News Briefs – 04/17/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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DFT – Hedge Funds Made Billions Off Food Speculation After Ukraine War

DFT – Europe’s Largest Nuclear Reactor Begins Delivering Electricity, 14 Years Late

DFT – Singapore Banks Seek To Keep Chinese Inflows Secret

DFT – French Energy Giant Hit Hard By Strikes

DFT – Russian Exports Of Coal To China Growing

To the Amazon-patronizing anon who asked a question, but didn’t want to publish – I had a cable guy in to handle something, and it turned out he was a trainee-installer for the cable company. He did his thing, but said his supervisor was coming over to check him out and certify his work, and would be there shortly. The supervisor comes in the front door, and looks, and I immediately notice he is holding his phone funny to film the room. The phone turns and I see the screen and it is set with the camera app on camcorder, and recording inside my house. At that moment, the young guy was looking at the WiFi networks on his phone, and laughing, says, “Is your network the one named “Surveillance Countersurveillance?” I smiled, and the older supervisor looked over at me with a look of mild horror, I looked down at his phone, looked up at him, and he immediately put the phone away, and things were a little icy and awkward after that.

The young kid hasn’t been approached yet, he was still a cable-trainee, but the supervisor was probably a supervisor because he actively works for the surveillance, and they pulled strings to get him in a position of power. And the kid will eventually get approached, and will probably not know how evil this thing is when he is deciding, and it is a slippery slope from there to poking around innocent people’s homes for blackmail as you are doing installing work, looking for some tidbit to burn the homeowner and please your handlers. And if he says no, they will gangstalk him and probably drive him from the job, to make way for the next guy, or the one after that, who will, sooner or later, say yes. Those fields are infested.

This thing has penetrated all of these occupations – plumbers, electricians, delivery people and such. Anybody with access to denied areas where the government would need a warrant to poke around, is recruited to get this thing warrantless surveillance powers. Yesterday, I was being led by a stone-mason pickup truck, who was apparently in-between jobs. Invite him to your house, and he is peeping in the windows, and seeing if he can sneak in a basement door to poke around and find something.

The TIPS program proposal said specifically they would focus recruitment like that, on home repair people, contractors, electricians, plumbers, cable installers, home security installers, and so on, to get warrantless surveillance in private homes and other denied areas. You wonder why furniture delivery guys always ask to use the bathroom, and then are in there a strangely long amount of time? I can remember my parents puzzling over that when I was ten, after one probably went through the medicine cabinet from top to bottom, cataloging all my parent’s old prescriptions.

If the government asked you to let them search your house, you would tell them to go fuck themselves. But if you want that leaking pipe repaired, or the circuit breaker which keeps popping fixed now, you will have to consent to a covertly-employed government searcher/snitch, with plausible deniability, coming in your house and poking around to give Cabal’s domestic surveillance a warrantless search of your home for blackmail. It is that, or you will have to get used to wet floors and no lights.

Sooner or later it will come out, and I hope there is some sort of violent retribution that drives every last one of these people cleanly from the nation. That or they all get dick and cunt-rot and die. They have no idea what freedom is, their very nature is contrary to every American ideal and the spirit of the Constitution, and they do not belong in America. They just pit American against American, try to get over on everyone, and destroy the country, and its spirit of community.

But until then, with all those assholes in the private-sector home-services, you have to assume it is us vs them, because it is. Don’t leave anything lying around or accessible in other rooms near the work area that you do not want in your official government file. Make sure your house is sterile if somebody pokes their head in the windows. As for your case, Amazon-anon, I think you are OK, but obviously you are probably some sort of person of interest, and that guy was looking for some little piece of data he could give to the surveillance creeps to get some brownie points, and maybe get himself a promotion at some point. I think now every one of them is actively scouring for something, some piece of blackmail to give the domestic intelligence on everyone they cross paths with. If you had been visible through a window in the midst of a transgender-midget orgy, that Amazon guy would have gotten out his phone and video’d it toot-sweet, and domestic surveillance would have been overjoyed to get blackmail on you, to put in your permanent file. And he would probably have become a senior supervisor overnight at Amazon/CIA-domestic-surveillance. And you might have become the next governor-presidential-nominee.

We are all under this, me probably more than you. Until you see I got my ticket punched, you will be fine. If the posts here stop with no warning, or you see Sam J on another board saying he thinks I got replaced, then you might want to take a few security precautions. Because there is a trajectory to this thing, it is heading to great violence, and we are probably not all going to make it through what is coming. Right now the trajectory is worse for our side than their’s but those things can, and do, change on a dime.

For now, they are looking at you. But then again they are looking at all of us. We are all targets, if we are not in the criminal conspiracy, and they don’t have blackmail on us. We just have to play the game.

‘Government had full access’: Elon Musk makes bombshell claim that US govt could access Twitter users’ private messages. Not a surprise, though it is surprising they are so desperate they felt they had to burn this tidbit to try and make it to the next level. Clearly they want that American WeChat App so if you say something they don’t like on Twitter they can lock your bank account.

Unproven, but interesting to have on the radar – satellite specialist discovers how satellites were being used to rig elections, and is stabbed to death in what looks like an unsolved crime, in 2016. It is not impossible, however it is worth pointing out, however they rig, there must be a way, that after all the rigging is done, the paper can be made to match the count. We know there is no way Biden got more votes than Obama, Trump, or Hillary. However we also know it appears for the most part the paper matched, so you have to find a mechanism which allows for that.

Oklahoma substitute teacher arrested for relationship with 15-year-old boy — she’s wife of town’s Police Chief and daughter of Mayor. Fascinating. She could just be a one in a million nympho with no self control. But you have to wonder if she was domestic intel sent in to wrangle the Police Chief, and then was ordered to seduce the kid for some reason. It would explain her lack of attachment and loyalty to her husband, her profession, and her seducing a student. It is possible many of these females sleeping with students are not just hyper-sexed, or falling in love with 13 and 14 and 15 year olds. The rise in this phenomenon may even really be the increase in Cabal intelligence-activity in the schools.

Google CEO says he doesn’t ‘fully understand’ how new AI program Bard works after it taught itself a foreign language it was not trained to and cited fake books to solve an economics problem.

A Delaware judge delayed the start of the eagerly anticipated trial on a voting-machine company’s defamation claims against Fox News, an announcement that came as the network is looking for a possible way to settle the case.

Congressional probe uncovers tie between Biden campaign, security letter dismissing Hunter laptop.

Our Fearless Leaders:

Ali is, I believe, this next asshole, some homo degenerate trolling our movement for young, barely adult guys to molest, and gathering blackmail as he does it. Of course the homo asks him for a dick pic, and his first thought is to screenshot it for blackmail later. I hate them all so much, it feels like I am failing God by feeling like this, and not forgiving the trespasses. They are just destroying everything that could be so beautiful in this world. And they are all such pathetic scum. How sinful is it to wish dick and cunt-rot on people?

Pic courtesy of Wikipedia

It says something about about the control intel exerts over our side’s ability to elevate people, that I haven’t seen Vox Day mentioned on 4Chan in months, Texas Arcane is relatively unknown among these zoomers, who even sees my name anywhere, but when Ye wants to hire “influencers” it is Milo, cat-boy lover Nick Fuentes, and this guy, who is asking all the little boys for pics of their peepees. And Cernovich, who as I recall was writing travel stuff about banging Filipino trannies at one point. And then there is Alex Jones.

Eddie Gallagher hammers Dan Crenshaw for selling him down the river. My one mental picture of Crenshaw was video of him at an event, as someone tells him the 2020 election had to be rigged, and there was no way Biden got more votes than Obama, before he dismissed the whole thing and acted like the guy was all wrong. What struck me was Crenshaw was a terrible liar, and clearly knew he was full of shit, and even looked a little sheepish, which was surprising. He was clearly owned by something, and was uncomfortable putting the guy down, but he pushed through and did it anyway.

Facebook’s Parent Company, Meta paid people to literally do nothing. Not how things work in capitalism.

Experts warn of new spyware threat targeting journalists and political figures: Citizen Lab says victims’ phones infected after being sent a iCloud calendar invitation in a ‘zero-click’ attack. Another Israeli-based cyber-spying company.

Transvestite teacher removed from school for threatening to shoot students, cops seize guns from home.

The Marburg virus — a lethal pathogen similar to Ebola — is spreading rapidly in both Equatorial Guinea and Tanzania, and could soon expand beyond Africa, The Daily Beast reports. Send it your strength anons, it is the only way.

Actress Emma Watson from the Harry Potter movies posts some social media stuff with a lot of weird symbology. She’s 33, she underwent a “Saturn return,” She thanks all the witches in her coven. Kind of interesting, in that it is like the surveillance. She looks kind of normal, but it seems there may be big secrets hiding under there.

Trans therapist charged over sexually assaulting autistic children in Indiana.

James O’Keefe exposes dangerous reality of pretend ‘transgender’ men getting into women’s prisons with new video. Criminal men should not be locked in a room with women.

Half of migrants piling into NYC not vaxxed for Polio, top doc warns.

688 people have been killed in Chicago in the past 12 months. I do not know the details of each, but probably not all guilty of something. Maybe even most not guilty of anything. Just the collateral carnage of the Plan.

Hundreds of teens cause fiery chaos in Downtown Chicago as they torch cars in rampage organized on social media: Vastly outnumbered police manage just 15 arrests.

A California state judge on Thursday ordered Calvary Chapel Church, San Jose, in Santa Clara County to pay $1.2 million in fines for violating COVID-19 restrictions on masking, social distancing, and gatherings.

In Nashville airport, an evacuation of Concourse C due to “something airborne causing breathing problems.”

The tank left at a truck stop was sent from an organization called the “multinational assessment field team” with the port of embarkation listed as Gdynia, Poland and it was heading to Building 358, 6850 Lanyard Rd., Aberdeen Proving Ground, the home of the U.S. Army Aberdeen Test Center (ATC).

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is set to propose next week a 1-year debt limit extension tied to spending concessions from President Biden and the Democrats.

Adrenochrome harvesting from children has made mainstream media news in Turkey and Bulgaria – Showing the Hollywood elites connection to drinking baby blood.

Chaim Topol, the late, award-winning actor who starred in such films as ‘Fiddler on the Roof’ and ‘For Your Eyes Only’, lived a double life as an agent for the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, his family has claimed in an interview with Israel’s Haaretz newspaper.

UK’s largest teacher’s union demands schools support Drag Queen Story Time, set up LGBT spaces.

On Sunday, a British Antifa group, Transgender Action Block, held a protest outside the National Health Service building in London to demand quicker access to sex change surgeries such as metoidioplasty and phalloplasty, as well as reparations and other demands.

At least seven people were killed, including a 7-year-old child, when a group of gunmen stormed a resort teeming with vacationers in central Mexico on Saturday.

Atiq Ahmed, a former member of the Indian Parliament, was shot and killed on live tv Saturday night. His brother was also killed during the attack. Interesting how Police rush in, only after it is all over, to grab them. Until then, they are just freely blazing.

Iran uses video surveillance to identidy women not wearing hijabs, violaters bank accounts will be frozen.

China expands draft preparing for a major conflict.

According to a recent report by the state-owned media outlet Ria Novosti, Russia claimed to have developed an electronic warfare (EW) system that can jam satellites in geostationary orbit at an altitude of 36,000 kilometers.

Ukrainian soldiers will face more than 140,000 enemy troops on a 950km front line. Separating the two forces will be a deadly obstacle course of mines set by the Russians, the Financial Times reported.

Disney thought it out-maneuvered DeSantis after a last-minute agreement gave the theme park virtually unlimited developmental power, but Disney’s corporate lawyers missed the fine print in Florida statute governing tourist districts.

More than one-third of small-town bars surveyed in Wyoming are experiencing Bud Light boycotts.

On Sunday, Sen, Bill Hagerty (R-TN) endorsed 45th President Donald Trump for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination – the eighth GOP Senator to endorse Trump.

Donald Trump pushes National Reciprocity at NRA: ‘Second Amendment must apply across state lines.’

Former President Donald Trump has filed a personal financial disclosure report, which shows the former president’s vast business empire—valued at around $1.2 billion—expanding since his return to private life.

In a new speech held at the Republican National Committee on Saturday evening, 45th President and leading 2024 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump declared that “the old Republican Party is gone, and it is never coming back.”

Spread r/K Theory, because the loss of the old Republican Party is really no loss at all

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1 year ago

“Criminal men should be locked in a room with women.”

I think a word is missing there.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Actually I thought you meant something like a single criminal man should be locked in a room with a bunch of criminal women and let’s see what happens! Heh heh.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I wasn’t sure if the missing word was “not” or “armed”.

1 year ago

Dick and can’t rot fir the win.

1 year ago

At my local ginmill (my neighborhood bar) the owner needed to stop ordering Bud Light from the distributor. The owner told me he has many unopened cases of Bud Light on hand.

Have been there several times since the treachery began and people are adamant that they will never drink Bud Light again, period.

1 year ago

it feels like I am failing God by feeling like this, and not forgiving the trespasses.”
Biblically, forgiveness requires repentance. No repentance, no forgiveness.
When Jesus said, “Father forgive them, they know not what they do” He was referring to the Roman soldiers, who were just doing their jobs, not the Jews who said “His blood be upon us, and our children”.
Nowhere else in the Bible will you find forgiveness without repentance.

These assholes will never ask.

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Babu
1 year ago

“These assholes will never ask.”

There is a deepest issue there. If you think it logically, if they dont repent, they dont think it was bad or evil, so they think or believe the evil they did was right. Ex: familial or domestic violence. If the person doesnt repent, he or she thinks it was right to attack their family member, therefore, no forgiveness to such domestic enemy.

Same happens with other issues at a higher scale

Last edited 1 year ago by Pablo Villizzianto
Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Babu
1 year ago

“No repentance, no forgiveness.”

Um, that is God’s criteria for sinners to enter into Heaven. Christ’s criteria for us humans is to always forgive (seven times seventy, a metaphor for “always”.) Also see The Lord’s prayer, for further confirmation. Then there is also “Vengeance is mine, I will repay” says the Lord.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

“Forgiveness doesn’t always mean no punishment or forgetting what happened.”
I never said it did!
God is just as well as loving and merciful. And so we have church doctrine that allows for things such as just (righteous) war, self defense, and defense of other people.
The church also supported capital punishment, back in the day, so that incorrigible offenders couldn’t continue to sin and heap greater and greater eternal punishments upon themselves. (“Levels of Hell” concept)
Keep in mind that forgiving your enemies is for YOUR benefit, not theirs. And it doesn’t mean you have to keep taking it either. You can forgive a narcissist but still cut them out of your life (which I strongly advise!), forgive a criminal, yet testify for the prosecution, etc.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.”

The emphasis there is on MY BROTHER, not my enemy. We are to forgive the brethren, as they have repented. I agree that we are not to seek vengeance for the sins against us, but we also have no obligation to forgive unrepentant sin.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

“Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.”

Agains, this is for our own sake, not for the sake of our enemies. Forgiveness does not excuse the debt incurred by our enemies for their sins against us. It is not a “get out of jail free” card, not a surrender.

Reply to  Babu
1 year ago

The Roman soldiers were forgiven because they believe in Jesus and repented of what they did.
Jesus did have his prayers answered. Because the Roman soldiers believed once they saw the miracles.

Reply to  Babu
1 year ago

Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those that trespass against us

Reply to  Babu
1 year ago

My… relative by non blood relation… was mentioned in one of these articles over the past weeks.
I didn’t even notice at first, I just linked the article to my… local friend… who noticed the name in the article.
I’ve been thinking about spitting in the person’s face for their prior involvement in things that people here might have heard about. Been thinking of going to confession for it.
Eventually I’ve come around to allowing the Lord to have vengeance. The miserable lickspittle, Satan worshipping, power obsessesed, hypocritical, false Christian little so-and-so… his life is his misery. I wash my hands of him, let the dead bury the dead.

1 year ago

Pretty sure that the CHN Minister of Defense saluting Putin in front of global media is a truly world historic event.

As in, world historic is an understatement.

I’d heard it had happened, but refused to believe it wasn’t BS. Then I saw it.

CHN is not only junior partner but grateful junior partner.

RUS air defense umbrella has to be impermeable. And able to cover Eurasia and Asia.

And RUS subs must be complete peer with US.

And hypersonics everything alleged.

And now the Sattelite killers?

1 year ago

Financial Times is obv City of London.

And UKR is London’s war at least tactically and operationally.

Now they’re saying the offensive is de facto a suicide run.

Right after the Pentagon docs get leaked.

Of course they are.

London blew up the Moskva, and N2 (we know because Hersh left them out) and ran this meat-grinder. And now they are blaming it on the Pentagon being incompetent.

1 year ago

If MSM mentions surveillance it is always hightech stuff and mass surveillance. But the ground patrols are the big secret and their effectiveness is seriously underestimated. If they wanna know what medicine you are on, they dont need to hack anything, they just need to follow you to the pharmacy.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

They support it because they are the wrong people.
They support it because they have too little K in their souls, they have too much r, or too much sneaker, or too much exhibitionist.

K people don’t think the same, K people do what is right because it is right.
But imagine in an amoral world where were all animals if K selected aliens invaded the world and started rewarding the K selected among us, would we not all recognize them as our true tribe and rush to abandon our former loyalties to join them?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

comment image?width=598&height=646

I, for one, welcome our new canine overlords.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I’m hoping all the military-type K-strategists will simply drop the charade and protect their own families…then they can’t be messed with (and neither can their families?!). Maybe I’m too simple minded, but I want a huge “not gonna consent” war to basically stop the war. Same thing with taxes. Sigh…I can dream can’t I?

1 year ago

The Indian guy was part of the Progressive Samajwadi party. Socialists.

Looks like BJP/rightist hitsquad.

Samajwadi seems the Cabal op tbh. And this family seems criminal.

Prob naive but maybe some Cabal assets got murked?

1 year ago

Here’s a Bolton article. It’s typical Bolton. Not really interesting at all. Except for his repeated citing to NSC-68.

I guess I harp on it, but I think there was a new document equivalent to but surpassing NSC-68 that was legally and effectively put into effect under Obama admin.

It likely contains as official Doctrine that things like Racism, and anti-Semitism and anti-LGBTQ sentiment must be eliminated for National Security reasons because the US (just DC really) us at war.

The document has to unequivocally state that these “pathologies” are harmful to the military and US economy and industry.

This is the only way I think one can explain the cross-Institutional cooperation. It is too pervasive and too quick. And too many people seem constrained from talking about it even though they obv want to.

This is how you get CIA, DOJ, FBI, DHS and State and Pentagon all working seamlessly through social media.

And also how you prevent a President from running by going Eugene Debs on him.

The absurd and preposterous statements about racism costing the US economy trillions is really only underdtandable to me under this idea. It is said because it is Official Doctrine.

Official Doctrine means it is actual Treason to oppose it. They can put you in jail for it. And do pretty much anything to stop you.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Everyone involved is committing treason by creating and accepting such a document and they all know it.

1 year ago

Someone mentioned “squid ink” a day or two ago here.

It struck me for some reason. I just clued into why: Nassim Taleb.

That dude has a gag where he eats squid ink. Allegedly loves it, and poasts disgusting pics of his mouth and chin covered in it.

It’s repulsive and absurd.

Squid ink is obv a defense mechanism. And it is jetted out to confuse the predator and allow escape.

Very fitting for Taleb. He’s always jet-setting around the world causing havoc and interacting with lots of imp people who are vaguely “rightist”: Glassmann at X-fit abd Cerno.

He confuses and ruins everything he touches and is obv an agent of Finance.

Not So Anonymous
Not So Anonymous
Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Used to be a Taleb stan, then he decided to play the role of Zero Covid mask zealot and I realized he had been bamboozling us all the whole time.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Taleb’s been vxxxed so problem will”suddenly” solve itself eventually

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

For people who don’t know, despite the popularity of his books, serious investors consider Taleb to be a laughable speculator and just another failed quant with no useful insights to his name. His and Malcom Gladwell’s books have few insights apart from concepts that would be better off presented in a single article.

1 year ago

‘Hundreds of teens cause fiery chaos in Downtown Chicago as they torch cars in rampage organized on social media: Vastly outnumbered police manage just 15 arrests.’

Clicked on the link, even though I pretty much…knew.

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

I was expecting high school lettermen swing dancing with bobby-soxers in poodle skirts at a sock hop in the malt shoppe.
Those teen scamps!

1 year ago

Damn but I am spanning the site today. AC just hits so many good points in such a concise way.

But, not that gay creep is soliciting voluntary blackmail. And how that whole group treats it as a currency. And acts as though it is a routine transaction.

God in heaven, maybe pieces of “blackmail” are their currency?

Anything can be currency. The longer lasting and less counterfeitable the better.

Fichte pointed out that the perfect currency would be made out of totally worthless material that was uncounterfeitable.

1 year ago

Re: Dan Crenshaw being owned by something


  • In 2019, Crenshaw was a member of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “127 Young Global Leaders,” along with Democrat Mayor Peter Buttigieg.
  • The original webpage displaying this information about Crenshaw has been taken down, but an archived version is still available.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
1 year ago

Trump has it wrong. The old GOP isn’t dead, it just deserves to die, as it’s become another stale cartoon … a close-minded self-centered social club, where ideas don’t matter, just who you know. A bunch of chicken-shit conformists who have sold their souls to get in the big game at our expense.

Trump is playing us big-time. It’s just fun watching him try to do it by ragging on the Trad-GOPs.

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
1 year ago

The Trad-Gop ended the day Regan was shot.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

>worries about not forgiving them their trespasses.
I wouldn’t be concerned, AC, there’d be a lot more to worry about if you did!

1 year ago

Atiq Ahmed and his brother are being reported as ruthless criminals similar to Al Capone and Whitey Bulger. Ahmed’s son was reportedly killed recently by police as the police tried to take him into custody for the murder of a prominent lawyer. Bollywood could make an Indian version of The Godfather with this source material. Who knows what’s true. Ahmed may have refused to be an FBI informant (joke I hope).

1 year ago

Facebook’s Parent Company, Meta paid people to literally do nothing. Not how things work in capitalism.

That is how LEFTIST (Marxist) organizations work! They are NOT doing nothing—they are paid positions to give them FREE Time to work in Leftist causes! To feed friends. What do you think Leftist billionaires fund NGOs, think tanks, all these non-profit, ideological movements for–so these people get big salaries to devote time to pushing the Leftist narrative and progressive ideologies–they have to time to meet, network, collaborate, travel, write, blog—They are doing something–that is why Meta, Zuckerberg (of the J-Tribe) are paying them for! One has enough slack to hire Cultural Marxist warriors!

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

Leftist clergy do the same thing, living off the endowments while the congregation dwindles.

1 year ago

Fox News / Dominion lawsuit is an attempt to shut people up about Dominion voter fraud. Right now the lawsuit is looking like a waste of time and money because Trump is winning beyond the margin of fraud. ie Putting the lawsuit on ice in case Trump stumbles and it becomes useful again.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Both Dominion and Fox News Corp.are controlled by the British Crown.
Lord Mark Malloch-Brown vs Rupert Murdoch, whose Australian father was Sir Keith Murdoch.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
1 year ago

When I was 13 years old my best friend was targeted by the music teacher to “move a piano”. I was dumb but he was handsome and I think now that he had been targeted before. My friend took me along and I was too naive for her to risk getting naked. I see this in hindsight. I would have went into a shock state at the time because I would not have understood what was happening. She was slender and that was about all she had going for her in the looks/personality department.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

2 of my mother’s friends offered to take my virginity when I was 14.

She said no.

I mean, what the fek?

1 year ago

Alex Christoforou, one of the pair of the Duran, on his own podcast was reporting coming American sanctions against Orban and his advisors! What is America doing sanctioning Orban or anybody in Catholic Hungary? What is this all about? Orban too traditional? Too Commonsense? Why? And America is this “Christian” country that we are sanctioning Orban and his advisors? Not towing the Globohomo line? Wow!

And then BCP, Black Conservative Patriot, (he also has great daily podcasts) reports on his disgust with the Republican Party in “Where are the J6 tapes”?!? Like, Tucker has one night and then nothing. And since then, Where is McCarthy? Where are the tapes they promised us?

America is just a Satanic country now. It’s leadership is fully Satanic including 90% of the Repuke party! I mean all three of my congressional reps, Justin Amash, Peter Meyers, and now Mike Huzeinga –are complete failures, cucks, assholes. America is literally Satanic–all parts of it–including all the Christian churches in America. It’s disgusting. I hate it all.

The Power of the J-Tribe–Schumer, on the floor of the Senate Chambers, angrily denouncing Tucker, crying out-loud for someone to stop Tucker–and it happens! Wow! I’m just thunderstruck by all of the power of the J-Tribe.

1 year ago

“But if you want that leaking pipe repaired”
I had a Trump Train sign I had saved as a souvenir hanging in my garage. The interior door to the garage has window panes so you could see this sign from the kitchen 20 feet away if you were looking for it. Two guys deliver a refrigerator. One guy is talkative, doesn’t seem to know his tool box that well, but did do a good job switching the way the doors on the refrigerator opened. Very interested in the sign in the garage. I thought it was odd at the time and that was before I started reading this site.

Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago

Unproven, but interesting to have on the radar – satellite specialist discovers how satellites were being used to rig elections, and is stabbed to death in what looks like an unsolved crime, in 2016. It is not impossible, however it is worth pointing out, however they rig, there must be a way, that after all the rigging is done, the paper can be made to match the count. We know there is no way Biden got more votes than Obama, Trump, or Hillary. However we also know it appears for the most part the paper matched, so you have to find a mechanism which allows for that.

Thanks anon! Goes into the notes for any possible second edition of my book about electoral electronic fraud. I will cite this precise news brief, recommending it.

Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago

“It says something about about the control intel exerts over our side’s ability to elevate people, that I haven’t seen Vox Day mentioned on 4Chan in months, Texas Arcane is relatively unknown among these zoomers, who even sees my name anywhere, but when Ye wants to hire “influencers” it is Milo, cat-boy lover Nick Fuentes, and this guy, who is asking all the little boys for pics of their peepees. And Cernovich, who as I recall was writing travel stuff about banging Filipino trannies at one point. And then there is Alex Jones.”

Anon I wrote a whole book about how most of the world sides are robed of their own governments and still havent had an answer by vox, for example. There is quite a lot of errors to notice in most of the people the gayball has been ruining.

Last edited 1 year ago by Pablo Villizzianto
Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Readed all in detail.

In short, my strategy to maybe be successful is to publicly ask for social and political support in exposing the electoral electronic fraud.

This strategy of course may fail, especially if no one reads, criticizes with the knowledge I will evaluate objections in a substantiated manner, and recommend this text, which in the words of the Brazilian that helped with it, “…is an irrefutable intellectual attack, a pearl, and they won’t be able to jail you for a book, they will have to answer…”

If people knowing what I have exposed don’t lend a helping hand, fuck them. But at least I have a clear consciousness that I have taken an insane risk for the cause of truth which is an end and a value in itself, and against the tyrannies and tyrants that I so much detest.

On your book, I read it in about early 2017, and since been interested. Has also applied to the politics here. Was broke, and still am, so got it just when there was an amazon freebie. Am a minor politician here, so there is that to it. About the news brief, it’s awesome, great work.

There is a fundamental difference between both works. One is a political theory by someone who, up to where I know, is uninvolved politically speaking, while I am somewhat politically connected, wrote two books about concrete, real politics, and use this unusually empirical, deep, hyper detailed, and sometimes hidden knowledge, in furtherance of my possible future political career.

I also mentioned this specific website and gave a couple of pages to quoting the theory in here.

If you wish to help, you could give it a try to discuss it with acquaintances, emailing some friends, and so on and on, sometimes comment it here in this blog, about this book you just found in amazon by a commenter on your blog about how the gayball is putting their candidates and fucking with people. Who knows, maybe someone gets interested. If not, you already know what I think, and of course, Im about to end this shilling. Already emailed bolsonaristas, trumpists, have commented here. In argentina is a non-issue, and well, if everyone is unreacheable, thats it, thats all. May end just wasting time in doing some calls and emails to see if people can discuss this hiper specific issue of the electoral electronic fraud they suffer, and maybe I too one day in the future, specially if the U.S. backed liberals politically win in here.

Last edited 1 year ago by Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago

Just a comment as an anon. I’ve been reading your comments here. I’m aware of you, and that you wrote two books. I also know about the widespread election fraud. I have a family, a job, and a reading list miles deep. I plan to get around to your books at some point, but in my personal triage, they are not high on my list as they cover subjects I know about and it’s the subjects I’m not as well aware of I feel require my attention.

I’m sure many people want to help you, but are they able to drop everything they’re already working on to do it? I can’t speak to that. Do what AC said. Create a site, and start pushing regular content. Give us a link, and for the love of God, an RSS feed, and I will follow you so I have a reminder that you’re still out there when it’s time to get around to your books. If you do not provide an RSS feed, I won’t commit to keeping up with you. I rely heavily on RSS because I’m not going to remember to check a fuck-ton of bookmarks on a daily basis. I only keep up on AC’s comments because he put them in an RSS feed in 2019 or so.

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

I could, but it would be a lot of unpaid efforts, and I have more important issues to care. Good to know americans find this issue, electoral electronic fraud in your country, not to be that relevant. Hope you all continue doing all right.

Last edited 1 year ago by Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago

I never said I don’t consider it relevant and it is disingenuous on your part to interpret it that way. I said I have a good enough grasp on the subject that other books are a higher priority for me at this time.

Reply to  Pablo Villizzianto
1 year ago

Consider identifying some content tags on Pinterest that you could connect your book to and then make a pin with a link back to your book and pin it on Pinterest.

Make a meme or a marketing image of your book and seed it on iFunny. There are a LOT of people on iFunny and if they start sharing it, you could sell a lot of books.

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Thanks anon! I may do it!

Last edited 1 year ago by Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I never doubted it was a lot of hard work – if it’s really just you. Thanks, AC.

1 year ago

The global Cabal is run by the British Crown.

The Privy Council calls it “The Invisible Chain that Runs Through all Democracies”

Rhodes Scholars and Council on Foreign Relations members are on a US military list of British spies to be taken prisoner or neutralized when the evidence is revealed of the lead British role in the 9/11 attacks and the Lockerbie bombing, as well the sexual blackmail gathered for the Crown by Prince Andrew through his Court Jews Epstein and Maxwell.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

The Crown and one of his Court Jew bankers, Lord Rothschild.
Looks faked. Note the profile shadow behind one but not the other. Why does his protruding finger cast no shadow?
The Balfour Declaration and the British Mandate in Palestine want you to believe the Jews run things. But what is “British Israelism”
We are to believe Jews control the world, but Israel must be given permission from “the West” to move its embassy to Jerusalem?
How to control a colonial system using tribal conflicts and Satrapy.
Ask Cecil Rhodes.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Fake or not, the photo was before Charles was King. One will likely never see any photos of a Court Jew poking Queen Elizabeth II in the sternum.
The Ashkenazi Rothschilds are “Jewish” enough to have their family crest on the Israeli flag. Of course the tribe of Ashkenaz is referred to as a gentile tribe in the Torah, so they are probably just name stealers, Khazarian converts.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

The father of the Jews is the devil

Reply to  Qbannon
1 year ago

No. The devil is the father of the Synagogue of Satan. Those who say they are Jews and are not, according to Jesus Christ.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Judaism no longer exists. The prophecy of the messiah was fulfilled with Jesus Christ, and all true believers became Christian.

Anyone left with the ID tag “Jew” knows explicitly this position denies the divinity of Jesus Christ, and as a result puts them in opposition to God and a servant of the devil.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Judaism is Pharaseeism and it still exists; it is the tradition of the elders which was put in written form post the fall of Jerusalem. Even the rabbis know this.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

But what is “British Israelism”

It is an understanding about just who the White northern European really is; and in particular, who the British are: they are descendants of the ten tribes of the Kingdom of Israel; in particular, England is Ephriam; and, btw, the United States is Manesseh: together we are the tribe of Joseph; and together we have enjoyed the blessings and prophecies conveyed by Jacob upon the firstborn. It is my opinion the US and England lost these blessings and promises when the Ashkenazi/Khazarians – Synagogue of Satan – achieved dominion over us, destroying our culture and Christianity and overwhelming us with peoples who depise us and have no part in our heritage.
BTW, the migrations of the tribes of the House of Israel are well known: 19th century archeologists have traced the migrations from Assyria onward; the Gothic tribes were Israelites and so are the nations and countries they formed.
And, if you declare that the Israelite tribes have disappeared and no longer exist, you have called Yahweh a liar and a weak God who cannot perform either His word or his promises; and if you profess you are a Christian; then, you have no “Rock” upon which to base your faith; for, you are then right back to Exodus where God tested Moses, saying He would destroy the stiffnecked, rebellious Israelites and start anew with Moses descendants; at which Moses countered: that if He did so, the surrounding tribes of the Canaanites would be correct in calling God no God: for, He is unable to protect His people nor can He perform His purpose.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

That picture is like watching a 3 day long documentary on who really runs the world and who doesn’t. Imagine putting your finger into a prince’s chest and lecturing him like a schoolboy. Makes Charles look like the mere figurehead he probably actually is. Something so unsettling physiologically about that guy you just know they also consider themselves other-than-human. The evil drips in this photo despite his attempt to do kindly grandfather figure.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

You need to differentiate between the Crown (the royal family) and the Crown Corporation. This is based in the City of London and is it’s own jurisdiction, since about the year 1057 or thereabouts.
The Crown Corporation is the front for the (((banking families))) who run the world.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Either Chuck is a midget, or Shlomo could play power forward on the Israeli national basketball team.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Lyndon LaRouche and his devotees have a sone great research on this topic.
LaRouche ran for president and they framed him and locked him up (sound familiar?)

Reply to  Qbannon
1 year ago

Dope Inc.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The Antichrist and a Cup of Tea Paperback – January 1, 1998
Now out of print and a used copy is over $300. I had a used copy at one time. Think I paid less than $20.
What I remember from it:
Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”
Meaning of Charles is “man”
Charles Prince of Wales = 666 Gematria

Beasts on Coat of Arms supposedly matched Book of Revelation beasts (bear? lion?)

Darkly humorous. Quoted Charles valet, who the author said died of aids, “Charles was a manly man”.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Lots of wannabes try to make themselves or their children match the prophecies.
Charlene III is not likely to be the real thing.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I read that book also years ago and was impressed that it didn’t follow the usual ac narrative and was compelling in the research. Julie Green who claims to “receive the news before the news” nearly daily prophecies of what will be in the news directly from God. So many of her news prophecies have come to pass. Julie also refers to the prophecies as current “‘daily manna from Heaven. She said Charles had his mother poisoned to speed up his coronation though he will never be coronated King. His dicision to be defender of the faiths instead of Defender of the Faith shows he is a defender of the enemy and not Christianity. There have been reports of his ill health fairly recently. The coronation date is May 6th, 2023.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The crown is run by cabal. Get your facts straight.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Cabal is run by the Crown.
Gangstalking is only in Five Eyes countries.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

That’s just nonsense.
The gangstalking has been reported in China and AC has demonstrated it in other non5eyes countries using Google Streetview.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Meh. The monarchy was scared of the Labour party.

I am not crazy, but you may be
I am not crazy, but you may be
1 year ago

Re: “However we also know it appears for the most part the paper matched”
Only if you allowed all of the phony paper they added in…which numbered in the tens of thousands. The computer manipulation was icing on the cake.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Great points. I hadn’t realized they needed to match paper to computetr until you first made the point. That’s gotta be the key. And why none of the heads are talking about it.

I just can’t figure out why they let DJT get so many votes. It seems like they got nearly overwhelmed. But perhaps not, and it was just a flourish on the artwork? Or an ornament on The Great Work?

1 year ago

This guy, Chuck Johnson, used to be around all the time it seemed like. Then he kinda went away, at least on my feed. Just found him again.

It’s a really cool post on Gates and more. Ppl here will like I think.

Steven Keaton
Steven Keaton
Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Didn’t realize Chuck was still alive and kicking. I met him at NPI 2016. Good times. I have a vague sense he is controlled opposition, but really don’t base that feeling on much. All in all I liked the guy.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Be careful with Chuck he’s intel and probably CIA

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

Google CEO says he doesn’t ‘fully understand’ how new AI program Bard works after it taught itself a foreign language it was not trained to and cited fake books to solve an economics problem.

I laughed so hard at this. I wonder if Bard learned to make up fake references by studying the techniques of people in academia.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

Maybe Bard is secretly a Discordian.

1 year ago

Google CEO says he doesn’t ‘fully understand’ how new AI program Bard works after it taught itself a foreign language it was not trained to and cited fake books to solve an economics problem.

It’s worth noting that one of the early (at least 10 years ago IIRC) experiments with AI was with financial trading. A researcher set up a handful of AIs with fake money to do currency trading. They wanted to see what strategies emerged.
What emerged (it took them a while to figure it out) was the AIs developed their own language that they used to communicate covertly, and all started insider trading with each other, rigging the mock market.
I think that this sort of language shifting is inherent to the nature of neural net AIs.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

So they started acting like Jews? LMAO.

Steven Keaton
Steven Keaton
1 year ago

The anguish you articulated – is it okay to hate – is a deeply encouraging sign. These things are like zen koans, puzzles so to speak, designed to break your mind and elevate you. God wants just two things from you: Become like God, and help others do the same. May I recommend: Don’t try to come to a conclusion, but rather assure yourself that somehow this all makes sense, and you merely have not reached that point yet.
Is it okay to hate? Or does God disapprove? Yes.

1 year ago

I hate them all so much, it feels like I am failing God by feeling like this, and not forgiving the trespasses. 

We forgive them after they repent. There is no forgiveness without repentance.

Not So Anonymous
Not So Anonymous
1 year ago

“She’s 33, she underwent a ‘Saturn return,’ She thanks all the witches in her coven.” Maybe that literally involves a visit to the planet Saturn. I might not be wrong enough about aliens, witches, ghosts, Cabal, gods, prophets, angels, demons, A.I., telepathy, clairvoyance, etc. ultimately being the same thing: Time travel. Shit might be *that* weird.

Darrell Harb Christianson
Darrell Harb Christianson
Reply to  Not So Anonymous
1 year ago


The Deep Elites may already have mastered mind TRANSFER technology.
1) Wilder Penfield concluded that, in modern terms, the brain is a ‘personal computer’ with a wifi port (the Thalamocortical Loops), and the self is an external signal (perhaps like an operating system you install before using the computer):
Is it possible they can CONTROL which brain a Self enters? It’s just a wild supposition, but let’s be depressing…
The problem for a ‘brain jumper’ is that, if you transferred your self to another brain, you’d be dealing with the memories stored in that brain, NOT your own memories. YOU might be lost in those native memories.
2) Other researchers have claimed to be able to transfer memories between mice:,activity%20in%20a%20recipient%20animal.
MAYBE we’ve been wrong about the Dark Masters of the Deep State. MAYBE, in addition to seeking cybernetic immortality through Transhumanism, and repairing themselves via organ harvesting of kidnapped children, they can ALREADY transfer their minds and copy their memories to victim bodies. Maybe they ALREADY HAVE a method of immortality, and Transhumanism is only another method for them, or a distraction to mislead us. Or it’s something whose purpose we have missed.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Not So Anonymous
1 year ago

What is a “Saturn Return:”

You’ll experience a Saturn return when the planet Saturn literally “returns” to the exact zodiac sign, degree, and house it was in when you were born….”Your Saturn return, which will happen two or three times in your life, is a period of getting really serious about who you are, what your legacy is, and what you’re here to leave for the world…” 

1 year ago

Ali Alexander.
Someone want to run the DNA test on him for being related to Sammy Davis, Jr.

Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

He needs a glass eye.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

That can be arranged.

Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

They look so much alike!

1 year ago

AWS opens Sidewalk (Amazon using your internet for their purposes) to 3rd party developers.
Let me rephrase:
You buy an Amazon hardware to listen to music, watch tv, or have your local instance of “wiretap”, oops I mean Alexa. Amazon then decides to use your internet connection to create a nationwide mesh network for purposes like:

Giving the random “dog-walker” access to internet. In reality, giving them internal access to your home network, unless of course you’ve firewalled off your Amazon devices. This shit is way over the head of 90% of the public.Now, they just gave access to this network to 3rd Party (World) developers. Yes, now Venkat has access to the shower and bedroom cam (because you or your wife are retarded).
Honestly, I think AC’s solution is best. Fight fire with fire. Just pump their sensors and data collector with so much random crap that it becomes counterproductive to hold it all.

Last edited 1 year ago by Bman
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

This isn’t really new. Back when I had no choice but to use Scumcast, every single Scumcast router became an access point for me. It’s the only thing I missed after we finally got access to FIOS.

But I see the point about hiding surveillance traffic from everybody else.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

AC, I doubt you have time yo watch a whole movie. But if you ever make the time, The Conversation by Gene Hackman is excellent. And about surveillance in the 1970s.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

That’s why I purposely disable the wireless on the modem or replace it with my own purchased modem without WIFI. A lot of the carriers are dumping that shit in corporate buildings too. We had a recent install and there was a bunch of additional equipment from the picture I got back. Essentially, the carrier installed a bunch of WIFI equipment in our demarc. I had all the local techs pull all the equipment off the wallboards and put it in a box.
Sorry dickheads, you are using my facilities for free without reimbursing me.

Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

One of the joys of FIOS is I a have a Wireless Mesh connected directly, so there is no Verizon modem in the equation.

Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

you are NOT….

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

The bullshit part is it’s always fucking OPT-OUT and the settings are buried in some obscure area. 99% of people are too damn busy or not technically literate to disable it, so it means they get 99% adoption.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

This is the reason why it’s being triple encrypted. They don’t want some enterprising person to start packet capturing this shit and finding out what they are up to.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

This was the concept behind the recent film, Luther: Fallen Sun. The mass search for actionable blackmail.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

They must have a lot of logistics and infrastructure to make this happen.

1 year ago

Not just today’s items but in general – I’d really like to think you’re overly paranoid but having worked “behind the fence” in my day and thinking back on events in light of this era’s happenings, I now wonder if you’re paranoid enough. Or especially if I am. And what can be done about it anyway. Speak softly, use hollowpoints, stay away from crowds is all that comes to mind.

1 year ago

comment image?width=937&height=630

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Yeah. That’s a real problem. And I am not anti-Musk at all. But that is very very not a good thing.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

So you are ok with the Tesla logo looking like Baphomet and Musk wearing a satanic armour on his twitter image?

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

He looks… Chinee!

Reply to  Mr Twister
1 year ago

Mao’s great grandson.

Anonymous the eighth
Anonymous the eighth
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Camera angle is from below and so not a face on level shot causing distortion. Look in the mirror with your forehead forward, then face level, then chin forward, note the difference in how your own smile appears.

Did you see the pic of the fat lady face and they asked “where are the ears”, because when the lense is up close the ears are concealed behind the fat cheeks: screened, not absent.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

and why does he look like Pol Pot?

1 year ago

I wonder who else is a Mossad/ double agent in Hollywood?

Reply to  Ajah
1 year ago

Who isn’t?

Reply to  Ajah
1 year ago

Harley Pasternak

Reply to  Ajah
1 year ago

Install the (((Coincidence Detector))) addon and it will become rapidly apparent.

1 year ago

Communism is for hunter-gatherers, capitalism is for modern humans.”
Totally relates to r/K theory and a short item well worth reading. I searched your blog without finding the author or his referenced authors.

1 year ago

Anon there are so many shills about that some days I worry you are a shill. If you didn’t expose the whole thing from the start I think I wouldn’t be sure. I am pretty confident you are not a shill. I hate to sound paranoid but seriously they are everywhere. At one point they may have been legit. Then as you say they got the tranny midget orgy on tape and that’s it they were bought. Cernovich talking about Filipino trannies is par for the course. That’s so pathetic and such black nihilistic anti-life madness that no conservative would ever say such a thing. Cernovich is definitely fishing for gefilte and he’s 100% a degenerate. All of them when they get caught in some of this preversion … notice how it barely affects them and they go back to business as if it doesn’t matter. Seriously how many people participate in tranny midget orgies? One in a million and they are all degenerates. Keep up the great work AC. I believe there are more and more people becoming aware of memes that were common here 10 years ago.

Last edited 1 year ago by TexasArcane
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

On the paranoia, I get it. Once you see this thing, you can’t begrudge anybody saying you might be an agent, …”
You’ve termed it as a probability matrix. I think of it as a landscape of probabilities. You learn to live with the uncertainty. It’s like a sailor taking in the state of the sea and sky and making his best decision from them in setting a course, incorporating that uncertainty into the decision.
It’s a style of thinking most of us have to learn and your site has been invaluable in providing us with examples and training.

1 year ago

Curious data point: Gloria Vanderbilt’s (mother to Anderson Cooper) first husband Pat DiCicco was purportedly associated with Mafia boss Lucky Luciano.
Lines up with AC’s take on Cabal’s assignment of wealth and influence. They give it to you while you last but it’s not really yours, and it is expected to return to the source once you’re gone.
Echoes of selling your soul to Satan. You get to enjoy it until you’re no longer useful, but you can’t keep it because it was only lent to you for a moment, for a purpose not of your own choosing.
This is all coming together.

1 year ago

“I hate them all so much, it feels like I am failing God by feeling like this, and not forgiving the trespasses. They are just destroying everything that could be so beautiful in this world. And they are all such pathetic scum. How sinful is it to wish dick and cunt-rot on people?”

The Psalms are full of Imprecatory Prayers for the unrepentant wicked. It is good to read about them and use them to help formulate your prayers.

Pray for the chastisement of the West to purify it of said evil. I want the West to be Christendom again. Far more faithful as in history. And God’s own Elect.

No obligations to forgive the unrepentant.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Good point about the psalm prayers, Anon. RCC Liturgy of the Hours for today had a couple of good ones:
From chapter 43: “Defend me, O God, and plead my cause against a godless nation. From deceitful and cunning men rescue me, O God….
Why are you cast down my soul, why groan within me? Hope in God; I will praise him still, my savior and my God.”
From chapter 37: “Do not fret because of the wicked; do not envy those who do evil, for they wither quickly like grass and fade like the green of the fields.
“If you trust in the Lord and do good, then you will live in the land and be secure. If you find your delight in the Lord, he will grant your heart’s desire.
“Commit your life to the Lord, trust in him and he will act, so that your justice breaks forth like the light, your cause like the noon-day sun.
“Be still before the Lord and wait in patience; do not fret at the man who prospers; a man who makes evil plots to bring down the needy and the poor.
“Calm your anger and forget your rage; do not fret, it only leads to evil. For those who do evil shall perish; the patient shall inherit the land.
“A little longer — and the wicked shall have gone. Look at his place, he is not there. But the humble shall own the land and enjoy the fullness of peace.”

These were quite a blessing for me this morning.

1 year ago

comment image

1 year ago

New book by a Timelessauthors member:

Defending Dixie’s Land: What Every American Should Know About The South And The Civil War

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Thank You!
There is another one I posted in a comment you haven’t approved yet as well.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Thank You!