News Briefs – 04/19/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


No DFT today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

I am grateful for all the help from experts here on the beam. If there is one thing I would hope, it is that my biggest fuckups, and the fact I am not deterred by them would inspire everyone. I generally suck at everything I do when I start. This pursuit of The Beam will be similar, but after doing it for a year, I expect we will have something special here, even if all of our initial surmises end up being wrong at times. That is really all there is to life, just keep trying until you aren’t failing.

I got decent dBms off some signals in the TinySA Ultra as seen in the video below, which has a -44dBm signal at the start, and a -33dBm at the end (I had to switch the meters to get USB cords in them so the batteries would not run out, and they could go 24/7 ):

I was still not happy with it though, as I would like to have seen the EMF-390 spike up to 34419 mw/m2 and peg out as those spikes hit, but there was almost nothing. It felt like the real culprit was escaping, and might continue to. But the EMF-390 was picking it up enough to peg out. Maybe it could detect the spike and the TinySA could not.

I decided to put the EMF-390 in spectrum analyzer mode, and came up with this video:

If you blinked, you missed it:

I think, unless I am mistaken, that is a -16 dBm signal, and they are all throughout there. There was a 436mhz pulse at -11dBm, and that mountain of signal you see at the start of the video, which dropped in the picture above to allow the pulse to show, is constantly dropping, super fast, about half that distance for just a flash, like the meter is beginning to feel a pulse, or is measuring the beginning or very end of a pulse, but it is not lasting long enough to be registered as a peak with numbers.

I do not know enough yet to know what all this means. I am beginning to wonder if the best way to understand this might be to try a replicate this with our own emitters, and try to recreate the weapon, and test al these peaks, to see what these pulses do at these amplitudes. If I felt electricity with one or a combination, then we would know we have the culprits.

For now, I will do what I always have done when I don’t know my ass from a hole in the ground, and that is keep toying around with all this stuff until I get it. But I thought it was interesting, and maybe somebody here would see something interesting to contribute. I’ll post more when I have more.


Some were bantering about commenter “God” being in the comments. I would advise friends to not care about other people, but to view everyone, even people they hate, as opportunities to learn. Because there can always be more than we see going on.

I’ve wanted to write this for a bit, since it might be significant, and here is as good a place as any to put it. There has long been something off with my brain. I do not care about things others care about, and it makes their caring jump out at me as strange. I do not mind, since as a result I notice things about their caring which others, immersed in similar caring, will not pick up on.

People here can insult me, and I feel nothing, even if they genuinely hate me and lash out trying to piss me off. I have seen other posters actually care about that, and get upset, and while I appreciate their caring for my honor, I hate to see them bothered. Especially when it doesn’t bother me.

I think I may know when this all began.

One of the puzzles here is why am I still here. I am exposing more, and think it must be clear I am more dangerous to their little conspiracy, than many they have killed. If I was them, I’d probably have killed me, and while most of them are helpless, I am sure they have somebody they could turn to and try to hire. I am probably kind of dangerous, according to my file, in that my not caring means I would kill anybody who posed a threat, without a second thought, and relish making a mess of it all. But they can also poison and beam, and I am not getting that at the lethal level either. Or at least efforts I have gotten have been half hearted and telegraphed, and maybe just threats.

I have wondered if that is because I was some kind of experiment, and they want the data enough to endure the risks.

My Freshman year of high school was all adrenaline and emotion. There were bullies and fights then sent in, and I enjoyed it. I burned with hatred, and purged my rage, it was great. But the bullies stopped several weeks in, when I was clearly enjoying them, rather than dreading school, and I never got in another fight. Nobody so much as tried to piss me off. I assume now the majority of those kids only did all that due to orders.

Sophomore year was strange though. I became oddly robotic. Emotions disappeared, entirely, the world went gray, nothing enthused me, and I just sort of put one foot in front of the other for a year and did everything as it was presented, without feeling or care. The emotional rollercoaster which made me feel so alive the year before was gone. It could have been the fact there were no fights to be had, no enemies to hate, but it felt like much, much more. I thought at the time maybe I encountered a virus or something which altered my brain, but never did anything else. A year later, I was still more or less a machine, but it worked well for me, until I really got sick and my body fell apart for no clear reason just two weeks before the SAT. I now see that as similar to what The Beam does here and suspect I was getting some technical harassment as a form of slowing me down.

It never dawned on me there were any other players involved in my life, or that they might be able to alter brain structures at a distance, or that they might even try. My neighbors back then were them, too, so they had the residential access to me at night. That year was so weird, I now look back, and wonder if maybe I became some sort of experiment, for the brain beaming ting. Maybe today I continue on, because they want some kind of data off me as a long-term subject. It makes as much sense as any of the rest of this.

Since then, I learned that I can guarantee you, they can apply some kind of point disruption to organ structures inside the head from a considerable distance, which I assume involves a disruption over 1,100 fps at the contact point, given the fact I heard sound from the drumming of it in my head when I moved my head and got the spot by the ear drum. I assume it is designed to alter brain function of specific structures by ablating the surrounding tissue is a slow, gradual fashion.

As a result, there is no guarantee I will not be claiming to be God and Q-anon at the same time, and talking about growing up with Mohammed Ali before this is over now, due to that.

There was a poster in the comments here who I can no longer approve, and it both worries me, and breaks my heart, and I am not even sure which it should be. He showed up like ten years ago, and knew a lot about surveillance tech and surveillance. He was very savvy and sharp. I thought he was in it, or had just gotten out, and was trying to help me as best he could. I appreciated it.

Over the years, his posts got disjointed, and now they are totally detached from reality and incomprehensible. I have no idea if they killed him and are posting that stuff under his name as a psyop, or if they wrecked his inferior temporal gyrus with beaming, and I watched the decline over a few years. If the later, he will certainly end up broke, homeless, and probably institutionalized, through no fault of his own. And he tried to help me.

So I do not judge anybody, or let emotions affect me when dealing with the people here, both due to my weirdness and what I have seen. If somebody is domestic intel, then it is just business to fuck around here, and not personal. They probably do not even believe in what they are saying, And if they are not domestic intel, it could even be they have been beamed and are “off” through no fault of their own. We are all slaves to this organ in our head, and sadly, there are ways to fuck it up, and like it or not, we are all targets now.

I could end up the same way, so probably best to study it now. You never know if that might prove useful later to hack whatever is done to you, and try to work around it in your head.

In the end, we have one enemy we absolutely must destroy, and nobody on a web board can stop you. Focus on the threat, expose the surveillance first and foremost, and don’t worry about who is who here. Learn to find them all interesting, and learn what you can from them. If they are psyops, all the better. You are getting the enemy’s techniques straight from the horse’s mouth. And if not, then they are on our team, and we will need everyone at some point.

As a Paul-Massie alliance fight FISA’s renewal, they’re running out of time.

Ron Wyden:

As the longest serving member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, I can say with confidence that this bill is the biggest expansion of the government’s warrantless surveillance power since the PATRIOT Act. I’m still doing everything in my power to stop it passing the Senate.

Johnson tried to change the rules requiring a single vote to produce a motion to vacate, but failed because he did not have the votes.

Chuck Schumer brags to Senators about Mike Johnson giving Dems everything they wanted on Ukraine, foreign aid: report.

Total surrender: Johnson’s Ukraine aid package allows Biden to forgive 50% of “loans” on November 15 and 100% of “loans” to Ukraine later on.

Thomas Massie:

“Speaker Johnson and the uniparty are united behind their laundry list of bad ideas. From borrowing $95 billion from China to send it to other countries to killing a FISA warrant requirement — they’re ticking all the boxes to put America last,” – Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) during hearing on Sept. 14, 2023 in Washington, D.C.

House Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-LA) Director of House Operations Hannah Fraher had a Never Trump conniption when the Washington, DC, Young Republicans endorsed former President Donald Trump for president, emails obtained by Breitbart News show.

House Democrats who led an investigation into former President Donald Trump’s role in the January 6 Capitol riot say they are worried about their safety and being arrested if the former president wins reelection.

Fake FBI warns – Chinese hackers preparing to launch massive attack on U.S. infrastructure – have already infiltrated several critical companies.

Lawyers select 12 jurors to serve in Trump hush-money case.

Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s prosecutors on Thursday claimed Trump violated the court’s gag order ‘seven more times’ since Monday.

A second seated juror was dismissed on Thursday after they were sworn in by the judge presiding over the Stormy Daniels ‘hush money’ trial, after it came out they were arrested. They were arrested for ripping down political signs, so probably domestic intel operative.

California DA dropped bombshell election data case because it might help Trump.

Republican rep Mike Waltz reveals portion of Biden classified documents taken from his basement were ‘HIGHLY CLASSIFIED’ and ‘relevant to current national security threats’ while demanding immediate ‘damage assessment’ from the intel community.

Ohio State Official rejects Dems’ illegal plan to sneak Biden’s name on 2024 ballot.

Kennedy family members snub RFK Jr. with powerful endorsement of Joe Biden: ‘A vote to save our democracy.’ Whose democracy is that?

As it stands, liberal Arizona voting laws have paved the way for non-citizens, whether they are legal or not, to register for and cast a ballot in the 2024 presidential election.

Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger says that Wikipedia has been ideologically corrupted, raises the possibility that Katherine Maher collaborated with U.S. intelligence. None of this should make it to us. The fact we are hearing again and again that the US intelligence community is the enemy is odd. They most certainly are, but if they were in control, you would never hear it.

Katherine Maher says that she abandoned a “free and open” internet as the mission of Wikipedia, because those principles recapitulated a “white male Westernized construct.”

Rand Paul says email exchange between top Fauci aide and EcoHealth ‘looks like a cover-up.’

Two hunters ‘become first Americans to die from ZOMBIE DEER disease’ after eating infected venison. Chronic Wasting Disease.

U.S. pledges not to kill Julian Assange if he’s extradited.

NYPD raid AOC’s ‘third world’ district after shocking video showed trash-covered streets overrun by migrants running illegal ‘flea market’ – only for brazen vendors to return the next day.

Oklahoma House passes Texas-style illegal immigration bill.

A Haitian migrant, reportedly released into the United States via President Joe Biden’s parole pipeline, is now accused of double homicide in Orange County, New York after stabbing his two roommates to death.

JPMorgan Chase announces it is selling 80 million customer transaction histories to third party advertisers.

Hundreds of U.S. troops are effectively being held as “hostages” in Niger with medical supplies running low — stuck between the military junta-controlled government’s demands for them to leave and the Biden administration’s refusal to let them go home after the end of their deployments, according to a report prepared by Rep. Matt Gaetz.

‘Transgender’ student in Maryland wrote 129-page manifesto, planned to shoot up school.

Brent Leatherwood, head of the Southern Baptist Convention’s public policy arm, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), is calling on TN lawmakers to back a proposal by Governor Bill Lee for an extreme risk protective order law, also known as red flag laws, as well as other anti-Second  Amendment laws, as he supports suppressing the trans shooter’s motives at Christian school.

Maine Democrats pass gun control that would not have prevented Lewiston shooting. Expanded background checks, a 72 hour waiting period and a bumpstock ban.

In an unprecedented achievement, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), in collaboration with the U.S. Air Force, has announced that through its “ACE” program the X-62A “VISTA” has become the first autonomous fighter jet in the world to successfully engage in aerial dogfighting maneuvers against a manned F-16. I think there was a movie about something like that.

Boston Dynamic’s Atlas robot continues to advance. Just waiting to meld with AI, I am sure.

Government-sponsored agency the Global Disinformation Index is censoring anything deemed “harmful” including gender critical content.

Israel has started bombing Iran, Biden last-ditch appeasement attempt has failed.

Three major explosions reported in Isfahan, Iran where Iranian nuclear facilities are located – US official blames Israel for the attacks.

The US has approved a potential Israeli Rafah operation in exchange for the Jewish state not conducting counterstrikes on Iran, according to a Thursday report from the Qatari newspaper The New Arab.

Rep Andy Biggs – House Leadership buried $9 billion of aid to Gaza in the Israel aid bill. Hamas has repeatedly stolen aid designated for Gaza, and there’s nothing to stop them from doing so again. We’re funding both sides of a war.

Israeli ‘settlers’ plot colonization of Gaza Strip.

The Canadian government is exploring options to broaden access to financing alternatives, including halal mortgages for Muslims.

War criminal Tony Blair is likely to replace the elderly and riddled Klaus Schwab as the WEF crime boss.

Infected blood SCANDAL: UK Children were used as ‘guinea pigs’ in clinical trials; “most infected with hepatitis C and HIV.”

Finland is taking a bold step forward in national defense and public safety with its groundbreaking initiative to open 300 new shooting ranges across the country.

UK insurers refuse to pay Nord Stream because they say blasts were ‘government’ backed.

President Trump releases statement in opposition to Johnson/Biden Ukraine funding bill, calls on Europe to “match the money put in by the United States of America.”

Marjorie Taylor Greene introduces multiple amendments to Speaker Johnson and Biden’s Ukraine bill – diverts aid to our southern border and 100% of Ukraine funds to support Americans impacted by disasters.

Ukrainian forces have struck a hospital and blood donation center in the Donbass town of Gorlovka, injuring eight civilians, including a child.

The US and the EU are concerned that Russian forces may punch through Ukrainian defensive lines in the coming weeks, people familiar with the matter have told Bloomberg.

Colorado law protects brain data captured by gadgets.

California ban on carrying firearms for non-residents challenged.

Trump receives hero’s welcome on streets of New York as crowds chant “We love Trump!”

Spread r/K Theory, because we are a team

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10 months ago

Re: Maryland Trans manifesto

I picture the news stories. Deranged killer slays 17. There were no signs, says family and school. Twenty dead, fifteen injured at Rockville school. I plan on shooting myself once the police get there, so I will never be able to see the news stories. 

Notice the 17. But then changes to 20 2 sentences later. Was that 17 a sign?
We only have excerpts, not the full 128 pages, prepared by law enforcement. I’d hope they wouldn’t be editing, but who knows?
I’m really curious if we analyzed all of the manifestos (TN, MD, etc), would we see a clear pattern, and this is why they refuse to release them?
Also how would they compare to the already “forbidden” manifestos and writings out there?
Example: Nick Rekiata did/does a long series of reading 1 page excerpts of the “writings” of “Dr.” Matthew Harris (black professor, now in mental lockup), and its fascinating reading… Unbreaded. It is absolutely the ravings of a madman, BUT there are gems in there.
Selection of video clips:
Example 2: the writings of “Roman McClay” aka Lyndon McLeod, 3 novels “Sanction” which, in part, detail specific people by name who he later killed in a mass shooting spree. The novels got some attention (prior to the shootings), and were praised as well written by some based folks.
I’m not suggesting the various manifestos from Uncle Ted onward (Christchurch, etc) are praise worthy, etc. I’m saying … How similar are these writings? Are the manifesto writers following a script? Is there a similar thought process at play, and what’s behind it? Are some of these fakes and we can detect that by comparing known real examples (like the above two… Harris didn’t kill anyone, and Roman/Lyndon did multiple lucid interviews about his books/thoughts) to the ones that seem more “induced”?

Last edited 10 months ago by scruffy
Reply to  scruffy
10 months ago

Excellent point! Thinking outside the box, noticing details and forming ideas. Like AC does. Keep commenting.

Reply to  scruffy
10 months ago

After I wrote the above…
“Hey, we need a distraction from Tranifesto… Who is queued up?”
“Oh we got a doozy, we can get him to pass out flyers in front of the Courthouse where Trump is and then set himself on fire….”
The wacko:
He’s in a hospital burn unit.
Multiple manifesto flyers all over the place…

Lastly, we string these major discoveries together: Cryptocurrency is an economic doomsday device; our government is a secret kleptocracy; The Simpsons exists to brainwash us. From there, the only research we need is critical thinking and we’re able to piece together the true story of our circumstances.

AC, forget about MkUltra, it’s the Simpsons!
Next time you worry about being too far off the beaten path… At least you aren’t setting yourself on fire, and all you can spout about is crypto and the Simpsons.

Last edited 10 months ago by scruffy
Reply to  scruffy
10 months ago

Not sure why TPTB haven’t just conjured up some forgeries of those forbidden manifestos. They could release some rant that feeds their agenda and who would be the wiser?

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

Because the known validated excerpts are already damning and there is no way to spin the rest into something agenda positive.

10 months ago

I understand, and he was making a good point as I said in my comment.
But it is worth keeping track of some people in the comments, like Filthy British.

10 months ago

I find arguing on the Internet to be almost completely fruitless. Every now and again I’ll engage to sharpen my skills, but I’ve never seen an Internet argument move the needle in any direction. And you can’t trust that you’re engaging somebody honest. They could be a bot, or an Intel operative paid to tie you up in a fruitless endeavor. Or just somebody with nothing better to do. It sucks having to be this paranoid, but that’s life today.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
10 months ago

The fight isn’t to change the participants’ minds, it’s to present multiple angles to future readers. More people read the comments than actively participate.

If you just ignored every stupid thing posted here then people reading down the road might think there’s a level of endorsement of the nonsense, whereas a comment getting pushback from other commenters shows that the idea is generally frowned upon without having to be censored outright.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

It’s always about the audience.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

I agree. Most of the time stuff I say has no effect at all but…I believe that there’s a trait in White people that allows them to take a large amount of abuse. They don’t wish to be engaged and slough it off but, at some point, White people become enraged. They become totally determined not to take anymore, no matter what the cost. That’s what I write for. I try to show that if you get to the point that you’ve had enough, there are tools, laws, procedures to rid yourself of these plagues forever. And I think White have this mentality that once they became engaged they want real lasting solutions. They don’t want band aids.

I also wish to point out that it only takes a few really determined people to change things. Look at all the trouble a small, couple of people, in the house cause to the Jews and their allies. Of course right now we are still losing but the other side of the coin is how close we are to totally dominating and destroying them we are. It’s very close and if we had say, fifty people in the House and ten in the Senate that were absolute bulls and would use every single trick, tactic or vote they could to bring their deprivations to a halt, they could likely do so. Double this number and there’s a possibility of 180 degree change. And this is not impossible. All voting is not totally corrupt. They want it to be, but there’s quite a bit of pushback on the corruption now. It will only get stronger. We are not done yet.

Reply to  Sam J.
10 months ago

Dude, I was literally part of such an elected political minority, we worked every trick and tactic, and even had a minor win or 3, but lost everything important , and trust me, it’s NOT doable. Stop talking things you wish and face reality. IT’S ALL CORRUPT. The honest few cannot fix the problem. The system literally will not allow it.
I used to believe this, I used to think “a few good men”, got in, and spent my time banging against the brick wall… I left bloodied and wiser. And others denser than me have continued the fight and they STILL haven’t made a dent. At best, delay or blunt a bad law from being worse. And maybe eke out a minor win which is trumpeted as being huge victory but never is…

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  scruffy
10 months ago

What you said is exactly what an agent would say to demoralize and get people to passively accept whatever was done to them.

Do you believe that every single voting district is completely corrupted? That’s what it would take. I do not believe that.

Reply to  Sam J.
10 months ago

Oh and btw, if you think the “tools, laws, and procedures” will help, you haven’t paid attention. Not only is the system corrupted in every aspect, but it’s biased, and the folks running it don’t play fair or just or even apply the rules unless it benefits them. The game is rigged, and if you play it, you can only lose.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  scruffy
10 months ago

Maybe you should stick to talking about fake moon landings. That’s more your speed.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  EricTheAwful
10 months ago

Have you ever thought that sharpening you skills is often a lot more worthwhile than convincing a fellow lunatic!

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
10 months ago

I have, but time is limited. You could get sucked down Internet argument rabbit holes all day if you’re not careful.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
10 months ago

Its definitely a mixed bag, and location matters, and context matters. There are times I’ve pushed back, when I know the subject matter better than the commenter, and other times when I see there is no point to making an argument, and other times when letting it go nor making a.full response are worthwhile but a simple “incorrect” or “you don’t know what you are talking about” or “you’re being a useful idiot” is as good as any reply you could spend way more time on, and no matter what you say, won’t change the mind of the commenter but at least it isn’t left unanswered for someone fresh to think it’d undisputed.
I’ve mostly given up on social media… Left Facebook more than 10 years ago, and none of the Twitter “fixes” have made it an environment worth spending effort on. Even 4chan/etc have decayed into wastes of energy. Chat rooms like telegram and discord are useless. Most comments on blogs/videos/substack/etc are useless. The bots, the fakes, the censorship… Its basically at the point where even on a site like this, half of the commenters are either fakes or useful idiots or insane (and perhaps more than one of those), and if someone persists in their repeated insisting that The Sky is Purple, and Water is Toxic, do I want to bother with them? occasionally the sky is purple and some water can be toxic, but neither is emphatically True, and the debate of those is pointless. So when Commenter X says WiT over and over, and “the icebergs, man… It’s about the bergs”… I just tune them out.

Last edited 10 months ago by scruffy
10 months ago

The names of the research doctors for the poisonous blood products given to UK hemophiliacs- maybe one of the names is of a native Briton. The rest echo.

I wonder if that is the case in other countries.

10 months ago

IM a Canadian and i believe THEY may have fucked with me as well in my early years but havent noticed much of anything in last 20 yrs with the exception of month i spent in USA on vacay. im sure someone was hired to shadow me and befriend me but once i returned to canada i think i was only stifled/silenced on social media and everything i said on internet was just siloed as i get maybe 1/500th the responses i used to get, good or bad.
SO what can a silnced cdns do, there doesnt seem to be 5% of the population in on the stasi ops.?
BUT 98% of cdns do seem to be oblivious to the deepstate

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

This is why Viva Frei (see on rumble) moved to Florida. Cause he realized Montreal/Canada was so comped, his family needed to move.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

I’ve got much the same thing. HR blacklists.

Just Me
Just Me
10 months ago

U.S. Pledges Not to Kill Julian Assange If He’s Extradited”
Oh good.
l feel much better now. 🫤

Reply to  Just Me
10 months ago

Because US promises mean something. Bingo.

Reply to  scruffy
10 months ago

Hey, this is Chief Smoking Horn of the now extinct Wampum Tribe. Big White Chief back East never lie.—message from the afterlife.

Reply to  Just Me
10 months ago

I’m confident he’s already dead when John Kerry visited and blacked out the embassy. Remember we got that AI deepfake video of Assange right after where his tie kept morphing.

Just Me
Just Me
10 months ago

 ‘Transgender’ Student in Maryland Wrote 129-Page Manifesto, Planned to Shoot Up School
Does anyone know any 18 year old that could write 129 pages about ANYTHING??

Reply to  Just Me
10 months ago

Yep, plenty of autistic teenagers writing 1,000+ page fanfics about sonic the hedgehog, harry potter, etc.

My working theory is this: we ALWAYS see some level of monomania in these shooters: obsession with white supremacy, obsession with horror movies, obsession with hating God, etc. This is allegedly a trait of autism, but most autists aren’t shooting up schools, so that can’t be the common factor. The shooters, however, see the people they end up shooting as somehow interfering or harassing them for their obsessions, which is why they are the targets of the shootings.

We also see shrinks having open access to fuck with these peoples’ brains as a common factor.

My guess its that shrinks are programming in this hyper-fixation on one topic to normal kids (which is distressing by itself), then introduce cognitive dissonance and positive reinforcement loops to get their brain to feedback loop in a positive/negative cycle that causes severe mental distress. The shrinks are simultaneously focusing the victim on a source of the distress (those religious people say you can’t be trans, etc.) which acts as their targeting system. When the victim is sufficiently broken down from months or years of being in an agitation state with heavy reinforcement of who’s causing their distress, the shrink’s cabal network provides access to the guns and the target self-propels to go shoot up the people they have been programmed to view as the source of their distress.

It would also gel with the people we see on here shooting at cops because they believe they’re being gangstalked or beamed, while the average cop ain’t in on that level of the conspiracy. The methodology of rile people up, present them with a source of their suffering, then giving them means and opportunity to act seems to be how most of this is done while maintaining plausible deniability of intel operations setting it all up.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

Yes, and the drugs don’t help matters. Antidepressants cause impulse control disorders, and so on…

Reply to  Just Me
10 months ago

Not focused writing but dumping words to paper? Yeah, consider it a symptom of whatever the programming is.

10 months ago

Well i think for starters you’re still up AC because they use you and your blog as a kind of honey trap, easier to find and watch the “dangerous” one’s among us good folks that way; track, silo, watch, listen and learn. As for whats going on war wise, it is after all called “Military Theater,” and there you have it, it is theater, not only are both or all sides always funded, wars are expensive, got to pay for the consumables, pay the actors, but war is profitable too, no brainer there either, yet there is another aspect to consider, i think it is actually called the Savior Program, see they need to create the boogeyman and the savior, its control, such as with Putin and Zylinski, DFT and Biden, zionists against Palestines, the “obots verses the transformation of America”, “MAGA terrorists” verses what agency du jour the deep state decides. Did they really have to murder JFK in broad daylight with us all watching? This is rather intriguing, because my first thought after carefully rereading this comment, why would they go thru with such a messy complicated convoluted public assassination of JFK? Because, because they needed to do something spectacular so to simply fuck with an entire nation of basically good folks, to knock us all a couple pegs, before we all got into such a good run of prosperity and happiness, so deep into that, they would loose control.
i think thats it if you had to put it in a nut shell. really. He was from a very important order of the black sun family. Was he one of the rogues? Possibly, it seems they are sometimes tolerated, for a time. But they always watch you. Even ones who get out, but as they told us in John Wick, nobody really gets out, and when you turn 40 everyone is given the ceremony, its not mandatory you go thru with it but once you eat the dark essence, eat the babies, make the video, you can not get out ever, they got you, you got too much dark essence in your soul now. It is an forever program. So… Sure they did, like a 911, etc. And a really messy kill it was, everyone was watching it go down in broad daylight, we all never seen the likes of it, i remember clear as if it happened an hour ago, kindergarten, the teachers crying, principle came in person told us they killed JFK, he was in the door standing under the big wall clock, a most graphic memory. The effects still reverberate. Another control.

So why JFK? Kind of an Ultimate Boogeyman they created here? Then there is this stuff, supposedly the mask tech is so good you almost can not tell it is a mask, you got to look like really really close…
(“…So just like in the US when a POTUS passes away you put a mask on someone’s head and the operatives around that person pretend he is alive, just like Biden and Trump, and Khamenei is no different…”) – Kim Goguen

This lady Pam, on her website, has carefully transcribed every situation report coming out of UNN News situation reports. Intriguing, also highly instructional, stuff tied together like nobody else, this is a copy-paste verbatim from Pam’s Ascension Blog, now this lady named Kim she tells of some truly amazing things in her reports, believe it or not, unlike anyone she ties much of what we see together unlike anyone out there, a sample:

“… Kim’s Commentary

There is a bigger plan and all I can say is this, these SSP people swearing my name, they should be looking for another planet to live on and the same for Langley 5. You have all failed miserably and the world does not want to wait until another alignment and we are sick of their ridiculous texts. It’s been 17 years of the same thing. The person who gave you those books of war wrote them, my predecessor and in his absence, you get no money to fund your war and this has happened continuously.

So, Israel is not an enemy of Iran. Israel is run by the Rothschild family and has been run by the fake Jewish people forever and so has Iran, since 1979. The Saudi Arabians are also together in that family, and Iraq and Syria. It’s the same with the Russian and Ukrainian governments, they are members of the same family, the same people.

Do the cartels have the ability to do what the SSP and all those looking to kill us do? Do they have the capacity to do what the SSP can? Yes, they do. That was where the power was behind the Silent Circle-Anti-Silent Circle, Black Nobility around the world, that was your power center.

I had the same conversation with Langley and the Pentagon Saturday. They want me to get them out of their tenuous situation with the cartels. Except thus far, I have definitely been screwed by Langley, the current POTUS, the previous POTUS and the POTUS before that, by the Treasury Dept, the Federal Reserve, the country of China, Russia, Putin when he was alive. I can list off the countries, agencies, I tried to help and not one of them has actually done what they said they were going to do.

My experience thus far in and around the cartels is I’ve never really done any kind of serious business with these people. The exception is when Bush Sr. tried to set me up with the Bulgarian Biker Gang. He got weapons from them during the Odessa situation, the first Ukraine uprising and fight with Russia, and he didn’t want to pay. So he tried to blame Kim as the reason, which was corrected pretty quickly. But other than that, I haven’t any involvement in business, so why not give them a shot. That’s my plan at this moment and we’ll see if they come to the table, and if we can solve a lot of the world’s problems. They are standing on their own now so we’re going to give them a chance.

Sunny: Are the cartels the last group that could make a positive change?

There are a few other groups I can think of. Some in the Africa and then there are the Freedom Fighter Children. During the Cold War that’s what they called them. All the communist countries recruited younger children and their parents consented willingly, to train them to become a group called the Freedom Fighters. This was a program initially started by the USSR and those children still exist worldwide, although most were recruited by agencies and central banks and other places. But they kept in touch with each other. They are decently large, so the Freedom Fighter kids are actually a force to be reckoned with as well.

As part of this program there existed another program for a millennium, prior to the Cold War, another group. They attended special colleges around the world in the past and were trained in all kinds of arts. Lots of scientists come out of there in order to be trained and utilized. They would search out technologies and try to steal them or assess whether they are a danger to their people. So, a lot of those people came out of certain schools in Asia and they could be helpful if they decide to go against where they came from, which could happen with the right protection. You never know. There are a lot of scientists in hiding…”


And the above is another symptom. Sigh.


> So why JFK?


JFK was smart enough to start asking, “WTF are we doing in Vietnam, anyway?” Which was a question not easily answered, since most of it ratcheted up a bit at a time by the actions of the State Department and the CIA, who appealed directly to Congress, cutting the White House mostly out of the decision-making loop.

Kennedy had discussed the matter with his staff and commissions a report to explain exactly how America had gotten stuck to that tar baby. A few weeks later he was assassinated. Johnson was sworn in, and signed a massive military intervention package that conveniently landed on his desk within the first few days of his term.

Some people made a *lot* of money out of Vietnam. They made even more out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Now the same people are trying to do it with Ukraine.

Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

maybe MIC/Vietnam, maybe something else. the thing about JFK is he managed to have a LOT of people mad enough at him to kill him. short list:
1) the MIC – he hated them, they hated him
2) LBJ, whose political career Bobby was about to destroy, if not outright send him to prison
3) the israelis – JFK most unhappy about their nuke program
4) the Mob – they got him elected, helped steal the election for him, and like any true Kennedy would, he immediately fucked em over, as all sociopaths and Kennedys view gratitude as a disease of dogs
5) the Coobans
6) the bankers
7) the oilmen – JFK took away their holy solid-gold depletion allowance tax breaks
8) the CIA, of course – for a “smart guy”, Kennedy was certainly stupid enough to publicly threaten them
9) God knows how many cuckolded husbands
10) my personal fave, the Vietnamese themselves. JFK had signed off on killing the Diem brothers just like 3 weeks earlier. I’ve known Viets – when they manage to put their minds to it, they can be scary effective

again, a short list. all we can really be sure of is The Official Story is a fucking lie.

Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

Vietnam was not about making money for the MIC.

Communism is a way for cabal to take over countries, purge them of their influential families, poets, scholars, etc. this makes conquest and reshaping them much easier. The top ranks of the left aren’t dedicated communists, they are dedicated to using communism to destroy and subjugate.

Vietnam went communist, but it made a fatal mistake: it went nationalist. It wouldn’t accept foreign rulers.

So cabal had to punish it. So cabal used the US military as a proxy force to get vengeance on the obstinate Vietnamese. And the military was largely a white, Protestant American operation, another group Cabal wants to kill. And it served also to destroy another white Protestant operation: US higher education of the time via the protest movement.

The Vietnamese were given a walloping they’d never forget, but the US military and academia emerged weakened as well.

Now the Vietnamese aren’t communists. Nowadays the make clothing and shoes for cabal businesses. I’m wearing some Vietnamese made shoes right now.

Money and the MIC as being the cause of Vietnam is just a big distraction. Much like Dick Cheney and Halliburton being the big distraction from the real reasons for the Iraq invasion. Iraq was a cabal enemy and they could take it out while draining the US of billions. And killing lots of Americans.

Ukraine is another proxy operation, just we’re not supplying bodies just $. They’re just killing Slavs, the longtime enemy of cabal.

10 months ago

Ohio State Official rejects Dems’ illegal plan to sneak Biden’s name on 2024 ballot.

There are lots of weird items in the links this morning that make no sense.

The Democratic national convention, where “Biden” will be formally nominated, will be held really late this year, in late August. This means the convention is being held after some state deadlines to register the nominee for the ballot.

These stories don’t explain why the convention is being held that late, why this wasn’t a problem in the past, and why they can’t just reschedule it. The delegates have already booked their flights and hotel rooms and can’t change the reservation? They are getting a deal on renting the hall if they do it on a certain date?

I’m guessing there was a plan not to have an election at all, or just have “Biden” be the one candidate, and it got put on hold for some reason.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

You assume competent people, and that’s a bad assumption. The DEI infected the Dem like it did Boeing… Consider this lack of proper date management the same as a door taking off a plane… Oops.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

It’s part of the plan to replace Biden with RFK somehow is my guess.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

Not even close to happening. They just got the entire Kennedy clan to endorse Biden over RFK. You don’t do that if you plan on a reversal. RFK is running out of spite at this point. He might be hoping for a 2028 run, but I suspect we won’t have a 2028 election.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ed
10 months ago

“…These stories don’t explain why the convention is being held that late, why this wasn’t a problem in the past, and why they can’t just reschedule it….”

I hate to say this, I wish I was wrong, but this is just another point that Trump is a fake Hitler. They set us up with a fake Hitler because, we need a real one, and all these abuses and Biden’s abuses make the case more and more that we need some sort of STRONG leader that will pass all sorts of laws so that he can do whatever he wants(or so they will tell us) and then…the fake Hitler does what a real Hitler would do but 180 degrees out of phase. Instead of freeing us, he enslaves us more. Possibly third world war. Trump has never said he would not act against “their” enemies. And the worst part about it is, there is no one else but Trump. The story must play to its conclusion. Either he will save us or all will be ruin. Yet any other path likely leads to ruin also. Sigh…

Don’t any of you have pause when someone writes you an email saying they have a million dollars they will share with you but only need a thousand to free it sent to them? What does it mean when Biden is just the most, absolute worst, brain-dead and incompetent President ever? And the Democrats refuse to replace him with someone better? And all their policies are brain dead and designed to inflame and enrage almost every single American? It just appears so much the set up that it’s hard to believe that the whole thing is not being managed. All these people flooding in. Is it 10 million? More? And if only one million are soldiers to kill us that’s equal to our armed forces.

A lot of my ideas are so simple. I just look at what has been done before and what events were managed by certain people and presume they are doing it again. This is not complicated. If something is too good to be true, then…

And a BIG notice, the Jews appear to be getting their war with Iran. If they send US troops for this, the whole lot ought to be exterminated.

Reply to  Sam J.
10 months ago

Why do they need Trump or any fake when they can prevent anyone real from having a chance?
If they can’t prevent someone real then Trump might be the someone real, and if he isn’t then we should know of someone else he is crowding out.

It’s plain they are setting up Biden to be replaced and they want a total crisis at the last minute so they can just pick someone without any process with things like the convention being to late for some states.
I suggest that a guide to who the replacement is can be found in who besides Trump gets on the ballots in those states.

Last edited 10 months ago by Farcesensitive
Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

“If they can’t prevent someone real then Trump might be the someone real…”

I don’t think they can stop anyone real, but, there’s just not anyone with the cash or visibility to run, except Trump. Who very well might be real. The point I’m making is we seem to be…driven, driven towards Trump. It’s like we are the sheep, on one side is the dog(Biden) and the other is an open gate(Trump), where to go? Biden seems to be so far out of line that it doesn’t seem real. We go in the gate, and then it closes.

Reply to  Sam J.
10 months ago

I understand, I just think there is a different gate they intend to open.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Sam J.
10 months ago

You don’t suppose Trump would enforce the Noahide laws, do you?
After he first took office, the most thrilling thing was when he spoke to AIPAC and did not mention the holocaust. What a day of glee!

10 months ago

Reporting from the Soviet state of Michoacaun (formerly known as Michigan).

Central Michigan University will make DEI classes MANDATORY for all students, staff and faculty, next school year! Indoctrination into Cultural Marxism which is a religion. That is how people are Marxisized. Thousands of people. This is going on across America in every educational institution. —You goin’ to stop that?

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
10 months ago

The cancer has been there for decades. It’s just that now it’s metastacised.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
10 months ago

Nope, the beatings will continue until morale improves.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
10 months ago

What blows my mind is, how much material can there possibly be on DIE? It’s the same thing with the left wanting to teach sex all the way from K through college. How much material can there possibly be on it?

I know, it’s not about material; it’s about teaching you what to parrot to make them happy. But you also have to believe it in the depths of your soul.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
10 months ago

It’s not learning, it’s indoctrination, and since it evolves and mutates, you must be reindoctrinated constantly, because we have always been at war with Oceania. And next year, when MAPs are incorporated into the protected groups, you’ll need to learn that we have always been at war with Eurasia and allied with Oceania, and so on.

Reply to  scruffy
10 months ago

I thought we were Oceana? Oh, I guess we’re East Asia. We have always been East Asia.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
10 months ago

“I support the current thing!”

Reply to  EricTheAwful
10 months ago

Yes, that was intentional on my part… And then you’ll be corrected (cough, re educated) that we’re part of Oceania, and always have been, and at war with Eurasia and Eastasia and always have been….

Reply to  EricTheAwful
10 months ago

Its the brainwashing. That takes repetition and struggle sessions.
Michigan’s legislators could prevent this, if they wanted to.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
10 months ago

It’s like with religions and cults.. It’s not enough to show up on Sunday; they have to get you with other commitments during the week so you don’t have as much time to engage with things outside of their messaging.

10 months ago

Israeli ‘settlers’ plot colonization of Gaza Strip.

This is another item that makes no sense.

The Israelies only tried to build six settments in the Gaza strip in the past. There is actually a Wikipedia page on the Israeli settlements that gives hard data. They built 144 in the West Bank and only 6 in Gaza, and there is a reason for that.

Look at a map of the biblical Hebrew kingdoms, often Bibles will contain them. They were centered in what is now the West Bank. They didn’t contain any part of Gaza, which was where the Philistines were. The Dead Sea and Jordan River are basically a deep canyon and the West Bank is the rim. So there are strong historical and strategic reasons for the Israelis to want to annex the West Bank, that simply don’t exist with Gaza. A sane Israeli government would be doing everything possible to offload the place to Egypt.

So again we are dealing with pure theater, and to what end, or there is something in Gaza important to the Cabal that we don’t know about.

Reply to  Ed
10 months ago

> A sane Israeli government would be doing everything possible to offload the place to Egypt.

While I admire the Israelis for many things, their foreign policy is thoroughly eaten up with the dumb-ass, as my grandmother used to say.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

“…eaten up with the dumb-ass…”

I don’t know if I have ever heard anyone say that except people in my local area. When we were kids we used to say someone was.”ate up with the dumb-ass”, but most of the time we would only say,”ate up” and you were supposed to know the rest of it. Like someone does one of these,”watch this”, and then runs their car into a lake or some other stupidity, we would look at each other and say,”ate up”…”yeah ate up”.

It’s a very good phrase and conveys a large amount of data in two words.

Reply to  Ed
10 months ago

A sane Israeli government would be doing everything possible to offload the place to Egypt.” But a sane Egypt won’t take it. They don’t want those people. That’s the problem here: even the middle eastern supporters of Palestinians don’t want them to move into their countries… They’ll use the efforts but aren’t actually wanting them in their backyard/next door.

Reply to  Ed
10 months ago

Most of those settlers are Jual citizens: they will quickly run to the US once their the situation becomes too dangerous.

Reply to  Ed
10 months ago

I saw something after Oct 7 that said Israel wanted to build a canal through Gaza to compete with the Suez Canal. Israel has been locked out of Suez in the past, plus a canal through the desert is an ordinarily stupid idea, whereas Gaza is rock and wouldn’t have to be dredged and maintained constantly. There was no source; just some girl on Telegram but it made sense at the time. But, of course Gaza is inhabited which throws a wrench into Israel’s plans.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
10 months ago

The Suez Canal is a really big deal; it allows European and Middle Eastern trade to East Africa, India, and the Far East without having to go all the way around Africa, which is in the way.

It was obviously a good idea, enough that investors committed enough funds to make it happen in 1859.

It had been an obviously good idea for a lot longer than that; from archaeology and aerial imagery, we now know at least four other canals had previously existed, the earliest going back to 1,850 BC. Some had been briefly mentioned in ancient texts, and dismissed as fantasy. Interestingly, it seems all were deliberately destroyed in various military actions, and neither side was left with the resources to repair them. That almost happened to the canal at Suez in 1956.

Reply to  Ed
10 months ago

A: Moses promised them everything from the Sinai to the Euphrates
B: They want the offshore rights
C: They want to reduce the number of fronts
D: they want to deny the enemy access to the sea

But the West Bank is more of a priority.

10 months ago

I have not seen this anywhere but has anyone dissected the moral and metaphysical ramifications of Iran’s missile attack upon Israel?

People are estimating that this missile thing made Israel and America spend 2 BILLION in counter missiles! –THAT IS OUR MONEY! That is NOT Israel’s money—that is OUR TAXPAYER money!

How does this happen—Israel uses OUR F-35s to bomb the Iranian embassy in Damascus—And then we MUST SPEND 2 BILLION of OUR money defending them! The Israelis made a causas belli by attacking an embassy which is sacrosanct. That is against all International Law–and then we must defend them? The US Air Force spent 1 BILLION in knocking down Iranian missiles.

WHY? Israel is trying to get us into a war with Iran—And we are paying for it! I mean this is all ludicrous. Why are we spending money on something evil Israel did? Can the Pastor John Hagees in our audience here explain that to me.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
10 months ago

Because it worked last time with Sadaam.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
10 months ago

Shabbos Goy Hagee will run to his Scofield bible and find some justification to preach to his congregation of fellow Ziongelicals.

10 months ago

House Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-LA) Director of House Operations Hannah Fraher had a Never Trump conniption when the Washington, DC, Young Republicans endorsed former President Donald Trump for president, emails obtained by Breitbart News show.

Look at this lady’s picture; she can’t be more than 30 or so years old. How does a 30-ish year old woman ascend to such a position of power over one of the most (currently) important people in the Legislature’s office so quickly? I’m betting it ain’t merit, and I’m betting it ain’t coppin’ a Lewinsky either.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

I remember somewhere between 2017 and 2019, we discussed the hidden families in the comments here. It was mostly families we hadn’t heard of before. The only name I remember from that list was Medici. It wasn’t Springmeier’s bloodlines but a different list of families at the top.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

She was a second stringer on a midtier House member, who when he suddenly was made Speaker (he wasn’t on the radar at first), went along for the ride, cause MJ isn’t gonna fire his staff, only promote them alongside him.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

She’s a front for the real power person who doesn’t want an official position.
She’s inconsequential because that way she can’t try to do anything on her own, she just does what she’s told if she wants the benefits of being the front.

10 months ago

War criminal Tony Blair is likely to replace the elderly and riddled Klaus Schwab as the WEF crime boss.

More proof that vigilante violence before total exposure of the Stasi system is totally pointless. If you somehow managed to slip the surveillance and bag one of these dudes, there’d just be 100 new ghouls ready to step in and keep advancing the enemy position. The reserve pool of bodies to enact Satan’s will is seemingly endless so long as their support network is allowed to operate freely.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

But if those with power and authority start rounding up middle managers in sufficient numbers the whole rotten structure will collapse.
There are not enough competent replacements for the middle managers if they start having to replace more than one or two.
And even with the current slow attrition the competency level keeps dropping each time one has to be replaced because they are r selected and degenerating.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

“…More proof that vigilante violence before total exposure of the Stasi system is totally pointless…”

No that is not true because no one has knocked off any of them much less a 100. So we don’t know the consequences. A good bet would be that they would have way more trouble getting people to take these positions, and that their actions would be much constrained over their actions now.

10 months ago

AC I’ve commented before about the “internet silo” thing and feeling cut off, especially from others like ourselves, and I experienced a break in it the other day. I commented about the news story coming out of Utah about kids protesting furries in their school. Well I also posted a thread on /pol/ and usually my threads die or get 1 or 2 responses before being pruned but this thread actually got some traction like back in 2012-2014 era. Granted a lot of the replies seemed to be furries or blackpillers trying to obfuscate the issue but there seemed to be a lot of genuine posters who were concerned about the kids and issues like this facing America. It makes me second guess the whole silo thing or wonder why I experienced this break or was the entire thing just a show. Maybe they don’t consider discussing the problem of furries a threat to their control. Not sure but it’s probably the first time I’ve felt “outside” the so called silo since 2016ish so I thought I’d mention it. Oh and I’m sorry about your friend, for lack of a better term. Whatever the case may be it sounds like his story went to a bad place and that’s a shame. I have no idea who he is or was but anyone who contributed to exposing the surveillance is someone worth taking a moment to remember. We’ll all have to carry on without him now.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

I think from today on I’ll keep a little journal and whenever I make public posts about political topics I’ll record how much interaction they get and where I made the post. I admit I’ve taken a big step back from posting about politics online anywhere because of the lack of interaction but now I’m curious to test the silo theory by topic.

Reply to  Ultra
10 months ago

Keep in mind:
Bots work by keyword. Mention anything on topic X list of words, bots will reply. Might not even make sense if they can’t parse your post. Or.might just repeat talking points, etc.
Shills are more savvy and can understand your references, and will show more ability to reply.
I spent a few weeks on 4chan recently and its worse than ever. It used to be a mostly decent crowd, circa 2012, as you said… But the intentionally disruptive have destroyed it. I wish there was a way to make a new place but the open anon nature means that any new place will just attract the same flies. We need a different method, that can withstand… Damn if I can figure it out. We’ve been trying for years, I was part of a early experiment on Trust metrics and it failed to work, it was too flawed despite the math behind it.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

To be clear, we tried it, and it was game-able and was. And we used outside creds even and it just wasn’t viable.
if someone wants to try, more power to them, but I fear we’ve hit a wall due to the enemy being willing to commit whatever it takes to win. Need 2000 down votes or 20000? They backchannel it, and minions appear. Bots don’t help. Elon is basically just going to make bot owners pay $1 each…

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

All of which doesn’t work on a truly anon system. Yes, you can require users to register and make an account, and track it… But that’s not the chan model.
The trust metric I referred to was good and worked on _small scales_. But the problem is the nature of the beast: it depends on chain of custody… If I trust you, And you trust Joe, and Joe trusts BadActor, and as a result BadActor gets better access/promotion, and gets a handful of trusted people to trust them besides Joe, even if we realize Joe has bad judgment and he revokes his trust, the other fooled people will all have be detrusted to remove BadActor’s status. So the vulnerability is that once given mistaken trust, if the BadActor garners favor by convincing others of their trustworthiness at first, and burrowing to gain favor, it’s hard to revoke that trust effectively. Even in your above suggested model, the BadActor could look fine to you, based on past historical posts, and boom, your clique is compromised. And if we have to de-trust everyone fooled by them, the model collapses.

Last edited 10 months ago by scruffy
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

I’ll continue this in a comment on the 4/23 post.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

Apply hyperbolic discounting. That’s the heuristic that nature herself imbued all living organisms with, I see no reason that it wouldn’t be the right call here.

Reply to  Aurini
10 months ago

Nope, that’s a lot of what got us here in the first place. The entire Like button algo rewards via the same instant gratification that hyperbolic discounting rewards (ie what is front of you is most important)
Long term trust is what is needed and drives long term goals/information sharing. If I’m trustworthy and give you important info that’s unpopular, that’s more critical and vital than the person saying the popular thing in any moment, rewarded by crowd pleasing.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

Hoping I am not that commenter?

Reply to  Ultra
10 months ago

The Furry thing is something to cause division and chaos so they don’t mind people talking about it.
People who call themselves Furries range from the freaks who identify as and try to live like animals while wearing their Halloween suits all day every day to people who just like anthropomorphic animal cartoons and love animals.
They give lots of press to the extreme freaks they created on purpose to get regular people to fight with the whole spectrum including the people who just like cartoons and animals.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

You’re absolutely right, however I admit the topic can get me riled up because the people who just love animals and think anthropomorphic cartoons are cute or whatever often run interference for actual animal abusers because they just get lumped into the same category. I think the people who become a little obsessed with cartoons and animals are a bit weird but I admit they’re mostly harmless on their own but I cannot abide people hurting or raping animals and you rarely can tell the difference between a “harmless” fury and a mentally ill animal abuser so I’ll get heated with any of them. On the scale of important to not important I admit the issue of furries is low tier.

Reply to  Ultra
10 months ago

The real “problem” of furries is the fetish-sizing of early stimulus, and getting stuck in that place. The cartoon fetish is about adult feelings projected onto childhood images. Its part of a spectrum… The “adult comics” that feature pretty much every comic character imaginable… Rule 34. Crossing into both anime with catgirls, and shifter (were-whatever) fanfiction…
When you look at that slice, its not a small group, it’s a symptom of a huge problem: lacking adult relationships, and adult behaviors, and using adult desires, they burrow into any fantasy/escape they find. The overlap with underage desires is one dangerous edge. Another would be the animal aspect as you mention.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

Also connected to neuroplasticity. There are a few companies that sell furry themed sex toys these days. The people in the furry movement are rewiring their own brains for this.

Reply to  Ultra
10 months ago

I think the JIDF is a little busier than usual these days, leaving them less time to run intenet interference games.

Just a Medic
Just a Medic
10 months ago

I got decent dBms off some signals in the TinySA Ultra as seen in the video below, which has a -44dBm signal at the start, and a -33dBm at the end…

Now that I see the video, I need to revise my previous comments on the topic. I see no signal at 11.7 GHz and -33 dBm. That looks like noise. The TinySA apparently has insufficient dynamic range to discern much of anything above 5 GHz, based on the general contours of the frequency plot posted. I would not trust the TinySA’s peak-finding feature because it seems unable to discriminate noise from meaningful signals.

The signal at 4.3 GHz and -44 dBm looks like a genuine peak worth chasing.

10 months ago

I think, unless I am mistaken, that is a -16 dBm signal, and they are all throughout there. There was a 436mhz pulse at -11dBm, and that mountain of signal you see at the start of the video, which dropped in the picture above to allow the pulse to show, is constantly dropping, super fast, about half that distance for just a flash, like the meter is beginning to feel a pulse, or is measuring the beginning or very end of a pulse, but it is not lasting long enough to be registered as a peak with numbers.

455 mhz is the IF frequency for most transceivers. The IF (Intermediate Frequency) is the carrier that the RF frequency is shifted to before/after transmission/reception. It’s an inherent part of super heterodyne circuits, and 455 is the ubiquitous IF for that.
It’s the frequency that bug-hunting devices listen for. As hilarious as it is, you are probably detecting inadvertent frequencies from a bug burst-transmitting rather than a beam.
436 is used for satellite telemetry. That’s more in line with what I was expected, something where (((they))) have created a relatively interference free region of the spectrum.

Just a Medic
Just a Medic
Reply to  phelps
10 months ago

455 KHz?

Reply to  Just a Medic
10 months ago

You’re right, kHz, not Mhz.

10 months ago

Israeli ‘settlers’ plot colonization of Gaza Strip.

Mask off.

just another guy
just another guy
10 months ago

re robots and AI – i coincidentally was discussing yesterday w a colleague who has (literally) PhD experience with developing robotic systems.
i was surprised to learn that, for example, you still have to program the complete trajectory of a robot arm to go from rest to a certain TCP (Tool Center Point).
My first thought was AI would be perfect for that!
“AI program, what is the most efficient way for this arm to move the tool from point XYZ1 to point XYZ2?”
I was kind of surprised that it wasnt already possible, maybe he is a little outdated on it, but I also visited someone deploying these tools recently and they mentioned about programming difficulty.

Reply to  just another guy
10 months ago

Normally your CAM software generates the toolpaths for you. Unless you’re a CNC Luddite like me, and write your own g-code by hand.

Reply to  just another guy
10 months ago

AI is in infancy and yet we already have AI models that given a 2D picture (one or more) can build a “complete” (fake but good enough) 3D model, and even make the 3D print file. And that’s today, check back in a year. Or six months.
One example:
2nd example:

Last edited 10 months ago by scruffy
Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  just another guy
10 months ago

Wouldn’t a Bézier curve be, in most cases, the best fit. Aren’t they rather smooth and less likely to jerk the machine?

I wonder, do humans appear to move in Bézier curves generally?

BTW here is likely the most brilliant idea in the history of man for sensing limit switches, movement, all sorts of sensor sensing. Fiber optics tied to a video camera chip. So you feed a light onto a sensor, say on-off or could be a rotary position sensor then you collect the light with fiber and then route to a sensor of a video camera chip. Think how many pixels are in modern cameras and all the already built chips to pick up and sense the levels of these signals. So millions of inputs for next to nothing. And plastic fiber cost next to nothing. And not only is it cheap, you could also have multiple fibers and/or pixels for each sensor, giving you multiple backups for safety. This is just a tremendous idea. I wish I had thought of it.

10 months ago

‘ErictheAwful’ comment from yesterday:

I tend to save things because they have a habit of disappearing. A year or two ago, I stumbled across Rachael Wilson’s “MK Ultra, Transgenderism, and Feminization of Men”, but I can’t find it in a Bing search today. I saved the full text to Notion, but it didn’t capture the original link.

Here’s the link, found with the meta search engine:

Metager often finds stuff right away that other search engines fail with, even if you try different search terms.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

I bought a cheap 1Tb external USB drive. I created a directory tree for things I might want to save. Whenever I see a page with something I might want to see again, I tell the browser to save the page. Yes, you get megabytes of cruft along with a few Kb of text, but I’ve only used a few dozen Gb over the last four or five years.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

Not going to pay to read the whole thing but yet another Cart before the Horse: “Lots of these videos are out there and encouraging male feminization” “People say that they can’t stop the effects of the Bambi audio hypnosis they put on in the evenings…”

Dude, the only people _using_ those recordings are the people who want them to work, who desire it…

Go study hypnosis and you quickly discover that often the subject is open and willing to go along with the suggestions… And in the above, that’s exactly what happens.
If someone drugs themselves and puts on an audio programming them to go trans, to be a sissy, etc… Don’t be shocked if it works. Duh.
This is not on the same level as someone else intentionally brainwashing/mind altering an unwilling subject.

Reply to  scruffy
10 months ago

Excellent points.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

Thank you. The others, especially Screwgle, are more like anti-search engines.

10 months ago

BREAKING: AC is Qanon 😉

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

We wish. 😂

10 months ago

> Fake FBI warns – Chinese hackers preparing to launch massive attack on U.S. infrastructure – have already infiltrated several critical companies.

The general public has been aware of that for at least ten years now. The FBI had to have known even before that, but chose to simply ignore the problem.

What changed? Ah, elections are coming, the electorate is finally getting upset over the illegals, and the FBI’s Democratic masters want to assume a pose at odds with their documented actions of the last few decades.

10 months ago

Here’s a fun one to use when you like:
A ‘tracker’ – someone who follows a candidate around to ask them ‘gotcha’ questions and get footage, is following a Democrat ex-CIA candidate. He’s never met her personally, but she looks at him and says, “How are Sloan and Leroy?” (The names of his two dogs.)
She obviously has The Earpiece and is getting fed information to weird him out.

10 months ago

> Government-sponsored agency the Global Disinformation Index 

That’s an… interesting… web site. Seems to be set up for phone users. There aren’t many articles there, and the earliest is dated 2019, so they’re not producing much “content.” Such as there is, is straight Narrative opinionating promoted as “data-driven.” Riiiight.

The “content” is pretty generic and sparse. I get the feeling the site is either a failed experiment that hasn’t run out of funds yet (not that it would take much to maintain it) or is just some kind of placeholder to eventually promote “The Global Disinformation Index” as an established “news” source.

10 months ago

> JPMorgan Chase announces it is selling 80 million customer transaction histories to third party advertisers.

Yep. They’ve prominently mentioned their intent to do that for a couple of years now; it has been in the tiny-print unilateral contract changes included with my monthly bills. I guess they finally found someone willing to pay their price for all that lovely, lovely marketing data.

My main bank also announced it would be selling my banking information to third parties. They did it with no warning; agree or close your account. And they did it at the start of the COVID lockdown, so there was no way to actually close the account, since the branches were all closed. And no way to open a new account anywhere else, of course. The only thing I used the account for was a couple of monthly EFT transactions to pay bills, so I kept on doing that, but I don’t use them for anything else, nor do I maintain a balance – I drive down to the drive-through, deposit cash, and then go home and do the EFTs.

10 months ago

> UK insurers refuse to pay Nord Stream because they say blasts were ‘government’ backed.

That’s just a delaying tactic, unless they have something that specifically calls that out in their contract.

Most insurers have exemptions for “acts of God” and “acts of war”. But Russia never formally declared war; they’re calling it a “Special Military Operation.” As far as I can tell, Ukraine hasn’t bothered to declare war either.

Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

Nor has the government behind it been publicly identified for legal purposes.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

“Somebody did something” isn’t enough?

I guess it would depend on how Woke the judge was.

10 months ago

> We’re funding both sides of a war.

The Feral Government did that several times in South America.

“Let’s you and him fight!” seems to be more a source of entertainment than geopolitics, at least for the swamp things.

10 months ago
Hugh Hefner & the (Homo) Sexual Revolution –
6 Jun 2023 … Heterosexuals have families. Homosexuals have sex. This key article describes how baby boomers were brainwashed to behave like homosexuals, …

Interesting article referenced by GhostWhoWalks yesterday, worthy of another mention.

Let’s not forget the advertising industry in all of this, trying to shape who we bond with. Here’s a new ad campaign for a big Swiss telecom. Demographically, this image wouldn’t be out of place in LA or London, but it’s just artificial in such a white country. Of all the interracial combos, WFBM gets pushed by far the most, for whatever reason. (That WF also looks like a slovenly train wreck compared to most other young Swiss women. There are such women, but they are a minority. The woman to her side is still more representative.)

“Experience More Connection”

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

How is the “under 27” part even legal in Switzerland?

It’s plastered all over their site too.

(No, they should not get free adverts here.)

10 months ago
General's Addition
General's Addition
10 months ago

438 MHz is in an ISM band, but …

Amateur Packet Radio Service (APRS) also operates on this frequency.

And it’s also used for surface mapping ultra-wideband radar.

So the occasional transmissions you’re seeing on and around that frequency are probably amateur radio packet transmissions, and because they’re not sustained transmissions, that’s probably all they are.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

You will probably find an amateur radio packet repeater within your line of sight, but you’ll have to find and consult information provided by local amateur radio groups.

FYI: dBm units are decibels (10 log 10) with the base level established at one milliwatt rather than at one watt.

-10 dBm = 0.1 milliwatt which is well within permitted transmit power for amateur radio users of the ISM bands, plus that would be typical for a distant signal.

ISM band usage is “unlicenced” but not unregulated, and maximum legal transmit power in the US is limited to one watt (30 dBm), which -10 dBm falls well within as non-interfering, and amateur radio use has to be non-interfering by FCC regulations.

There’s an allowance for antenna gain as well, but as -10 dBm also falls well below that antenna gain allowance, this is entirely legal use within the established FCC limits.

Not everything “aimed” in your direction is actually aimed and is actually meant to be solely in your direction! 🙂

While you may be in the middle of nowhere, given a sufficiently high tower, you may still be within the line of sight for VHF/UHF from a considerable distance.

Unless you can see a distant aircraft navigational warning light that’s on a tower, which is typically required for any mast over 50 feet height above ground level in the US, you can set one antenna to roughly 5 feet (your height) and the other to anything under 50 feet just to see what that distance may be.

Also, come to think of it … relatively nearby 433 MHz is also used for some models of garage door openers.

The point here is that the ISM bands are crowded with users, and anything under +50 dBm (100 W) probably isn’t worth serious consideration.

An interesting thing for you to try: go get M2 Catalyst’s “Network Cell Info” app for your Android phone, it’s available via the Google Play Store.

I don’t remember if it’s advert-free or if you have to pay to make adverts go away, but the subscription service is only useful to signalling engineers working in mobile telecoms, so don’t bother with that.

You’ll be interested to know how little power is being used to reach your phone and how far away your nearby mobile towers are.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

An idea. The FCC takes radio interference seriously. I don’t know exactly what you would tell them, not that they are beaming you, but that they are interfering some way or transmitting too high a power. Maybe someone here would know what specific code words would set them off. Likely there is some sort of complaint that gets them fired up to do something. Now it’s likely that nothing will come of you calling them, “except” they have to warn someone off and corrupt them to get them to NOT do their job. The more people roped in, the more trouble, the more visibility. A chance for you to screw with them. Not a death stab, but a nick.

10 months ago

What’s with all these self immolators and mass shooter with manifestos?

Interesting theory:

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

Yes, in the same way Conspiracy as a word/concept was/is dismissed out of hand, regardless of facts.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

That and they mix good concepts into the ravings to discredit specific ideas with the lunacy.

10 months ago

Killer Patents & Secret Science

The Beam may have a similar backstory.

At least one prominent case of surveillance harassment.

Last edited 10 months ago by Farcesensitive
10 months ago

Russia “PEACEKEEPERS” withdrawing from Nagorno-Karabakh

10 months ago

Update from Mathis on his email problems:

EMAIL CHANGE BACK: Well, Yandex was an unmitigated disaster. They can’t talk to many major email services, including protonmail, they threw most of my mail into spam, and they require me to prove I am human to send my own messages. Beyond infuriating. Go back to until I find something better.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

Interesting. Yandex hasn’t done that to me.

The only real problem I’ve had is that if I don’t log in for a while, it wants to “verify my account” be sending an SMS. Since I don’t have a cell phone, a friend lets me have it sent to his phone, which is a hassle.