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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
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DFT – Best Buy Laying Off More Workers To Adjust To Increasing Digital Sales
DFT – IMF Says US Public Debt To Skyrocket
DFT – Crypto-Funding Drying Up
DFT – China Oil Imports Surge As It Races To Supply Refined Products Abroad
DFT – Largest US Banks See Over Half Trillion In Outflows
9/11 hijackers given bank accounts, California apartment at ‘behest of the CIA’ – FBI investigator. I told you, the surveillance is big enough, and designed well enough to notice “new things” and “interesting things” in each neighborhood unit’s sector of operations. I told you, there is zero-chance that nobody noticed the hijackers move into their sectors, and zero chance they did not get on top of them and report the attacks were coming to superiors. They knew. And everyone in the ground surveillance did too, strangely enough. Like a parallel society, looking at all of us who were outraged, the way a primatologist observes chimps in their natural habitat. And all those poor servicemen killed and maimed in what came after. And Bush knew too, because he knows about the surveillance. It was all unnecessary. Notice also, CIA can tell banks and landlords what to do. Think gangstalkees who allege such omnipotence by some shadowy intel outfit operating on American soil are crazy? Also means we are leaving behind “They had to know,” and moving toward “They set the operation up and ran operational support.” Even if you had uncovered the plot, whether you went to FBI or CIA, or armed up and decided to kill the hijackers yourself before 9/11, you would have been dealt with by the ground surveillance and its direct action wing. Nobody could have stopped those attacks because the people who run the country decided to do them. Nothing is like you were raised to think. And it appears it is all coming out. Of course the big one will be adult intelligence officers posted at schools across the nation, with the express purpose of identifying the capable, hard-working kids, and either corrupting them, or kneecapping them before they can become problems, using all the tools of the CIA, as well as their own kids as operatives. “But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” I think today a lot more people go to hell, than any of us would ever have thought before.
CIA officer Larry Johnson sees shades of Texas Arcane’s story – Until I saw the document labeled, CIA Operations Center Intelligence Update, I was inclined to believe that the leaked documents were the work of a frustrated whistleblower. But I have changed my mind. This looks like a controlled, directed leak by individuals who manipulated the 21 year old National Guard troop into taking certain documents and posting them on a public server. …This was an internal CIA document. It was not broadcast to the other intelligence agencies. In my 23 years working with U.S. military commands around the world, I never saw a copy of this type of report circulating among those with the highest clearances. Never. How did a 21 year old kid get his hands on at least two of these? …Let me suggest one possibility for this leak — create a predicate for forcing Joe Biden from office. …The Sundance scenario and mine are not mutually exclusive. Both may be true. I wouldn’t discount the desire of the Deep State to kill two birds with one stone. Now I think back to Tex’s story, and am wondering if the documents they dropped in that trash can were about something like the torture of children to test new psyops techniques, or the use of children in pedophile blackmail, or something they were sure he would act on when he saw it. Maybe to bust him and get leverage to make him do something else. Whatever it was, it was designed to move him in some direction. Tex’s story may have been released when it was for some reason he is not aware of, but which serves God’s plan in some way, given how it fits with this. These serendipities have a way of happening with some people. As I do these briefs, it is crazy how well pieces just present themselves sometimes, fitting together like a puzzle, in ways which I do not think surveillance could come up with, or would want to come up with. Tex’s piece feels a lot like that, as if it will reveal something more with time.
Robert F Kennedy Jr on how JFK stopped the Operation Northwoods false flag attack. “My uncle walks out of that meeting and he said ‘I want to take the CIA and shatter it into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the wind'”
Pompeo announces he won’t run for President in 2024. A CIA officer all but admitted they find helpless little children whose only sin is, having nobody to protect them, and they deliver them to pedophiles to be abused, so they can compromise the pedos. And not even for some “National Security,” but merely for the power of the elites who let them attend espionage fantasy camp. Given this guy refuses to turn on the Agency, it is a pretty safe bet he will be burning in hell for all eternity, jolly old St Nick mien or not. Whether he ever actually delivered a helpless child to a pedophile, or whether he is just knowingly and happily running cover for the people who do, his hands are just as dirty. Utterly loathsome. At least Brennan makes no bones about what he is.
BREAKING: Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg possesses exculpatory evidence showing Donald Trump did NOT INTEND to pay Stormy Daniels alleged hush money BEFORE the 2016 election, undercutting the prosecutor’s felony case that Trump falsified 2017 repayment records to benefit his campaign
BREAKING: Federal Reserve economists believe that recent banking turmoil will trigger a mild recession later this year, a potentially ominous sign for President Joe Biden as he heads into an election campaign
Why would ‘devout Catholic’ Biden banish priests from Walter Reed just before Holy Week?
Posobiec: Congress must evaluate whistleblower protections for the Ukraine papers leaker.
Mike Pence gets booed at NRA convention in Indiana on taking the stage.
Americans to spend billions on Biden’s Obamacare for DACA Illegal Aliens.
The Vax may be calcifying placentas?
Jamie Foxx was hospitalized in Atlanta after a stroke.
‘Unprecedented’ situation as two African countries report outbreaks of Marburg virus.
Trans Florida teacher ‘Ashlee’ who allegedly said they were ‘going to shoot the kids’ then themselves remains in classroom despite parents’ complaints. Update – they pulled the teacher out Thursday after the uproar.
39 year old Bud Light marketing VP behind SIX BILLION DOLLAR Dylan Mulvaney ‘mistake’ breaks cover from $8M Central Park home after bosses threw her under bus. She is that tone deaf, that incompetent, and yet at 39, she is living in an $8 million flat in New York City. Ask yourself, do you think you could have studied harder than her, been smarter than her, and followed her path, to become as rich as her, as effortlessly? I would bet she has followed people through grocery stores.
Marines to get rid of “Yes Sir” and to avoid misgendering. I can remember when the Marines holding the line against the woke bullshit was a thing. The power of intelligence operations.
But the Navy doesn’t get away unscathed either – As China war looms, U.S. Navy’s priority is going ‘green’: “As Secretary of the Navy, I have made climate one of my top priorities.”
California utility companies propose charging customers based on how much money they make.
Republicans now want to invade Mexico.
31 year old wife of 24 year old soccer player Achraf Hakimi seeks half of his $71 million fortune amid divorce but learns his assets are registered in his mother’s name. Of course she is divorcing him after he was accused of rape in Dubai. Then again, the way surveillance works, she could have hired the rape-accuser as a pretext to divorce him and complete a longer plan. When they met, she was 31 and he was 19.
Rishi Sunak says 100% of women do not have a penis. According to the Trans movement he must die for this heresy.
Chinese company offers $10 billion to the Taliban for access to lithium deposits.
Pentagon docs allegedly leaked by Jack Teixeira reveal at least 4 additional Chinese spy balloons.
Hungary, a member of the NATO alliance alongside the United States, has identified the Biden administration as one of its top three adversaries, according to leaked Pentagon documents obtained by the Daily Caller. The Biden administration is America’s number one adversary.
Ukraine forces pull back as Russia mounts ‘re-energized’ Bakhmut assault, UK says.
Elon Musk slams transgender therapy for minors and says parents or doctors who ‘sterilize a child before they are a consenting adult should go to prison for life’ I think it is a measure of how badly they want conservatives to migrate to Twitter. Already he is setting Twitter up to use in trading so you need it for your investment portfolio. He has said he wants to make it the biggest bank in the world, so you will need it for your banking. By the time they get done, you will need twitter for everything from traveling to buying food, and you will be too afraid to get kicked off to speak your mind on the social media side of it. And they need everyone on it for 2020.
TikTok ban gets final approval by Montana’s GOP legislature.
Trump at the NRA Convention:
“Republicans now want to invade Mexico.”
Trump said it first.
If Trump was in charge I’d say it was long past time.
Bring the troops home from all over the world and secure our border from Mexico’s invasion.
The Cartels need to be annihilated in America first. Especially those responsible for innocent blood.
As well the criminal structures by other races. Irish, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Indian, Cambodian, Vietnamese and more. As all are extant and have continent-wide networks. It “ain’t” a pizza parlor, tire repair, donut store, nail salon, massage parlor, etc. The big trucks moving point-to-point from Chinatown and back ain’t any more legitimate than what you think is, “Cartel activity”.
Ukrainians, Ethiopians, Somalis, Afghanis all KNOW it’s sink or swim. Their subsidization ain’t free to them. They have to earn.
As the value of the dollar unravels, these are those already familiar with black market local ops to physically secure territory. Cities partially-sectioned is all it’ll take for Joe & Norma to fold their flag and accede.
The “hellholes” are the key cities. The entire West Coastal strip San Diego to Vancouver.
There are only a few passes thru the Rockies for armored vehicles aboard trains plus all else to besiege that already effectively Chinese (down from Canada).
The US Navy (same as other services) was gutted long ago.
Air superiority run from Anchorage a trump card. Wanna bet Eielson & Elmendorf conveniently surrender (a la Singapore)?
The invasion route is down the eastern face of the Rockies all the way from the Beaufort Sea. No end of timber, water, oil & gas. Few river crossings once near Alberta.
The Panama Canal was supposed to be how to QUICKLY move the Navy from Atlantic to Pacific. Management given to the Chinese a long, long time ago.
As the US military senior command is 50% Jewish, how do you think things will play out?
Pre-positioned small arms already waiting. Military structure isn’t so hard to overlay as grunts KNOW they are expendable.
“We need to secede” plays right into this. “National divorce”.
With the military and Law Enforcement we have the ability to take on the ones here, secure the border, and take on the ones across the border all at the same time.
Hitting on all 3 fronts at once will disrupt their ability to resist.
Jamie Foxx. An athletic man in his fifties shouldn’t have a stroke.
“Act like you got some sense”
Has anyone from the ownership class and not from their entertainment division had a bad reaction yet?
Very sad. Jamie Foxx is incredibly talented.
He is a good actor, but the one thing I never liked about him was when he was on In Living Color, he was borderline abusive to Tommy Davidson, just because Davidson was smaller and he felt he could get away with it. I’ve never liked tough guys who chose fights with people smaller than them, or try to advance themselves crushing weaker people they feel can’t fight back. I’ve always thought him a bit of a dickhead because of it.
But like so many others, he didn’t look unhealthful enough you’d think he would have landed in a hospital.
Guns are also for that. On a higher level, are against police criminality, as well as against militaries, and politicians. Also a lot of military guys get in the side of the populace. In unarmed countries, they have always been domineering, contemptuous, and politically involved, ruining the country functioning.
He was excellent along side Tom Cruise in “Collateral”
Is that the masonic eye gesture thing he is doing with his hand ?
They may all be in. I remember the rapper for Public Enemy saying Kanye, to get success, joined the Masons and swore an oath to lucifer, as if that was just how it was done. And he agreed to make a sacrifice when he did it, though he seemed to indicate Kanye had no idea it would be his mom the sacrificers would choose. He indicated it was something similar with Michael Jordan and his dad, as well, as if everyone famous you see has done it.
I refuse to use the trannies pronouns for themselves. We rectify the names not get lost in squid ink:
This is as important as 2+2=4.
A mathematical equation with basics gone wrong absolutely falls apart.
I take back what I said about OG being my hero. Upon further research, I realized he is just a scapegoat.
Before Republicans including Donald Trump think about Mexico. Cartels already reside in the USA.
Even when intelligence gets neutralized. Deal with the Cartel problem at home first. Then secure the border then think about Mexico itself.
All 3 at once is the best way.
By taking out the Cartels in America we take care of reprisals. By wiping out those capable of reprisals.
Basic military strategy is to cut off resupply and reinforcement, then deal with the isolated units left behind on your terms. Taking the border first is absolutely the priority, what number they have embedded can be dealt with later.
Secure the border. Then move in for the kill in America. Then Mexico can wait.
“…Federal Reserve economists believe that recent banking turmoil will trigger a mild recession later this year…”
These people get money, counting inflation, at less and 0% and still can’t make money. A fool could make money at those rates, but they can’t. They are worthless pieces of shit. I take that back, they are lower than shit. You can dump shit on the ground and it grows things. These people can’t even grow anything. We’d be better off piling money up in bonfires and burning it before giving it to them.
What worth is money if it cannot buy anything?
QT is simply returning money more and more to its real value in the absence of the Gold Standard.
Public comment is now open on Biden’s proposal to modify Title IX to require colleges to allow men dressed as women to play in women’s sports. To leave a comment go here:
That “outflow” from banks is mostly foreign, I’d wager. SVB looks like either CHN or RUS or both used shell companies w/deposits at SVB to start the run. A warning shot and lol at it being a CIA bank.
CHN has probably a few quadrillion(!) in USDs outside CHN. No one knows but it is prob quadrillions. And their shell companies have dsposits in almost all US banks. JPM as big as it is could be forced to SVB straights.
RUS has unknown amount of USDs. The 300b was laughably low. Maybe a few trillion.
Of course, BRICS+ has more evrn than RUS + CHN.
Luke Gromen, a guy a follow and respect, thinks US trying to confiscate RUS funds was a counter to this. Or a stated willingness to do so.
Dealing with the foreign USDs as the USD loses global status and USTs lose global reserve asset status is going to be very tricky.
Physical gold becoming global reserve asset over USTs is probably much much bigger deal than USDs losing global status.
This is all of course at bottom just the US Military losing the threat of submarine boomer decap strikes.
Push a Finance guy who doubts US will lose financial hegemon status hard enough and eventually he will just play his US Sub fleet trump card. Every time.
Home Improvement purchases nationwide dropped recently. To me, and I am an idiot, that seems very frightening.
Why? It probably just means the insane bubble around real estate is deflating.
Not so easy to do $10k of renovations and flip for $250k profit when everyone knows the scheme now.
Ukr captured a RUS t90 early in the conflict. Propaganda to counter the leaks.
The leaks I think were a City of London op. Or being capitalized by London.
We knew Hersh’s Nordstream story hilariously left out UK Mil involvement because London gave him the story.
Bellingcat’s neck deep involvement in this leak and the search for the leaker leads to same conclusion.
London has more adviserson the ground (per the leak) than all other nations combined. Latvia (!?) has more than US and is prob UK front.
UKR is London’s war and they are trying to drag US in.
Note: I am a crank. And I see London’s hands everywhere. But those hands quite literally are everywhere bad things happen.
Always the filthy British.
UK voted for “conservative” government to reverse Cabal laws but got a parliament of Cabal sleepers.
The Cabal in UK government is the same Cabal in US, Europe, and whatever country you live in.
Here they are hated because of the 5 wars we had with them. Firstly 3 of their aggression in 1806,1807, and 1833, then between 1840 – 45, 5 years of gunboat diplomacy/naval warfare causing an hiperinflation, financial ruin. A century later, an argentinian limited war of reconquest in 1982.
Today, the brits with the US department of states, the germans and the dutch are financing all sides of the argentinian congress. It must be similar in the US, but with more foreign governments oppressing the americans. That’s why you are all so oppressed and persecuted really. In my first book I took a chapter about the foreign state financing of the local libertarians who live in tv sets, and made a presidential candidate out of paying for publicity in the media.
I am British. You are a dick.
This has nothing to do with you, or our kind in your nation. No more than Ukraine is my doing. All of us live under leaders who appear to have been appointed by satan, and our leaders are involved in shitbaggery all over the planet, fucking all of us. The British “government” if you can even call it that is probably as much my enemy, and your’s as the American “government” is presently my enemy.
Patriotism is just a tool they used to control us. You see this thing up close, you find you never meet a regular honest person, never actually form real relationships, every service person you cross paths with is looking to screw you for this thing, you will begin to understand.
And anyhow, there hasn’t been an England since 1066, unfortunately.
Its not about patriotism.
when people group an entire people as “they”, they make enemies of potential allies.
I explained the UK voted against Cabal and get a lecture on the Evil British.
Everyday, I need to wade through nonsense about evil Russians, Catholics & Jews.
It is not “people” that are evil, it is Cabal, present in every country, and they are very good at getting us to turn on each other.
I understand. You should see the comments filtered here. There is one guy who puts “filthy” before everything, and posts one word sentences like, “That is those filthy Jesuits/Catholics/British/etc/etc.” Pick who might be here that you want to insult. And I know what that is.
Maybe being under the surveillance, where every day I am buried under people who want me to know they are all surrounding me for this thing, I am getting increasingly ornery, and going too far the other way rejecting everything associated with them.
But IMO, if outside of here, it is me alone against all of this in my little real-world sphere each day, and everything is manipulation, and attempts at control, then I am not going to let anyone leverage any attachment to anything to move me in any direction, since it is all just manipulation, and falling for it anywhere is letting them win. Just saying British is manipulating, unless you sit down and clearly define who, exactly British is. I feel like that is liberating, because then you are just looking at each situation, and making the clearest, least manipulated conclusion possible.
I mean today, with this level of psyops and manipulation everywhere, I don’t know how anyone can be attached to anything beyond a broad sense of “our kind.” Because if there was anything good to associate with, American patriotism, Freemasonry, anything which served as a group banner, they have taken it over, and are using it to try and manipulate those who associate with it.
I loved my nation – but see that it is gone.
And who let it go? Godless complacent British people that breed like pandas, swallow cabal lies whole and put comfort & luxury before country & children.
Meanwhile, I remain British, and maintain my personal hygiene to a high standard.
It is tough though. The system they have developed, is just so powerful. And it does feel like there is some occult support added in. We have bright minds here, but if we suddenly had power and tried to use all these tricks simply to create a pleasant world where the government’s job was to make you safer, happier, and assist you in your dreams, I think all these systems would fail some how. It would not work like it does for them.
Our kind is still out there, I think the first step is to just recognize all the boundaries they present to us, are bullshit, and divorce ourselves from them, and everything they represent – governments, laws, mores, rules. Our kind are all that matter, and we need to look out for each other. If one of our’s shoots one of their’s, and it ends up in court, nullify the verdict. Everywhere you have authority, wield it for our kind, and not for the satanic system.
There are a lot more of us than there are of them, just our kind are mostly blinded by their system.
Your nation isn’t gone, just the state. Britain is a state. It’s never existed as a nation. Your nation is English, Scottish, Welsh/Cymry, or Irish.
The homeowners now know that value is no longer on anything but location. State versus around wrong metro. And are quietly trying to sell the Harley.
God damn it. We’re going to take out another JAP prime minister. Disgusting behavior. DC has to be stopped.
The Bud Light harridan is a Groton Girl. Groton is the most arrogant place on earth. She is way above following ppl in stores in the hierarchy. Groton ppl are comically arrogant.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh’s brother attended Groton School, and her mother was very involved with it. (Anne’s father worked for J. P. Morgan, and they were very wealthy.)
Anne said in her diary at age 20: “What a family conspiracy Groton is!”
Dimon and Wexner dealing with subpoenas in the Epstein case is obv 100% realted to DJT being forced to testify in his. Or rather, DJT was subpoena’d because of that and he chose to testify for some reason related to Dimon and Wexner.
Re: I think today a lot more people go to hell, than any of us would ever have thought before.
I find the opposite true.
Matthew 7:13-14 “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide the gate and broad the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow the gate and difficult the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.
So an easy life leads directly to hell.
It’s a dumb move. They tried to serve his attorneys, who refused service. I’ve honestly never seen that before, but I think that if the judge is pissed off enough, he can prevent the attorneys that refused service from appearing in the case. (“You said you weren’t his lawyer for this matter.”)
At the end of the day, it will end up like the case I worked on with another famous person who was using security to duck service. The judge will send the subpoena out with a pair of US Marshalls, and security will step aside or go to federal prison for Obstruction of Justice.
Update: There’s actually one really good reason that attorneys rarely refuse service. In this case, they should have accepted service, because they would get to bill for collecting the documents pursuant to the subpoena, reviewing them, and producing them to the court. That’s a good chunk of billing they passed on.
Did the Supreme Court’s cancellation of Roe v Wade somehow weaken Satan’s power in the United States? I’ve wondered, from time to time, way in the back of my mind if the Supreme Court’s mass legalization of infanticide was a planned CIA op to get Satan on the United States’ side in the Cold War. I’ve wondered that because of the sparse references in declassified documents regarding the CIA’s exploration of the occult and it’s documented funding of filmmakers, TV shows, and writers to create books, movies, etc., to normalize occult and Satanic practices. And you thought Carlos Castenada and the TV show Bewitched were things the “just happened.”
My thinking has been: if the CIA is as evil and corrupt as it is (and the links you provided today show it is), and if it bumped up against real demons, and if it tried to normalize the occult in American culture (which it did), and if it didn’t care about killing Americans (which it didn’t), would it have found a way to manipulate the Supreme Court into releasing a deeply flawed, divisive and widely hated legal opinion bringing about the mass murder of children in order to get Satan “on our side”? That question has buzzed around in the back of my mind for years.
If the CIA, with the complicity of our national leadership, did that, then how would that affect the willingness of God to put any effort into protecting us people in this country from having our lives destroyed by all the sick and depraved cultural crap, mass shooting, etc.,? I suspect widespread abortion caused God to step back from us and that allowed Satan to ramp up his gleeful destruction of our nation.
Now, what are the spiritual implications of Trump’s Supreme Court nominees who overthrew Roe v. Wade? Has God waded back into the spiritual fight here? Is that why it seems like there has been a tidal wave of revelations about the CIA, 9/11, Qaddafi’s murder, and the sick human experiments the U.S. funded in Ukraine? Could God be setting up a cleansing? And how will you react if that happens?
Fun fact, from what I remember Castaneda’s Socrates, Don Juan, said that the human soul incarnates in the womb at the moment of conception, so even morning after pill is murder.
Russian tank might be a movie prop. Lots of inconsistencies that point to Ukraine war being a fake money laundering scheme. Easy to believe most satellites are really just high altitude balloons. China pointing this out is a threat to globalist cabal. Late stage empires don’t have failures … just some empire successes are only mentioned once.
Rishi Sunak says 100% of women do not have a penis.
Mr. Prime Minister…
Welcome to Hogwarts.
I’ll just leave this here:
Never thought the freemasons admitted women.
They have female freemason organizations. Order of the Easter Star, IIRC is one. I saw somewhere some famous women, like Katy Perry types, were actually secret members. I got the impression if you looked at actresses, you would find a lot were in it.
I wish that more of them can be flipped to our side.
They would get Anne Heched – and we would never know
Then we pray for them.
My mom had a family friend who was Eastern Star, & her husband was a mason. After the friends husband died in a fiery car accident( burned alive) she quit hanging out. Thank God
There’s also a (mostly defunct?) group called Rainbow Girls for girls too young to join Eastern Star, and there’s one for boys called DeMolay for boys too young to become a Mason.
Personally knew one here in argentina
Imagine believing the free masons, who’ve seen their membership decline dramatically in the last 60 years, who are renting out their halls for local businesses and have completely pulled out a number of cities around the country… are actually running Hollywood.
When the shooting starts, patriots will form a huge Mexican firing squad and take out all the decent Americans and completely miss cabal. Prepare for a complete fiasco.
And yet that youtube by that Australian, had masons everywhere in power, all making the mason signs to each other. I don’t know who is running things, but there sure were a lot of the power players all making those mason poses, from Fauci with his hand in his jacket, to Tom DeLonge and even Shaq.
And if it is the masons, then you have the same issue as with the surveillance – that whoever is in power, is the problem. Surveillance can’t be the good guys, if it is allowing 9/11, allowing the rigging of the elections, allowing the destruction of the nation.
Anon, the mason answer to the duke of kent, there are even some here in argentina who have openly said so.
The duke of kent is a british royal, so they answer to the foreign office.
They are bong operatives in every area. Of course, they can and do operate / do subterfuge, for actors in the private sector.
Membership numbers published by who, the masons? Who would have a vested interest in lying?
and why would you need halls scattered around the country when you could just disappear into the shadows and pull strings behind the scenes, which is the exact allegations that are being made: masons are part of the hidden control network.
I had a theory that once Neopaganism became socially acceptable, that people started just doing that instead of becoming Masons. Today it occurred to me that the Freemasons have organizational structures, buildings, charitable foundations, scholarships, and MONEY so someone would see that it went on. So now I am not sure my theory is correct.
Local masonic organizations always had a two story brick building in even fairly small towns—although many of those are in such poor repair they’ve been sold off or torn down.
My family was Masonic. My mom broke away to become an evangelical Christian in the early 70’s (does anyone remember the coffeehouse movement? ), and wouldn’t let me or my sibs be involved. But I had great aunts in other states who represented Eastern Star at the national level etc. That was all on the periphery for me—my mom kept me away from all that– but I recall people talking about sometimes at family reunions.
Freemasons are agents of the Crown.
Treason carries a death sentence.
Got surprised here in argentina. For example, personal and public. Personal, relating to the liberals, lots of people used the rings they sometimes use. Public, the second most voted candidate of the argentinian capital, who is also a far leftist, and one of the nearest friends of the current argentinian president.×900
Bear in mind, they are also within the center right, so at least in my experience, they are extremely present.
For example, patricia bullrich, president of the biggest right wing party, the one who rules the argentinian capital, also has photos in masonic lodges giving speaches and so on and on.
Musk and Kanye took a photo together where they both struck that exact same posture next to each other.
One hand fights the other so the controllers always win. AC has also warned that this is manufactured because ‘they’ will control the pushback to the right.
Nationalism was turned into a trap in the World Wars. May we remain on the path that Christ has given us. So that we may be guided by his power and Wisdom.
Nice catch. Thanks.
Girls copy celebrities. They may not know the meaning.
It can man something, or nothing.
I have a general theory though, that you cannot get in front of one of their cameras, to talk to the masses, unless the Cabal knows you will stick to their script, and only say what they want. For example, I am an extreme version, where right now, there is zero chance I am going to be able to get a job as a live news anchor. But that likely plays out ore softly with other people, where if there is a chance you could go off scrip, they will not give you the podium at a rally, or a live interview at a crime scene. I think it is why Q showed there were so many Freemason hat and necklace guys giving interviews right after mass shootings at schools. That whole interview was scripted.
It is possible even though she is young, and a girl, she is an agent. They have them throughout the country right now at 15 and 16, in high school, sleeping with guys on orders of command. And the guys will have zero idea any of this is even out there, or that a little teeny bopper girl could be an operator like that, or that adults would use her like that.
Careful, Sam J might start ranting about the gymnast girls again.
True – up to a point.
She is in front of cameras because she earned that place as champion swimmer
I think they can affect athletic performance, and degrade people they want degraded. I find it impossible to believe they would leave sports a raw meritocracy, where anyone could dominate, and get a microphone. I think they control who goes where a lot more than we would think possible.
Don’t forget the pics where she is obviously on steroids, etc. See Miles Mathis latest.
Good day, AC. Just a thought, maybe for the vid like Trump at NRA to also include the direct link along with embed, so option to go direct for view, copy, forwarding etc. without having various issues with trying to parse out of your page, thanks.
I got to the direct site, but others might not be so aware. Good stuff.
Alright, I have no idea if this guy makes sense or not. However, he is talking about sunlight, absorption of energy, and chemicals moving their shape to something more beneficial from photons. He also talks about sodium being a conditional transistor? I don’t know what that is, except something in computers.
I’m going from observations, not really from education. Most of the people here are better educated than me, so you can probably get more out of this than I can. It might help you.
If China is stopped from invading Taiwan we will never find out what kind of henky shit Clown World is running through it. If China is allowed to take Taiwan the people of the Republic of China are stuck under communist rule and the communists get to finish the job Mao started. There’s no good option.
And yes, the CCP would be invading and conquering ROC, it would be an invasion not a “reunification.” The CCP is evil. Clown World is evil. No good option.
China Uncensored – China Makes UNPRECEDENTED Move on Taiwan
I’m sure there is some other way to pull down cabal in Taiwan instead of letting the Gongfei conquer it.
I talk about this kind of things in my last book too.
Do you want to know why I am not at all worried about the future of the white race? It because none of the others would ever do something like this. Maybe they can’t do it, or maybe it’s something that they wouldn’t even think to do, but we’re the only ones that would put it all together and put in all this effort just to have a bit of fun. Just to make the world a little more pleasant.
I know that DOOOOM is the default setting among our kind, but I think we’re going to be okay because we’ll find a way.
colinfurze – This Machine makes me WEIGHTLESS!!
AC ¿ have you thought about getting into a trump comittee/basic unit/ or however mericans call their local places of meeting?
You may be pretty good for politics.
On another note, in my last book I explained who the well-known guy in the US intel services was who funded Elon musk’s starlink using US public tax slave funds and freshly digitally “minted” dollahs.
Elon is a nice case of an entrepreneurial federal government.
The socialist and nationalist native Peronists here in Argentina would be drooling to see this, if he hadn’t had comment like he would coup us whenever he wants.
Yes Anons, he is making a social credit system under orders from the permanent US federal national security bureaucracy.
I also deal with the huge problem that is this in the 4th chapter of my last book, available at amazon both kindle and paperback.
Memories…. This was brand new when I showed up.
Old Video of Dalai Lama “Tickling” Lady Gaga’s Knees Goes Viral …
Dalai Lama sparks another controversy with Lady Gaga: Another video appears in which he touches the singer’s leg.
(DV) Parenti: Friendly Feudalism — The Tibet Myth
In-depth article on the corrupt aristocratic elite that ruled the country before China’s conquest. Not pro-China, but against fantasies of Tibet as some former paradise.
This is the way. Bankrupt them. Never buy another Budweiser product ever. EVER. Send the message: COLD AND HARD.
Agree. Even fi they were our side, punish traitors worse than enemies. Plus the CEO is CIA, so fuck them, they are the psyop.
This is silly and vox is silly. The entire “bankrupt them, nothing they could ever say or do will be sufficient to earn my business ever again!” position eliminates all power of negotiation. Since nothing they can do will make you happy, they shouldn’t worry about what you want.
Cabal wants us to destroy these companies and institutions for them. We should be attempting to salvage and conserve American institutions, not join in the arson.
There is no negotiation at this point for us. You may be right, that boycotts do nothing, but it would only be because they have seen to it they own all major brands, not because we should negotiate the amount of their treason.
We are like Hans Gruber at the end of Die Hard. We are falling backwards from the top of Nakatomi Tower, it is all over for us, and the only thing we have left is a little satisfaction we could get from squeezing off a few rounds from our P7 and hoping we hit somebody looking down at us as we fall, as we make our final descent.
If we can make the CIA fag, or the toothy horseface have a little heartburn, that is enough for me.
Just because we may not see the actual results of a boycott they still maybe working. Just because Bud Light doesn’t go out of business doesn’t mean we didn’t hurt them. Boycotts are one of a few ways we can speak out against these satanic globalists.
You cannot negotiate with someone who refuses good faith. You cannot negotiate with someone who is incapable of keeping the deal.
You have no negotiated outcome, so you go for the beat alternative. Our best alternative is to make it clear that this sort of insult results in your company failing, no matter how big it is.
When they go too far you have to send a message to all the others.
If the apology is not strong enough and is not accompanied by strong enough actions it is worthless and should be treated as such.
Budweiser is thoroughly controlled. Either at the outset of the company or through infiltration. Cabal always controls the winners and losers. Don’t be naive.
Virtuous pagan Chinese alleviate oppression of Tibetan serfs. Dalai Lama as CIA asset. Corruption, attempted coups, dirtbag aristocrats.
Don’t know if you guys have heard of Battleship Texas, but it’s a deteriorating WW1 warship that to everyone’s surprise has achieving the funding required to be dry docked and repaired enough to be re-launched. They aren’t getting her ready for war, they are just getting her able to float again as a proper FLOATING museum.
New Jersey is is up next. New Jersey is an Iowa class from WW2, the last battleship class ever put into production for those that don’t know.
Battleship New Jersey – Why The Whole Fleet is Watching [Battleship]Texas
The virtue of the Virtuous Pagans on display:
TikTok is Charlies point.
“Whatever it was, it was designed to move [Texas Arcane] in some direction.”
So Tex, wrap your mind around this.
0) A long-standing covert comms flow was in place long before you got there, with or without sanction.
You’re the new guy, you’d never know, this precedes anything you’d ever know.
1) You were and had been noticed for being “too diligent” at your job, possibly elsewhere in your service.
2) You found the “red bag” because that was meant for you to find.
3) Your superiors thought you knew just enough to fuck things up, but needed your “diligence” anyway.
4) What passed for your “punishment” was meant to get you out of the way, possibly for your own safety.
5) That was the “good outcome” because otherwise you would have been a suspected plant.
6) The “bad outcome” would have been that they were expecting you “to peek” and that they’d been looking for a scapegoat, an accomplice, or something in-between.
7) Running you through all of this may have flushed out some bad actors behind the covert comms.
8) You did well enough at that: if the “red bag” showed up somewhere else other than its intended location, it would have revealed other actors who were moving materials around prior to your arrival, and so your presence was both vital and timely for that operation.
9) Or it was all an elaborate ruse to make all of the information, which could have been fake in ways that couldn’t be ascertained in a timely manner, have that much more of the imprint of being real intelligence.
10) Especially if you’d blabbed about it.
Now Tex, think a bit deeper about what your role really was.
Essentially you were too honest to make a good spy, but that doesn’t mean a good spy couldn’t make use of your honesty.
You think NATO wouldn’t be looking for Sovbloc covert comms in 1983?
Karla sometimes doesn’t just steal your fucking engraved cigarette lighter, you know.
Congratulations, Tex! You passed your real security screening.
No medals for you, just all part of The Business.
Show more respect. Arcane thinks more deeply than you ever could or will and has been around the block — an NYC sized block — more times than you. Go read his archived posts.
Far more than adequate respect was given: the consistent and reliable honest person is a counter-intelligence officer’s greatest pry bar for concealed truth.
And so Tex lived up to a role, but he wasn’t aware of the role, as was the CI officer’s design for that situation. The absurd proceedings with the scent of a trial were those in which the presiding officer had to be aware of how best to hide the CI officer’s involvement or mere presence while protecting the asset who made further investigations possible, and so he agreed with the requirement of an outcome without agreeing with its strict necessity.
Once again, no good deed goes unpunished, especially when there are spies involved.
Those who operate under such constraints as consistent and reliable honesty often forget that this isn’t SOP for the average person, let alone those for which it’s their job to detect rather much the opposite.
Most people don’t know what they really are or how they will respond until that’s put to a test, which in practice gives them the scent of dishonesty first and foremost, especially with themselves.
The CI officer’s problem then: most people are by consequence self-aggrandizing liars surrounding a few consistent and reliable honest people with which nothing can be done directly, but who serve as excellent liar detectors.
And so Tex was exploited in this role and given some mildly unpleasant make-work activities until he could be shifted to another post where it’s quite likely he unknowingly did the exact same type of work.
In other words, Tex should be proud that he served his intended role well, even if he hadn’t really thought about why that situation could have existed in the first place.
As for anything here, how was this personally offensive to you?
Rhetorical, of course.
Tex knows we’re All Saints here, and there’s always plenty of room around the diving board if you’re inclined in that particular direction.
Think of it as evolution in action.
Excellent post. Quite possible maybe even likely. I wonder what TA’s next posting was.
31 year old wife of 24 year old soccer player Achraf Hakimi seeks half of his $71 million fortune amid divorce but learns his assets are registered in his mother’s name.
That’s in addition to the Egg Carton running low. Women to 30-35 are more in danger of infertility because of relative closeness of Menopause.
The existence of gay surrogacy:
Disproves the argument that the only good thing about sex is reproduction. There is a good reason women are more than mere incubators for gay men.
Femininity encompasses much more than that. There is goodness in the sexual communion between Man and woman that isn’t existent merely for the sake of reproduction. But that the Feminine and Masculine bless each other.