Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.
Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:
No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at
Major companies join several fake news outlets to condemn voter ID laws in full page WaPo/NYT ad. So despite Cabal supposedly winning in November, now election laws are tightening.
Biden wants to give anti-gun groups $5 billion in the infrastructure bill. They want to just give some of it to people in communities with gun violence, in return for them not shooting people. In other words, a Cabal ground-agent slush fund.
House and Senate Democrats are rolling out a bill to add four justices to the Supreme Court. This looks like more purposeful self-sabotage than Cabal being in control.
Maggie Haberman at the New York Times is now releasing accounts of Cuomo’s wild antisemitism. They haven’t given up.
Ukrainian model detained in Dubai for X-rated shoot claims she was forced to pose nude by Vitaly Grechin — a businessman who has been seen pressing the flesh with Barack Obama, eating with George Clooney and posing with Hillary Clinton in photos published by The Sun
Guatemala’s President says Biden’s ‘confusing’ messages created the border crisis.
George Floyd’s girlfriend reveals she was Daunte Wright’s teacher at high school in a tragic link between families as she describes former pupil as ‘goofy’ and needing ‘a lot of love.’ So the mentally retarded ex-con in the video below, with the 50 IQ, who acts in porn movies on the side, who can’t answer his name or when he was arrested last because he is bawling and mumbling in Ebonics unintelligibly about being done “like this,” who freaks out and swallows a bag of fentanyl on a moment’s notice, is dating a high school teacher -who taught another dead black igniting a BLM frenzy against cops – at the exact time we are about to get a Chauvin Not-Guilty verdict. This is bullshit. I think what you are seeing is the secret society drawing from its ranks to put on a movie, and they are all in the same club. At this point, I would believe the video of the female cop shooting him was not even real cops and a robber, but a movie scene made up of all crisis actors the controlled media aired as if it was real. She may not even be arrested, the kid could be on a beach somewhere right now on the other side of the world, and none of it is real. You have entire neighborhoods which are exactly like the Truman Show. You have local news reporters running surveillance on randos between liveshots. There is no telling what is real and what is not anymore.
A video of a previous arrest of George Floyd. TLDR; he was mentally all fucked up. his amygdala was so overwhelmed the very instant a cop even talks to him innocuously, he immediately swallows his drugs, and then breaks down into uncontrollable crying like a child, and answers basic questions about his name or when he was arrested with unintelligible blubbering, possibly in Ebonics. A guy whose amygdala goes that haywire could have had a heart attack without even being on a lethal dose of drugs. But he was dating a teacher. Who knew another perfectly timed BLM supercharger case, just in time to amp things up so everybody is already on the street and they really blow with a Chauvin Not-Guilty verdict. It is too much, and too perfectly timed for maximum chimping out.
Nancy Pelosi calls George Floyd’s death a ‘public assassination’ and says if she was there she would have ‘just pulled Derek Chauvin off.’ Interesting in that Pelosi was asked about the Capitol rioters, and said she was a street fighter and if they had caught up to her she would have fought them and used her high heels as weapons. Why is she defaulting to violent, fighting imagery? Significant to something going on in her life, perhaps some deep seated desire to fight something in her mind.
On Twitter – Medical expert testifies George Floyd died from sudden cardiac arrhythmia brought on by heart disease and drugs.
AP does a ridiculously glowing piece on armed robber Daunte Wright, portraying him as an innocent young father. If he is even dead. Everything is a psyop.
Madonna is called out by a twitter user for pushing for gun control while having armed guards, and she responds by claiming she has no armed guards. She could be lying, but I wonder to what degree Cabalites have no fear of anyone coming at them because Cabal intel is watching the entire environment around them, and would see any attack coming and stop it for valued assets. Might she decide to save the money if personal security would be redundant?
Mystery of how BLM co-founder could afford millions for 4 houses only beginning to be solved as documents surface showing some of her income sources. Look at how she just gets $50,000 lump sum payments here and there for consulting – and has a book deal.
An investigation conducted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia determined “that there is insufficient evidence to support a criminal prosecution,” in the shooting of Ashley Babbit. Perhaps they might have to produce a body. And it would be inconvenient if the defense produced video of her on a Tahitian Island watching Biden’s inauguration. It is not impossible they are not releasing a name because he was not a Capitol Cop, and they are afraid they didn’t backstop him enough should 4Chan have gotten on the case.
Supply chain collapse leads to lumber frenzy, and soaring home prices. Or is it hyper inflation beginning, and they don’t want to admit it?
Hyperinflation is coming and it will destroy everyone’s wealth except for the ultra-rich (a discussion at Free Republic). Possibly. The question is if you believe Q and Trump will prevail or not. If Biden stays in, we are done. If somehow Trump returns, or Biden is just neutered, things will turn around fast.
Fed’s Powell says current US debt level is ‘very sustainable.’
Reports indicate vaccines causing more injuries and deaths than natural COVID-19 infections.
A celebrity legal analyst from CNN named Midwin Charles, 46, passed away after receiving Pfizer’s covid vaccine. I just read somebody said Pfizer’s was the safest.
And the vaccines don’t even guarantee you won’t get the virus – More breakthrough COVID-19 cases reported among vaccinated people in Washington.
New data show nearly one-quarter of UK COVID-19 deaths were not caused by virus.
In the UK, Police break down a door, and arrest a man for violating COVID quarantine rules after returning to the country and not quarantining in a hotel. He faces 10 years. Should have joined a grooming gang. Dollars to donuts, there is more to the story. And notice how they pay attention to randos and are all knowing if you happen to break a rule.
Once on the brink of eradication, Syphilis is raging again among male homosexuals.
Adam Perkins, a social media star known for his videos on Vine, died on Sunday, 24 years old. No cause of death was given. Could be nothing, but these days you never know, so I put it on the radar in the event something interesting comes out in the future.
George P. Bush is ‘seriously considering’ a run for Texas Attorney General.
On twitter – Liz Cheney raises an impressive $1.54M in the first quarter. Probably not grassroots supporters.
Liz Cheney says she won’t support Trump if he runs in 2024.
Democrat Sen. Tim Kaine distanced himself from members of the radical left Wednesday, stressing he does not agree with those who say “we should disrespect police.” If a Democrat politician slips and describes it this way, how do you think regular America views it? We are not the minority, and they are not even close to normal. It is just all a head game.
Elon Musk’s controversial Neuralink brain chips could be implanted in humans this year.
Joe Biden travels to outpatient center with Jill Biden for ‘common medical procedure.’
What does the evening news look like in the exotic utopias we are importing all our migrants from? From Nigeria – “Chinese authorities seize 7,221 human penises on cargo ship from Nigeria.” I wanted to find the pidgen version for comedic effect, but they are usually a few weeks behind. Important parts, summarized – The only concern of the Chinese is they may have been harvested in unsanitary conditions, and that at $160,000 per unit they are going to have to discard $1.15 billion worth of penises. Had they been harvested under sanitary conditions, it would be fine. The Chinese even know how much human penises go for from different areas, meaning Africa actually exports human penises routinely enough people know where the best ones come from and what they should go for. Also, note to self – never, ever, buy premade Chinese medicine teapills. Although the article is not specific on what they are being used for.
Meghan Markle has friends leak that she is ready to forgive the Royal Family for all the racism they have directed at her. Prince Harry has just arrived in the UK, and as she sits home alone calculating, she is now realizing she is not in control of him, the Royals are, and it is bothering her. She is picturing him reforming relationships, and having fun with them, and the bonds she has worked hard to sever, being reforged. This is a stab at stirring dissension which will infect his trip with angst and irritation. She is hoping the Queen will confront him, he will get defensive, and William will have to take sides, and Kate will back up William, and it will turn into everyone against Harry, as he is forced to defend her and fight them. If the Royals ignore it, and continue to shower Harry with adulation and they all have laughs and good fun together, this will backfire, and from there it will just be a matter of time. It is amazing to me how if you know one of these characters, they are all exactly the same.
Bernie Madoff, infamous Ponzi schemer, dead at 82.
Pelosi’s House Democrat margin shrinks as Republican representative is sworn in. Her husband died after winning from COVID, and she ran in a new election and won. Dem House margin is now just two votes.
Only stores left untouched in Minneapolis area riots were guarded by armed civilians.
Sen. Lisa Murkowski is still weighing whether to run for a fourth full term, and she demurred Tuesday on a timeline for her decision. She thinks something is hanging fire, and she wants to see how it plays out first. It is a sign Cabal did not win.
RE: lumber prices
It’s hyper-inflation. We’ve all known that it was on the way. Cabal had planned to do this during Hillary’s first term only to have Trump beat the cheating in 2016 forcing them to continue papering over the problems and giving Trump the chance to play with their system and deliver the greatest fake economy on record. They couldn’t call him on it because he was using all of their metrics to do it, so his record will stand, and normies think that he is magic. They couldn’t let the system crash under Trump because he would have a big say in how it got rebuilt, which would probably mean gold standard of some sort.
Funny thing is, this is where Trump and Cabal’s plans aligned, because Trump couldn’t let the system crash either. He needed the fake economy to bring back the factories and create the perception that he is magic with money. This would in turn lead to a landslide victory, the largest voter turnout in US history, and all done specifically to force Cabal to cheat so wildly that is was blatantly obvious, which exposed that literally every level of government to be corrupt beyond redemption.
Okay, now the tricky part. If the The Plan is still go, then probably by end of Summer the election fraud, pedogate, and the economic crash will all happen at once, along with a whole bunch of other things. This is probably when FEMA&military will be forced to step in. If Trump was in charge it would immediately be declared a coup. It probably still will be, even with Trump not technically in office. If mass arrests are going to happen, they will happen here. I assume that since VoterID laws are being rammed through now that it means that there will be an emergency do-over election in Q3 or Q4 of this year in which the entire 2020 election is redone. Trump will obviously emerge the overwhelming victor along with a MAGA congress. Then we’ll get a system designed to create deflation which of course over a long time builds generational wealth among the common people.
This is why we need America First candidates ready to go right now. Ultimately, WE ARE THE PLAN.
I would run myself for some obscure uncontested office if I could find one, but as I am not yet technically a resident of Oregon due to my procrastination at switching it over at the DMV(no Saturday DMV service here, and now it’s all appointment only with a mask) I will not qualify for the residency requirements. Also cannot get a fishing license, concealed carry permit, or buy a gun through a store. God I HATE paperwork.
Man found in Hudson River identified as cryptocurrency mathematician
Was fine all his life, a year ago he begins calling Police over home intrusions, installing surveillance cameras and alarm systems, threatening neighbors, and the family says he is losing his mind, saying things which don’t make sense.
You’re told we are entirely free, and anyone can do anything in this world, and you may even think if you work on something privately nobody will ever know, but it doesn’t work like that. Everybody is checked out, from when they are a little kid and couldn’t possibly know to be guarded with everyone. People with potential are known, and at least periodically examined for what they are up to. And if you think you can just do something which might change the world, you can’t just do it as if you are free and have privacy. You need airtight OpSec, a harmless cover you never, ever break, even in the deepest bowels of your house, and you would probably need to have been taught from when you were a child to hide your power level. I’m not even sure it could be done, unless you were in the wilds of Alaska.
> Alaska
I dunno… Alaska isn’t quite a Welfare state, but the Fed is involved with almost all its residents in one way or another. Then there’s the “Alaska Permanent Fund”, $1600/year to residents, which is a nice leash given the income of most of Alaska’s population.
And even if you’re out in the wild somewhere, sooner or later you’re going to have to come into town for supplies, and those places will be watched carefully.
“Friedman at the NY Times is worried if we don’t get a big wall to control immigration, the public may decide to shut off all immigration”
Is that why Trump didn’t quite finish the wall?
Shut it all of until further notice and in a few decades we can decide to let a trickle in.
In the mean time I am open to profitable trades like taking all the Boers in exchange for sending blacks back to Africa to “rectify slavery”.
I looked that up a few years ago. Those aren’t the kind of Africans the State Department wants. Rotsa ruck, boykie.
Russia, on the other hand, is offering citizenship, land grants, and startup money for the SA farmers who have been disposessed or burned out by the new regime’s land re-allocation program.
I seriously hope they will do that for US citizens looking for a fresh start.
“Elon Musk’s controversial Neuralink brain chips could be implanted in humans this year”
Just what I’ve always wanted, the ability to have hackers mess with my brain.
And it will be a lot worse than just Rick rolls.
Musk is a cabal front moron.
“Why is she defaulting to violent, fighting imagery?”
because she’s a cannoli roller. It’s the mob way.
“A celebrity legal analyst from CNN named Midwin Charles, 46, passed away after receiving Pfizer’s covid vaccine. I just read somebody said Pfizer’s was the safest.”
Trump just said they were receiving preferential treatment.
So I guess Pfizer is the cabal’s favorite.
You’re right. That is why I read that.
They were pimping their own.
“Pelosi’s House Democrat margin shrinks as Republican representative is sworn in. Her husband died after winning from COVID, and she ran in a new election and won. Dem House margin is now just two votes.”
In the Senate it is only one vote.
I sense potential in these numbers.
Might Trump become Speaker sooner than the 2022 Election?
“North Carolina teacher killed in shootout with drug cartel when he and a buddy tried to rip off a stash house.”
That’s an oopsie. Anyways, bigger story is the Sinaloa Cartel crawling all over North Carolina.
Video of Mexicans at the bottom (those are the guys who can vote and have been in the US for 70-80 years).
Here are some of the newer arrivals from a little further south.

Majority population of SoCal and N.Mex. Just your friendly neighborhood gangbangers.
“It is just all a head game.”
Just one Governor goes public in a red state that’s told the Feds to fuck off and it’s over.
“Bernie Madoff, infamous Ponzi schemer, dead at 82.”
Did that dead shylock get to take any of that money with him to the great beyond?
“note to self – never, ever, buy premade Chinese medicine teapills. Although the article is not specific on what they are being used for.”
Never buy anything from China, you never know what’s in it. Filthy Chinamen.
As hilarious as that story is, unfortunately it appears to be a fake. And notice it never said what they were gonna use that supposed schlongs for?
They were ethical donations to be served at the cannibal club. Or a topping for pizza at comet in dc. Or an entree at the met gala dinner. Or Chrissy teigens house.
African Muti Magic murders and the market in human body parts for cult ritual activity. A big business in “modern” Africa!
Now filling orders from the Chinese?
Chinese do utilize all sorts of weird ingredients in their traditional medicine, and that’s the official version. You better believe there are offshoot cults that use even more disturbing resources, including human resources!
So if it’s not true, rest assured that it could be; if there was actually a source and market for African Johnson’s, it literally would be true. Shades of G. Y. Rasputin’s last remains mortal remains, which are still on display in some museum or another.
Now, go look up African MUTI Magic and learn what goes on in the darkest continent, including SA, regarding needing the testicles of a one-year-old baby boy, or clobbering some White suburbanite with his own golf club, stuffing him into the trunk, and driving him way out into the bush, there to vivasect him into products that will be marketed to the local Muti Magician community.
Such practices exist in the Caribbean as well, and wherever Caribbean people have migrated. Tell me there are not Chinese — and probably western people wanting to buy some of that stuff!
“Supply chain collapse leads to lumber frenzy, and soaring home prices. Or is it hyper inflation beginning, and they don’t want to admit it?”
Sing it. Shout it. Say it with me now.
BUY GOLD. Even if you didn’t buy the dip, you can still buy the bottom of the ski lift.
For decades this guy was only trying to help you, since you were young. Time to start listening.
Seems like Mr T is gonna make it.
“Chinese authorities seize 7,221 human penises on cargo ship from Nigeria.”
I am completely certain many Chinese are still stuck in a medieval mindset. For being a country that is hyper materialistic, where spirituality is suffocated, they are extremely superstitious. Many rich businessmen will buy rare items for ‘medicine,’ something along the lines of maintaining and/or increasing their virility. Ingredients from tigers are used for this sort of thing, even though it is obviously illegal, but that doesn’t stop them.
I wouldn’t doubt that these penises from Africa are used for some kind of ‘medicine’ of this sorts. I mean, seriously. They got small penises and they probably believe that actually ingesting penises that are larger than theirs will increase their size. It sounds ridiculous, but actually, if you see their mentality as medieval, that is exactly what people used to believe. Even looking at medieval physicians, they used to believe that if you had – for example – some kind of ailment with your toe, by eating a toe you would cure it. I mean, if you have met rich Chinese (especially on their native homeland), they expect to be treated like some damn aristocrat. “Face” is what they call it. It showing face, bowing down, being humble to those who have power. It a total medieval hierarchy there. That’s the culture. And the communism stuff is just a facade. In China it’s all about who you know, rules don’t really matter as long as you have money. You can literally get away with anything, and they do.
The China-Africa connection, they are exploiting that continent and it’s people to the core. This whole white supremacy mumbo jumbo is so far off from the reality of what’s happening. China is literally going into places, making deals with local government for ‘pennies’ to their standards, and totally exploiting the continent. Chinese supremacy IS a real thing. Harvesting of the penises is all ego. They will throw so much money towards the most ridiculous things just to show their status. Literally a backwards culture. I could go on… and let’s not even get into misogyny. Like REAL misogyny. Everything that the liberals blame conservatives about, the Chinese elite and ruling class are the epitome of what they supposedly are against. And they side with them!!! The hypocrites.
Woke-a-cola my ass.
Also Coca Cola:
The same cocksucker Cabal goons who perpetrate corporate fascist atrocities in third world countries are the ones channeling decades of anger and directing it (or trying at least) into “White Man Bad!” sentiment, pushing for eradication of the white middle class.
So dishonest. So sleazy.
“Hyperinflation is coming and it will destroy everyone’s wealth except for the ultra-rich (a discussion at Free Republic)”
Hyperinflation is indeed possible but everyone should understand that there has not been a single case of hyperinflation in the last century that was not done intentionally.
Wiemar’s case was to pay off war debts.
Zimbabwe’s case also started out by paying off war debts (Congo War) but Robert Mugabe realized he could also use it to drive his political rivals out of the country. Most of his upper-class critics (doctors, lawyers, etc) simply couldn’t make a living and were forced to flee leaving him as king of the dung heap.
Diversify your assets. Most people after a lifetime of saving are heavy on paper assets (stocks, bonds, etc). Make sure you have hard assets (land, metals, etc) as well.
Lastly, you could also prep for daily life in an inflationary period by reading John A. Pugsley’s Alpha Strategy. He wrote it in 1980 close to the end of the stagnationary period of the mid-late 70s.
“…Hyperinflation is indeed possible but everyone should understand that there has not been a single case of hyperinflation in the last century that was not done intentionally.
Wiemar’s case was to pay off war debts…”
Tremendously good point. We should note that a lot of this came because Jews could create cash in their banks in Germany which they used to buy up everything…hey…isn’t that happening here?
I’m not so sure that they will allow hyperinflation. They remember what happened last time the Jews did this but if it does happen that means they mean to whack us. Very bad sign.
Lactose intolerant people can usually eat low lactose cheese like cheddar and Swiss. (It’s only a problem if they eat a ton of it or have a lactose allergy instead of intolerance.)
She not just stupid, she’s all around stupid.
Also, I am against all intolerance, including lactose intolerance. They need to examine themselves and get over their lactophobia.
Sorry, was reading about eh crazy lady who says cheese is racist on zero hedge and thought it came from here. It’s too early in the morning for me.
We got “milk is rape” last year, so obviously cheese must be at least racist…
The coincidences just never stop. Don’t forget that Floyd and Chauvin worked at the same club for over a year leading up to the incident and yes, they worked the same nights. Who believes this? Everyone unfortunately.
> George P. Bush is ‘seriously considering’ a run for Texas Attorney General.
I know nothing about the man, but given the two Bushes in the White House, I’m strongly inclined to declare “NO MORE BUSHES!”
> Kamala Harris giggles as she announces a trip to Mexico and Guatemala to deal with the Biden border crisis.
Clinton, Pelosi, Harris… the inappropriate giggle or laughter seems to be a characteristic.
At this point, I figure she’s just as likely to demand they send MORE illegals as to tell them to stop.
> Guatemala’s President says Biden’s ‘confusing’ messages created the border crisis.
“Come on up as soon as I’m elected!” “No, don’t come in!” “We are all Americans.” “Start working on the Wall again!”
Inconsistent? “Aw, c’mon, man!”
Whoever is driving the White House doesn’t seem to have formulated any coherent plan. So far, the Biden/Harris* usurpers are acting like a chimpanzee driving a golf cart.
Supply chain for lumber link is bad
Got it. The article got bumped over to ZeroHedge. Thank you.
> Elon Musk’s controversial Neuralink brain chips could be implanted in humans this year.
Musk’s holdings are multinational. There are lots of places where human experimentation is both legal and essentially uncontrolled. That’s why US drug companies do “clinical trials” in places like India and “the developing countries.”
When you read about some new medial thingie, chances are good that the first public US tests are just the official-for-the-record show, and the real testing was done elsewhere, where failures wouldn’t be public to cause fluctuations in the company’s finances.
> Liz Cheney raises an impressive $1.54M in the first quarter.
The Uniparty is protecting its own. Which is why she still has influence within the GOP.
If you go to and read the Federal Election Commission’s regulations on what may be done with campaign contribution monies, you’ll see that the rules are *amazingly* flexible.
So, payoff money, all perfectly legal.
AC: I’m still getting the “wide page” every now and then. And now, after a couple of replies while the page was correct, this time it came up wide again. This is the first time it changed in the middle of a session. Manually editing “https” to “http” has always fixed that, though. FYI.
Oh, and sometimes the “post comment” button doesn’t show up. I’ve had to use the tab key and post “blind” a couple of times in the last few weeks.
WordPress Delenta Est.
Yesterday you mentioned 4-20. If the Chauvin verdict comes down that day, that will pretty much confirm to me this whole situation is theater.
True. I never thought of that.
they do love their Fuhrertag productions, don’t they
> After backlash over its attacks on voter integrity laws in Georgia, Coke backpedals
After their near-suicidal “be less white” fiasco, I think they’re backing away from anything else that might bite back.
Meanwhile, after being a Cokeaholic since the 1980s, I’ve quit cold turkey. The company owns Barq’s, which I’m also boycotting, and a bunch of other stuff, mostly foreign and nothing I’m likely to encounter.
The Coca-Cola Company can market its ass off, but they’re not getting any more of my money. If I wanted to support people who despise me, I’d just mail a check to Hillary.
My fiance is a lifelong Coke customer and she just quit. I’m finishing off my current supply and then I’m done too.
> Meghan Markle … racism
Funny thing is, almost anywhere in the world, she’s “white.”
Now, if the Windsors were treating her as a mannerless gold-digger with social aspirations, yep, they’d be pretty much dead-on. Though in Markle-land, that’s probably “racism.”
This is nice:
If this is true, than the Trump social media venture is going to be a huge fiasco:
Kushner should be in Israel and stay there, his business interests are incompatible with America First policy. If he really is involved, it gives credence, IMHO, to the possibility that Trump is getting blackmailed with threats against Ivanka by the Israel first Kushner clan (the only other reasons I would consider plausible for Trump to involve Israel first Chabad member Kushner into anything related to the saving of America and the West would be either Trump being retarded or subversive himself, and because I don’t think he is either, I am inclined to believe the blackmailed hypothesis).