Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
Mike Lindel issues a new report on the Mesa County voting machines where Tina Peters grabbed a forensic image of the voting machine drives before they were wiped by Dominion with a “Trusted Build.” Apparently what this is saying is, the voting machine drives showed somebody went in and created entirely new databases for the votes, transferred in votes without the substantiating hashes and digital records of the ballots, and then deleted the old databases with the real votes and substantiating security data. Thus the votes we were told were final counts, could have been whatever the person who created the new databases said they were. The Secretary of State and Dominion then went in and deleted all the data which showed this, when they installed a “Trusted Build” update to the machines which wiped the drives, despite the law requiring the preservation of all the data on the drives. And additionally, there was no functionality to do this on the voting machines, so I assume that means the drives either had this done on other computers and were swapped in after, or a computer was attached to the voting machine, to do it. And we only know all this because of Tina Peters creating that forensic image before thr Trusted Build updates wiped the machines.
Pennsylvania Senate votes to ban drop boxes & ‘Zuckerbucks’ in time for the 2022 and 2024 elections.
Remote barcode scanners track Orange county ballots as they are dropped at drop boxes. The only people who need to confirm a ballot was dropped in a drop box are the fraudsters, who used to take pictures of the ballots as they dropped them off, so their handlers would know they had dropped the ballots and pay them. Surely the voter who just dropped the ballot in doesn’t need to know. The election board which is going to actually count it doesn’t need to know it was dropped off. But a third party now can check if a ballot harvester has dropped off his stash at that drop box as promised, before paying him.
Former Trump White House trade adviser Peter Navarro has claimed that Elon Musk is “very vulnerable to the blackmail of the Chinese Communist Party,” because he needs China to continue to allow him to sell Teslas there. And he points out Musk is not so principled he opposed the Chinese releasing the virus, or torturing Uighurs, so the champion of free speech act is a little questionable. If Truth Social can get to scale, it is a vastly more certain proposition, to the extent we know Trump has already wrecked the media and exposed Voter Fraud, so he tears things up wherever he goes. Musk creating this drama now, just as Truth Social is spinning up, seems like Kayfabe to keep people on Twitter, and try to shut down what is as close to a sure proposition as possible – Truth Social.
Jack Dorsey says on Twitter, the Twitter board has “consistently been the dysfunction of the company.” Somebody asked if he was allowed to say that, and he responded, “No.”
One aspect of this latest surge of online censorship we don’t talk about enough is the fact that this is the first time Silicon Valley has begun openly using censorship solely to suppress dissent. They’re not saying it’s to save lives, it’s JUST to prevent wrongthink about a war.
Think about it. With Alex Jones, QAnon, Covid skeptics etc they could claim they were censoring for the public good, to save lives and protect people from violence or a virus. Now it’s just, “Well we can’t have people saying wrong things about a war.” They’re not even pretending.
Does a Ukrainian drop dead every time someone says they don’t believe Russia committed war crimes in Bucha? Does Putin get magic murder powers if enough social media users say they support his war? Do liberal faces melt off their skulls if they accidentally see an RT article? No.
There’s no conceivable argument that this latest escalation in censorship being done to save lives or serve the public interest. It’s solely to help fight a propaganda war against Russia, and to expand the radius of internet censorship protocols for its own sake.
Of course for a mainstream liberal this is a distinction without a difference, because mainstream liberals already believe it’s legitimate to censor people for wrongthink or disagreeing with their government. But for the rest of us it’s a MAJOR escalation.
There’s no legitimate reason for the Silicon Valley proxies of the most powerful government on earth to be censoring people for disagreeing with that government about a war. But that’s exactly what’s happening, and it’s happening more and more.
Unroll available on Thread ReaderNo even the Hunter Biden laptop censorship was done under the banner of protecting an election from foreign interference. The argument was complete bullshit, just like all the others, but at least they were pretending to be protecting the public interest.
This time is different. With censorship about the Ukraine war they’re not claiming it’s to protect an election, they’re not claiming it’s to save lives; they’re not claiming it’s in the public interest at all. It’s JUST to facilitate a US government infowar against Moscow.
It should alarm us all that it’s becoming increasingly acceptable to silence people not because they’re circulating dangerous disinfo, nor even because they’re saying things that are necessarily false, but solely because they are saying things which undermine the US infowar.
People should absolutely be allowed to say things which disagree with the most powerful empire in history about a war. They should even be allowed to say brazenly false things about that war, because otherwise only the powerful will be allowed to do so.
Free speech is important not because it’s nice to be able to say what you want, but because the free flow of ideas and information creates a check on the powerful. It gives people the ability to hold the powerful to account. Which is exactly why the powerful work to eliminate it.
We should see it as a huge, huge problem that so much of the world has been herded onto these giant monopolistic speech platforms that conduct censorship in complete alignment with the mightiest power structure in the world. This is the exact opposite of putting a check on power.
There is no argument to be made that “pro-Kremlin falsehoods” lead to the harm of a single Ukrainian, or anyone else, in any conceivable way, even if we accept that what’s being said is 100% false and 100% “pro-Kremlin”. There is now no argument that it’s in the public interest.
The closest you’d get to arguing that it’s in the public interest is “Well the US is in a propaganda war with Russia, and it’s in the public interest that the US win that propaganda war.” But that means we no longer as a society care about truth or facts, only serving propaganda.
There should at least be some very serious public discussion before making such an immensely consequential leap, from claiming to be a truth-based society to collectively agreeing that we now only care about mass-scale psychological manipulation to beat Putin. But there wasn’t.
How much are we as a society willing to give up for the US government and its allies to win a propaganda war against Putin? This is a conversation which should already have been going on in mainstream circles for some time now, but it never even started. Let’s start it.
From a study on the vaxxes, in Immunology:
Recently, new-onset autoimmune phenomena after COVID-19 vaccination have been reported increasingly (e.g. immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia, autoimmune liver diseases, Guillain–Barré syndrome, IgA nephropathy, rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus).
On the new WHO treaty, which will allow the WHO to take over the governments of member states:
“The plan is to grant the WHO, in the event of a pandemic, far-reaching executive powers. The treaty changes aim at granting the WHO de facto governing power over member states in the event of a pandemic, without involvement or consultation of national governments or national parliaments… A democratically non-legitimized committee, but one which the richest of the super-rich buy their way in through donations, not only decides that there is a pandemic but also immediately seizes executive power… To even consider such an empowerment of the WHO is a direct attack on the rule of the people by the people… the most elementary principle of any democracy.”
After the outbreak of Hepatitis in the UK, now the CDC is investigating an outbreak in Alabama. They are saying they think it is an illness, maybe even an adenovirus, though adenovirus is not supposed to affect the liver. I would say definitely the vax, but they are doing gain of function research all over now on harmless viruses, and they do need a virus to terrify people this fall to support their election fraud strictures. They could have given an adenovirus some binding domain to enhance cellular binding, and now are finding out the livers of kids are particularly rich in the ligand to that binding domain. This is a very dangerous time.
Stacey Abrams increased her net worth over 3,000 times in less than 4 years.
Illinois offering free health care to undocumented immigrants ages 55 to 64.
South Carolina mall mass-shooting suspect’s bond set at $25,000, can go to work with ankle monitor. Only ten people were shot, so it wasn’t like it was a big thing. Not like those evil Jan 6th protesters who are locked up for years before trials.
At least nine people have been shot at a South Carolina restaurant.
Eleven shot, and two dead in Pittsburgh at an Airbnb party.
Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott announced plans to launch a 35-person civilian investigative corps to help Baltimore police detectives solve low-level crimes. Total economic collapse plus no real cops should be fun in Baltimore.
The most recent macroeconomic figures show that the Chinese slowdown is much more severe than expected and not only attributable to the covid-19 lockdowns. They may be doing the COVID lockdowns to try and make it seem that COVID is responsible for what is coming, as a way to premptively divert blame.
Third night of unrest in Sweden over far-right anti-Islam rally.
Some videos:
RT reporter discovers banned landmines used by Ukraine.
Russia warns it will view NATO and US vehicles moving weapons in Ukraine as targets.
The possibility of a win for Marine Le Pen in France has the EU worried.
Trump’s small-dollar donors fuel a $19 million first-quarter haul.
Spread r/K Theory, because the fact aliens haven’t raided this planet by now is curious.
“Third night of unrest in Sweden over far-right anti-Islam rally.”
I’ve got another video,
Also, if Sweden melts down politically, then it can’t join NATO.
Deport them all. Every single one.
“Video of Russian special forces moving deep into the Donbass with attack-helicopters escorting the columns.”
Probably what they should have done from the start. Russian combined arms (SF and para with helos and jets) would have been very good at eliminating biolabs and Uko defense industry outside of the southern and Donbass regions.
My view is this, whoever told Putin that trying to take Kiev was doable or a good idea is a Cabal/globohomo sleeper. Putin had to juice the squad of spies in Ukraine telling him they had the country on lock, when the spies were double agents and were laundering the money Russia gave them instead of running actual influence ops. On this blog I never advocated the Russians going all the way to Kiev as that obviously was not militarily achievable within the bounds of Russian objectives (ie. not destroying Kiev or killing hundreds of thousands). So now Putin is purging, and it is well deserved.
Russia will win this fight, just look at it’s typical Armored Division

Check out how much artillery just one of these divisions has, 140 Self-propelled howitzers, mortars and rocket launchers. A typical U.S. Armored Division has only 70 Self-propelled guns, and removed their MLRS systems decades ago because of Iraq and Afghanistan. And a U.S. Division is heavier armed than most NATO divisions. Russia has 3 Tank divisions, and it’s motorized Rifle divisions have just as much artillery. America only has 2 Armored divisions, and the Infantry divisions typically lack the same artillery or have lighter artillery systems, that are towed, like the M777. So while American divisions are lighter (and easier to deploy) they would not do well in any kind of slug match against Russian divisions, and that goes double for NATO ground forces.
Russia will finish taking the Donbass, and it’s coal and gas fields. It will hold the South, and it’s gas fields and the freshwater canal to Crimea. The Ukrainian military has been largely depleted of heavy equipment, is a drain on Western arms stocks, and the Ukrainian defense industry will never export significant arms again. This is shaping up to be a pretty solid Russian win, losses notwithstanding.
The video is from an account that is now suspended.
“…My view is this, whoever told Putin that trying to take Kiev was doable or a good idea is a Cabal/globohomo sleeper…”
I think everything is going to plan. They never went into Kiev in any big way. They took areas of the north to control the nuke plant and get the biolabs. They moved on Kiev to freak out the Ukrainians and hold them in place. At the same time they destroyed most all their weapons and equipment needed to rule the air or move supplies. BY surrounding Keiv and controlling choke points in the North, they hinder resupply to the East and the South where the Azov guys are. They surrounded the Azov types in the South and East. Now they are moving in to kill them off. The Azov have been shelling these people where they are trapped for 8 years now and doing the most brutal cruelties. They’re in big trouble. They have little in the way of supplies, and everyone around them wants to see their limbs separated from their bodies while they are soaked in acid. They, in the colloquial term, are fucked.
I said the Russians would have a hard time because of the advances in antitank weapons. They have lost some but they seemed to have taken that into account. Anti-tank weapons are great, if you can get them. If you can move around to use them. By using lots of missiles, drones, local targeting intelligence they are smashing any attempt to use advanced weapons. They have been very crafty. I don’t think the US has near this amount of imagination.
Russia does not need the west and north of Ukraine. At all, Not even in the slightest. The people that picked this fight are fools of the greatest magnitude, paying not even the slightest attention to details on the ground. The people that run our country are super aggressive, but they are fools.
People are infatuated with “fast victory.” It’s flashy. It’s impressive. Except, it only works if you have very, and I mean very, limited political objectives. If you want to alter an entire nation’s attitude towards your country, then “fast victory” is about the dumbest thing you can do. See the Iraq invasion. The U.S. “conquered” Iraq in a few weeks. Then spent the next twenty years trying to actually achieve it’s goals. You can learn from this. If you want to destroy the Ukrainian armed forces; if you want to break the Ukrainian will to resist, you need to grind them down. You need to slowly and methodically destroy the Ukrainian military from the top commanders down to each company, platoon, and squad. You need to show each soldier that it is pointless to resist the Russian nation because you WILL lose. You WILL die. Your family WILL suffer. At that point, Ukrainian men will decide, one by one, that going home, getting a job, taking care of their wife and kids is more important than futilely losing against the Russians. Getting to that point takes time. It’s a grind. It’s not flashy like a fast dash to Kiev might have been, but that grinding victory is what creates a lasting, generational, change in Ukraine. Russia is doing this perfectly.
Coach Red Pill, Gonzalo Lira, missing in Kharkov, Ukraine, presumed dead.
Let’s hope that he’s okay and just without internet for the moment.
Here’s an archive of his old videos, mostly covering dating, but also about other topics:
I would take some of his stuff with a grain of salt, but he’s an interesting and genuine guy who’s had a very interesting life. From barely surviving in Hollywood, to dating supermodels in NYC, to political commentator in Kharkov, Ukraine.
If this is true, he’s probably dead

I hope and pray Gonzalo is alright. I loved his videos from Ukraine and learned a lot.
“Violent riots have been ongoing in Sweden for several days after a right-wing politician said he was going to burn the Quran and soak it in ‘pork blood.'”
I’m against those riots, of course, but if you want to give props to those rioters, it’s for taking the honor of their culture / religion seriously, even if it’s in a destructive way. Remember when that still was a thing in the West?
Props (actually, no) also to that disgusting politician for forcing a false choice. Now you’re either for mass immigration or for satanic blood rituals.
Swedish society still mostly votes for pro-immigration parties (they all are, except one, and that party doesn’t get enough votes to really do anything). Sweden’s ego is very much bound up in seeing itself as the world’s humanitarian superpower. So what if a few of their own have to suffer, if they can rescue far more people from war zones in the Middle East? You can see such martyrdom as noble or stupid. Maybe it’s even both. It goes without saying that the people who got the Swedish masses to think that way are neither noble nor stupid.
Its all a Thucydide’s trap of information war. Be it far from anyone telling anyone what they should or should not be doing, this emmence slmost inconcievable psychological war bullshit ends the moment a human-being turns their back and walks away. Then and only then the evil and its insects no longer hold this type of power over you.
The Russian’s specifically Putin and his Warriors show how it is done. The confederation of sovereign nation states involved in this brandy new multi polar economic/financial monetary trading system are leading the way on how effective such dtrategy is accomplished.
Basically the Russian’s are done with the empire of lies. They fid it right too. First they exhausted all recourse or redress. While preparing for the non kinetic warfare the EofL’s employs such as “sanctio rapine and pillage strategy and tactics, in the interim Putin and his Warriors replaced most of their old Soviet military infrastructure and weapons with the most advanced fully intregated vertically interconnected system of war fighting capabilities they could, designed to effectively create a double leap in superior military flexibility and improvisational art.
Then after all diplomatic political and humanitarian orientated recourse, of course, was exhausted, as no doubt would happen attempting to bargain with the EofL’s, global expansionism, as the Russian’s know exactly who their ancient existential enemy cabal is, they where prepared at a suitable level to then be able to do the most Russian of things, NYET! Its the very Russian version of BFYTW and The Great Fuck You.
Its the same with twatter. It can be srgued till the cows come home and it will never change the course cabal and its empire of lies and hate is on because thats the trap, because simply, nobody is forcing anyone to gather on twattr or faceborg, it is totally voluntary. The moment people choose to act, make the choice to walk away the fuckers no linger have power over them. Long as good folks engage these incredible mind fuck platforms the fuckers retain a kind of legitimacy because its really consent you give these insects when your using and involving yourself of their psy-op platforms.
Putin and his Warriors withdrew all consent from the empire and its eurolemming dupes and proxies. And that is one of the prime reasons why the hybrid war cabal wages to supress the truth of what is happening, they do it all the time, because withdrawal of ones consent is the most powerful weapon ever devised by men. Once employed tyrants are left with only one option, all they ever have really, the power to hurt. The use of threat of violence and use of violence to coerce you into complying, obey.
If people turn away from the myriad of mind fucks all that illegitimate piwer and revelency simply is no more. Why this is so difficult to grok is a serious question but furthermore what is thats got so many hundreds of millions of human-beings in its thrall.
I give myself as example. Never have I used any of the “social platforms”, never was much of a TV user, and going on a decade now cut the cord so to speak. Also avoiding all 5th column agitrop/propaganda news media. My reasons have to do with these things are poison. A subtle insidious poison for the mind. Faceborg is particularly hienous for the poison. As time has passed I see things only perspective of being totally self isolated from the poison grants. Combined I see this collective abusive and enabling relationship between all involved in social media and false news/narratives.
This is by dark malicious intentional design.
The fuckers must do this because they do not and never are able to kineticalky subdue hindreds of millions of armed to the fucking teeth dirt people, this includes Russia too. So it is the highest imperative to do whatever it requires to keep dirt people from grokking all they got to do is walk away, turn the back. So much power is instantly taken from the insects they are left with only the only power they ever had.
The BRIC’s compact onthe eve when they institute their gold and commodities and block chain financial exchange system backed money system, which is completely disconnected from the empire’s fiat rapine and pillage and economic serfdom is a dandy of withdrawal of consent. Its the ultimate of just walk away. As Sam emplored Ferodo standing there balking above the fires of Mordor with the ring of power in hand, “just throw it away!” “just throw it in the fire!”
It all begins with each of us. Without our consent the fuckers have squat but the power to hurt. And how is that any different than now? Big fuckin’ diff. When you walk away. Power unlike any, its the only legitimate power aside from the first law of self preservation and being armed to the fucking teeth.
Thats the trick of tricks. To cause people to not see and believe they got the power to say fuck you and turn the back. Its so simple.
We where always gonna have a fight with the Khazarian insects and their minions. Always been inevitable. Its why there was a original actual battle at the crossroads centuries ago and a phrophecy of a final battle named Armageddon. Lot of variations on it, the Vikings reffered to it as Ragnarak. Christianity has always told us to always be prepared, to Don The Whole Armor of God. The Colonial slave tevolt had some dabies, my favorite; Our Cause We Leave To God And Our Rifles. Neo was right, he finally figured it out facing The Archetic, remember how Neo suddenly said to himself “… choice, the question is choice”, and at the end as he said to Agent Smith, how he told Smith he was always right, it is choice, when Smiths machine rhetoric emplored Neo, “Why? Why?! Why do you persist Mr. Anderson?!
Neo simply replies “Because I choose to.”
The Matrix only works it only holds thrall over people when people choose to become subjects to it and its overlords and its array of minions.
Walk away, Just throw it in the fire, leave your cause to God and Your Rifle. See what happenes. They don’t have enough gangstalkers.
God protected Daniel from the heart of a roaring furnace. Have faith He will protect you from the comparatively minor dangers we face in the future.
> California Rep. Darrell Issa (R) told Fox News on Sunday that the GOP is in possession of Hunter Biden’s laptop, and is poring over the “treasure trove” of data within it.
The FBI was supposed to have (reluctantly) picked it up from the computer store, and then denied it existed, then tried to cover it up.
How did the GOP get it? The FBI is the Democratic Party’s own SS; why would they turn over potentially troublesome information to their supposed enemies?
Though since they’re just two faces of the Uniparty, maybe “the laptop” will be next after COVID and Ukraine.
A year ago China said they had a copy of the drive, and they released the video of Hunter in bed with his underaged niece. Joe got the hint and got back under Chinese control, and the US media claimed the video was not important.
If China grabbed a copy, so did US intel. And many of them were mad at the mismanaged pull out from Kabul and the blame shifting the US Intel.
South Carolina mall mass-shooting suspect’s bond set at $25,000, can go to work with ankle monitor.
They’re calling the shooter a dude but there is no way that is a dude.
Seriously, that has to be a sheboon.
Wow I agree!
> Experts warn of China’s near-monopoly on freight container production, threatening global supply chain given China produces 95% of the world’s shipping containers.
These are the containers the shipping industry claims they’re ass-deep in them, that shippers are abandoning rather than shipping them back empty? That are stacked twenty-high over acres of storage?
China might make 95% of them, but if they stopped today, it would be years before anyone noticed a shortage.
“South Carolina mall mass-shooting suspect’s bond set at $25,000, can go to work with ankle monitor. Only ten people were shot, so it wasn’t like it was a big thing. Not like those evil Jan 6th protesters who are locked up for years before trials.”
First thing that came to mind was, “What is the ethnicity of this ‘suspect’?” But the punchline is his name: Jewayne. Can one find a funnier way to spell Dwayne?
> South Carolina mall mass-shooting suspect’s bond set at $25,000, can go to work with ankle monitor. Only ten people were shot, so it wasn’t like it was a big thing. Not like those evil Jan 6th protesters who are locked up for years before trials.
B-but Jan 6th was an attack on muh de-mock-racy.
> At least nine people have been shot at a South Carolina restaurant.
> Eleven shot, and two dead in Pittsburgh at an Airbnb party.
Interesting possible correlation with the “mass fires” headlines from the past few weeks.
Interesting that Alex Jones is back in the news for Sandy Hook just as these mass shootings (including the NYC subway shooting) start happening again. The Sandy Hook shooting happened in 2012– TEN years ago.
The pastor at the church I’ve recently started attending is pro-Ukraine, anti-Putin (the pastor called Putin an “evil dictator seizing land” in a sermon), and vaxxed. [The congregation is all White and all very nice.] Yesterday, in the context of people denying Jesus’s resurrection, the pastor mentioned Alex Jones as a “conspiracy theorist who denied that the Sandy Hook shooting was real, but there were real parents who had to bury their children.” So that was an interesting intro to the Easter message… then I had to check 4chan to see why normies were even thinking about Alex Jones.
dditional symbolism with the 11 shot – 2 dead = 9 alive, 9/11 are alive, always with the stupid 9/11 numerology nonsense. I think it’s all retarded, but obviously these ghouls don’t so God knows what the reason for it all is. Numerology spergs, here’s your platform.
Someone once said that 10 represents GOD in some numerology system and that 9-11 means doing without GOD, interesting that the New York Times just published an opinion piece about passing over/getting rid of god for passover.
“B-but Jan 6th was an attack on muh de-mock-racy.”
“If you want your democracy, you can keep your Democracy.”
We certainly don’t want it. We want the Republic we were guaranteed by the Constitution.
I wonder just how far into the geo-political weeds churches have gone. Probably pretty far now that they receive federal and Soros dollars for “resettling refugees“.
> Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla has said he is working on the creation of a new vaccine against COVID-19 that could be taken annually in order for people to become more “compliant” in taking COVID vaccines.
The idea of an annual, mandatory COVID shot makes a lot of sense for the depopulation agenda. Now that colleges have forced the vast majority of their students to be vaxxed, why stop now?
Blog admin comment:
AC, I think you need to update the comments URL every day. The current comments link only shows the main blog page again.
The current, non-working link is
Today’s working link is
Interesting. I will look into it later, but I am not sure that is how it is supposed to work.
The treaty is Constitutionally void: under no circumstances does a treaty supersede the Constitution or the laws pursuant to it despite what lying liberal dogs think; no rational person could make the assumption the FFofA were that stupid.
This is an established principle known as seriality.
I hate to admit it, but the Constitution is whatever they decide to enforce. I shouldn’t have anybody listening in my house, or following me around, or in my life. But there is zero Fourth Amendment for me, and I am not even some criminal threatening the nation.
I know.
It is as ifsimply mentioning the Constitution is to speak, I and a lot of us are a threat to (((their))) nation.
“I hate to admit it, but the Constitution is whatever they decide to enforce.” Do you really not know why this is, how it works?
We the People declined to enforce the Constitution – of which We were the original authors and owners (see the Preamble) – in 1861. That made it abandoned property. “They” – the government the Constitution had created, and was designed to strictly limit and regulate – picked it up, and have used it for their purposes ever since. They “enforce” it when it suits them, ignore it otherwise. And they’re perfectly within their rights to do so. If you don’t take care of what’s yours, you have no reason to complain when somebody else does.
In a Republic (Latin “res publica” = “people’s thing”), the People are the sovereign, the final authority. What they decide is what is. In the 1860s the American People decided that the Founders’ Republic wasn’t good enough for them, and chose instead to invest their trust – and a million American lives – in a psychopath’s dream of empire. They got what they wanted, and here we are.
The excuses of thieves trying to justify their crimes do not interest me.
Please refrain from posting such garbage.
Did someone finally read C.s. Lewis?
Misc comments unrelated to today’s brief.
– Thank you for the new way of doing Twitter embeds. Since I disable JavaScript, a lot of Twitter stuff did not load for me with the old way.
– Don’t do Telegram. A website that you own is the way to go.
– If you have time, I am interested in hearing more about “to my present state where I see the Bible as a blueprint-tier manual for this world, describing a scientific mechanism more accurate than anything in any textbook, and which is being hidden from us by the fallen.”
If you have time, I am interested in hearing more about “to my present state where I see the Bible as a blueprint-tier manual for this world, describing a scientific mechanism more accurate than anything in any textbook, and which is being hidden from us by the fallen.”
It is not complicated, or a big thing. I used to be purely mechanistic, and “scientific,” in quotes, because I was really just adopting what I was told by those I thought understood the world as a cause and effect mechanism. There were molecules, and physics, and rules, and everything was just sort of there, clicking away as a clockwork mechanism, which began with a chemical soup, accreted into “life,” which was just a sort of curious quirky self-perpetuating chemical reaction. And it all happened as they said, we were the first here, and it was all as it appeared. It was a fairly cohesive theory, as you could follow it from beginning to end and it made sense and looked good on the surface, given the lies we were told and what was hidden.
The Bible was some weird book of fairy tales, which people latched on to and claimed was true, but which was vastly inferior to understanding what I thought was a coherent story of life’s formation, evolution, and our present state.
As time went on, I saw things, from Bob seemingly getting taken over by some weird evil personality, to feeling the golden glow raining down from above which you see in old Renaissance paintings, right at the moment when I first took the fork which led to this path. That warm glow of love raining down on people in those paintings was not some artist’s concoction to simulate God’s love and grace. It is actually a real phenomenon I assume people were feeling back then as the Dark Ages passed and the chosen began to embark on their given roles. When I felt it there was someone else there who felt it too. I assume God knew as a mechanist, I would have written it off as some neural quirk inside my brain, but for a witness. So He gave me a witness. It is a weird, warm glow of happiness and love that clearly rains from above, and makes you feel different and uplifted, almost euphoric.
So I was realizing religion and God were real things, and there was something else going on in this world from my own experiences, even before I found out the evil leaders in this world were using occult worship to seek favor from some evil entity with the power to grant favors in this world. And now we find out there was some sort of interdimensional, technologically sophisticated entity which had been here long before humans, hidden from us, and which was making fun of our most advanced military tech and operations as it ran circles around them. It appears it can present itself to us in all sorts of ways to trick us as to its true nature. And you know it is in our government, because it has to have intel operations, and that is how intel operations roll.
Once you break through, and realize there are actually things like that out there which you don’t see in the text books, then you begin wondering, if there are these incredible things, with such power, so consequential, how is it they not only don’t talk about them in school or the text books, but they actually spend considerable time telling you there is nothing to it? It is like psychic abilities. I have no hard data either way on that one, but I am fucking haunted by the fact they tested all the GATE kids in our school, apparently were testing GATE kids nationally for psychic ability, and at the same time were lying to all of us, telling each class it was just a one-off thing they were doing once that year, for some study at a local university – as they were doing it to everyone for decades. Why lie?
And all along was the Bible, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
More accurate than anything taught in school, in college, in our news media. It is the only thing not either clueless or outright lying to us. And the amazing thing is, it didn’t just come out and get revealed. It was there all along, and the establishment has been attacking it from Day One.
So yeah, I think the Bible is really the main text book now for how this world works. I haven’t been through it all, as I think for the time being this is the path God wants from me and I need to put 100% into this because of where this path is going. But I think if you have the time and don’t need to be doing something, that is where the real truth lies.
All I am really doing here is opening people’s minds to the fact everything else is a lie, and they need to keep their mind open to all possibilities. I expect once open to everything, accepting the reality of the world, which is the nobleness of following God‘s path, and fighting the spiritual battle, is inevitable.
Psychiatrist-turned-exorcist Scott Peck observed a similar glow.
More curiously, he and multiple other attendees at an exorcism observed facial transformations in the possessed, which were not recorded on video. Mass delusion? Or something else?
Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of Akido supposedly spent a day training and sat by a well, when he described the same thing happening to him, though as I recall, he did not attribute it to God, but so some pleasing of nature with everything in harmony.
Peck’s stories were insane. Again, if you have sufficient technology, anything is possible, and what we face appears to have sufficient technology.
The interesting thing is, we hear that story of morphing reptilians in different places from different people who each attribute it to different things. There are the demon people, the alien reptilian people, the technologically advanced dinosaur people, and even the interdimensional reptilian people like Kyle Odom. And Kyle did kind of say, he was going to go in and to a double mag dump on a reptilian, and the reptilian would not be phased by it, he went in and did it, even shooting the guy in the head point blank, and a few hours later the guy was being discharged from the hospital with a band aid and a sling.
Grew up a Christian. Never questioned the core faith, but had doubts about things like demonic possession, miracles, angels talking to people, etc. Figured that stuff, if it happened, happened back in “Bible times.” Except, I kept running into people with stories. I found them fascinating, but not exactly relevant to my life. Until it happened to me. I worked at a church and I came in one morning. I was the only one there, but I felt a malevolent presence watching me. I didn’t mention this to anyone – too weird. The feeling would come and go, but I would walk around the building to see if the feeling would change. It stayed constant regardless of where I was, even in the worship hall, but then would go away suddenly like something had left the building. This lasted a few weeks, then stopped. Soon after – maybe a month or two – people starting acting weird. The congregation split about a year later. The minister left and the church still doesn’t have a new one. I was talking to one of the main instigators of the problems after church one Sunday, and his face flickered. His face didn’t change expression. For just an instant something else was looking at me. I wasn’t scared. I didn’t get goosebumps, I just thought, “This shit is real.” That didn’t scare me. What scared me were the lies. So many lies. Lie after lie after lie. You disprove one lie, and five more popped up. You disprove those and the original lie had resurfaced. It got frightening. I swear, someone would say something like, “I can’t believe the minister never showed up for services last month.” Then half the congregation would begin jumping, and I mean literally jumping, up and down demanding the minister explain why he wasn’t at church last month. The unaffected people would be saying, “He was there. You can watch the videos.” But the affected people, people in their fifties and sixties, would be ranting about how the minister wasn’t doing his job. What a revelation! Something had gotten into these people’s minds and twisted their memories, their sense of reality. It had set up blocks in their minds to make them impervious to logic or facts. After that, the Bible became incredibly real to me. Demonic possession? Yep. Satan as the father of lies and a murderer? Yep. Abortion as something Satan got us to do because killing kids makes him laugh? Yep. Feminism as something Satan sold us to destroy the ability of men and women to get along and enjoy each other? Yep. No fault divorce as something Satan tricked us into so we would destroy families, make men and women miserable, ruin children’s lives, all while Satan laughs? Yep. Make us call that time when Europe was massively Christian, the Dark Ages, and the beginning of the attack on the church, the Enlightenment, when we know Jesus is light and Satan is darkness? Yep. I believe evolution and the big bang theory, two obviously disproven garbage ideas, are just more Satanic lies created because it amuses him to mess with us. I got all that from watching him do it in one small country church. This shit is for real.
An absolutely haunting account.
After 50 years to think about it, I believe the reason the mystery shrink showed up after my Zener cards test was precisely because my initial score was so exceptional he dropped what he was doing (University of Charlottesville, Virginia 1973) and entered the testing room to specifically retrieve the original and encourage them to give me another one … after telling me I “could not have done that well.” I am convinced he took the real test and put it somewhere that only the elites would be able to retrieve it and he wanted the rubes to record his “coached” version of the test as my score.
I read up a little on psychological testing a few years back and discovered that having a mystery doctor show up and interfere with the testing process makes no sense – it is a breach of the testing protocol. It invalidated everything. Just like the surgeon who mysteriously showed up to kill Joan Rivers and first shot a selfie with her in the frame unconscious before he did it. Totally random and completely illegal.
Years later, I had more weird shrinks show up over the years to take me out of class, subject to strange interrogations and confuse me with all kind of odd situations that my parents/mother were not informed were going to take place.
We are more than flesh and blood and we are more than the contents of our head. There’s more going on there and a lot of evil people want to make sure we never know it. They teach us to sneer at the sacred.
I am just blown away by how programmed I was. There was a time I would have rated this like a sub-1% likelihood of being true. Now, 100%, and it is just an uncontrollable desire to know what the fuck is really behind all of this – what they know about things which has been kept from us.
Last paragraph, 1000%.
There were never any “Dark Ages”.
[…] News Briefs – 04/18/2022 — Anonymous Conservative […]
> “The plan is to grant the WHO, in the event of a pandemic, far-reaching executive powers.
Looks like another “paranoid conspiracy theory” isn’t as theoretical as it shoudl be. People have been ridiculed mercilessly for suggesting that the blue hats might be sent in against the American citizenry.
Just remember, “They’re not coming to take our guns, they’re coming to give us theirs.”
> Remote barcode scanners track Orange county ballots as they are dropped at drop boxes.
Most of those ballots aren’t anonymous, and those that might be, are easily correlated with facial recognition software.
Pretty soon your credit rating, whether you can get a medical procedure, or how you do in court will depend on how they think you voted.
Unlikely? Remember the ER crews and doctors who screeched they’d never provide care to a “Trumptard”? And I’ve posted about sentencing software before; the algorithms are proprietary, so nobody knows what the vendors are using to determine a sentence. In jurisdictions that make use of such software, a judge puts his career at risk if he doesn’t rule as the software suggests.
I commented once before that I worked in a jurisdiction that used such software for bail setting and it produced utterly preposterous results – the town drunk who was always in for urinating in public got the most dangerous designation despite no violent arrests and a gang member who shot someone but didn’t have local prior history was scored as a “no threat- own recognizance.” We were fortunate that the judges in the jurisdiction en mass said “this is stupid and dangerous, appeal me if you want but I’m not following it,” even the public defenders thought it was blindingly stupid and not one ever appealed. At risk of looking both foolish and impotent, the legislature backed down, making the software “advisory” instead of “binding” in the next legislative session. At which point the judges just outright ignored the software recs, not even gracing them with a passing comment. We got five new pensioned bureaucrat jobs out of it tho…
It was refreshing to see a group of judges with integrity.
It looks obvious to me that the muslim immigrants are demonstrating conclusively that they are incompatible with anything like a liberal democratic republic. If they can force the government to silence people on certain topics, then the most violent get to dictate the discourse and what is “acceptable speech.” You can see “hate speech” laws morphing overnight into blasphemy laws. The leaders of those countries either hate their own people, are total morons, or are totally controlled.
Sink the ships. They must go back.
“Suspended account”
Interesting video and channel
Guy is relatively leftist and annoying. And I realise how cars give freedom… but wow car centric cities do seem to suck from a livability POV.
He’s totally right in this. I love the biking paths and how you can move very fast on bikes. Most distances are small in the cities and you can get somewhere much faster on a bike. In the US though, you will get run over. There they have their own paths. If there were good biking paths, it could save the country a fortune in road construction. People would not get in a car if you could take a quick, safe dash on a dedicated bike path. They would save time and everyone would be healthier.
There’s one little, tiny problem, though. Negros. You can not travel on public transportation in many places in large US cities without being attacked by Negros or having them shit in the middle of the bus or some other horrible thing. What needs to happen is when Negros act like they do, then they are banned for a substantial amount of time from the premises of all public transit. Then it could be made to work. Otherwise, no one wants to spend a bunch of money on public transportation that only thugs and Negros can ride on.
Banning them doesn’t go far enough. Deport them to Africa once they demonstrate inability to live among civilized people.
We already also have Gab and Torba just made Mush a very good offer that he is ignoring.
Very little pushes my “antagonism” button faster than a rainbow flag, but they aren’t all raving perverts.
I am grateful for those that can put this in visual form.
Well. This is damned depressing. Just got a different attitude on teaching homeschooled kids. ( My own, *bless them*, knew we were in a really bad place because *NARCISSIST*, and are holding off on kids until Q (Bless Them) wins out. Or Not.
Sorry (not sorry), as long as “Rothschild” is STILL a recognizable word in this language, I am NOT getting NEAR anything resembling a “transporter”, or anything with “transhumanism”, or anything close to that. Wipe “Rothschild” completely out of existence, then get back to me
Hey AC, I was part of the GATE program when I was in grade school. I remember that in the 6th grade we were told about subliminal messaging in TV commercials and then shown different ads. Then we were asked to point out the subliminal messaging that we noticed in the ads. Another exercise I remember from the 4th or 5th grade was the teacher had 2 chicken eggs and showed us how one egg could be spun like a top and the other egg could not. Then she asked what might be different about the two eggs. None of us figured it out, but once she said that the egg that could be spun like a top was hard boiled, it made sense and I was disappointed I didn’t think of that. Just some things I remember. I’d never really thought about the GATE program afterward until I started reading your stuff. Anyway, just thought I’d share that with you.
Thank you. You never know what will be a hit with that subject. Somebody here mentioned the gogolplex thing off handedly, and suddenly we all realized we had all be given that show by another kid at some point.
Interesting, I think had the same 2 experiences.
Interesting. I believe I got the boiled egg thing, which might mean they have some sort of book or centrally organized list of things to present. I do not recall the ad thing, but it is possible. I have some very clear memories of those classes, but like many, when I think back I can’t really remember doing anything memorable most of the time I was in there, so there is a lot they must have presented which I was either really bored with, or don’t remember for other reasons.
I was homeschooled so I didn’t get any of that stuff.
But one I heard about from others is the measuring of tongues.
Why do they think tongue length is significant?
(I don’t think it was a GATE thing specifically, just something a bunch of teachers did)
There was a day one kid in class brought up tongue lengths, and had everybody showing each other where the little flap of skin under the tongue which determines how far you can stick your tongue out, connected into the underside of the tongue. One kids was way in back, and he could stick his tongue out and touch the tip to the tip of his nose, and another had it right up at the tip, and his tongue was pretty much stuck fully in his mouth. Not sure if that was related. Though it is another potential commonality, there wasn’t a big tension or urgency to get the info like there was with googolplex. It could have just been a stupid thing kids ended up doing when left alone. But it is curious.
They are taking in a lot of data on kids, and it is possible they are trying to figure things out, and what is related, and what is not.
I do get the impression they have some sense of a sort of bloodline-nationalism type thing. Like there is something genetically different between us and them, going back to our ancestral lines. They hide that from us, and make us all think we are all equal, but they know who is a “relative” and who is from the outsider tribe they need to keep suppressed. They may be looking for good physical tells they can use in the field with new people they happen across to quickly tell their own from their opposition.
Either that, or we are being farmed, their command ultimately traces up to the farmers, and the files they are assembling work their way up to the farmers and are to guide some sort of selective breeding thing they have going on. At this point there is no telling where the boundary of normal and bizarre is.
…and then there’s Elon. God, I hope he’s not an enemy, he’s too smart and funny to be following satan.
“Cash me outside” girl, Danielle Bregoli, 19, pays all cash $6.1 million for a mansion in Florida. After her appearance on TV at 13 she quickly began dating aspiring rappers (all in their 20’s) at 15 and started an onlyFans when she turned 18.
Classic successful monkey trick. Many young women will try to emulate this.
And he points out Musk is not so principled he opposed the Chinese releasing the virus, or torturing Uighurs, so the champion of free speech act is a little questionable.
You would have to be an utter rockhead to think Musk was about anything but himself, and if you think that somehow this clumpnugget is going to “save” us, please go get a Pfinedzer booster now. In fact, get several.