot of video of the interior of that house out there.
Conservative Treehouse looks at how the Broward County School Superintendent Robert Runcie being arrested for perjury during questioning about the “Promise Program” may uncover how that program was being used to protect specific youths committing crimes from criminal prosecutions.
Pope hangs a picture of a naked Jesus caressing Judas in his office.
Philadelphia is having trouble finding recruits for the Police.
Nevada teen suffers seizures, extremely rare brain clots after Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
77 inmates at Iowa prison given overdoses of COVID-19 vaccine, officials say. Literally, could be part of the experiment.
Russia orders troops to withdraw from Ukraine’s border after buildup that alarmed West.
US Capitol Police officer allegedly told units to only monitor for ‘anti-Trump’ protesters on January 6 in a recorded radio call. Cabal definitely needs control over the Capitol Police, but even with all their effort, they clearly haven’t got anywhere near complete control.
Social Justice protests banned at Olympics, as a new poll reveals most athletes don’t want them. The viability of the leftist philosophy is nothing more than an illusion they create with street theater and the control of the media.
Rasmussen finds, 37 percent of polled American respondents are buying less Coca-Cola products.
GOP bill that could remove 200k people from Arizona’s Permanent Early Voting List clears the House.
“Coronavirus vaccine has no impact on fertility, Israeli study shows. A little late if it did, which raises the question would they tell us now, if it did?”
I mean it is funny how Israel could sterilize itself but maybe they didn’t. Contrary to what Jews desperately hope for they do share biology with the rest of humanity, so this might be good news in one small way.
As for all of the other crap jimmy-rigged vaccines can do (if you know your history), as well as a likely level of malfeasance, nobody should take those things, and if anybody does it should be 3rd worlders first.
“Rasmussen finds, 37 percent of polled American respondents are buying less Coca-Cola products.”
Including, disproportionally, people from the south, who tended to buy more Coke than Pepsi.
That trend just reversed, big time.
Pepsi wins the Cola wars. Again.
Too bad Pepsi can’t do something about the taste. I stopped coke because I’m entirely Caucasian to be drinking it, but I don’t know what part of humanity could drink Pepsi other than out of spite of coke.
I believe Pepsi wins in a blind taste test for most people because of sweetness or w/e.
In any case people especially Americans shouldn’t be drinking soda. If they still want the feel try sparkling water and/or juice.
What I’ve found is most people only notice “sweet” in a soft drink or ‘cooler’. Past that, most of them are hard pressed to tell the difference between Dr. Pepper and Sprite if they’re blindfolded.
I guess we’ll just have to drink less soda and add a few years to our lives. Poor us 😆
If I need a sweet drink, I’ll pour myself some apple cider. Still way more sugar than I really need, but it has anti oxidant benefits. And it tastes naturally refreshing without needing a zillion chemicals, or HFCS added.
Ethanol is my sugar of choice. I’m not going to further tax my liver with fructose.
“BLM demonstrators storm Oklahoma house chamber over Republican-backed anti-protest bill to grant immunity to motorists who kill or injure rioters.”
Nut up Okies. Don’t cuck out to BLM
“Sen. Cornyn, Reps. Cuellar, Gonzales announce bipartisan bill to add immigrant processing sites, so we can process migrants into the US faster.”
What drives a cuck like Cornyn. Is it biology, the devil, both?
The story would have to begin with some genetically vulnerable Texas boy, singled out by Cabal, and periodically compromised over time, until he reached a point that would lead his handlers to believe he was ready for politics. A few threatening, fear filled decades later and here we are. Yet all this fear he has in life will pale in comparison to the fear he will feel the moment he crosses the veil of death. Such a sad way to live. Better to fight, even if you’ve screwed up, it’s always better to fight. And if you lose that fight, just stay out of the ring.
“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.”
-John the Baptist (Matthew 3:2)
“What strikes me the most is how everyone is just milling around waiting until the cop shows up, and then SUDDENLY everything goes stabby.”
Reminds of a video I saw breaking down the Ashley Babbitt shooting. Two guys were narrating a video showing all the participants going to the scene of her shooting. Yep, cops and protesters just walking calmly to through the halls. They get there and everyone is milling around and quiet. Then, as if on que, the action starts and Ashley starts climbing up through the window and gets shot. Afterwards, it looks like one of the EMTs puts something in her hand. The positioning and acting of most of the folks looked sus as hell.
The narrators are stopping the film every few moments and pointing out the absurdities of the scene. I just looked for the video but i can’t find it. I’ll keep looking and post it if I find it but it’s very convincing that it was all bullshit.
Babbitt also spoopy. what kind of name is that, again? / news of knife show > ds/cabal production
I saw that Ashley Babbitt shooting video too. I naively thought someone was actually shot but after seeing that where the slow everything down and show from multiple angles it looks like total BS.
I bet this is the video you are referencing. If not it’s a good one anyways.
Everything Wrong With The Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less
Yeah, I think this was what I watched. Thanks for finding it.
Keep an open mind, but the UFO sightings, and the reason…go watch Darryl Anka regarding ‘first contact’ and his “First Contact” video on that you-pipe website. According to the entity he channels anyway. Supposed to have full public first contact in 2023. Increased sightings might be a precursor and getting us ready? Fact/fiction…depends on how your mind wants to process the information it’s being given.
Don’t let your mind be so open on UFO sighting that it doesn’t fall out. I always chime in when people talk about UFO’s for one reason. It may be scientifically possible to make “inertia drives”. This is important because people do not believe that any such thing exists and if they see one they will automatically assume that it’s alien. I’m telling you that here are several devices that show this effect and if I can see it then surely defense contractors can so we may have a fleet of prototypes of these.
The key to take away is it NOT 100% that anything that zooms around real fast, turns at high rates, basically acts like a UFO is actually aliens.
These are propulsion systems that do not expel matter they push directly on…something. My belief is they push on the inertia or all the matter in the universe. They are analogous to electromagnetic waves. If you move electrons fast enough you build fields that react. I surmise the same thing is possible with inertia drives that generate inertia waves which then push against the universe. There are several, many, abnormalities that show this effect. Mostly it comes about by by accelerating, accelerating objects. So it’s a jerk or surge. Rail guns are one such thing. The recoil force of a rail gun is MUCH LESS then the force of the object it is accelerating out of the barrel. How does that work? No one knows but I think do. It’s emitting inertia waves which holds the gun back and reduces the kick. I’ve covered this a bunch if anyone is interested I have documented this with video links and papers where you see this for yourself. You don’t have to take my word for it. Here’s some.
I also have a theory that this explains “dark matter” where there appears to be more stuff in the universe than we can account for. A lot more. If you have matter emitting inertia waves because of energetic events in space then the objects subjected to these forces would appear to weigh more.
Sam’s theory of apparent dark matter. “The appearance of extra mass in the universe, called Dark matter, is actually the “inertia waves” created by spinning mass that is being accelerated.”
Re: Knife fight starts as the Police roll up. Remember your high school chemistry when you were allowed to play with a super saturated solution. It stayed liquid until you added that last pinch of sugar. It then went exothermic and became a solid. Animals and Ferals need a trigger in this case it was a Cop rolling up and the stand off changed. Floyd’s behavior changed as the crowd gathered. Keep this in mind when you are among them as you will likely never know what the trigger is as you do not have the same mind set. For instance, when you meet a new dog if you stare at it looking it in the eyes it will see that as an aggressive act same with Ferals
As to their “hoods” a place where low IQ leaves them unable to engage in critical thinking, there are a number of commonly held but mistaken generalities that guide their lives. Despite having poor whites living among them one of these is that all white people are rich (rich being undefined or the thought being unsupported) another being the lack opportunities because of skin color. It is never a thought that a felony for robbery leaves an employer unable to hire in a job that requires entry into peoples houses or the handling of money. They waste an enormous amount of their lives trying to “get over” on everyone with whom they come into contact. Problems with instant gratification, conspicuous consumption or the inability to understand the value added by a job in relation to pay offered. These are not curable items, at least in the near term, and the lack of stable community makes it worse. The teaching of “it’s white peoples fault” seals the deal and there is no going back.
My personal strategy is to disengage wherever possible and be unsupportive such as not watching sports ball or doing or supporting anything “woke”.
“…Animals and Ferals need a trigger in this case it was a Cop rolling up and the stand off changed…”
I think you’re right. Right about all of the observations. As soon as the cops roll up these people reach a high state of agitation and lose what little thinking ability they have in the beginning.
Have any of you ever been in a fight that triggered and immense rage to where you could only attack? I have. It was a case where I felt threatened. Completely lost my senses. Negros do this a lot. I’ve seen it. You can be talking to them and say something or do something that triggers them and they lose all their critical thinking skills. They become furious. They do this very easily and it’s why they’re constantly fighting and killing each other for next to no reason at all.
“Problems with instant gratification, conspicuous consumption or the inability to understand the value added by a job in relation to pay offered.”
With both mother and Father in the home. And raising their children. It trigger epigenetic switches that make them r-strategists and short-termers.
Welfare breeds such types.
From my experience in biglaw, there are relatively few highly competent black lawyers (maybe less than one in 50). Even then, everyone in biglaw tends to specialize in a narrow area. Being highly competent in their area doesn’t make them the right choice for every matter. The draw of a huge firm is that they have someone for every field. It’s the deep bench. If you are demanding that 15% of your billing comes from black lawyers, I guarantee that you aren’t getting the best representation you could for the money. Competent black lawyers are great. There just aren’t many of them. (Remember that are WAY out on the right side of the bell curve from the start in biglaw).
Zombie Biden’s first 3 months feels like 3 years. 😞 I’m just not seeing anyway out of this other than mass violence, and the rest of the world is just waiting to stick their dicks into that, and then it’s world war and race war all in one convenient package.
FFS, I just wanted to raise a family and the conservatives couldn’t even conserve that.
Pretty much.
>For those inclined, you can send an email to Derek Chauvin
I seem to remember Chauvin worked a second job as a bouncer at some shady strip club and was previously familiar with Floyd from that work. That makes me think he has some greater involvement than what we are told. He might be the patsy he is made out to be, but if he wasn’t somehow involved in the cabal beforehand I would be surprised. I ain’t exactly crying a river for him. assuming they don’t just kill him in prison to tie up loose ends, they could easily Epstein him with a lookalike and retire him to a beach in Israel.
It is not impossible. Though I saw a video of George Floyd in a previous Police stop, and he looked mentally ill, and maybe outright mentally retarded enough that I could see having worked with him myself at such a job, and never having interacted with him, to the point I might not recognize him if I ran into him. Floyd looked to me like a black version of Lenny in Of Mice and Men.
There is no doubt, a lot of Cops who know there is something out there. I had a relative who was a fairly high ranking cop out of Headquarters decades back, and there is no way he was aware of this in detail. He was too hard headed and would have gotten where I am with this. But it is possible he would have thought there was Fed surveillance in greater numbers than most would think, and he’d have let that be. And as I have said, I had a local Officer in this who knew something was out there, but would not condone the total betrayal of the Constitution which this is, and he offered to help with reports to make life for this difficult, though he was aware what an uphill fight it would be that way. Still, I don’t think he would have thought it was as bad as it is.
If I had to guess, Chauvin has an idea there is a big covert surveillance thing, but he probably thinks it is law enforcement, and it is careful to not get into things with civilians, and it is working for officer safety, or protecting the community, or some such bullshit.
I just cannot believe cops could have any idea this thing has been out there, killing other cops to try and intimidate department leaderships, or that it was launching against innocent women like Brandy Vaughn, or protecting serial killers, or MS-13, or even screwing with me, and they would be cool with it.
It is possible Chauvin could have been an asset, but if he was, I tend to think he would have been protected, and not in the position he is in. Him divorcing the wife quickly was a defensive move I don’t think somebody in this would even think twice about.
But in this world you never know. I still can’t rule out Kyle Odom’s story, myself. It may not be at the top of my list of probabilities, but if you dig down, it is still in there with a small likelihood attached to it. It would explain how all these strange people are linked, and why we are so entirely on the outside.
“…I just cannot believe cops could have any idea this thing has been out there, killing other cops to try and intimidate department leaderships, or that it was launching against innocent women like Brandy Vaughn, or protecting serial killers, or MS-13, or even screwing with me, and they would be cool with it…”
Speaking of serial killers. They ones with a lot of press are really, really odd and I don’t mean that them killing a lot of people is odd, it is, I mean the circumstances surrounding them is odd as can be. One simple example is George Bush executed the hell out of people when he was governor but not Henry Lee Lucas. He stayed his execution. That is ODD! A reporter did a great deal of research on this and wrote an article and a book on this. If all of the stuff he wrote is true then the whole story is bizarre. Check this link out.
There’s Something About Henry
by David McGowan
There’s another that rounds this out. I think this is “mother of all conspiracy theory” articles. It covers all the basics of what is going on and how things are done. It’s a real deep dive on the whole thing. If you are even slightly interested in this sort of thing the article above and this are worth reading.
Lifting the Veil, An Investigative History of the United States Pathocracy
Researched and Written by Timothy M. Silver. Published in 2015.
> They never thought Trump would get as many votes as he did, and that his side would allow them to steal it freely, and generate so much fraud even their media couldn’t hide it.
Patrick Byrne
That could be the solution to the puzzle why Trump let them steal so easily. It starts all making sense together with a couple of Qdrops.
1. In 2016, whitehats must have been able to un-rig results, which must be technically very close to “rig the elections”. I.e. they were vulnerable and Cabal knew.
2. Soon after that Whitehats must have realized that Cabal could use this capability against them in 2020, if they try to un-rig again. (To un-rig would require interference into the system of some kind and Cabal could have prepared traps to intercept traces of such access. They could be then used as evidence of Trump rigging the elections, exactly as AC correctly speculated.)
3. This would be a fight very hard to win, as MSM are the critical asset in such case, so it was decided to find a different way.
4. Whitehats shockingly decided to not interfere at all and let rig to happen. However, they were also trying to get as many votes as possible – the choice of Sleepy Joe as opponent was almost ideal, whoever made it. Maybe even Trump himself was not aware of the plan until elections so he campaigned like hell. And as AC said, now it is impossible to hide the fraud even with their media.
5. Of course, January 6 and its aftermath (NG in DC, etc.) has its purpose in all this, though I am not sure what exactly. However, there is just too many inexplicable Trump decisions for it not to be a part of the whole plan.
6. Democrats were given even the Legislature, which means they can feel free and do whatever they want. And they did. They are managing to speed up the Great Awakening the way, Trump alone would never be able to.
7. And while preparing to let steel win, it would be unwise for Whitehats not to plant a few mines, backdoors or failsafes into the system. Maybe we see some of them in what is described as “watching the movie”, maybe we’ll see some of them exploding soon.
Therefore Byrne does not have to be aware of what is going on as even Trump was not. It would just jeopardize the whole setup.
That Q post does sound like us walking through the darkness now.
the reasons behind all of this appear obvious, but what happens long term could be anything, including very likely civil war(s) that are very lethal.
What happens when the 5% of the US that were conspiracy theorists and survivalists becomes 25% or more? The American people become ungovernable that’s what.
That is why they are desperate to force everyone to get the shot.
Hey Farce, would you expand on your theory of why they’re so insistent everyone get the shot? I have my own ideas but I’m open to others thoughts on the matter.
If they kill or make infertile most of the compliant sheep but not most of the independent thinkers they will have undercut their own plans by this crude attempt at population reduction.
They do not want it to be K selecting because the K selected don’t get it and the r selected do so all must be forced to take the shot and experience the death and infertility at the same rate.
Windham, New Hampshire Official Receives Death Threats Over Upcoming Ballot and Voting Machine Audit
Am I the only person with my fingers crossed that
is actually legitimate and the only way it could be pulled off as if Trump and his Generals before day one had everything planned and mapped out?
I trust the Plan, and this seems to be it, in progress, while we are to stunned or stupefied to believe.
Monday after taps, HRC is set to be executed through hanging. Of course they have tidbits of her existed on media that they will use for awhile until full blown panic in DC sets in. Remember Brennan stopped tweetn late February as if he were one of the first.
Do you think this could ever be reported to the masses? Or is the reason no one is talking is because we are too scared if it is not happening. They’ll be coming fo me next…
11:11 if you believe in Prayer is a distinct time we can all hold the Lord in our court and Pray for our country as the world to be rid of evil.
I will tell you right now, I know, 100% there is stuff going on nobody would think possible. And not just because people would not do it for moral reasons, or because it is too paranoid, or because there is no logical reason to do it, but even more because of the logistics. I don’t know where they get the resources, or how they motivate all these people.
Given what I have seen, anything is possible, and what the public thinks is the most likely truth may very well be the least likely reality possible.
first, gotta believe all that hopium is just that, and not real. sure, that website is very specific and chock-full of hopeful news – .Mil arrests Comey! Hillary Tribunal Day 4! – which would be lovely to believe, but … for it to be true, Trump/The Good Guys would have to be doing it now …. when they never made any attempt to do so while they were in office/had the actual power. for this to be true, they would have had to wait until AFTER they’d left office, AFTER they’d surrendered their legal powers & authority, to make their moves. don’t think so. I don’t care how many levels your chessboard has, it’s never a good idea to throw away your 9 most powerful pieces before beginning your blitzkrieg strike.
part 2 is actually worse. IF all that shit is true – and it’s not – and IF Hilly & Comey & Podesta & Weiner/Huma and their little laptop is in the hands of Trump/The Good Guys and about to be righteously hanged and IF T/TGG are rounding up the treason & bankster & tech robber barons & pedophilia brigades but only in UltraMegaTopSecret conditions, then we’re all seriously fucked.
a country that removes their corrupt “leadership” in secret, never announced, never confirmed-or-denied conditions is NOT America. of course! the bad guys all deserve to be hanged!!! and I include 90% of the city/county/state/federal cops/prosecutors/judiciary in that number as well. but in America, we do things openly. we don’t operate like commies with mysterious tragic plane crashes and rooskis tryna figure out who’s who by whoever stands closest to comrade Stalin in the most recent parade.
if the military has made/is making a coup, then TELL US, boys. give hope and cheer to the good people while striking fear into the hearts of the enemy. hell, we’ll all chip in to help!
we already HAVE a country run by shadowy figures manipulating lying grinning puppets, all of whom have nothing but open scorn for their fellow countrymen. utter contempt for our pitiful savings accounts, our laughably small hopes & dreams, for our childish & naive Love of Country and our pathetic little “rulebooks.” why the fuck would we want more of that?
11:11 is okay, but 1500 hours is the hour of Great Mercy.
Apparently the Mayor of Portland is turning on antifa
Wonder what changed
Did that once before when they went after him personally. Then they kissed and made up.
“Nothing to see here…”
Hundreds of Jewish supremacists chant ‘Death to Arabs’ as tensions boil over in Jerusalem clashes
Sen. Ron Johnson Says He Sees ‘No Reason’ For COVID-19 Mass Vaccination
He’s a little late off the starting blocks for that one. Half of his constituents have already taken the mystery shots.
Starting with the premise that the UFO’s are physical manifestions of the Heavenly Powers who are Fallen angels:
” They appear to be material creatures, and yet have a transparent character. According to the teachings of the Church, demons are spiritual beings; that is, they are fallen Angels. But because they are corrupt and degenerate, they thrive on the human passions—feed on them.
This well explains the almost universal sexual exploitation of their captives by alien abductors. In the second place, in the course of their physical examination of abductees, the aliens inflict pain on their victims and frequently scar them. In spiritual literature, and especially in the lives of the Saints, we repeatedly read of physical attacks against Christian believers by demonic spirits.
If these aliens are not demons, how is it that beings so advanced that they can achieve space travel cannot prevent pain and scarring during routine physical examinations? It is not pain which the aliens cannot control, but their demonic passion for inflicting the same on mankind.
Moreover, at least initially, abductees experience terror and fright in the presence of their alien abductors; only later, after having been reluctantly won over by the aliens, do they feel secure in the presence of their abductors. This is a classical demonic machination. Demons inevitably strive, in a methodical way, to overcome the initial and natural repulsion that human beings feel in their presence, gaining the confidence of those whom they seek to mislead.
Finally, the spiritual effects of abductees’ contacts with aliens, as we have pointed out, are anti-Christian. Abductees are drawn away from the universal teachings of Orthodox Christianity and towards the demonic delusion that underlies modern New Age philosophies. Human transformation ceases, for these victims of alien visitation, to be a God-oriented, Grace-mediated process, but becomes part of a personality-dissolving return to the “elemental” universals upon which the pagan notion of Paradise is predicated.”
God’s punishment in the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ makes a lot of sense:
“21In that day the LORD will punish
the host of heaven above
and the kings of the earth below.
22They will be gathered together
like prisoners in a pit.
They will be confined to a dungeon
and punished after many days.”
Isaiah 24:21-22
It also stands to reason that since those Heavenly powers have been involved in Human History you shouldn’t be surprised that there will be great activity involving the Heavenly powers when it comes to major events in history.
Those Demons are involved in the highest Echelons of Power after all being Scions of Satan. Doing all they can to plunge Mankind into darkness and apostasy from God and his Son Jesus Christ.
>’ but I am 100% certain that there is somebody out there playing with this tech against Americans who is not the Russians’.
100% is quite a high degree of certainty there, comrade. You taken some paper bags full of crisp rubles?
Did you visit the surveillance page in the sidebar? What do you put the chances at that what is documented there is Russian, operating freely in the US without any pushback from US intel, and indeed, with full control over domestic government agencies?
I never, ever say 100%, unless I have seen something with my own eyes, and gotten a good degree of understanding of it.
And no rubles yet, but I think aversions to that are silly. Our own government isn’t even American, as far as I can tell. If the American government and the Russian government got in a spat (which they are) what you are really looking at is a spat between Russians and some European clique of elites who have worked together to take over the United States government from us, so they can profit and increase their control by running the US into the ground. Honestly, if I could take a few million rubles from the Russians, and assist in bringing down the globohomo running the US now, I would view that as being as patriotic as Ben Franklin getting cash from France to help fight the revolution.
I’ve seen what is going on up close. It is horrific.
And if this is Gary again, you never answer me when I ask, you say on your website you have heard the voice of God speak to you in your house. Did that voice ever tell you to come here? I am honestly curious, because the domestic intel is reported by some to have a tech which is actually called “Voice of God” which can broadcast voices through walls, and produce a curious sensation of hearing a voice inside your head. I am curious if it is possible what I describe on the surveillance page might be on top of you, and using advanced tech to simulate religious experiences to manipulate you.
I don’t say I have heard the voice of God ( I did just once hear an angelic voice say Malachi, Malachi early in the morning, not in my head though), I say that the Word of God has been placed in me, like it was in Jesus. I never hear a voice inside my head, I get ‘thought injections’ (as I called them at first, before I knew the Word was in me). I can have a thought, then something will happen, and I then realise the thought was from the Word. Sometimes it’s teaching me, sometimes it’s just for shared laughter.
An example, I once cracked an egg into a bowl, and it was bad. As I was in the toilet pouring it away, I had a thought ‘Oh well, sometimes you get a bad egg, sometimes you get a double yolker’. Then when I cracked the next egg to cook, into the bowl, it was a double-yolker. It was very amusing.
More serious ‘thought injections’ were the revelation of the gold bar with .999 fineness mark, that will be the tattoo of the mark of the beast. Just was given that thought. The stuff about Putin as the lawless man, from the Word, the sand of the sea, and the dragon, from the Word.
But no one, no thought prompted me to post here, and be assured, the evil ones would not be pushing you and your readers to obey God’s laws through faith, that’s the last thing they want. I just post on some blogs and YT, giving my message, as instructed, and I know people hate it, and it largely is futile, but that is prophesied:
>’You have deceived me, O Yehovah, and I was deceived.
You have overcome me and prevailed.
I am a laughingstock all day long;
everyone mocks me.
8For whenever I speak, I cry out;
I proclaim violence and destruction.
For the Word of Yehovah has become to me
a reproach and derision all day long.
9If I say, “I will not mention Him
or speak any more in His name,”
His message becomes a fire burning in my heart,
shut up in my bones,
and I become weary of holding it in,
and I cannot prevail.’
I am not complaining, and nor will I complain at what is coming for me in the rest of that chapter of Jeremiah 20, have a read.
Don’t let this comment through if you don’t want to, I won’t mind. Please do not be duped by Trump and Putin and the pols, they will lead you and your readers to your destruction. Maybe you are controlled oppo, pushing the surveillance angle as a distraction, It’s possible.
I’m only deleting comments I think are attacks on people who contribute here, and it is not personal, it is just keeping the conversation topical, and not descending into fighting that drives newbies away.
Surveillance is big. I don’t know exactly what it means, if it is just people joining together for the benefits and producing something bad, or if it is a deeper, spiritual thing going on. I am not even sure the surveillance people themselves really know what is at the top of their pyramid, though many give an impression they know something quite extraordinary by normal standards.
Not sure if this makes a difference, but, correlating this article with the very interesting” serco “article posted here the other day, I think America is being run and always was run, by Britain.
“… I think America is being run and always was run, by Britain…”
Ok. Let’s follow that line of inquiry and see if it’s factually true. We know for an absolute fact without any doubt that the Jews own and control the information stream from the majority of radio stations, TV stations, newspapers, News combined wire services, big internet media companies, magazine publishing, book publishing, school textbook publishing, cable services and I’m sure I missed some.
We know that the Jews have the most powerful lobbying group in the whole of the US. They make the NRA look like amateurs.
Now how many of these information services do the British own? How many lobbying organizations are the British in control of?
What does this tell you about your theory that the British run the US?
No, you’re right on the Jew thing too, but, if you look into the Serco theory I presented,( and another person, a few days ago) this huge corporation is in charge of a lot of shit. Border security being one of them. Communications as well. Most of their work is for UK and AU, but with the border being ignored by the current admin., it makes sense that a corporation is in charge, secretly. Also, they have contracts with all of our armed forces.
The British are absolutely involved, they have been trying to and to some extent succeeding at reversing the Revolution since it ended.
But they have not always had as much control as they do now.
But who do you think controls the British?
There are other factions involved than just the Zionists but the Zionists are everywhere.
Do you guys think zionists control the queen?
To one degree or another.
Take a look at this picture of a Rothschild poking his finger in Prince Charles’s chest and tell me who the dominant one is:
“Do you guys think zionists control the queen?”
If the Queen went against the Jews they would crush her.
I forget the details now, but I remember some consort to the Queen bringing up to her, as I recall, mysterious people going through Diana’s stuff without clearance after her death, and the risk it posed to the Royal family. The Queen said to him conspiratorially, something like, “There are great dark forces about we know very little.” It wasn’t exactly that, but the impression I got was this guy thought the Queen had pull, and the Queen was telling him she didn’t screw with whoever was rummaging through Diana’s stuff, and may not have even known who they were, or had the balls to ask around.
Rothschilds are German -Jews. And that picture is worth 1,000 words. I think AC has said this before tho, the people running shit are families we have never heard of. But the Rothschilds are pretty big. Above the British royalty. Above the Vatican / jesuits. I heard of the Paysur family being powerful as well. I found this on them.
Thanks for all the responses! Super interesting
Fars, yes, everything you say is right as well, and the question you pose most likely does lead to a “ Zionist”. I never really researched Zionism. As I understood the term, it may mean Israel and their interests are above all, because they are chosen by God. I’m probably only touching the tip of the iceberg with that correlation, maybe someone can explain it.
But this corporation Serco really has me wondering about border securities. Not just our own. I wouldn’t be surprised if it all leads back to Israel tho.
Farcesensitive says,”…There are other factions involved than just the Zionists but the Zionists are everywhere…”
That’s my position also…exactly, 100%.
To further refine what I mean and make it clear as I can without a tome. The best analogy that anyone can easily understand is they are like the mafia families. No they are not 100% in lock step with each other but they do work together in their primary function of shearing the sheep. The normal humans.
Correction: Israeli study finds cvx does not impact ovulation, completely ignores the real concern.
There’s a lot more to women’s fertility than just ovulation. That’s actually the easiest part. Maintaining a pregnancy requires a good blood supply to the developing embryo/fetus/baby. The concerns being discussed have to do with clotting, and a clot in the placenta is a bad thing for a pregnancy.
On another topic, does anybody else immediately assume something terrible has happened when AC hasn’t posted by 8 am??? Where are you, AC??
> ending the legal loopholes that allow for warrantless surveillance on Americans.
So it’s real, and they pass it, and it has big nasty teeth for violators, and the Oversight Committee is slavering to nail some TLA/LEO asses to the wall.
No problemo. The TLAs/LEOs will all be choirboys, totally toeing the line. And they’ll just shift all the warrantless surveillance over to the Fusions Centers, which is what they were created for in the first place.
> or every single juror was with the Secret Society, because the make up of the jury was rigged.
Jury selection varies by state, county, and city… but think about it, AC. Your attorney only gets to select from a group of potential jurors that the opposition selects. All they have to do is sort out the kind of jurors they want, and it doesn’t matter which ones you get after that; they’re all the same.
Completely random selection, yes sir. You can trust the government! It’s the people’s justice in action!
At one time we would have believed the jury pool was randomly selected. Now, only a fool would believe that.
Depends on the jurisdiction. I’ve been to places where it’s done with a literal spinny bingo ball basket. On the other hand, if it is done by computer, it’s almost certainly rigged, at least sometimes. Even rigged though we still have strikes to use in four dire. The problem is figuring out who to strike.
But who decides who gets a juror summons to begin with? The operation I see has files on pretty much everyone who lives somewhere, augmented by people living nearby who have listened to private family conversations in the most interior parts of houses at some point, read emails, listened to phone calls, tracked internet activity, and even followed people to see if they are having affairs, or buying drugs, or doing other things people will hide. The neighborhood file archivist can tell you exactly who a person is inside, probably better than their own family can, and all of that is in a file with relevant contacts to discuss an individual with their archivist in detail if needed.
And of course the most important thing is you are looking at as much as 10% of a population, maybe more overall, and maybe much more in hotspots (as high as 20% in a really loaded, important area), who are actual assets who will take orders and follow them. If the Court Clerk’s office handles sending out Juror Summons, and they have their guy in as Court Clerk, you could show up to a jury selection, and the Clerk may have seen to it that every single summoned individual in the pool of potentials will be one of their assets, and you will not be able to use strikes to get a jury that is not taking orders from command.
That’s what I mean. These are jurisdictions with pools of maybe 5000 eligible jurors in the county, so they just put all 5000 in a big hopper, spin it around, and then pull out the 100 that they need.
Froggy found his balls:
Not a lawyer. I work in litigation in a law firm, but my field is small enough that if I told you what I did I would be practically doxing myself.