Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
More than 300,000 votes unverified in Georgia’s Fulton County in 2020, new complaint alleges.
New bill would require Americans to vote in elections or face penalty.
Rural Nevada counties reconsidering Dominion for elections, return to paper ballots, hand-counting.
The 2021 Grand Jury Subpoena from Special Counsel Durham to Georgia Tech, et al demands all records regarding the Alfa Bank/Trump hoax, the purported use of Russian Yotaphones in Trump’s vicinity, and any involvement or communications with DARPA regarding either of those. Does this mean he suspects DARPA tech may have been used to spy on Trump, and/or falsify data?
John Podesta has now filed a request to keep his memos private in the upcoming Durham trial.
Top Oversight Republican demands Twitter preserve communications about Hunter Biden’s laptop.
Former Intel officials want efforts to break up Big Tech stopped – data control and retention of social media partnership is a national security imperative. More like a Cabal imperative, given it appears all terrorism, assasinations, and national threats are in fact Cabal operations. Either way, clearly intelligence is now fully, 100%, the enemy of every citizen of the nation.
United Nations calls for more regulations to be placed on homeschooling. They are afraid.
Secret Service claims it has ‘no records’ of who visits Biden in Delaware.
Fearing a Trump repeat, Jan. 6 panel considers changes to the Insurrection Act.
Gang member accused of shooting cop 6 times released on bail in Atlanta. Is he, “with intelligence?” Why else would a guy who shot a cop walk out the door. Not many prosecutors are THAT leftist.
Rhode Island Dems submit a bill to double the state income tax for parents of unvaccinated minors.
12 cases of unexplained hepatitis now found in children in Israel.
Just when you think you learned all their tricks – “Vaccines maybe administered opportunistically while patients are undergoing sedation for unrelated procedures.”
Libs of TikTok doxer Taylor Lorenz’s Twitter feed has been “excluded” from the Internet Archive Wayback Machine, even though the Internet Archive’s stated mission is to “provide universal access to all knowledge.” They even own the archives.
Libs of TikTok is now getting a paycheck from the Babylon Bee.
The 2022 recipients of the prestigious federal Truman Scholarships once again lean heavily toward Democrats and progressives, according to an analysis by The College Fix. Don’t fall for the trick – regular progressives are not winning that – those are kids of parents who are with domestic intelligence, and who will use that as a cover for why they are occupying high positions later on, despite being midwits. Everything is a cover for why intelligence is running things and you are not.
Former Bush-Cheney advisor Matthew Dowd says, Jesus Christ ‘would be called a groomer’ if he ‘was alive’ today. That Bush-Cheney rot ran deep.
Tennessee GOP kicks Trump-backed Morgan Ortagus, and 2 other candidates off House ballot.
Liz Cheney rakes in more money from northern Virginia than from her home state, Wyoming.
California Democrats admit bill would allow infanticide up to 28 days after birth.
Nevada County Commissioner accused of destroying evidence amid allegations of ‘quid pro quo’ scheme with Democrat Gov. Sisolak. He was the lawyer for an environmental group (many of which I suspect are Cabal-fronts for attacking non-Cabal businesses), and they were trying to prevent the developer from developing a tract of land. He made a deal with Sisolak to drop another lawsuit by the environmental group if Sisolak would not allow a vote to go through which would have allowed the development, until the board was stacked after an election and would deny it. Now the developer is bankrupt, and found out there was collusion by two elected officials to benefit the law client of one, so they tried to get the evidence, but everything was deleted. Think you can just buy property and build houses to sell? It may not be that simple, especially if your project is going to be really profitable, and another Cabal developer decides he wants it.
Fetal birth defect tests designed to help mothers abort babies with defects are found to have an 85% false positive rate. You cannot trust lab tests in an intelligence-controlled society ruled by a handful of elites who control all intelligence operations. Especially when they seem to be selective-breeding bloodlines.
Saudi ruler screamed at top Biden official, told him to ‘forget about’ boosted oil production.
Sometimes today a lone story can be truth escaping as the media machine tries to push propaganda. To that end, as we get an endless onslaught of stories telling us about coming shortages, there was this one from CNBC – Here’s why food shortages are unlikely to occur in the U.S.
Then again, there are a lot of stories like these, from the comments:
7 Injured in Explosion as Fire Engulfs Food Plant
Plane crashes into Idaho potato and food processing plant. There is a very real possibility they have a remote takeover on some planes, and can hijack them remotely and steer them like cruise missiles.
50,000 lb of food destroyed after fire ripped through Maricopa Food Pantry
Taylor Farms building in Salinas is a ‘total loss’ after large fire.
18 U.S. food processing facilities burned down in the last six months.
As if the articles weren’t dramatic enough already – Global rice production set to plunge 10%, threatening half of humanity, due to fertilizer shortages.
I thought the physical intimidation he uses here in this next one is interesting, because I would put money on the young guy in a fight and he has to know that he isn’t threatening anyone at his age. It is just weird to intimate you are going to hit someone who isn’t about to hit you. It almost has the feel of an acquired behavior, picked up in childhood from an abusive parent, almost like a sort-of quasi-language skill of an abusive parent to get their point across. I always find it interesting when people who can function in one venue are unable to just navigate logically with regular people. It makes me wonder if he would not be functional as a TV guy normally, and he only got there with considerable help from the conspiracy – which probably suppressed a bunch of logical people who wouldn’t have asked about a departure time as they were mime-ing that they are about to punch the ticket-agent in the face:
Spotify will not renew its podcasting deal with the Obamas.
Russia’s attempt to pay for two of its dollar bonds using rubles was deemed a potential default scenario by a derivatives industry watchdog on Wednesday, bringing the country to the brink of its first default in a century. You can see why intelligence pushes to control everything, even “watchdogs” like this. They want the power to be able to fuck over anyone at any moment. Nobody is doing anything honestly, and no independent arbiters or watchdogs, or regulatory bodies are really about their stated mission. Everything is about control. This was always a Darwinian world.
After nearly two months under siege, Mariupol is set to fall to Russia within “hours”, a Ukrainian official said Wednesday. “The enemy is outnumbering us 10 to one.” Last Minute Update – Putin has met Shoigu in the Kremlin. Shoigu has stated that Mariupol has been liberated. Means those thousands of Azovs under the steel factory are going to breathe their last breaths underground.
Former Trump national security adviser Mike Flynn says it’s time to stop sending Ukraine weapons.
Russian fuel flows through Ukraine uninterrupted by war.
Brian Stelter reportedly out of CNN by “late spring” as CNN+ collapses.
Netflix predicts losing 2 million more this year. On top of the 200,000 it just lost. Bill Ackman dumps entire Netflix stake, loses $430 million in 4 months.
Disney is the worst performing Dow Jones stock of the past year, plummeting more than 30 percent.
BBC Producers were forced to cancel a “sex ed theatre” production called the “Family Sex Show” featuring “non-sexual nudity.” Is the tide turning?
Florida Senate passes bill that would end Disney self-governing status.
Missouri Senate advances bill to remove Gun Free Zones from public transportation.
Election handicappers shift more than a dozen House races toward GOP.
We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.
Save America Announces Program Speakers for Delaware, Ohio
This Save America rally is a continuation of President Trump’s unprecedented effort to advance the MAGA agenda by energizing voters and highlighting America First candidates and causes.
Saturday, April 23, 2022, at 7:00 PM EDT
President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, Delivers Remarks.
Delaware County Fairgrounds
236 Pennsylvania Ave
Delaware, OH 43015
Special Guest Speakers:
J.D. Vance, Candidate for U.S. Senate in Ohio
Rep. Mike Carey, U.S. Representative for Ohio’s 15th Congressional District
Max Miller, Candidate for U.S. Representative for Ohio’s 7th Congressional District
Madison Gesiotto Gilbert, Candidate for U.S. Representative for Ohio’s 13th Congressional District
Timeline of Events:
8:00AM – Parking Opens
2:00PM – Doors Open
4:00PM – Program Begins
7:00PM – 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks
General Admission Tickets:
Request Media Credentials:
All requests for media credentials must be submitted by Thursday, April 21, 2022, at 5:00PM EDT.
Spread r/K Theory, because national security shouldn’t mean controlling you.
Update on the Gonzalo Lira/Coach Red Pill situation: he posted a video on April 7 last year (on his Patreon section) where he said he’d just found out he had a heart condition and was unlikely to live more than 24 months. It would explain why he said he felt he should stay in Ukraine till the war is over, and why he wouldn’t shut up, and didn’t bother taking even rudimentary precautions. Being shot by Azov is a more interesting death than having a heart attack on the toilet or while angrily replying to a mean tweet, so I can imagine he had something of a death wish.
Interesting, given Cabal tech may disrupt heart rhythms. Can be innocent, but I am always suspicious when somebody just starts to get a following and the health problems kick in.
“The Gateway Pundit and 100 Percent Fed Up release stunning footage of a woman signing multiple ballots before dropping them into an absentee ballot dropbox.”
She must be prosecuted and imprisoned as a felon. Or punished in some way fitting her crime. If they are able to get away with this, with this much evidence in the open, then don’t count it as a right wing win or republican win, it is a loss. This is why Cabal is actually okay with these crimes coming to light, because it serves their purposes if criminals get away with their crimes out in the open.
It is a huge fallacy, and failing, of the right to attempt to appeal to a higher authority. The temporal authorities are corrupt, damned, and irredeemable. Nearly half of the public would encourage vote-rigging, including most minorities. It is also un-American to appeal. Patriots at Lexington and Concord didn’t appeal to the King, they were done appealing. It is also a failure to wait upon God, ie. to place responsibility of this on Him. He clearly gives us freewill, including criminals and Patriots. Criminals exercised their freewill, now exercise yours. The only way the Almighty intervened in this is to let knowledge of it come to light. It’s almost like he’s asking us “will you enforce the Law or not?”. The answer is up to us. A Judge won’t follow the law, the police won’t, but will we? Will we follow the law? The law of our ancestors? If this woman lawbreaker is allowed freedom by us, WE are damned. Her earthly fate is the opposite of ours.
The Founding Fathers DID appeal to the king prior to the beginning of the festivities.
This was also a final appeal after the war began:
A Declaration by the Representatives of the United Colonies of North-America, Now Met in Congress at Philadelphia, Setting Forth the Causes and Necessity of Their Taking Up Arms.
“…Lest this declaration should disquiet the minds of our friends and fellow-subjects in any part of the empire, we assure them that we mean not to dissolve that union which has so long and so happily subsisted between us, and which we sincerely wish to see restored. — Necessity has not yet driven us into that desperate measure, or induced us to excite any other nation to war against them. — We have not raised armies with ambitious designs of separating from Great-Britain, and establishing independent states. We fight not for glory or for conquest. We exhibit to mankind the remarkable spectacle of a people attacked by unprovoked enemies, without any imputation or even suspicion of offence. They boast of their privileges and civilization, and yet proffer no milder conditions than servitude or death.
In our own native land, in defence of the freedom that is our birthright, and which we ever enjoyed till the late violation of it — for the protection of our property, acquired solely by the honest industry of our fore-fathers and ourselves, against violence actually offered, we have taken up arms. We shall lay them down when hostilities shall cease on the part of the aggressors, and all danger of their being renewed shall be removed, and not before.
With an humble confidence in the mercies of the supreme and impartial Judge and Ruler of the Universe, we most devoutly implore his divine goodness to protect us happily through this great conflict, to dispose our adversaries to reconciliation on reasonable terms, and thereby to relieve the empire from the calamities of civil war.”
BUT I do agree that the time for launching the storm and kicking over the table has been here for some time.
The tyranny we are subjected to is far worse than that the Founders faced and the universal nature of the capture of our institutions is also much different.
There was also this:
Olive Branch PetitionIn July 1775, the Second Continental Congress made a final effort to seek reconciliation with Britain and end the fighting. The chief advocate of this effort was John Dickinson, a conservative delegate from Pennsylvania, who authored the Olive Branch Petition. This appeal was directed to George III personally.
That would have been 3 months after Lexington and Concorde, but the King rejected it. Important lesson.
Multiple lessons.
1)Authority always decides that it has to double-down.
2)You have to give them every opportunity not to.
3)Then you can kill them and still be the wronged party.
“Antidepressants are no better at making people feel happier than taking no medication at all, a study claimed today.”
Plus, taking them would be an unnecessary chore. So, in the long run, they would actually make you more depressed than taking nothing at all. Funny how that works isn’t it?
It’s an unnecessary chore which you have to pay for, which is even worse
“Former Bush-Cheney advisor Matthew Dowd says, Jesus Christ ‘would be called a groomer’ if he ‘was alive’ today. That Bush-Cheney rot ran deep.”
What did these guys do to commit such blasphemies? And right after Easter. Does he not know that our Savior, Jesus Christ, conquered death, was resurrected and rose in power and glory? And as He lives, He will fasten millstones for for every wicked work and deed of the rinos, and every work of theirs will come to light and be shouted from rooftops. Does Dowd not know this?
Here is some rare footage of a Cabal hit, probably released by Atlanta PD (which would be mostly Cabal) as some type of ‘training’ video for it’s growing urban ground game.
Yes. Notice how the instant he begins his motion to exit the car, literally the moment his foot exits the vehicle, perfectly, the hitter turns the corner, and the timing of the approach is so perfect, even though it looks like the guy was sitting there with his car door open for a bit, and it would seem very tough to figure out precisely when he was leaving.
That can be pure chance. It happens. But that is also exactly what it will look like if a spotter is watching the target and linked up to the hitter on an earpiece, and calling his progress. And it would have to be a spotter who watched this target enough before to know his procedures before exiting the car to be that precise. I almost wonder if the homeless wino (or somebody else on binoculars) could have called that, or if they had to have a camera inside the car transmitting out, watching exactly what he was doing inside there before exiting.
You get sensitized to that when you are under, because every time you are about to make some transition like that, from exiting your car to go into a grocery store, to exiting a building, to exiting the on-ramp onto a highway, you have them right there timed perfectly, turning around a corner, or coming into the building you are exiting, or walking through a doorway, and so on, just as you trigger your decisive moment. Timing like that is probably how they measure how skilled a team is.
Why does the old white bearded dude down on the corner never move until the whole business is over? He sits there with his slurpy while a man is gunned down less than 50 feet from him and his pockets rifled. Even while the shooter has his back to him Old Uncle Tom just sits on the curb chillin out. Any normal person would have been around that corner and moving away as fast as possible. Was he the lookout?
I would think so, but the timing was so good I think they had to have also been seeing exactly what he was doing in the car, to know the very moment his foot swung out to get out. Was he going to be in the car for another two minutes writing a grocery list for later, was he about to slam the door and start it up to drive off because he forgot something, was he just going to hop right out and duck in fast. They had to know exactly.
They don’t like missing because the target can see it if it is a close call and get savvy to them being on him, and things get a lot tougher. Once the shooter was moving, they want it to happen just right, so they won’t set him moving until they know that is the moment and everything is right. The wino clearly looks like he was a spotter, especially because he is unafraid of getting clipped for being a witness, but I don’t think he was the only one, because I don’t think he could see exactly what was going on in the car.
I go back to the Colorado shooter, who was supposedly shooting up the grocery store, and all the surveillance was all around it, covering all the exits, but none of them looked worried about getting shot themselves. One fat Jewish guy was standing in the doorway, apparently watching the shooter letting rounds loose, but he had no fear of getting shot. I wondered if some of these shooters are MK-ultra-ed by shrinks, and part of the programming is to not clip the watchers in the process. Either that or they are all one big unit working together.
Do you mean the old BLACK dude with the beard?
That’s one of the worst areas in Atlanta, between the federal prison and the airport, you don’t want to be within miles of there. Honestly you don’t want to be anywhere except the northern quarter, especially inside the I-285 ring road “perimeter”, and even that is not nearly as safe as people think.
These guys were killed a couple blocks from their house in a hipster / tourist area in 2015: Blood at the Vortex. (Jim Goad, Takimag).
[Edit:] “Joe Hruska, 33, and Chay Kelsey, 32, were gunned down in a parking lot behind the Vortex in the early hours of March 14″
[June 9 arrests:]”14-year-old juvenile, Charlie Baldwin, 17, Thomas Dozier, 25, and Jacques Allen, 17. Two of those charged were already in custody for armed robberies that took place on North Highland Avenue shortly before the murders.”
But there’s reason to be suspicious, the story disappeared after that. The murders were in the parking lot of a local landmark restaurant where you enter through the mouth of a giant skull. Joe and Chay and their housemates had strong links to the Rainbow Family of the Rainbow Gatherings. Joe had also done construction work on the CDC’s most secure and secret labs. Chay was brought up in the Hare Krishnas.
“An Israeli anti-armor weapon has been seen in operational use by the Neonazi Azov Battalion against Russian military forces.”
The only question is, is this cooperation recent, old or very old? You know the answer.
“Putin has met Shoigu in the Kremlin. Shoigu has stated that Mariupol has been liberated. Means those thousands of Azovs under the steel factory are going to breathe their last breaths underground.”
By just sieging the steel mill instead of storming it, the Russians can avoid needless casualties on their side. The Azov’s will eventually all starve or surrender. Very smart.
Rhode Island Dems submit a bill to double the state income tax for parents of unvaccinated minors.
From the article:
“State Senator Samuel Bell is the lead legislator backing the bill, which mandates all Rhode Island residents, workers, and taxpayers receive a COVID-19 vaccine as well as any subsequent boosters that the state’s director of the department of health shall require.”
About Senator Bell:
“Bell is married to Samantha Weiser, a chairwoman of the Rhode Island Democratic Women’s Caucus who also works for Hasbro.[3][10] Bell and his wife are both Jewish and identify as bisexual.”
Every time. Works for Hasbro too. What a freak show.
And when it is all over, the RI gov’t will do a Morrison as in Australia – Any vax problems are yours, you chose to take the vaccine.
“Surveillance video LA Metro doesn’t want people to see, because it shows what an animal house their train system is.”
I would love to have great public transportation and great bike and walking paths, like was posted here the other day from Amsterdam. This sort of life where you can move about without constantly getting into cars being in traffic is so appealing. They have somewhat the same in Japan, where most all places are a short walk to a train station. It’s why everyone is not fat. They walk. The video shows why we can’t have this. “If” there were extreme penalties such that any time one of these savages did this they were banned and spent substantial time in jail then we could but they won’t do it. They are letting people out on bail for killing cops.
“It’s why everyone is not fat.” Sure, walking helps, but I’m convinced weight troubles are often an autoimmune problem. Why? Because one common side effect of the autoimmune protocol I’m on is weight loss, as in you return to a healthy 1950s build, not just getting reduced to a scare crow.
Start with the book Parasite Rex. If a bug likes to live in fat tissue, it will make the host grow fat.
Ivermectin for the win.
I literally can’t see the video without logging in
I have tio trun of JavaShiot but donlt log in. I donlt log in to anything but technical sites thta have nothing to do with politics. I will never sign upo for any site that has anything to do with politics.
By the way, thanks to AC for the log-in twitter trick!
More “Operation Trust”
At this point it’s been a long time. Trump surrounded himself with people who anyone in their right minds would know would fail him. I saw good interview with Ann Coulter, who is always excellent, and she went on and on about this and how she was so disappointed in him. How he had failed everyone. All this vote fraud could have been wrapped up a long time ago. There’s plenty of evidence yet all we get is “any minute now”.
Unless something different happens it’s wise to assume that maybe, 95% probability, the whole Trump Q thing was nothing but Operation Trust 2.0.
meanwhile, if trump nominated a bunch more non-cabalitos and otherwise pushed senate R buttons too much, they would have voted to remove. and ann takes money from romney and his ilk so she/he is kind of bought and paid for herself. she kees pushing him off and on. try to notice more things.
Ann Coulter is not trustworthy.
All you people bashing Ann. Give examples. I’m really fed up with all this character assassination with not a drop of facts. It such a crooked Jew move. Ann for instance doesn’t need a dime from anyone. She is filthy rich from book sales. I see her as a bit naive and in the tent but I seriously doubt she is eating babies worshiping Satan. She is absolutely 100% against the number 1 thing the Jews most want. Mass immigration. She while a feminist in her personal life is super pro Male. And constantly thanks males for being manly. She’s a fantastic spokesman for all the causes that I believe most conservatives support, and she is good at it. No matter how much they attack her she seems to always come off well and generally makes her attackers look foolish.
Someone of you name at least one thing she’s for that’s horrible. Can you even come up with one? I can name only one she sleeps with that Jew Bill Maher. She does support Republicans that are sketchy but so did I. It’s only after Trump got in office that the sketchiness of a large amount of them became super apparent.
Because Ann Coulter has been ineffective for her entire life. She was probably promoted because of that ineffectiveness.
Look, I liked Ann Coulter. I read her books and articles. I liked Mitt Romney at some point, too. On their watch, things got worse.
Why is that exactly?
Only if it is OT 2.0 The Retarded Version.
They could have don an Operation Trust that didn’t wake people up and get them active and didn’t produce the results Trump did in spite of his less than ideal 1st term.
Is this a possible message to Cabal? Or to team Hillary?
@SamJ Re:Musk and DoD.
Musk sued DoD for launch in 2014, right?
As of now he is largest DoD contractor.
And DJT said something along the lines of “aftet what we did for him, he owes us”.
We can also see retired spooks claiming Twitter is “ours” recently.
Looks like DoD play for Twitter. With Jack helping oit.
A serious question. What is wrong with you people here. A large amount of things I see here are nothing but character assassination with not one scrap of evidence. Are people so lazy that you can not high lite “largest DoD contractor” and do a search.
Here is the answer.
Musk is not even on the list. Now I know this may not be exact as some of it is hidden but where is even the slightest scrap of information that says Musk is the biggest defense contractor??? Look at the top 4 and there’s not much that DOD could buy from Musk to equal these vast amounts.What would Musk sell them that was more than 75 billion dollars??? Can you think of anything? Launch services are not that high.
Kash Patel said that, and he was supposedly in a position to know. It may be black projects, maybe related to space? Or you could be right and he was just way off. But he did say it with some force and certainty, and he isn’t known to be a bullshitter.
He’s a public defender in Miami in 2014 with a third-tier-trash law degree, and then his next job is DOJ National Security Division / Special Forces liaison, gets a CIA commendation 2015 … look at his official photo – he’s obviously crazy, stupid, and almost certainly a mind-controlled agent. He isn’t even an American, his parents came from Gujarat in 1970. Way, way worse than a bullshitter.
And he is a bullshitter, you don’t have to look far: “When I was running large scale conspiracy and fraud investigations, they took me three, four or five years to prosecute.” He was a prosecutor for less than three years.
Kash Patel
Ok I missed that. There is still the matter of what exactly is it Musk could be doing that comes to over Lockheed Martin Corp. 75 billion dollars? It’s no doubt this figure is higher for Lockheed Martin Corp. because this is only public contracts. Does anyone even remotely believe that Lockheed Martin Corp. doesn’t have a big black budget. Even with just the public stuff, just what could be funded at this level?
Kash Patel or not I don’t believe it. People say all sorts of things but what they must somehow at east minimally align itself with reality.
The only thing I could see it being is an Inertia Drive like I’ve talked about over and over. There are physical reactions in certain processes that do not conform to the standard textbook where all reactions require some output in mass in the opposite direction. These things appear to be Inertia waves that radiate and push against the Inertia of the universe, just like EM waves are emitted from charged moving particles. That…could cost a lot but even this area of research, the amounts of money seem excessive for even that,.
I’m willing to bet that the odds of Musk not being aware of all these little tidbits of data that don’t make sense and point towards inertia drives to very close to zero. He could have built some rough prototypes and told the military about it. In the past the guy who reported this they would probably kill but maybe Musk is too visible for this and they can either buy in to classify it or they could have a loose cannon Musk with superfast nuclear-powered ships zooming about the whole of the solar system.
I have said and still believe all the UFO’s that we see zooming around our ships are prototypes the US built long ago. I suspect they were hidden by the military in various corporations, and over time the evil ones took over these corporations and are using them for their stupid fake alien invasion plan B if we don’t buckle under in all their other evil plans.
Kash Patel
“…Kashyap “Kash” Patel was born in Garden City, New York, to ethnically Gujarati parents who had immigrated to the United States from East Africa,…”
“…received a certificate in international law from University College London…”
“…Patel was born on 29 March 1972 to Sushil and Anjana Patel in London.[3][4] Her paternal grandparents were born in Gujarat, India, before emigrating to Uganda, and running a convenience store in Kampala…”
She’s high up in the British administration.
Selected Articles: UK Home Secretary Priti Patel Was Part of CIA-linked Lobby Group with Husband of Assange Judge
What’s up with these Patels?
I after more thought I think Kash Patel either did not even say that Musk had the largest DOD contracts or he’s lying. They would have to be over $70 billion dollars and that doesn’t add up. It’s extremely far-fetched even if Musk was making some sort of space ship it doesn’t need that much money.
I did some searching and it does look like SpaceX has the largest “Space launch” contracts but it not even remotely $70 billion.
“It’s the largest contract of its kind ever awarded for rocket cargo”
Elon Musk’s SpaceX wins 2 Pentagon contracts for nearly $160 million to launch missions with its Falcon 9 rockets
And I could NOT find where Kash Patel said this. But I did find a guy working at SpaceX.
Shyamal PatelDirector, Starship Operations at SpaceX
More Patels. Where are they coming from.
The Patels are run by the jews.
It’s a very common Indian surname. Think “Smith”. Due to the caste system, there are some very high IQ Indians. Most of the British Cabinet is Indian or Pakistani now, unfortunately. They definitely tend to regard India or Pakistan as their homeland, even when born in Europe. Of course, they want it both ways, so they’ll say they ARE British (never “English”, as if the name itself burns them) because they speak the language and have a UK passport.
I went back and found the video you’re talking about. I don’t watch all the videos here or anywhere, and he does say this. I don’t believe it. He’s got to be wrong the whole numerical balance doesn’t work.
I’d agree, but I am at this point not sure any numbers have any significance, or any of the info we are allowed to have is anywhere near true. After seeing the surveillance, which there is no way is consistent with our understanding of economics, it is possible nothing we know is true.
I am a very pro-Musk guy Sam.
My apologies. I took it as a tactic to attack him. My philsophy about Musk is thta he has done an extrdinary amouts of things thta I favor a great deal and thta until someone can actually prove something what he says he is doing is…exactly what he says.People that say Musk is cabal are really not thinking things through all the way. Electric cars are disruptive to their present functions. Being able to fuel from the Sun or anywhere someone can get electricity is not a winning move for them. Just because the Jews lie constantly doesn’t mean everyone does. Some people really do dream big and make things happen.
An example is Andrew Carnegie. Andrew Carnegie was a ruthless businessman but how did he get so rich? The way he did so was to constantly, ruthlessly upgrade his steel plants with the most up-to-date, low cost technology he could find. He also went big in a big way, owning all his raw materials, from coal to iron ore. He out produced everyone with better quality steel. This is very much what Musk has done. A large amount of the big business in the US is run by Harvard types who do not really know their businesses and try to milk everything they have while making just the slightest improvements they can to get by. This of course means over time they slowly drive the companies into a ditch.
“You can see why intelligence pushes to control everything, even ‘watchdogs’ like this. They want the power to be able to fuck over anyone at any moment.”
Or the power to whitewash their own, as did the ratings agencies for the big banks before the 2008 financial crisis.
Link to documentary about “Government Sachs,” etc.
Re: “Libs of TikTok doxer Taylor Lorenz’s Twitter feed has been ‘excluded’ from the Internet Archive Wayback Machine, even though the Internet Archive’s stated mission is to ‘provide universal access to all knowledge.’ They even own the archives.”
It’s really annoying to see everybody jumping on this bandwagon, accusing the Archive of censorship, without bothering to get their facts straight first. The Internet Archive provides a service; it does not take sides in partisan Internet spats.
Wayback Machine General Information:
Do you collect all the sites on the Web?
No, the Archive collects web pages that are publicly available. We do not archive pages that require a password to access, pages that are only accessible when a person types into and sends a form, or pages on secure servers. Pages may not be archived due to robots exclusions and some sites are excluded by direct site owner request. (
Until I see proof otherwise, I’m assuming Taylor Lorenz’s tweets were excluded from the Archive by her own request. Just as, for instance, Dr. Joseph Mercola’s website disappeared from the Archive (with the same message) at the same time that he deleted all his old content from his site, saying that he’d been threatened and thought it was best to retreat to a low profile.
If I can do this, so can you.
Note that the author of the linked tweet also asked Taylor Lorenz:
“@TaylorLorenz Did you request for Internet Archive to remove your Twitter profile from its database? If so, why?”
However he didn’t see fit to wait for an answer before posting his implication that the Archive is somehow compromising its mission by following its own rules not to archive people who don’t want to be archived.
Hey, Matt Dowd: now do Mo!
AC always points out the conspiracy is almost incomprehensible in size scope depth and history. Indeed, and here is a great tell, as in they tell on themselves, some of it is by projection, like this quote below posted in a piece on The Last Refuge. It all just can not be ever overstated enough or ever.
Rhetoric of the conspiracy. Once you see it it can’t be unseen. As Sundance says they pretend not to know things. Every insect in cabal does that. Pattern in detail. Trying not just wrap your head around it but how many are inside it, but way more than that of all the almost inconceivable’s, they not only infest everything, the depravity is bottomless, there is so many of them, the numbers involved is staggering, the coordination, it can not be anything but something thats been creeping around operating along the fringes of the shadows, building, just insidious, for centuries, and what is it that they so maliciously are complicit, willing, in such civilizational betrayal of everyone and everything not of their cult. Reckless hate of unimaginable scale.
Sundance in his posts about how totally completely false twatter and faceborg and the rest are nothing of the sort as legitimate businesses, they are impossible business models, and thats the thing, the machine operating in the shadows creates them, provides everything but the facade and faux appearance of a viable corporate entity and product. And how much then is the corporate world nothing but a false front for the conspiracy. And that all goes back to what AC shows us about business and enterprise on every level from the individual sole proprietor to incorporations, is converged or eliminated in favor if the conspiracies own. Yet when you look at it thru the lens of say yesteryears Italian Mafia and their shakedown racketeering, its glaringly apparent what the conspiracy is if the lens of organized crime is used as a filter everything comes into ficus and it is not all but incomprehensible, its just fucking massive, thats the inconceivable part. So the next question has to be what keeps this criminal gang together, what is it that has created a gang that foes not rat itself out? After all its got to be something that binds them all to a vow of silence, you would think well there’s millions of the insects in the organization, somebody has to spill the beans, But the answer falls into the almost incomprehensible catagory, if the conspiracy is so incredibly vast, then what it is that binds them all has to be the most almost incomprehensible thing of all.
If its one thing, I’ll bet my right arm its got to do with as AC has always maintained how its the most foul vile depths of hellmouth dirty all hands thing. Some truly satanic evil incarnate hand dirtying ritual initiation, like rape and murder a baby while they film you, the ultimate offer you cant refuse. I mean everything is a shakedown or extortion with the fuckers. Everything. The whole thing is predicated on an organized criminal gang thats very effective, and has infested or converged everything. They need a lot of people just to maintain the facade and false fronts, that means they need thousands of babies and children to at least fulfill the logistics needs of the blackmail division of operations for initiating and bringing in new cadre, probably for refreshing existing blackmail on a constant basis.
In that light reading this post by Sundance it is plain as the sun rising they project exactly what they are and are doing onto Musk and the developing situation. But also, you got to ask why is Musk not taking the dirt nap already, if he is such a risk? Id this whole thing another pressure relief valve? The fuckers been doing the pressure relief shit a lot the last 6-8 years and now it seems the cadence has increased and they reveal almost too much doing so. Desperation? Dire straights we can not see? Are they very close to some pivotal point, and it no longer matters if some of us are startiung to see whats really going on? Sundance is one of the critical thinkers out there. Carefully, strategically and tactically so, discreet.
copy and paster verbatim:
-(from): Too Dangerous to Allow Elon Musk Control Over So Much Data Says Washington Post
(WaPo) […] “Putting so much power in the hands of one company is bad enough, but putting it in the hands of one person, as is largely the case with Facebook shareholder Mark Zuckerberg and would be the case if Twitter were owned by Musk, would be incompatible with democracy.”
“There are simply no checks and balances from any internal or external force,” … “It would leave Musk, like Zuckerberg, with an amount of assembled data about people and the ability to use it to manipulate them “that cannot be compared to anything that has ever existed, and allows intervention into the integrity of individual behavior and also the integrity of collective behavior.” (read more)
AC wrote on life: “It is not complicated, or a big thing. I used to be purely mechanistic, and “scientific,” in quotes, because I was really just adopting what I was told by those I thought understood the world as a cause and effect mechanism. There were molecules, and physics, and rules, and everything was just sort of there, clicking away as a clockwork mechanism, which began with a chemical soup, accreted into “life,” which was just a sort of curious quirky self-perpetuating chemical reaction.”
This “mechanistic and scientific” thing is called Atomism that fueled much of the ‘Enlightenment’.
Morning Joe had whole segments dedicated today to the minority leader of the House Kevin McCarthy who was outed today in the New York Times as saying “We need to get rid of this guy”, speaking about Trump after Jan 6th. Also they note the trashing Mitch McConnell did on Trump too.
“Life” is not mechanistic—But Spirit. What explains Kevin McCarthy, McConnell attitudes?
As Aristotle explains, we are HERD animals. What do HERD animals operate on? —-Instinct! Yea, we have reason, rationality—we also have hormones—and on top of that Instinct. Trump ran on Instinct and his long business experience. Also Common Sense plays in.
Ask yourself this, Does Common Sense come from reason? Common Sense is an Intuition. There is all sorts of factors going into how and why humans act.
And this gets me back to the Kevin McCarthy and McConnel scumbags. Trump was NOT a part of their “Tribe”. The Left is a Tribe—you not part of the “Tribe”—you get burned. Hundreds of Thousands came to the Capitol on Jan 6th because they saw something in the elections—but Kevin McCarthy and McConnell didn’t see that. Why?
The Bible is ONLY ONE part of the story—Nature is a duality, like Christ is a duality, Christ is fully God AND Fully Man. Christ is a Duality. Yet, many Christians approach reality monomaniacal. Sola Scriptura is a heresy. Sola fides is a heresy. Wisdom–the knowledge of divine AND human things. Nature is also very important. We live in Nature and a product of Nature. The Bible is a percentage—Nature is the other whopping part of us.
Good and Evil are TRIBES, are Herds. Just as animal herds run on instinct—so do the Tribes of Good and Evil. It is not so much a “choice” is one that is CONDITIONED that way! Adam was socially conditioned in the Garden of Eden by luxury. Satan was socially conditioned. How much was “Free Choice”? The Israelites were conditioned by 400 years of Soft living under the protection of Egyptian armies that did the fighting–not them on the plains of Goshen.
McCarthy and McConnell adopted evil; that evil first blinded them to other facts of reality and then changed their character so that their instinct was to attack Trump.
We are highly complex creatures, but most of all we are intrinsically Herd Animals; much of what drives us is instinct and then Character, reason and rationality is a small percentage.
People complaining why Trump didn’t cross the Rubicon—McCarthy, McConnell. The Repuke Party was started as the Radical Republican Progressive Party—its name was taken from the 1848 Red Republicans in Europe. That is the heritage of McConnell! He was BIG in the Civil Rights Era of the sixties! That is the Old Guard of the Repuke Party.
> New bill would require Americans to vote in elections or face penalty.
They do that in Australia. So a large percentage of the population, who doesn’t care which assholes are in power, ticks the “fuck you” vote in annoyance.
And that’s how they got the Australian Federal Police, Australia Defence Force, and private contractors setting up concentration camps while health officials went door-to-door under police escort, wounding up the Je… er, unvaxxed.
And now the Australian government is telling people if they have any bad reactions to the Jab(tm), it’s their own fault for taking it.
That’s what mandatory voting gets you.
“Just say no.”
Voting is for suckers!
If true, looks like Twitter is doing damage control before Musk buys it. The child sex stuff must have been insane. And explains Jack burning his bridges and blaming the Board. Maybe this is what Jack has been hinting that the NDA stops him from discussing?
> Tesla CEO Elon Musk is willing to invest up to $15 billion of his own cash to take Twitter private and will make a bid within 10 days,
More and more, I don’t see how taking over Twitter would benefit him personally. He’s putting more money into it than he’s likely to recover before it fades into obscurity with MySpace and Friendster. The only reason Twitter is even still around it the app comes preinstalled on every smartphon
He could hire programmers, create his own platform he owned 100%, and negotiate his own deals with Apple and Google to have his app preinstalled on every new phone. He could do it for a fraction of the money he’s throwing at Twatter.
He can’t *want* Twitter; it doesn’t make any business sense. He’s just moving a huge chunk of cash into someone’s hands.
It doesn’t benefit him at all. Twitter isn’t worth anything. The ad revenue can’t be more than a pittance, data mining off of it is of dubious value. Using Gab or UA as our comparison, we KNOW that the bandwidth and data storage costs REQUIRE users pay their way in order just to break even, and Twitter only offers free accounts.
And that seems very likely to me. He’s sending Cabal back billions of dollars while riding in as a shining champion of the people. This will blunt Gab’s growth, as well as Truth Social’s grow-… well, Truth Social is there, too. So yeah, that’s an angle I hadn’t thought of.
Pretty sure the largest DoD contractor does whatever the DoD says to do with DoD’s money. I’m agnostic on whether money was ever real, but it absolutely not real in this our current year.
it’s about embarassing then replacing the board and then making lots of info public. i wouldnt hold their stock long term anyway.
Is he a real billionaire? Or… an intel front?
That’s a very good question. Every few months there are articles questioning the profitability of Tesla, SpaceX, and The Boring Company. By some figures, Musk’s gain in personal wealth far exceeds the profit made by all those companies together.
> United Nations calls for more regulations to be placed on homeschooling.
Of *course* they are. Can’t have those Jeez and Deplorables inculcating children with BadThink.
Next, someone will get the bright idea to replace the complete failure of “Common Core” with an even-worse UN curriculum.
Public(Bureaucrat-Controlled) Schools were a mind-control psyop from the very beginning. Nothing but slave factories.
> Secret Service claims it has ‘no records’ of who visits Biden in Delaware.
That is an outright lie. Every single person who has access to his Delware residence goes through a Secret Service security checkpoint, whether Mr. Potato Head is there or not. Right down to the bug exterminators and trash pick-up.
Of course it’s a lie.
The question is: what is any of us going to do about it?
The answer to that question is: Absolutely nothing. They have power, and they abuse it openly, and there is nothing the general population can do about it, short of mass, armed revolution, which doesn’t seem likely right now.
So, we sit and watch them spit in our faces repeatedly and then look at us like we are sheep because we never slam the brakes on their corruption.
> Just when you think you learned all their tricks – “Vaccines maybe administered opportunistically while patients are undergoing sedation for unrelated procedures.”
Well, Australia is a prison colony again nowadays, so why not? The Australian Federal Government and the various state governments seem to be using East Germany as their role model.
Meanwhile, their American counterparts are trying to splice the Vaxx into vegetables and into mosquitoes.
> Mississippi is the nation’s chlamydia and gonorrhea capital
I can just see drunken Mississippians chanting “We’re Number One! We’re Number One!” while waving their Ole Miss flags…
funny i bet the majority of the branch chlamydians and gomorrah types live in jackson or in the other D district along the delta.
Sounds like some anti-Southern propaganda. I find it hard to believe that Mississippi has more of any V.D. than Cali-Faggia.
Tough to say. Cali is Hispanics, who Cabal seems to want more of, and white gays who it seems Cabal prefers, to the point of letting them be upper management in Hollywood. Mississippi is blacks who Cabal may want less of. I could see the overseers deciding to infect blacks, and then deny them treatments, or give them fake treatments to keep it spreading. Fuck, they could even have been looking at their navel and wondered, “What would happen if you had no treatments for VD?” So they found a dense black population to experiment on and ordered all the doctors to prescribe placebo.
Nothing necessarily works in this country with the cause and effect we were taught to think was the way things worked.
> Antidepressants are no better at making people feel happier than taking no medication at all, a study claimed today.
I’ve never been on them myself, but several friends have. One did well on what the doc was giving him – Wellbutrin, I think. The others hated the stuff, and called them “zombie pills” or said they “felt like they were dead” when taking them.
From what I gathered, their docs simply prescribed the max dose of their favorite drug to start with, then added other antidepressants if they didn’t like the answers they were getting to their questions. If the patients stopped taking the drugs, they were labeled “uncooperative.”
I think antidepressants can be very helpful to *some* people, but they’re often used where they’re not needed, and in vastly higher doses than the patients can handle. “When your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a thumb.”
And that’s not even considering how they’re passed out like candy to children and teens… the way they’re drugging kids is criminal, no matter what their “law” says about it.
Hot take here, but 99% or more cases of “depression” are because someone’s life is shit and they’re rightly upset about it. Every part of modern society is horrifying and disgusting, even to those of us who are awake to it all. Imagine not having any clarity whatsoever on why the world is so trash and how that might make you feel every day. It’s easy to see how people fall to despair when society wants the average person poor, sick, bored, oversexualized, exploited at every turn and deliberately stopped from achieving any goal that doesn’t serve Satan.
Pills will never fix you, they’re just a mask for the symptoms, and the doctors make more money / extract more human suffering points from Satan when you’re chronically disabled. I’d bet walking barefoot in the sun for an hour a day would cure more depression than all doctors on the planet combined.
Any parent who puts their kid on massive doses of drugs just to make them stop acting like kids should be hanged by the neck until dead after a fair but swift trial.
Being awake doesn’t help. You can *see* the causes, the prime movers of the horror show, but you either can never convince the normies regardless of the evidence, or even if convinced they don’t care.
My family and posse of friends are what keep me from descending into a complete mental darkness.
The only bad depression I even experienced was some PPD after my first daughter was born, but my obgyn got my hormones under control and nuked it, bless her.
“…Every part of modern society is horrifying and disgusting…”
Sigh…so true.
I’ve been depressed before, and every single time, I was able to point to a specific reason for my depression (usually in hindsight, but over time I learned). In a bad relationship, not in a relationship when I thought I should be, break-up, out of work and can’t find a job, in a job I hated, the list goes on and on (over my lifetime, relationship problems and job issues have accounted for the bulk of my depression). But every single time, it was something I had some control over, and I knew it. I have never been on anti-depressants, and plan to never be on them.
> California Democrats admit bill would allow infanticide up to 28 days after birth.
Pikers. Why limit it to 28 days?
I can think of a number of politicians and government officials from California who need to be aborted. It would be a public service…
If the law passes, there’s nothing to prevent them from amending it later. Changing to a different time limit, of course… but also adding more reasons, perhaps “mental illness.” Just abort them for their own good; it’s not actually euthanasia or execution if they call it abortion, right?
And this may be why the Left is so frantic at pushing their abortion platform. If they get what they want, they could abort anyone they didn’t like, legally.
Not that we are much about their “law” any more, but they like to pretend it still has some validity.
Every facet of modern society has been crafted to make ignorant people damn their own souls by tricking them into following the religion of “science.” That’s the part everyone misses: they get the pseudo-science is a religion idea, but so many modern bugmen act like religious zealots towards “science” because every core tenant of “science” is just rebranded concepts of ancient Satan-worship.
Sacrificing children to Baphomet/Saturn is just renamed “abortion” now. Believing in the big bang creating everything from nothing without a God and us being a meaningless dot of waste in an infinite nihilistic space vacuum is straight from the Kabbalah. Rebranding everything good as evil and evil as good is literal Satanic inversion.
It’s been so easy to get bugman crusaders because they’ve been running this evil religion for millennia and know how to rebrand and recruit new cultists.
I don’t endorse 100% of the concepts discussed in this series, but it is absolutely worth looking into it and considering the claims with your own discernment, particularly the use of science to push ancient satanic religions in disguise.
Your Bitchute recommendation got me the following warning:
“Channel Restricted
The parent channel of this video is unavailable at your location due to the following restrictions:
Contains National Socialist Symbology”
Welcome to Europe. In the future, only CNN will be legal.
(But seriously, we’ll see more and more stuff like this: “At the UN Human Rights Council on Friday, Member States adopted a plan of action to tackle disinformation, at the request of Ukraine and with widespread – but not universal – support. Officially sponsored by Ukraine, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the UK and US, the draft resolution presented to the Geneva forum emphasised the primary role that governments have, in countering false narratives.”)
Feminism is very much satanic inversion, glorifying women who abort their babies rather than those that care for them, and generally trying to turn women into men and men into women.
About 15 years ago, Alex Jones was pointing that ‘ethicists’ were writing papers arguing that children aren’t self aware until age 3-5, and since they aren’t self aware, it should be ok to ‘late term abort’ them. I found some of the articles, but didn’t save them, and they’re hard to find these days, but I’m sure they’re out there. Sounds like the sort of stuff these people are basing these bills on.
Want to know why the Matrix directors turned trans. Read this:
Skimmed a page – no, I don’t want to know.
Yeah. I regret having read it. But it makes little sense. This admittedly beautiful woman he fell in love with was dead ass broke despite being the top dominatrix to the H-wood elite and running a big perv website? Reading btwn the lines, she was tasked by Cabal with breakimg the dude and she did.
This destruction of Men have been going on generally:
> Netflix
Netflix has been declared stone dead a couple of times before, when they were hemmorhaging money after their market shifted. Anyone remember when they sent you DVDs in the mail with return mailers?
They’re commies, but they either have serious backing or they’re good at business; either way, I wouldn’t jump to bet against them.
they are another twtr, with even more emphasis on propagandizing. the enhanced FAANG stocks i started tracking again lost like 3.63% today, several of them much more… twtr didnt do that bad. it made $.
They’re saying they (Netflix) are going to start enforcing their password monitoring where families/friends/etc share their account info with others. My wife shares her’s with her kids; I’m wondering how long before they get busted, lol.
> Florida Senate passes bill that would end Disney self-governing status.
They should never have had it to start with.
By the way, the giant Walmart data center in Missouri, just over the state line from their corporate offices in north Arkansas, also has police, fire, *and* code enforcement authority; they don’t have to let any county or state officials onto the property. Nice, eh?
Thanks AC for all you do here. It’s incredibly informative.
My question was about the Disney bill in FL. I’m very skeptical of their true intentions. Maybe one guy, DeSantis, who’s willing to challenge the WDC; but a majority of FL legislators? Something seems “off” about it. It got me to wondering what if Cabal’s game plan is to buy up real estate all over the US when the inevitable tsunami of dollars come flooding back here from abroad. Especially from China. The real intent then is for foreign investors to be free from having to actually administer a city within FL. Instead, they can externalize those costs back to the state of FL. Then lobby (bribe) those same legislators into tax breaks, etc. All the benefits with none of the costs.
Another thought I had was what if Cabal intends to use their stash of soon-to-be worthless dollars to buy up iconic worldwide brands like Disney, Coca-Cola, John Deere, etc and headquarter everything in Beijing?
Thank you for coming.
On the rest, it is a good point – Disney has been buying those politicians for years. But who knows, maybe something has changed behind the scenes. Because as much as we thought buying politicians was how power was wielded, I am quite sure being in Cabal was a thousand times as powerful. If Cabal is being overthrown, then it could be legit.
I think this one is actually pretty straightforward.
Disney has been paying off pretty much every politician in FL for decades. Then, with the “don’t say straight” bill, they announced that they would no longer give any money to the politicians that voted for the bill, and would “lobby” against it.
That was frankly a declaration of political war. The politicians that they had bought were now un-bought, and there was no reason to keep up the pretenses.
Disney should have just bitched to keep their vocal employees happy, and kept the money flowing. Instead, they fucked around and found out.
> Missouri Senate advances bill to remove Gun Free Zones from public transportation.
A number of states have similar laws. I always thought it was amusing that in those states, Rosa Parks wouldn’t even be allowed on the bus in the first place if she’d been exercising her Second Amendment rights.
> An audio recording obtained by NBC News appears to show that former President Donald Trump’s highly publicized interview with Piers Morgan did not end with Trump storming off the set, as edited promotional video clips suggest.
DJT is still a billionaire; he already has a driver and at least one bodyguard. Given the “shithole country” flap, he’d be a fool to do any kind of interview without his own videographer, even if it’s just his driver pointing his phone in his direction.
As a former POTUS he also has Secret Service protection for at least 10 years after leaving 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Hey AC: Metabiota was funded by Rosemont Seneca — the company owned by none other than Hunter Biden. This is the same Metabiota doing work in Wuhan. Check it out.
Amazing how all the little facets trace back to one big operation when you get down to it.
Without the Web, none of this would ever have come out.
That’s why the left hates the open internet so badly. They want everyone to use verified logins to get online and for sites to control content in the name of “misinformation”, “anti-terrorism”, and “child protection.” But really, it’s just censorship with a shiny ribbon.
Every single “security” proposal always turns out to be some kind of censorship scheme in the end.
Here’s a podcast from a SC radio host (with a journalism degree from UNC) on the connection between Hunter and bio labs
We’ve spent 13.6 BILLION on Ukraine now—
Where’s our Border wall?
That 13.6 could’ve built our border wall. America is NO longer for the people, of the people; it is time to take it all down. Biden announces $800 million in new military aid for Ukraine – The Boston Globe
Take it down how, though? If it collapses into anarchy, you just get Mad Max, Fury Road. I don’t want my children having to drive the circuit between the Citadel, the Bullet Farm and Gastown just to survive.
The United States of American People no longer exist.
Now the USSSA – United Soviet Socialist States of America which includes all nations of North America.
Yes, but not how you think. The .gov contract that gave the “researchers” access to the DNS data was a DARPA contract. I think that is what he was going for.
Mississippi has the highest black population in America, so demographically that explains that. Not sure why NV has the french pox. Might be the indians.
No, MS does not have the highest black population. MS is the highest black percentage. Georgia has the largest black population in America.
The quote says “per capita”.
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, except the STDs, those go home with you.
NV has legal prostitution and lots of the illegal kind too.
I thought about that, but the legal whores are tested weekly and have really low infection rates. The illegal whores could be a problem, but just from my own experience, I would be looking at the reservations for your syph reservoir.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that.
Comms from .mil to the WH. You can’t stop us if we decide to come in.
Do not threaten, there is no threaten.
Do or do not.
Yeah, I’m gonna keep my garden going and the canning will continue.
Sounds like they’re trying to reassure the NPCs that all will be fine. At this point, they’ve been wrong so many times I can’t understand why anybody listens to them anymore.
RE: Bill O’Reilly
Dude, you’re flying on JETBLUE. The Family Dollar of airlines. You pinch pennies, you get pinched.
Backs up AC’s idea of the “rich” not really having any money of their own at all.
Dude was THE talking head of the alleged right-wing for years. There’s no reason he should have to fly budget at this point in his life.
A couple of my posse members have fairly successful parents. They aren’t exactly frugal, but they don’t waste money. Sometimes it’s just part of the personality type that leads to success- being careful with your money even if you have an abundance of it.
Assuming that rich people exist: “Rich” (technically “the lesser rich”) starts at around $40mil net worth nowadays or around $3mil liquid assets (Felix Dennis’ “How to Get Rich” is the reference point here. I increased the values to account for its age. A MUST READ book for those here who are trying to build businesses.). “Wealthy” people are below that and are what most people mean by “fairly successful”.
Wealthy people still have to think about their expenses because wrong habits might either negatively impact their net worth or reduce their liquidity to levels they aren’t comfortable with. Rich people simply don’t care because they cannot begin to spend all of their interest or dividends unless they really try. Wealthy people still think in terms of bottom-line dollars. Rich people think in terms of time. I think this distinction is important because most people see the fancy possessions or restaurants. But it’s the stark contrast of mindset that really separate the rich from the wealthy. Again, this is assuming non-Cabal rich people exist, and I believe they do.
A rich dude going for casual might walk into a Starbucks dressed in a crappy t-shirt, his favorite Wranglers, his college Birckenstocks, and a half-million-dollar watch. In contrast, a wealthy dude going for casual might walk in wearing a $20k outfit and a $50k watch. Both probably have similar cars. They both get a call they have to be on the other side of the country for something. The first would rather hire out a private jet to save time (4% of his watch is like a penny to him), and might book a $10k first class flight if he wants to “slum it” (2% of his watch). The second would hire out a private jet if he needs to (40% of his watch) and might be wary of even first class (20% of his watch). Of course, that’s just to illustrate the difference in mindset. In reality, both would be smart enough never to “flex” in public unless it’s a particularly rich neighborhood.
There are a few pics of Donald Trump Jr. flying commercial as well. A few of them while Senior was still in the White House.
THINGS NOT AS THEY APPEAR. Remember the Wizard of Oz?
To “all the food processing plants” being on fire and exploding…
Black Conservative on YouTube has now been labelling himself “Tin Foil Hat” because he reported on this early this morning and notes that almost all of them were on Wednesday and Thursday!
He said on earlier vlogs–they are trying to starve us to death. …
russian defense facilities going boom too…
The Road to Pathocracy
Our world.
“Vaccines maybe administered opportunistically while patients are undergoing sedation for unrelated procedures.”
I have declined a few surgical procedures for this very reason.
cabal inadvertently driving a new greater interest in healthy living and supplements…
RE: Food shortages in the US
It’s not a matter of having the food because the US is a food exporter. We import luxury things, not staples. The problem is prices. As the prices rise the cost to keep the food here will by necessity be higher than to send it aboard, and that will then price poor people here out of being able to eat regularly. And then the government will step in to help with price controls and ration cards, ensuring shortages.
And of course, we all know that the Biden admin is currently requiring farmers to plow their crop under to get subsidies, which are simply required to run cash crop agri-business, so even here there will be less to go around.
Anybody who watched me dig up my potato seeds last year, well I planted them all in March and every one is growing. Thirteen seed potatoes planted late became somewhere around fifty seed potatoes for this year, and those will be for harvest and eating. We never got the hen house going, but that might change here pretty quick.
Pretty sure that I’m also going deer hunting this fall.
Food shortages are always about price. Even in Revelation, remember what famine says:
Given that a denarius was a day’s wage at the time, you could put it at around $200.
BTW, “do not harm the oil and the wine” was fulfilled during the plunder of Judea by Rome, when the generals ordered their troops to not sack olive orchards or vineyards in Judea. Everything else was fair game for looting and burning.
NASA now bidding on a “second” lunar lander. Blocks SpaceX from even bidding. No doubt SpaceX creamed the other landing bids on the first lander so bad, really bad, now someone wants to funnel some cash to the losers.
NASA follows the military tender system: their contracts are primarily about supporting the “military-industrial complex.” Their official job is secondary to that.
It wouldn’t be so bad if the companies would deliver. Even at inflated prices but now they don’t even deliver.
For the money NASA has given to Lockheed and Boeing for their fake rocket they can’t even get off the pad, 30 billion, 40 billion??, we could have had a reusable Sea Dragon designed way back in 1962. This thing was made of steel and launched 550 metric tons to LEO.
Here’s a video of what it would have looked like launching.
Was just playing Far Cry 3, a 10-year-old game where you’re roaming a tropical area, I came across a tiger chasing some deer and while I would normally just avoid the predators, I instead killed the tiger (a bit dangerous, as they can absorb a lot of damage). I only play single-player but later it occurred to me that you could probably map out personality types by observing how they act in-game. For example, I don’t kill prey animals (pigs, deer etc.) unless I need “crafting ingredients” for e.g. bigger rucksacks or holsters, and when I see a dangerous predator I typically just give it a wide berth. The only predator I’ll attack when I don’t have to is the shark, if I’m by or on the water. For whatever reason, I can see the tiger as beautiful, but not the shark.
There are, however, probably players who will kill prey animals for kicks, and players who will go up against predators when they don’t have to. There are others interesting indicators, e.g. whether you prefer to make a lot of noise or do stealth kills, whether you prefer close or long-range kills. As I say, I don’t play multiplayer but since virtually every game these days is multiplayer, it occurs to me you could probably harvest a lot of personality data for e.g. “potential MK ultra shooter” or “recalcitrant” or “thrill-seeker” types from games.
Interesting. I will bet you are right, and they are all over it.
Considering how many hours I’ve logged playing STALKER (a Ukrainian creted game), I am screwed and completely profiled.
It’s why Valve created the achievement system way back when, I would wager. It’s never been confirmed or much discussed because Valve reps out as a great company and Gabe Newell appears player-centric, but I would not be surprised to discover that a BIG chunk of Valve’s revenue is from data mining players. That’s why the other game publishers have gotten in some kind of digital storefront over the years.
Your every single interaction just with the store front gives them data on you. Your preferences for how detailed you want your UI, what you browse, what you buy, what you actually play, how often, and what you do in-game are all logged.
They log how you problem solve, and even get a metric on your empathy level based on how you treat NPCs. How you are likely to react given morality choices, FYI, for example from playing RPG’s I learned about myself that I have a willingness to mercy kill, specifically playing Deus Ex(confirmed IRL, it’s a long story), but if I have a way to save EVERYBODY I will take it every time regardless of difficulty. So guess what, they know that about me, too.
And yeah, get what you mean, give predators space unless you have to kill them, because otherwise you’re wasting ammo on something that doesn’t need to die and you really don’t get anything for killing. But sharks are like insects that easy to run over with the boat. I always at least try for GHOST when taking an outpost in a FC game(bow and stealth kill), and then I just headshot everybody when that plan gets goatscrewed by the guy behind me that I missed during recon.
Ever play GTA? Do you run over pedestrians? How about a a Star Wars game? Light or Dark Side choices? Who are you when no one is looking? It’s literally the exact same setup they have with Facebook – the data they get on you IS SUPPLIED BY YOU.
That new reboot of WESTWORLD? Where they are mapping every guest’s brain for data mining and eventual translation to an artificial body? Where do you think they got the idea for the show? From the video game services already doing it.
I think GTA mitigates mass-killing civilians. it has a massive police response.
It’s not to discourage, it’s a challenge. How high can you get the WANTED meter and still survive. I’m just playing through GTA5 for the first time right now, and it’s decidedly mixed. I mean it’s GTA, GRAND THEFT AUTO, so why am I driving a tow truck and towing abandoned cars? Yoga? Tennis? Dog training?
Now the first heist is a real hoot, and then you’re immediately introduced to TREVOR. Just finished torturing a guy for information for the FIB so that we could identify & assassinate a terrorist. Did my best to do no permanent damage to the guy but I’m really not liking this – this isn’t fun to me.
Intentional by the designers. The old trope is, “GTA forces you to run over hookers and rob people.” This was their reply. They put a full fledged flight sim in, tennis, golf, even yoga. They even make sure that in a play through, you become aware of the yoga.
How many people do yoga after the mandatory mission? Roughly none. They go back to running over hookers.
Also intentional. The point was, even in a game where you revel in being cruel, what .gov does to people is wrong. It shows that your violence in the rest of GTA is either retributive, or incidental. This is another breed of violence.
Also, notice that you didn’t feel nearly as bad about murdering a likely innocent guy over the intel, but how you got it was tainted.
In the new regime, A/C’s comment section will design the next GTA. Missions include: annoying your surveillance, buying guns, using guns, racing home to moderate your comments before everyone think you’re dead, etc
My rule is if it doesn’t aggro me for no reason, I leave it alone.
Conservatives on every site I visit: “There’s only one race- the human race.”
And they act shocked when I say conservatism is one of the biggest ideological failures in human history for not conserving anything. It’s right there in the name, and they failed harder than the Austrians at Karansebes.
They truly are. But they also differ in expression of wickedness.
Some wit has said that conservatives have failed to even conserve the women’s rest rooms.
“Conservative” in the political sense is not the same word as in the ecological sense. Conservatives are supposed to be steady, cautious, and moderate.
ConserVATORS do ecology stuff.
Conflating the two is an old Leftist trick; redefining words to support their position. Consider how “migrant” and “vaccination” have been changed.
Don’t get suckered into playing their games. Use their words, you will wind up thinking their thoughts.
Whoever posted that vid on the “credit knife man” in China, I can’t find it to reply to so here is my thought:
Hebrews 13:2
Do not neglect hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.
The Fallen are the same species as the angels, so it could be either of them doing this.
Actually laughing at McKinsey being behind the CNN+ fiasco. 100% money laundering for Cabal.
“Libs of TikTok doxer Taylor Lorenz’s Twitter feed has been ‘excluded’ from the Internet Archive Wayback Machine, even though the Internet Archive’s stated mission is to ‘provide universal access to all knowledge.’ They even own the archives.”
That’s not the worst of it: this also affects archival of other sites with some of the related information.
Try getting Internet Archive to save a copy of those pages you put up about this a day or two ago.
Khazaria Dumps The Dollar For Virtuous Pagans’ Renminbi
Another Musk hit piece?
“He was such a terrible human being,” Elon told Rolling Stone when he covered the magazine in 2017. “You have no idea … My dad will have a carefully thought-out plan of evil … He will plan evil” (via Rolling Stone).
Per Elon, Errol is “brilliant at engineering.” As Ashlee Vance wrote in his book, “Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future,” it was Errol’s engineering business that netted him “one of the biggest houses in Pretoria [South Africa].” The business was so expansive it amassed “large projects such as office buildings, retail complexes, residential subdivisions, and an air force base” (via InsideHook).
Errol also, at one point, owned an emerald mine, a source of much controversy, particularly given that the Musks were a white family during apartheid South Africa. But Errol was himself prone to violence — he was allegedly charged with manslaughter when he shot and killed three in a group of people who broke into his Johannesburg home. He later got off on the charges due to self-defense.
More recently, Errol once again became a father — in 2018, he had a child with his own stepdaughter, Jana Bezuidenhout, who was 30 years old to Errol’s 72.
Musk dad from all I’ve read appears to be a psychopath. Musk himself s a bit autistic, so had problems relating to other kids. So growing up he’s surrounded by all this…bad.
Now I don’t know Musk could some super double Jew agent but he could also be just a readily a super smart person that is focusing his whole life on being “anti-evil”. Most people would not do this but we have an example on front of us.
AC pissed at being followed and constantly fucked with does a HUGE amount of work here just to give them the finger.
It could very well be that Musk is buying twitter for the exact reason he says, a big fuck you. He has an ungodly amount of money and more is pouring in, He’s actually just at the beginning of his wealth spiral…up. He can with just the rockets he has, he doesn’t have to have the new one, make a worldwide internet worth a fortune. He has the satellites engineered. SpaceX is a huge money making machine because no one can reuse their rockets. If an aircraft company had to throw away their Boeing 747 every time they made a round the world trip and Musk could reuse his, who would get all the business and profits. Same with SpaceX. He has a huge cash roll coming in from electric cars. He has streamlined the manufacturing process through serious deep analysis of every single process and his cost are very good. He has the only assured supply of high quality batteries of any manufacturer except maybe the Chinese but I bet Tesla batteries are better. So if he throws away $40 billion, he’s lost nothing. It’s a pittance to him, and will in no way threaten anything else he’s doing.
He’s going to be the first trillionaire.
Apparently other people are noticing that the food processing plants are having a bad day. Darn the luck.
Gangstaking / Doxing
For those that don’t know, this is a MAGA3x Op. This is one group of people behind the scenes running narrative and controlling all sides.
“Antifa” (MAGA3X) doxes a big time MAGA account, passes that dox to “lefty journalist” Taylor Lorenz who writes a story outing her identity. A villain is created and thus galvanizes support behind the newly created victim (LibsOfTikTok). Victim account gains 100k followers. MAGA3X goes on a media blitz using their wide media arm and influencer network, and it’s the biggest news of the day. Lorenz’s information is then passed to another faux villain they created through this very channel to be doxed, thus turning Lorenz back into the victim and creating more buzz around the story. MAGA3x now has blackmail to threaten LibsofTikTok with any time the account steps out of line, thus giving them full control and making them loyal only to MAGA3X.
I’m probably one of a few people who would know this, but if you follow the “Antifa” story for long enough this is where you wind up. MAGA3X is a corporate espionage ring and PR factory that operates on blackmail and threats. And everything is fake and gay.
The Wicked howl when the Righteous prevails: