Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
I am trying images today to simulate twitter embeds, to see if there is any issue with load times from them. Let me know if you see any problems.
Seen on twitter:
It is not at all impossible, if incredibly disappointing.
A Jack Maxey associate was posting to 4Chan, laying out the server he is setting up to release everything, and letting hints out about what he says is to come, such as, “Contracts with the chinese, loans via crypto via and fiat via wire, documents that prove hundreds of millions from the DoD going to specialists like HB. Its disgusting and its enough to break them. Contracts with the chinese, loans via crypto via and fiat via wire, documents that prove hundreds of millions from the DoD going to specialists like HB. Its disgusting and its enough to break them.” I am dubious. Maxey is talking on twitter about his walks home in the dark of night, and what he sees along the way, and anons were laying out how this guy is stoned if he thinks he can set up a server and not have it immediately taken over by firmware backdoors opening up private sessions which allow them to upload entirely new firmware to completely take over the system. But he claims it goes live the 24th, so we will see. Here is the 4Chan link to the first post, which features a pick of Natalie upside down. Click the yellow ID box and it will highlight all his posts down the thread so you can instantly ID them for a quick read-through of only the interesting stuff.
Former attorney general Bill Barr says he expects no Durham charges against Obama.
NPR reporter breaks ranks with outlet to condemn their handling of Hunter Biden story. You never know what is Kayfabe or not. But it offers a possibility Cabal was not able to gain 100% saturation in a lefty media outlet.
This next one would be interesting, as the quasi-domestic/international intel op behind gangstalking probably has access. Indeed the phones are probably preloaded with gangstalking tasking apps. The question is, was their access officially papered? I was surprised to find FBI papered their illegal surveillance of Trump, so maybe:
From Twitter, every Jan 6th case can now admit this fact as evidence:
In Australia, sportscasters shock the normies by beginning to broach the fact the vaccines may be causing heart problems and other issues like Bell’s Palsy. This is how it begins.
Jack Posobiec briefly locked out of twitter for the meme-sticker calling Disney “Groomers.” Good cover-building for an asset, and it promoted Posobiec’s version of the “Groomer” sticker I posted yesterday. I noted Posobiec’s version of the sticker was pimping what looked like a Cabal clothes company url featuring all the suspect faces in our movement modelling the clothes.
I didn’t think this meme about a little girl’s magical bubble ejaculator you pump up and down to blow bubbles out the end could possibly be real, but apparently, judging by this link it is:
It should be noted, that is not Disney. That is highly trained psychological professionals who work for some sort of intelligence op, public or private sector, tasked to do that by other highly trained psychological professionals who work for the same op and figured out sexualizing kids and turning them r will weaken society’s ability to resist. These entities are not all coincidentally operating identically and synergistically, albeit independently. They have a central command, which spans public and private sector.
Trans non-binary teacher says it’s appropriate to teach children at 3-years-old about sex.
Clinton Rape victim Juanita Broaddrick suspended on twitter.
Biden expected to release rule on ghost guns in days.
Stew Peters’ home gets ‘swatted’ as part of a dangerous hostage ‘prank.’
Canada will soon be offering doctor-assisted death for people who are mentally ill.
Run Rabbit, Run! Selfie-shooter captures the moment a manhole cover blew in New York City. Interestingly, one anon noted her eye colors and that she had what looks like of like a curious pupil:
Shocking estimates show Ukraine’s crop harvest could be halved.
One in three petrol stations in the South of the UK are CLOSED due to shortage. That will get real very fast if it persists into next winter and affects heating oil.
Russia to enforce ruble payments for gas starting Friday.
Men who allegedly impersonated federal agents for years may have ties to Iranian intelligence.
Russians have identified ingress and egress points in massive tunnel complex under Azovstal steel plant owned by Ukrainian billionaire Rinat Akhmetov. Russia seems to be systematically collapsing exit points. Again, intelligence hides things in places with high power consumption, shift changes, and perimeter security. And they might hide it underground.
Seven-in-ten Americans now see Russia as an enemy. I suspect this is another bullshit push-poll trying to swing the lemmings. But there are still a lot of brainwashed normies out there.
US is preparing a color revolution in Russia on the model of Ukraine.
Finland poised to request NATO membership as early as May.
UK to send “game changer” anti-ship harpoon missiles to Ukraine.
Elon Musk has decided not to join the twitter board. This allows him to buy more shares of the company.
Interesting study – the act of breathing flexes and stretches membranes in the lungs which causes the upregulation of natural immune responses that suppress viral infections. I crossed paths a long time ago with a guy who was clearly very sharp, but one of the weird things he said was you had to stop and take ten very deep breaths at least once per day, and preferably twice. I was probably 20, and thought it was the stupidest thing I ever heard compared to weightlifting, cardio, and grappling practice. But now as I think about it, the lungs get tremendous blood-flow-through. Anything produced there that has any effect is going to probably also bleed into the blood and get carried throughout the body, carrying the effect elsewhere as well. Upregulate the genes for immune stimulating products, and they would probably go systemic.
Alabama bans ‘sex change’ procedures for children, LGBT ideology in elementary schools.
Highly conservative Hillsdale College is expanding into an extensive network of Charter Schools.
President Joe Biden hit a record-low approval rating of 42% in a new poll.
Spread r/K Theory, because enemies can make surprising mistakes.
“The Chinese government has greatly “accelerated” its nuclear weapons program due to a revised threat assessment of risk posed by the United States.”
They can get alot of warheads on their missiles because Clinton sold them MIRV tech in the 90’s. Something like 10 warheads for each missile, and they’re building 250 of them. That’s 2500 new warheads.
Well, they got it from the Clinton Administration (as did the Chinese), but I’m not sure we got anything in return.
The official term was “technology transfer,” and it was presented as a Good Thing. Which it was, just not for us.
No, that’s 2500 x “cost of warhead” of fake money to be used for black purposes and to perpetuate the Nukes exist myth.
In the West that’s taxpayers labour.
“Nukes” are simply a grift! With the added bonus of fear.
We KNOW their levels of programming and lies, why would “Nukes” be any different? When the money is as far as you need to look?
same as the preposterous notion that we’re on a Globe spinning through “Space”
too much money available based on the big lie!
Same as Climate change
CO2 > big lie > big money
There’s a pattern.
I don’t know about the West, but Russia’s nukes are definitely real.
“US is preparing a color revolution in Russia on the model of Ukraine.”
“An anon on Q’s board wondered if the term “massive fire” might have any meaning to Cabal rank and file, if they saw it all over in news stories, like this.”
Ordering massive forest fires for “Climate Legislation” this summer? Before the midterms?
Should also consider it’s the windup toy code phrase for the next MK Ultra goob to go do some damage somewhere.
re embeds … so far, so good.
Agree, loading time is not noticeably different than text-only. It is FAR faster than when the twitter embeds plugin was on.
Good. I like the look of adding images over just text.
RE “Either the Pope does not look well and has taken on a lot of fluid, or they are sending out a fake Pope” He’s likely wearing body armor, too.
When you have to sit through movies you don’t care for, one game you can play is to try to identify the emotional states they’re trying to provoke. I once watched ten minutes of Polar Express (basically Tom Hanks emotionally terrorizing a bunch of kids), and it was only anxiety and confusion. How much anxiety and confusion do you want your kids to experience?
Another question you can ask yourself is, what are they trying to sell you? Take the Twilight movies. Viewers are told that demonic / parasitic creatures should be regarded as intriguing and even likable once you get to know them better (“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness” -Isaiah 5:20). Even if you discount the supernatural, this is a recipe for abusive relationships. And age-inappropriate relationships, too, as the teenage-looking male vampire is multiple times older than the female lead.
This. And some might be surprised by how far back it goes. It wasn’t always as blatant and ubiquitous as now; but Hollywood was programming normies even back in the “wholesome” years when studio heads were “conservative.”
actually, maybe it always WAS as blatant & ubiquitous as now.
a few months back, I watched ‘The Jazz Singer.’ Saw it when I was feeling pissy about our dear friends the (((special people))), so maybe that colored my view, but, man I was SHOCKED.
pro-jew propaganda, right out front, in yer face, not subtle at ALL – and this was in 1927, remember, when 95%+ of America a) didn’t personally know any jews and b) made no bones about not really liking jews. Americans liked Henry Ford quite a bit – and he didn’t like jews at all, so that was good enough for them. I was literally stunned at how unsubtle it was. Now maybe Hollywood figured all the idiot goys watching the movie would forgive/tune out anything up to the point where Jolson starts talking & singing & whistling, but *man* Fun Fact – the movie highlights heavily the ‘Kol Nidre’ which IIRC is the prayer in which the good observant (((special person))) announces to God that he [the (((sp)))] isn’t bound by any vows he makes or contracts he signs. (the song may or may not include the verse “I ain’t gonna pay em and fuuuuuuuuuucccckk the filthy goyiiiiiiiiiiim”) It ain’t like (((they))) were trying to be slick about it.
(((they))) were a little more subtle by 1947, but not really. Best Pic that year was ‘Gentleman’s Agreement’ in which “A reporter pretends to be jewish in order to cover a story on anti-semitism (which we all know is worse than murder) and personally discovers the True Depths of Bigotry and Hatred.” Best Pic, so you just know it _must_ be good, right?
> he said was you had to stop and take ten very deep breaths at least once per day, and preferably twice
Immediately I tried, and started hyperventilating at fourth breath…. 😛
AC, you write things that made my head spin literally! 😉
This is very unhealthy you’re overbreathing and losing too much CO2. Check buteyko breathing
Alabama bans ‘sex change’ procedures for children, LGBT ideology in elementary schools.”
Very nice. Now ban it in middle and high schools.
debate” seems to be can the groomers start grooming early, or must they wait for 8th grade. Let’s just forbid grooming at any age.
Ban it everywhere. It’s a cancer.
It’s demonic.
There are Tanks in Shanghai apparently:
Ready to crush rebellion.
Virtuous Pagans gonna Virtuous Pagan.
Here is a link for a Hillsdale story not behind a paywall.
Thank you.
Re Posobiec:
As much as I respond to Tulsi’s looks, manner and positions (and that’s strongly), I gotta think she’s comped (WEF) abd playing a part. Probably as a DJT lite or stalking horse or Trojan horse.
They both seem part of the same op.
She’s still a leftist–just not a lunatic. They parade people like her in front of us occasionally and allow them to drop little shavings of sanity; knowing that a percentage of “conservatives” will instantly pledge their allegiance to her, despite what she stands for and wants to do to our country.
She’s the new face of the populist left in America` . I maintain that I believe that the Democrat party will eventually be illegal by virtue of RICO – meaning that they will be able to arrest you just by being a member. I believe that’s why Tulsi was pulled out of there, she’s one of the new figure heads/gatekeepers, whatever.
We all know that it was the left that is going to be most affected by the vaxx, which is going to lower their already smaller percentage of the population, then the Democrat party gets outlawed, leaving them no political voice? Nah, Tulsi will be there to corral them.
Re: Azovstal
I’m guessing there is some thing and not person(s) Cabal wants out of there. It’s gotta be something small enough to get into a chopper as well.
AC, not trying to put more work on you, you do more than enough, and any comment format is fine and it works well now. But, I like UNZ’s comment format. I think it might work well here. I’m a strong not fixing things that are working guy, but maybe it is an option? Just a suggestion. Thanks.
Nah, this one is better. Responses here appear right under the post they are responding to. Other than that, I can’t see any significant difference. You can see your posts before approval,
edit any typos, format text, attach images, etc.
Unz’s website is all custom, not available commercially, and programmed pretty much entirely by multimillionaire genius Ron himself. He well might be willing to host AC on, though. AC’s daily news-roundup format is different from anybody else on unz, which may or may not matter to Ron.
Of course AC probably likes being independent, too. This comment system is good, it’s certainly not worth moving to unz over that, but maybe for the reduced hassle and expense of maintaining a website and likely having a couple hundred comments per day and a lot more traffic might make it worth considering if traffic growth here starts to stagnate. Most of the old blogs I read several years ago that haven’t shut down moved to Unz and have done well.
> curious pupil
You can get contacts with slit or rectangular pupils, in any color you want, even sparkles or mirrored. They’re popular among the rave/punk types.
> Either the Pope does not look well and has taken on a lot of fluid,
Could be body armor. He’s not real popular nowadays.
> Elon Musk has decided not to join the twitter board. This allows him to buy more shares of the company.
s —
Without knowing exactly how Twitter’s corporate hierarchy is structured it’s hard to tell, but a new member, even if he was a large shareholder, might have almost no say in how the company is run.
I’m still surprised Musk put three billion into Twitter. By various reports they’ve either flatlined or are declining, and their user base is getting older as the teens move to other platforms.
He could have hired an IT team to build his own platform, and used his personal influence to get links to it embedded in Android, iOS, and Windows, just like Twitter and Facebook did. Most of those users don’t completely understand they’re using a third party service; to them, it’s just part of the phone.
I’ve been a strong advocate of the right, center and near-left finally abandoning Twitter as it’s a simulated reality, and the engagement with true reality is in the low single digits, percent-wise, according to multiple studies.
Let it become a small echo chamber for the hyper-Left, and it’ll wither and die, and maybe some Republicans will stop treating it as a reliable window into America.
Musk just tossed a spanner into the whole effort to defeat the bloody thing. He should have bought Gab or gotten behind Truth Social.
That was my instant assumption.
His task is to “save” Twitter and keep people on the reservation where they can still be controlled even if it’s to a lesser extent.
It’s worth remembering that twitter just started out as a way for klub kidz and sodomites in SanFran to send out mass texts to each other about which club they are hanging out in and when they switched to another club. That’s why all the @ commands, the #hashtags, the 144 character limit (limit of SMS messages) etc.
Perhaps his account is less vulnerable to cancellation if he can crash Twitter stock with a single sell order. And with profits elsewhere on his books, don’t a few, fun loss-leaders, like a withering social-media stake, make sense?
It also makes him a better shareholder litigant, if he’s arm’s length and doesn’t need the inside info.
> one of the weird things he said was you had to stop and take ten very deep breaths at least once per day,
Controlled breathing is part of various martial arts and meditation practices. It does way back.
Whether is actually does any good, I have no idea. But a whole lot of people have embraced over the last couple-thousand years.
I always used it to help fall asleep. Breathe as deep as possible, hold it for a few seconds, and exhale out for about 30 seconds, wait on empty lungs for a few seconds, and repeat.
Very relaxing, and slows your heart rate down a fair bit too which is kind of fun to witness the first couple times.
Here are the results of the first round of the French presidential election, followed by some background. Thirty five million votes were cast, what follows is the percentages.
Macron 27.8% REM (Republic Advance!) globalist
Le Pen RN 23.1% (Nationalists Assemble) right nationalist
Melenchon 21.9% LFI (Awake France) left populist
Zemmour 7% RC (Reconquest) boomercon nationalist
Candidates who got less than 5% (if you get more than 5%, your campaign expenses are reimbursed, under 5% you are SOL) got a combined 5%. Of this 20%, Pecrese, the candidate of the country club/ establishment right, got 4.8%, another right nationalist candidate got 2%, and the rest went to various candidates identified with the left. Most of the also rans endorsed Macron for the second round, except for Zemmour, who endorsed Le Pen, and Melenchon, who denounced Le Pen but has not actually endorsed Macron.
As noted, Pecresse received 4.8% of the vote. She is the equivalent of governor of the most populous region of France and her party governed France as recently as 2012. The candidate of the Socalist Party, who is Mayor of Paris and whose party governed France as recently as 2017, got less than 2%, though its worth noting that most of the Socialist pols and organization got folded into Macron’s party. But its notable to the extent these parties have collapsed. Macron will likely get re-elected at this point, but he seems to be the last card in the establishment hand.
Some background, for readers not familiar with the French political system. French national elections are now done in four stages. First a large number of presidential candidates run (its a multiparty system), then the top two vote getters run off against each other in a second election. Then elections are held for the legislature, in single member districts with the same two round format, so a majority, not a plurality, is required for election. Presidential appointees require the confidence (not confirmation, confidence, the difference is important) of the legislature, so without a legislative majority a populist president can be sandbagged.
In the late twentieth century, the dominant parties were the Socialists and a conservative party that was the legacy of de Gaulle’s supporters. There was sort of a moderate conservative coalition and a fairly strong communist party. Marine Le Pen’s father founded an anti-immigrant party which, as Jean Marie Le Pen later said in an interview, he was put up for by French intelligence services (Zemmour seems to have been the same deal this round). Its support grew as the immigration issue became more salient, plus Marine Le Pen got rid of the crazies (and glowies) originally associated with the outfit and was able to absorb the populists left stranded by the establishment right, also some left populists though these still have a viable option with Melenchon’s outfit.
So the trick was, if the FN or RN got into the second round, legislatively or at the presidential level, they would be denounced as fascists, and all the other parties would combine against them. This was very effective. In 2017, and this was not noticed that much, while Marine Le Pen lost by a 2-1 margin in the second round, she did break above 30% for the first time and several right nationalists got elected to the legislature, where they had earlier been almost shut out.
So Macron’s first round percentage is higher than when he was elected in 2017, the collapse of the other establishment options means there is just not that much establishment support he can squeeze in the second round. In addition to Melenchon’s 20% (half his voters say they are not voting in the second round) and Zemmour’s 7%, , most of the also-rans are supporters of the Communist, Trotskyite, and Green candidates. Both Macron and Le Pen will have to pivot left to win in the run-off, which they are both doing.
I rarely look at the Guardian after it was purchased by Gates or Bezos ( forget which), but their results page is good, with an estimate of the vote flows for the second round and a regional breakdown. The wikipedia page also has a regional breakdown and its easier to get info about the candidates.
Fantastic rundown, thank you!
Thank you nice froggie!
One thing I forgot to point out re the French elections is that the votes are cast with paper ballots, counted in public in full view of observers, and ID is required to vote. Votes are counted and published the same day of the elections. These things are actually the norm outside of the USA, but the French take the process very seriously.
So, unlike in some other countries, its really hard to just steal a French election. There would be a big risk of getting caught and people getting upset, and the whole thing backfiring.
That sounds good, but I would rule nothing out. If David Copperfield could make an Elephant teleport across an amphitheater right in front of thousands of people who cannot figure out how the trick was done, all of that stuff might just help to fool people into believing the rigged election is real. These are, at the top, very smart people, with unlimited resources, and no limits on their behavior or morals. I could easily see them employing top magicians to make boxes of ballots disappear and reappear with different votes in them.
I just do not believe at any point, these people were in full power and control, and said, defeated, “Well, we will just have to give up power, and let these people elect whoever they want, and hope we can get our guys in.” Anybody who would create this surveillance machine, would never give up power, and would do absolutely anything.
I should add, not that what you cite isn’t a great rhetorical point to brow beat the enemy with, as we try to make election rigging tough, but I was thinking about that, and just kept thinking, “There is no way.”
All those precautions are useless. No matter how secure each individual area may be, the end result is tossing everything into a giant pot and trusting that no one just fudges the final number. There’s too many individual ballots to ever be traceable.
The electoral college is a good idea in concept because you send a local person you trust to vote in a small final election, and can absolutely check a couple hundred of those kind of people’s votes for accuracy and voting in a way you told them to vote. It also adds the safeguard ability to lynch mob those that vote against their constituent’s will.
It’s better than nothing, but not perfect.
“President Joe Biden hit a record-low approval rating of 42% in a new poll.”
All these competing and contradictory low approval ratings are confusing. 42 % is a “record low’? If Beijing Biden’s approval rating really has been dropping every couple weeks or so, he should be in the single digits by now.
Polls are about as trustworthy as ever, I guess.
I scrolled through at least one quora question asking about signs you are under surveillance. It was interesting seeing all the responses. Nothing too terribly exciting, but some mention of it being targeted, many mentions of police, criminals, and private investigators doing it. A few obvious shill responses of “if you haven’t been doing anything illegal then you probably aren’t…” etc. A few more responses of the plain “well if you have a cell phone, use the internet, use a credit card etc well OF COURSE you are”. Entertaining to see many responses get things fairly right but missing the deeper points as mentioned here. Although a few responses talk fairly in depth about driving routines and losing surveillance, I found that interesting.
I remember doing that way back at the beginning, and even seeing this the first few months, not fully realizing how off all the answers would be.
It is very difficult to be raised on the programming, and even more more, project your “normal” psychology on everyone around you, and be able to even imagine what the reality is. I was always paranoid, probably in no small part because I had this thing around growing up, and my reality was always better described in the model of people conspiring around me than what I was told was normal. So at least I was kind of open to it. But even I had difficulty for the first few years processing that what I was seeing was even possible.
The bottom line is, the STASI model works, if you want political control. In fact, it is probably the only model which really confers real political control, where you don’t constantly have the risk of some charismatic person hitting the scene, and destroying everything in a matter of months. And when you have corruption like you do in the US, when you have an organization that is as dependent on pillaging the treasury like Cabal, when your leaders are pedophiles and deviants you are controlling with blackmail through crimes you are facilitating, you are in so deep you need that control.
At this point, I would almost find it odd to see a major power that was not running a STASI-like operation against their citizens. The upheaval we are going to see when it comes out, could very well be a global civil war.
It would be.
Q said so.
Q also said that the idea was to avoid WWIII.
I think Q is wrong. Expose everything and let the chips fall where they may, it’s the only way.
The thing is, if everything isn’t exposed, and I mean surveillance, and whatever “The Others” are and the degree to which they are fucking with our lives and our governments, then everyone is still pretty much a slave, just getting pushed around by everyone else in the shadows. And if that is so, then Q was full of shit about freeing everyone, which is not impossible. Why the fuck the surveillance is still operational when it could have been exposed in about ten minutes by Q is ridiculous.
I had a thought today regarding the coming food shortages and I thought AC and other commenters here might be interested in it. I was thinking that I feel like I’m seeing cannibalism and “people hunting” in movies and TV shows more often than is normal, if you can call any amount normal. Movies like The Purge, The Hunt, Fresh or TV shows like Santa Clarita Diet, Hannibal, The Walking Dead. I think even the video game Red Dead Redemption 2 featured a family of cannibals IIRC. It struck me that maybe the elites or cabal or whoever are trying to get people used to the idea of hunting and eating other people when the food runs out. Kind of a slow drip mind control on a lot of people at once instead of focusing on an individual. Anyway if you guys think it’s just coincidence and I’m being too paranoid feel free to let me know, just wanted to share with you all.
To the extent our present leadership may actually have made some sort of deals with some sort of interdimensional, technologically sophisticated entitiers that we historically have described as “Demons,” and whatever these things are, organize exchanges of fealty and reward around torturing and murdering the most innocent, it is not at all impossible that could be on the menu going forward.
At this point, there is no way for us to tell what reality says is possible. We’ve just been too deceived for too long to be able to say anything is impossible.
If the PTB manage to crimp the food supply as they’re babbling about, a lot of people are going to realize that the people who did this, and their sycophants, flunkies, and enforcers, are made out of meat.
Also The Hunger Games, Battle Royale (Japan), and The Most Dangerous Game (1924 short story). All only feature the hunting, not eating, of people.
The (pushed) popularity of this genre might be just yet another symptom of civilizational decline. However, if you interpret this as a Machiavellian power play rather than a natural consequence of our current state, it would make sense as yet another way to divide and conquer the masses (“Every man for himself!”).
Yeah exactly. Like AC said above it’s just impossible to discern. Not only what is real and what is false but also, like you said, what is just a symptom of decline and what is intentional. I guess Occam’s Razor would dictate that it’s just a coincidence of decline and another Hollywood fetish for the abnormal but conditioning people to hunt and eat others during a disaster is not something I would put past those in power.
When we find out that they are completely ineffective against Russian EW, that will certainly change the game.
Game-changer for what? It’s a land war.
I wasn’t talking about Ukraine, I’m talking about NATO. When it is shown that our anti-ship missiles are useless against the Russians, there will be a sea-change in the naval hierarchy (pun intended.)
Another health question, anyone know what causes or knows what to do about butt pimples/boils? It has been happening sporadically over the past year, this time it’s very painful even when I’m not putting any pressure, quite bulging and was a bit black. But even normally it would be annoying as I can’t sit on it. I have had this similar issue just under 10 times. I’m not sure why this is as I have lived in two different apartments and although I’m kinda dirty I’ve always been this way, but it’s only been a thing recently(well, a regular thing- it might have happened before but it must’ve been unmemorable/minor until less than a year ago).
Luckily I can lie down at home or sit in weird positions at work, but transit is the most annoying.
Not me of course, but this happened a bunch to a guy I knew, FWIW. 1) “I’m kinda dirty” a) take more showers b) hot washcloth is your friend as many times as practicable c) knock that ‘dirty’ shit off. any grown man who’s “dirty” isn’t quirky or a an interesting rebel like in the movies, he’s just a dirty guy that no one wants to be around. last I checked, there are instances in the Bible where God inflicts people with boils to send a message 2) the web is full of recipes for drawing poultices. yeah yeah the idea of that sounds all medieval and ridiculous – “apply to carbuncle as needed” – but here’s the thing – they actually help and eventually they actually work.
I’ve used PRID Drawing Salve for pimples/boils to good effect in general. However, I’ve had a persistent one on my butt that recently went away but I adopted too many new practices for me to know which one was the solution. The list includes: Zahler Paraguard parasite tincture, Ivermectin (twice a week), l. reuteri yogurt, decreased alcohol consumption, and use of skin moisturizer.
If somebody really wants to go hardcore for any inflammation issues, even physical injuries, wait until you will be home all day, drink a liter or so of water, then force down a tablespoon to a tablespoon and a half of Epsom salts, maybe in lemon Gatorade to mask the taste. Then follow it with another liter of water over a half hour. Your GI contents, including the organisms producing the immune dysfunction will be gone, and your immune system will rapidly balance out as you fast for a day or two after it. Some people will find that they can make themselves almost super-human that way. Others though may only find minor relief. But it does lift a lot of stress off the immune system and allow it to do its job much more effectively.
I only have magnesium chloride. Would that work?
No. The sulfate is the important part. In Chinese Medicine they use Sodium sulfate, aka Mang Xaio, I believe. It is considered on of the most powerful heat purgatives. In TCM heat appears to be a sort of inflammation that grows so powerful the immune system begins attacking the body, and healthy natural commensal/symbiotic organisms which are supposed to live with the body. Most TCM treatments for heat involve increasing GI motility, which appears to purge GI microbes which I assume are somehow turning the immune system on too much. But likewise, you need some degree of those organisms, and if you purge too much, too consistently, you get “cold” in TCM, which is no good either. Somehow the inflammatory state is also related to metabolism more generally. and so altering this also alters energy processing/burning, so you want to balance it out the way TCM does.
Do you eat or drink anything at the solarium, or traveling to it or from it, or is eating at a particular vendor part of your schedule when you go there? Are there plants and organic materials at the solarium?
I don’t eat or drink anything at the solarium, as of late I go to a Korean place before or after but this happened before I started going to Korean.
Another potential thing was I’m using bar soap more before I go to a solarium as I want to not use soap after solarium to keep vitamin D. This bar soap might be getting bad but it doesn’t look obviously screwed up. It’s the same one I used before I got my issues but obviously it could’ve gotten bad since.
Another potential thing is sitting down in the bath/shower of my apartment but I actually do this a lot less often nowadays.
Potentially I don’t even want to do this purge if it would make me cold under TCM.
The reason I brought it up was just cause it seems to fit so well. The solarium potentially might be disinfecting it a lot less well than others or has unsavory clients, which put staph in it. And I guess my butt has most of the weight and I go on and sit on my butt later on rubbing it in. But I shouldn’t have cuts or any entrances on my butt for staph to get in. And I think I don’t(or rarely) have this problem in summer when I never go to a solarium, and rarely had it before going to this one in particular. Obviously it could be a timing thing.
Edit: No plants I’m aware of that I remember, not sure what you mean by organic materials
I just want to add that predisposition to pimples in specific areas of the body has a genetic component. Part of my family, for example, is fortunately not predisposed to acne or pimples on the face. Unfortunately, we are predisposed to pimples on other parts of the body. Thankfully, one or more of the measures I took really cleared up skin blemishes throughout my body.
And as others mentioned, drawing salves work very well and work much more quickly than you’d imagine. You’ll likely find relief in a couple of days.
Yes, homeopathy works.
It might be best to go to your doctor or an urgent care, but it’s most likely dirty underwear, possibly compounded by being too tight or maybe a reaction to your brand of detergent or softener. The treatment (if it’s a regular boil and not something else) is to bring it to a head (usually using hot wet towels, bath or shower works, too) and lance it with a sterilized needle or pin. (How deep to go requires some experience / experimentation – there may be a deeper pocket of pus below the first, sometimes. Then more heat, and a bit of _mild_ squeezing to bee sure get all the pus out (squeeze wide of the boil, you’re trying to get _underneath_ the boil, not enough pressure concentration to pop it or bruise), a bit of a rinse, antiseptic (betadine is best), Neosporin or generic equivalent ointment, and typically a gauze and tape dressing.
Actually, just go to the doctor if you’ve got the money.
It got better quick enough that I don’t have to do anything.
My underwear might be dirty but not ridiculously and not more than usual. I also don’t wear it tight or use detergent or softener. I think the one commonality is I have only started consistently getting them when I go to this solarium in particular. Everything else has been different when I got them or the same when I didn’t. But it would be weird how I only got infections on my butt and not anywhere else. I am dirty for modern standards but likely clean compared to almost anyone historically.
Wash yourself daily. Wash your clothes. Change your underwear daily. Stop eating junk food. (You live on junk food, don’t you…) Clean your apartment. Change your bedsheets weekly. Make your bed daily. Wash your blankets monthly. You know, stop being “kinda dirty.” You are either clean, or not.
Get drawing salve (good suggestions in this thread). Alternatively, get a nice size bandaid, put colloidal silver on the pad, put on the affected area. Change twice a day.
Get control of your immune issues.
For what it’s worth, it got better pretty quick, and don’t see it reoccuring. I had a hazy memory, but after thinking about it i’m 80-90%+ sure it’s entirely or mostly the solarium’s fault, as I don’t remember an instance of getting it without being at the solarium in the past 5 or so days.
It could potentially be the soap I use before going to solarium so perhaps I should isolate this. It’s getting sunny enough I don’t need to solarium but maybe one of these weeks would be very cloudy.
It’s interesting because it means that the solarium has a lot of staph somehow. Because probably everyone including me has a little bit on their skin but it’s only when I go there it becomes a problem. Likely they don’t disinfect it much, and/or some of the clientele must be absolutely filthy or lepers of some kind.
As I said, I’m dirty but not that dirty.
And fwiw I rarely eat junk food, but all the other things you said seem OTT/unnecessary to me.
in re ‘Seflie gal captures the moment when manhole cover explodes’ vid…
yeahhhh, no. Benat smells a whole _crop _ of rats here. While the eye color/snake pupil thing is pretty interesting, where they lose me is when she’s “running away.”
“OMG! WTF? OMG! WTF!” as she runs away …. and never once bops out of frame. she’s filming HERSELF….. while RUNNING… because she’s SCARED SO SCARED…. but first and foremost she makes sure to adjust the phone angle *while she runs for her life* so’s to keep that cam on her face and thus stay in the frame. as one does at moments like that.
> Canada will soon be offering doctor-assisted death for people who are mentally ill.
If they’re not of sound mind, they’re not legally capable of making that decision decision for themselves.
So, translated into ordinary English, it means “their relatives or the court decided to kill them.”
Granted, there might be defensible reasons to do so, but calling it “assisted” is trying to pass the buck onto people who have already been judged incompetent, which smears the whole system with dirt.
> Russia to enforce ruble payments for gas starting Friday.
Euros: “So, we’ll just buy some rubles, then!”
ROSBANK: “We’ll only take gold, and our exchange rate is non-negotiable.”
Euros: “Did not see that coming…”
Time to ruble up!
Antifa Riots in French Cities Because They Didn’t Like the Election Result
The Virtuous Pagans:
Gavekal’s bottom-up analysis of China’s top 100 cities by GDP finds that all but 13 have imposed some form of quarantine restriction, and the intensity is increasing. We classified these cities from no restrictions (level 0) to full lockdown (level 4).— Gavekal (@Gavekal) April 11, 2022
Text below:
“The Zelensky regime has sent 7 helicopters—losing 4—in attempts to evacuate VIPs from Mariupol. Now they have sent a ship—and failed again.
From the battlefield, frontline fighters said they have heard at least 6 languages on AFU comms.
Hmm . . .
Here’s a meme a follower made.”
Cloutier, the helicopters and a rescue ship, this may turn into a huge deal. So, on telegram Dark Volf who is there reporting in Mariupol speaks of a newspaper, a German editorial that says the following:
Under the Avrostal Industrial Zone (steel plant) owned by oligarch Renaud Akmetoff, the alleged illegitimate son of former Ukranian President Kuchma, there are 24 km of tunnels, 30 meters deep. There’s a secret NATO facility called PIT404 & a secret NATO biological weapons laboratory. There are NATO officers at PIT404, the tunnels are equipped with an armored bunker system about 200 foreigners are in the building including officers of NATO countries & the French Foreign Legion, as well as bio lab staff. Their guards, funded by Akmitoff number up to 3000 people The bio lab under the Avistol plant in Mariupol is what is known as a PIT404 facility. Built & operated by Medoviota, a company with ties to Hunter Biden, Akmitoff & Zelenskyy. Bioweapons testing was conducted in the labs at this facility. Thousands of Mariupol residents have been guinea pigs in the horrific tests. It was mainly western specialists who took part in these inhuman experiments. French intelligence officers & special forces officers could not get their comrades out of Mariupol. That is why Macron has called the Kremlin so many times asking for humanitarian corridors. Some French intelligence officials died in the rescue effort operation. The head of French Intelligence Eric Veedieu was fired on 3/31/2022 over failures by the French intelligence in the war in Ukraine. Officers from the US, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Sweden, Poland & Greece are now trapped in the Avistov dungeons. US Maj General Roger Cloutier who was recently captured by the DNR people’s militia from a downed helicopter has been tracked down by Russian SVR in Mariupol from the external surveillance of his loved ones in Turkey & Ismir (?). The Ukranian national, known as “Cloot” by the Secret Service has always accompanied the General as a travelling confidante & interpreter. As soon as information was received that this woman had arrived in Mariupol, Russia launched a military operation and blocked the city.
PIT404, of course, being a pun on it being a bottomless pit, and the 404 webserver error — “page not found.”
Will be interesting to see what the acronym “officially” stands for. Perhaps Prisoner Interrogation Tunnels, or the medical Prevention Intervention and Treatment.
Worth noting for the future:
Tank ambush in Ukraine.
Another tank encounter:
Someone on Twitter is posting a thread with a lot of classic Texas Arcane quotes. It would be awesome if Tex started tweeting.
Our modern dystopia. Courtesy of sin and mismanagement of resources and subsequent pollution and ugliness:
Used to work as a teacher in thailand for a few years. There lunch for the kids was run by a series of outside people with booth/stalls. 12 or 15 perhaps and pretty much the same as any market. The food was actually pretty good and healthy and I was very aware of how shitty and terrible school food is here compared to this allegedly third world country. Clearly corruption, kickbacks, and poison I would guess for the kids of america. Every cabal agent should be fucking impaled on a pole and left to die very very slowly. Maybe take them down and fix them up enough so it can be done several times before they actually kick it.
Anyway, that isn’t actually what I started out to say. One of those booths had a wooden carved penis as a good luck thing or something. In that context and culture no one actually gave a shit about it other than whatever superstition. It wasn’t a toy, obviously, or at least I don’t think so haha. Not really any different from hanging a cross from you rearview mirror if I groked correctly.
So I don’t think genitalia symbols HAVE to be suppressed neurotically or everyone is going to turn R. However, as you have said, when you combine the shapes with the other aspects of cabal psyops that is how it gets at the population. It doesn’t have to be that way, we just need a modern day vlad.
That culture will be more r than it would have been without that.
Most of the waste from food is actually exhaled from the lungs as carbon dioxide, not poop. Alcohol breath, ketoacidosis, et al. Any volatile waste product produced by the body could be excreted at some rate by the lungs.