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I am keeping the EMF 390 going now in rf browser mode, sitting on a desk untouched, and when I begin to feel the electricity, I can see the number of spikes increase (though the number in the upper left only fluctuates higher, and does not stay high). The numbers in the upper left in the image below will cycle between o.oo-something mw/m2 and 200, and sometimes even higher, maybe 250-300 during the sensations. Usually it will bounce between about 15 and 130, in a location which usually is around 1-2.
However every so often as it is fluctuating, it will do what you see below, in the lower right. Once I saw it as it happened in the upper left, and that exact 34419mw/m2 registered for about 1.5 seconds, before it dropped to 109.something, and kept going, fluctuating. It seems to register that number, precisely, about once in three to six hours. Most of the other times it has a high of about 3o to 170. As I am about to publish this, the neighbors at the house I suspect just took off for the day, and it registers no higher than 0.6, and is mostly 0.1-0.35.
The first photo below is what you’d see maybe five minutes after turning it on while feeling nothing (albeit they are there), and the others are two days, which were cleared in between, which show the exact same 34419mw/m2 as a high. Number two is during the weird electrical sensation and number three is not during the sensation, so you can see the differences in the peaks. It doesn’t look like 34419 but I was looking at the big number up in the left once when that hit, and there was no decimal point, and that is a 9 at the end. I did a double take and looked closely when I saw it live, but was kind of buzzed by the beam and didn’t think to photo it, instead looking closely to see if it would hit again, but it didn’t and at the end of the day I killed the meter to recharge it. As I have been writing this, I just looked up and the high peak went from 4812 to 34419 again. Same 114 v/m.
My question is, might that be one pulse of many pulses which are so short the meter is missing it most of the time, and only catches it once here and there? In other words, could there be a lot of those pulses, but the meter is only catching one out of a hundred or a thousand because they are short and it only measures when they hit rarely? Or is it more likely it is just one big pulse they send out once every so often to degrade something or do something?
Is it probative that it is that precise in amplitude? I mean I moved it about seven feet away, and get the same precise amount recorded as a high, so that pulse is hitting the whole house, at that level. Shouldn’t it vary with distance from the source, and maybe even other random variables like rain or atmosphere or reflections and interference, especially that high a reading? Would some other interjection, like a magnetic field, or a particle beam, or rf laser, or something unique, be indicated by the precise reading, as that other interjection somehow reliably triggers the detector that precisely, in a way which would be difficult with rf? Would it indicate some system which is adjusting output by a reading it is taking in real time feedback, to get such precision?
It is not close to any electronics when that happens, and even if I put it up against my router, I can only get up to about 700-900 on that scale. Might this point to something in my house, since the nearest house is 75-100 feet away, and the one I think it is coming from is 150-200 feet out?
And though I hesitate to ask, what would health implications be of something like that, with that amplitude, albeit pulsed two to eight times per day? The Geiger counter does not register anything if that is any measure of anything.
This first one was photo’d exactly between readings in the upper left, hence the blurriness, but it shows five minutes after turning it on, when nothing is happening, what the high readings are at the bottom:
In the midst of the electrical tiring-out, right after the 34419 pulse:
Nothing seemed to be happening overly of note here, however I noticed it had hit the high again after being zeroed out by a restart:
Same precise number. I know I have to read the instructions on this thing. I am just totally spent on everything lately, especially with this stuff, and have not yet been able to get it to the top of the list. I feel kind of like I am racing the beam to get the book done and website up, and all of this exposed, while keeping the current readership with this brief each day, while dragging my ass.
OK, here is something weird. I just thought after writing all that, I have a precise reading that happens over and over, I wonder, if this is being used elsewhere, has anyone else seen the same reading. So I searched 34419 on Google, and here is what I see – another TI three years ago, with the same 114v/m and 34419 mw2/m2 reading on the same meter:
DEW Attack; Perp Comes Into The Attic Space Above My Apartment At Night. Tell Perp He Turned On His Range-R Radar. He Turns It Off, Then Back On Again. Then Hit In Face With 34 W (34,419 mW/m2) of S-Band Radar.
byu/AlteHexer inpsychotronicweapons
The same guy, I think, goes into more detail here, and apparently had another post here, but I have no idea if he knows what he is talking about. But he seems to have seen the 34419 number a few times too. A mod there seems to think his analysis of the readings is off, but everything is a psyop and all of it is outside my wheelhouse, so I do not know. That said, does it make sense he is getting the exact same reading? Shouldn’t it be very tough to replicate that exact number, even under identical circumstances, as something comes between the source and detector, and reflections and interference come into play? How is it doing it reliably not just at my house, but at two different residences, on two separate meters? Could that be the meter maxing out?
I just felt the electricity, looked up, and the meter’s live reading was 34419 again. And now this is twenty minutes later after that, and it is there again. That is four times as I have been working on this post, always 34419.
Can anyone deduce the significance of that number?
Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum, ‘gravely ill’ and hospitalized. Very tentative and poorly sourced. Be ready to be disappointed.
Trump blasts judge overseeing Stormy Daniels ‘hush money’ lawfare case on eve of trial.
CNN legal analysts writes of the hush money case, “The crime is a paperwork offense relating to how Trump and his businesses logged a series of perfectly legal (if unseemly) hush-money payments in their own internal records. The prosecution’s star witness is a convicted perjurer and fraudster who openly spews vitriol at the defendant, often in grotesque terms, essentially for a living. The famously aggressive feds at the Southern District of New York passed on the case years ago, and current Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg’s predecessor could have indicted before he left office but did not. The charges are either misdemeanors or the lowest-level felonies (depending on how the jury decides the case), and the vast majority of defendants convicted of similar offenses are sentenced to probation and fines, not prison.”
Mainstream news outlets publish open letter urging Biden and Trump to debate.
Speaker Johnson was incredibly wrong to vote w/ Dems against the 4th amend. when he killed the FISA warrant requirement and wrong to give in to the Dems spending demands. As I see it now, I’m not so sure there’s a difference between him being in charge and Dems being in charge.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. rules Out running on Libertarian Presidential ticket.
Two cops dead, multiple injured in Liverpool, New York.
Strange photo of Natalie Biden on 4Chan (She graduated St Andrews):
Right-wing media see traffic plummet in wake of algorithm changes by Facebook, Google. It could be a cover story for something else they are doing, like returning a 404 error to 70% of the people who try to visit your url. I find it hard to believe all this time Google and Facebook have been sending all this traffic to right-wing sites.
NYC block turned into illicit open-air market for migrant crooks, prostitution: ‘It’s relentless.’
Geopolitical turmoil prompts Goldman Sachs to upgrade gold even as it skyrockets.
Over on Reddit somebody theorizes that gays have a lot of parasites according to studies, because intestinal parasites which drove gay behaviors helped to spread the parasites and that became a thing, and that there may have been Elite animus against Ivermectin because it kills parasites, and thus might have cured a lot of gays. Probably not the reason the elites hate Ivermectin, but I would be curious if you put gays on it if they would turn straight.
Mysterious link between cats and schizophrenia is real. T. gondii.
Bishop and several worshippers have been attacked in mass stabbing in Sydney.
Joe Biden has gifted Iran with over $80 billion since entering the White House.
Joe Biden tacitly approved Iran’s assault on Israel ‘within certain limits.’ Strange, and definitely different than in the past. Netanyahu maybe not being under Cabal’s thumb is the only obvious difference, though there could be something else behind the scenes.
Countering Iran’s overnight attack costs Israel $1.35B: Israeli media.
Some of these people are seeing things differently, so their decisions might not make perfect sense to others:
Dem Rep. Garamendi: Passing Israel aid will be ‘very difficult’ if they don’t change Gaza tactics.
More Americans want Biden to encourage Israel to cease military action in Gaza: Poll. We do not elect our leaders.
House Speaker Mike Johnson says he will push for aid to Israel and Ukraine THIS WEEK.
Russian foreign minister calls Israeli strike on Iranian diplomatic mission in Damascus ‘political killing.’ It may have been, and not even for bad reasons. We know there are a lot of ties between American Cabal – the conspiracy subverting the governments of the west – and Iran, as was detailed in this graphic, which neglected to mention Kerry’s daughter married an Iranian government official:
No telling if the dead may have been assets of the Western Cabal’s command, or even agents of the counter-conspiracy, working deep inside the belly of the beast.
Ukraine’s top commander says Russia aims to capture Chasiv Yar by May 9. Maybe it is me, but it feels like the Russians are inching toward Kiev, at a rate which will lead to the fall of Ukraine in late October.
Not 6 Million?
Give it some time!
He’s skipping over a few unfulfilled prophecies along the way.
He’s either Biblically illiterate, or he’s a wolf in Shepherd’s clothing.
He is both biblically illiterate and wolf in Shepherd’s clothing.
Not an unreasonable conclusion.
He’s just another Holden Bloodfeast
Embrace the power of “and.”
I’m open to that, I was just laying out the possibilities that may explain it, I’m not saying it can only be one.
Gog and Magog are always interpreted by eschatologists as whoever is America’s supposed enemy at that moment. During the Cold War, Hal Lindsey lied and told everyone those passages were about Russia. Trace down those names and you’ll discover they are referring to tribes in Turkey.
Hal Lindsay *also* made it a point to emphasize to the rubes who bought his books that his whole thesis – End Times Ahead!! due to reconstitution of israel, + that whole Gog & Magog deal – MUST occur, per bible scripture, “within 1 generation” of the reconstitution of israel. So by 1973, he was sweating pretty hard and wishing he hadn’t done that. I gather he’s still out there flogging that dead horse. In a perfect world, clowns like Lindsay and Paul Ehrlich would be working as pissboys (“mind the shake”) in India somewhere.
The Chinese refer to the great wall as the ramparts of Gog and Magog.
John Hagee is a vile creature.
“But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.”
2 Peter 2:1 KJV
Okay, so why comic books arouse the energy of the state. They know their use and power in politics.
I had noticed those devil faces, but missed they were all Iranian.
None of the people pictured is actually Persian.
Hitler was not German. Stalin was not Russian. Bin Laden was not Saudi.
BTW Zelensky is not Ukrainian
In Australia, a European man commits public stabbing. Immediately, his face, name, sex life & twitter posts were all over msm
Same week, same country, immigrant stabs a priest. Silence.
Tell those that dont realise.
Good point, though I will say, nobody here right now would expect any different. All those reporters are gangstalking fellow citizens to curry favor with command, it is no surprise they would lie and deceive for it too.
‘Why males pack a powerful punch…males’ upper bodies, on average…90% more strength than females…punching motion was 162% greater than females.’’
Lots of women in NYC and Europe finding this out firsthand.
This is why I CC and avoid certain types of people like they’re ebola cancer.
spend 5 mins working a heavy bag and notice what’s tired: the shoulders. that’s where the power comes from, and women ain’t got shoulders. just that simple. as the “proud and still defiant” transy gal/”guy” boxer who got knocked out in 21 seconds just found out.
Most of the power in a punch comes from the legs, hips, and core. Men have a higher center of mass. This translates to a hammer with a larger head on it. Combined with a dozen other factors. It’s laughable you even have to explain why men punch harder than women though.
There are men that would happily pay to see a man boxing against a woman
> We know there are a lot of ties between American Cabal – the conspiracy subverting the governments of the west – and Iran, as was detailed in this graphic, which neglected to mention Kerry’s daughter married an Iranian government official
The seats of “dead” empires seem to spew out the most high-level cabal ghouls. Iran was once the Persian empire, Rome (aka the Vatican) was the Roman Empire, England for the English empire, and now the USA for the demonic ghoul empire. Kind of hints at the idea that these “dead” empires ain’t dead at all, just operating under the surface and in cahoots with cabal (read: Satan) to act out the supernaturally evil set of events we keep seeing repeated across centuries.
I think the Cabal may be its own entity, and the “empire” just means they moved there, and then moved all their chess pieces into a position where they can control the pieces through an “official” government where they moved, thus hiding their existence. Increasingly I am thinking if you look at the collapse of any empire, you may see signs of somebody purposely taking it down and disassembling it, weakening it, and making sure it cannot rise back up after they turn out the lights and close the door.
I would not be surprised if the Persian and Roman Empires, and later the Vatican, had, controlling their leaders, old Akkadian Empire family bloodlines who nobody met, and who nobody in those empires, except for a very select few emissaries, knew existed. And over time, those emissaries might even be kept after the move, forming a new layer of control between the Empire itself and the real leadership.
Cabal, while having different factions, is ultimately parasitic in nature, and more likely floats from host to host as the centuries roll by.
Iran is as plagued by the parasite as we are, though the parasite has fed very well at the American host’s expense.
the only problem with Armstrong’s argument is that he thinks the Republicans will play hardball; he is wrong.
This is the American Judaeo-Bolshevik revolution: the Republicans are merely the compliant Mencheviks.
Alastair Cooke why “99% drones shot down” is not a lose
Slow moving drones, take 3 hrs to fly. Everyone know they are coming. Mixed in are faster moving cruise missiles – ie the other 1%.
The 99% are primarily cover, and secondary, for AD defense mapping.
Clown world is crowing about Iran blowing its “best shot”, which is utterly ridiculous.
The drone swarm was a test run, and a warning shot, as Vox made clear in today’s post.
Ian Kummer posted an important essay to his blog yesterday, clearly identifying “cancel culture” as a totalitarian control system:
Key paragraph:
“Resembling the premise of 1984, western liberals live under an extremely violent and authoritarian system that’s unforgiving of social gaffs. If citizens of the regime make a rude or de-humanizing joke on social media about another group of people, they are fired from their jobs and publicly ostracized by their peers. And depending on the country they live in, might face criminal charges as well. This is commonly referred to as “cancel culture,” when someone who says something socially inappropriate is forced to undergo a pseudo-Maoist struggle session when he is stripped of of his livelihood, publicly humiliated, and forced to grovel for forgiveness (which is not given, and he already knows this before he begs).”
He identifies this as as starting in the USA in 2013, but I think he is really describing an additional layer of surveillance, that was added to their toolkit around that time. The essay gives lots of examples and ties it to the COVID psyop.
I’d like to post a comment on his blog referencing here, but I want to take time to write it up correctly, and I’ll be busy today, so it may have to wait for this evening or tomorrow.
It might be where the needle pins (maximum reading). It’s close to the 8 bit 32000 overflow number.
So the particular number may be an artifact of the meter, not the field.
“…Ivermectin, but I would be curious if you put gays on it if they would turn straight….”
I have read exactly that. Guy got it for some reason and then became disgusted with his own homo behavior. Stopped. No link but it stuck in my mind.
Several accounts of similar outcomes in various 4chan wormpill threads.
I remember seeing posts at the time about gays who panicked over the coof, took ivermectin, and then turned straight. Might have also been trolls, might not.
Some woman’s cock is going to fall out of that uniform.
Contact the meter maker and ask if it has a hard limit of 34419 or if it can read higher.
Good idea.
The EMF-390 manual (page 5) says the RF Field max reading should be 9999 milliwatts per sq. meter. Definitely contact the manufacturer about the maximum reading, you can also ask them for recommendations on calibrating the RF reading against known sources. Under RF settings, you can experiment with options for “RF Sensitivity” and “RF Sample-Hold Time”. You will want “Auto” for “RF Density Unit” and “RF Browser Scale”. Page 7 of the manual shows the sensor locations.
RF sensors are on the back of the EMF-390, near the opposite edge from the buttons. This helps to determine directionality, e.g. you can place the back of the meter in the center of an aluminum panel (e.g. 6″ x 12″). When the rear face of the metal panel, on the opposite side of the meter, is facing the source of the signal, then sliding the panel in the same plane to block/unblock the meter should cause a detectable change in signal. If it doesn’t, there’s either a lot of ambient RF sources, or there are RF-reflective surfaces behind you.
Someone said that a small piece of aluminum can’t block RF from going around the panel. That’s true, but given the location of the sensors on the flat rear surface of the meter, blocking them with a panel is usually enough to create a noticeable change in signal strength. For direction finding, you’re not trying to block the signal, you’re only trying to find which direction causes the biggest signal *delta*. Add/remove a metal panel that is 90 degrees perpendicular to the potential source direction, while flat against the back of the EMF-390 meter.
Once you have a good handle on directional sensing with the meter, you can test to see if a specific source responds to physical movement. As you have noticed, the presence of signal observations (video recording the meter, or collecting data from meter via USB) can impact the data. An attacking device could reduce the baseline signal just enough to detect movement. Once it detects movement, it could increase signal strength to get a higher precision image of location or movement. That momentary boost in signal strength can be detected by EMF-390.
One way to test this is to point the back face of the meter towards the possible source, stay motionless for a few seconds, and record a baseline measurement. Then move the meter around by a few inches, in the same plane that is 90 degrees to the potential source. If the signal immediately spikes in response to movement, and goes back to baseline after motion stops, that is NOT ambient RF.
For reference, in a dense urban environment with dozens of WiFi sources, a six-sided cube of double-sided Attic Foil on a frame of PVC tubing was able to cut EMF-390 readings from milli-watt to nano-watt. The shield used a ground wire coiled around an RF choke with 31 Mix ferrite (e.g. After tracing more sources, shielding was added for hot regions. To stack shielding layers of attic foil or 24×36 metal, an insulating layer was needed like a plastic sheet, or even better, an air gap. Eventually got readings down from nano-watt to pico-watt.
Note that data and EMF can be injected on AC power lines (powerline networking, use a power conditioner like Furman AC-215A to block this) and cable TV wires (use a Moca filter like PPC 2520A GLP-1G70CWWS). AC powerline networking can be used to remotely control electronic devices that are tampered during shipment or break-in. Avoid complex USB-C hubs since one cable can carry data + video + keyboard + power.
Thank you. I will call the manufacturer, I already looked up the number.
I am trying to correlate readings between the TinySA and the EMF-390, but it is difficult. I will have a spike at 4.3534Ghz, which measures -43dBm, and stands far above all other spikes on the TinySA. However I will look at the EMF-390, and it will be registering 0.083 mw/m2, and will not go above 1.0 for five or six minutes, as there are no peaks passing by on the moving screen.
Later the high spike will be 79dBm at say, 2.4Ghz on the TinySA, However the EMF-390 will read 15mw/m2, and the rf browser screen will be filled with spikes crammed close together running off the screen.
I will post vieo of this tomorrow probably, as well as some of the spectrums on the EMF-390.
Thank you for the help.
Calibration of both meters against well-known transmitters (e.g. microwave, bluetooth headset, 4G LTE cellphone, wifi router) is a good way to evaluate their sensors and reporting. You can vary shielding and/or distance from the *transmitter* to vary the strength of the received signals.
Remember that dBm is not linear,
I have a big learning curve here, but it seems this material is as important, if not more so, than biotech/medicine in this environment.
Thank you, immensely, for the help.
You’re very welcome. Thanks for creating this venue for shared learning.
This material is important because formerly niche signals intelligence and amateur radio are being commoditized in low-cost silicon, often wrapped in IoT “health and safety” use cases. So, more people will need to learn the basics of invisible-perimeter defense, but it should be driven by empirical data from the local environment, to mitigate the risk of falling down rabbit holes.
One big question: is public wireless tech providing cover for non-public wireless tech?
“And it’s gone.” Poof, you have no property, stocks, bonds, e.t.c.
We should wargame out what would happen, and what we would do, if someone in a wheelchair stroking a cat appeared on TV and announced they were taking all the money in your savings and investment accounts, all the title deeds and contracts for your property, and were sending people around for your gold and silver later.
I imagine they would announce they were putting everyone on some sort of salary or income payment, as long as they got capped, chipped, or jabbed, or whatever the control device is. I wonder who exactly would fight back, and how?
Nearly impossible until the surveillance is removed. You can’t plan, organize, or even communicate, let alone requisition supplies and equipment, or initiate, without the enemy warned well in advance.
I am not here preaching all of this for my own good. I endure substantial cost, and have basically accepted it is throwing away my life. But our kind will never stand a chance until the surveillance is taken down. It is the only hope. You can still do it peacefully now, using the threat of unrest. But that may not always be the case.
Does Trump know about the surveillance? Does he know it exists at the civilian microlevel?
I don’t think he did before, or he would have taken measures to secure Trump Tower and moved his operation to Jersey in 2016. It took Mike Rogers actually driving alone, out to meet him and warn him in person Trump Tower was fully wired up and monitored, and in 24 hours Trump’s entire transition operation was moved to Jersey, where he could get farther from the property perimeter. I think he has some idea now.
You have to factor in, Thomas Mixon, a SEAL from Team Six who served on Red Cell, an elite, handpicked unit so blacked out it was removed from the Navy’s chain of command, and put right under the SecDef, so nobody in government except SecDef would know what they were up to, Mixon had no idea. He decided to rob banks, and got tooled by the overweight geriatrics and soccer moms of surveillance almost immediately. Mixon trained 24/7 to launch assaults on hardened government facilities in the West, as an above tier-one Navy SEAL, and he apparently had no idea any of this existed, or any of his assault preps would need to avoid citizen-surveillance-networks like this.
Even CIA is putting out training videos for its case officers on how to do a “three car follow” where six people in three cars follow a target. It is comical. You would never use that in the real world, but I think there are CIA out there who are doing the intelligence fantasy camp, running a three car follow on some target, and thinking to themselves, “Holy shit, this is some elite, tier-one, CIA shit we are doing!” Meanwhile real surveillance is cutting enough film of them as they drive around to turn out a feature length movie of their op at Sundance. And they have no idea. You have DEA agents like Kiki Camerena doing law enforcement fantasy camp, honestly trying to fight the drug smuggling, they get caught by the cartel, and in walks the CIA interrogator to work them over, telling the cartel before he leaves to dispose of him, on his way out the door. That CIA guy was not in the fantasy camp. He was real deal. And Camerena got too far outside the fantasy camp, and entered the real world, without knowing.
It is like two different worlds. But I think the Fantasy camp is waking up to the real world which has been around them all this time.
One aspect of surveillance for OODA-loop attacks is manipulation of future events and decision probabilities for individuals, groups and businesses.
How about an appendix with a reference list of movies and TV series?
The Rico crime-gig app from WestWorld Season 3:
Excellent Idea.
> Two cops dead, multiple injured in Liverpool, New York. Audio from the shooting.
Sounds like an opening salvo of full auto fire from the scumbag criminal. Relatively low RPM, could be an AK style platform, probably not a pistol or AR. Queue the gun grabbing fearmongers in 3, 2, 1…
I thought AK when they said they heard it being manipulated. AR would be harder to hear outside.
Geez! Why are people so stupid when it comes to parasites? This seems to be the latest garbage psyop. I spent 30 years working for a gastroenterologist, and over 40 years total in healthcare. In 40 years I saw a total of 5 patients with parasites out of thousands of encounters. My employer routinely screened for parasites when a patient presented with gastrointestinal symptoms. That’s thousands of tests! The people that get parasites are usually homeless eating food thrown in trash dumpsters, people who eat uncooked meat, and those with poor food preparation habits. Parasites don’t make you gay, or schizophrenic.
Many years ago a correlation was found between schizophrenia in adulthood and streptococcus infections before the age of three. Has it occurred to anyone that in order for the WEF to push their “you will own nothing and be happy” agenda they have to destroy the right to own pets? If they can convince you your dog, or cat can give you schizophrenia, Covid, or bird flu maybe they can convince you to get rid of them.
Funny thing. Before I went to work for a gastroenterologist I used to work in psych. I knew a lot of schizophrenics. Most never owned a pet.
I’m not saying you are wrong, but what if the parasites that are a problem there’s no test for?What if they have not been recognized? No one knew there was such a thing as nanobacteria until recent, or that infections could cause ulcers.
The agent that infects ants brains and makes them climb grass then lock on the top is a fungus. Did he test for fungus?
There are more than just intestinal parasites people. They harbor in the organs. Lungs. Liver. Brain. Blood. Just because there isn’t a ball of worms in yer gut means nothing. They are most active leading up to the full moon like any creature on this planet so that’s a good time to kill em. Parasites can affect the host behavior. That’s what they do. That’s how they procreate. It’s really not that hard to understand. If you think we are parasite free in the first world you are highly mistaken. As a matter of fact I think the really scary bio tech they are using is based on good old simple parasites
The science that microorganisms in your gut affect your mood, your mental states, and your physical health used to be considered pseudoscience. No longer.
In fact, here an recent interview with Dr. Andrew Wakefield (with Sara Gonzales) where he discussed that he saw multiple cases of MMR (the triple vaccine) causing intestinal issues which then caused serious effects (ala Autism) in kids who when treated for the Intestinal issue, GOT BETTER.
So I’d suggest you realize that you might be operating on incorrect stuff you were taught.
There are many types of parasites. T. gondii can persist in the nervous system, for example.
Who are these “people” you write of? We don’t blindly trust routine medical screenings here. Neither do you trust your “30 years” and “40 years”. Nor do we trust your employer or your thousands of tests.
For those swayed by this shill, look into AC’s posts on Russian bacteriophages and tell us how much we should trust the medical establishment.
Zahler Paraguard works. Ivermectin works. Completely changed my family’s health. Whatever came out of me, including my skin, during my anti-parasite cleanse smelled vile and alien. Never had that before in my life.
I agree. No one is parasite free except maybe someone who has recently cleansed. Go ahead and ignore this threat to your demise
I’ve worked with RF sensors (not this one) and have an observation that may be relevant. There are unit conversions between the sensor and display value. With a sensor that produced a non-linear digital output (was more like a log), when taking readings near the high end of its scale, I saw recurring display of specific values. The cause was single steps in the sensor’s digital output converted to display units with no indication of precision.
If we see a change from 0.01 to 0.02, we intuit what that means. But move the decimal point to the right, and a change from 14981 to 22765 gives the impression of two precise RF levels when in fact we’re seeing a single step of the sensor after conversion to display units. It would be interesting to create RF at similar levels and see how that model of RF sensor steps its display values.
That could be. It is such a high reading, way beyond Wifi.
Can you think of a good way to produce a recordable piece of evidence of the direction a pulse like that would be coming from?
Maybe…stick it in a cardboard tube, cover the tube with aluminum foil and aim it around. See if the foil -tube is directional. A horn basically.
That is a good idea.
The power levels this thing is using are incredible though. It is pointless to wish it, but I wish they had not killed the magnetic field when I went outside, and I could have seen just how large the area they altered the field in was. Does an MRI even alter a compass 150 feet away? I keep wondering, could that, pulsed, move current in the wiring in the house of other metal enough to do something strange. I got in the Faraday cage, and I got the distinct impression they were somehow doing something like that to move charge in the sheet steel on the outside, in some kind of asymmetrical way which created something inside the cage. Somehow they got right through it like with Binney.
I’m going to make a suggestion you reach out to Hans Schantz… He’s the author of Hidden Truth series, and also books on electrical/magnetic fields, and also on the TA forum. He might be able to help figure out the mystery or at least give you ideas.
That is an excellent idea, thank you!
Anonymous is correct in his description, better than my description below.
I’ve seen discussions on cdf/nac protocol groups saying ivermectin is a cure for homos. I’ve been doing the nac protocol for 3 months and I believe there is a link between fungus/parasites and thought patterns. I’ve cleared my body of fungus/parasites and confidence in myself and my thoughts is off the charts now. My brain feels clear, sharp, and fast. I have zero desire to entertain negative thoughts, ideas, or discussions. Deviant behaviors have very little hold on me anymore. For instance, my desire to drink alcohol has been reduced from an 8 to a 2 maybe even a 1 on a scale of 1 to 10.
Again, this is anecdotal evidence but I think it’s true that the fungus and parasites instill doubt, fear, deviant tendencies, and an overall negative energy in humans. This is in addition to their crippling effect on the body. If the devil were real he would have a disease just like this in his arsenal to afflict humanity.
I think this may be the most interesting comment/comment thread I’ve seen in a long time. The door to “gut/nerve bugs can alter one’s thoughts” has already been opened by the AMA or CDC or whoever it was with their report on T. Gondii making all the cat ladies crazy. So that’s a precedent. A done deal. Now here we have anecdotal testimony that I tend to believe saying much the same thing, only now it’s not limited to T. Gondii & crazy cat ladies. Now maybe attacks on/disruptions to the gut biome affects….. everything. With the icing on the cake being the devil using gut bugs to drag humanity down rather than invisible little demon guys stabbing people with little pitchforks. You just don’t see this kind of quality commentary anymore, y’all. My compliments.
This …booklet? document?….was posted as an assemblage of many threads discussion on 4chan during the initial wormpill era.
Interesting stuff, no matter what our gastroenterology naysayer sez.
Take the wormpill, anon.
AC, worth promotion to actual news feed item for wider view
The style of the document is very Q, here’s facts. “Reconcile.”. This is a mixed bag due to that… It goes from basic facts to wild speculations and pushes a particular view, which might be incorrect and loses the credibility of the start. Lesson worth learning.
Good for folks capable of that sort of analytic thought. Not good for the majority who can’t do such processing. This is one reason Warren Smith wants to teach classes in how to think:
But it’s got lots of good info and deserves to be wider seen.
I will take a look, thank you!
Z blog tax day essay:
“This is why so-called conservatism is headed to the dustbin of history. It was never really a conservative political movement, but more of a money laundering scheme masquerading as a political movement. The response to progressives promising to rob your neighbor and let you have a piece was so-called conservatives promising to rob the progressive and let you have a piece. Taken together we got a half century of systemic looting of their American economy.
“For the last half century, the white middle-class has been the kid getting bullied at school for his lunch money. Progressives, representing the financial elites, threatened to shove the suburban peasant into a locker. So-called conservatives kept upping the lunch money they had to pay to avoid the wedgie. Now those suburban peasants are too old for school, so those financial elites are looking to prey on their children and grandchildren to keep the plates spinning.
“Another legacy of the so-called conservatives with regards to tax policy is the sacralization of rich people. Part of their sales pitch for tax changes was the claim that our noble rich people were paying more than their fair share in taxes. This was always nonsense, but it convinced most white people that it is immoral to question the motives and behavior of the rich. One result is a perfidious and destructive ruling class that seems hellbent on pulling the roof down on all of us.”
The Noble rich people…
LO-effing-L! And then some.
The opportunity to grift has a nasty effect upon nobility and noble virtue.
Hearken to one important saying from our grandparent’s time.
“It keeps me honest.”
Most noble guy I knew was Cousin Fred. He excelled at businesses and money acquisition and so on. A true conservative, too. He got scammed and ripped off by the local posers that be a few times over the decades… found a glass ceiling and who knows, maybe cabal found him.
So at 50, he went to college for a bachelor’s and then master’s degree..
Now, he’s a contractor for Homeland Security and a big fan of Carl Rove (incidentally).
Some years back, I attempted discussing the 16th amendment with him.
His response? “How can you begrudge our courageous troops their pay?(!)
Sock-cucking communist, or maybe just another opportunist looter!
Regarding the EMF meter, the most likely explanation is that 34419 is full-scale, the maximum amplitude the device can measure, and the true amplitude is greater. Your supposition about pulsed signals getting missed by the meter’s sampling circuitry is probable. Your inexpensive handheld device is unlikely to contain fancy circuitry for peak-hold functionality, meaning your sampling error may be large, 3 orders of magnitude or more, depending upon the pulse rate and the sampling rate. A second possibility is directionality; perhaps the DEW aim wanders over time and only rarely coincides with the antenna’s position. Incidentally, 34 watts per square meter is massive, more than adequate to disrupt electronic circuitry, heat water, or fry cell membranes.
The good news is you have detected the presence of RF energy and RF is well-understood. You could try shrinking the antenna attached to the meter to reduce its sensitivity, if you wanted to measure true amplitude, but a precise reading may not be useful or necessary. A DEW present/absent indicator may suffice for your purposes. Instead, I suggest increasing shielding around the meter and/or antenna to achieve some directionality, then identifying specific azimuths/elevations of attack. Another choice would be introducing a frequency counter or spectrum analyzer device to identify the specific frequency(-ies) of attack. In any future conversations with RF engineers, their first question will be “what carrier frequency?”
So set up the TinySA next to it, set to sweep small blocks and work through the blocks, and hope I see it on the EMF-390 and the TinySA catches the frequency right then?
The guy from the post implied he had identified Range-R Radar and S-Band Radar using this device:
Is there any advantage to that over the TinySA? Is there a better set it and forget it device? I can’t really be doing just this all the time. And I can’t really afford a real time spectrum analyzer, and would not even be sure the one I managed to get would be the right slice of the spectrum, especially since I am sure they are designing The Beam to be less detectable. I can’t really spend $3-4K and find out it is useless for this. I probably could if it appeared certain to work, but even then it would be a stretch.
Also is aluminum foil enough to use as shielding for most rf, since I probably need some sizable shielding?
Thank you for this.
That might work, low probability, and it’s reasonable to try before you buy more gear. The field strengths you’ve described will overload the TinySA and other inexpensive electronics. Any “signal” the TinySA receives may be an artifact at a frequency different from the true frequency. Be prepared to add shielding around the receiver, shrink the antenna, and/or insert an attenuator between the receiver and antenna.
Maybe yes, depending upon the wavelength and field strength, and it’s worth a try. Start with a 6-sided box slightly larger than the EMF meter+antenna. Make sure every fragment of foil is grounded. Alternately, try bringing the meter+antenna into the cocoon where you sleep. Watch for field strength measurements to decrease and stay low for several hours. Beware the attackers may adjust their behavior to disturb your experiment. You can alter test conditions faster than they can reconfigure the DEW, e.g. by opening/closing the box rapidly. And if they do adjust their behavior, it may be by pausing the DEW temporarily, which would afford you some rest.
Thank you for running the experiment and sharing the data with us. I expect the DEW attacking you today will attack the rest of us tomorrow.
This will definitely become a big thing. They think they can control everyone with this shit. They are going to use it more and more.
What I have done is I have set a surveillance camera recording both the TinySA ultra (set on accuracy to fast, LNR checked, big number, Ultra mode), and below it the EMF390 running in rf browser. This is constantly producing a time-stamped video on the surveillance system, showing both the spectrum on a graph and the rf-browser feed of pulses and amplitudes. I can check it by rolling it back every time I see it hit 34419, and see if by chance it caught what was needed.
Since I began recording like this however, my meter has stopped pegging at 34419, and the peak on it now for all day is 14.19. When the neighbors over there left this morning to head out for the day, the number remained below 0.6, and was often .0something, so I assume everything in my house produces about that since I changed nothing, and all the rest is them.
Might there be a way to rig a directional antenna like a Yagi, maybe with attenuator, to this rig of EMF 390 and TinySA producing time-stamped video, to decisively show there is enough rf being dumped out of that house specifically, to maim, ala Havana Syndrome? I would like 100% certainty there is a device in there, as well as legal proof I had the evidence to be certain.
What antenna would be a good one?
Probably should be a commercial antenna for evidentiary purposes and court acceptance, and not a DIY.
I wish you guy s could just beam that shit right back at them. That would be hilarious
True. After we figure it out, we should come up with ways to make the weapons. That would get them outlawed pretty quick.
Eventually; not yet. Identify a frequency(-ies) first. Experiment with shielding and improvised antennae. Considering the huge field strengths you describe, you may need more directionality than a yagi offers and you can tolerate a very small aperture.
Foil works fine, thanks to the skin depth of aluminum, but invisible damage can happen by accident or intruder.
For frequency bands visible to EMF-390, this perforated radiant barrier from Texas is the gold standard: one layer of white matte vinyl for aesthetics and mental health, one layer of aluminum, available in 48″ and 60″ wide rolls:
Since one side is insulated, it can be layered for hot spots, if you’re careful to avoid the foil sides coming into conductive contact. You can use a multimeter to confirm that multiple sheets are not connected. Grounding is critical.
In any shielded enclosure big enough for a human, ensure there is redundant ventilation (exhaust CO2 and fresh air input), and a working CO2 meter. Copper mesh can shield vents from EMF while passing through air.
That is a great site, thank you!
I’d like to emphasize-
“Grounding is critical.” From what I have seen in so much commentary about shielding from radiation is the lack of understanding as to the importance of grounding. Use the earth’s mass to dissipate whatever radiation is thrown at you.
Thank you. I read somewhere way back the grounding didn’t matter, as the radiation was being guided around you, but then again, my Faraday cage failed.
A good source of information is unclassified DoD publications on shielding of electronic equipment and buildings.
e.g. an overview slide deck (222 pages) hosted by the US Defense Acquisition University, with references to more detailed DoD documents, and keywords for search engines:
Thank you for this.
I am dubious in some respects though. There is an aspect of the tapping tech though which I don’t ant to openly discuss, but for which I cannot see an easy explanation for using classical physics or electromagnetic theory. Binney and his wife thought there might be some new kind of physics involved, and I can see why, though I am not expert enough, nor have I spent enough time in that field to say for certain.
At a minimum, the “standard physics” shielding + ground can measurably reduce the strength of EMF that is measurable by TinySA and EMF-390.
Depending on efficiency of the shielding, this can mostly deny use of commodity Wi-Fi Sensing/radar for remote detection of movement. Hundreds of academic papers over a decade, informed the IEEE 802.11bf AI-assisted human-sensing standard that will likely appear in new laptops and routers by 2025,
After you’ve eliminated these known methods for RF sensing of humans, the remaining experimental data might require sci-fi explanations, but at least it won’t be intermingled with mature, public and well-understood doppler radar. Then you can focus on unknown and known unknowns.
Speaking of B.B., this archived site probably belongs in a list of references:
You’re right. I will get to the shielding. I am just going constantly right now, and have to get the book and site done first due to the timing approaching. And thank you and everyone else for all the help. I have no idea what I am doing, but with your help, we are close to a sub-$1,000 method for people being targeted to ID signal frequency, and maybe pinpoint origin while gathering enough evidence to show legally where it is coming from. That is Amazing.
On, yes, I have actually reprinted that site in the book, so it will be on my site, and in paper form too in the hardcopies.
Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel was the bishop attacked.
He popped up on Youtube during covid preaching against the Gov nonsense.
His church is Assyrian Orthodox. The news link below is from a very lefty Sydney newspaper who loves the gays so that’s why it describes the bishop as “ultra conservative”. Fortunately the Bishop’s injuries weren’t fatal.
We may see those gathering real life followings shut down just like those growing online followings.
The link above is broken. I think this one works:
“That is four times as I have been working on this post, always 34419.
Can anyone deduce the significance of that number?”
No I cannot.
I think this is a good site for EMF protection information:
The reason I think that might be a good resource is because of this video I happened to watch earlier today of its author speaking honestly:
Also very very worth reading and thinking about is Shawn Paul Melville on Substack.
I think Barre Lando is a great resource.
Thank you!
“The United States”
gave “Israel”
“advance warning” of the impending drone attack by
“Iran” so that
“Israel” could prepare for the attack.
“Israel” did
and its warfare capability is and was “so sophisticated” that it “intercepted and destroyed” all “100” or “200” or 300″ or “350” of “Iran’s” bombs (the different numbers all reported in MSM)
and “no damage was done.”
Billions of dollars worth of bomb inventories supplied to “Iran” and “Israel: from Southern California were cleared out and are now being quickly replenished…
…because, as the world can plainly see, these two “countries” are in great danger of each other.
No doubt Raytheon and Lockheed are the primary beneficiaries of the war in Ukraine and the coming war between Israel and half the muslim world.
I play an online mobile game. It is worldwide and many of the players are russian. One of my guildmates is russian, they are in the military and said the operation will go on another 3-4 years.
Could be something there Cabal has to defend, and the Russians are tying them up while other stuff is taken down elsewhere.
I don’t think Ukraine or the EU can resist that much longer.
That’s what I assume. Cabal has SOMETHING in the Ukraine that they are desperate to protect and keep from getting out. Whatever it is can’t be moved to Switzerland or Israel or one of their other strongholds.
I have no idea what it is. We know the Ukraine is a human trafficking and money laundering capitol of the world. I assume you can’t just set those things up somewhere else very easily.
It’s possible, or maybe that includes the occupation and clean up after the conquest.
It may also just be that they are preparing the troops for the worst case scenario.
More likely the war will escalate and draw in the West even more and that could be the timeframe to finally neutralise any threat from the West/NATO to Russia.
“They cheated, they surprised us by shooting at us!”
Vox, haha
Check out the lyrics on this song:
Sammy Hagar “Crack in the world” (1977)
I found out what it is that’s been driving me mad.
There’s no room to breathe between the good and the bad.
The crush in-between, there’s a thin, thin line.
But just ’round the corner, there’s a change in design.
I wish I could walk away
And dig what the preacher said.
But those words don’t satisfy me no more.
There’s a crack, there’s a crack in the world.
There’s a crack, there’s a crack in the world.
There’s a crack, there’s a crack in the world.
Just fifty more years we’re all gonna know.
Why, when, where, how, and who get’s to go.
So let’s all have a good time before the great divide.
‘Cause things will start separating come 2025.
So look for the subtle clues
It won’t make the front-page news.
That depends upon which side that you choose.
There’s a crack, there’s a crack in the world.
There’s a crack, there’s a crack in the world, yeah.
There’s a crack, there’s a crack in the world.
Looks like the shit hits the fan in 2025.
crack in the world could be the divide between the secret society of surveillance people and the rest of the world. How would Hagar know that in 1977?
Exactly. And he rounds up the date “fifty years” in one part and then specifically names 2025 in another. If it’s bullshit lyrics why not have the dates match…..
Answer me these questions three – oops TWO Questions
Took two years to write, maybe
Fifty sounds better in lyrics than forty eight
“Start” separating in 2025, might take two years for “All going to know”
Ok, three questions …
Maybe he wrote it in 1975?
Ok now that is creepy. Seriously
Rift in the spirit world. Demons pour out from the Abyss and possess the wicked of the world.
question for the peanut gallery. I’m a guy who’s been aware of/watching gold & silver since the fireworks of the late ’70’s. Although I was too young & too poor to do anything about it, it made quite the impression. Lately I’m becoming convinced biden really IS Jimmy Carter 2.0 – only worse, much worse – and that since history rhymes, MAYbe we’ll see a repeat of the 1980 AU/HG rampage. Not saying this will happen, not saying anything will happen, I’m just thinking and wargaming.
The Setup: take a {hypothetical} stacker, not me, who over the years has accumulated a nice round sum of gold: precisely $1,000,000; to make the math easier. Just over… {does the math} 400 oz. Said stacker thinks there’s a possibility gold will triple, or maybe even more, before biden is through fucking up the country. (Goldman and Morgan, IIRC, are now publicly predicting $3K and $4K. God only knows what their private predictions are) But. Stackerboi also believes that as fucked up as the USA and the Dollar now are, we’re still light years ahead of every major currency on earth in terms of size, scale, relative honesty and transparency. (don’t waste my time mewling about BRICS or the yuan: that shit is really more toilet paper than anything else, and no one on earth wants it, now or ever, not even the chinese) So, no matter what else happens, the USA AND the Dollar will still reign supreme. Ergo Stackerboi intends to sell almost all of his hypothetical stack at what he hopes will be near the top of the rise, before cooler heads prevail and AU falls to something less frightened. Let’s say he sells at a price that’s 3X what spot is today, about $7500/oz. That’s $3,000,000 hypothetical bucks. But if the 2023 runup is anything like 1980’s, that “3X spot top” will only live for about 12 hours max, and then it’ll fall like a rock on steroids. So the best way to cash in is a bulk sale. (kindly note I don’t need any advice on how AU/HG will be all that keeps my family alive when The Bigg Crash comes. Weimar Germany! Hungary! Zimbabwe! etc etc Trust me on this one: I know more about that than all of you put together. This is about a hypothetical ‘cash-in-at-the-top-and-then-buy-more-when-it-settles-down’ deal. Think of it as cashing in an insurance policy, 1 of several)
Here’s the question: who’s Stackerboi gonna sell his gold to? A coin shop? Run by a coupla old geezers with maybe $100K between them? At the exact same moment when (presumably) everyone else on earth is clamoring to sell *their* gold too? At the top of a multi-generational runup? A poorly-capitalized coin shop that isn’t required by any law to buy anything at all? Don’t think so… Pawn shops? Same problem. The big online dealers? Presumably they’ll have bigger bankrolls, but still a) it’s the very top of a generational runup and they went into business to **make** money b) “Just send us your $3MM of AU through the mail and we’ll send you a check!” Nope. Banks? LOL The Treasury? LOL The cartels? nah So how DOES one sell bulk gold in a situation like that without a huge, massive discount from spot?
the more I think about this, the more…. interesting it gets
Sell before the top, buy before the bottom.
You aren’t one of the big dogs who can achieve perfect market timing.
probably the best advice out there. Jay Gould & Jesse Livermore would approve. still and all, human nature dictates that the thought of selling out at, say, $4K when one coulda gotten $5K by waiting for another month… I submit that for most folks in that situation, the joy of “I made a ton on my metals!” would be outweighed by the agony of “I coulda made another 50 grand if I’d just waited a little longer!”
in the end, we’re all small greedy children who want everything we can get our greedy little hands on. Fun to watch, anyway
Please don’t take this as investment advice.
I see lots of people selling gold and used to believe them, but keep in mind that currency has two separate and conflated functions, as a store of value (record keeping) and as a means of exchange.
Gold is sold by gold dealers as a store of value, and not a means of exchange. Keep that in mind. Its hard to think of a scenario where you will take your physical gold after the nukes fly, go down to your nearest CVS, and by Gillette shaving razors. That doesn’t work. They are going to take whatever the means of exchange is being used then, likely dollars or whatever is being used by the biggest (physically) drug guy in the area.
Monetary stores of value don’t work well in zombie apocalypse scenarios, so that make the gold arguments even worse. Basically you see “people will use confidence in the US government, but the economy will continue normally, so they won’t use US government currency, they will use whatever we are selling you.” People not use US government fiat currency, fine, but the alternative is probably something completely different that you cant get now. And the zombies are not going to care about the value of your assets in any currency at all.
So I don’t think you can escape collapse stuff, so just avoid obvious cabal inflated bubbles in terms of where you put your money.
Clown world will suppress gold and silver prices as long they hold power over the West. They have to do this to keep the dollar viable. Right now this is global but eventually will only apply to the West.
Even with inflation raging they will not relent keeping them down.
As the global conflict heats up Russian/Chinese brokers will allow these prices to flourish as to further combat the dollar’s hegemony. This disconnect is what you should exploit.
There will be Western black markets (there always are) where you can sell your precious metals for much more than than Clown World valuations. Cabal will try to ban it but they will fail. Systemic corruption will see that these channels remain open in some form.
Also, your precious metals don’t necessarily have to be sold to be of use. Use them as bribes for your local bureaucrats. See senator Melendez for reference albeit on a larger scale than what I’m referring to.
I also don’t adhere to any Mad Max scenarios where your can of beans is worth more than an ounce of my gold. If that happens you’re fucked anyway so why worry about it or plan for it?
tech guy/dark web/child porn/fbi surveillance doing nothing
Where Is Justice Clarence Thomas?
Once you get to a hospital with something like a TIA, you should be good.
Prayers for the man regardless. He is a living treasure.
Fire breaks out at US Army artillery shell plant.
TLDR – CIVIL WAR is a milquetoast film with no reason to exist. It plays neutral all the way through, including skipping over just why the country has been melting down in the first place. The movie will be forgotten soon.
Administrative Results – I Watched CIVIL WAR So You Don’t Have To
Regarding the post about taking Ivermectin having a side effect of curing the gay-
Ivermecting for the win against the gays. A couple of years ago a poster on the old claimed he was the author of “The Parasite Pill” posted on the old 4chan. It really is a simple but convincing paper.
> “three car follow”
MI-5 tasked Scotland Yard for that in the 1950s and 1960s, according to various memoirs I’ve read. (Peter Wright’s “Spycatcher” is a good example) The three (or more) car tails were a huge drain on SY’s resources, resulting in complaints to Parliament that MI-5 was leeching SY’s personnel and budget in the name of national security. MI-5 was lavish with their demands for tails, since it didn’t cost *them* anything.
Anyway, I wouldn’t doubt it was in common use before WWII.