News Briefs – 04/12/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Speaker Mike Johnson claims classified briefing made him flip-flop on spy powers reform. He’s probably not lying. The classified briefing probably contained video from the bedroom of every dalliance, affair, and homosexual encounter he has ever had.

Biden backs FISA bill as Speaker Mike Johnson moves again to renew spy powers authority. The guy who was literally molesting his little daughter in the shower supports the FISA bill. How puzzling.

Thomas Massie:

Tomorrow at 8 am, I’ll manage floor debate on the FISA 702 Reauthorization Rule, which makes in order 6 votes on amendments, including one that will require FBI to get a warrant before searching for Americans’ data.

A similar rule failed yesterday, preventing a vote on warrants.

The Deep State prepares for a Trump victory. I would assume contingency planning, though you never know.

Trump tests limits of gag order with post insulting 2 likely witnesses in criminal trial.

Trump campaign demands Biden debate him ‘much earlier’ and more often. I predict no debates.

Special Counsel Jack Smith suggested he ignore the Supreme Court if it reverses the obstruction statute this summer.

The stealth scheme to scrap the electoral college and award the Presidency to the candidate who wins the popular vote is 76% complete.

Reflection in Biden’s sunglasses shows him reading instructions from his handlers.

President Joe Biden should be “impeached and imprisoned” for pledging to direct funds to Bursima Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company that employed Hunter Biden, former Obama White House aide Mike McCormick reported in a new book.

GOP Rep. Stefanik reveals there is an incriminating audio recording of Biden telling his ghostwriter, “I just found all the classified documents stuff downstairs.” He didn’t even know where he had left it.

‘Reacher’ star Alan Ritchson attacks Christians who support ‘rapist’ Trump: ‘He’s their poster child.’  This is the actor on Reacher. Just last week, he explained he stopped modeling because it was just human trafficking, and in his last job they handed him off to a gay guy who took him to a motel room, “for some nude pictures,” and despite being built like a tank, he implied he ended up taking in the pooper anyway, tried to hang himself, and then decided he really didn’t want to do this modelling stuff anymore.

Tucker Carlson: A consistent theme of American foreign policy is that it is always the Christians who suffer.

President Biden’s new student debt relief plan is estimated to cost around $84 billion if it is implemented, according to a Penn Wharton Budget Model (PWBM) analysis released Thursday. Didn’t he already get told by the courts he lacked this authority?

BlazeTV exposes: how DC politicians get filthy rich.

Sen. Rand Paul to investigate Dr. Fauci’s alleged ‘secret CIA visits’ prior to COVID-19 outbreak.

Sexually transmitted infection rates have risen sharply among adults 55 and older, CDC data shows. If we are lucky, we may get another Vox Day song out of this, based on boomers now having a “detachable penis.”

Monkeypox cases have been elevated since October, with an average of roughly 200 monthly cases detected per month, spurring efforts to avoid a summer surge like what was seen in 2022.

Denver plans to defund its Police force to pay for illegal immigrants.

Denver mayor allocates $90 million for illegal migrants.

The Biden administration announced Thursday morning that the Department of Justice has finalized a new rule that requires many gun sellers offering firearms at gun shows or online to obtain a license and conduct background checks.

Ninth Circuit appears set to ignore Bruen and support restrictive gun control laws on magazines, Assault Weapons, and carry limitations, setting up Supreme showdown.

Democrat Arizona AG says she will not enforce 1864 law banning most abortions.

Harvard finally reinstates the SAT for admissions. The meritocracy returns?

OJ Simpson dead at 76 after cancer battle.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre offered condolences Thursday following the death of OJ Simpson — but made no mention of the two people he was accused, and sensationally acquitted, of killing nearly three decades ago. That whole OJ episode has the feel of a Cabal script. I do not know if, like the rapper for Public Enemy claimed Kanye and Michael Jordan did, OJ went to the Mason’s lodge, swore the oath to lucifer and agreed to a sacrifice, and this was what happened, or if they told him to do it, or if they just did it and framed him to get the script moving. But the whole OJ murder episode feels like one of their episodes, to distract, divide, and weaken the population’s ability to resist.

A 54-year-old Minnesota man was convicted Thursday in the slaying of a high school student and stabbing of four other people who were tubing on a western Wisconsin river. Fuck around and find out should really be a legitimate legal defense. “Your Honor, you can clearly see the victims were fucking around…”

Study reveals mechanism linking heart disease to cancer development – Spironolactone helps heart function while reducing cancer promotion by 30%.

Rashida Tlaib refuses to condemn ‘death to America’ chants at rally in district.

Biden-appointed Federal Reserve Board member Lisa DeNell Cook’s entire academic career has been found to be fraudulent. From faking research data, to outright plagiarism, to lying on her resume.

A Planet Fitness gymgoer was arrested after allegedly walking around totally naked in the women’s locker room … claiming they identified as a woman and  repeatedly asking women in the locker room to lotion one another up and then hop in the shower with him. (Gasp) – Transphobia! We need to get the trannies boycotting Planet Fitness now.

Boeing whistleblower reportedly claims 787 planes could break apart mid-air due to construction flaws.

A Mexican drug cartel used death threats to force a tribal leader to back out of testifying to Congress this week, according to another tribal leader who did show up to tell lawmakers just how much power the drug lords have accumulated. You eliminate CIA, and Mexico will clean that shit up overnight. The greatest evil in the world, right in our own backyard, and all around us in our neighborhoods. What would Chesty Puller say?

Former British Police Officer uncovers a major nationwide fraud operation in which bank employees are producing forged documents to hide mismanagement of funds, tries to share it with the media and the government, and finds it is all being covered up by all people. Sounds like it might be Cabal getting banks to invest depositor funds in fraudulent companies which do not exist, but which the bank will claim appeared legitimate, absolving them of responsibility.

Alan Dershowitz said if Biden refuses military aid to Israel that he will leave the Democrat Party. Check out the narrative about where his loyalties lie. Destroy America, no problem. Fuck with Israel, problem. Now imagine he was given those lines. What percent of Jews in the US want these migrants, and want criminals released on no-bail laws?

Yuval Harari: “Human rights are like heaven and like God, just a fictional story that we have invented and spread around.” Lets take Sam’s ultra blackpilled views of the Jews. Are they this stupid? Would they say this out loud? Would you ever say this out loud? I take this as a sign the scriptwriters are turning the plot. And this Jew has no problem bringing a Holocaust on all the rest of the Jews. I understand it is tough. My whole goal at 18 was to get to a place where loyalty was real, and I would not be surrounded by people like I was and am surrounded by. Unfortunately, you and I, Jew-anon, are fucked. We are surrounded by people to whom we are just an assignment, and that assignment is to neutralize us and betray us. You have to face reality. The world you thought you lived in does not exist. Jews always loyal to Jews was always an illusion to weaken you. There are still good Jews. Your kind is still out there. Hold loyalty with them. But this thing will have isolated you from them, as it seeks to exploit your loyalty for itself. Burn these “leaders” the conspiracy has foisted upon you. Turn on them. Get others to reject them. Join with your kind, both Jew and not-Jew, against the Cabal, and lets all destroy this thing, so we can get that world we thought was out there.

The Hamas terror group has expressed uncertainty as to whether it could gather 40 civilian hostages for release in a prisoner swap deal with Israel, officials familiar with the negotiations said.

The extent of China’s soil pollution, long guarded as a state secret, was laid out in an official report that confirmed deep-seated fears about contaminated farmland and the viability of the country’s food supply.

The United States House of Representatives is looking into a Brazilian judge’s effort’s to thwart free speech on the social media platform X, billionaire Elon Musk revealed Wednesday night.

On Twitter: Brazil has fallen. They are freezing the assets and bank accounts of journalists and confiscating their passports. Pay attention. Coming to a western nation near you.

South Africa’s slow, inevitable march towards collapse.

Migrants committed the majority of serious crimes in the German city of Frankfurt, including 100% of serious sexual crimes.

Married ISIS couple who ‘raped two Yazidi slave girls aged 12 and FIVE and would punish them with a broomstick or scalding hot water’ are arrested in Germany.

Saudi Arabia has been forced to scale back its multi-trillion-dollar plans for a 106 mile linear megacity in the desert to just over 1.5 miles long.

U.S. sets record for foreign military sales amid Ukraine war, says Pentagon.

Russian airstrikes destroy Kyiv’s largest power plant. Reminds me of the Chad saboteur:

Russian spacecraft comes within 10m of destroying U.S. Satellite, NASA ‘shocked.’ Satellite weapons will be a big problem. I don’t think Havana is satellite based, but if it is (and it would explain it being rolled out in Russia and China) there will not be a lot of good defenses, beyond taking out the satellites. Of course that will not be easy for dissidents.

The Clinton-loving cocksuckers at Newsmax – 10 reasons Ukraine aid is good for America.

Josh Hawley: ‘Why are we sending hundreds of billions of dollars to Ukraine if China is our number one globalthreat?’

U.S. helps pro-Ukraine media run a fog machine of war. And as in so many places, Globohomo is the bad guy.

Russia’s army is now 15% bigger than when it invaded Ukraine, says US general.

Ukraine passes divisive conscription law which aims to bolster forces by 500,000.

Larry Hogan gives GOP huge Senate opportunity in deep blue Maryland.

Trump has nearly doubled support among black men and women since 2020.

Spread r/K Theory, because the enemy within is the most dangerous

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Macaque Mentality
10 months ago

Louis Rossman might be getting beamed.

Some of you have pointed out that in my videos over the past four months I do in my downstairs office in my house, there is a high pitched whine. This entire time, I thought that was me getting tinnitus from getting old.

It’s not. It’s actually there. and I can’t figure out what it is. It’s driving me nuts. I was walking into the bathroom and each time I did, the “tinnitus” went away. FML.

This should be easy, given the acoustic absorption on the wall – that foam is cheap shit, but the cheap shit is bad at absorbing *low* frequencies, not *high* frequencies like 6k-14k. And higher frequencies are more directional. This should be easy to figure out.

I have no idea where it’s coming from though. 🙁

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
10 months ago

Well shit… He does a pretty good Reacher. That leaves nothing new to watch.
good thing Clint and John made many movies

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
10 months ago

Federal Reserve Board member Lisa DeNell Cook
Didn’t even need to click the link first to correctly guess what it is; and she has the tell-tale look of stupid arrogance.

Sam J.
Sam J.
10 months ago

“…Lets take Sam’s ultra blackpilled views of the Jews. Are they this stupid? Would they say this out loud?…”

Yes, this is how arrogant some are. They’ve said many such things repeatedly. Here’s a few,

Kill the Goyim by any means possible. -Choshen Ha’mishpat 425:50

a quote from Harold Wallace Rosenthal, a Jew. “Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer…and we are his chosen people…”

A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them. -Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17

“Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.” – Israeli prime Minister Menachem Begin in a speech to the Knesset [Israeli Parliament] quoted by Amnon Kapeliouk, “Begin and the Beasts,” New Statesman, June 25, 1982

“Tell me, do the evil men of this world have a bad time? They hunt and catch whatever they feel like eating. They don’t suffer from indigestion and are not punished by Heaven. I want Israel to join that club. Maybe the world will then at last begin to fear us instead of feeling sorry. Maybe they will start to tremble, to fear our madness instead of admiring our nobility. Let them tremble; let them call us a mad state. Let them understand that we are a savage country, dangerous to our surroundings, not normal, that we might go wild, that we might start World War Three just like that, or that we might one day go crazy and burn all the oil fields in the Middle East. Even if you’ll prove to me that the present war is a dirty immoral war, I don’t care. We shall start another war, kill and destroy more and more. And do you know why it is all worth it? Because it seems that this war has made us more unpopular among the civilized world.We’ll hear no more of that nonsense about the unique Jewish morality. No more talk about a unique people being a light upon the nations. No more uniqueness and no more sweetness and light. Good riddance.” –Former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon

 We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.
Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles (1924)

“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.
 Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat. That is why gentiles were created.”
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, reported in Jerusalem Post, October 10, 2010. Yosef was the former Sephardi Chief Rabbi in the Jewish state, and later the spiritual leader of the Knesset party Shas. He was known to be an important authority on Jewish law. When he died last year, hundreds of thousands of Israelis attended his funeral.

“The Jewish universe is good for Jews. It is a curse for others. In the US, as Jewish influence has grown steadily since 1968, the lives of ordinary people have worsened. A good time for the Jews is not a good time for mankind. The blessing of the Jews is a curse for others. The regimes that are “good for Jews” are rarely good for anybody else..” — Israel Shamir

“Any people who have been persecuted for two thousand years must be doing something wrong”-Henry Kissinger

“It was essentially a Jewish regime in the Soviet Union that between 1917 and 1953 managed to exterminate 66 million Russian Christians and destroy their churches”
Shulamit Aloni, former Israeli minister, Democracy Now, August 14, 2002

“We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.”
— Israel Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001

Theodore Herzl, the founder of Zionism, had himself made the same point much earlier. “Anti-Semitism,” he wrote, is “an understandable reaction to Jewish defects.” And in his diary he added: “I find the anti-Semites are fully within their rights.”

Israel’s first president, Chaim Weizmann, wrote in his memoirs:
“Whenever the quantity of Jews in any country reaches the saturation point, that country reacts against them. [This] reaction…cannot be looked upon as anti-Semitism in the ordinary or vulgar sense of that word; it is a universal social and economic concomitant of Jewish immigration, and we cannot shake it off. — Chaim Weizmann, Trial and Error (1949). Quoted in Albert S. Lindemann’s The Jew Accused, 1991 (p. 277).

“I do not believe that the primal difference between gentile and Jew is reconcilable,” Jewish author Maurice Samuel points out in his book You Gentiles. “You and we may come to an understanding, never to a reconciliation. There will be irritation between us as long as we are in intimate contact.”

   The Jew … Judaizes … he provokes religious indifference, but he also imposes on those whose faith he destroys, his own concept of the world, of morality, and of human life … The Jews detests the spirit of the nation in the midst of which they live.

Bernard Lazare, Antisemitism

  “Iraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other, is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel’s targets. Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria. Iraq is stronger than Syria. In the short run it is Iraqi power which constitutes the greatest threat to Israel. An Iraqi-Iranian war will tear Iraq apart and cause its downfall at home even before it is able to organize a struggle on a wide front against us. Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation will assist us in the short run and will shorten the way to the more important aim of breaking up Iraq into denominations as in Syria and in Lebanon. In Iraq, a division into provinces along ethnic/religious lines as in Syria during Ottoman times is possible. So, three (or more) states will exist around the three major cities: Basra, Baghdad and Mosul, and Shiite areas in the south will separate from the Sunni and Kurdish north.”
(Oded Yinon, February 1982)

   If every simple cell in a Jewish body entails divinity, is a part of God, then every strand of DNA is a part of God. Therefore, something is special about Jewish DNA.

   If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value. There is something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life than non-Jewish life.

Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg, Jewish Week, April 26, 1996

 Any trial based on the assumption that Jews and goyim are equal is a total travesty of justice.

Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg, June 6, 1989

 Here in the Land of Israel, an Arab has no right to exist. [The Jewish terrorist Baruch] Goldstein’s deed [killing 29 Muslims] constitutes a fulfillment of a number of com-mandments of Jewish law…[including] taking revenge on non-Jews.

Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg, Ha’aretz, Israel, November 05, 2003

   I am sorry not only about dead Arabs but also about dead flies.

Rabbi Moshe Levinger, cited in Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel by Israel Shahak

   The difference between a Jewish soul and souls of non-Jews–all of them in all different levels–is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle.

Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak Kook, once Chief Rabbi in Palestine, cited in Shahak, Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel

   Kill [even] the good among the Gentiles.
Rabbi Shimon ben Yochai, quoted in Mechilta Midrash

   The white race is the cancer of human history.
Susan Sontag (Rosenblatt), Partisan Review, Winter 1967

   Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity. The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists.
   We intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed, not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed.

[source –

So this in no way proves this Jew is some sort of cabal secret member. All it proves is he acts like many Jews do, with total disdain towards all humanity.

“…Would you ever say this out loud?…”

No, but I’m not a Jew.

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

I worked residential flooring for years. I had a separate protocol when entering a Jewish household. Double check, and document, and have the homeowner sign off on any existing defect on any furniture moved, any wall scratch, excuse me does this security system function? Please show me, isn’t that strange or was working yesterday, oh well I’ll have to get someone out to fix it. If I didn’t go through that litany of q&a I’d be back charged because I broke something. I had a recall rate of 2-3%. Among jews it was 30-40%. They didn’t want a free job. Just about 1/2 the labor cost. They have no respect, and maybe even a disdain for hard physical work. No hospitality either. No offer for lunch, drink, hell I’ve even been told multiple times if I need to use the restroom, sometimes working 8+ hours in their home that I need to go down to a local business because I wasn’t welcome to use theirs. They have a closed society and we’re not welcome. Fine with me but for those who feel that way, you’re not welcome in my society either.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Steve Morris
10 months ago

I did home improvement and repairs for a few years and was advised to advertise in the local Jewish newspaper. Many customers were very nice to me, but from an astonishing number, I heard the same thing…something I never heard from any other demographic: “I don’t wanna know what’s wrong with it; just fix it.”
You know what comes next if you fall for that and then expect to be paid?
“You didn’t tell me it would be so expensive!”
I always used a written proposal and got them to sign it and pay something down.
Other contractors told me the Orthodox are the worst.
One Jewish contractor warned me to be especially cautious of Israelis, and he was a guy who loved Israel, visited there, and wished he could have relocated there.
I was set up once, and cheated badly, by an orthodox woman who was building her empire of Section 8 housing. After months of harassing her, I recovered part of what she owed me. Small claims court got me most of the rest.
Gonif! That’s Yiddish for ‘thief.’

remanes of the horse's day
remanes of the horse's day
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
10 months ago

Someone I had done work for told me of a special customer, he called “jew-boy”, this guy ordered 30 grand of special stainless kitchen tables etc. and paid with a rubber check. Trouble was he was in the same state and the seller got the local law to let him know it was chargeable, and he finally paid up to avoid the toll, but was hoping to skate on that bill, totally, and was just a few miles from the state border that would have let it happen. Not likely to take a check for another order from that guy, do you think?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

The point I’m making, and be very careful to not read anything into this other than what I say. I do not hate Jews because they are Jewish, I hate them for what they have done, HOWEVER, we have tried the, “oh that one is a good Jew” and it has never worked. We have 4,000 years of experience with this and it’s always the same. So a Jew is a good Jew, that Jew has children and like always, some percentage of these act like Jews always have, and we are right back where we started. It’s like pit bulls as a breed, people always say,”it’s how you raise them”. Famous last words as the vile animal rips the skin off the head of their child.

Jews are what they are and will likely always be barring some sort of breeding program and the best way to deal with them is to get rid of them. Peacefully if we can get it, but by any means necessary get rid of them. Why, I might ask, is it such a burden to ask Jews to live among their own and not pester us with their deviance? Is it “hate” to wish that they live among their people, and we live among ours, with no interaction? The question answers itself. Without others to parasite and feed on, they have to feed on each other. That’s why they resist deportation so strongly. If you told Whites, we sentence you to only live among your own White people, would anyone tremble in fear? Please, you know the answer.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

Sorry AC but I can think of a lot of good reasons to expel the eternal parasite. Jews like Barbara Lerner Specter have been the death of Europe. All the rapes, murders and crimes done during the mud invasion is on the jews head. This by their own words.

Death to ZOG.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

I can see your point that Cabal set up the Jews as its proxy, but does that not become just a distinction without a difference? Somehow, Cabal is heavily dependent on the Jews playing this role. If they were not around, then isn’t Caba; heavily weakened to the point of dysfunction?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

It is a mortal sin to lie, so any Catholics involved in Cabal are going straight to hell unless they come to sincere repentance and contrition. As part of the Muhammedens’ and Jews’ religion, lying to a non Muhammeden or non Jew is like lying to an ant, dog, or cat. If it is in the interest of the Jews or Muhammedens then they believe it is virtuous and good to lie, hurt or kill non Jews and non Muhammedens. Who was the brain surgeon who allowed these groups to enter our country? Oh yeah, Freemasons.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

I mean, it is also very curious that the Jews have mastered everything except working through their own proxy. There seems to be a lot of this “hey look at me” thing going on with them lately.

You would think if they were the true masterminds, then nobody would ever have heard of them.

Reply to  Sam J.
10 months ago

I have a Jewish friend who – unprompted by me – specifically denounced the Talmud. We’d been discussing the Snake Jews and Sabbatean Frankists (another group that he brings up regularly with our more ‘normie’). Meanwhile, I’m having difficulty convincing Red Pilled Boomer Relatives that the whole Russian thing is nonsense.

They’re out there. It’s just that most people are normies, and have no idea what they’ve signed up for with the various coopted organizations that exist everywhere. When you attack the group, cabal sends the good ones to the front lines to fight with you.

10 months ago

Yesterday Sam J had an insightful comment the gist of which was advocating for using electoral “choke points” to fight the deep state:

I am 100% disdainful about electoral anything at this point (except, possibly, Trump). But Sam’s comment in effect matched a recent post on another site, endorsing the same idea:

The latter gives a detailed account of a success, similar to the success Sam had. I am still cynical, but the idea is a hopeful, practical one which circumvents (confronts on equal ground?) the usual obstacles.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Tonawanda
10 months ago

I think things are too far gone in the West to vote ourselves out of the mess we are in. Mass violence is coming.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Tonawanda
10 months ago

People believe it is all over, but it’s not.

Let’s take just a couple of the ideas I have that can be done solely in the House of Representatives and no one can stop them.

Let the House pass a resolution that no one on welfare, no one that works for or is in a subsidiary company that works for the Federal government can vote in House elections.

What does that do to the prospects of the Democrats in the House? The same can be done in the Senate.

The wording of the Constitution is clear,

Article I, Section 5,
“Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members …”


No immigrants can vote in House elections. The same can be done in the Senate.

Now you might say the courts would overrule, but again the Constitution gives power to the legislature over the courts. That the courts have taken power away that does not belong to them means we can take it back. Again clearly,

“…In all the other cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make…”

“…with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make…” The important part. The earlier part declares what powers they have [very small and mostly related to disputes between States and other governments]but it ends with control of these functions by Congress.

Congress can overrule them with just a majority vote. All that’s needed.

There’s lots and lots of these. Get a hard ass Congress, first in the House, then the Senate and you would not recognize this country in a few years. The surveillance would be stopped as they can NOT do it without our money, the intelligence agencies could be defestered, the large corporations and banks controlling everything could be defanged. And it can all be done by a simple majority. Starting with the House of Representatives. At these links and the links of comments from them I show how to do this in a few years time,

Deport the aliens, rapeugees or public charges, how. I actually did the math on deporting 100 million people from the US and it could be done in a timely and cost-effective manner if we decided to determinedly to do so.[BTW we could threaten to deport them all on 767’s and speed the process immensely]

This link covers deportation and how that would completely bring to screaming halt the idea of having a civil war.

How to take over the whole country and run it for our benefit in a very short time. A step by step plan for a Constitutional Republic that WE control in our best interest. Total control in less than 6 years.

“…(except, possibly, Trump)…”

Do not be surprised if Trump turns out to be a fake Hitler. Hitler was elected due to complete exasperation with the deprivations of the Jews in Germany. Including Jews taking over what were German States and shooting all the people in charge of the States. In this case they were defeated by armed soldiers paid for by German industrialist, but they were planning much the same for ALL Germany. The Germans knew the mass slaughter the Jews were doing in Russia. Millions and millions killed. The Jews know they are bumping up against the “Jew tolerance level” of the US population. 9-11, Epstein, mass surveillance, people are sick of this and while it’s not totally coalesced into people thinking as I do, it’s much closer than they are comfortable with. So the Jews, knowing history, “might” decide this time to get their own Hitler…Trump…to forestall a real Hitler. Now so far it does not look like Trump is the fake Hitler but he has so many ties to Jews and his family is all married to them that…it could be he is the fake Hitler, or could not be. It would not be a total surprise to me if he in office totally crushed any opposition to the Jews under the providence of stopping “terrorism”. We will only know when and if he is elected.

It could even be they will use Trump as a trigger to start a civil war, that without their guidance, would have never happened. We can only wait and see. My missives on the different path of using that Constitution we have been blessed with is only to show it need not be what they want, but what we want. A favorite trick of the Jews is to boldly state that,”these choices we give you are the only ones” but most of the time they are the worst choices and choosing another path is always far better than the vile choices of the Jews. We see this in numerous Hasbara comments that the ONLY path is civil war to solve our problems, but I have pages and pages of paths that require no bloodshed at all or at the most very little by just using the laws we have to OUR benefit, not the Jews.

Reply to  Sam J.
10 months ago

> Let’s take just a couple of the ideas I have that can be done solely in the House of Representatives and no one can stop them.

Dead in the water. There’s not one single elected official that gives a fuck about doing good, and there’s no mechanism to elect real leaders that care. As long as that’s the case, there is no peaceful resolution to these problems.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

“…reveal the surveillance…”

You will never get any “action” on this without political power and the ability to cut their funds off. Revel away, to no end without power.

Reply to  Sam J.
10 months ago

And you won’t get political power until you change the way things are…. So welcome to Hell. At least AC is trying.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

And if we did start to implement his agenda the left and cabal would start a civil war.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

If so, we will have lost nothing, they plan this already(likely but not a sure thing). If it’s true about all the Chinese troops in Mexico, then it’s a forgone conclusion they plan civil war, and we will either fight them off or be completely exterminated. Will they press the go button…hard to say, but it appears they’re putting the pieces in place at the least.

When I tell you these scenarios where the Jews on the coast allow the middle to be given to the Chinese and all in it are wiped out, this has happened before and the Jews were responsible. More than once. This is not some fairy tale, it has happened before, and you see the blatant genocide of the Palestinians right now. It is gruesome, and they would do the same to us.

Now AC and others are always talking about the good Jew, but would you bet the lives of all your family and all your friends on the “good Jew”, who so far has done not a damn thing to hold back the rest? Why is it incumbent on us to filter who the good and bad Jew is? Shouldn’t they do that? Especially if all our lives are at stake?

And I ask, what about the good Palestinian? What are the actions of the Jews towards the “good Palestinian”? You see for yourself, and I say, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.

Reply to  Sam J.
10 months ago

“do unto others as you would have them do unto you”

You would have others condemn you for the sins of your group?
Jesus didn’t say “do unto others as they do unto you”.

As I keep saying, if you are right about them then going after the cabal, the surveillance, and criminals will get rid of 90% of them and most of the rest will flee screaming that we are NAZIs.

Reply to  Sam J.
10 months ago

You truly are your own worst enemy. You cannot see how you are the useful idiot.
You are on the same level as the LGBT folks who are in favor of the Islamics, in the name of Justice, and those Islamics would remove all of their rights as soon as they got into power (as they have already in those places they do)

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

There will be a civil war either way. No matter who is voted in the fall, the other side will not accept it, we’re in the brink now. It’s gonna blow.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

“…There’s not one single elected official that gives a fuck about doing good…”

That is untrue. You do not have to have a majority to get the ball rolling on this.

Reply to  Sam J.
10 months ago

Incorrect. I’ve been elected to that sort of level, have you? Unless you have a majority, you lose, no matter how good your actions will do. I lost more fights due to the sheep than anything else.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

One of the big failing of Whites is they want some sort of big hero or some sort of huge, massive all at once change. The Jews, they constantly crunch away. No matter what the odds, they constantly resist and push. It works. They run this country and most all Europe. We can do the same.

An examole long ago, they were going to pass a citizenship amnesty for all the illegal aliens. Likely 30 million or so even though they said it was 11 million. One man, just one man, Senator Sessions who knew the Senate rules and refused to be stopped, brought it to ruin. It was a done deal and he stopped it. Without him, no one would have had the courage to stop it.

It is possible with a handful of people in the House and Senate to bring this scourge, if not down, at least to a grinding halt. And not all voting districts are crooked. I bet the majority are not.

Reply to  Sam J.
10 months ago

Nibbling works for them because they act surreptitiously.
It won’t work for us because our every move is watched by them.

Reply to  Sam J.
10 months ago

You are wrong… Simply put. You are misinformed. While “one good man” can put up some speed bumps, they cannot stop most of it. Senator Rand… The handful of decent Reps… Not enough. They are trying to stop the tide.

10 months ago

The chick who came over to escalate the Apple River situation into violence had the eye of providence tattooed on her arm.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

Double wow

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

Freemason necklaces in Haiti, pedo symbols on pizza parlors, now this? It’s too consistent of a trope to be coincidence. There’s only two options I see, my personal belief being the second:

1.) They sign their ops like artists with their gay logos. Pedo swirls, freemason logos, etc. Either comms to other groups, or just narcissists taking sadistic exhibitionist joy in broadcasting their evil and knowing 90% of people won’t ever notice.

2.) They must have to publicize their operations by some set of rules; for whatever reason these people seem to be bound by rules of a game beyond our comprehension. It really points to a supernatural basis wherein God allows evil to exist, likely as a test, and evil has to let you know what it’s doing and give you a chance to see with open eyes or else it’s “cheating” by God’s rules.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

Yeah, didn’t someone say that symbolism will be their downfall?

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

That video must be seen. It reeks of gangstalking.

10 months ago

Re: Mike Johnson and government by blackmail

I know threats of murder (personal and familial) also play a part, but when is a “genuine” Christian like Johnson, or simply a brave man, going to emerge from the SCIF, self-report his sordid past to the cameras under maximum publicity, and explain in detail what just happened to him?

True, that would be a “crime” in itself, but so what? Some men blackmailed, somewhere, some time, have to game plan for doing this, understanding that the blackmailers have already. Control of the media is a critical factor, yes, but that is part of what needs to be thought through.

Reply to  Tonawanda
10 months ago

There is a lot of assumptions that the info in the SCIF was blackmail. Let’s assume MJ isn’t living a life where he could be blackmailed (an actual “genuine Christian”). What ELSE could they have showed him to make him change his mind?

Reply to  Tonawanda
10 months ago

There was a certain governor of New York who did it.
If only more had followed we might have been rid of this thing by now.

10 months ago

‘OJ Simpson dead at 76 after cancer battle.’

He got past one judge, but he won’t get past The Judge.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Maniac
10 months ago

No one will. Prepare accordingly.

10 months ago

‘Trump has nearly doubled support among black men and women since 2020.’

They’re realizing that he’s not aspiring to be the next Grand Wizard of the KKK the way the mainstream media claimed. Hopefully not too late.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Maniac
10 months ago

Black people will probably be treated like Americans for the first time in 30 years if Trump gets in. The Democrats treat them like their star attraction in a petting zoo.

Reply to  Maniac
10 months ago

I had a dialogue with a guy at work who claims he is a “moderate” Republicuck who voted for Brandon because Trump isn’t “Presidential”. I asked him if he had ever watched a single Trump interview or speech in its entire context, rather than curated clips from somebody like the Cocksucker News Network who deliberately edit things to make him look crazy. The guy said no, and I’ve given him something to think about.

Most people have never actually listened to Trump in context. They just watch curated clips by the Fake News networks who hate him and will probably be executed in Gitmo if he gets back in.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
10 months ago

“Trump isn’t Presidential”

Decades of movies & TV shows have created in the American mind a cliched image of how Presidents are to behave & speak & comport themselves. As a result many Americans have created an idol about the office of President -& if the candidate doesn’t align with their image the person gets offended. Actually offended! As in they believe a fictional crafted image is reality and individuals are not allowed to be themselves but must act like the imaginery ideal. The telling sign is them usually saying things like “Trump will make America the laughing stock of the world”. Their feelings of offence that their idol is being tarnished is so great that for them it must be felt on a global scale.

10 months ago

>‘Reacher’ star Alan Ritchson attacks Christians who support ‘rapist’ Trump: ‘He’s their poster child.’ This is the actor on Reacher. Just last

He’s a roid freak. The impulse to look at a strong man and assume there must be some K to him is at it’s core a valuable tool, but the enemy knows this and inserts cheaters who skip the actual pain of becoming a legendary fitness guy by just shooting up HGH & tren and other garbage.

It’s the psychology of the R personified; how can I appear tough and strong without having to suffer and do the truly hard work. Not to mention the shrinkage of testicles, destruction of natural test production, etc. that comes along with cheating that makes you a fag anyway.

Roid freaks are not to be trusted under any circumstance.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

My own sentiments on the subject exactly. Skipped the part that would have built their character and all the pain associated with that. Just jumped the queue and went to the vanity part. Felt the same way about for 50 years. Every time I have had access to get steroids I have tried to remember what this is really all about. Fags think muscles are all about displays.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

I think it was Roosh a few years ago, talking about a Danish guy who was highly muscular and fully ripped but he was brought up by his mum and was basically a broken little bitch.

Muscles are important but the most important is to develop a strong mentality.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  English Tom
10 months ago

It was a 2007 short film, “Dennis”.

Reply to  English Tom
10 months ago

Teddy Bear is a 2012 Danish romantic drama film directed by Mads Matthiesen, who co-wrote it with Martin Zandvliet. It stars Kim Kold as a painfully shy bodybuilder in his late 30s who, after failing to find love in his native Denmark, travels to Thailand at the suggestion of his uncle to find love and escape from his overbearing mother.

roids of another name don't smell sweeter
roids of another name don't smell sweeter
Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

There was a local cop, big BIG, and son-in-law to the chief of police in that town. got into major confront and chief had to shoot the roid abuser dead because of extreme over the top physical attack. Gets charged with murder and when about to be concluded, offs himself, so a roid dude is dead, wife now widow and W/O dad, the dead chief. Large toll paid.

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

It’s possible, most Hollywood action heros bulk up overnight, and that’s almost always roids. But Ritchson has been getting steadily bigger for years. Could be lying but when asked about his routine he said he eats whatever he wants, mostly clean, but not strict. And, works out every day no matter what. Could be bullshit, but it does kinda fit with being punked by a gay photographer and quitting modeling. Big hole in that story is he then became an actor? It seems the male actors spend as much time on the ole casting couch as the females do.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

Despite being built like a tank he still took it in the proper.

He wasn’t always built like a tank. And I never blame the victim but that’s an awfully shot skirt. Jokes aside, when he was a “model” he was basically making soft core gay porn.

10 months ago

>BlazeTV exposes: how DC politicians get filthy rich.

Cool, maybe their next expose can be how an irrelevant gatekeeping conservative media mouthpiece can get filthy rich when NO ONE listens to their shit, let alone pays to not listen.

Three card monte in real time, and they think we’re dumb enough to assume they’re clean just because they point at another dirty group.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

Just look at the dogshit programming they have on there. Take your pick of known enemy actors like Steven Crowder or Dave Rubin, a gaggle of “I’m a woman/black/mexican/gay/ conservative hurrdurr!”, more muhJews than a NYC private school roster, etc.

By their fruits you shall know them, and there’s plenty enough “fruits” to go around that demonic hellhole.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

He came dangerously close to naming the Jew, and they crushed him. It was his long talk on Colonel House and Woodrow Wilson that I think triggered them.

10 months ago

lol lmao even. Whelp perhaps even collaborators get to find out.

10 months ago

>Harvard finally reinstates the SAT for admissions. The meritocracy returns?

Nah, the heat got too hot so they gave up an easy W to the losers and will just shift weight to “application essays” for qualifying their assets into the system. The enemy doesn’t give up ground voluntarily, you have to stomp it out of their rigor mortis deathgrip.

Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

SATs are only one element of admissions. One of my many jobs in my adult life was getting kids into the top schools in the nation (Ivies, military schools like West Point, specialized extremely low acceptance programs). I know a little bit about admissions.

As a kid, I did all of my studies and applications alone, no help or academy. I was an independent kid from as far back as I remember. I bet many here were the same. I started dressing myself, making my own meals, going to the bus, doing my own school forms, etc. when I was about 8 or 9. I was 9 when that I realized that, to my school, parental involvement was just a signature on a page. The beatdown I got when my dad caught me practicing my parents’ signatures was epic. Instead of persisting, I just woke up earlier than them and had them sign my “he didn’t do homework” forms while they were half asleep. I would tell them that they were school admin forms.

In high school, I was mostly enrolled in APs. So I could finally have some fun. I got some of the highest scores in the standardized tests and had really great grades even though I didn’t do my homework. Perfect math SAT I, SAT II, and APs. Near-perfect science (SAT II physics and bio were wierd). History and Chemistry were my weaknesses. Others were 5’s, save 11th grade AP English. Because most of my PA were 4’s and 5’s, I was able to negotiate most of my grades up while doing nearly no homework. I did study, but only for things I felt I needed to maximize, like SAT, SAT II, and history APs. And only for a few days at a time.

I was an integral part of most of my school’s academic competitions with zero studying, led many clubs/events, did solo sports, was part of the elite music program in my county, among other things, all with proof.

It’s no surprise I got to the interviews for the Ivies I applied to in HS, save Brown.The interviews got me. As I learned later, the interviewers are well known to be critical gatekeepers of the Ivy eligible. I don’t know if this was just to demoralize me or if they needed people to categorize me in person. My essays were about my faith, so they knew what I believed in. They knew what I’d been up to my entire school career. Unsurprisingly, I got closed out of each interview. I was obviously not a member of Cabal, a potential member of Cabal, or a blind sheep.

My Harvard interview in particular was interesting. The dude was an old fatty in a crap suit and a stained Harvard tie. He spent the whole time grilling me about the solar system. This was one of the few things I’d never learned during my entire 11 years in top-tier public schools, the countless books I’d read, or the academic competitions I was a part of.

I ended up at a major Cabal feeder school. That’s another story altogether.

10 months ago

>A Planet Fitness gymgoer was arrested after allegedly walking around totally naked in the women’s locker room … claiming they identified as a woman and repeatedly asking women in the locker room to lotion one another up and then hop in the shower with him. (Gasp) – Transphobia! We need to get the trannies boycotting Planet Fitness now.

It’s a funny headline and hot take, but you know for a fact if a “real” tranny was doing this there would be a media blackout and police coverup for the ghoul.

This just points again to the fact these tranny monsters are assets of cabal, they are known entities, and if you try and pretend to be a tranny to make some political statement you will get pwn’d by the machine because they’re watching your life, have your files, and likely created these ghouls on purpose for some reason.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

One of my children (all 18+) got a membership to Planet Fitness a couple years ago. I lightly tease him about going to his gay gym.

10 months ago

>The extent of China’s soil pollution, long guarded as a state secret, was laid out in an official report that confirmed deep-seated fears about contaminated farmland and the viability of the country’s food supply.

Published by American cabal mouthpiece the Wall Street Journal, same outfit that sucks Ukraine’s weewee and says Russia is days away from losing the war. When cabal is not in a cold arms race with China I’ll take their doomposting with a little more seriousness.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

“China’s soil pollution”

I think this is real. People who live there have reported this. They have all the deprivations of the environment that England and the US had and in far greater quantity in far less space.

10 months ago

>The Virgin Shooter vs The Chad Saboteur

Remember the enemy has thoroughly infiltrated online spaces and is, in many cases, the one creating these memes. Always run the info through your mind as if a stranger tried to get you to do these things. We all know you’re not alone in the woods at that power relay station just casually sabotaging critical infrastructure, so who would benefit the most from convincing you to go out there and get caught doing so? Not our team, that’s for sure.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

I think they’re funny at times, but the core message is still the same: take frustrated atomized young men and turn them to serving evil, but with a frosting of haha funny.

Our infrastructure network is already a dead man walking, getting beaming victims and shrink wind up toys to go blow up power stations in the woods is something that only advances the agenda of the enemy.

It also pushes the meme that killing bad people is a waste of time when it absolutely is not given the proper circumstances. The enemy can only re-staff depleted positions so quickly, especially if they’re not able to operate with impunity at some point in the future. After the people perpetrating this evil have a fair trial in a US court of law (we never advocate vigilante justice of course), then killing them will absolutely be more worthwhile than attacking neutral infrastructure that will be needed to rebuild the post-cabal nation run by actual elected leaders.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

The frog army has extensive evidence of lack of humor on the enemy side.
Humor, like beauty, is a relatively unfakeable attribute of our side.
Libs really can’t meme well.

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  Reanderthal
10 months ago

Except every Hollywood movie, TV show, and major label song.

Reply to  Steve Morris
10 months ago

Those are hypersigils, not memes.

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  🌲🌲
10 months ago

That is true, but they are effective hypnosis none the less.

10 months ago

You are going to read something about OJ Simpson today, so you might as well read this:

For what is worth, it seems to me that his ex-wife and the waiter were killed in a Mexican drug cartel hit, but the Miles Mathis take is as valid as any.

Reply to  Ed
10 months ago

This reminds me of how crazy Miles Mathis is, thanks. He’s the sort who confuses his guesses and opinions with actual data and then builds up and up to confirm his starting biases… Anyone who thinks he’s a reliable source for anything needs a sanity check.
But hey, you do you.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ed
10 months ago

“…the Miles Mathis take is as valid as any…”

For sure. The Miles Mathis Committee’s take on the US Olympic gym girls all being CIA agents is also as valid as any…

10 months ago

Tucker Carlson: A consistent theme of American foreign policy is that it is always the Christians who suffer.

This starts with our own Constitution, or Thomas Jefferson. As Vox says, “It’s all fake and gay”. Jefferson said, “Separation of Church and State”. Notice he didn’t say “Separation of Religion and State”??? “Church” is the Code word for the Catholic Church and the Anglican Church; with the Anglican Church, radical, fundamentalist Protestants still called them Papists. The Enlightenment was against The Church—not religion! George Washington, Mason, ordered for integrated troops, blacks and whites together and forbid a separate black corps! Why? That is the teaching of Masonry, a Gnostic sect! The religion of America is Masonry; GW was implementing the religious dictates of Masonry! There was no problem there! The problem is Catholicism–not religion.

General Cornwallis, Mason (1791)

“Your churches will be used to teach the Jew’s religion and in less than two hundred years, the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry.”

What do you think Masonry and Deism are? Judaism! Noahidism! Thomas Paine, this supposed ‘atheist’ wrote a glowing pamphlet pushing Masonic teachings!

So come to the Spanish American War–the first thing that the Americans did in Philippines was to decouple the Catholic Church from not only the Philippino government but from its education!

Wilson’s demand for the abdication of the princes and monarchs of the German tribes was a Mishnah teaching! Religion! The Implementation of ‘democracy’ is Jewish Messianism. The US demand for unconditional surrender of Germany and Japan–the implementation of Masonic American culture into those two nations! The Iraq War destroyed the Christian communities there. The Serbian AirWar–bombing Christians for the sake of Muslims. Britian stopped giving arms to the Greeks so the Turks captured and now keeps Constantinople!

The WHOLE record of the Anglo-Zionist Masonic World Order is about destroying orthodox catholic Christianity!

Christopher Jon Bjerknes book Beware the World To Come, pg 61 and surrounding pages. He relates a lot of instances where Jews conspired with Muslims to harm Christians. (Google for the pdf)

[QUOTE] “Jews opened the gates of Constantinople to the invading Muslim Turks,
so that they could conquer the Byzantine Christians. The Jews opened up the
Jewish quarter of Constantinople to the armies of Mehmed the II in 1453 and
assisted them in the destruction of the Christians. Mehmed II, Mohammed the
Conqueror, immediately granted the Jews equal rights with Muslims. The
Jews again betrayed the Christians of the island of Rhodes in 1522, Buda and
Pest in 1526 and Belgrade in 1526. Jews also assisted the Turks in
Azerbaijan in 1534, in Iraq and Iran in 1534-1535 and 1638, and in Yemen in
1628. Süleyman the Magnificent richly rewarded the Jews for betraying their
neighbors to Turkish conquest.[END QUOTE]

America IS ABOUT destroying Christianity where ever it finds it. That is the Masonic mission of America. Who controls our government? Not Christians! The Deep State does and it is NOT Christian! The history of America is ABOUT harming orthodox, catholic Christianity. (The exception was the Vietnam War but then the Deep State, the Left, harmed and thwarted the war effort here at home.) Yes, Tucker is right.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
10 months ago

I think you’re wrong here, Hoss. Any organized “church” in late 1700’s America, an organized ‘franchised’ church both large enough and powerful enough to angry up the Founders – again, in America – would have been Church of England, not the catholics. CoE was formed to be England’s literal State Religion, {and all England’s colonies, natch} just another aspect of a Matrix-like system of control, and crap like that is what TJ and the lads were all kind of… against.

My take from my reading is the Founders weren’t real fond of Catholicism, but it didn’t give them any sleepless nights.

Now: should the Founders have a) picked their own damn cotton and b) 86’d the jews out of the western hemisphere? oh HELL yes. I have a fantasy of traveling back in time to 1760 or so, and showing the {younger} founders HD 4K videos of what their “a” and “b” mistakes would ultimately do to the country. Street scenes from, say, Atlanta during Freaknik. Or South Chicago. Or Philly. Or Detroit. Or Miami. Or Oakland. etc. Or african & chinese wetbacks flooding over the mexican border on 21 Jan 21, doing their famous “gimme dat free shit” chant. Or Nevada Senator Jacky Rosen telling audiences in her first senatorial campaign they should elect her be cause she would work real hard to “Tikkun Olam.”, and then getting a biiiig (((special))) hug from Chuck Schumer. “Start asking the right fucking questions, boys”

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
10 months ago

Ezra Pound said democracy means being ruled by jews. I don’t think he was wrong.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
10 months ago

You continue to confuse the parasite with the host, you are serving their anti-American and anti-liberty agenda.

And you act is if other groups are not and were not afflicted with the same parasite.
The Reformation happened because the Catholic Church was thoroughly under the control of the same parasite. (perhaps a different faction)

Last edited 10 months ago by Farcesensitive
10 months ago

Mike Cernovich can’t be trusted, but he wrote some interesting Substack essays on why the right has been losing the culture wars for so long:

Quick reads, but the TL;DR is that rich conservatives who could fund projects are tightwads and can only think financially, not culturally.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

It’s not their money

10 months ago

Mysterious new illness just dropped

“They’re young and athletic. They’re also ill with a condition called POTS.”

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

Not so new.. I remembered hearing about it in the early “covid” era:

a non anon
a non anon
10 months ago
  1. Love memes.
  2. Do not understand why so many have absurd spelling errors.
  3. Self-own? “inspiers others…” The other misspelled Gonzo Lira as “Lyra”
Reply to  a non anon
10 months ago

Some spelling errors are just 4chan culture, such as Pepe memes that say something like “Henlo, frens.” But you’re right, most are ridiculous.

Reply to  a non anon
10 months ago

A lot are made by people who use the internet in other languages/scripts.
Try to remember that English is not the only language.
A lot are made by ‘neurospicy’ individuals who genuinely can’t spell.
A lot of they typos are humourous references to previous meme-generations of typos.
Remember what a meme is, as quite brilliantly defined in 1976 by Richard Dawkins (his only true contribution to humanity) and later fully developed by Susan Blackmore. She is a pink/purple-haired trog, but her thinking on the abstract domain of human mimesis is impeccable.
TLDR: memes imititate memes. Replication. variation, selection, evolution = persistence of improbable forms.

10 months ago

NY Post is unadulterated Cabal messaging. That is where you will find the basic Narratives aimed at simpletons. For some reason, it daily purveys pro-Israel messages on the crudest level.

A couple weeks ago there was an absurd article warning against Vitamin D. Today there was (it has been removed) an article warning against overdosing on supplements. The important feature was putting the word “overdose” and the word “supplements” in the headline.

I have long assumed that supplements will be put on a prescription basis for a variety of obvious Cabal reasons. The Post seems to be confirming.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Tonawanda
10 months ago

Someone put a link yesterday to a substack called agent 131711. One of his articles was about vitamin supplements. Apparently vitamin D3 is real actual rat poison.

War by other means is the cabal method.

Reply to  English Tom
10 months ago

And people die from water toxicity too.
The dose makes the poison.

Reply to  English Tom
10 months ago

I haven’t read all of Agent 131711’s stuff. However his logic on supplements comes down ti garbage like this: ‘don’t eat salt! It literally made from poison gas and exploding metal!!!!! Omg!!!!’ The idiot doesn’t realize that chemical reactions make new compounds.

10 months ago

Special Counsel Jack Smith suggested he ignore the Supreme Court if it reverses the obstruction statute this summer.

He’s talking about arguing around them, not ignoring them. Huge difference. Also, I wouldn’t be surprised if the judge shuts him down on this as having not plead this theory in the indictment and therefore not giving the Defendants proper notice to be able to defend the case. Prosecutors can’t change their legal theory at the last minute.

10 months ago

The Biden administration announced Thursday morning that the Department of Justice has finalized a new rule that requires many gun sellers offering firearms at gun shows or online to obtain a license and conduct background checks.

IF the rule is actually as presented (haven’t found the rule itself, so it’s a HUGE if) then it isn’t nearly as egregious as they wanted. It’s really closing the “I’m not a dealer wink-wink” loophole. It roped in people who sell the same models of guns over and over (could be a problem if they decide “AR style” is a model) OR someone who keeps flipping guns, buying and selling is less than 30 days. The other one that I think is actually legitimate is if you tell someone that you can “get them more guns”. At that point you are straw purchasing.

Reply to  phelps
10 months ago

It’s like the Airport manager the ATF shot recently, he was in violation of the unconstitutional laws.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
10 months ago

You’ve all seen that nifty “Before and After” portrait of Victoria Noodleman’s decades-long transformation from a young, beautiful fairytale princesses into a disgustingly repulsive bloated shit-sausage. Right?
Here’s a great money-making idea. Publish a unique college-level textbook with that image on the cover. No other pages, or even words required! Title:
“A New History of the United States of America.” The entire cover should be overlaid with a large six-pointed star, set to 30% transparency.
OK, maybe it will not sell as a textbook, but a poster then?

10 months ago

Democrat Arizona AG says she will not enforce 1864 law banning most abortions.

That is exactly what happened to the prelude of America’s first civil war—Laws not being upheld by other citizens. The Yankee North refused to obey the Fugitive Slave law —of returning escaped slaves.

I’m sick-n-tired of this “Rule of Law” crap. America never had a “Rule of Law”. The US Gov is using corporations to censor; the Leahy Amendment is just plain ignored; the 1965 Immigration Act–definitely against the Common Good of the Anglo-Saxon–but totally GOOD for the Foreign Elite. Today, Scott Adams said that the news is so disgusting and then goes thru news stories of Federal Bureaucracies hurting American citizens, censorship, Vaccines, et al, and comes to the realization that ALL of America is corrupt–it is all collapsing and he will refuse to say the Pledge or stand for the anthem. I already took that position 10 years ago.

We are in what is called Ochlocracy, Mob Rule, and the Democrats and RINO Repubs are the MOB. They rule; They rule capriciously and without Law. To see Scott Adams take up my position is a sign—It’s all over. There is no recovery and that this country supports the killing over in Gaza–What they sanction over there–they are going to do to us HERE, to us patriots. We are ALL Amalek. Helter Skelter 2.0 is coming.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
10 months ago

There was a major soccer game last Sunday between Liverpool and Manchester United. The slogan for the game was, “let the chaos begin.”

Several times during the game one of the commentators said this also.

Let the chaos begin. I believe they were talking about events other than football and that the eclipse last week was an inflection point and the acceleration will now heat up dramatically.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  English Tom
10 months ago

And right on cue we had a mass murder stabbing attack in Australia. May you live in interesting times!

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
10 months ago

Laws are only as good as the will and the means to enforce them.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
10 months ago

It’s always darkest before the dawn, or before it goes totally black.
The crisis we are approaching may destroy us completely, or it may spark the rebirth.
Blackpilling will only ensure our doom, fight for a rebirth.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

Yes, no matter how dark it looks there is always hope. And remember, this life is only preparation for the next life. But, “what we do in this life echoes for eternity.”

10 months ago

“Larry Hogan gon make tha GOP all that!”

yeahhhhh, horseshit. Larry Hogan is the Mitt Romney of Lisa Murkowskis. HOW MANY TIMES, rubes? how many times are you gonna fall for this ‘Lucy-promises-to-not-yank-the-football-away’ crap?

10 months ago

“Didn’t the Supreme Court already tell biden he couldn’t do that?”

the historical analogy you’re wanting here is, “John Marshall has made his ruling. Now let him enforce it.” OR…. “How many divisions has the Pope?” interesting times we’re livin in…

10 months ago

Do celebrities fake their death and then make public appearances to eulogize themselves?

Reply to  Bman
10 months ago

And there’s the John Lenon “impersonator” who did a movie about Lenon’s life.

10 months ago

Why isn’t there a deepfake of Yuval Hariri and Klaus Schwab look similars engaging in behavior that at least one of them is interested in?

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  wooderson
10 months ago

One would need to blind themselves if they happened to view such an abomination Wooderson!

Sam J.
Sam J.
10 months ago

Vox has an article that points out some of the stuff that I’ve been talking about related to the Japanese and Chinese central banks. It’s a good article.

An additional short article by a very long term Japan financial watcher provides a clear explanation of just how this system works without dredging into the minutiae too much. Well worth reading to understand macro trends and why we are losing, here,

Large parts of this system originated in Mercantilism. Germany streamlined it even better by tying in the financial system to industry. Parts of which still survive. And then the Japanese, copied and refined even better.

We do not have to have the other countries running this system overrun us but to make it work and not slowly destroy our own industry into large uncompetitive monopolies, much as we are today, will require restraints on industry and banks. A good first start would be some small tariffs combined with a law that no business that sources parts, labor or services from overseas can pay their executives any more than 20 times minimum wage, or the wage of their lowest paid workers, including contract workers. You want better wages for workers in the US? Tie the executive wages to the workers. Executives can make whatever they can get, provided they use all US labor, parts and services. And those that export get tax breaks on exports. Europe has a large value add tax, except, on exports.

10 months ago

Could Joe Biden Be Left Off The Ballot In Democrat-Led State For General Election? (Washington)

Sam J.
Sam J.
10 months ago

I need to add that the 20 times lowest wage executive pay scale provides an escape valve for small business. 20 times minimum wage is good money. It would spawn a lot of small proprietor business that would provide low cost import goods, this would be a check on monopolies and provide work for individuals of an entrepreneurial bent along with low level spread out employment for those with less talent as shop employees. I don’t know if this is still true, but Japan used to have a LOT of little small shops all over. I’m not sure how the legal framework provided for them to flourish but this used be true. May not be anymore, but what they did have we could copy. A very strong small business legal framework is important because small business is where the idea for bigger ones start.

Leonard Gearhardt
Leonard Gearhardt
10 months ago

Targeted Justice had a great symposium today – Link:
That is the link to the uploaded recording. I was able to watch it live. Everything you have been saying AC, everything you have noted in your own experience and those of others, is well known to these people. Sara Westfall, Len Ber, MD, attorney Todd Callendar (who is getting much better at these subjects), doctors – 3 of them psychiatrists, and a woman who was SES in the V.A system, has a PhD, psychiatric nurse, couple more folks. The psychiatrists all ran into victims, and were targeted themselves. Callander is just starting to grasp how big it is – that it starts in childhood, is generational. One of the psychiatrists showed the burns he got as a kid from the microwave tech. They discussed the mobbing, all the techniques used, pile ons, talking right in front of them, V2K, humiliation, everything that’s done to them. And how no matter where they went, or what continent they were on, the surveillance/harassers were already set up waiting for them. Melissa McAtee handled intros and getting people zoomed in. She was a senior QA at the Pfizer Oklahoma City facility, where pfizer imported 1000 ml bags of jab made in China that were then decanted into vials for distribution in the U.S. These people have all seen evil. Very worthwhile.

10 months ago

On April 11, Mexico submitted formal proceedings against Ecuador in the International Court of Justice (ICJ), arguing that the latter “violated Mexico’s rights under customary and conventional international law” by raiding the Mexican embassy in Ecuador on April 5, and therefore should be suspended from the United Nations, according to an April 11 press release from the International Court of Justice. …