Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
Georgia elections chief cracks down on non-citizens seeking to vote, refers 1,600 for prosecution.
Former Trump Attorney John Eastman pushes for decertification of Wisconsin election following recent discoveries of extensive fraud. There is still lobbying going on behind the scenes.
The nonprofit that distributed most of the $350 million in donations from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg to election offices in 2020 said Monday that it won’t disburse similar donations this year after backlash from conservatives suspicious that the contributions tilted the outcome of the presidential race toward Joe Biden. AP article which is full of shit, because it goes on to note they are now putting $80 million into a new network to help local election officials apply for the same aid all over again.
Sen. Ron Johnson explains how Hunter Biden & corrupt politicians use diamonds to launder money. He notes all the different businesses Hunter was involved in, and notes when you want to launder money, you break it up and shift it around through different businesses so there is not one big payment from one criminal to another.
Statement from Hunter computer repairman John Paul Mac Isaac on the recent Hunter Biden laptop revelations. Says he does not believe the files coming are from the machine he worked on, unless they were cloud files which the machine was set up to access, although he says there are several different laptops out there. However one reader here pointed out data can be retrieved, even if over-written, meaning in theory, with the right tools, there can be 2 or three times as much data retrieved off a disk as there is room on the disk.
Interview with Jack Maxey on the Hunter laptop. A longer video. Significant points – He believes he had two Chinese Nationals trying to intimidate him in Europe, as well as US Federal Agents. There are over a hundred references to “The Big Guy,” in the database. Biden and the family discuss Hunter molesting younger family members, and in one email, Hunter says to Biden, “I know you only care about the grandkids and their mom,” and Biden replies he doesn’t care about the grandkids, or their mom. Hunter says he has to pay all the family bills, and give 50% of his take to “Pop.” Maxey says he emailed Wikileaks to offer them the hard drive, but they never responded, and he says very matter of factly, Wikileaks does not really exist.
A video about Donald Trump’s lawyers filing affidavits confirming completed service for Marc Elias, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Andrew McCabe, Robby Mook, Igor Danchenko and others, in his lawsuit against Hillary Clinton. The service is the important part.
A great twitter thread on how Project Mockingbird was brought into the open by having Congress fund CIA front-groups which are open about helping fund propaganda outlets that will write what they are told, just they claim the propaganda is solely to advance US interests. But as a result there is no fear of it being exposed, since they are open propagandist operations. What isn’t described is how once funded those outlets don’t just publish propaganda, they also hire only who they are told, meaning they don’t just cover for the conspiracy because they are outsiders being paid. The funded propaganda outlets become the whole media, since regular media cannot be profitable. Only these outlets, funded by government on orders of the conspiracy, remain, and they end up not just taking the money, but wholly staffed by the conspiracy. So much for a free press committed to justice, and manned by idealistic young journalism majors who want to use the media to fight for justice and what is right. Add in Big Tech, Big Business, the Intel Agencies, Federal Law Enforcement, the Civilian Informant Networks (which do the same thing among local business and social groups), probably most lawyers, the Judiciary, and all the Politicians in government, and it is one huge machine of control.
Assets everywhere, in plain sight:
More assets advancing assets – Defense firms should hire Ukrainian, Afghan refugees, Navy’s top admiral urges. Much better than hiring real Americans.
From here, on cell phone tracking. Notice, they do not even begin to consider many of the people who went to the Trump rally already have extensive tier-one surveillance deployed on them, just because there is so much of it, it is all localized, and it has nothing better to do during most time other than track those identified as troublesome little pricks. They cannot imagine it being possible:
Engelbrecht and Phillips explained how easy it is for third parties to track individuals by using their unique device ID to track them. “To get your devices’ unique device ID, pretend you’re making a phone call and type in *#06#” Englebrecht explained. Phillips explained that 300,000+ apps and 27,000 apps collect your location based on a signal your cell phone emits. The location data is so accurate that the cell phone user can be found within an 18-inch radius of their phone, including the elevation of the user, “so are we on the first floor? Are we on the second floor? Where are we?’ Phillips asked as an example of how precisely a user can be tracked. “We all give permission to these apps to collect these signals,” Phillips explained. “When you sign into the app, and you say, ‘Yeah, I agree,’ you give those signals to everyone. Data brokers will sell signals for cell phones to individuals or groups who pay them for the data…
The discussion took a chilling turn when the trio began to discuss January 6th and how the intelligence community used the same geo-fencing technology to find and arrest January 6 protesters inside and outside the Capitol building.
“The January 6th event was on a Tuesday. The next day, they had allegedly already identified some of the people, convened a grand jury, and then issued arrest warrants in a matter of 72 hours,” Phillips said. Engelbrecht interrupted, “It’s not possible.”
“So, did they have the fence of the pings ready to go? Is that what you’re saying?” Kirk asked.
“They had the actual devices ready to go,” Phillips said. “That’s our supposition. There’s no other way to have done it,” Englelbrecht added.
Phillips then dropped a bombshell, “We believe they were tracking people all the way back into the latter part of the election, certainly into November and early December.” Kirk asked, “So, people who would be likely to go to that event? Is that correct?” Phillips responded, “Yes.” Engelbrecht elaborated, “And people meeting that profile. And they [US intelligence] were tuned up and ready.”
But then, probably the night before, they’d be able to say, ‘Hey, 200,000 of our profiles are in town.’ Right? So they’d be like, ‘They’re around. We weren’t wrong.’”
In a new memo, U.S. Attorney Joshua Rothstein says the Fake DHS Agents were “tipped off” about the investigation and started to conceal evidence of their crimes. No word who tipped them off.
Australian diplomat jumps to death from NYC condo tower. They are claiming he jumped.
Meningococcal disease spikes among gay and bi men in Florida.
GMO mosquitoes set for release in California to quell disease.
Antifa riots in French cities because they didn’t like the election result. These are the new Brownshirts, and their operation is global. As it stands now, at some point in the US, in population centers, you are going to need body armor to go shopping for groceries. I think the extent of the violence which will become normalized in regular society will shock people.
U.S. winter wheat health among worst ever, yield prospects dicey.
Food shortages loom as Chinese farmers face trouble amid pandemic.
Bird flu spreads across US, egg prices soar. I always wonder when I put these stories in, are they just fear stimuli Cabal wants disseminated, and I am doing their work for them, or is this real info you need to plan for the future, whether it is happening organically, or being done by Cabal. I have no idea, so file away both possibilities.
OPEC tells EU it’s not possible to replace potential Russian oil supply loss.
Highest cost of living predicted in the UK in nearly 70 years.
White House says it expects inflation to be ‘extraordinarily elevated’ in new report.
USPS stops deliveries to California neighborhood after repeated attacks on mail carriers. They say by one suspect who has not been apprehended.
Biden issues rule defining 80% kits as firearms for purpose of sale, meaning you need to fill out a 4473 to purchase them. It looks like you can still buy 80% receivers and parts kits separately. GOP is pointing out that again, something which was previously legal has been arbitrarily declared illegal by a single politician, without Congress passing any law or having any input, and that is a Constitutional problem. The rule is here, but it basically says anything which can “quickly and easily” be made functional counts, but I don’t see a definition for quickly and easily, so it seems legally shaky.
Maryland will pour $3.5 million each year into training people who aren’t medical doctors to perform abortions after lawmakers overturned Republican Gov. Larry Hogan’s Friday veto. They need those abortions. And bear in mind all of that money could have been stolen as graft elsewhere, so they feel they are getting something back, in return for those abortions.
US lawmakers call for expedited arms deliveries to Israel, citing Iran nuclear talks.
Elon Musk signals that he was told to ‘play nice and not speak freely’ by Twitter board.
Crypto market cap shrinks to $1.83 trillion as everything bleeds.
UK Conservative MP Imran Ahmad Khan found guilty of sex assault on boy.
Neptune is cooling down and scientists don’t know why. Solar-system-wide cooling? They have been monitoring the changes for 17 years.
Pentagon monitoring reports of possible Russian chemical weapons attack in Mariupol. CNN had a reporterette smelling the clothes of someone who was there and noting there was a clear odor on them, which is how you test for lethal nerve agent. Another one of these reports that will be shown to be fake, the only question is can then get us in a war before the truth come out.
Russian Military says it successfully destroyed S-300 systems provided by EU state.
Archbishop Viganò: Both society and Church ‘infiltrated’ by people who want to ‘destroy’ these institutions. Demons as technologically sophisticated others who kind of live here, but are constantly fighting the natural order and trying to create conditions which contradict what our natural urges desire, makes complete sense in that if we follow our natural urges, we advance, and could one day pose a threat to them. Look at how fast technology advances. Their “evil” is logical in the sense of a competitor trying to prevent any sort of competition from arising. To that end, where the good among us are the natural builders, they would be the evil aspiring to be the natural destroyers, and thwarting the good, even by luring them into embracing evil urges and destroying. And of course since they would be doing it through intelligence operations, they would naturally be followers of the father of lies, and revel in seeing the best among us fall. It is amazing how I have gone from a 20 year old agnostic obsessed with science mechanisms as explanations, who saw the Bible as unrelated to science, to my present state where I see the Bible as a blueprint-tier manual for this world, describing a scientific mechanism more accurate than anything in any textbook, and which is being hidden from us by the fallen. And I keep thinking about the scenario that best explains how what was once common knowledge and entirely accepted, was most likely lost to us, as we entered that reality-detached period where the idea of the spiritual was so marginalized.
‘Woke’ Disney takes a huge hit in trust according to the new I&I/TIPP poll.
NICS checks for March 2022 are the third highest on record.
22 state attorneys general file brief with SCOTUS in the case against the federal bumpstock ban.
We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.
What the Fake News Media doesn’t tell you, and they are doing everything within their power to force prosecutors throughout the Country to do a terrible injustice to our Nation and its people, is that a low-life attorney named Mark Pomerantz, who is a “Never Trumper” and a Hillary Clinton sycophant (together with his wife), left a Never Trumper, Crooked Hillary law firm, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, with two young associates who were also Never Trumpers, in order to go into the District Attorney’s office to unjustly prosecute a man named Donald J. Trump, who also just happens to be the 45th President of the United States, and is leading in every poll to be the 47th. The Fake News also didn’t reveal the fact that this is virtually unprecedented for private lawyers to take an unpaid leave of absence from an opposing party law firm in order to prosecute anyone, let alone a former President. They also didn’t tell you that a principal leader of the firm is Robert Schumer, the brother of Chuck Schumer, that the firm is a Never Trumper firm and works for the Democrat Party, that for lawyers to go into the New York City’s District Attorney’s office to prosecute an opponent is unprecedented in NYC history because the District Attorney’s office has hundreds of lawyers already working there, and that a number of Assistant District Attorneys refused to work on the case because they felt I was being treated extremely unfairly, and that indeed, there was no case.
Can you imagine a Never Trumper Democrat-only law firm sending a Never Trumper law partner with two associates to the District Attorney’s office to prosecute their political opponent, Donald J. Trump, and the firm represents the Democrat Party, and is headed by Robert Schumer, Chuck Schumer’s brother, and many other Never Trumpers? What kind of Country are we living in?
Endorsement of Dr. Oz
This is all about winning elections in order to stop the Radical Left maniacs from destroying our Country. The Great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has a tremendous opportunity to Save America by electing the brilliant and well-known Dr. Mehmet Oz for the United States Senate. I have known Dr. Oz for many years, as have many others, even if only through his very successful television show. He has lived with us through the screen and has always been popular, respected, and smart. He even said that I was in extraordinary health, which made me like him even more (although he also said I should lose a couple of pounds!). He is a graduate of Harvard University and earned a joint MD and MBA from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and Wharton School of Finance. He has authored more than 350 original publications, written 8 New York Times bestsellers, and received patents for developing medical devices that have improved countless lives and performed thousands of life-saving heart operations.
Dr. Oz is Pro-Life, very strong on Crime, the Border, Election Fraud, our Great Military, and our Vets, Tax Cuts, and will always fight for and support our under-siege Second Amendment. He will ensure America will become Energy Independent again. Dr. Oz also passionately believes in high-quality education and protecting parent involvement throughout the process. Perhaps most importantly, I believe that Mehmet Oz will be the one most able to win the General Election against a Radical Left Democrat looking to do unthinkable harm to our Country. Women, in particular, are drawn to Dr. Oz for his advice and counsel. I have seen this many times over the years. They know him, believe in him, and trust him. Likewise, he will do very well in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, where other candidates will just not be accepted. He knows his job is to serve every single Pennsylvanian. Dr. Oz is smart, tough, and will never let you down, therefore, he has my Complete and Total Endorsement. Good luck, Dr. Oz. our Country needs you!
“Former Trump Attorney John Eastman pushes for decertification of Wisconsin election following recent discoveries of extensive fraud. There is still lobbying going on behind the scenes.”
Wake me up when the prosecutions start, I need the sleep anyways.
In the age of instantaneous digital communication, everything with these clowns takes months, even years, sometimes decades, to play itself out, always with a completely unsatisfactory outcome nearly guaranteed.
“The nonprofit that distributed most of the $350 million in donations from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg to election offices in 2020 said Monday that it won’t disburse ”
Zuckerberg also put a couple million into the breakthrough starshot project. Probably needed an escape plan, or perhaps a way to get back home after the Ayys left one of their rejects here on Earth.
“More assets advancing assets – Defense firms should hire Ukrainian, Afghan refugees, Navy’s top admiral urges. Much better than hiring real Americans.”
Yep, that’s just what we need, more Vindmans and some Baku Bazi. And just imagine the irrational things they will try to do to Russians with any type of weapon or unit they have under their control.
“Neptune is cooling down and scientists don’t know why. Solar-system-wide cooling? They have been monitoring the changes for 17 years.”
Sounds like comms, Neptune was the Roman diety for the sea. Between this and the “massive fires” thing yesterday something appears afoot.
Yes. AC has trained us well.
“I have gone from a 20 year old agnostic obsessed with science mechanisms as explanations, who saw the Bible as unrelated to science, to my present state where I see the Bible as a blueprint-tier manual for this world, describing a scientific mechanism more accurate than anything in any textbook, and which is being hidden from us by the fallen.”
Yes, and Amen to that. There are people who go around giving Bibles away, for FREE. And we have plenty of time during our lives to read parts of them, and eventually we can read the whole thing.
Remember the words of the Lord, spoken to the Prophet Hosea to the children of Israel:
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.”
Hosea 4:6
Hosea 4 is very relevant today (again).
About to finish Chuck Missler’s “Learn the Bible in 24 Hours”. Despite the frivolous-sounding name, it has tons of insight I did not expect, particularly considering the extraterrestrial, prophetic, cryptographic, and eschatological elements of the Scripture. At this point, I’m amazed if anyone who considers themselves intelligent does NOT believe in Jesus Christ, because there is so much more to Scripture than any casual reading can yield, all of which is validated in history/archeology/cryptography/philosophy/physics/etc. Highly recommended overview for all levels of knowledge and a very easy read to boot. If you don’t want to buy it, it’s available in Library Genesis and Z-Library in multiple formats.
I recently broke down and subscribed to, which includes it. I came across Dr. Missler early in my Christian walk and had a lot of influence from him.
My ex-wife bought me LTB24H for Christmas one year, then for some reason was pissed off at me for getting through the entire thing in a week (but that was my ex-wife for you.) And that was before we had variable playback speed.
I highly recommend Chuck Missler’s material. He passed away in 2018, but left a large body of work behind.
[…] News Briefs – 04/12/2022 — Anonymous Conservative […]
Is it just me, or is anyone else bothered by the fact that the crazies in Ukraine are constantly referred to as “nationalists”?
Seems like they’re priming the pump to link America First with Azov.
Nah. The link is Azov and Antifa. Same same.
One thing about Cabal Media is – they are always, always, always scheming.
These people get sexual pleasure from lying an deceiving the Commoners.
“U.S. winter wheat health among worst ever, yield prospects dicey.”
“Food shortages loom as Chinese farmers face trouble amid pandemic.”
“Bird flu spreads across US, egg prices soar.”
Since it’s obvious Cabal’s overarching plan is to control everyone they’ve decided to do it on multiple fronts.
The Covid psyop is one front and now we see another one looming with the upcoming food shortages.
These shortages will result in rationing and once you get rationing you must have ID to ensure people aren’t bypassing/beating the rationing system. Also, not using your rationing ID identifies you as a problem/hoarder.
Anyone with a brain capacity larger than a mosquito has been preparing for this. And just like the Purebloods they’ll be the ones targeted by Cabal as being the main problem.
“We’re never going to beat this thing if the hold-outs don’t get with the program!”
I personally can’t wait for the food Karens to start shaming people. Covid revealed who they are in my social circle so I’m ready to shame them back once they start up their bullshit.
“I absolutely agree Karen, we must do something! Hey, if I help would you mind having a food drive at your house this Saturday? You will? That’s fantastic! You’re such a good person!”
My help will of course consist of notifying every homeless shelter in town to show up to collect their food in person. No need wasting energy driving it to them when they can just pick it up at Karen’s house. I’ll tell them to bring a bus too…with plenty of “helpers”.
“u mind if we use y’alls bafroom?”
lol, this one could be fun.
On the miscarriages link, I was wondering what the success rate is normally. From here “In spontaneous or natural pregnancies, the chances of miscarriage during first trimester is around 5 to 7% which is same as that of conception achieved by IVF / ICSI treatment. In natural pregnancies, the chances of a live birth is about 90% which again is the same as that of IVF.”
Most women seeking IVF are older & their odds of a successful pregnancy from an implanted embryo is minimal. The IVF clinics gloss over that as they want the business & the women are so desperate for a baby, they ignore the odds stacked against them. To really know if it’s the vax adding to the difficulty you’d really have to study a much larger group of younger, healthier women trying to get pregnant who don’t need to use IVF.
The more interesting data would come from the egg donors who are younger & would have track record of producing many viable eggs, with babies as proof. If viability decreases that could be pointing to something. But you’d have to look at the sperm too – whether from partner of the client or a donor
> Yahoo confirms huge Hunter Biden story with emails detailing weapon sales to Africa, and deals with Chinese Intel, who paid him a $1M retainer.
It would be interesting to know what Hunter is doing with the millions he has collected. Sure, 50% to the Big Guy, living expenses, cocaine, strippers, and airfare take a big bite, but when he got hauled into court for a child support suit a couple of years ago his lawyers made a plausible case that he was nearly destitute. It seems like every few months we hear of some new pie Hunter had a finger in, paying hundreds of thousands to millions. “A million here, a million there, pretty soon it adds up to real money.”
“Creative accounting” could account for a lot of that, of course, as well as outright perjury and tax fraud. (“they’re not crimes if Democrats do it!)
While tens of millions looks like a lot of money from my point of view, that’s not even a drop in the bucket for Deep State payoffs or money laundering.
> Australian diplomat jumps to death from NYC condo tower.
Did you ever notice how many of these cases are in New York? You never hear about them in other cities.
I live in NYC, and there are certain zip codes that are thick with some of the most powerful people on earth, as well as thousands who work in the upper management of Cabal related services.
It is not a shock that some of them take unfortunate spills out of windows on occasion.
It is called defenestration.
Actually, after looking at the diplomat’s apartment building, there is no way he’d be jumping out a window: they are sealed; however, he could have just walked out onto the balcony; which brings up the question: are these buildings built with a “suicide” option included?
> GMO mosquitoes set for release in California to quell disease.
Introducing rabbits to Australia, kudzu and Russian boars to Dixie, were official government projects that didn’t work out as they planned.
Does any official government project ever work out as they planned?
The eradication of malaria and yellow fever in the United States is one I can think of off the top of my head.
Yes, of course:
Public Education – has given us a nation of useful idiots, as designed.
Welfare – has given us a nation of wards of the state i.e. government dependents which includes corporate welfare, as designed.
Affirmative Action – see welfare.
Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, et al are very pleased with the present status quo.
> I always wonder when I put these stories in, are they just fear stimuli Cabal wants disseminated, and I am doing their work for them, or is this real info you need to plan for the future,
Anyone reading here knows how unreliable “news” is. Bringing it up is good; if it comes around again, that gives us a baseline to see how long they’ve been pushing a particular narrative.
> Elon Musk signals that he was told to ‘play nice and not speak freely’ by Twitter board.
We’re supposed to believe he’d sink three billion dollars into a company and not know what he was buying into?
The sad thing is, so many rich people do such stupid things, I can’t dismiss that out of hand.
>The sad thing is, so many rich people do such stupid things, I can’t dismiss that out of hand.
Allegedly rich and allegedly common. We have no way of proving any of these people are actually rich, actually do anything they say they do, and that any money ever actually changes hands.
Given Elon is a plant introduced first to take some heat off of NASA’s obviously fake space presentations, just ignore everything he does. There’s no good fruit from poisoned trees.
Yes, yes, exactly. Musk is more likely an actor than a bllionaire. Always keep a sign in front of you that says: THE CRYPTOCRACY IS THE EMPIRE OF LIES.
> basically says anything which can “quickly and easily” be made functional counts, but I don’t see a definition for quickly and easily, so it seems legally shaky.
ATF has used that phrasing for decades; if a firearm can be “quickly and easily” modified to shoot fully automatic, then it’s a machine gun. They have refused to define what “quickly and easily” is, and they specifically say that just because they ruled something was OK once, doesn’t mean they will do it twice. “Each case is unique.”
“The law is whatever we say it is.” Rule of law is stone dead, comrades.
> USPS stops deliveries to California neighborhood after repeated attacks on mail carriers.
Most people have never heard of them, but USPS has the US Postal Inspection Service, who are armed and have Federal police powers. Back in the old days they used to ride shotgun on trucks carrying Welfare checks and food stamps.
So, rather than use their own police powers, or ask for help from the FBI (who also has jurisdiction over postal crime), or the Marshal’s Service (who are sort of general-purpose cops) or even hire private security, they chose to forfeit their only official task: to deliver the ****ing mail.
The precedent being set is all. Now in the future, you can be deprived of mail service and delivery.
Or, if necessary, the Marines.
The General Orders are noteworthy.
> Oberlin College was ordered by Ohio’s state appeals court to pay Gibson’s Bakery the sum on April 1, but refuses as it continues to contest the payout, and says it is considering its options.
So the bakery complains to the court, one of the clerks fills out the correct online form, and the Sheriff hauls the named parties off to the juzgado for contempt of court.
Same as if you don’t pay a speeding ticket or child support; the court orders you to pay, that’s the implicit “or else.”
Something isn’t adding up here.
I think collecting on lawsuits is far more difficult than people realize. You have to track down assets, and then set up the procedure to have the Sheriff reapportion them to you. Very rarely will any judge actually put anybody in jail. As I recall, the bakery owner has a terminal illness, and the college appears to just not want them to see the money.
Yup. With this college, it will be much easier since they have tons (literally, if it was physical) of cash siting in endowment accounts that the judge can seize via a warrant to the bank, rather than having to take and auction real estate, for example.
The problem is, that won’t happen until every appeal has been exhausted. The good news is, it is accruing statutory interest (better than bank interest) the whole time.
The university might also have to put up a supersedeas bond, which is like a legal ESCROW account. (It’s automatic in Texas, but it looks like it is up to the judge in Ohio.) You have to put enough money to satisfy the judgment in an account held by the bond issuer before you can appeal. If you win, you get the money back. If you lose, it gets paid to the other side, without delay.
Gotta love the hubris of these ghouls. Real smart decision there, screwing over a terminally ill dude with nothing to lose and a real justifiable reason to do something awesome on the way out.
> Biden also calls for banning assault rifles, because deer don’t wear Kevlar vests, so you don’t need all those bullets.
The 7mm Remington Magnum and .300 Winchester Magnum are in the top-10 best selling hunting calibers in the US. And some hunters use much hotter cartridges, because Americans like the big booms.
Lots of citizens own rifles that just snigger at “military grade” body armor.
Not even counting the varmint shooters, who will just crank up the scope to 25x and put a .22 or 6mm bullet where the body armor isn’t. Cops and soldiers are taught to aim for “center of mass.” Hunters aim for wherever is likely to get a clean kill.
The divide between real people who are even a little into guns and people who would never even look at one is so stark. The people writing these laws (not the demonic overlords who tell them what to do) probably have no idea how firearms are actually used in real situations, and might not even be able to explain the mechanism by which a bullet physically kills someone if pressed on it. Body Armor = magic cloak of protection +7 to them because it’s not a real concept they’ve ever even thought about, just words they are told to write on paper.
The constant push to eliminate standard capacity semi-auto sporting rifles does give me heart though; they wouldn’t be so insistent if failing to achieve their goals didn’t terrify them so badly.
> Soros-funded DA Kim Gardner faces no consequences after she admits to wrongdoing in the Greitens case and the records show she lied 72 times.
“There’s no crime if we are the ones doing it.”
“The law” is for schmucks.
“Sen. Ron Johnson explains how Hunter Biden & corrupt politicians use diamonds to launder money.”
In films and TV shows, diamonds and criminality keep getting linked, in ways that more than just diamond heist stories:
Lord of War (Nic Cage movie, diamonds as payment in the arms trade)
Blood Diamond (DiCaprio movie, war and slavery)
White Collar episode What Happens in Burma (dirty diplomats)
Burn Notice episode Acceptable Loss (another dirty diplomat)
But then there are also articles like this one:
“10 Reasons Why Diamonds Are Worthless You Should Know (Updated in 2022)”
So why even bother with diamonds? Make sense who may.
Diamonds were crypto before there was crypto.
Excellent point.
diamonds are valuable because people think they have value. exactly like those small green pieces of paper in our wallets.
Everything, including gold, is valuable because people think they have value.
Food, water, air, and medicine would like to speak with you.
The “blood diamonds” trope is a marketing ploy to make it so that only fresh diamonds with micro-engraved serial numbers issued by the cartel are salable, thus removing the value from all the ones the sold in the past and making the ones sold by the cartel’s competitors worthless. Similar tactics have been used by the London gold cartel to make sure that any gold they don’t control cannot be sold in the bullion market. Diamonds are a 4th-rate way of laundering money.
The propaganda around diamonds being used for that purpose goes back at least to Scottish banking scion Ian Flemming’s ’50s fantasy novel “Dr. No”, where James Bond smuggles them to Jamaica inside golf balls. Having been close to the real powers that run the world, such as the Scottish Keswicks*, Fleming likely knew better, but he had no interest in anything but telling a good tale.
(*of Jardine Matheson / opium wars / HSBC / only outside shareholders in the Rothschild Bank, still going strong)
Re: cell phone tracking. If they have that pinpoint tracking capability, what part do the on-the-ground surveillance play. Is it just to fill in the gaps on a profile, observe habits, and so on?
I think I mentioned it here once long ago, but election night 2020, a helicopter was hovering and circling in the vicinity of my neighborhood. Based on certain details of where I live, this actually isn’t THAT unusual – busy highway nearby, high crime area fairly close by, and so on. But it returned each of the following 4 days for hours each day. Lots and lots of Trump supporters in the area even though my county runs light blue in elections. I remember on the 4th day, I was so tired of hearing it, and getting so curious about whether it was police or news or something else, I went out into my backyard with my camera to zoom in and satisfy my curiosity on it’s next pass over my house, but as soon as it was within my view and I raised the camera, they changed direction and never came back. From the excerpt you posted, I feel even more curious about that now. Or maybe just another amazing coincidence and it was done doing whatever it was doing at that exact moment.
Also – you know how it seems that if you so much as think about something, you’ll get an ad for it somewhere in an app on your phone? And people have suspected, myself included, that something is listening. If I searched an item, I understand how that works, but sometimes I’ve only talked about it to someone in the room while near my phone, not searched it in any way. My neighborhood is about 50/50 renters and owners and during 2020 5 of my immediate neighbors moved, which was unusual, but 2020 was unusual, so whatever, right? One house is a corner lot and I saw that family move out and saw someone move in Summer of 2020. It appeared to be a single black man. He hung a huge US flag out front, which seemed unusual based on certain characteristics of the neighborhood (lots of BLM flags and such). And then, nothing. Literally over a year went by and I’d never seen him again. I work from home, walk my dog, leave multiple times a week and drive right by. If the yard weren’t kept up (yard service) and a car in the drive, you’d think no one lived there. Well over a year after he moved in, I mentioned to my husband how weird that seemed. I asked him if he’d ever seen him and he said no, not since that first day. Literally an hour after this conversation, I’m in the front yard doing some yardwork and glance over and he’s standing in his back yard leaning up against his house staring at me (he’s only 2 doors down). But that also is probably just another amazing coincidence.
I can tell you, I spent years, looking at shit, in utter disbelief, of every facet. That anybody would have the balls to create it, that it could happen in this supposedly free republic, governed by the Constitution, that any fellow citizens would want to be a part of it, let alone in the massive numbers which are, That so many had such a polar opposite psychology to my own, and polar opposite philosophy about government and freedom. And that was when I still thought it was some NatSec program, trying to protect America from terrorists. That it is all part of some supra-national private sector grifting operation ripping off all the Western nations would only have fried my brain more back then, let alone that there may be some sort of Others out there trading power for compliance.
If it is it, know you are not alone, and it cannot last forever.
At my nice apartment complex, not senior apartments, still a lot of boomers here, all of whom look quite well-to-do, as in, they look like they either do or should all have houses already. A couple of them were always walking their dogs, one of which was like a type of dog my family has. They were always out whenever I would be leaving my apartment or arriving home in particular. I mention this fact on the phone to a friend who is gangstalking aware. Next morning and ever since, that stopped.
>Tennessee governor invites private conservative college to open 50 charter schools whose anti-woke curriculum will teach students that America is ‘an exceptionally good country.’
The classic grappling technique of pushing your opponent, so when they push back you switch into pulling them into your desired move.
“””America””” is not an exceptionally good country despite this being the opposite claim of the people who truly hate Americans. The American PEOPLE are exceptionally good, but almost 100% of the systems we have in place that traditionally define a country are complete shit. Everything is financed, every position of authority is corrupt or compromised, God is entirely eliminated from the discourse of “”leadership,” etc.
America will never achieve even a “decent” rating so long as satanic pedophiles and covert espionage gangs run the country.
Something from Mr. Obvious, Have you noticed how the west is slowly getting you used to the increased lethality of the weapons supplied to the Ukraine. Ho Hum, modern anti-ship weapons, Ho Hum, switchblade drones and who knows what else. Does the Ukraine have the infrastructure to run this equipment or is it going to be run by NATO members from their own soil. Well targeting information from the US from the beginning and on and on. But let us get back to our regular programming – nothing to see here.
How will Russia react when the British missile takes out a Naval asset. Maybe take out the UK’s aircraft carrier with a torpedo (they explode under the keel create an air bubble and the ship collapses from its own weight). How long will Putin grant NATO privileged sanctuary in Poland and other locations in the face of increasing loads of weaponry and the training that has to go with it. Training that I would guess does not take place in the Ukraine as it would mean NATO in direct contact with the Russians.
The MSM has been working steadily to not let a Vietnam type realization and attendant rebellion start. Remember we are headed to “1984” with continuous warfare with the two blocks east vs west. Happy days are here unless joebama ramps it up to the bright white flash.
COVID is snake venom: Stew Peters interviews Dr. Ardis. Yes, I realize Peters is controlled opposition.
Al Wilson – The snakeFull video: WATCH THE WATER
I just watched this and also recommend it (click on Watch the Water, it is just under an hour).
Essentially the claim is that the “virus” is snake venom, delivered possibly through the water supply, as are the “vaccines”. Presumably the “vaccines” were the back-up plan when the “virus” failed to kill the desired amount of people.
For various reasons, I think the scheme is aimed more at control than de-population, however the evidence that the “virus” was a bioweapon engineered out of snake venom is actually fairly solid.
If the methods deployed by demons are so Sci-fi. Its because I think real supernatural phenomenon is Sci-fi when we understand it.
Magic is just what we don’t understand. But otherwise the line between Sci-Fi and Fantasy is also a lot to do with Aesthetics.
Fantasy in its illustrations, imagination and so on is just better at Art and its resulting Beauty. Sci-fi isn’t as good. Given how poorly everything is implemented and how ugly our current designed and built worlds are.
Really turned garbage since Architectural Modernism came into being since WWI and WWII:
The One Ring is very Sci-Fi in reality:
The One Ring is a Technology. Sure Technology gives us Power. But also makes us dependent on said Technology.
Cars made us faster. But it also shaped the landscape to make everything Car dependent.
Computers made everything more convenient. But we became far more dependent on Computers as a result.
Oil gave us so much. But it has given rise to pollutants. And plastics in the Ocean. And microplastics everywhere:
“Oil gave us so much. But it has given rise to pollutants.”
True, but some of that pollution is criminal rather than just a side effect:
The Gulf Oil Spill
Indeed. Because of Sin we made a mess of this already fallen creation even more.
To give the contrary argument. A lot of the problems we say are so dire are not at all when we talk in geological timelines. Actually, even in much less time. The rivers in the US used to catch on fire from all the pollutants, and now they are fairly clean. I keep hearing about how evil plastic is but in the oceans any, and I mean any, small bit of wood or any floating thing automatically collects a school of tiny fish with an assortment of larger ones also. I would think plastic would collect a bunch of really tiny plankton type stuff. Extractive industries like coal mining that clogs streams only does so for a few decades, then it washes itself out.
My point is let’s not get carried away and assume that any degradation that WE notice needs to be fixed RIGHT NOW. In time things will go back.
I do however see some things that will not. The Middle East can grow stuff but the goats and desertification don’t give it a chance. People who actively help this process can work miracles even in the midst of barren desert in just a few years.
Nonetheless we aren’t to be complacent in our duty as stewards of God’s creation.
“I keep hearing about how evil plastic is but in the oceans any, and I mean any, small bit of wood or any floating thing automatically collects a school of tiny fish with an assortment of larger ones also.”
And microplastics are accumulating in our bodies. Not a good sign.
I considered this, but decided not to say anything (here or IRL) out of fear that it was, and the delay is just downloading all of the cloud files from the rickety homebrew WebDAV server that it would likely be on, ala Hillary’s Bathroom mail server. Hell, all of this stuff might actually be living on some old Mac Xserve in a bathroom in Laos or something.
One of the ZH commenters put it best — everyone in Ukraine is either a nazi or a Russian informant. There is no way anyone is getting anything in Ukraine that Russia cares about without Russia knowing exactly where it is at all times.
Inquiring minds want to know what they did with the shipment that was wet. Who took care of the “disposal” <cough> <cough> transfer?
Regarding Elon and Twitter:

Another LARPer or maybe a lower level “Rofschild”.
About Bird Flu… I live on a farm near Chicago. I belong to a local Saddle Club where all of my riding and horse activities take place, because we have a huge facility with riding arenas, jumps, dressage rings, trails, etc. Every single year (20+ years now) the State and the Horse Industry at large tries to get us all excited and afraid of EHV-1 (equine herpes virus) which CAN have severe consequences if not caught / treated early (like COVID), not treated correctly (like COVID), but even if all those things don’t happen still has a 99.9% survival / recovery rate (like COVID.)
They try to shut down our saddle club every year and every year we say “Make us!”
For the past eight years I have had chickens. I notice the same hysteria every year around Avian Flu which can have severe consequences if not caught / treated early (like COVID), not treated correctly (like COVID), but even if all those things don’t happen still has a 99.9% survival / recovery rate (like COVID.)
Meanwhile we see large, commercial poultry situations obediently killing all of their chickens and ducks based solely on suggestions or “recommendations” by the State that they do so.
It is literally all the same garbage. They are priming us for hysterical fear of viruses.
This right here says it all
This is crazytown. If Q can’t break the Matrix, we’re totally eff’d.
Why hasn’t he gone to the state to have the law enforced?
What about the previous guy?
In my day, this thread was an all night college bullsh*t session, with one’s drug of choice. I can’t imagine how the “multi-culties” deal with this, or is it all just on their level now?
No surprises here.
In response to your commentary under the Vigano link: this is why I come here every day.
Second, in response to the idea of the Scriptures containing deeper truths than we might have expected: There’s a translation of the Hebrew scriptures/Pentateuch that I heard about in college called the “Amplified” version that tries to convey the feeling of the original Hebrew, which had words/concepts that don’t always match English 100%. I think the Amplified translation conveys more of the “here are the mysteries of the universe” vibe than other English translations. No disrespect towards the King James translation – this is just an interesting effort at getting at the meaning of particularly the book of Genesis. For example, the possibly-astrophysics-and-cosmology-heavy Genesis 1:14-16:
14 Then God said, “Let there be light-bearers (sun, moon, stars) in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be useful for signs (tokens) [of God’s provident care], and for marking seasons, days, and years;15 and let them be useful as lights in the expanse of the heavens to provide light on the earth”; and it was so, [just as He commanded]. 16 God made the two great lights—the greater light (the sun) to rule the day, and the lesser light (the moon) to rule the night; He made the [galaxies of] stars also [that is, all the amazing wonders in the heavens].
Here’s a link to BibleGateway for more:
Any copy of the amplified bible I find, I would burn in the fire if I could. Even in the small quote you provided, I saw distortions from the intended meaning. The signs in the sky were given to tell time, the amplification diverts and distracts you from that understanding. And so on throughout. The amplified isn’t a Bible, it is a Bible mixed with modern human interpretation in a way that blunders and hides, even outright changes, the meaning. The road to hell was paved with good intentions, and the amplified bible is part of that road.
It doesn’t hide that the heavenly lights are to mark time, but when The amplified says they were for signs of God’s provident care, that sounds pretty, but it hides a distinction the word makes between signs and seasons, signs refer to the feast days, festivals and Sabbath. Modern theology is limited by human understanding, which is why it is best not to tamper with the word.