News Briefs – 04/13/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.


At least 29 people shot or wounded in a subway shooting in Manhattan. Shooter was a black male who posted online that he had bee inside the New York City’s mental health program, presumably where he was hitched up to a program-therapist, and it had left him wanting to, “shoot motherfuckers.”

Interestingly, NYPD had given a picture of his van to officers that morning, with instructions to note its location whenever it was noticed, but not to engage. I assume that would mean they would radio in the location when it was noted (which would only happen in the event he slipped the box of surveillance around him, within which officers would not be allowed, and around which officers would be concentrated due to being pushed out of the box). Eavesdropping on NYPD radio traffic, Cabal surveillance would get an instant update on his location if he slipped the box, so they could reacquire him. Note that they were tracking him via multiple means, LPRs, probably a GPS tracker in the rental van, a cell phone, maybe aviation or drone, and facial recognition, maybe even a planted tracker for backup. They did not need NYPD to track him. That was so if he slipped their box, they would radio it in, and his surveillance would instantly be notified he was outside the box, where he slipped out, and which way he was heading. From what I have seen, NYPD almost certainly had orders to keep hands off, and would be cleared from around him, for his surveillance to move in, reacquire him, and reform their roving bubble around him.

Also, the surveillance cameras in the subway where he did the shooting just happened to be out when he did the shooting, facilitating his clean exfil from the scene.

Between the cameras going out just when there was a shooting, NYPD being ordered to look out for him the morning of his shooting (so they knew he was going hot), and him not being picked up on and stopped by NYPD, or at least buried under coverage by them (as you would expect if things worked as we are told), and him having a City therapist who he said made him want to shoot people, you can do the math. Plus, he was on the FBI’s “terrorist radar” since 2019, bur had no surveillance.

The funny thing is last night I was reading Q’s board, and one of the anons noted that at his ghost gun press briefing, Biden railed about assault rifles and hi-cap mags, and the need to ban them. The anon noted, that type of comment always preceded a false flag, and there would probably be a mass shooting in the next two days. And the next day, (just as Biden was being hit over inflation numbers) there it was. It is crazy how far we have come, to now see something like this, and know the chances it was legitimately just a guy who honestly snapped and began shooting is about zero. And the overwhelming likelihood is there was some unimaginable conspiracy behind this, which used technology, psychological programming, and surveillance capabilities nobody would believe, to support the operation.

An anon on Q’s site notes, local webcam links at the scene all went dead, so they were out too:

An anon notes, despite NYPD asking for cell phone video, you should not contact authorities if y0u happen to have any footage, as that may be a ploy to identify anyone who might be a threat to operational security so they can be neutralized. The bottom line is they are not lacking video, technical surveillance data, or in person observations of this target. LPRs, probably a GPS tracker in the rental van, a cell phone, and facial recognition had them on top of this guy every second. The appeal for civilian footage is solely to identify risks to operational security – and this operation will be kept at the highest level of security, with zero risks allowed to exist. You have seen this movie before, and know how it ends :

Reality now is wilder than any movie I have ever seen. It is Enemy of the State meets Jason Bourne, with Truman Show, 1984, and The Parallax View mixed in, only written to such an extreme you would not even believe it possible in movie-land.

Video of the aftermath follows. Somebody on the next car hears gunshots in the car behind, breaks out their cellphone, and decides to hang around and film a mass shooter as he shoots up everyone in sight. Meanwhile, ask yourself, if somebody broke out a 9-mil with extended mags and began unloading, there was a pause when his gun jammed, and the doors to the subway opened, would you look like the people in this video, or would you be a flash past the camera, either getting the fuck out of there, or going for the shooter? You can say people are stupid, but I have been chased in the car, and I was surprised the extent to which instinct takes over, and drives behaviors you would not normally perform. People who run from the cops are often forced to by instincts that take over their brains. Your brain sees the “being chased” stimulus, and you become entirely focused on looking for a hole to squirt out of and uncontrollably driven to bolt when you see one, no matter the risk or cost, in a way you cannot understand sitting there and reading about it. At the beginning, I was very close at one point to crossing over the grass next to an exit ramp onto the on-ramp next to it the wrong way to jump across oncoming traffic the wrong way on a highway and across a median to get on the opposite side of a highway to take off. In such primal situations, instinctual drives you have no idea are in you right now will take over and drive behaviors you never practiced, thought of, or would even think you would be capable of considering. If there was real death and blood and flesh wounds on that subway car, complete with gunshots, which would be deafening and which would be felt as much as heard in that confined space, those people would have been in a form of high amygdala you do not see there, and they would have been screaming flashes of flesh, and it would have been a much more chaotic scene. Now I am wondering if there even was a shooting.

At :35 a guy in a hoodie seems to motion two supposed victims, at least one acting like he was shot, to stop so he can take a picture of them, and they seem to pose for it:

Video from the next car of somebody hitting a door supposedly trying to escape the shooting.

Frank James, ‘Person of Interest’ in NYC subway shooting, seen making political rants in YouTube videos. Nothing of note I could see, though I didn’t watch it all.

His Glock with high-cap mags jammed, at which point he fled, but nobody rushed him. When does a Glock jam? I’d be surprised if you could limp wrist a jam on an almost empty gun, let alone one with a 30 rnd mag.

Flashback – Justice Alito asks why law-abiding citizens can’t be armed on NYC subways as SCOTUS hears major Second Amendment case.

Arizona State Rep. Mark Finchem says Secretary of State Katie Hobbs’ has to be prosecuted by the State AG for breaking election laws after being warned, because, “She knowingly did this. I don’t see how this doesn’t end up in some kind of a conviction.”

Georgia elections lawsuit backed by Stacy Abrams, which says voting is too restrictive, goes to trial.

FBI is refusing to release hundreds of thousands of pages related to Jan.6, keeping them hidden from Jan. 6 defendants.

Video shows Capitol Police allow protesters to enter side door and it will be used in court as a “Dream Team” of lawyers including Alan Dershowitz are set to defend January 6’ers. It is tough to tell what this means, but Dershowitz is big enough to know about the hidden hand and the need to obey it, so either he is going in to throw the cases, or the hidden hand has signaled it is time to end the Jan 6th portion of the psyop. Don’t think any big name lawyer is going to battle Cabal.

Saudi Arabia TV mocks Biden’s cognitive decline in comedy skit.

Bird POOPS on Joe Biden during infrastructure speech today in Iowa as president trolled for ‘talking ‘shit’ on Twitter. Video of the hit at the link. What are the chances of that happening without divine intervention?

Comedian Gilbert Gottfried dead at 67: Aladdin voice actor and father-of-two passes away from a heart abnormality called ventricular tachycardia. The vibrations can do that. He was buddy-buddy with Bob Saget, and the two were known for emails filled with pedo-humor so bad that when they proposed making all the emails into a book, their agents, who would have gotten a cut, nixed it for fear the two would never work again.

If so, it may not just be Hep C:

Harsh lockdowns caused huge deaths rates, ruined kids’ education and destroyed business, bombshell research finally shows.

Creepy Alexander Vindman twin is the Staff Judge Advocate in the Court-Martial of 1st Lieutenant Mark Bashaw over COVID mandates.

Boris Johnson to be fined for flouting his own lockdown restrictions.

Young girls, some as young as five years old, are developing genital ulcers due to Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus mRNA vaccine.

Pfizer tries to hide 2.4K full-time hires handling vax injuries.

‘Fake’ agents who ‘infiltrated White House Secret Service’ will be RELEASED from custody: Judge rejects ties to Pakistani intelligence after it was revealed ‘imposters’ were tipped off by federal agents.

Good Question, because either they had Cabal-intel support and the LE knew to leave them be, or regular Federal LE agents, even Secret Service, have no interface with Cabal intel, who would have known all about these two. Also of interest, were they building cover and access now inside Secret Service, in case President Trump returned?:

Twitter just changed the #2 trend from “Bidenflation” to “inflation.”

Michelle Irwin, the principal of San Diego’s largest high school, has decided to cut many of the school’s honors classes because it is too good for the smart kids.

New York Lt. Governor Brian Benjamin was arrested for a past campaign finance fraud scheme when he was running for city comptroller.

More than a dozen Los Angeles gangs are targeting some of the city’s wealthiest residents in a new and aggressive manner, sending out crews in multiple cars to find, follow and rob people driving high-end vehicles or wearing expensive jewelry, according to police. So in some places you already need body-armor to go to the grocery store. I think that will probably accelerate, and spread everywhere, unless the rigged elections are overcome and Trump is reinstalled in 2024 or sooner.

Drought robs Colorado farmer’s wheat, now it may be too dry to plant corn this spring.

Consumer prices rose 8.5% in March, slightly hotter than expected and the highest since 1981.

File under “He has his father’s amygdala”:

The White Helmets, a controversial group hailed as heroes in the West but also criticized for being close to radical Islamist forces in Syria, and launching false flags to try and precipitate western invovlement in their conflicts, are filming video guides, which are meant for Ukrainians.

The Scandinavian “Church of Lucifer” posts on twitter of their support for Ukraine and opposition to Putin.

Biden Administration to announce $750 million more in weapons for Ukraine.

A French Journalist is claiming the Americans are running the Ukraine war effort. It is a Cabal effort, so I am not sure it would really matter if it was true. Obviously the gay Jewish Comedian isn’t in charge of shit, because he would not last two minutes against Putin’s war machine.

Remnants of Azov neonazis that were trapped in Mariupol were either killed or surrendered to Russian forces when they tried to fight out and escape.

Pentagon ‘cannot confirm’ Azov Battalion’s claims of Russian ‘chemical attack.’

UNICEF calls bullshit on Kiev’s claims Russia is forcibly relocating refugees into Russia as prisoners.

World Bank considers massive loan to Ukraine. Which will be bled off into Cabal entities.

Putin says Russia-Ukraine peace talks are ‘deadlocked.’

Le Pen is against imposing energy sanctions on Moscow.

Russia is going to return to the moon.

1000 Ukraine soldiers surrendering in Mariupol as they run out of food.

Abortion now illegal in OK except in med ER’s.

New polling showsnearly 70 percent (!!) of likely voterssay they’re less likely to do business with Disney as a result of its promise to include more LGBT content in its children’s entertainment.

There is a movement to use the West Virginia model to split off the Conservative parts of California into a new state, called New California.

Gov Kemp signs Georgia’s Constitutional Carry Bill into law.

Biden’s approval rating in Nevada is THIRTY-FIVE percent.

Florida Gov. DeSantis says funds are in place to bus illegal migrants out of his state. Actually, turning it into a competition like this, with all the perceptions of it being “unfair for other states to have to take the migrants, when Florida does not, would be a quick way to make everyone not want migrants.

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.



One person in Pennsylvania who I will not be endorsing is Bill McSwain for Governor. He was the U.S. Attorney who did absolutely nothing on the massive Election Fraud that took place in Philadelphia and throughout the commonwealth. He said Barr told him not to do anything (because Barr was afraid of being impeached by the Democrats), but he should have done his job anyway. Without free and fair Elections, we don’t have a Country. Do not vote for Bill McSwain, a coward, who let our Country down. He knew what was happening and let it go. It was there for the taking and he failed so badly. Many of the U.S. Attorneys were probably told not to do anything by Barr. Hence, our Country is going to hell.

True the Vote’s findings are determinative and Bill McSwain should be ashamed of himself, as should many Republican leaders who didn’t act. They said Philadelphia and Detroit were two of the most corrupt places in the Country, with Georgia being one of the most corrupt states!

Endorsement of Congressman Frank Lucas

Congressman Frank Lucas is a strong advocate for the people of Oklahoma’s 3rd Congressional District. Frank is working hard to Grow our Economy, Encourage Innovation, Promote American Farmers, Defend the Second Amendment, and Support our Military and Vets. In 2016 and 2020, I won 77 of 77 counties in the Great State of Oklahoma, and I was proud to campaign alongside Oklahoma leaders like Frank. Frank Lucas has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Spread r/K Theory, because the movies are more real than you would think.

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2 years ago

Dude, get a Telegram account. TG is where the eyeballs are.
Here are a few channels to get some ideas:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

i posted your blog link to the decoding chat

Indigo Arc
Indigo Arc
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

AC, I’d maintain a strictly news post share SM presence for you…for free. Your work is that important, and it’s the very least I could do. Believe you have my email if you want to discuss it. Keep this comm private or public as you see fit.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

We appreciate your efforts A/C.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Not likely. We are all spreading your blog to others. Even my wife now reads you every morning.

Anon "P"
Anon "P"
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I don’t seem to see anything I post here. Is there something wrong with me or my postings…whether with my name or Anonymous.

[Ed Note – I edited the name on this for anonymity, so that was me]

Reply to  Anon "P"
2 years ago

I see this post you made

Reply to  Anon "P"
2 years ago

visible to these eyes

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I like you having a blog that is just you and what you post. If I think something is noteworthy enough, I post a link to a story with my own commentary over at Gab, and include a link back to your blog post with a request they check it out. You don’t have to be where everyone else is to make a difference. Keep it up.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Daily reader here. Any platform with friction is an instant reject. I don’t install apps which telegram seems to insist on. I would bet a sizable portion of your readership feels similarly…and frankly I think using web standards lends gravitas to your blog. If you were on or (shudder) Facebook, I would likely have rejected you out-of-hand. I appreciate your efforts and admire your ability to deliver quality content consistently, day after day after day! It must be a slog many times but we readers are all thankful for you and your site.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

This is the only blog I read daily.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

This is *your* pond. You own it. You run it.

There’s a saying, “Don’t build your house on someone else’s land.” A lot of people learned the meaning of that when they got shut down by Youtube, Facebook, etc.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

The RSS feed is your system. WordPress publishes it automatically. You have a feed for the posts, and one for comments.

Tracking it is hard, because it gets automatically updated by software subscription rather than a hit when someone reads it.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Get a Telegram account as a backup in case you are thrown off this platform. But don’t use it as a main communication tool. Personally I find it confusing & hard to follow. I do enjoy browsing IntelSlavaZ over there but little else. It’s the commentary to the headlines which has made your blog my daily addiction! Just keep on the path.

Rex Regum veniet
Rex Regum veniet
2 years ago

At least 29 people shot or wounded in a subway shooting in Manhattan.

He had a mic, headset and radio that he left too. He was in comms with someone. Also, he does this the same day the NY Lt. Governor is arrested for taking bribes. Investigation was going on for months. Everything reeks of preplanning.

Reply to  Rex Regum veniet
2 years ago

[condescending tone]
Now, you know better than that. It’s just a coincidence. You hang out on those conspiracy sites too long, you start seeing things that aren’t there.
[/condescending tone]

Rex Regum veniet
Rex Regum veniet
2 years ago

Since the daily topic will be heavily Cabal, check out some of these Cabal surveillance sources and methods. Impressive to say the least.

Reply to  Rex Regum veniet
2 years ago

I’m probably going to add to watch later but I likely won’t spot anything.

Rex Regum veniet
Rex Regum veniet
2 years ago

Young girls, some as young as five years old, are developing genital ulcers due to Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus mRNA vaccine.

Dry wombs and permanent infertility for all women and girls who took the shot and got a hot dose and not saline. A Lineage Game over.

2 years ago

RE Gilbert Gottfried I’m reminded of the Aristocrats joke they made into a movie with every comedian giving their take on the “joke.” The joke is meant to be as profane and disgusting as possible.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
2 years ago

That subway video gives me major “crisis actors milling about at Sândy Høøk” vibes. No earnestness at all to their movement or in their faces.

Indigo Arc
Indigo Arc
Reply to  Jaded Jurist
2 years ago

Yes. If one has been analyzing these ops for years, they can be spotted. Easily. Sandy Hook, Christchurch, Las Vegas. Just glaring examples, handily taken apart by the right eyes. These ops have been going on for many years. At one point it seemed that everyone was suffering false flag fatigue, and that’s when I started to have a bit of hope.

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
2 years ago

Exactly. Would’ve been more like this.

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous
2 years ago


Check forex rates. Your dollars lost value, but only *inside* the U.S.

There are some other countries where people’s purchasing power went down, but also many places where prices changed only a little. Sure, some shortages are global, but some countries are more affected than others.

Everyone has their reasons to stay put, and some in financial trouble should perhaps move in with friends or relatives rather than just leave, but for a few, going the expat route might be the smartest move at this point, especially if they already have some connections in a good expat country.

I know this advice is only applicable for less than 5% of the readership, but just wanted to put this out there. Maybe the real lesson here is to consider shopping internationally, be it online or at your local ethnic grocery store.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Deserters and cowards, historically, get shot in the back as they run. Even more poignant when there’s no where left to run, the whole world is this way, so now you’re a deserter for nothing.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Russian is not an easy language, and the country still has serious problems with low level corruption and graft.
That being said, the Russians I know are wonderful, wise people with much more depth than the average American.
A better bet is the “whiter” nations of Latin America, like Argentina and Uruguay.
Central Europe, like Czechia or Slovakia, is also sane and stable.
Unfortunately, all of the countries listed, including Russia, went all in on the Covid Op, up to and including toying with vax passports.
Russia’s response to Covid makes me highly dubious of their supposed renegade status internationally.
The globalists greatest obstacle is a functioning U.S.
The past 60 years has seen this country dealt one mortal blow after another, with increasing frequency and success.
It is too soon to tell wether Russia is going to beat Cabal, or if they are playing a willing and very key role in our ultimate submission.
I hope I’m wrong.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Taking that into consideration, Uruguay or rural Argentina certainly don’t have the resources to devote significant time to surveilling you.
Even Brazil, with its organized chaos but high functioning middle and upper classes, would be a good bet.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

AC, I think your instincts about poor countries are correct. I don’t know much about Egypt, but this guy came up on my feed today and I clicked because of his channel’s name. On a shoot in Cairo, he and his team (doesn’t seem very surveillance aware at all) was followed around and harrassed by plainclothes “police” everywhere even after getting proper permits, etc. You only need to give a group of people a little money, a little authority (Stanford Prison Experiment), a little encouragement to invent excuses to take bribes, and a little list of TI’s.

Honestly, for those not chest-deep in coverage as AC is, I can’t think of any place better than the US when it comes to the variety of options available and tons of potential mobility. I understand the urge to go “Nomad Capital”, but I can’t find a better place to bootstrap for the Good Fight while enjoying shooting, the great outdoors, good whiskey, and a reasonable expectation of finding practicing Christians.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I had 24/7 electronic surveillance at home and occasional foot surveillance when I was in Russia. The difference from what you describe was that they seemed to be mostly just gathering info on what Americans are like. I have no reason to believe hostile energy weapons, vibrations, etc were deployed on me. And since everyone else assumed I was being watched, the chance of being a crime victim (already low) was basically zero as long as I didn’t engage in political action that pissed off the FSB. (From a friend: turns out if you do pods off the FSB they warn you to stop via email before you are suicided). Most everyone was friendly and helpful, and took pity on me trying to figure out cell phones, banks, renting a room, grocery shopping while knowing hardly any of the language. I made very, very good friends there. But I still do not know for sure which of them were my government appointed friends. Unlike America, though, everyone and their mother assumed a surveillance situation and told me I was certainly being spied on.

Russian fatalism is an enormous cultural adjustment from American Protestant work ethic, the language is tough but nearly everyone is so pleased that you are even trying they are very very patient. I second that the people are great, with a real depth and identity that so many lack in the US. Despite the surveillance, permanent residency remains my plan C. But, for sure, even in remote regions, perhaps especially in remote regions, you’ll for sure be under.

Reply to  Another Dave
2 years ago

I know of four countries that didn’t go with the COVID scam in March 2020 to at least some extent.

The four countries were Sweden, Belarus, Uruguay, and Tanzania, with Belarus out of the three outright refusing to cooperate.

The President of Tanzania was assassinated and there was an attempted color revolution in Belarus. The Swedes I suspect bought their immunity by co-operating with the cabal in other major ways, so I would stay away from Sweden. Uruguay flew under the radar, but note that it is a small country sandwiched between Argentina and Brazi. Argentina had some of the worst COVID tyranny in the world, and Brazil was mixed, but the southern states next to Uruguay cooperated completely.

However, once you get outside the developed western world, there were quite a few places that cooperated but rescinded the measures pretty quickly, like several the red states in the USA, or they seemed to be imposed heavily in major cities where there are lots of foreign businessmen and international diplomats, but not elsewhere.

The problem is that this has an international reach, and if there is any place that escaped, the people there will be keeping outsiders out in general.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I was advising people who are barely making it financially and just don’t know how to deal with rapidly increasing prices. They are already too busy with their own survival to work on changing society.

But yes, cowardice can be an accurate accusation – if someone has some power within their community and has powerful friends at least on a local level, but fails to use all that for good, then that’s really a dereliction of moral duty.

While some bad social and technocratic trends have gone global, they’re unevenly distributed, and the chaos and lack of resources in poorer countries can offer some protection against them. Affirmative action policies based on race, for example, are much weaker or even non-existent in many other countries, and states’ / provinces’ pandemic restrictions varied in strictness on every continent, even in Australia.

2 years ago

>At least 29 people shot or wounded in a subway shooting in Manhattan. Shooter was a black male who posted online that he had bee inside the New York City’s mental health program, presumably where he was hitched up to a program-therapist, and it had left him wanting to, “shoot motherfuckers.”

Someone posted in the comments here a couple days ago about a massive wave of strange verbiage in media around “Massive Fires” being repeated everywhere around the clock. I said then it was probably an MK Ultra wind-up toy activation phrase, and sad to see that might be the case.

Combined with your analysis on the gun control speeches always preceding these events, seems even more plausible.

I’ve never bought the “media as comms for the elite” because they have no motive to talk to each other in public like that. However, I absolutely believe the public comms might be a system of MK Ultra commands that move various wind-up toys into various states in whatever programming plan they’ve had inserted. The code words are spread through all common media channels to make sure the wind-up can’t easily miss the instructions to activate.

2 years ago

>His Glock with high-cap mags jammed, at which point he fled, but nobody rushed him. When does a Glock jam?

‘Stendos are notorious jam machines, especially if you’re using some $8 piece of shit magazine along with broke-ass bargain bin ammo. I don’t know if we have pictures of the weapon yet, but I’ll bet it’s a third party shit-can mag if/when the pics drop.

Also, just look at the picture of this fat fag. It’s asking a lot for an urban bugman to have even 1 iota of balls, but this isn’t a certified pipe-hittin’ killer. You’re absolutely right that any one or two 20-somethings that aren’t in a wheelchair could tackle this out of shape blob and stomp his head into a fine jelly without breaking a sweat (if this were a real event).

I know it’s probably all fake and gay and psyop’d out the wazoo so I’m trying not to draw conclusions about humanity from these events, but it’s just crazy to see how weak and useless the average human cattle might be, and the past two years haven’t helped my opinion on the topic whatsoever.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Yeah, was coming down to say that funsticks like that are notorious for jamming. A spring that long that also compresses properly while delivering the right pressure through the whole distance — they exist, but they aren’t cheap.

2 years ago

>Russia is going to return to the moon.

No they aren’t, because no one has ever been to space. This is the one reason I can’t fully trust any allegedly “good” nation that has a space agency, because they all buy into and push the space hoax. Same shit with the Antarctic treaty being honored by countries who have been in active war with one another while both upholding the treat voluntarily.

These alleged wars just smell like kayfabe to massage public opinion. If Russia really wanted to fuck over NATO and the West, just dump the proof of the moon missions being fake, dump the blackmail files, and burn the surveillance system throughout the West. Boom, the USA ceases to be a threat to Russia IMMEDIATELY.

But they never do.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

While I do believe we have been to space, I don’t think our governments have been honest about what they have seen and found.
Beyond that, I totally agree that Russia, or China, could blow the lid off of Cabal by simply flooding their TV and internet networks, and many western ones, with all of the obvious documentary evidence of everything from the JFK assassination to 9/11 and much more.
That they don’t do this doesn’t say much for the so called tensions and war posturing of any of the global super powers.
Nearly everything we are seeing on the international scene may very well be kayfabe.
Trump, Putin and Xi simply refuse to pull the curtain back.
What is stopping them?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago


2 years ago

Not related to anything in particular but I have been reading MCM over the past several months on the ‘died suddenly’ (from the vax) epidemic.

2 years ago

> His Glock with high-cap mags jammed, at which point he fled, but nobody rushed him. When does a Glock jam? I’d be surprised if you could limp wrist a jam on an almost empty gun, let alone one with a 30 rnd mag.

Much as I hate those plastic pieces of shit, I have to admit they’re quite reliable.

Note how often “the gun jammed” comes out in these shooting events. The Vegas shooter supposedly had several Soviet-era automatic rifles jam, the Wal-Mart shooter in Vera Beach supposedly jammed, another Walmart shooter in Red Bluff CA, yet another in Tumwater, WA… criminy, how many Wal-Mart shooters have there been in the last year or two, anyway?!

Klondike 5215
Klondike 5215
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

seconded. hate glocks. hate hate hate. but if had no choice, would willingly stake my life on one. shitty as they are, they always work.

2 years ago

> FBI is refusing to release hundreds of thousands of pages related to Jan.6, keeping them hidden from Jan. 6 defendants.

“Procedural rules of discovery are for the serfs. We’re the FBI, we’re above the law, which is why we could operate a kiddie porn server without anyone except trumptard deplorables getting upset. We also urge people to kidnap or assassinate politicians gas buildings full of children and set them on fire, and shoot women holding babies, because that’s what we do, and if you don’t like it, piss off.”

2 years ago

> Pfizer tries to hide 2.4K full-time hires handling vax injuries.

Hm. Since they were just recently denying the whole thing, interesting… but what would 2400 people be *doing?* Remember, the vaxx mandate made them immune to prosecution, so there’s no reason to follow up claims. Spin doctoring? Facebook and Twitter are doing that. Answering phones? When they could just dump incoming complaints to a voicemail box connected to /dev/null?

“Enquiring minds want to know…”

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago


Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Immune for products liability, not for fraud.

2 years ago

> Harsh lockdowns caused huge deaths rates, ruined kids’ education and destroyed business, bombshell research finally shows.

Well, to be honest, most of those kids weren’t getting an education anyway. They were just warming chairs in government daycare programs thinly disguised as “schools”.

2 years ago

> More than a dozen Los Angeles gangs are targeting some of the city’s wealthiest residents in a new and aggressive manner, sending out crews in multiple cars to find, follow and rob people driving high-end vehicles or wearing expensive jewelry, according to police. 

There’s a guy blogging as FerFAL, out of Argentina. He’s heavily commercialized now, but he started off talking about the economic collapse of Argentina a decade ago affected things. Empty stores, intermittent electricity, lots of smash-and-grab robberies, gun battles between homeowners and robbers, and, yes, gangs following nice-looking vehicles back to their owners’ homes since they were likely targets.

He was in a major urban area, First World, not some backwater. And then it all came unstuck almost overnight, turning into something from a bad post-apocalyptic B movie.

The Coof shutdowns showed Americans how much of “infrastructure” is a house of cards, and then the “supply chain issues”, though most have forgotten both by now. And Biden’s handlers are still stomping the fingers of the economy as it clings to the edge. Apparently the Deep State *wants* people running around in assless chaps and Mohawk haircuts…

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

But I keep getting told to trust the plan.

Maybe I’ll have that put on my headstone- “I trusted the plan”

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
2 years ago

Good one!

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
2 years ago

I still believe there is a plan.
But it is starting to look like this:

If the storm finally arrives and we get any degree of victory and there is anything left to salvage, the glory will all go to GOD and Q team will not be able to walk the streets either.
This is the worst plan ever, it bites off more than it can chew and destroys the village in order to save it.
Kicking off world wide civil war and international war would have been a better option and given the people a fighting chance.
Trump may be on our side to some degree, but he is living the high life on his multi-million dollar properties with no chance of seeing even a slight degradation to his lifestyle even if the world goes full Mad Max, he is completely out of touch with the common man and doesn’t seem to care about the permanent damage we are taking.

Last edited 2 years ago by Farcesensitive
Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

“FerFAL, out of Argentina”

He is excellent. I read his book and would recommend it. It’s fairly common sense stuff but he does lay it all out on how to survive exactly what we are going through. The attacks on his country were exactly, again, what we are going through.
Argentina used to be a first world country. The Jews, (I believe Goldman Sachs mostly), told all the people that they could put money in their accounts and tie the accounts to dollar values. This seemed like a good idea because the Argentinian currency was being inflated terribly. The chance to lock in US dollar value seemed a good idea. Once they got near the whole entire countries middle class wealth in their bank accounts they changed the rules, changed it over to Argentinian currency, limited the amount of money that could be withdrawn each day to a miniscule amount and then inflated away the whole entire middle classes wealth. They stole the whole entire countries’ wealth. Overnight, the whole country collapsed.

You say he is commercial but mostly this consist of him reviewing a lot of survival gear. Knives and other stuff. It’s not too bad. He’s got to eat, you know. There’s still a good deal of advice on his site.

Here’s his book. I’ve read it but not his others so can’t comment on it.

“The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse”
It’s gone way up in price. He must be selling them like hotcakes. It is some of the most practical advice on surviving what we are going through. If you can afford it, it’s well worth buying.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

FerFAL lives in Spain now, I think. His Sunday podcasts with Matt Bracken are great.

2 years ago

> Le Pen is against imposing energy sanctions on Moscow.

Le Pen seems to have forgotten which end of the pipeline Moscow is on.

2 years ago

> Gov Kemp signs Georgia’s Constitutional Carry Bill into law.

The places I can’t exercise my Constitutional right to bear arms are now pretty much limited to a handful of shithole slave states I have no intention of ever visiting anyway.

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

[Ed Note – I am editing all of this comment. You have someone living on your street right now who is adding everything that passes across your computer screen to your file. I would bet at times they are reading what you type as you type it. Believe me, I love the fuck everyone attitude, but do not put it in the air or on the internet, especially if it could be used against you. Our time will come, but now is when you fly under the radar.]

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Honestly, I’m not certain this really thrills me. Obviously Trump being back in will be leaps and bounds better than now, but he’s still a Boomer-Con. None of his SCOTUS picks turned out to be worth a damn. He just endorsed a celebrity doc because the guy can bring in Oprah viewers to vote him in. And let’s be honest, the “almost-finished” wall was not going to be anywhere near enough to stop illegals coming over the border – mass deportations are needed and never even discussed publicly.

I don’t know. I guess my enthusiasm level is dependent on whether justice actually takes place.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Functioning M56 Smart Gun Replica From the Movie Aliens

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

That is pretty cool. Props to the engineer.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

There was actually something new to me in this, and that would be at the end when he goes into the wisdom of the crowd – specifically averaging out the input of a crowd produces a very accurate guess where all participants individually were way off.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago
Shy Ted
Shy Ted
2 years ago

The bird poop on Brandon doesn’t look like a bird poop IMHO. They’re wet and they splat. This just looks like a little explosion of powder with a near perfect circle and a bit of dust and in frame by frame I couldn’t see it falling before hitting. I reckon it’s just a movie to further humiliate him, though it’s probably not the real FJB. Same as the fly on on Hillary and I forget who the other person was – ? Pence. How easy would it be to apply a smudge of blood or meat to a spot on the hair to lure the fly in? Real flies move around when they land on something. Fake, fake, fake. But funny.

2 years ago

RE: In such primal situations, instinctual drives you have no idea are in you right now will take over and drive behaviors you never practiced, thought of, or would even think you would be capable of considering. 

Can confirm. Ran from the cops once in a car.

I had taken a left turn through a red blinking light, not stopping (it was midnight on Xmas, streets were empty). As I turned, coming toward me was a squad car. I kept going, glanced in my rearview mirror. Yep, it was doing a u-turn at the intersection, ready to pursue. Well, fuck that, I didn’t want to get pullled over on Xmas. So I floored it, made a quick right at the next intersection, another quick left, another quick left, killed my lights, swerved into a private apartment parking lot, snuck in a space between two cars, killed the engine. Ducked down. Saw four squad cars going back and forth along the block for thrity mintues. Waited an hour. Drove out clean.

I was literally Ryan Gosling’s character in Drive for about 60 seconds. My mind was absolutely crystal clear at the time, like I knew what I was going to do even before the possibility presented itself. Very interesting mental state, to say the least.

Which is all to say: yes, that subway video of the normies exiting the car seems fake and ghey, as if there was no shooting.

Last edited 2 years ago by MentalAnon
Reply to  MentalAnon
2 years ago

On the other manipulator, they were New Yorkers, used to living in a violent, third-world shithole, halfway zoned out just to make it through their day.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

Some recent news on batteries for cars and solar. I’m making this comment to show you what “could” be. Never forget that the shortages and limits that our rulers are foisting on us are deliberate. it does NOT have to be this way.
Nissan is building a prototype factory for it’s solid state batteries selected for use in 2028. They’re looking at cost half that of lithium-ion and close to that of IC engine cars with plans in a few years of equivalent cost to IC cars.

“…all-solid-state batteries boast an energy density approximately twice that of conventional lithium-ion batteries, significantly shorter charging times, and lower cost thanks to less expensive raw materials…”

There’s many of these solid state battery producers. Here’s another planning factory start in 2024

Solar cells capture about 20% or so of the energy and 50% or so is lost in heat. Lab based prototypes have been designed to capture some of this 50% lost to heat. This could double the efficiency of cells.

New tech perovskite solar cells are being built that are super super cheap. They do have problems now because the material is water soluble so they are going to have to create coatings to encapsulate them but there’s a lot of work on this. Some cell makers are building plants right now that combine them with silicon cells.
Perovskite solar cells will be so cheap that coal will be extravagant in cost comparisons.

Lab grown meat is going to be a thing. I know people grown at this but if it’s done by real people and not grown to kill us all lab grown meat is far more healthy, cleaner, less pollution(by far) than traditional factory farming. Factory farming is seriously gross and disgusting. I can barely eat chicken these days. It’s disgusting. I used to love chicken but I can barely eat it now. It’s gross. The chickens are so big they can only eat and shit all over themselves. They can’t even walk.

With meat and other foods grown like they brew beer you can grow food anywhere. You don’t need good farm land, in fact you could grow it on platforms in the Ocean.

The point is that there is plenty of room for food and energy for everyone on earth. All this talk about how humans are too many to feed or to live on earth is a total lie.With solar in desert areas, a lot of land, growing food like beer is brewed you have a huge amount of productive area that now is doing nothing. Hardly anyone lives there, it’s just a barren waste. If you’ve ever driven across the US you’ve seen how there is just huge vast areas of…nothing. Nothing but wasteland. Just a small portion of this could feed the whole entire planet. The area needed for solar for the whole US would fit in the pan handle of Texas and this is with present inefficient solar cells, they are improving very fast to be cheaper and more efficient. There’s plenty of room on roofs of houses to provide all the energy we need.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Wouldn’t Thorium reactors on an individual basis be better and could work? Each device you need to power has it’s own reactor? Or haven’t they figure out how to miniaturize them yet?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Bman
2 years ago

“…Thorium reactors…how to miniaturize them yet?…”

Waste would be a problem. It’s also not entirely clear that you can’t make nukes from thorium reactors. The reactor makes U233. Which is likely fissionable. It’s no doubt seriously radioactive and would make a very good dirty bomb so you’ll never see these in consumer goods.
The waste from it is extremely radioactive until it has burned it all up. I actually have a whacky idea about reactors to make them small which probably won’t work but… I think the problem is in order for a neutron to hit another atom there has to be a certain distance it has to travel to make it statistically likely to happen. So too small, not enough material to create that distance probability. I could be wrong about this.

I really believe there’s a opportunity for flywheels.

UHMWPE. It’s fairly cheap. One trade name is Dyneema. They use it for all kinds of rope and fiber in sailboats. It’s replacing wire rigging in boats and cables in big ship lines, barges, etc. VERY strong. Ridiculously strong. Flywheels capacity is almost completely based on the “specific strength” of the material used. So the stronger and lighter it is the faster you can spin it. As you spin a flywheel the power goes up by the square of the speed so a little more strength gives you a lot more power.
Lithium ion battery are about 100-265 Wh/kg(mostly around 189 or so)
Lead-Acid 30 Wh/kg

Now look at predicted power of flywheels made with Dyneema or Spectra (UHMWPE) 512 Wh/kg.

I gathered some numbers on batteries, capacity and flywheels in this comment. Some new materials like carbon nanotubes have extraordinary, mind-blowing, amounts of capacity to be used as flywheels. Some of these put gasoline to shame. They are making these cheaper and cheaper every day. The UHMWPE and the carbon. Since the materials are super cheap then it’s just finding a way to assemble them. I also did some simple cost accounting and the raw material price of Dynema compared to lithium is way lower.

There’s billions of dollars being spent on this. As I said prototype factories are being built now for less costly solid state batteries. It will happen. Sooner then you think.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Bman
2 years ago

I might add I’m not in any way against nuclear. coal, natural gas etc. I’m for self-sufficiency for our and other countries. I favor solar because it’s suitable of individual families but for cites and dense suburbs other fuels are just as good.

One thing that Musk said that really made me rethink solar over nuclear is that he said that if you count the land set asides for nuke plants and covered those with solar cells, you could get about the same power. Something to think about.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Thomas Edison started making electric cars more than a century ago. He pulled them off the market when the limits of current battery technology made customers unhappy. He started a big research project, which ultimately produced the nickel-cadmium battery, but in all that time, advances in battery technology have trailed behind the increasing power demands of electic vehicles.

Every couple of years someone has a revolutionary new battery technology that’s going to Solve All The Problems. The only one that even came close to success was the lithium-ion design, which would have been the cat’s ass in 1950, but is barely adequate in 2022. The rest of them were quietly forgotten in dusty old web pages and yellowing copies of Popular Mechanics.

Vehicle batteries have a hard upper price limit. They have to fit available space. They can’t be too heavy. They have to have acceptable charge and discharge rates. They have to work in cold weather. (something that hosed more than one promising variant) They have to survive some minimal level of vibration. That’s all before “environmental impact” issues, crash safety (some designs used highly poisonous or corrosive chemicals), and the geopolitics of material availability all have to be factored.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Let’s assume a 15-gallon tank of gasoline.

A 15-gallon tank of gas generates 1,710,000 BTUs of energy.

That is 501151.5297 Watts.

That is 672.0553 hp.

Where do the batteries offer similar energy density?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  map
2 years ago

“…A 15-gallon tank of gas generates 1,710,000 BTUs of energy.
That is 501151.5297 Watts…”

Wonderful thing but…you only get 30%, if you’re real lucky, out of it.

Leaves us with 150,345.6 W
Tesla Model 3 can be built with a 82 kWh battery with a 331 mile range.

What you’re missing is that the good enough can be better than the best. Sure fuel is better but looking at fuel supplies right now and knowing for a fact you can get solar to charge your car…changes things. Even if it cost more, there’s lots of people who will pay more for something they don’t have to depend on the oligarchs to use it.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Otherwise, good luck if it works.

2 years ago

Russian flagship in the Black Sea hit by missiles? Or had a fire?
Flagship of Russia’s Black Sea fleet reportedly seriously damaged, evacuated (

Reply to  Bman
2 years ago

I’m betting against missile. There would be a radar track for NATO to show and crow about. I’m thinking SEAL/SAS sabotage mission, DEW, or just plain accident (in that order of likelihood.)

2 years ago

BlackRock Dismisses Three Executives Who Planned To Quit In Coordinated Fashion

2 years ago

AC, I don’t see the comment you referenced.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I see it. Sometimes when you link a comment it does not link the exact location on the page. But I can find it if I weed through it checking for matches to the URL by copying comments I see. In this instance it linked me directly.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I do see it.