Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Biggest Economic Meltdown “In Our Lifetime” Coming This Summer – Harry Dent
DFT – Musk Reveals Twitter Finances Are Improving
DFT – Warren Buffet Continues To Sound Optimistic On Squawk Box
DFT – Goldman Sachs Employees Receive Guidelines On Gender Pronoun Usage
DFT – Inflation Moderates In March
You won’t see this on American news – U.S. argues for immunity in MK-ULTRA mind control case before Quebec Court of Appeal – Proposed class-action suit seeks damages for Montreal brainwashing experiments.
Declassified Guantanamo court filing suggests some 9/11 hijackers were CIA agents. CIA officer Kevin Shipp, on my surveillance page, just says outright this was common knowledge within CIA. Oddly enough somebody posted this article from a major news outlet to Free Republic, and it was instantly deleted, with the mod writing as the reason, “Garbage.” This is a big secret. But the even bigger one is, there will be shown to be as much as 10-12% of the population in the ground surveillance, who knew 9/11 was at least allowed by their bosses, if not an actual Cabal/US-Intel operation. And as all of us wandered around in a daze, and in a rage at the Muslim/Al-Qaeda/Taliban/Terrorist threat, they were looking at us just astonished we were all so clueless and stupid as to think those attacks could even happen.
Trump sues former attorney Michael Cohen for $500 million.
Bank records show millions in transactions between Hunter Biden, China firms: Sen. Johnson. “In my mind, it’s the Chinese government telling Joe Biden, ‘We got the goods on you, buddy, and we’re willing to dish it up,’” Sen. Johnson told The Washington Times.
“Yeah, cool story Apu. Now go poop in the street over there, us (white) world leaders have things to do!” The he salutes the butler. You could not make this stuff up:
Biden asks scandal-ridden Hunter to ‘stand up’ in Ireland because he’s ‘proud’ of him.
Ron DeSantis’ team tries to stop Florida Republicans from endorsing Trump.
Elon’s script writer does have a sense of humor:
Clips of the interview:
Elon Musk calls to ‘defund’ NPR after it quit Twitter over being labeled government-funded media.
Rep. Matt Gaetz said this week that he wonders if the recent spate of mass shootings, such as at a Nashville school last month and at a Louisville bank on Monday are results from the work of Big Pharma. I think they do not like this being raised because it points out these shooters all have therapists.
‘He was under the care of mental health professionals.’ Louisville shooter Connor Sturgeon was being treated for depression and anxiety at the time of massacre, but had no history of anger issues, family source reveals. Professionals. More than one. They all had to be in on it, because you would not want to risk another figures out what you are up to.
Feinstein’s condition sparks concerns among allies she won’t return to the Senate.
House Democrats call on Dianne Feinstein to resign amid absence.
Feds borrowing $6 billion per day, the U.S. Congressional Budget Office said.
Romney suggests cut. ting retirement benefits for younger Americans.
Jack Posobiec tells the FBI they can take his Holy Rosary from his ‘cold dead hands.’ Afterward he asked his FBI and CIA handlers if he got the tone right. If anybody knows him, ask him how his buddy Microchip, who as a Fed informant set up Ricky Vaughn, is doing.
Chicago police are investigating three armored truck robberies that occurred just hours apart Wednesday. As I have traveled around a major city, I have seen the surveillance everywhere, and it is not being flooded around me, but rather I am moving into each unit where it is either posted or roving around in a set motion. None of this stuff would be possible without surveillance deeming it unimportant to their operations, which appear to me primarily focused on maintaining government control, protecting their controlled assets and operational resources, doing MK Ultra/false-flag stuff, and occasionally just satisfying the whims of the people doing it.
Hundreds gather for funeral of 19 year old Bristol boxer who died suddenly in his sleep.
Former NHL player Raymond Sawada dead of heart attack at 38.
Biden tells Congress to import another 20,000 migrants from the Taliban’s Afghanistan.
U.S. corporations cut dividends and employees while dumping billions into race-hustling groups.
Influential Sovereign Citizen who said he was on a Do Not Detain list is arrested for no license and no plates in Texas. I would not be surprised Cabal promotes that ideology. Because if they could get everyone breaking the law all of the time, they could arrest anyone at any time.
18,000 dairy cattle killed in Texas farm explosion. Lots of food system damage lately.
How are they doing this to people? When the MK Ultra programming hits, or the demon you let it decides it is time?:
Britain introduces Voter ID, joins a growing club of countries securing their elections.
Zelensky embezzled $400 million allocated by the US for purchasing fuel – Seymour Hersh. They will be doing that with everything.
Two Americans killed while fighting in Ukraine, State Department confirms.
Ukraine’s spring offensive a likely death trap for US, NATO.
Elon Musk reportedly buys 1000s of GPUs for AI project.
U.S. sees 32,000 fewer abortions 6 months after Dobbs decision.
Trump dominates in South Carolina and leads next rival by 21%: New poll state shows Nikki Haley just 2%.
Trump triples lead over DeSantis, ‘Biggest lead yet.’
Donald Trump boasts 41-point lead in Massachusetts.
Spread r/K Theory, because you don’t let the demon in, in the first place
CEO of Anheuser-Busch is ex-CIA.
Is there such a thing as “ex-CIA”?
Like so many others have said, Ramaswamy, Scott & Haley are just maneuvering for the VP slot.
some 9/11 hijackers were CIA agents
Tragedy that it was, office buildings with capacity of 50,000 during active office hours and only 3000 died? And airplane strikes near the top collapsed the bldgs looking just like an intentional demolition? Smelled fishy then, even more so now.
Don’t forget the perfectly preserved passports of the attackers surviving the impact and being collected so we knew who the attackers were immediately.
Literally shitty daytime detective TV plot lines, and almost everyone missed it somehow.
18,000 cows killed after dairy farm explosion in Texas:
I am telling you. Red States aren’t safe.
50 states in a union. Open borders between any nations is death to the nation. The inevitable outcome, if states want to survive, is closed borders on a national, state, probably even city level.
Safer than most blue ones. although that is a low bar to hurdle.
check out what they did in Ohio!
These are warnings to big red state operators they get ideas about not taking orders (hints). Any industry, but food processing especially. To all smaller businesses dependent on such. Everyone gets a gossip-picture of the costs and difficulties of X-Corp staying in business as second order effect.
Blue states have higher incidences of chemtrail crosshatch, in main (vaxx uptake rate). Farmland depopulation.
Tax code changes inbound.
Hidden buyers awaiting.
How about some non black pills…
So, going around, catching up on yesterday’s responses, plus today’s news, did a search on Messiah Nantwi, concluded that, like a lot of things, there may be more to the story of how a high school football player at an inner city Catholic high school becomes a cold blooded murderer at age 21, than just “nig nog gonna nig nog”, and in the process, out popped a recommended posting for Legends 810 and 95.3, a radio station out of Denver that looked like it played a format similar to the syndicated format that AM 1180 in Lansing used to play, a mix of classic 60s oldies, 70s hits, countrypolitan, and pop standards.
So I give it a whirl, first full song is A Lotta Love by Nicolette Larson.
Nice song.
Larson blew out her liver taking Tylenol and Valium to self medicate her depression and died at 45.
Well, back to the blackpills.
People think of Messiah meaning something truly special like the progeny of a god. It actually means anointed as with oil; this was done to royalty to bless them. It really goes all the way back to ancient Egyptian ‘messe’ which meant crocodile, as in the oil that was used to anoint the pharaoh, to hope for fecundity.
Trans people do need exorcism and the grace of Jesus Christ.
And possibly dewormer.
Jesus may well be the only hope for trans people. He is THE hope for this entire world.
For the pedestrian Cabal types though, I dewormed Cabal hubby and it didn’t help. I am sad to report that both pharmaceutical and herbal de-wormers struck out.
At least in my household, “worm theory” is debunked.
Small chance acupuncture/tcm can allow some measure of control, if you are trying everything. I get clearer and more focused on it, so it can help make connections which are not connecting. If you are hell-bent on trying everything.
And just what are the bast*rds going to blame this on, igniting cow farts? How much more obviuos does this have to be that this is enemy action?
Same with Ohio
Very relevant imho
Yes, they actually are going to do just that.
Is Musk building a “civilian” version of the NSA?
Another of my pet theories that no one else seems to believe (voluntary blackmail and covid being a undiagnosed wave of bacterial infections in hosps the others) is that Cabal under the guise of Lawfare used some little known provisions to actually declare War and keep it secret.
Idk if they declared War on anything specific maybe they didn’t have to.
Conspiracy etc etc explains a lot of the phenomena but it doesn’t explain all of the phenomena. Specifically, the cross Institutional coordination. It’s too fast and too extensive and too complete. And the way pols seem to talk around things.
So, I think we have to add something to our assumptions.
If I add some official binding document somewhere stating War has been declared, I think I can explain it all.
Cabal member X can go to non-Cabal mid level joe and say do this and keep your mouth shut we are at War and it’s treason to not do it or talk about it. You will be executed. War time rules.
They could also have made anti-racism and tranny stuff actual Military Doctrine and official National Security Issues. This would allow them to mobilize the entirety of the Nation against it.
War would also allow them to commandeer Corporations.
I am talking not about the mindset of “we are at War” but the actual legal declaration of War. Obv a legal State of War is a special thing and allows most rules to be bypassed.
If you are right then it is a war declared on the American people and thus High Treason.
Everyone involved would know that, even some ignorant fool mid level Joe.
Cabal may or may not have bothered with formalities like that, but the actual factor that matters is cabal, even mid level Joe is a member informally if not formally.
This is the Lawfare ppl. So it may have been declared officially against someplace else. Or some idea.
I doubt everyone in DC is directly part of it. They like being secret and an elite. A lot are of course.
But a good way to get anyone at anytime to comply and stay silent afterwards is to have some formal document conveying extraordinary power.
It just strikes me that every politician and even DJT is talking around something when they talk about trying to do something.
Anyone with a brain knows there’s serious weirdness going on in DC. But no one can just come out and explain it. Even Q (if true) felt the need to be oblique.
It’s like even the people on our side talk like there is a bunch of stuff they would say but it is all covered by Cosmic Top Secret Level Security.
They all talk around British Crown control of DC through the Council on Foreign Relations (Royal Institute of American Affairs)
War has been declared. By Satan against God and His salvation to believers, Jesus Christ.
No mortal machination can explain a 2000+ year old coordinated conspiracy of this nature. It’s just not possible. It’s inspired by supernatural evil.
True. I am just talking about a technique or tactic, the How? And not the Why?
For AC, the litmus test is if someone talks about the surveillance, but most big political influencers already fail the more basic 9/11 litmus test. Tough, confrontational guys like Mike Cernovich and Andrew Tate avoid mocking the official narrative like wimps. (Now Andrew Tate doesn’t do geopolitics that much, but as a newly converted Muslim he should be keen to point out that while Muslims were the foot soldiers, they weren’t the generals.) The only exception seems to be Alex Jones, but he might be a gatekeeper for other reasons.
> Kamala Harris announces what amounts to a stealth reparations plan: $1.7 billion in “loans” to “minority” businesses, that don’t have to be repaid.
This is un-American!
First, there was the 100 billion Ukraine Reparations Plan, then the multi-deca-billion Silicon Valley Bank Bailout Reparations Plan. Now this!
Greta voice: “How dare they!”
We need to stop shoveling hundreds of billions in “reparations” to undeserving minorities.
You think the money is going to minorities? Bless your heart.
> You think the money is going to minorities?
Nope. Read between the lines.
Climate change activists don’t know what % of the atmosphere is co2 in congressional panel.
Really sounds like cabal actors just playing a role they have little interest in. Going through the motions for the paycheck. How could you genuine care about an advocacy and not know such a fundamental detail? And walk into congress to testify not knowing it?
Is it really surprising that people rabidly advocating for [current leftist nation-destroying thing] are all shills and cabal actors? We knew that 10 years ago at least.
JIm Stone has a great article up. In it he says he was the one that tipped off Iran on how the US was gathering information on them. The reason he said he did so was Bush was planning to attack and by cutting off the US intelligence flow he knew the Generals would then refuse to attack having no intelligence. If what he said is true, he is a 100% American hero. Of course, for this in our Jew run cage, he’s likely ruined. I have speculated that he’s already dead, but this post makes me take that back…some. It’s hard to be sure what the truth is. I do know even if he is really not “he”, he gives out good information at times. It’s a shame, but to discover the truth these days takes a lot of strategizing and reading between the lines to get an accurate picture of the truth. It can’t be helped. You have to just make the best of what you can find.
He posted this as his final fu*k you post because he said they have broke into his house and he has folders he didn’t produce on his computer that have now disappeared but whatever they have planted is likely still there. Apparently his computer is comprised and he isn’t sure what he can do about it. He thinks it maybe this is the final set-up to arrest him. I hope not.
He says,
“…There is going to be either an all new pandemic and forced shot campaign, or a huge war, and framing and eliminating alt voices will be part and parcel with that. Historically it has been that way with war, but this is the first time they pulled the forced shot BS and it’s going to be one, the other, or both….”
This is why I have constantly said that you should not believe the people that say,”covid was never anything”. This IS NOT TRUE. Lot’s of people died. That it rapidly evolved to a lower lethality does NOT mean that it started that way. Testimony from viral weapons researchers is that engineered viruses break apart faster than natural viruses. To be expected because the natural ones evolve and can not remain in populations if they are not more stable, but the engineered ones can be anything…for a short time.
So you should keep alert to some sort of viral outbreak and if you see signs of this DO wear a mask or better lock yourself up and refuse to be exposed until it dies down. It also may be that they are going to try force vax again. I think that would be more difficult this time but these people are psychopaths and will push and push and push until someone caps them to make them stop. If they start another forced VAX, I think it will take some enraged assholes shooting a few of the enforcers and that will make them stop. Let’s hope there are a lot of enraged assholes. They want to kill off as many of us as they can. Now this is stupid and foolish because if they are successful they will get their asses handed to them by others but as far as I can see and based on past behavior, they hate so much they will do it anyway. They are fucked up in the head, so trying to think logically about what they will do will get you nowhere. You must base outcomes on “what they have done before”. And that behavior is very sad and evil.
Here’s a link
and another. Hit the see latest post link to get to it.
if stone thinks it’s close, it may be…
Could be. Although if he was legit former intel, you also have to factor in he could have teams of psyops experts trying to send him into high amygdala and bend his perceptions.
I am still not clear if he was former intel, on how he didn’t peg the wife as an asset sent in. I read his story, and all I could think was how they had crafted the story about her thyroid to exploit something he already believed. And they always throw women at you. Left and right. And I assume if you are important enough, they will marry and have kids with you.
How did he not peg that immediately?
I never like the little things that don’t fit, and if important, mean everything you are looking at is wrong, from top to bottom.
I don’t know what Stone is or isn’t but some of his reports are extremely good and I go by that because it’s really all we have to go by.
That said, I’m not entirely sure he’s still alive or that his site sometimes displays stuff he wrote sometimes it’s others.
Don’t wear the mask because the mask doesn’t do shit even against an allegedly legitimate threat. You don’t see bio HAZMAT teams wearing masks because they’re worthless; the mask was an anti-Star of David circa 1940 to ID cultists and dissidents in public for drone harassment.
If you take the coof seriously enough to cuckmuzzle then you should take it seriously enough to invest in a legit CBRN full body suit with filtration or self-contain air supply or else you’re wasting your time. Thinking muzzle-shaped toilet paper will save your life from an engineered bio weapon is retard logic.
Cuckmuzzle is a hilarious word.
Well done.
“…the mask doesn’t do shit even against an allegedly legitimate threat…”
Don’t listen to him because he doesn’t know what he is talking about. Mask are made of interlocking fibers. This is how they make filters for semiconductor plants that MUST control all dust or particles of any sort. If mask of fibers do not work, then how do semiconductor plant filters work? We know they do, so your supposition is wrong. If people are depending on fibers to filter particles to allow a multibillion-dollar business to operate, then you can be sure it works. That a mask is not even close to perfect, sure that’s true but there is a such a thing as viral load. The mask have an electrostatic charge to them, the good ones anyways, these attract viral particles and the fibers provide a torturous path that adds to the odds that viral articles will be trapped in the fibers. Less viral load means less of a “percentage possibility” that you will be infected. It’s not a 100% effective but it’s not 100% ineffective either.
I know when I weld and don’t wear a mask with filters, it almost kills me. I get severe mucus such that I have trouble breathing. With the mask…I’m fine. I know from direct personal experience they work.
It would not surprise me in the least if the studies saying mask do nothing are lies, (they defy common sense which is one of the tells you can use to see if they are lying), and also that hoards of hasbara are not online telling everyone to not wear mask to raise the rate of infection.
That being said I do not wear a mask all the time but if I hear of big outbreaks of some sort of disease I will mask up and stay that way until it dies down.
One last thing, make sure the mask you use is not one of those useless cloth mask. They do very little. It needs to be a medical type mask that is designed for this and has special fibers that have charges on them to trap particles. I have face mask from 3M with round filters good for vapors and very fine particles. It looks like and alien retard thing but nothing gets through or at least welding particles and hydrocarbon vapors will not. It works.
Simple mental gymnastics litmus test: would you let me spray you in the face with a bottle of smallpox if all you got to wear was a toilet paper cuck muzzle?
If not, explain why you think the “omegalul super spooper dooper death plague – 19” is any different.
Your brain is rotted by reading too much tech news if you think semiconductor manufacturing protocol is at all relevant to dealing with interpersonal spread of infectious disease.
There is good reason to believe an N95 offered filtration of larger airborne fomites which carried the virus. And while it might not have stopped all viral particles, there is good evidence a lot of viruses see their courses determined by dose exposure. That is, get a high dose exposure, like an infected person coughing in your mouth as you inhale, and they will give your infection a head start of millions of viral particles which can grow to quadrillions before you immune system can ID them and mount a response, and that will kill you, while inhaling only a couple of viruses from the same person, as if through a mask, will cause the infection to have an extended, slow growth phase building up over hours or even a day or two, to the numbers of the higher dose exposure, and that extra-time at the beginning can allow your immune system to catch up and suppress the virus before it damages the lungs and you begin to spiral.
Masks have good use. They were used before this for good reason. Don’t go too far off the deep end, as each side of the bell curve in this argument tends to be highly emotional, and uneducated in the sciences.
If we encounter another pandemic, use an N95, it could save your life.
“…You don’t see bio HAZMAT teams wearing masks…”
This alone should tell this guy is a dufus.
These guys wearing mask or not? Search for “bio HAZMAT teams” and see if the pictures that come up show people wearing mask.
Your link literally shows exactly what I said: no toilet paper cuck muzzle because it’s useless for actual threats, they’re decked in full CBRN hoods and full body suits.
Just because a full suit is better doesn’t mean an N95 is zero protection.
Look at all the lies, bullshit and gas-lighting this guy does. A nice full display of the Jew bag of tricks to discombobulate your minds.
” I say the fibers in mask catch some viruses. I use an extreme example semiconductor plants”, he says,”…Your brain is rotted by reading too much tech news if you think semiconductor manufacturing protocol is at all relevant to dealing with interpersonal spread of infectious disease…”
Except the only problem is, yes, it does explain that these do function all the way down to almost no particles at all. Close to zero. That a mask has less in no way shows thta it does nothing…because the less fiber mask does do some.
He says the stupid,”…would you let me spray you in the face with a bottle of smallpox if all you got to wear was a toilet paper cuck muzzle?…”
And what has he proved here. Nothing. Not a damn thing. I would likely not bleed to death from tiny cuts but I wouldn’t cut myself all over to prove it. I said specifically that the mask reduce viral load, not stop it.
Now he pretends he has some sort of brilliant insight,”…Your link literally shows exactly what I said: no toilet paper cuck muzzle…”
No in fact I showed with a 5 second search that he’s a liar and an imbecile. He said no teams wear any mask. Exactly,“…You don’t see bio HAZMAT teams wearing masks…”. I provided one link that shows he’s a fool. If you search for what I said, and what he said was not true, you will find many more.
Know this, this guy is a liar and is deliberately trying to feed you falsehoods. You see this if you follow up on what he says.
I give up. Too many Jews, too many agents, too many AI’s to keep up.
We are actually in another phase, where either a couple of people were assigned here to look like a bunch of these, or they have told the mob they have out and about all the time, to all stop and make a post here to either make the comments look nutty, or insulting, or hostile. You can see it in the moderation queue, where the unapproved post number will stay stagnant, or climb very slowly for long periods, and then jump over a few days. In a few days, it will go back to stagnant.
I get the impression these people come here all the time, either to monitor, or because they were assigned here for a few days, and found it interesting enough to come back on their own, and then they got another assignment to come back again and post.
I am so sick of having fake people all around. I am not even sure now if our kind ever have real interactions, with regular people like us, who we bump into, like, and for some sort of volitional loyalty with because we just get along.
Daily Financial Trends featured some predictions by someone named Harry Dent, but looking up Dent, he is an obvious crank. On the other hand, there does seem to be something to the dynamic Bennershaws described in one of the links. But if there is something to this, the bottom in asset prices won’t be reached until 2026, so don’t be in a rush to buy anything. Not for investment advice indeed.
Dent is an economic cycles person and a deflationist.
I want to add the last comment I did on Stone I was sure he was dead. It was here,
Why, because it made no sense. It reads very much like some AI wrote it. It has a bunch of sentences that read like strung together nonsense. AI’s do that sort of thing all the time because they are not really humans. Look at the quote,
“…You know – “District 7”. The ultimate dystopia….”
What the hell does “District 7” mean. I don’t know, but if you said, “District 9”, people would immediately know what you are talking about. So it seems as if someone just pieced together nonsense, with no real meaning. AI’s are very powerful if you get them to stick to narrow subjects and ask them very narrow questions but they still don’t have “general” common sense yet, mostly.
I wonder…could he have not made that post at all? Could they have posted that and attributed it to him but he didn’t make it? So confusing. I know the link above and the statements attributed to him are not true.
BTW, it is physically impossible to stop the growth of AI. It’s too late. There are all sorts of public open source AI models right now. You can run them on a laptop. These models can be trained further for…whatever. The newer ones have been trained on online based very fast NVIDIA neural chips. The cost for doing this has come down to $300, or so they say. This means within 3 or 4 years this sort of power will be in a laptop or desktop computer for probably less than a $2,000. So you could take what AI models already exist and slowly train it or wait until the processor power increases and build whatever you want and, people will. There’s no getting around it.
I haven’t really figured out exactly how they are training these exactly. I’m not so sure anyone really knows what is going on inside them. I’ve seen top AI researchers say exactly that. If they do, they haven’t been able to describe it in a easy to understand manner. I also don’t understand how exactly the interface between the model and the neural net gets results. How does the model know what you are referencing? Some of them do image enhancement, some answer questions, they do all sorts of stuff, so how exactly does the model know what function you are trying to access? I have no idea.
I’d love to have one of these and feed it engineering and technical books. I’m a bit afraid to do so through. My computer while perfectly fine for what I use it for is not so powerful. I couldn’t care less about gaming, which is where the power is.
Gab has developed one.
I love Elons going after that BBC guy. I laughed so much. Notice the BBC guy says,”this is not going anywhere”, I assure you it was going somewhere, just not where HE wanted it to go.
In fact, ALL these so-called news people are just a house of cards and if they are questioned, like Elon did, their whole house of cards can be pulled down easily. The only real attribute they have is to know when to shut their mouths and what questions NOT to ask. They are empty vessels.
I get this all the time with Jews. They say all this bullshit like,”hateful speech is rising”, or whatever but they can’t defend any of it. They just make it up. The only reason all this nonsense, lies, gaslighting and bullshit exists is they have NO ONE actually questioning all the stupid stuff they say. With even the slightest questioning, their whole gas-lighting story falls to pieces.
I know you all think Elon is some cabal agent but I’m not convinced this is so. And even if he WAS at one time I think he may be off the reservation, just like I think the same thing of Alex Jones, (actually comedian Bill Hicks). I think they may have taken the ticket, but after they realized what it entailed, rebelled. There is of course a limit to what they can do. Alex went too far with pointing out the fake Sandy Hook and got his leash yanked back hard but still, he made a difference even if he had to backtrack a little. But let’s give him, and Elon, props for trying.
I think Cabal is in a civil war. That would explain the constant heel-turns of its various minions.
As you know, there is something of a hierarchy of intelligence agencies – including the publicly known ones. I have been *told* that Naval intelligence is the totem pole, America being a naval power. Posobiec is “former” naval intelligence.
I affectionately referred to him him as a spook on telegram – which he clearly is. I was quickly banned from commenting or reading comments. Now I like the guy. He says what I want to hear. But a man that young being “former” Intelligence strains credulity from the outset. He may not be with Naval Intelligence anymore, but he is undoubtedly an agent of some other organization.
As Owen Benjamin says, “I might be wrong but I’m not lying.”
Good take on the age thing. Old guys at least might be too tired or worn out of the job to keep operating, but young guys have less reason to ditch it. Makes the young “quitters” more suspect IMO. Never considered that angle before.
From what I understand, Naval Intelligence has been fighting a rear guard action against the CIA and cabal. Naval intelligence was probably started by old time New England protestant families. That’s where our naval tradition really originates, with a lot of commercial shipping and fishing. Those families would have been primed to go into naval service due to their experience with the ocean, sailing, and foreign lands. This would be a completely different group of people than those who made up the CIA, who were mostly Catholic. My presumption is that NSA and army intelligence have a similar white protestant background.
Good comment.
Bannon was Naval intelligence.
Is twister reliable. Judge for yourself.
“…[Bannon]He served as a surface warfare officer and a special assistant to the Navy’s top admiral at the Pentagon. He served on the Paul F. Foster, a guided-missile destroyer, and was twice deployed; he was present for the aborted Desert One mission to rescue American hostages in Iran, according to Military Times. A Navy officer who served with Bannon described him as “absolutely a good sailor and naval officer.” The Times reported that Bannon was popular among the diverse engineering department he led…”
>Rep. Matt Gaetz said this week that he wonders if the recent spate of mass shootings, such as at a Nashville school last month and at a Louisville bank on Monday are results from the work of Big Pharma. I think they do not like this being raised because it points out these shooters all have therapists.
If I didn’t have a life worth maintaining I would love to do an undercover dive into therapy as a patient to see how they do it. I believe I would be able to resist the damage of it via prayer for protection and a devoted mission to exposing the evil, but I wonder if that would be enough to really resist it. Obviously even posting once about it means they wouldn’t give me the good stuff now to protect their tech, but it has to be an absolutely crazy methodology to work so consistently on so many different people.
Read, the search for the manchurian candidate by john marks. Also, secret don’t tell by Carla Emery to get you started.
Also research the work of the absolute monster Dr Ewen Cameron. A truly evil man.
The Control of Candy Jones.
I believe that the real issue is the amount and types of “drugs” these people are put on. The common denominator.
I’ve been through it, and there’s a bit more to it. IT’s not just the relationship with the shrink. It’s the people around the patient and in their life who are also participating, the street theater of subconscious programming, and an entire ensemble and supporting cast of characters. It’s downright Truman show.
It is weird how they can create a bubble around you, to the point you begin to wonder if you could meet normal people. Seems like somehow they insulate normal people from you.
You can trap them by the very virtue of the bubble they create around you.
>Two Americans killed while fighting in Ukraine, State Department confirms.
Good. Two less of Satan’s mercenaries to come home and stomp around in the jackboots when called upon by their evil masters.
Just like the (communist supporters} that joined up to fight against the Spanish fascists. Cannon fodder by their own hands.
“…South Korea reached an agreement to lend the US 500,000 rounds of 155 mm artillery shells…”
Wow. They have 500,000 rounds. Think if a war broke out in Korea. 500,000 rounds fired. What a pile of destruction.
Now that I think of it, I think in WWI they were firing 1million rounds or more to soften up the other side before charging.
“…Verdun, for instance, where the French estimate having fired some 24m rounds, whereas the Germans estimate having used some 21m…”
“A German artillery barrage falling on Allied trenches at Ypres, probably during the Second Battle of Ypres in 1915, during the First World War”
Wow. How did anyone live through this? Anyone or anything at all?
In WWI at Somme in France. “…More than three million men fought in the battle, of whom one million were either wounded or killed, making it one of the deadliest battles in all of human history…”
WWI and WWII just destroyed the west. Before that we ruled everything.
WWI artillery munitions were extremely poor in effect. Quantity as substitute for quality
Chinese Battles were extremely bloody. Europe is just playing catchup.
“Republican State Rep. Liz Harris was expelled Wednesday from the Arizona House of Representatives for ethics violations resulting from inviting a conspiracy theorist who said the 2020 election had fraud, to publicly testify before lawmakers earlier this year”
We need to do the same. Much more. The next time someone says,”All Whites are racist or the Christians are evil” or other such nonsense, we should kick them out.
I’m telling you the only way to really wrap this whole thing up is to use the Constitutional provisions that say the House and the Senate of the US can determine what the qualifications of the voters who vote them into office are. And then they should, with complete ruthless efficiency, NOT let the left vote at all. Nor should they serve on juries. When their votes evaporate, then politicians will soon start to ignore their demands because no one who caters to them will be elected anywhere. All this trans push and other “alternative” bullshit they are pushing on kids will evaporate in less than a years time. No one votes under 35 or whatever, no one whose primary income comes from the government, no first generation immigrants, there are lots of these provisions that could be selected and the whole entire lefts power structure would evaporate overnight.
Combined that with attacks on the FED, (we should confiscate every single asset they have and all the assets of all the shareholders), deport at a minimum 50 million immigrants. Any illegals who stay in the country round them up and put them in work camps, building canals and use permaculture in the west to get stuff to grow there. They only leave when they have preformed a set amount of labor. They don’t work, they stay there.
Change voting rules, only let those that vote serve on juries and disable the illegal Supreme court decision that made State Senates “population based” instead of “regional based” like they were set up to be and we would have a total and complete rout of the left in just a few years time. They would either have to admit defeat or come out and fight. And in open all out fighting with them having no political power we would destroy them.
And I would deport every Jew in the country. All by genetics. No more, pretend they are not Jews anymore, because they swore to be converted. They tried that in Spain and got nowhere. The only way to deal with them is to get rid of them.
I cover how to do this and the Constitutional provisions that make it possible here and links, linked in that comment.
“No representation without taxation”
Would sort out the left, immigrants and the current crop of politicians!
“Romney suggests cut. ting retirement benefits for younger Americans.”
These people are total shitheads. They give we know, for a fact, $800 billion in cash to the bankers, $16 trillion in essentially zero interest loans and from public information sources estimates of the total zero interest loans to be over $40 trillion and combine that with, I think, $8 trillion in covid cash, and all he can come up with is to screw over young people. With this amount of zero interest loans going to young people instead of bankers, they could pay off their school loans and have the cash to buy a house with low interest they could afford. How about instead we confiscate every single bank and banker property and asset? How about we bring back the depression era banking laws and make a law that no banker can make over say 5 times the median income. We could get some good people who would make conservative and productive banking loans, but would not be involved in what they are now.
He’s trying to throw the election. And give Cabal a fig leaf to justody the crazy concantenation of demographics they will need to use to back up the steal.
The position is electoral suicide. DJT was vehement this must not be done.
See Linsey Graham and his Federal Abortion Ban
At the Federal level, ALL income should be subject to SS tax (eliminate the income cap and treat capital gains the same as ordinary income), and SS will not ever go broke, the benefit can be more than doubled, and the retirement age lowered to 57.
I also propose that at the State & Local level that all non-tangible assets (stocks, bonds, etc) be subject to property tax no different than land, etc. Full value, even if owned 1/100 of a second. Face value.
Getting rid of corporations wholesale is the first real step. Delaware has stricter privacy laws than Switzerland. WHO owns WHAT is at the heart of the problem.
No more evasive cut-outs, and all subject to the same. Clarity.
No more separate government employee systems, for example
A genuine societal need (roads, etc) can be treated as the separate good it represents.
Property/wealth taxes are communism.
SS needs to be phased out starting with means testing. (Trump is right that we need to do a lot of other things first)
there should also be no cap on the amount you earn that is taken for social security. Doing that, it just might make it possible to lower the percentage that gets taken now with no impact on what retirees are paid. Of course there might have to be a cap on the monthly stipend no matter how much has been paid in. Maybe 15000. How much do you think someone who makes 10 million a year really needs from ssi? Also, companies that replace workers with machines should still have to pay into ssi and medicare. They save money anyway by not having to pay salaries, insurance, etc.
You are just doubling down on communism.
Don’t play their game.
Body language analysis of the Bud Light VP behind the advertising campaign. Quite interesting.
“…Arnold Schwarzenegger rebuked for filling LA pothole that was not a pothole – it was actually an essential service trench for work …”
It takes them over three weeks to stick a pipe in the ground??? They have nothing to complain about. You’re supposed to dig the trench, throw the pipe in, then cover it up. The city is lying or covering up poor work by the company.
Rebuked? He should be fined for interfering with an ongoing city project. It’s vandalism at the least whether he knows it or not. Of course safety cones should have been placed by the city workers but what can you do if the cones keep getting stolen by skateboarders?
“…He should be fined for interfering with an ongoing city project….”
This is clearly a lie. No one digs a trench for a pipe, doesn’t put the pipe in and fills the hole up to add the pipe later. No one. Ever. The city is lying and they left the trench there because they are useless. It just shows how crooked, vile and evil our cities are that they would stoop to such a foolish, imbecilic lie and expect us to believe it.
If the trench was required, it should have been marked.
Multi-variate analysis of school shooters would shock people.
Not just the meds, but the specific ones and dosages and durations.
Look at the demographics, home life, residence stability, school performance, relatives in government agencies and other interesting factors.
The thing that’s most notable about this whole Bud Light things is that you can tell the conservative influencers whipping people into a frenzy are all cabal controlled. They’re whipping everyone into a frenzy and wanting to burn Budweiser to the ground. “No apology could suffice! They need to go bankrupt!”
On and on it goes. Cabal screws up some American institution and then Cabal controlled “conservatives” whip their minions into a frenzy, demanding complete destruction of the institutions. It’s like the Bolsheviks whipping people into a frenzy to destroy Orthodox Churches.
Cabal is doing a great job with Disney, as well. Disney was one of the greatest Americans in our history. If you really believe all this crap about Mickey Mouse being satanic, you’re so far gone I don’t know what to say to you.
Cabal always hated Disney because he worked hard to present our history, myths, and literature to a wide audience while also inspiring people about the future we could build. That’s all been forgotten. All of it. And now we have conservatives wanting to utterly destroy the entire Disney legacy.
They have no interest in wresting control of Disney away from these evil people. They have no desire to restore Disney to its once great role. These “conservatives” really don’t want to conserve a damned thing. All it takes is for cabal to get control of an institution and engage in one of their stupid campaigns to get conservatives wanting to absolutely destroy everything.
We’re so fucked.
RUMBLINGS: Senate Republicans Preparing for Mitch McConnell to Retire Following Fall at Former Trump Hotel
Praying that Feinstein and Fetterman are next.
Fetterman needs to step down within the time frame that would allow PA a special election.
We want Fineswine to linger on and keep them from appointing a replacement.
Same for the guy that broke a leg recently.
“The Gateway Pundit reported last month that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was hospitalized after a fall at the Waldorf Astoria DC hotel, a former Trump hotel.”
That’s GOT to be a comm of some sort.
Trump “tripped up” McConnell and turned him?
Environmental terrorism by the US Government regarding “Dioxins” [highly toxic] and massively released by the Ohio train derailment burn off!
Only 1hr 30, plenty of evidence that your government is hiding what they did with their reaction to the Ohio derailment.
(Convenient overlap with vaccine side effects!)
We should pass a law that the only “influencing” that the CIA can do is to point out when people are lying and they need to make it clear they are the ones doing the debunking.
You might say this would never work but NEVER EVER rule out the Pournelle “iron law” of bureaucracy. If they can ONLY point out what is false, all these bureaucrats and all this money they now control will evaporate UNLESS they use it to point out falsehoods. Therefore, they will be compelled to do so or shut up their shop. What do you think they will do? They will point out falsehoods to keep their cash roll fat.
Creepy Video From Ireland Surface And People Claim That Biden Is Wearing A Rubber Mask (Video)