News Briefs – 04/22/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


No DFT today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

Over at American Stasi, Chapter Four, rolling through Bulgaria is done. This was my second surveillance detection piece posted here, way back, polished for professional presentation. Next we roll through America and show the same surveillance is being deployed by the American Stasi against American citizens in our own country.

Fuck the New York Times –

But I told you – these reporters were only allowed to be reporters because they spent their childhoods running surveillance and were full-fledged members of the American Stasi.

Tucker Carlson on Members of Congress Being Controlled by the Intel Agencies“They’re worried about someone putting kiddie porn on their computer. Members of Congress are terrified of the intel agencies. I’m not guessing at that. They’ve told me that, including people on the intel committee, including people who run the intel committee. The people whose job it is to oversee and keep in line, these enormous secretive agencies whose budgets we can’t even know, their black budgets…They’re afraid of the agencies.”

James O’Keefe to drop bombshell undercover video exposing intel officials. If it is like all his others, it will be gay guys he lured in, on some dating app, and they will be spilling the beans, thinking he is just another gay dude. Be interesting if he gets them to talk about the surveillance. Though surveillance would undoubtedly have been watching all of this as it went down, and I would think if things went that way, they would send somebody in to “recognize him” and alert the person to shut up.

Tucker: “Weird sex lives” of Members of Congress open them up to threats by the Intel agencies.

Democrats promise to keep Speaker Mike Johnson’s job alive after Ukraine aid package passed.

RINOs try to blame Greene and Freedom Caucus for lack of border wins. Never trust a one of them. They are all dirty, and controlled by intel. I think those topless photos of Greene which popped up were intel threatening her with whatever else they stole off her hard drive.

SEC illegally tracking Americans who invest in the stock market, lawsuit claims.

Bill to ban noncitizens from voting in Georgia elections stalls at key legislative deadline.

Marjorie Taylor Greene calls on Johnson to resign after foreign aid bills pass: ‘If he doesn’t do so, he will be vacated.’

House Republicans’ already slim majority shrinks after Wisconsin member resigns following passage of foreign aid bill: GOP can now only afford to lose ONE vote to defeat Democrats.

Bill Barr calls Bragg’s case against Trump an ‘abomination,’ says he will vote for former President. Never trust CIA.

From a decent sized account on Twitter, however there are no sources to check, so unverified, and maybe FakeNews, although some of what it alleges, like the drones with a mothership harassing the military, I have read elsewhere:

The U.S. military is currently dealing with an unsettling phenomenon involving mysterious “drone swarms” that have overwhelmed key Department of Defense facilities and assets, including nuclear missile silos. This issue has been ongoing for the past five years and has not been definitively linked to foreign or domestic actors. The phenomenon includes unconventional technology and has prompted a sweeping multi-jurisdictional investigation, but remains unresolved.

Notably, the mysterious objects have been described as exhibiting unique capabilities inconsistent with conventional drone technology. For example, the objects have been reported to fly in adverse weather conditions and high winds, hover in the air, and move silently, all of which is outside the capabilities of typical drones. In one incident, a Nebraska deputy sheriff reported observing 30 to 50 objects flying independently of each other with a larger ‘mothership’ hovering.

The phenomenon is not new, however. Identical incidents occurred in the same location 55 years earlier, in 1965, with unknown objects displaying similar characteristics and abilities. In both sets of incidents, the objects flew only at night and displayed bright flashing lights in patterns not consistent with standard aircraft signaling.

Despite a multi-agency investigation, the FAA concluded with high confidence that these incidents were not covert military activities, which deepens the mystery further. Given the national security implications, Congress must demand answers on this longstanding, unexplained phenomenon.

Crush of lawsuits over voting in multiple states creates a shadow war for the 2024 election.

In a stunning interview Sunday morning on CNN, Rep. Tony Gonzales, a Republican congressman from Texas, accused fellow Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz of having sex with underaged girls, saying, “It’s my absolute honor to be in Congress, but I serve with some real scumbags. Look, Matt Gaetz, he paid minors to have sex with him at drug parties.” Seems Gaetz would have no choice but to file a defamation suit, if there is no evidence.

Once one of Donald Trump’s fiercest critics, convicted attorney Michael Avenatti has been discussing possibly testifying on behalf of the former president in his hush money trial after he unleashed a tirade of criticism against Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg. Trump should reach out, because I am sure he would never get on the stand and then try to do as much damage as possible….

With the 165 Billion we gave to Ukraine, we could have built six border walls to stop illegal immigrants from pouring across our southern border.

Tucker Carlson says that there is evidence that the government and the UFO-entities have some sort of formal relationship, and there are court cases against the VA now winding their ways through the courts over US Servicemen who were killed by UFOs.

Independent presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s third-party bid could take more of a bite out of former President Donald Trump’s numbers than President Joe Biden, a new poll suggests.

Donald Trump encourages supporters to vote by mail despite warning against it for years.

National Archives displays “unauthenticated” Obama birth certificate without official state seal. Sometimes these things can be distractions. If CIA was making a fake Birth Certificate, adding a seal is nothing to them. Leaving it off, and then starting  discussion of it online can distract from other things. The surveillance is all that should matter to us. That is the Achilles heel of this leviathan.

Daily Mail – What a new US civil war could REALLY be like: Rebel generals defect to Trump after Biden outlaws ‘terrorist’ MAGA supporters… then Antifa start a ‘kill whites’ campaign. Far-right militias execute minorities. Anarchy erupts. Forget the movie…

Former senior policy advisor to Obama White House charged with child sex offences in British court. That proclivity is probably why he was working intelligence and NatSec out of the White House. He was controllable.

A homeless man in California has built a small home with electricity on the side of a Los Angeles highway. It is small, but comfy-looking.

The Biden administration is suing Sheetz for discriminating against minorities because the company requires all the applicants to first pass a criminal record background check.

Houston Police union issues warning that the Texas city is ‘not safe’ as ‘many suspected murderers’ are walking the streets.

New York Home Depot hires guards with German Shepherd to deter ‘aggressive’ migrants and thieves.

Nice little gunfight broke out in West Philly. Link is to video of just the sound mostly.

A total TikTok ban in the U.S. is now almost a certainty as the House forces sale of the popular app.

15 state officials warn Bank of America about de-banking of Christians.

Service’s first openly transgender military chaplain suspended for sexual misconduct.

Non-binary patient, 27, who underwent ‘Barbie doll’ op to remove all sexual organs reveals how they navigate life without genitals. So much for “Do no harm…”

Jailed FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried turns on his celebrity endorsers including Tom Brady, Gisele Bundchen and Larry David and agrees to help crypto victims in class-action lawsuit against them.

Israel to sacrifice red heifers today? Hal turner says it is today.

AP: Israeli strikes on southern Gaza city of Rafah kill 22, mostly children, as US advances aid package. Could Israel/the-Jewish-lobby control a media outlet? If so, why is AP allowed to do this, which they have been doing forever? There is something above, who wants the conflict and acrimony. I am not sure there is ever any story now. It seems to all be manipulation of the psyches which produce the zeitgeists.

Massive turnout in Colombia as crowds rally against far-left regime.

Conservative Brazilians laud Elon Musk at rally in support of ex-president Bolsonaro. It is very much like professional wrestling.

Transcript: Sen. Mark Warner on “Face the Nation,” April 21, 2024 – “Now and the last two years, with less than 3% of our defense budget, two years running, with the Ukrainians have eliminated 87% of the Russians pre existing ground forces, 63% of their tanks, 32% of their armored personnel carriers.” They may be Russian, but those are all our kind. The hard-headed, who are willing to die for abstract notions like honor and nation. And this asshole enjoys seeing them die. He doesn’t see them as his kind. Like I am sure he sees you, he views them as a threat. It is OK though, our kind doesn’t like his kind either.

Part of the Ukraine funding bill says the US is just going to steal Russia’s frozen funds and give them to Ukraine.

A long twitter thread which breaks down the Ukraine funding bill. You can check it out if you want to get enraged. We gave Ukraine $7.9 billion to spend on whatever it would like apart from pensions and military equipment. You know that is going straight to the Cabal.

Ukrainian forces deliberately make members of the Russian press targets on the front lines, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Izvestia on Saturday.

NASA veteran’s propellantless propulsion drive that physics says shouldn’t work just produced enough thrust to overcome earth’s gravity. 

President Joe Biden is suffering “erosion” on a number of “critical fronts” in polling that pits him against former President Donald Trump, NBC News National Political Correspondent Steve Kornacki said on Sunday.

A Fox News poll conducted earlier this month shows that former President Donald Trump is doing better than President Joe Biden on the issue of the economy in key swing states.

Stop by this gun store, and they will let you pet their baby shop cow. One of the cuter animals you will see.

Spread r/K Theory, because it is all professional wrestling

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10 months ago

Re: Meta and human trafficking

Remember how “Facebook” started?
It was supposedly college students rating the girls on campus.
What if it was actually cataloguing the girls for human traffickers to order?

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

Strange but somebody just told me this the other day. They said it was to identify girls for sex traffic.

10 months ago

I’m going to say something controversial and I hope it’s taken in the spirit it’s intended and not misunderstood, but this is the internet so we’ll see. I think that until intelligence agencies and Cabal and all that stuff have their power neutered, whatever that means, we probably should ease up on condemning people (especially important people) with child porn found on their computers or phones. As in no jail time just for pictures and videos, maybe fines or something. Let me be clear I don’t support pedophiles or child abusers and for all I care they can be executed on the spot if found to be abusing or sexualizing children. I also believe that many important people in fact are pedophiles which is why they rose to those positions of power ala Epstein. They are controllable. What I’m saying though is the intelligence agencies obviously have weaponized putting child porn on electronic devices as a means of getting rid of people and we can’t know one way or another who’s actually guilty from that alone. For example I believe the Las Vegas shooters brother was talking to the media about his brother and maybe saying things he shouldn’t and then he got raided and they found child porn on his computer. I’m sorry but I just don’t buy it I need better evidence. What do you all think? Is it a bad idea or is it the only way forward until the intelligence community has been dismantled and disarmed?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

On the other hand, you have the common police policy of “arrest everyone, and let the courts sort them out”, plus prosecutors and judges whose chances of re-election depend on convictions, and will railroad the innocent into a plea bargain to avoid being bankrupted by the expenses of defending themselves.

There’s no money in letting the innocent walk. The system is designed to generate convictions, not justice.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

I agree with that second paragraph 100%. Like a citizens arrest only broader in scope. And to be clear I also think if somehow in the future we get a handle on Cabal and their intelligence apparatus harsh penalties should be reinstated for possession of child porn. There are a lot of creeps out there and I have no desire to make the world an easier place for their perversions. It would only be a temporary measure because in a sense we are at war and changing our penalties and attitude towards possession of child porn would remove one of their very valuable weapons against us. Especially against any high ranking official in state or federal government who might be on our side and uncompromised, if any even exist.

Reply to  Ultra
10 months ago

No guilt for not-really-real situations, either. I think of the man whose 16yo stepdaughter would take nudes Polaroids of herself each time she wanted to borrow his Corvette, then called the cops on him when she got grounded. First, not a “child”. Second, it was all her doing.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
10 months ago
Texas Arcane
Reply to  Sam J.
10 months ago

If you don’t like who Barr is voting for today, just wait until tomorrow.

Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Reply to  teotoon
10 months ago

Washington D.C. is not part of these United States, it is the district of columbia. Where is this Columbia? Therefore, the Constitution doesn’t necessarily apply. It’s whatever the powers that be want to do.

Reply to  Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
10 months ago

DC is a creation of the Constitution and is subject to it.

Reply to  Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
10 months ago


Karmic Drop
Karmic Drop
10 months ago

UFO intervention in earth politics. Not allowed to Kirk and Spock in the Star Trek series, but then again they were fictional characters.
Earth keeps risking self-destruction so somehow there are course-corrections underway now. Bidet is old enough and pathetic enough to be expendable as a Judas goat. His English and other counterparts have their own profiles and issues and won’t escape either.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Karmic Drop
10 months ago

I’m not completely sure what your point is, but I agree Biden has been selected by whoever is running this script to act as the Judas Goat, which means Biden probably won’t finish his term in office.

As far as the Deep State making contracts with “aliens”, more likely demons, against the best interests of the general population in exchange for bits and pieces of radically advanced technologies, well… that has been all but proven by dozens of credible whistleblowers going back to the 50’s, but no one wanted to listen, until now, when it’s nearly too late.

Collectively, our only hope is that no contract is binding upon any individual that didn’t sign it in the first place, and that goes for the Constitution, as well as any agreement that was made by a bunch of Intel psychos communicating with demons masquerading as benevolent space brothers.

Reply to  Karmic Drop
10 months ago

There is no saving us from ourselves. If anything, these objects are a form of AI, or of a spiritual nature. I’ve seen this orb type a couple of times since 1961, and other types on occasion. If they were going to do something wonderful they would have already.

10 months ago

> Tucker: “Weird sex lives” of Members of Congress open them up to threats by the Intel agencies.

Cruising the streets of DC in a limo with Congressional plates, picking up hookers, is old-hat now, I guess.

I don’t think the intelligence people need to do a whole lot of work, though. Just a simple unfounded accusation, and a nod to the media to savage the accused, will ruin a career with minimum effort.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

And Tucker said that nearly all members of Congress are either directly compromised, or live in terror of being set up falsely by Intel with compromising materials.

Either way, we haven’t lived in a republic or democracy or anything resembling it for several generations, at least. Maybe much longer.

10 months ago

> Bill Barr calls Bragg’s case against Trump an ‘abomination,’ says he will vote for former President. 

This is the same Barr who got appointed as Attorney General by DJT, and then proceeded to oppose and denounce him during his term and afterward.

He’s just parroting whatever his handlers tell him, trying to shape public opinion. The average voter’s memory can’t seem to remember things for more than three weeks, so as far as they’re concerned, he has always been a Trump supporter.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

One has to question why Q was trying to “awaken” so many zombies in the first place?

Reply to  Another Dave
10 months ago

Because quantity has a quality all its own.
But we passed the point of diminishing returns in 2021 (if not earlier) and I believe we have passed the point of no returns.
The plan allowing this much destruction to try to awaken every last sheeple is insane.

Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

Maybe they just wanted to screw up the world real good before they let Trump back in and say, now what? ‘Try to fix what we broke now smartypants.’ Acting like spiteful children who want to possess everything they see.

10 months ago

In a stunning interview Sunday morning on CNN, Rep. Tony Gonzales

Gonzales is a GIANT piece of shit and has been for a while. He glows like the fucking sun (Navy Cryto) and he’s the RINO turd being primaries by Brandon Herrera (who Gonzales also called a neo-Nazi.)
He’s pro-gun control and pro-sodomy. He’s about to lose his runnoff to the frigging AK guy from youtube, and is losing his stuffing.

Reply to  phelps
10 months ago

I what I don’t get is why they didn’t activate Gonzales and people like him, and had them cross the floor to the Democrats in January 2023.

Yes, he would lose in 2024 running as a Democrat, but he is going to lose in 2024 anyway. The Cabal can make sure he is taken care of. And in the meantime they don’t have that year where the House is GOP controlled, where they did do some investigations and found some dirt. You don’t have to dismiss the Mayorkas impeachment without trial, which is a bad look, because there is no Mayorkas impeachment to begin with.

I sometimes think these people like convoluted plotting for its own sake.

Reply to  Ed
10 months ago

I think there is something up with them losing capture of the Democrats in the valley. Maybe Mexico controls the valley Democrats now, so they had to stand up a fake Tejano as a Republican to get the Valley back.

10 months ago

> overwhelmed key Department of Defense facilities and assets, including nuclear missile silos.

Uh… nuclear missile silos are hardened enough to withstand near-misses with H-bombs. No drone is going to do more than look.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

There is documentary proof of UFO’s deactivating nuclear silos going back to the 50’s.

Even more frightening is strong evidence that UFO’s also activated nuclear launch codes on a regular basis.

Whoever is behind the phenomenon, they can play with us like a cat plays with a mouse.

10 months ago

> Independent presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s third-party bid could take more of a bite out of former President Donald Trump’s numbers than President Joe Biden, a new poll suggests.

That’s a “maybe.” I still think much of Trump’s win in 2016 came from Democrats crossing the line after looking at Hillary! and saying “Oh, hell no!”

In this case, I see Democrat voters looking at Biden and thinking the same thing… except they have an “independent” Democrat option in Kennedy. Which would bleed Democrat votes, like what happened to the GOP when Perot ran in 1992.

Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

Pollster Richard Baris has been polling this and has been saying its a mixed bag for Trump (it depends on the state).

But the Democrats have been trying to keep RFK off the ballot everywhere. So the Democrats at least think his candidacy will hurt them more. But then I think the plan is to get a situation where Biden is the only presidential candidate on the ballot, everywhere.

Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

The truth doesn’t matter.
What matters is that he facilitates a narrative to cover for the fraud.
And what I think will happen is that they will get rid of Brandon and claim RFK gets all of his voters and some of Trump’s.

10 months ago

> The Biden administration is suing Sheetz for discriminating against minorities because the company requires all the applicants to first pass a criminal record background check.

Well, that’s only reasonable. The Fed allows convicted criminals to serve as Congressmen and Senators; clearly discriminating against such persons is inappropriate.

Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

Once again the Biden administration blatantly assumes that only POC will be found to have a criminal past. How much more racist can these people be and not be called out for it?

Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

I’ve read that the Biden administration got mad because when Biden visited Sheetz recently to compete with Trump’s chik-fil-a visit Biden didn’t get the reception that he wanted and so they will punish Sheetz to send a message that if Biden visits your place of business you better get some fans there to make him look popular. I’d say this theory is spot-on and just the kind of thing these petulant wankers would do.

Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

I just like setting a hard legal precedent that foreigners commit all crime for the inevitable day when they all get catapulted back across the border, ideally at terminal velocity.

10 months ago

> Part of the Ukraine funding bill says the US is just going to steal Russia’s frozen funds and give them to Ukraine.

What most people are missing is that it’s certain that this will eventually be declared improper, and that the money will have to be paid back to Ukraine.

This will be strung out for years until the optimum time, that is, when a Republican administration will be the one who has to write the check.

Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

you mean paid back to Russia, right?

10 months ago

> NASA veteran’s propellantless propulsion drive that physics says shouldn’t work just produced enough thrust to overcome earth’s gravity. 

That’s a content-free press release.

“The Dean Drive! It’s baaaack!”

“Kewl. We’ll power it with an environmentally-green cold fusion reactor!”

10 months ago

> Stop by this gun store, and they will let you pet their baby shop cow.

A local gun shop used to board retired service dogs, one or two at a time. They were in the store all day, soaking up attention from the customers.

10 months ago

Trump should come out in the debates like this.

Biden = Honky Tonk man
Trump = Ultimate warrior

10 months ago

Non-binary patient, 27, who underwent ‘Barbie doll’ op to remove all sexual organs reveals how they navigate life without genitals. So much for “Do no harm…”

“HOW could someone POSSIBLY go more than 9 seconds without thinking about their grungy cock & balls????” The r-selected rabbit ponders.

Life isn’t hard because you have nothing goin on down there, it’s hard because you’re an insufferable freak and people’s subconscious instincts can smell your degenerate pervert genes from a mile away.

Reply to  teotoon
10 months ago

Escobar is the BRICS version of Hal Turner, if he is the original source of anything that means it’s false.

10 months ago

Did anyone else notice the Trump trial started the same week as FISA expired? Look over here not over there.

10 months ago

Thanks to Anonymous a few days ago for the idea. I just realized that the main villain of Fargo was based off of JFK if he wasn’t self-actualized.

BTW that TV series is about the struggle against Cabal. The first two seasons do the setup work, explaining the operating environmment we’re all in, and in Season 3 you see the first active Cabal agent. I’m going to eventually write some lengthy pieces on the matter. But to summarize:

S1: There are no rules.
S2: There is only one company, and we all work for it.
S3: Empty spaces will be filled; nature abhors a vacuum.
S4: Will you sacrifice Isaac for Power?

I haven’t watched S5 yet.

gee whiz AC
gee whiz AC
10 months ago

I’m about half through the ch. 4.

end of second para., change to “not expect to commonly see traffic”

P. 5 Drop the word “but” from beginning

P.7 second half of first sentence – “helping yo learn to spot”

Farther down, it starts… some of you may be sceptical, change period to comma at “so”

Just below pic of telephone truck, 2nd para. on the bottom of screen, imagery has no “e”

6th para. after, missing period before “Once”

Just past pic of oncoming car with driver ignoring Gcar, 2nd para. been mapping out this sector fo rthat (r move back one space)

A few pics later with red arrow pointing out van way back there, first para. after, end of sentence can continue ads “you were sold on (use comma there)

gee whiz AC
gee whiz AC
10 months ago

Farther along now.

2/3 down page, past white car pic after roofers, second para., If so, and there is shadow intelligence… change “you will ever be presented with” to “will ever have presented”

Farther down mentions BURN NOTICE, just under the link it says “UNTIED STATES, maybe a fair rip for a faux pas, or else a figurative tip of the slung, I mean, slip of the tongue.

fourth para. below that, starting the sentence in the middle, remove the “And” as the first word

Just past the dead dog pic, 2/3 through that para., “their ony (has no L) …away from this loop (A)head (has no A)

Just past second pic that nearly rolled catching up, fourth para. down, “Stasi doesn’t just watch, it controls (combine two sentences by changing period to comma)

Continuing same para., “it intervenes covertly in ways designed to escape notice” seems to fit better than “It intervenes, covertly, in ways it designs, so you will not notice it.”

10 months ago

wow, those pesky Ukies are sure fucking up all Russia’s plans! I wonder why Russia is going so very very slow? It’s probably some mega-strategic 4D-chess deal an ignorant rando like me couldn’t begin to understand. Shame about all those dead Russians, though.

Reply to  anonymous
10 months ago

Dream on.

Reply to  anonymous
10 months ago

Here’s the proper analogy, boys. Poker Game, final table. Winner takes all. Russia. Ukraine. And Death. Now Russia’s stack is like 20X the size of Ukraine’s, and Death just has enough for a coupla big blinds. Pretty easy to predict who’s gonna win this bracelet, right?

Especially when, so everybody says, Russia has figured out all Ukraine’s tells! Plus Russia is led by a Super-Christian Mega-Strategic-Genius!! No possible way Russia can lose now! This’ll be over by lunch!

Except it’s….. not. Russia keeps raising when they hold jack shit, and folding when they’ve got quads. Not that Ukraine knows what to do with it – and so, time after time, for going on 3 years now, Death takes the pot. It becomes an internet meme. Russia COULD swiftly beat the living shit out of Ukraine, but, for some reason, they don’t… and so the game that should have been over by lunchtime slogs on. With Russia pissing away blood and treasure they should not have had to. And only Death gains any benefit from it. And the really stunning part is you idiots all think this is proof of Russia’s SuperGeniusness. A damn shame about all those dead Russians, innit?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

per goog: “date of Ukraine invasion” = 24 Feb 22 “Ukraine is 837 miles wide from west to east”

fun with math: never mind the mongols, never mind the blitzkrieg. if Teddy KGB and his tovarisches had managed to roll forward at at the blinding pace of 2000 yards per day – 1.2 miles/day – today they’d own the entire country outright. instead they’re still blundering around in the fucking swamps like drunken cossacks, pissing away blood and treasure. I don’t care who you are, how rich you are: lighting your blood & treasure on fire **when it ought not be necessary** is a stupid thing to do. How would you feel if your kid was one of the cannon fodder being marched into that unnecessary meatgrinder, because Teddy KGB wanted to do a Big Reveal as an Octybor Surpriseski? If the October Surprise was the impetus for all this, why not start the war THIS February, and just blitz through it, conserving as many sacred Russian lives as possible? And wouldn’t “not giving the bad guys 2 extra years to hide/destroy those “biden-humiliating revelations” be a batter idea?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

And he’s saving Russian lives by going slow.

Reply to  anonymous
10 months ago

Gonna have to try harder fedboy, we’re used to smoother operators than you round these parts.

gee whiz AC
gee whiz AC
10 months ago

Final entries

6th para. below truck nearly rolled playing “catch-up”, might change to something like “Returning to Bulgaria roundabout, let’s get back to the loop’s end, the second intersection”

just past pic of side view of plumbing truck, second para., end of first sentence, change to “what should be sought” or similar.

Just past coca cola plant leaving with van facing pic, first word “And” doesn’t need capitalizing. Second para., last sentence ending… their founders (were) merely actors employed (to) play a role (not a “roll”) of accidental billionaire

Just past the dirt road pic in red lines, third para., second sentence, change “Which” to “That”

Below next to last pic, second para., “and the being hit” needs something like “and the harassment of being hit” or similar

Third from last para., end of sentence, maybe something like “begin to realize the enormity of the problem facing “Free” America.

Second last para., maybe change “And” to “Additionally” as in… Additionally, you will realize you are looking at other elements… from news media (“in” should be removed), then at end of sentence, maybe use “to people inserted into your and your children’s lives”

10 months ago


Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

Sure seems that way.

Interesting hearsay about a "drone"
Interesting hearsay about a "drone"
10 months ago

phenomenon involving mysterious “drone swarms”
I was told by friends in the 1970s that, from a northern-view lookout place on or near the side of a mountain highway south of Interstate 15 in southern California, they witnessed some <i>thing</i>… with or of or as a very bright light… able to almost-instantaneously move from the other side of the desert to a few hundred feet from the lookout place… and hover there.
I think they might have said it went back and came forth again at least once. But maybe they said it made that impossible “jump” from that far distance to the nearby place and hovered and went back just once.
I have the impression they said that as it hovered-near, it seemed like the thing was perceiving them, so jumped all that way as if to get a better look? That might not be what they reported. But I think I remember thinking that was the main reason I didn’t believe them. But I asked them about this about 30 years later and they again said it was absolutely true and they were still just as incredulous and unable to understand what it was.
The conversation was too short, or I forgot, to ask for details such as about back and forth or the thing being aware of them or becoming aware of them after they became aware of it in the distance.
I still find it hard to believe them. But I’m now certain they were truthfully reporting what they did see. I don’t know why my memory of this is limited to what just one of the people who was there said, but I do remember he was with maybe three other guys when they told me the story together the first time in the 1970s, and I think some of them were there (sitting around a table at a birthday-party reunion) when I asked them about it 30 years later, and if any of them had expressed any disagreement or even doubt, I would clearly remember that, because I was hoping the story wasn’t true. But it was.
So I’m passing on what I think is a truthful eye-witness description of some kind of drone way back in the 1970s doing something …um… impossible. Right?

Interesting hearsay about drones
Interesting hearsay about drones
10 months ago

The place it hovered might have been much closer to the onlookers than a few hundred feet away.