Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Twitter Inc Is Subsumed by Elon Musk’s X Corp
DFT – IMF Chief Says India And China Will Produce Half Of World Economic Growth
DFT – Russia’s Voluntary Crude Production Cuts Roughly 40% Higher Than Promised
DFT – US Tech Firm Physically Destroyed Inventories In Russia Before Exiting
DFT – Crypto Billionaires Lost Billions Over The Last Year
FBI sought SSPX chapel leadership to “inform on parishioners” in VA. What this does is it destroys communities. Intelligence operations are absolute poison to any society. They turn citizen against citizen, and minor differences which might never have been noticed become betrayals to outside enemies for personal gain which are entirely unforgivable. And the mere specter of those betrayals then contaminates every relationship in the community, because you never know who the traitors are. I have no idea why we ever banned CIA from operating domestically if we were just going to have FBI do the exact same thing. And I am not even sure how intertwined FBI is with Cabal domestic intelligence, which takes this entire thing, and moves it into grade schools, so the traitors are not even targeting you, but they are using their children to target your children. It is still almost unfathomable to me they could even find Americans who would be willing to be part of such a thing.
Google, Twitter, Meta and TikTok’s executive ranks have included over 200 former employees of surveillance government agencies, creating an employment pipeline between the government and Big Tech companies, a Daily Caller investigation found. Far, far more than the fake-news media, the domestic surveillance/intelligence infrastructure is the enemy of the people of America. But so far, it is only them who have been acting like it.
Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio’ lawyer introduced text messages showing he was regularly in touch with DC police for over a year before January 6th. Sounds like he is getting afraid they will throw him under the bus, and they are making him burn himself as an asset.
Internal memos call into question National Archives narrative to Congress on Trump documents probe. They were more hands-on than they claimed.
Attorneys for former President Donald Trump are trying to block ex-Vice President Mike Pence from testifying in a special counsel investigation of Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election. I do wonder what would have happened, if Trump had simply said, “I need 10 million heavily armed patriots to come to DC this weekend, we are taking this nation back this weekend by force.”
The statute of limitations has passed on Bragg’s ‘get Trump’ case.
Kari Lake asks a court to reconsider Maricopa County’s chain of custody issue.
Hounded by baseless voter fraud allegations, an entire county’s election staff quits in Virginia. Reads like an MSM sob-piece, asking “Who will run our elections, if not for the brave people who ran them so honestly in 2020?” Also makes it look like the old guard is being pushed out in places.
Hunter Biden on Monday joined his father at the annual White House Easter Egg Roll. Literally the former Mayor of New York City and the Former Police Chief deliver to Delaware State PD video of Hunter Molesting his underaged niece, file a report saying, here is video of Hunter Biden molesting his underaged niece, and the Police cannot touch it, even though it completely betrays the fact there are two sets of laws, one for plebes, and one for the elites.
Meanwhile in Texas – Lead Detective in Daniel Perry case: Soros-funded DA removed 100 pages of exculpatory evidence from jury – DA’s actions went from highly unethical to criminal conduct. And Perry is a soldier, no less.
From CIA to beer: Brendan Whitworth’s path to CEO of Anheuser-Busch. “…his grandfather worked at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), serving under President Hoover, before running the training in Quantico, Virginia.” He was a kid-spy in school, I would bet. Probably running surveillance on locals in the grocery store after school, maybe even took on a job to get access to other information. And he slides into CIA, and then Harvard, and the head of Anheuser Busch, and then he gets a full article on Fox News promoting him. That last one was his CIA command, leaning on a contact at the outlet to do the piece. I wonder if they thought they would run him for office at some point. And now he is destroying that company, in pursuit of helping the psyop which is destroying America. These people are all on their own group’s wavelength, and they are so different from regular Americans, they might as well be military officers in a foreign, enemy army, living among us and pretending to be like us. If you look at him, there is something weird about him too. A sort of glassy-eye’d fakeness. Like he is a figurine of somebody happy to see a long lost family member, and somebody just moved the figurine from photograph to photograph. Something which if you met it in real life, it might seem nice, but that little voice in the back of your head which you keep having to remind yourself to listen to would say, “There is something too nice, too ingratiating about this. It doesn’t feel right.” That is a guy who has been wearing a mask for a long, long time.
Bud Light’s marketing VP says she was inspired to update ‘fratty,’ ‘out of touch’ branding with inclusivity. There is no way they hired this idiot on merit. I would be willing to bet she was also in the network growing up.
Shooter was a leftist, pro-BLM, Anti-Trump, Anti-conservative.
Washington state Democrats plan to confiscate your money if they think you’re making too much. It is an “excess compensation tax,” anon.
Progressive Chicago activists push for $1 billion in reparations.
Video shows two cars filled with thugs spinning out and doing donuts on a busy stretch of roadway with two men hanging out of one of the vehicles waving guns. “Unfortunately, this type of behavior happens all the time on Memphis roadways.”
White House asks press to downplay leak of US gathering dirt on allies — fears more coming.
Former military intelligence chief Maj. Gen. (res.) Tamir Hayman says he no longer trusts Benjamin Netanyahu’s judgement on matters of security after the prime minister’s attempt to fire Yoav Gallant as defense minister, and that some of the damage to Israel’s economy and social cohesion, and its ties with the US, inflicted by the government’s currently suspended push to overhaul the judiciary may be irreversible. The old Cabal is not happy. Sounds like all they can do is complain from the retirement home though.
U.S. doubts Ukraine offensive will yield big gains, leaked document says.
Spread r/K Theory, because if there is not nearly enough mayhem for what is going on in this nation
After being hospitalized for a heart problem and being released the next day, president of Bolsonaro’s party is hospitalized once again
Valdemar Costa Neto, from Liberal Party (PL), was hospitalized yesterday because of a heart attack, and now because he injured his pharynx because of a fish bone.
“I do wonder what would have happened, if Trump had simply said, “I need 10 million heavily armed patriots to come to DC this weekend, we are taking this nation back this weekend by force.””
Civil War.
Which might have been less destructive than the plan we got.
Very true. I have no idea how we get rid of all the migrants, if some are simply going to stay and get married and have kids. And it is not like we are getting the doctors or engineers from these third world nations. The damage to the IQ genes of the country will be severe.
At some point we have to abandon normality and just round them all up and expel them along with all the leftists.
Our enemies abandoned normality generations ago and we have failed to do so in return for too long.
history is full of stories about men of action, brave men, men fated by destiny itself who got to the precipice and… blinked. history tells us those men usually don’t get another chance. schoolkids know the name Caesar. they have no idea who Pompey was.
but who besides Trump would *any* of us follow? RDS is miles ahead of all the others, but he’s not The Guy that Trump is. we need a mulligan.
“…I have no idea how we get rid of all the migrant…”
Here let me help you out. I did the numbers. And yes it would take political power we don’t have. I suggest we change the voting rules in the House and Senate, so no first generation immigrants can vote at all.
I did some cost accounting and even at $2,000 a person we could, just with the “verified” cost of school for their illegal alien kids, pay for this in four years. I’ve seen links with cost of $200 billion for all the illegal aliens to US citizens, so I expect the cost could be payed back VERY FAST. If you counted lowered wages the cost would be far, far higher.
Here’s cost
It’s an unfortunate trend that civil wars with racial components very often end in genocide of the losing side, and usually all “race traitors” who had kids with the other race as well.
I pray for a peaceful solution, but it’s hard to envision an outcome where 50 million plus people leave of their own free will.
Americans have invented most of the modern world, therefore are smarter than usual. Quoting a discussion at a forum.
“…The alpha wolf does not wait for his rival to unite the rest of the pack and overthrow him. He destroys the rival and controls the rest.”
This is why the north american giant is being filled with not smart people.
Even here in argentina leftists who don’t speak English and are politically involved take notice of how each demographic votes. I’ve seen and heard the discussions, being present at them. Everyone does it, of how each group more or less votes.
Just make illegal immigration a first degree felony with a minimum prison sentence of, say, five years hard labor. The 50 million will mostly self deport.
Purge all evil in your midst immediately. Don’t delay!
Anheuser-Busch CEO
Only someone with a guaranteed path does stuff like this:
Reluctantly, he agreed to apply but with one stipulation: He would only apply to the prestigious Boston-based university where Kelty had attended undergraduate school.
Whitworth recalled having an entire week of interviews lined up and canceling every single one. In turn, he landed a job at PepsiCo in its Frito-Lay unit.
After graduating OCS and Bucknell, Whitworth spent three years in the Marines and another five years at the agency.
A CEO under 50 with almost ten lost years if you’re strict and only count proper business experience. He’s very good looking, too, so he looks more like an actor playing a CEO than a real CEO.
On the CDC and autism – they changed “Autism Awareness” month to “Autism Acceptance”. Sickening.
>>OPINION: By John Lott and Rep. Thomas Massie – There have been no shooting attacks in schools where teachers can legally carry guns. Why are liberals so scared of this fact?
because they want you dead, your children raped and enslaved, and they think it’s funny
“Leaked Pentagon documents paint grim picture of Ukrainian air defense supplies, may only last a month.”
The leaker would be trying to show how seriously bad the NATO military situation is (whistleblower not traitor). President Trump hinted at this when he demanded NATO members spend more on military defense and less on gutting USA manufacturing using mercantilism.
The best case scenario is that the Ukraine war is a money laundering operation and that all major countries are in-on-it. Otherwise the USA will be drafting old men after all the sissies get themselves killed.
“The old Cabal is not happy. Sounds like all they can do is complain from the retirement home though.”
I am reminded of the intro to the old PC game Deus Ex. “Old men playing at running the world…but the world passed them by long ago” Supposedly the writers just crammed in every conspiracy going around at the time but the game’s plot is still prescient.
Short version: A splinter group of the globalist Illuminati creates an AI and believes the information control it brings will be key to the new era. They unleash an engineered virus to terrorize and destabilize nations, control politicians with intentional scarcity of the vaccine, use bio engineered monsters, turn against the old guard of the Illuminati, get into a big fight with Chinese forces (Hong Kong in the game) and fund DNA altered soldiers and cyborgs.
The most relevant part is that the Illuminati itself is split into groups and the larger wars is simply a reflection of their infighting as one group vies to take supremacy from the others. All revolutions are funded and led by disenfranchised bourgeois, I’m told. Trump is certainly a disenfranchised bourgeois.
It’s certainly worth a watch for the few minutes of the in YouTube. I won’t link so I don’t get spam filtered.
Netanyahu seems to be in a mexican standoff.
Netanyahu’s stormy daniels: In a letter to Netanyahu, Lt. Col. (ret.) Shlomi Reisman wrote that while the premier served as a diplomat in Washington, DC, in 1982, he refused to return after being called back for an operation that “wasn’t to your liking.”
The most concise and brief summary of the Racial Soul (Racial God) concept.
Racial Soul, Racial (Ancestral) God P1
Racial Soul, Racial (Ancestral) God P2
by Thomas Sewell, Australian patriot and activist.
If you think you oppose this, then read it to “know your enemy.”
If you think your God created everything, then he created this, do maybe he would preserve it.
If you only have time for one part, then read part 2.
Since he made Nations from one man and Nations are in flux. Then like people God creates them anew over time too.
I don’t see how that would work out well. Blending in 80 IQ “people,” blessed with really negative world views and other sketchy attributes? Level all to improve the mean? Pun intended. Would a real god do that? If so, he should be opposed.
The Lord created the nations when destroying the Tower, scattering across the Earth and confusing the language.
The Lord destroyed the Tower, and created the Nations.
The satanics destroy the Nations, and rebuild the Tower.
The EU parliament is designed to look like the Tower of Babel from the painting. It is even designed to look unfinished.
You are welcome to believe that.
As for that EU structure, it was obviously built to trigger you and your group.
Facts font need your approval
> If you think your God created everything, then he created this, do maybe he would preserve it.
Flawless tard-logic that also endorses rape, murder, etc. Your attempts at appealing to God, despite having nothing but contempt for Christians, is disgusting and transparent. I’d prefer it if you were just quiet.
>inb4 idiot didn’t watch video
Correct, I’m not watching your brain poison. “Just take a sip bro it’s fine he’s a patriot!” Fool.
Speaking of flawed logic! Yikes.
Funny when the godless comment on the Creator.
We dont live in the Garden of Eden.
We have Free Will.
Free Will requires evil.
Evil cannot reside in the Garden of Eden, so we were expelled. We may return if we reject evil.
Read the Bible. Everything is explained.
Speaking of godlessness, few are more godless than people who attribute the Prime Cause (or whatever) to a Semitic volcano demon. That’s all I will say about it.
This is clearly a bot
“I need 10 million heavily armed patriots to come to DC this weekend, we are taking this nation back this weekend by force.”
Trump is under house arrest (Secret Service). Cabal has all the force options wargamed out (I read that on this site). Thing is cabal can’t fix a dead internet or busted economy. My belief is Trump is running the “if you want to save your hide” trope on cabal.
Link to one source:
White House or jail? Historians see Trump arraignment as start of an uncertain chapter
Biden, Obama, and Clinton are now arrestible; ir only requires the Republicans to have a set of balls; but but that has yet to be seen.
“President Donald Trump is due back in the Big Apple this week to be grilled for the second time by New York Attorney General Letitia James, who is probing the Trump Organization’s business practices.”
Trump may have arranged some of this so that he could go to NY without raising suspicions. Cabal seems to be having a cabal-civil-war. Retail-equity-markets are positioned for a stock crash. Retail-gold and retail-cryptocurrencies are positioned for a boom. Federal Reserve et al want the stock market and gold to stay flat or go up a little. Federal Reserve et al want to take over cryptocurrencies and are well on their way to doing so.
Trump has to sell his monetary/financial policy to cabal and NY is one of the places to do it.
“they could even find Americans who would be willing to be part of such a thing.”
Some groups try to serve-two-masters. Kennedy’s were using USA government influence to help the Irish Republican Army (IRA). JFK and RFK might not have been assassinated if the Kennedy’s loyalty had been only to the USA. Duplicity has been in fashion for a long time.
I don’t believe a word of that. Why don’t you prove it.
Why don’t you do the research that the rest of us did over the past 40 yrs?
It’s hell when you research something for 40 years and still get it wrong. Maybe you should call it a day and think about something else…like doughnuts.
Clinton definitely backed the IRA. He was incredibly hostile to the UK.
That leads me to believe the UK was, before Blair, good. Clinton and IRA were both cabal animals. Only need to see how IRA/Shin-Fayne switched to backing EU, diversity & immigration, which is an anathema to Irish Nationalists.
Filthy Irish micks are ruled by the Roman Pope.
Unhelpful comment.
Ireland is ruled by the EU Elite in Brussels & WEF.
Video shows two cars filled with thugs spinning out and doing donuts on a busy stretch of roadway with two men hanging out of one of the vehicles waving guns. “Unfortunately, this type of behavior happens all the time on Memphis roadways.”
Reminds me of Somalia. Could there be a common factor?
If Diversity is a good thing, why isnt promoted in poor / non-European countries?
They don’t want to raise their IQs.
The way they use this word is an inversion of its plain meaning.
So, we need to have the response in our pocket:
“if diversity is beneficial, why isnt it used to benefit poor countries?”
Pfizer and its scientist are true sons of Hell:murderous and lying bastards. ( how’s that for being based you FBI curs; but I am insulting canines):
Fron Vox Day
Ad he is quotingSteve Kirsch
Its worth clicking on the last link and reading the underlying “The Hill” story. As usual, Trump has a point. There are various factors which would mean a 2024 de Santis presidential campaign makes no sense.
Florida law discourages Florida officials from running for offices other than the ones they hold. This would be a problem unless the law is overturned on first amendment grounds or changed. A number of Florida governors have run for president -its curious that all these campaigns flopped despite Florida being an important state better governed than most- but they all did so after leaving the governor’s mansion. And Trump says that de Santis resigned from Congress before running for Governor of Florida, which I didn’t know.
The 2024 presidential election will be rigged like the last one, if it happens at all, so if I was a Republican pol, unless I see Alexander Soros show up at Mar el Lago to negotiate a peaceful handover of power, I would be sitting this one out.
If DeSantis doesn’t run, and especially if Trump endorses him at some point in the future, then I would suspect Trump had DeSantis play this role, so the GOPe would put all their hopes in him, spend all their effort on him, and then he would fuck them and just bail at the last minute, when it was too late for them to put together a plan B. I am sure they are wondering if that is the case now.
How to choose a false president is now available as a paperback
How to choose a false president: Cronic based in data, documents, and journalism: Villizzianto, Pablo: 9789878887258: Books
This book is an in-depth investigation into the use of different methods by the most powerful states in the West in order to place their preferred candidates in the most important positions in the most relevant democratic countries that are in their areas of influence.
I particularly recommend it to politically interested Americans and right wing Brazilians who want self-government for their respective countries. Also, any other person who, like me, has a political involvement, or is influenced by politics, could benefit from reading this book.
Im happy from the upvotes!
Hope people like the book I took this austral summer to produce and recommend it to your friends!
Ola Pablo!
One tip about the title of your book; it should be “Chronicle”, not “cronic”. Chronicle is the noun, “chronic” is the adjective.
Sorry, you are right!
I was feeling I was making a mistake somewhere. Luckily I followed my gut and postponed sending it to print here for this week!
Thank you, I’ll be ordering my copy soon.
Your welcome!
Got my substack going, Anon. Plan to publish regularly. Would appreciate having a link up here again instead of the dead one to Vault-Co archive.
Thanks, Tex
Absolutely best post to see. I will happily put the link at the top of tomorrow’s post, even though I suspect most of my readers will disappear there.
Good to have you back!
Bon Jour AC, I went to the link you provided for TexasArcane’s new blog and subscribed.
I have emailed on that other thing, will let you know if it can be done.
For now, can you access an account page, and change your info there? It might propagate and change it everywhere else.
Thought you were gone for good. Glad to see you’re still around.
Damn, dude. I just read that post. Speechless.
If you’re not familiar with the conspiracy behind the World’s Fairs, it’s an interesting rabbit hole.
Supposedly they built these massive Roman cities…only to be torn down immediately after the fairs were over. The theory is…they were already there.
Lots of Bitchute videos if you search for ‘world’s fairs,’ ‘Tartaria,’ ‘mud flood’ or ‘Jon Levi.’
I’m sure Trump knows all about Mussolini’s October 27-31, 1922 “March on Rome,” and its unique combination of being both a demonstration and coup d’etat.
Who knows, perhaps that display of telegenic citizen unity is part of The Plan?
“After turning a blind eye to the Mexican invasion of the USA for the last 40 years, Republicans now want to invade Mexico”
Right, we should just sit back and take it, got you.
Cheerleading Chinese imperial military intervention on behalf of the Mexican conquest of America? really?
I hold no illusions that America’s hands have been clean in all this, but Mexico’s and China’s have been much dirtier and trying to cast them as the victim and the hero is insane.
America has been targeted for destruction and the completion of that goal by our enemies is not something anyone who loves the good, the beautiful, or the true should be supporting.
Mexico is turning to China because both are run by godless communist regimes.
“Yes good goy listen to this guy, join the US Army we put more white men in the ads now! Keep the beast system going fight harder for us keep paying in those interest taxes keep sending your delicious children to our public schools! Surely losing all your Funko Pops would be far for worse than a wartime playing field where we ourselves are in any danger at all!”
The more flack our enemy gets the better. No Chinaman ever called me a white supremacist, no Russian ever denied me a role because of Affirmative Action, or arrested me unless I consented to castrate my child and transition them into a life of sex slavery to pedophiles.
Put another way, I’m far more confident that China, Mexico and Russia are more agreement-capable than the deep state. As we saw with WACO, any sort of attempted negotiation with the cabal is simply a trap to better kill you with for having the temerity to think they would ever engage in honest dialogue with the likes of you. Better to negotiate with a local Chinese warlord or Cartel member, or have the option to leave to another occupied territory, than live under the omnipresent cabal which strikes at will under the darkness.
Don’t put words in my mouth, it’s not sanitary.
I never said to support the current US regime, I said don’t support the equally evil and corrupt China and Mexico.
China does call us racist all the time and they pay the locals who do to so it.
Nobody brought Russia into this but you.
You have serious delusions if you think China or the cartels wil treat you as anything but a subhuman.
“Mexico is turning to China because both are run by godless communist regimes.”
What? And the 5 eyes are not?
How long have you been in that coma?
Wake tfu!
How long have you been a in a coma? China is just as bad.
China vs. the western cabal is just two dragons fighting while our houses burn.
The USA is occupied by Clown World and the US military is Clown World’s primary tool used to keep other countries in line. The US government created the cartels and is now attempting to use them as an excuse to overthrow the legitimate Mexican government, just as they created and tried to use ISIS as an excuse to overthrow the Syrian government.
The Russians helped the Syrians prevent the US attempt at regime change. What we MAY be seeing is signs that China intends to do the same thing for Mexico.
You still clearly do not understand that the US government of 2023 is a satanic regime that makes godless communist regimes look angelic in comparison. And your willful ignorance is not only tedious, but increasingly looks inorganic.
Mexico has always been in bed with the cartels and they send them north to conquer us in alliance with western clown world and the Chinese.
Mexico and China are trying to use clown world to destroy America the way clown world tried to use ISIS in Syria, they are all friends and do dirty deals together all the time.
I understand the Western cabal quite well, I also understand that China is just as bad and so is Mexico so I look at what might be best for real Americans.
Your willful ignorance of the crimes of the CCP and their globalist collaboration in pursuit of a world empire run by them with clown world as a junior partner (they have no intention of destroying it when they can buy it out) looks increasingly inorganic if we are going to start throw accusations around.
You’re a proven liar. You obsessively lie about me.
You don’t understand Western Cabal at all, nor do you know anything about China or Mexico. Nearly everything you say about either country is factually false. You also act as if the CCP is a monolith, when it is in fact a quasi-byzantine battleground of various factions, only one of which is allied to the Western Cabal.
The most powerful Mexican cartels were literally set up and trained by the US military.
Your comments are literally worse than useless. I don’t know if you’re a Boomer or a Fed, but you’re almost certainly one or the other.
Out of respect for AC and because the facts are on my side I will not get dragged into a distracting exchange of insults with you.
AMLO ran on a soft on the cartels policy, he’s a CCP/Cartel agent just like Lula in Brazil, the Mexican government has been in bed with organized crime for generations and has persecuted Christians for just as long.
China supplies the chemical precursors to the cartels and that is not their only connection.
You yourself admitted that Mexico has been invading us for 40 years, it’s actually more like 80.
Mexico is not the victim here, it is the aggressor.
China is not the hero, it is an imperial power pursuing world hegemony and supporting evil regimes around the world.
I’m sure there is factional infighting in China, there is in the western cabal as well, that doesn’t mean that the other factions are not just as happy to work with the western cabal if they can be the top dog.
Haaretz: The Jewish people always believed in the supremacy of its ethnic collective over other nations
The Jewish people always believed in the supremacy of its ethnic collective over other nations.
But throughout history, this was a supremacy that lacked an apparatus for wielding control over non-Jews | Opinion
MMC hit it out of the park with this one. Really powerful stuff. Ppl here will dig it. They give a new take on what they are doing and why. And they don’t slander any US Gymnast girls either thank God.
It’s titled serfs on his site if you don’t click links:
“…US Gymnast girls either thank God…”
Cause maybe, just maybe NOW…it’s the gymnast boys the CIA has recruited. They will wear dresses and pretend to be the girls. It’s all so clear to me now.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the reinstatement of Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, whose firing in March sparked nationwide protests that briefly paralyzed the country, The Times of Israel reported on April 10….
AC I think you are failing to correctly Identify the institutional players.
Reading your reference to Robert Hansen really stretched my eyes this morning. I strongly suspect he was a white hat trying to work within the system. I was acquainted with Bob and his family, our kids schooled together, and we churched together (with Nino Scalia and Louis Freeh).
In the months before his arrest, his demeanor changed a lot, and it made a strong impression on me at the time. After the arrest, I credited this to guilt and fear. Knowing the FBI better now, I can easily believe that I saw Nicolai Rubashov in him.
I’ve got more circumstantial evidence. My bet is he took a shot at trial, hoping for acquital, and took the life sentence to protect his children from Cabal. I would make the same trade in the circumstances I imagine he was in. He didn’t know what he was up against until he was trapped.
Fascinating, thank you for the insight from up close.
I cannot say what the deal would be, only that being on the inside, seeing how surveillance works, having actually taken down people doing what they claim he did, he had to know there would be no way to do what they claimed he did, and he would never have tried it. I mean, their microwave thru-wall tech literally lets them hear people breathe. And he would know even in suburban towns far from DC, the surveillance net was neighborhood-ized, sector by sector, with everyone getting watched. DC is probably another level.
Even if they had all the evidence of him committing a crime, I would think it a good chance that is how it would have to work anyway, because he could threaten to try and reveal things, and they would never know if he might be able to make enough noise it would get out.
And they have a lot of scary secrets to hide. I have little doubt the surveillance tech they deploy is dangerous, and causes medical issues, probably cancers, in a set percentage of those exposed. If they could make this stuff harmless, (those of us under get it 24/7), then dentists would not need to wear lead aprons with every X-ray, and medical imaging would allow unlimited scans with no risks. And I think it is deployed quite widely, far beyond a small group of criminals – and without warrants. It is not impossible every neighborhood has somebody like me, and beams of that stuff are always spraying a wide swath of the neighborhood behind us. Just getting OSHA involved to certify the tech as safe would reveal a scary capability, let alone looking at how widely it is deployed.
So they would definitely apply force to him, to make him give in, even if he was guilty and they had him dead to rights. And given they may not have had him, and it could have been a frame-up, they would really apply pressure, because they needed him taken out for some reason.
Intelligence work, FBI or CIA, is probably a very unsafe place for anyone who has morals and decency. I think most of the NatSec stuff is really just fantasy camp for people they want to divert and keep too busy to notice the rest of what is going on. But once in there, the wrong secrets cross your path, and you could have a problem, both moral, and physical.
Nothing is like the movies, with heroes and bad guys up there. It is just bad guys and clueless guys. And occaisionally, probably some poor bastard who sees something that wakes him up to what is really going on.
Target the children of cabal families.
“China has finished three days of military drills around Taiwan, which included “sealing off” the island and simulating targeted strikes.”
Why is it that we hear constantly about how China can sink all our carriers and all our boats yet we hear not a word about how Taiwan could sink all of China’s boats? We hear not a word about how Taiwan could sink every oil carrier and cargo ship the Chinese had. About how hard it would be to “seal off” Taiwan if they were to go bonkers and start sinking everything they could. About how if the Chinese shoot missiles at Taiwan, the Taiwanese could fire missiles into heavily populated and built up industrial areas in China. How the Taiwanese military is heavily dug into the mountains. Have any of you looked at a topo map of Taiwan? It’s brutal and they have stuff dug in everywhere.
I bet the Chinese know this. I’m sure of it. I think they’re bluffing.
When you are weak, appear strong.
The USSR did it all through the Cold War.
China loves Sun Tzu.
They may also actually try it out of desperation because their economy is going to collapse if they don’t steal enough to prop it up.
Lithium. China has it. Mexico has it.
We won’t be able to access it if we go to war with China. The lithium in Mexico has been known since the conquistadors. The cartels probably hold the lands the lithium is in. The cartels would have the mineral rights, or the farmers who own the land. What is farmed on the land? Profitable crops, various types.
We can measure how messed up governance by a Spanish centralized state is: they aren’t trying to exploit the lithium. The states that had silver tried to escape, back when, repeatedly. They got colonized by (((banana planters))).
We are going to war over lithium, not drugs. No one cares about drug addicts. Everyone cares about cars. They just voted in a law about a fleet of electric cars in the USA, despite knowing we have problematic access to battery components: China, Africa, and now Mexico.
Our lithium mines were shut down by our now senile California senators.
Re: Robert Hanssen
I believe he was framed. I also believe they really put him away, as good discouragement of whistleblowing, especially for senior people.
I never saw an Aldrich Ames type in Bob Hansen, and strongly doubt he had a secret life. I know for a fact that he gave his own money to our church and schools (all three institutions ran audits to make sure they hadn’t taken dirty money). The honeypot/Mercedes and other smear stories look like absolute CIA crap. He was not the idiot who would try to re-open a mole channel AFTER the end of the Soviets. That’s the element of the case that struck me from day 1. A high school hacker would know better than to reach out to Raoul in Moscow, looking for a payoff, ten years after the FSB took over.
A reliable friend told me Bob’s wife has stuck by him, moving to Colorado to regularly visit him. That’s a big part of why I believe he’s really in stir. And his children have lived quiet, productive lives. None of them in the Cabal, as far as I know.
Heartbreaking, if he was innocent, and had his entire life rewritten to the public, and an entirely fake story made the entirely of his life. Even more crushing to see a loyal wife have to live, just accepting the evil visited on her family, because there is nothing that can be done from her position.
That would only have been done by the true evil in our government, if he had tried to make a stand against it.
Honestly the more I thought about this today, the more ridiculous the whole story sounded. And the more I thought, everybody in intelligence, and probably even all the ground surveillance, had to watch all that on the news, and know, none of that was true, none of it would happen with an FBI CI guy, and that guy had done something to piss off the conspiracy, and got utterly wrecked for it.
It would almost look like a display to them, of the true power of the machine to just make shit up out of thin air, and make it the entire definition of a man’s life.
Everybody should pray for him and his wife.
In the film ‘Breach’, he films himself having sex with his wife and posts the videos to people. The film tries to psychologise him as an exhibitionist of sorts, who likes the idea of his colleagues hunting him. In 2023, the sex tape stuff makes me think again: was it a Hunter Biden deal, to have to provide blackmail material? Or did someone else film it secretly then let him know, as leverage? Or was the whole thing bs?
I was just thinking, those vids of Marjorie Taylor Greene looked like a private video she shot of herself which might have been stored on her computer, and stolen and released by her surveillance. I remember anons on 4Chan posting about Terry Davis, and some anon posted a pic of him naked, which looked like it was taken from his computer’s web cam. They left no other comment, like it was surveillance saying fuck you to the guys on 4Chan who felt bad for him.