News Briefs – 04/21/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


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If you remember my Gilgo Beach piece, I said Police Chief James Burke had uncovered The American Stasi, ie US Domestic Surveillance was somehow involved in the Gilgo Beach serial killer case, with the killer possibly actually being domestic surveillance. In the article I noted that when they arrested the current suspect, I had shown they immediately arrested the Police Chief who had stood up to Cabal, for indecent exposure, with the arresting officer claiming the Chief walked up to him with his pants down, and said, “I like to suck cock.” That discredited him, so he could never be called to testify. However I missed that they dropped the main charges against him within a week. Still the damage was done. And yet, the defense attorney now is requesting all the records on the Police Chief, and the prosecutor is saying many of the records are FBI, and FBI does not have to turn anything over for discovery.

President Biden signed a bill Saturday extending the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act’s (FISA) warrantless surveillance program another two years. Hard to see any upside to this one.

The 29 Senate republicans who approved the extension of FISA in the wee hours of night.

House RINOS pass Mike Johnson’s Biden backed $95 BILLION in foreign aid bills including ADDITIONAL $60.84 BILLION to Ukraine – Here are the RINOs who voted to fund conflicts oceans away. I doubt there is a Republican in office, who would not have voted for it if intelligence pulled them in and told them, they were voting for it. These were just the ones who got the call.

Rand Paul:

Ukrainian flags fly in the chamber of the UNITED STATES House of Representatives as they vote to send more of your hard-earned money to a corrupt foreign regime. And just like that they shout “UKRAINE! UKRAINE!” while happily working to secure Ukraine’s borders, not ours.

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) blasted the House for passing foreign aid bills, arguing Congress is spending money that “we don’t have” and that the U.S. should be focusing on securing its own borders instead. Whatever happened to the filibuster? There was nothing these people could do but whine?

Byron Donalds: ‘Incredibly disappointing’ Johnson violated Hastert rule on passage of Ukraine aid.

Contracts between US universities, China total more than $2 billion: investigation.

The only golden lining, on Twitter, and maybe a reason this could have been passed, if there is a counter-conspiracy fighting the takeover:

Deep down, the smartest Democratic operatives were hoping that the Ukraine funding bill would fail so they could pin the inevitable collapse on Trump. Now Biden will own it completely.

The Justice Department published its interim final rule Friday for providing benefits to employees and dependents affected by mysterious brain injuries commonly and collectively known Havana syndrome. They are limiting payments because they say they think they will have to make out a lot of payments – to Justice Department employees. Only one article revealed the Miami FBI field office was being hit. There could be a lot more FBI offices which just never got articles. Nobody knows any of the people on this site are being beamed. It could be very widespread, and they just are not telling people because they do not want to start a panic. The government, telling people they could be beamed in their homes, and there is nothing anyone could do might upset people. And begin to reveal the American Stasi.

Data contractor Tony Seruga:

The deletion of the J6 ‘pipe bomber’ mobile device meta data, occurred at AT&T SG3 [Study Group 3] Secure Room aka the notorious Room 641A and was ordered by the DIA. The DIA, by the way, is who I’ve been saying from day one had recruited Ray Epps to be an asset.

They are 5 times larger than the CIA and way more stealthy in the crimes they commit against American citizens always using ‘National Security’ as their justification.

The J6 ‘pipe bomber’ is a government contractor with a background in Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD). Their mobile device accessed DOJ/FBI 1,167 times over an approximate 2 year period and also the DC Navy Yard over 200 times during the same period.

The actual ‘pipe bombs’ can be used to train the dogs. This is important because their ‘cover story’ if they were to get caught in the act, would have been that they were hired to test security protocols. Additionally, they were actively monitoring law enforcement agencies radio traffic.

What is the Air Force military record of the ‘pipe bomber’?

We know you are monitoring our posts…

Come forward or we will!

We have already spoken to your brother.

Tucker Carlson says Mike Pompeo leaned on Trump to hold back the critical JFK files. Doesn’t sound right to me. If it were me, that would only have driven me to release them more. I think Trump would be the same. Something else happened there.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is expected to announce sanctions against the IDF’s Netzah Yehuda Battalion in the next few days for human rights violations against Palestinians in the West Bank.

Tucker Carlson on UFOs and the weird programs the government are engaging in. Short thing on some kind of weird remote viewing program which seems to have been inspired by some UFO stuff. Not that revealing, just curious.

Rep. Tim Burchett on UFOs: ‘Yeah, I think there’s a cover-up.’

Underwater UFOs display capability that ‘jeopardizes US maritime security,’ ex-Navy officer says.

Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt gets cold feet, won’t commit to signing anti-illegal immigration bill. Sounds like he was invited into the SCIF. Note, the reason our politicians can be blackmailed in moments is they have all been under a massive domestic surveillance op for decades.

NYC High School soccer game canceled after group of about 30 illegal aliens refuse to leave the field — even after cops showed up.

House passes bill that could lead to U.S. TikTok ban, and Senate’s OK looks likely.

Bill Maher rages at Hollywood for putting kids at risk, calls Disney an aphrodisiac for pedophiles and slams Drag Queen Story Hour trend.

Inside the Texan desert town dubbed America’s ‘last outpost for outcasts’ – where bankrupt Alex Jones is ‘partying pretty hard’ despite still owing Sandy Hook families $1 BILLION. Town is Terlingua. There is nothing there, Google mapped like three roads in Streetview, there’s nobody there, there are no cars around it, and yet you pull out of a parking lot, and you are led by a truck as a van just happens to pull in:


You hit a corner, and a pickup is hitting it opposite you:

You pass the hotel, there is somebody just sitting in there in a car, looking out, not moving:

You hit the next intersection, a pickup hits the intersection:

Drive around the outskirts of town though on the highway, and that place is deserted.

NYT: Israelis used stealth missile on nuclear-site defenses in Iran attack.

4x vaccinated youth 318% more likely to die than unvaxxed peers.

Social media giant X (formerly known as Twitter) has claimed it could face daily fines of $785,000 if it does not take down content that references the stabbing of Sydney bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel.

U.K.’s only munitions factory explodes, just days after U.S. Army ammunition factory catches fires in Scranton, PA.

A populist French political activist, the president of the youth movement of Éric Zemmour’s Reconquête! (Reconquest) anti-mass migration party, Stanislas Rigault, 24, has reported being assaulted in Paris on Friday, in the latest example of right-wing political figures facing violence in Europe. Group of youths.

French Farmers broke out the manure spreaders in dealing with Police at a protest.

US may send additional military advisors to Ukraine.

‘The Ukrainian-Russian border is OUR border!!’ Democrat Gerry Connolly rages at Republicans over opposition to Ukraine aid package. I so hate all these traitors.

Ukraine’s Zelensky ‘personally’ thanks Mike Johnson for $61 billion gift from U.S. taxpayers.

$500 Russian drones destroying $10,000,000 American tanks.

Spread r/K Theory, because you don’t want to be Beamed

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Just Me
Just Me
10 months ago

FISA Bill: “ Hard to see any upside to this one.”

The upside, I believe AC, is that it is now openly being spoken about in terms of actually spying on the US people.
It is no longer cloaked in the terms of “National Security”

10 months ago

Alvin Bragg is overstepping his authority: he does not have the authority to charge Trump with what could be Federal crimes. Video on X.

Laura Ingraham:

New York DA Alvin Bragg doesn’t have the authority to enforce federal law: Chris Landau

10 months ago

On the question of the filibuster, it can’t be done if its supported by 80% of the Senate, which seems to be the case here.

10 months ago

On Terlingua, Texas, don’t look for the town on the Google maps. Do a search for High Sierra Bar and Grill, the bar mentioned in the Daily Mail article. It seems to be the only bar in the area.

There is a lengthy wikipedia article about it. Its a ghost town that is a census designated place, outside of Big Bend National Park. The Wikipedia article lists the population of 110. There is the bar, some hotels, a lot of RV parks, and abandoned buildings. It seems to be a place where people take their RV to for awhile, or stay at the hotel, but not a place to live permanently.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Ed
10 months ago

And Terlingua blows up every year with the chili festival.

That chili festival is the main reason you can now get a pretty decent bowl of chili anywhere in the US these days, even if it comes in a can.

If you wanted to be close to Mexico in order to make a run for it with the help of a private charter that lands out of the blue on a nearby airfield, but stay in the US while you can, there aren’t many places like that where you can just up and disappear.

Things must not be going great if that’s where he’s “partying” outside of chili festival times.

The “big cities” in the area are Alpine and Marfa, which are north of Terlingua.

Alpine’s so way-the-fuck-out-in-nowhere that back in the 1980s and 1990s, the independent school district would advertise in Texas newspapers and such august publications as Texas Monthly for school teachers, with very, very few people interested in taking them up on the offers.

Alpine used to be where people would go who had lost faith and hope in the cities, and so they were willing to settle for whatever life they could cobble together in a way-the-fuck-out-in-nowhere Texas town.

And Terlingua’s even more nowhere than that, except that it’s a low intensity “freak attractant” like Austin used to be, so of course he likes that part.

As for Marfa … well, we shouldn’t talk about Marfa too much, the shitty Austin hipsters who moved there for an edgy cool would think we’re giving them attention instead of scorn.

But like a lot of things on the other side of the border, there’s a lot to Terlingua that doesn’t show up on Google Maps.

“… not a place to live permanently.”

Ah, but it has a certain charm as a place of “last known whereabouts”, does it not?

Reply to  Ed
10 months ago

[from ]


In the early sixties racing car legend, Carroll Shelby and an attorney from Dallas, Dave Witts, found themselves owning a small ghost town called Terlingua in Southwest Texas. The population stood at seven – not including nine goats and two Mexican burros. Nestled on the Mexican border between the Rio Grand River and Big Bend National Park, the pair hoped to parcel off the surrounding 200,000 acres to hunters and make a few bucks. But it was scorching, inhospitable land with nothin’ but rattlesnakes, a few mule deer and a whole lotta armadillos on it. So instead, several times a year Shelby, Witts and a few of their noted compadres ended up using it to have a good time. They’d load up in Shelby’s DC-3 and fly down to the tiny town to have a some fun hunting, riding dirt bikes and swapping tall tales.

Figuring they had something coming to them as legit owners of a bonafied town, they wasted no time forming a city council, handing out all the choice political positions to their drinking buddies: Witts elected himself mayor and Shelby named himself Social Director, alternating as the local dog catcher as well. Automotive artist, Bill Neale, became the director of the Museum of Modern Art and Tom Tierney was elected Chief Justice of the Municipal Court. Other members of the Shelby Rat Pack were doled out esteemed positions as Director of Sanitation, Director of parks and Recreation, Director of Urban Housing, Inspector of Hides and Commodore of the Terlingua Navy.

The stories of life at Terlingua are legend; these were good friends; tough, strong men who worked hard and took their partying seriously. But they also had kind hearts. They began thinking of how they might do something to benefit the Terlingua community. While tossing ideas around about putting together a school, Tierney, a P.R. man for Ford Motor Company, asked if Neale could come up with a logo. On a napkin at a local Dallas watering hole, the rabbit with the sun and three feathers was born and the Terlingua City Council had an official coat of arms.

After the Terlingua Ranch logo was created, Shelby told Neale, “You know it would be kinda neat to use this as a racing team logo, too! If you figure out how to do it, we’ll use it on some of the GT350-R models I’m developing.” Shelby brought the first car to Green Valley Raceway near Dallas on Valentines Day 1965. Ken Miles drove the car, designated 5R002. It was white with blue stripes and had the new Terlingua Racing Team logo on it. It was the first ever “R” model Shelby – winning the race that day!

10 months ago

Project Ukraine seems to be a top priority Cabal project, higher than even COVID and the culture war stuff, and it also seems to have caused part of the Cabal to break away and try to stop whatever it is. The Trump administration seems to have been an attempt to stop it, which did delay it for a few years.

Ann K.
Ann K.
10 months ago

To be clear, Terlingua is close to other towns by West Texas standards—84 miles from Alpine—and is a popular tourist destination, so it’s not exactly a ghost town.

Reply to  Ann K.
10 months ago

just 45 minutes away if we go slow!

10 months ago

I just read the Vox Day post this morning, and the Ukraine measure is even worse than I thought. It authorizes outright confiscation of Russian assets:

It now looks like they are all in.

Disgusted at DC
Disgusted at DC
10 months ago

Terlingua, not just for chili anymore.

Separately, are people becoming more resigned to the cavalier attitudes in Congress? The DC contingent plays with your money to impact lives far away and does not seem to care about you, morals, ethics or budget deficits. When will somebody admit what is being done to them in the SCIF, and by whom?

10 months ago
Directed Energy Weapons in the hands of surveillance neighbors, CIA mentioned in other tweets.

Reply to  wooderson
10 months ago

The Beam can get you down. Initially it degraded me substantially. My sleep is not normal. It is still interrupted but maybe my mind and body are becoming tolerant. It is having less and less effect. Maybe they turned it off? It has had very real effects over the course of the last three years. Jobs lost and major health problems. Still probably nothing like those who have been jabbed by a bio-weapon. At scale I think they used the “jab” to further identify “our” type.

The point here is I believe in GOD and this all happened for a reason. We were chosen for some reason by this thing. Now I feel like the beam is making me stronger. It is increasing my consciousness. Knowledge of surveillance and its minions is helping me navigate. It helps “they” know I am dangerous and armed at all times. Their type is weak and therefore they are scared of competent people who will use violent action. They just want to get along and will think twice before monkeying around.

Whatever it is we WILL WIN. The other side knows this thats the purpose of the beam, to prolong their power. Our side has not even acknowledged the problem at scale and when it does the inevitable outcome will be US winning. May blessings, confidence and GOD be with you all! Thanks AC for everything your doing and fighting the good fight!

10 months ago

Byron Donalds: ‘Incredibly disappointing’ Johnson violated Hastert rule on passage of Ukraine aid.

What does the Rule of Law mean? Or this “Rules based order” thingy?

It is quite clear that the American government and the American military no longer represents “The People”. We are in an Ochlocracy, a Tyranny now. America is a full blown Marxist state. My sixth grade teacher, Mrs Leonardo, way-back-when, called it–America was the Roman Empire and collapsing. She was sad. I still remember that to this day. (Surprising because I don’t remember anything else of my growing years!) I mean this blows my mind–we get rid of McCarthy and get McCarthy 2.0. I’m dumbfounded. And year-in-year-out, the same 0l’, same ol’ by the Repuke party. Stabbed in the Back. It is clear that mission of the US Government is about destroying the ethnic heritage people of America.

I now understand the righteousness of God in having The Flood. The evil in America is quite large and everywhere.

Another Dave
Another Dave
10 months ago

AC, you forgot to mention that Trump personally gave the green light to Johnson’s epic sell out over Ukraine funding, and personally told Marjorie Green not to oust Johnson.

Does anyone here care to try and explain this level of duplicitousness?

Trump’s support of Israel looks bad enough, and only flies with most of his supporters because they are stone cold ignorant of Israel’s role in attacking the U.S. on multiple occasions.

I would love someone to try and explain this monumental fiscal and political disaster to me, and how Trump isn’t as guilty as the rest of the GOP, seeing as how he gave his direct blessing to Johnson.

This is almost as bad as Trump supporting mass vaccination with mRNA.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

Fair enough assessment.

10 months ago

Meme from Sundance at Conservative Treehouse:

comment image

10 months ago

Traditional media outlets are DYING!