News Briefs – 04/12/2020

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. For unknown reasons, in most browsers the tweets only display right if you click to the post’s individual page instead of viewing it on the main page of the blog, so click the title above if you are on the main page of the blog. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


The video:


From here: “The Pentagon is pushing back against a new law requiring that it compile data from 5-year spending plans into a single public digital database. The Department of Defense has yet to comply with the 2018 legislation and now wants to overturn it, saying that the database could be mined and classified information inferred, revealing important strategic information to America’s foes. ” Best we just undo it, or we’ll have another jumbo jet crashing into the office responsible for the database in a day or two.

Michael Flynn’s first big name law firm failed to turn over all its documents in his case to his new legal team because of an oversight.

Iceland has tested one-tenth of its population for coronavirus at random and found that half of people have the disease without realizing. All white population have any effect there?

The flu vaccine “isn’t that effective” in older people so vaccines for COVID-19 will have to be different, according to Bill Gates. I never remember anybody saying that the flu shot wasn’t effective in older people when they were telling old people to get the flu vaccine.

Image surfaces of Dr. Fauci with George Soros, Bill Gates Sr., David Rockefeller & more.

A study found that when the 1918 pandemic reduced national manufacturing output in the US by 18%; cities that implemented restrictions earlier and for longer had much better economic outcomes in the year after the outbreak.  Trump seems to always make the right calls.

Dr. Carson says ’98 percent’ of Coronavirus infected will recover. How are people good at the biological sciences, and yet not so hot on math? One in 50 of the people around me not recovering from a disease with an R0 over five and maybe as high as eight is not comforting. Not that I believe the 98% number, (not that I think we really have any idea what the numbers are on this thing, given powerful forces buried in the agencies involved seem to be covering up the reality and preventing accurate analysis for some reason), but why would Carson think the 98% number is comforting?

WaPo says China should be legally liable for the pandemic damage it has done. 

Panic hits Kenya as 17 members of parliament test positive.

91 fully “recovered” cases test positive again in South Korea.

80% of NYC’s coronavirus patients on ventilators ultimately die and ventilators might actually make matters worse, by igniting or worsening a harmful inflammatory reaction.

Rand Paul tells Kentucky gov to ‘take a step back’ for threatening mandatory quarantine for church-goers.

Democrat mayor and Governor might have the power to cancel the Republican convention by banning gatherings in their jurisdictions this year. Fewer Republicans infected, and our side gets a boost of motivation. I would say they are going to let the convention happen, except for the fact leftists love to tell other people what to do just to trigger them.

NYC prisoner released by state over coronavirus fears is now charged with robbery.

Province in China prepares thousands of hospital beds amid a new wave of infections.

Woman who hasn’t left house in three weeks still caught Coronavirus. She had groceries delivered by a woman who later tested positive, but she apparently took no precautions with them. Probably some virus on an apple the delivery woman touched when picking them or even on the bag, which the victim picked up on her hand before transferring it to her own mouth. You have to be thorough. And having a general knowledge of how microorganisms travel helps.

Infectious disease expert on Ingrahm Angle says his clinic has not seen anyone under 70 who was not obese or pre-diabetic get seriously ill with the Chinese Coronavirus.

Turkey says hydroxychloroquine dramatically reduces pneumonia cases.

A consignment of hydroxychloroquine from India, negotiated by Trump, arrived at the Newark airport on Saturday.

Boris Johnson making “very good progress.”

UK Coronavirus vaccine could be ready by September, Oxford professor claims he is “80% confident it works.”

This next twitter thread says the Chinese are targeting Africans who are infected with Coronavirus – I wonder if the Chinese are afraid increased African susceptibility might facilitated worse numbers, and/or mutation, and/or an increased spread. The Chinese have a lot of research they appear to be censoring:

China is trying to move on the South China Sea Islands to exploit US distraction with Coronavirus.

Julian Assange impregnated his lawyer while in the Ecuadorian Embassy – twice.

Soldier who intervened to save children from the El Paso Walmart shooter is found dead at Fort Bliss. No further information to preserve the investigation, but he did have an AWOL after the incident, so something strange was going on, either with him or his environment.

Pew Poll says white liberals are more likely to be mentally ill and depressed. It is a great irony that the more you trigger dopamine and pleasure, the more you rebound into depression, and then spend your life requiring more and more dopamine and pleasure just to feel normal. r-strategists are, in a very real sense, ease and pleasure junkies, who need a bigger fix every day just to feel normal. I think we have evolved to require amygdala resets of savagery, violence, and danger, which activate amygdalae but pass before we know they are going on, and which reset our mind to perceive normal, peaceful life as pleasurable also, in its own way.

Krakatoa is erupting. Just like for four years now I have been saying pandemics seem to accompany the K-shift, so too do sudden climate shifts toward colder weather and reduced food yields, often seeming precipitated by increased geologic and volcanic activity.

Billions of locusts invade in new, larger wave as second swarm threatens Africa. I can’t see any mechanism whereby this would be linked to the oncoming K-shift, and yet it feels like if you backtracked through causes and effects, you would find some commonality in origins.

Female prison officers have been raped by male-bodied inmates who self-identify as trans women, a former Minister has revealed.

Virginia Democrats see gun control bills signed by Northam. One gun a month, universal background checks, Red Flag law.

Not entirely sure about this account’s reliability, but the videos are going around on twitter:

Another one going around twitter, but which is unverified, as far as I know:

Italian prime minister thanks Trump for being country’s ‘true and loyal friend’ through pandemic.

The DOJ may take action next week against local governments that have cracked down on religious services as part of social distancing policies.

The Postal Service, on the verge of collapse, is begging for funding. Cocksuckers are literally taking tax payer dollars to open my mail, and then giving the money to Cabal. And not only that, but they were giving time off to workers to work on Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Clearly Donald J. Trump is letting their coffers run dry because Cabal was using taxpayer funding of the organization to fund their business advantages, essentially putting taxpayer dollars in their pockets.

Vault-Co shown right again about Neanderthal intelligence and technological sophistication.

Gun shops in Australia are closed because of increase in demand. It is tempting to just see the mechanism – there is a threat, and thus they want to buy guns. But the very cognitive act of seeing the threat, acknowledging it rather than denying it, and then taking concrete action to buy a gun and arm up is a change in cognitive style for the rabbits who are suddenly moved to action. I think this is even more significant – it is a massive mortal salience stimulus which is exercising amygdalae and developing permanent brain structures to be more K. And in the coming decades we will see those changes begin to play out in shifts on issues ranging from competitiveness with other nations and nationalism, to border security, to gun policy, to abortion, taxation, and government regulation.

Spread r/K Theory, because everybody loves FLOTUS

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4 years ago

I recommend all you frens to read this article:

It’s a 10 minute read that is very worth it, it also talks about the Gates family connection to Planned Parenthood, Gates connection with Epstein, and a whole lot of fuggery.

4 years ago

>”Just like for four years now I have been saying pandemics seem to accompany the K-shift, so too do sudden climate shifts toward colder weather and reduced food yields, often seeming precipitated by increased geologic and volcanic activity.”

Kek, that made me recall the first time I read your words on that, I just thought to myself: “Well, shit.” and then I laughed. It’s interesting how Martin Armstrong’s models also find correlations between those things (I think I mentioned that you at the time, but I am not sure).

4 years ago

Off Topic. Today is a very important day. For those of the faith that recognizes it; The affirmation of faith in the Resurrection of Jesus. Today is also the day when the first real battle for the rights of states to be free of Washington rule. It is the day when The Confederates fired upon Fort Sumter (1861) and began an effort to be free of the hedgemony of the Federals. Slavery was in its death throws anyway, going to a death richly deserved. It is also the day when Franklin Roosevelt died (1945) and the first communist rule of the United States ended. The amendment prohibiting more than two terms was not in effect until 1951. I believe now, that he would not have used the bomb and would have sacrificed more than one million soldiers on the shores of Japan. I also believe that he would have suppressed with violence when the mothers and fathers here rose up to protest that act. With the majority of fighting men in service and under strict control he would have succeeded.

With commie govenors prohibiting worship this day it is time for us, the great unwashed, to rise to say no. Once again, we must find a means to throw off the rule of those who would reduce us to feudal serfs. PDJT may be the answer but that is yet to be known. Were it not for the 22nd amendment we would likely still be under the rule of the manchurian candidate.

Greg Martin
Greg Martin
4 years ago

Not sure you’ve ever considered Oral/Fecal infection route? Seems like it would explain asymptomatic transmission better than a virus particle being suspended in mid-air for hours. Karl Deninger has been a great resource in the past, I can’t fault his logic or research:

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Greg Martin
4 years ago

“…Fecal infection…”

A question I have is why is there so much virus in the fecal mater at all? Id this normal with all viruses? I red a paper that said the virus was also infecting bacteria in the gut but haven’t heard anything else about this. Maybe it was all BS or it could be no one wants to do a lot of looking at asses or poop so it gets ignored. 🙂

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

“…hot sauces are filled with PPMV…”

Wow. Interesting. I’ve never heard that before. As you say could be many products like that.

4 years ago

“It is tempting to just see the mechanism – there is a threat, and thus they want to buy guns. But the very cognitive act of seeing the threat, acknowledging it rather than denying it, and then taking concrete action to buy a gun and arm up is a change in cognitive style for the rabbits who are suddenly moved to action.”

Something that I think is often overlooked here is that humans are a K-selected species, with a fractal r/K spectrum. For example, this is why no matter how many men a woman might sleep her way through, the movie she’s gonna watch when she’s sad is always about a girl finding that one perfect guy.

I’m a Christ follower. One of the things from Scripture that caught my attention was the description in Genesis of the Fall and the English words used that I believe we currently have better terms for(I’m actually going somewhere with this). Scripture refers to “death” coming to the world, but it seems more conceptually accurate for that word to be “entropy.” Adam&Eve(who may or may not have been metaphorical) *changed* the laws of physics so that now everything has a expiration date. Even *rock*.

What the text calls the “sin nature” I prefer “the overlay”. I’m a hobby machinist, so I think more in terms of manufacturing. Think of it like this, imagine a set of human blueprints complete with all technical design specifications on a projector that uses clear acetate sheets so that you can draw on them with a marker without changing the original. Now imagine someone slapped a clear sheet over the original and began drawing in new specs. Both specs are being projected – K is the original, r is “the overlay”, K hasn’t actually been changed, it’s just had r slapped on top of it. The Overlay contains certain design changes that help us survive entropy, because they allow for maximum resource utilization, but as Revelation confirms this universe will be burned away. No more entropy, no more “r”. Only K. A New Heaven, and a New Earth, and those that have called upon the Son to be remembered in His kingdom will all have new bodies that don’t have the overlay.

Folks, when you hear someone talk about the glory of God’s Creation, this may not even be the lobby. It may be the parking lot.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Lowell
4 years ago

I like your overlay analogy, the universe will be pulled back leaving only K, of course beings that are more K will have more of an existence in the new universe while beings that are more r will have less of an existence. There is eternal glory in “K”, which is righteousness. Christ will seek out the righteous, even those who were righteous in life but, never knew his name because of when or where they were born. This is obvious since every human being was made in God’s image, clearly referring to the K selection.

It always made sense to me to think of God, the Almighty Father, as a perfectly K being. Human beings, save one, have some degree of r in us that we must overcome (1 John 1:8). Some have more than others for whatever reason. All have free will and the ability to choose right instead of wrong. It is true that r is sinful and unclean and no unclean thing can dwell in the presence of God the Father (Isaiah 6:5).

We must choose to purge the r in us because sin is an enemy of the Almighty and has been since the beginning. Being K, He wants us to win that fight, He is with us in that fight and He sent His only begotten Son to redeem us as we win that fight in our Earthly lives. There is no sin that is good, no not a single one. And the last “predator” to be overcome, the last thing that keeps us with a degree of r selection, is death, which Christ overcame exactly 1,987 years ago. So have faith in Jesus who is the Christ and read all of his words and works and remember, He lives!

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell
4 years ago

“…draw on them with a marker without changing the original. Now imagine someone slapped a clear sheet over the original and began drawing in new specs. Both specs are being projected – K is the original, r is “the overlay”, K hasn’t actually been changed, it’s just had r slapped on top of it. The Overlay contains certain design changes that help us survive entropy…”

I ‘m not making fun. I agree but the first thing that popped into my head was…tail-fins on a car.

comment image

4 years ago

Michael Flynn’s first big name law firm failed to turn over all its documents in his case to his new legal team because of an oversight.

This is within my bailiwick and is in fact in the “oversight” category. It’s literally a front and back page of handwritten notes and a bad email search that they corrected on their own. Unless there is something indicating malpractice in the notes and emails themselves, this is the sort of thing that almost always happens when changing law firms. (I would be MORE suspicious if they never supplemented and just went, “nope, you got it all the first time.”

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

(China),”…anyone who spots an African person should report to the authorities…”

I got a good laugh out of that…hey maybe we ought to try that…

“China is trying to move on the South China Sea Islands to exploit US distraction with Coronavirus.”

Why do we give a damn about those targets, excuse me, Islands. We need to seriously rethink our defense posture. We should build a massive amount of concrete glass or Basalt fiber reinforced landing craft like we had in WWII. Plus a similar number of medium ones and 20 or so large super aircraft carriers you can land a normal plane on.

The steel mesh and concrete boats built in WWII did great and pieces of them are still used for breakwaters. With newer fibers that don’t rust “ever” then you build them and they are done for years and years and years. Concrete ships can be patched. As they get older and barnacles grow on them you could grind some the barnacles off but leave a 1/2″ coat of them. Barnacles are some of the toughest hard known things on earth. The older they get the better they would get. These could be mass produced much cheaper than steel or aluminum. With the new fibers these could be much stronger than the old wire mesh and rebar built concrete boats. Here’s some that are still around from WWII. They look like hell but remember these have steel reinforcement and it’s amazing anything is there at all from WWII with no maintenance at all. The new glass fiber built would not corrode much if any at all. (And yes, I know, I think way too much about concrete boats. The fascinate me.)

With something like this we could stop having bases altogether. The next war bases will be worthless. There’s too many smart missiles. You would never be able to consistently keep a run way open to count on it being an asset. The large part of anything we want to protect or attack is around 80 miles from an ocean all around the world.

The Marine corp is ahead of the ball on this. The new leader is moving to a fast response team to attack missile sites and other high value targets but not be bogged down in taking territory. I see lots of people saying he’s an idiot but I say he is doing exactly what is needed in a fast moving missile and computer saturated warfare system that is here now. All these bases we have in Asia are just bomb craters the minute a big dust up happens. If our competitors know that we have this rapid moving capability will make them hesitate.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Glass fiber no good, concrete is alkaline and breaks down the glass over time, the way lye does. There is glass that has been doped to break down less fast, but it still breaks down. Otherwise agree with you, ferrocrete is truly awesome and should be used in many more applications than it is.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Mycroft Jones
4 years ago

I think some glass will not break down. I only added it so that my overwhelming bias for basalt would not taint the idea. My true love is Basalt fiber reinforcing. As soon as I heard about it I rejoiced. And yes I know it’s odd to be excited by concrete. I’m not the only one though. The Brutalist architecture guys were obsessed with the stuff and it’s, unrealized, potential. It’s still that way but is changing fast. Concrete with carbon fiber and basalt rebar is the shit. I’ve been told that a boat made from concrete with steel mesh, wood or fiberglass weigh much the same. If the concrete one is made with care. I think with the right fibers and type of high strength concrete you can get very low cost structures that are very large.

I have stuff calculated about concrete submarines.

Pressure at depth in ocean-Each 10 metres (33 feet) of depth puts another atmosphere (1 bar, 14.7 psi, 100 kPa) of pressure on the hull, so at 300 metres (1,000 feet), the hull is withstanding thirty atmospheres (30 bar, 441 psi, 3,000 kPa) of water pressure.

The average depth of the ocean is about 4,267 meters (14,000 feet). The deepest part of the ocean is called the Challenger Deep and is located beneath the western Pacific Ocean in the southern end of the Mariana Trench, which runs several hundred kilometers southwest of the U.S. territorial island of Guam. Challenger Deep is approximately 11,030 meters (36,200 feet) deep.

The pressure at 11000m is calculated by Rho.G.h, it will be 1025(kg/m3) times 9,81(m/s/s) times 11000 (m) Which gives 110MPa of pressure.

14,000 feet=6,235.82 psi
36,200 feet=16,100.7 psi

Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC), also known as reactive powder concrete (RPC)
29,000 pounds per square inch (psi) and flexural strengths up to 7,000 psi
Compressive: 120 to 150 MPa (17,000 to 22,000 psi)
Flexural:15 to 25 MPa (2200 to 3600 psi)
Modulus of Elasticity: 45 to 50 GPa (6500 to 7300 ksi)

So if you built a strong concrete boat and kept it in compression it would make a nice submarine also. Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) has been used for the floors of skyscrapers saving a massive amount of weight. They don’t use this much because the construction industry is very conservative. The reason being this stuff is supposed to last a long time and financing for unproven stuff is just not done. There was a navy test where they put concrete spheres at, 1,840 to 5,575 feet deep and most did well.

“Long-term, deep-ocean test of concrete spherical structures. results after 6 years”

I believe this was good concrete but nothing like the super strong stuff we have now.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Interesting info, Sam. Local to me is a company that makes truly waterproof concrete, it is a small admixture that is very reasonably priced, adds 5% to the overall cost of the concrete. When micro-fractures open up, the substance crystallizes, plugging the gap. Perfect for building underground where the watertable is high… or for these submarines. Love your submarine concept. Even going 100 feet down would shield you from a lot of nastiness. Look up “Kryton” for the waterproof additive. There are distributors that might give you access to it.

The Brutalists were a psy-op; when you have all the potential of concrete and steel, why do ugly square when you can have domes, vaults, arches, cones, spirals, onions, hobbit houses, sea shells and other beautiful shapes? The people doing cob are doing what the brutalists should have been doing. I mean, Brutalism had Art Deco and Art Nouveau to look to for inspiration; they squandered it. They really did.

What is the best/cheapest way to get ones hands on UHPC as a home experimenter?

Too bad the report didn’t specify what type of “phenolic” waterproofing they used on the spheres. So many types of phenolic resin out there. Epoxy?

The concrete in the Navy experiment was just Portland type II. We can go into Home Depot and grab a bag or two any time we want. However the PSI rating on the bag is more like 2000, not 7000. I wonder what is up with that. Wish there was a good recipe for that 20,000 to 100,000 psi concrete that the Iranians came up with. That would be unreal; love to mix up a batch or two.

Like you, I’m a fan of basalt rebar and fiber reinforcing. David B Southey made his case.

On another topic: Freemason symbolism in the TARDIS of Doctor Who. Greek column topped by a stepped ziggurat topped by an Egyptian pyramid, topped by a “beam of light”. Am I off base there?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

I hope AC doesn’t get annoyed about me talking about stuff that has nothing to do with the deep State or corona or basically anything he emphasizes. It only has a tenuous connections to r/K but there is one. If modern manufacturing with low cost high tech materials can be realized then cost of living can come down so fast as to make it where people are able to stop and think a little instead of constant grubbing for every dollar they can.

“…The Brutalists were a psy-op; when you have all the potential of concrete and steel, why do ugly square when you can have domes, vaults, arches, cones, spirals, onions, hobbit houses, sea shells and other beautiful shapes? The people doing cob are doing what the brutalists should have been doing. I mean, Brutalism had Art Deco and Art Nouveau to look to for inspiration; they squandered it. They really did…”

Eeeehhhh…I don’t know about this. You may be right and in a general form in that “some of them” were artist, sort of and some did do some degenerate forms. The people who do Brutalism for the sake of Brutalism are degenerates in my opinion. The ones that end up with a Brutalistic style because… square lines and boxes are the only way to get super cheap housing while giving you lots of space and utility then I don’t see that as degenerate just a result of the economics involved. In general the founders of this stuff were looking for the cheapest way to get low cost housing that was livable for your average or poorer people. When this stuff came out people were living in tenements with no light, no room and terrible sanitary conditions. You can’t condemn the whole movement without considering what was available “without” doing anything. It’s like saying “let them eat cake” when the housing is so bad like this. A guy living in a tent would hardly complain about the cornices not being as artistic as they could be. That Brutalistic buildings mostly look awful is a fair criticism and correct but doesn’t take into account that tents, corrugated tin roofs and cardboard box cities are not so attractive either.

It’s also easy to realize that curves cost big dollars. All of the lowest cost methods will be squares and if you’re lucky a triangle or two. Shells and cob and all this stuff is only for DIYer’s. You can’t mass produce this stuff easily. Not saying I don’t like it just that it’s not economical for mass produced housing.

The founder of this stuff did this fantastic building that while it’s not the best looking thing had great living accommodations. See “le corbusier unite d’habitation”. Look at the Unite D’habitation section here.

It had a central hall way, (called a street), and some apartments entered from the top some the bottom but each and two floors with windows full length. Look up photos of it online. It’s a great space to live in.

Another good example was these,

in the USSR. The Soviets did do some great stuff and even if it was far from perfect they did do a great deal to raise the average standard of living of really poor peasants. The Khrushchyovka were shit but…they were a massive, super vast improvement over what they had before. People were living in huts and in ground dugouts in cases. I mean really decrepit stuff. It seems to me that they real problem they had was they never improved anything. They came up with a sort of half assed, almost good design then mass produced it with zero feedback on what they did wrong. If they would have improved, streamlined and lowered the cost (to raise space) then they would have had something to talk about. But they didn’t. I don’t think commies can ever do this because the only feedback they pay attention to is revolts and violence. Supposedly the Chinese are better at feedback by electing the lower level officials of the party but I can’t say this is for sure. It’s just something I’ve read is supposed to be true.
What is the best/cheapest way to get ones hands on UHPC as a home experimenter?

If you want to see lots of Brutalism see,

“…Too bad the report didn’t specify what type of “phenolic” waterproofing they used on the spheres. So many types of phenolic resin out there. Epoxy?…”

The report said the details were in reference #1 “Civil Engineering Laboratory Report R-805: Long-term deep Ocean test of concrete spherical structures…”

4 years ago

Great documentary Q linked to there. Think it may have some potential to awake some souls. Shared it with my peers who I think can absorb it.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

“… I think we have evolved to require amygdala resets of savagery, violence, and danger, which activate amygdalae but pass before we know they are going on, and which reset our mind to perceive normal, peaceful life as pleasurable also, in its own way…”

It’s amazing you said this. I just randomly happened to be watching a video by a Navy Seal who said exactly this. He said he becomes all wound up over little things then after something really dangerous happens that totally focuses his attention he says his whole system resets to a much calmer state. If anyone is interested in this sort of process you should listen to this.

Navy SEAL: Danger Brings Clarity | Joe Rogan and Andy Stumpf

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I think these phenomena can happen, but I don’t think they need to be ascribed to a Director other than thermodynamics.

Think about flocks of birds, or schools of fish: there is a kind of unconscious “information-sharing” that is happening on a continuous basis. Only because we have bigger brains, we like to think that we are somehow more in charge (or that our narratives prevail, eg. Jesus/Krishna/Allah did it”).

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

“…there are people plugged into something deeper, who may actually have abilities the raw mechanistic model cannot explain…”

I’m not inclined to this type of thinking being very mechanistic in general but…there are things that I can not explain. Surgeons keep articles above shelves in some places and people who die say they floated above their bodies and saw what they could not have seen without looking above the shelves. Kids say they are someone else and go to their former villages and recognize their former relatives and know things only the dead relative would know. There’s a LOT of stuff like this documented. People die far away and their close loved ones know it immediately. I don’t what to think of it except that there are things I can’t explain.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

The surgeons and stuff Sam J talked about remind me of the IMHO most likely real story about Philip K. Dick and his inspiration to write the VALIS novel (VALIS = Vast Active Living Intelligence System, which in the novel is a satellite that beams information right inside people’s heads from above).

Basically, PKD was hanging around with his wife and kid in their home, and they were listening to a music record, and then PKD claimed that the lyrics changed and told him that his son had a hernia (I think it was a testicular hernia) and that if he was not operated on soon, he would die because of it.

He told his wife what just had happened (lets remember that PKD was a drug fiend for a big part of his life and had drug induced psychosis episodes in the past), convinced her that they had nothing to lose to take the kid to the doctor and ask for some tests, and so they took the kid and did the tests. The kid had that shit, he was operated and the doctor confirmed that he would had died if not operated on. He didn’t told the doctor how he had gotten the idea to run those tests.

Unfortunately I can no longer find the source for this, I read about this more than a decade ago, and I went on and verified the story and it checked out (might still be a fake story, but I remember that at the time I searched for more sources to verify it, and I remember finding enough confirmation for me to put it in my “plausibly true” mental archive).

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Also on the subject of people dying and people in the family knowing instantly, it has happened to me personally, to other people in my family, and to people who I know and are not in my family.

And no, it was not confirmation bias, I even stayed silent about it for a long time because I thought it was very silly and somehow a coincidence, but after many years when discussing that subject with other people by chance, I came to the conclusion that it was a legit case of information being transmitted in a way we still don’t understand in the mainstream.

4 years ago

Of things predicted to happen in a k shift here 5 years ago:

The lesbians are turning straight.

4 years ago

If there is one thing we can count on, it’s that graft and corruption in Chicago are unaffected by the Coronavirus. City government allowed a planned demolition of a large smokestack to go ahead and now surrounding residents and environmental groups are up in arms. But of course they didn’t pay to play. Mayor Lightfoot (is there a more perfect name?) is in serious damage-control mode and trying to shift the blame.

4 years ago

Oohh… the irony.

Africa’s elite forced to use their own hospitals.
And they die. The African elites all over the continent are those which travel the most and they get infected by corona chan the most. Normally they use Hospitals and health services abroad but thats not an option for them at the moment.

Report from one of the few alternative media to msm media in Norway, Link goes to a Google translate from Norwegian to English,

4 years ago

I don’t think that either of r or K are what we will be. There is one aspect of r that is true, in some sense; resources *are* infinite. God is infinite, his love, his power, his gifts to us over all eternity. But in our fallen state, we can not be granted access to that infinite bounty, because we will destroy ourselves with it.

I think it is true that there are some real senses that K is closer to Truth than r right now. But I don’t think eternity is going to “be K” either; it will not be an endless competition for limited resources crafting us into better weapons than our neighbors. We will get the benefits of K while we still have the resources of r and in the end transcend both.

Reply to  Krymneth
4 years ago

More resources = better training and better equipment = individuals become better weapons

Also, you never know what may happen, so making society a more effective weapon itself over time is always a good thing (peace thru strength), and it doesn’t mean it has to be a mean or evil society. At the end of the day, mortality is a real thing, and being able to avoid destruction by being able to destroy the enemy before he destroys you is always going to be part of the “bio-mechanics” of life. But I do agree with you that God’s love is infinite, it is a tangible thing for me, I can literally experience it every night when I pray, even when I slip up and sin, God has never quit on me.

Reply to  Krymneth
4 years ago

I agree with you.
Many here need to reread AC’s book and consider the positive aspects of limited r tendencies.

Every vice has its place in which it is not only acceptable but required, it doesn’t become sin until it is allowed out of its place or to grow beyond its limits.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Can you please expand on that fren?

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

See my reply to REX below.

But I’ll add more here about vices and virtues instead of r/K specifically.

Greed is good in it’s place, if we didn’t have an urge to acquire things we would be lazy (another vice)

Pride is good in it’s place, if we didn’t have pride in ourselves we would not reject doing things that would make us feel ashamed nor would we stand up for what we know to be right against that which is wrong.

The vices are those human urges and instincts that are easiest to take too far or use where they don’t belong.
The virtues are those that are harder to take too far or use out of place but they can be too.

Compassion and empathy are virtues but if we use them on evil people and fail to stop or punish their evil then they become wrong.

You can find find proper places and limits for all vices and all virtues if you think about them.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

>”Greed is good in it’s place, if we didn’t have an urge to acquire things we would be lazy (another vice)”

Well, I would call the balanced seeking of personal prosperity ambition, not greed, but that was what you meant, I think.

>rest of reply

Agreed. I get what you meant now, and I agree (I would not call those things vices thou, but that is just semantics and a meaningless neckbeard discussion at the end of the day).

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

“…The vices are those human urges and instincts that are easiest to take too far or use where they don’t belong.
The virtues are those that are harder to take too far or use out of place but they can be too…”

I agree with this very much. A lot of the blogshere is way too…type A, or Alpha or strict. People go on and on about the foibles of Women but these, so called, failures and weaknesses of Women can be very endearing if they fall for you personally. The same goes for kindness in Men who are then called weak, betas and gammas. I can’t help but thing some weaknesses like kindness to all are being attacked by psychopaths who want us all to be vicious robot animals that claw and scrape each other to death. That if you are not at the top of the heap you are of no consequence at all. Personally I’ve never wanted to be at the top. I viscerally dislike ordering people about or being a manager. I’ve had to before and it’s distasteful to me.

I think some sorts of socialism can work reasonably well. Hitler had workers o councils with the top management of companies. Maybe something like that could be made to work. I’m certainly not a Commie. All authoritarian systems eventually have psychopaths commandeer the top of the system and destroy the whole thing. They aren’t competent just ruthless and once they get to the top run everything into the ground. Any criticism of socialism must be balanced by also describing what we have now, authoritarian oligarchical capitalism where the people at the top are looting the State in the most lascivious ways possible. It’s obscene.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

The blogosphere is full of hypocrites, and the reason they are allowed to exist is because we are ‘r’ tolerant. I liken them to the retard who is stalking me at work. He’s a fit alpha male from the neck down, but from the neck up, he’s crazy and retarded. -Yet because he has a penis, he has this rock-solid belief that he’s inherently superior to me, and that his word should be respected. I’m like, “That guy and the rest of the loser incels I work with should have been thrown into the Spartan baby pit long ago.”

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

There aren’t positive aspects to r tendencies. That’s sin and wickedness and wicked people are enemies of God and have been since Cain. Maybe you don’t understand what r really is. The act of reproduction, for example, is not r, if it’s in a divinely-sanctioned marriage then it’s K. If it’s outside of marriage then it’s r, divorce and adultery are very r.

I would suggest reading first and second Corinthians in their entirety. The Apostle Paul was on to something, especially when he describes three Heavens. If there are three Heavens then clearly the most righteous (and more K) people go to the best one. That’s something we all should aspire too.

Reply to  REX 2020
4 years ago

I suggest you read AC’s book again and find out what r is and is not.
Diplomacy instead of war is r.

“Blessed are the peacemakers”

Innovation instead of work is r.
Exploration to find new resources is r.

There are positive aspects of r that are needed in limited amounts.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

This. On a deeper level, it’s a huge push-pull in God’s creation. It’s like the argument from the book It’s Not Supposed To Be This Way.

The world isn’t supposed to be K. It’s supposed to be the Garden of Eden. In the garden, everything is r. You have dominion over everything, you don’t need anything, you run around naked all the time, you can eat everything (except that one thing) and everyone is happy. We — Man — were created for an r environment.

But r makes you really, really gullible. And Satan took advantage of that, tricked the women (because women are even more gullible) who persuaded the man (who are really gullible to feminine wiles) and suddenly the world was K. K may be what gets you through this fallen world, but we weren’t made for it. We are the mutants, not the rabbits.

A lot of Jesus’ ministry is telling K types to accept the garden he’s bringing in the next life. Pick up your cross and follow Me. Let the dead bury the dead. God feeds the birds, he will feed you. On and on.

The rabbits have to overcome their sin nature of not wanting to follow the Law. Wolves have to overcome the sin nature of not trusting the Plan of God.

REX 2020
REX 2020
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

I’ll unpack and address this later after some study, but from my understanding of r/K AND The Bible AND what we see and experience.

I can tell you directly though, if peace is what you truly want, then you must prepare for war. I’ve never seen diplomacy that got results without a Force increase. Blessed ARE the peacemakers, that means the guards, sentinels, radar operators, QRA pilots and nuclear missile techs. They keep the peace, not some slimy weasel diplomat.

4 years ago

Some levity — thought this was funny; as this gabber admits, she stole this from another and here I am posting it. But there is a link.

From: A Girl is No One @kgrace

“Stolen from a friend.

From an anonymous UPS delivery driver… 5 types of customers since the “rona”:

1) Steve: He has been waiting for this moment his whole life. He has been drinking boilermakers since 10:00 am in his recliner and his AR is within arms reach. He has 6 months provisions in the basement and a bug out bag due west buried in the woods. Steve demands a handshake as I give him his package. He’s sizing me up as I deliver his ammo. Steve will survive this, and he will kill you if he needs to.

2) Brad: He is standing at his window wearing skinny jeans and a Patagonia t-shirt. He is mad because there were no organic tomatoes at Whole Foods today. He points at the ground where he has taped a 6 ft no go zone line from his porch. I leave his case of Fuji water, organic granola bites, and his new “Bernie Bro” hat at the tape. Brad will not survive. Steve will probably eat him.

3) Nancy: She has sprayed everything with Thieves oil. Bought all the Clorox wipes, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, meat, and bread from the local grocery chain. She has quarantined her kids and sprays them with a mixture of thieves, lavender, & mint essential oils daily. She has posted every link known to man about “The Rona” on her social media. She will spray you if you break the 6 ft rule. I will leave her yet another case of toilet paper. She will last longer than Brad, but not Steve.

4) Karen: She has called everybody and read them the latest news on “The Rona”. She asked for the manager at Food Lion, Walmart, Publix, McDonalds, Chi-Fil-A, and Vons all before noon demanding more toilet paper. Karen’s kids are currently faking “The Rona” to avoid her. I’m delivering “Hello kitchen” to her. Karen will not survive longer than Brad.

5) Mary: Is sitting in the swing watching her kids have a water balloon fight in the front yard as she is on her fourth glass of wine. She went to the store and bought 2 cases of pop tarts, 6 boxes of cereal, 8 bags of pizza rolls, And a 6 roll pack of toilet paper. There is a playlist of Bob Marley, Pink Floyd, and Post Malone playing in the background. I’m bringing her second shipment of 15 bottles of wine in 3 days. Mary will survive and marry Steve. Together they will repopulate the earth.

May God have mercy on us all.
Apr 09, 2020, 21:32 · 94 · 185

Reply to  Uncompliant
4 years ago

We are all going to be repopulated by FAS kids.

Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

At least they will know how to shoot by age 6.

LembradorDos6Triliões (banjo music always stops when AC posts)
LembradorDos6Triliões (banjo music always stops when AC posts)
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
4 years ago

And play the banjo by age 10.

4 years ago

“The Postal Service, on the verge of collapse, is begging for funding. Cocksuckers are literally taking tax payer dollars to open my mail, and then giving the money to Cabal. And not only that, but they were giving time off to workers to work on Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Clearly Donald J. Trump is letting their coffers run dry because Cabal was using taxpayer funding of the organization to fund their business advantages, essentially putting taxpayer dollars in their pockets.”

If it collapses then it needs to be re-federalized and purged.
NOT privatized.

The Constitutionally protected free flow of information is vital to a Republic and our founders knew it.
The Post Office needs to be modernized to provide modern communications and must not be allowed to fall into the hands of oligarchs like Bezos or @Jack.