News Briefs – 04/20/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


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General Gage’s Gun Grab; Lexington and Concord and Captain Samuel Whittemore’s Last Stand. You read these articles, and realize, we are sitting at the cusp of something very similar. A hostile foreign force, tyrannically ruling the nation, ripping it off, and all it takes is a small piece of information, released the right way, and that smell of gunsmoke will be wisping around us on a cold fall morning as we survey the aftermath of a battle.

Interestingly what sounds like another TI was on a TinySA forum, and he also has 450-460 MHz signals, which he found in an article is a frequency which can be used in thru-matter imaging, which he feels is a possibility from his neighbors, due to reasons, I am still thinking -10dBm at that distance, and far beyond even my Wifi has to be significant.

Senate reaches deal to pass FISA reauthorization by deadline. We have fully lost control of the government to the intelligence community.

Senate reauthorizes warrantless spy powers just after midnight deadline

How the FISA reauthorization bill could force maintenance workers and custodians to become government spies. And function as a cover for the ones who already volunteered to do it.

National Guard Captain testifies: Forced to stand down until 5 pm on J6. They wanted the riot because they wanted the barbed wire fences and the National Guard. And they wanted the fences and the National Guard so we would not be overly apprehensive when they put it all in place this year for whatever is coming. The question is, why do they think they will need it this year?

Trump juror discloses, disclosed that her father is a lifelong friend of Christie and she works at the same company as Cohen’s son. She said, “I thought I could do this. This is so much more stressful than I thought it was going to be.” What are the chances she would get the summons, and be plugged in to Christie and Cohen’s kid? I told you, intel will take the positions it needs to exert control. It took the Court Clerk, and can control who gets a summons for what cases. And she is an operative, who was tasked with something which she found so stressful, she could not pull it off.

Trump trial: Prosecutors withhold witness lineup from former president’s team.

House Dems move to strip Trump of Secret Service protection, if convicted.

Trump warns that if he loses presidential immunity, so will ‘crooked’ Joe Biden.

Hunter Biden is asking appellate courts in both of his criminal cases to consider dismissing his tax and gun charges, according to court documents.

Guy self immolated at the Trump trial, and died shortly thereafter. Video of him doing it here, but obviously graphic. His substack post here, explaining how the world is one big ponzi scheme, and the left and the right are both in on it. The pamphlet he was carrying is in video form here, if anybody cares.

Strangely he once had a photo taken with Bill Clinton.

Jack Posobiec asks, “How was a man able to get firebomb material that close to President Trump and a courtroom?”

Interesting theory that the nutcases who do shootings and self immolate always have manifestos to convince us not to write our theories down ourselves, and to reject anyone else’s written ideas, as only nutjobs have manifestos.

Hillary Clinton says Trump wants to kill his opposition.

Radical leftists vow to disrupt the Democrat convention in Chicago.

New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez’s wife has confided in friends that she is convinced she will go to prison because she is short of money for lawyers.

Mike Johnson’s spending bill includes $300 million for Border Patrol — in Ukraine.

Black Chicagoans wearing MAGA hats blast Mayor Brandon Johnson over spending on migrants.

Denver migrants complain six months of free rent is ‘insufficient’: ‘Slap in the face.’

Tucker Carlson says UFOs are piloted by ‘spiritual entities’ with bases ‘under the ocean and the ground.’ Headline encapsulates the whole article. It is curious there appears to be a segment which wishes to disclose all this, and another who feels it needs to be kept secret.

Timothy McVeigh complained to friends that he had a pain in his ass from the government-implanted microchip he was given? Oddly enough the stuff in this video I am familiar with is spot on:

Appeals court rules that cops can physically make you unlock your phone – forcibly mashing a suspect’s thumb into his phone to unlock it is akin to fingerprinting him at the police station. Fingerprint lock was never all that ideal to begin with.

The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) is refusing to release additional information about an agreement it reached over a COVID-19 vaccine that has earned it at least $400 million.

FBI emails show that FBI found it ‘alarming’ that Fauci-funded virus research at Wuhan lab would leave no trace of ‘human manipulation.’

Bird flu virus now found in raw milk, is of “great concern” to WHO. Great way to start a pandemic if they have an airborne strain.

Cases of dengue fever surge by nearly 50% in a month in Americas amid ’emergency situation.’ It is unbelievable. Just a few months ago, they dumped millions of mosquitos from a Bill Gates project down there which were specifically genetically designed to reduce Dengue, and people were predicting it would take off instead, and was part of his global depopulation plan.

Mike Johnson believes that white privilege is real and systemic change is needed. He will believe whatever they tell him to say.

Triple threat: Rep. Gosar joins MTG and Massie on motion to vacate Speaker Johnson.

Rand Paul –

It’s official: ?@SpeakerJohnson is no longer the GOP Speaker of the House, but Speaker for the Uniparty’s $1.5T deficit, warrantless spying on Americans, and a foreign aid bill with more deficit spending than Schumer’s budget buster.


Popular produce from blueberries to potatoes poses a ‘very high risk’ of unhealthy pesticides linked to cancer and diabetes, a new report from Consumer Reports has revealed.

Recent focus groups show that NO ONE likes Kamala Harris or wants her to take over.

Two-term Republican U.S. Rep. Jake LaTurner is not running for reelection this year in his GOP-leaning eastern Kansas district so that he can spend more time with his four young children, joining nearly two dozen Republicans in the U.S. House who are not running again or seeking another office.

The Biden administration finalized its much-anticipated Title IX rules Friday morning, overturning much of the Trump-era rules and expanding the definition of sex to include transgender identities.

Donald Trump Jr. says ex-wife Vanessa was afraid of Diddy and doesn’t believe his long-term girlfriend Kim Porter died of pneumonia.

National security implications of the Port of Baltimore being “closed until further notice” following the Francis Scott Key Bridge tragedy, sending several industries into disarray.

A Swiss billionaire whose personal goal is to “(re)interpret the American Constitution in the light of progressive politics” has donated hundreds of millions of dollars to a left-wing group that is dumping millions into state ballot initiatives. Intelligence would never just let this guy amass billions, and then come in and upset their apple cart.

Interest payments on the national debt are exploding.

All things considered, conservative lawmakers say it’s time to defund NPR. It is a shame conservatives never controlled the House the Senate, and the Presidency at one time, like under George Bush, so they could have done it then. At the end of the day, NPR was one of intel’s propaganda honeypots for the left, and they were never going to touch it back then.

A new Marist poll shows New Yorkers have a bleak view of their state, with residents saying the economy is going down the tubes, the cost of living is unaffordable, and nearly four in 10 say they plan to move out in the next five years. They are not electing their leaders either.

BATF’s new definition of “engaged in the business” as a dealer in firearms from the Federal Register, the Daily Journal of the United States Government.

Biden administration bans drilling in nearly half of Alaska petroleum reserve in sweeping win for climate advocates.

China building new outpost on U.S. doorstep in Antigua, leaked documents reveal.

Chad’s government threatens to kick out US troops as Russia expands influence in Africa.

Biden ‘considering more than $1billion in new weapons deals for Israel including tank ammo, military vehicles and mortar rounds’ as Middle East tensions soar.

Senate conservatives urge House GOP to SINK Speaker’s Ukraine strategy.

House overwhelming advances globalist Ukraine aid bill 316-94 – Here are the 151 GOPers who voted YES. All of them work for the same master, and follow the orders they are given. If they didn’t they would be getting The Beam until they left office and ceded it to someone who was under control.

The Pentagon could get weapons moving to Ukraine within days if Congress passes a long-delayed aid bill by using a network of storage sites in the U.S. and Europe that already hold the ammunition and air defense components that Kyiv desperately needs.

A video tour of the exhibit of NATO military equipment in the Museum of Special Military Operation in Moscow which keeps growing. Our taxpayer dollars.

Allegations that a Polish man was plotting with Moscow to assassinate Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky are a sign that Kiev’s Western backers want to “liquidate” the Ukrainian leader, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has claimed.

Spread r/K Theory, because Bill Gates, so far, is a more effective killer than you!

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10 months ago

The theory about manifestos has been true for me for quite some time. Every time I hear the word “manifesto”, I immediately think “nut job”.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
10 months ago

One does wonder why they choose that word. It’s loaded for sure

10 months ago

gonna switch to unlocking my phone with my middle finger. AC, dude, think its time to change your daily report to Three Ring Clown World Report or something.
Can you imagine? I’m 300lbs 5’11” and strong as an ox, once beat the living shit out of three guys who tried to rob me, knocked one fucker out i thought i killed him when my fist went thru his front teeth, imagine it, 5-6 clown cops trying to hold me down while two others attempt to put my thumb on the button, it would be a crowning moment in my life, the best BFYTW! ever! LofuckinL’s oh my God would that be hilarious. Almost makes me want to go out and really go at it, FOFO, with the local gangstalkers ground surveillance just for the shits and giggles.
And thats not a death wish nor some manic-depressive shit, really, the whole surveillance and gangstalker thing is stupid, dumber than a fucking box o rocks stupid, can’t even come up with an anecdote which truly defines the definition if this stupidity neither having that kind of laugh which soothes the cynical aspect of the brain this kind of stupid you cant fix.

(got to ruminating about the whole just idiocy of it all, just got to speed up the ptocess of clown world/glomo/pedo inevitable self immolation, came up with a dandy concept though other day, i think, one that pops up suddenly and feels right, go out of the way getting near the coverage at the supermarket etc, kind where they are forced to engage you, real nice like polite, say, start out with and nothing else, straight up remark to one of the fuckers, “You ever hear about gangstalkers?” and say it with a most pleasant grin too. Either way its effective strat-tac, works if its a gs shitstain loser or not.
Reverse tactics on the truly cheap. Good way to spread the word real grass roots style. Every time some good folk make light mentioning gangstalkers is a great way to make the surveillance into a household name, already met strangers who say things like “you know our pastor warned us about them recently,” things like this have effects all out of proportion to their diminutive beginnings, to paraphase Seneca, cause that was one savvy dude tell you what. Got to start someplace.

Reply to  sendmetotheplacethatsthebest
10 months ago

I’ve thought about this…on my walks…when OBVIOUS surveillance is being obvious (again!). What stops me is that I don’t want to give these psychopaths the satisfaction that I KNOW they are doing it. So I play dumb (dumber than normal) but I know they’re out there.

10 months ago

Jack Posobiec asks, “How was a man able to get firebomb material that close to President Trump and a courtroom?”

I clicked on the link, and then found another Poso tweet that is better:

“Now people understand the difference between Trump and these soft men like Johnson Trump went into the national security SCIF too And told them ‘no’ ”

“Everything since has been their response”

10 months ago

Thank you, AC, for posting that vid on the Oklahoma bombing. I did not know that the US Army was doing tests on blowing up rental trucks. I did not hear that! Wow.

The militia movement was growing by leaps and bounds. I was interested in that too except I was too poor to participate in any of that so I was a fellow traveler. The militia movement was Big then. —Then, the Oklahoma City bombing—and all the air went out of the militia movement overnight. The militia movement disappeared. And now, knowing that the US Army was testing Ryder trucks and blowing them up—Well, now, I’ve come around that this whole thing was a CIA, US Army psy-op, to purposely take out the militia movement.

To the US Military reading this–YOU ARE SCUMBAGS, DIRTBAGS. The US Military planned and executed black ops—against its own people when the militias are the back-up for America–the US Military destroyed its own for the sake of the Globalist Agenda. I have nothing but utter disgust at anything US Military and its whole history (except Korea and Vietnam). Gens Smedley Butler and George Patton were right. The US Military will stoop below low to serve their Satanic Globalist masters.

10 months ago

Reporting on SOVIET America.

Scott Ritter, who was heavily involved in the SALT Treaties, worked in Israel and other places, revealed that the radar systems of Israel are TIED INTO THE American radar systems. THEY ARE INTEGRATED. The Israeli military and the US Military are ONE. Why did we give F-35s to Israel? The Israeli Nevatim airbase has not only protected by Israel’s Iron Dome–BUT BY ALSO AMERICAN Direct missile defense systems!!!

Israel and America are one and the same thing. The Spotlight newspaper pointed that out back in the 90s if not earlier. This is all just disgusting.

10 months ago

Trump trial: Prosecutors withhold witness lineup from former president’s team.

It’s not required that you tell the other side what witnesses you are calling the next day and in what order, but it’s shitty. It’s a bad tit-for-tat to start, because it encourages Trump’s lawyers to do the same shitty moves back on things that usually happen but aren’t required to happen.
Frankly, it also sounds like the prosecution’s case is a mess, and they aren’t sure who they are going to call and in what order.

10 months ago

Re pesticides on produce. The original report doesn’t give a breakdown by country in the overseas grown category. The high levels of pesticides for peppers – bell & chilli peppers & potatoes is surprising. Potatoes grow underground – so farmers are applying systemic pesticides that get taken up in the plant or repeatedly spraying so often there’s heavy contamination in the soil.

The high residues on peppers is surprising. Any home gardener will confirm peppers are practically pest free. Tomato horn worms can be a nuisance as they’ll strip the plant but I’ve never had other pest problems. What is big Ag doing that pepper plants are suddenly so susceptible? Peppers are easy to grow – start growing at home to bypass the sprays. Strawberries are another crop where the home gardener only encounters slugs as a problem. Monoculture farming must do terrible things to soil health if pests are an ongoing problem to the extent controlling them ends up poisoning consumers.

10 months ago

Appeals court rules that cops can physically make you unlock your phone – forcibly mashing a suspect’s thumb into his phone to unlock it is akin to fingerprinting him at the police station. Fingerprint lock was never all that ideal to begin with.

Remember, they can’t make you enter a code — the courts have ruled that acknowledging that you know the code to enter is testifying against yourself.

10 months ago

Bird flu virus now found in raw milk, is of “great concern” to WHO. Great way to start a pandemic if they have an airborne strain.

It’s the other way, they are going hard about how unhealthy raw milk is.

Reply to  phelps
10 months ago

There’s been interest in raw milk recently. Lots of non conventional healthy diet types – especially the high fat high protein low carb diet ppl are praising it on social media. Raw milk is full of probiotics.

10 months ago

Popular produce from blueberries to potatoes poses a ‘very high risk’ of unhealthy pesticides linked to cancer and diabetes, a new report from Consumer Reports has revealed.

It’s the fruits and veg that are giving you cancer, normie, not that shot that you got four times.

Reply to  phelps
10 months ago

Everyone gets cancer eventually, unless they die of something else first. Its more or less inevitable.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

Not accurate. Majority do. But plenty of people age and never develop cancer, and live long lives. No evidence they’d get cancer.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

“Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug”

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

“bendazole, albendazole, and mebendazole have been known against cancer cell lines in vitro for a long time.”

10 months ago

Dutchsinse is discussing the use of two crossing RF beams to excite a region at a distance, in the context of weather modification. [Twitter username ‘RealDutchsinse’] Some quotes from his recent posts and replies over the last 24 hours:
DEW (directed energy weapon).. when high power microwave beams are crossed , if you create TR reversed radio waves from the transmitters…. where the beams cross.. there is excitement at distance. “action at a distance” from two crossed beams.
Well there you have it, direct proof of excitement / energy at a distance from the transmitter. A beam GAINING intensity far away as it crosses with a time reversed similar beam.. Where the beams cross (the scalar) a new wave forms.. which is more powerful than either of the two transmitters which formed it. Notice how “loud” it becomes after the beams cross (bright red reflective). The reflection is stripped electrons literally reflecting the actual microwave back to the transmitter. The beam is reflecting TO ITSELF and reading as if it is hitting off bright red storms. The bright red is electrons reflecting out and beyond the scalar TR wave formation point!!!!!! Excitement “action” at a distance! Said to be impossible by all DEW denier skeptics.. here it is live.
As I understand it: Two different transmitters shown (regular radar). Each radar modified to produced the dual polarity TR wave he talked about (thus making the regular RADAR system a time reversed scalar transmitters). The area where they cross is where the action happens at a distance, and the new wave is formed. The “scalar wave” comes out of the area where the TR RADAR waves from the “scalar transmitters” cross their beams. Thus, out of the area where the two (or more) TR RADAR scalar transmitters cross their beams, the new wave forms … of a gravity wave nature. And that standing gravity wave which forms (where the beams cross) can be pumped up full of energy and mass, or pumped full out and cold explosions/loss of mass occurs. Maybe I’ve got it wrong, I’ll go back and rewatch 10 more times hahaha

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

More from Dutchsinse:
It has something to do with this

The Aharonov-Bohm effect…

One beam of electrons (radar 1)… and another beam (radar 2) cross points at a distance… 

Where the crossing occurs, the Aharnov-Bohm effect comes into play.  

The pumping up or pulling energy out of a region occurs in the “zero vector” where the beams cross.  

I have no clue what occurs inside the region ionization or electron stripping / electron or other emissions etc…  

Give me access to two or more NEXRAD RADARS for a few months or more and I’ll find out!!!!!!!!!!!

10 months ago
A link to a pdf about infant vaccination.

10 months ago

PS to my comment quoting from Dutchsinse. Attached is an image from his twitter, which I think is a screenshot from an old video he references: “Diagram from Lieutenant Colonel Bearden attached as well as the full lecture”

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
10 months ago

“Hillary Clinton says Trump wants to kill his opposition.”

Rich coming from a woman whose circle of “friends” and business associates include dozens of people who met an early demise.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
10 months ago

“Something is Definitely Happening in Antartica..” | Joe Rogan

VERY credible interview clip with Raytheon employee. Discusses Havana Syndrome and technologies being used on us. We are at war with taxpayer funded groups attacking us.

10 months ago

>spiritual entities
Well, technically all entities are spiritual entities, including ourselves. That said, higher dimensional entities do exist though perhaps that term yields to the imagination more of a woo woo aspect than is really needed. The men in black phenomenon is likely sourced from their activities, and I would be surprised if some of the surveillance, especially some of the stuff with real synchronicities, isn’t an offshoot of these guys. The 10% of the population in the stasi is kind of like children playing with toys in such a way as to emulate adults who do it much better.

10 months ago

It will surprise no one here, but npr run by cia spook.

10 months ago

> Appeals court rules that cops can physically make you unlock your phone – forcibly mashing a suspect’s thumb into his phone to unlock it is akin to fingerprinting him at the police station.

Don’t ever put anything on a phone that might be used against you.

Even better, go retro and don’t carry a phone. Remember, its primary purpose isn’t to let you make calls, it’s to track your every action.

10 months ago

> Recent focus groups show that NO ONE likes Kamala Harris or wants her to take over.

People thought much the same about Joe Biden, but here we are.

10 months ago

> China building new outpost on U.S. doorstep in Antigua, leaked documents reveal.

Seems a waste of resources since the Fed pretty much lets them do anything they want inside the US. I wouldn’t be that surprised to see the Fed subsidizing Chinese spying, because why not? We’re sending money to the Taliban, and we sent billions to the USSR and Warsaw Pact countries, just because we’re such nice guys.

10 months ago

> the ammunition and air defense components that Kyiv desperately needs.

I’d like to see a plausible scenario for Ukraine to “win” that doesn’t involve Putin losing interest, being overthrown, or dying.

Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

They can’t win if Putin dies.
Medvedev will take over.