News Briefs – 04/09/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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DFT – Semiconductor Sales Plummet Globally

DFT – Europe At Risk Of New Energy Crisis Next Winter

DFT – Fed’s Williams Says “Magnitude and Duration” Of Bank Crisis Effects Uncertain

DFT – McDonalds To Cut Pay And Benefits For Some Employees

DFT – West Coast Ports Shut Down Due To Lack Of Workers Amid Labor Dispute

‘Many Infallible Proofs’: Eyewitnesses To The Resurrection

Twitter Lawyer – Daniel Perry case — read the affidavit from the lead detective, claiming that the Soros DA directed him “to remove exculpatory information that I had intended to present to the grand jury during my testimony.” This detective believes the Soros DA acted criminally.

Twitter Lawyer – Texas AG @KenPaxtonTX says that Soros DAs “must be stopped” and that “self defense is a God-given right.” I look forward to seeing what Ken and @GovAbbott will do to rectify this unjust outcome.

Greg Abbott – @GregAbbott_TX – “I am working as swiftly as Texas law allows regarding the pardon of Sgt. Perry.”

Manhattan Judge in Trump case donated to Joe Biden and Democrat causes to remove Trump.

George Soros’ son has visited White House more than a dozen times since Biden took office, records show.

Picture from Jan 6 resurfaces – Three individuals with “Civil War” shirts now suspected of being Deep State plants. Devin Nunes commented on Truth Social that somebody must know who they are, and asked to be informed. But it is a measure of how strange this thing is, that nobody will be able to inform him, or at least those who could, will not. I’ve wondered if my neighbors are even who they claim, or if they were given some sort of false identities when they were planted next to me. I have even wondered if they might be from some place like New Zealand, and not even American. It is possible if in five years I saw them like this, and gave the names they have now to Nunes, those names would not produce an ID that could be tracked.

Jan 6th political prisoner William Chrestman tells Gateway Pundit FBI is paying criminal ‘Confidential Human Sources’ $30k a month ‘to set people up.’

Maricopa County cannot provide a chain of custody for an amount of ballots that is TWICE over the margin of victory in the Gubernatorial race.

AI chatbots could be ‘easily be programmed’ to groom young men into launching terror attacks, warns top lawyer. FBI to invest billions into AI Chatbots next, probably.

US Life expectancy dropping like a rock.

Two videos of a UFO going around. One here, full speed, and one here, slow speed.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal, 77, to undergo surgery after breaking leg. Remember when the Gay New Jersey Governor shattered his femur, supposedly jumping off a sandbar at the beach. Or Clinton with his knee while he was staying at Greg Norman’s?

The Air Force is reportedly loosening its body composition requirements and allowing recruits to have higher percentages of body fat.

Whistleblower plans to sue the company behind ChatGPT for telling lies about him, saying he committed the crimes he exposed, in what could be the first defamation suit of its kind against the artificial intelligence chatbot.

More than a dozen passengers and crew members became so sick on a Delta flight from Atlanta to Los Angeles, the plane had to be diverted to Oklahoma City – the cause of the mass illness remains a mystery.

Klaus Schwab’s WEF is hiring thousands of ‘information warriors’ to take over the internet and patrol it for ‘misinformation.’

Israeli spy chiefs led secret revolt against Netanyahu overhaul plans, leaked documents say.

CIA Director Bill Burns made an unannounced trip to Saudi Arabia this week where he reportedly aired Washington’s frustrations over Riyadh’s opening to Iran and Syria through mediation brokered by US rivals China and Russia that had blindsided the US. Kind of a summary of the US position in the world.

Chinese warship starts live-fire drills near Taiwan.

China sends 71 warplanes near Taiwan in display of “combat readiness.”

Leaked Pentagon documents show spies are deeply ingrained in Russian intelligence services and Putin’s army is ravaged after a year of fighting – but also reveal US is spying on its ALLIES including South Korea and Ukraine. Also show Ukraine is fucked. But it is a sign, now that “our side” is the side of darkness, you can’t blame good moral men for trying to help the other side, and tear our side down. The enemy of our traitors is our friend.

Andrey Sadovoy, the mayor of Lviv in western Ukraine, announced on April 6 that the two Ukrainian Orthodox Churches in his city were no more — the Church of St. Vladimir was demolished by backhoe and the Church of St. George was made part of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, backed by the Zelensky government.

Russia warns airlines of danger from erupting Bezymianny volcano, with a 12,000-meter column of ash.

Ukraine launches competition to land a drone on Red Square during Russian military parade May 9th. Could Russia take Ukraine by then?

More Republicans, country stars join the fight to boycott Bud Light after transgender deal.

Pro-gun control California county supervisor has ‘red flag’ petition filed against him.

The Supreme Court of the State of New York, the state’s second highest court, recently ruled the state’s so-called “red flag” law unconstitutional.

UFC crowd goes wild, chants at Donald Trump as he enters arena.

Spread r/K Theory, because they do not want you involved in politics

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1 year ago

If Democrats ignore Republican Rulings. Then Republicans can ignore Democrat rulings:

Apply the rules to them whether they like it or not.
Outrage at G.O.P. Could Propel Expelled Democrats Right Back to House (N.Y.Times) Rules are for thee but not for me.

All that is left is raw power. They take whatever advantage they can get with all the ruthlessness it entails. No quarter. No queensbury rules.

Tennessee Silencing Black Politicians Is Not New for the South (Daily Beast) And telling lies is not new for the Daily Beast–no black politician was ‘silenced’; two were expelled for violating the rules that they had sworn to obey, but they can be as noisy as they want to be … outside.

May they be annihilated by their own lies. Until there is nothing of them left. Pray to God to curse them that way. Except for the remnant that repents.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
1 year ago

‘Many Infallible Proofs’: Eyewitnesses To The Resurrection
The Shroud of Turin required light of extreme intensity which isn’t possible in the time it was dated to exist initially or even with modern technology.
Which goes to show the Resurrection is a True Miracle.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

3 hr long video but interesting dive into study of the shroud.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Thank you

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Your conclusion is not demonstrated.
Some say, Shroud of Turin is a photographic image of Leonardo da Vinci.
A statue of Leonardo was covered with a foto-sensitive painted shroud and exposed to bright light or heat.
Not only did Leonardo invent the tank, helicopter, he invented the photographic camera.

comment image

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  AnonymousBill
1 year ago

Some say, Shroud of Turin is a photographic image of Leonardo da Vinci.”
Yeah. Those people are total morons.

Just Me
Just Me
1 year ago

“ Rosaviatsiya said that the Bezymianny volcano, one of the most active in the area and located in the eastern section of the peninsula, erupted on Friday morning with a 12,000-meter column of ash that subsequently began to drift towards the southeast.”

But what is that in aardvarks or platypuses?

Reply to  Just Me
1 year ago

This just in: An armadillo the size of an asteroid will pass by the Earth tomorrow.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I heard it was the size of 3 Elephant trunks.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Just Me
1 year ago

There is a knock-knock joke in there somewhere.

Just Me
Just Me
1 year ago

“A huge trove of leaked Pentagon documents suggests the US knows far more about Russia’s war campaign than Ukraine’s – despite funding the latter to the tune of $200 billion.
The documents, which were leaked online in recent days, portray the Russian military as struggling in their war with Ukraine, which has killed hundreds of thousands.”

Because US is secretly winning! 😂

More bullshit propaganda…

Reply to  Just Me
1 year ago

I agree. More likely that the Pentagon released this report to see how the Russians handle it.

1 year ago

“More Republicans, country stars join the fight to boycott Bud Light after transgender deal.”

I just wish tney had been this rigorous when it came to Gillette. Never really understood that one; they were basically catering to Feminists, a group of women who aren’t exactly known for shaving.

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

It amazes me that anyone would drink that horse p**s in the first place.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
1 year ago

You’d know your neighbours are Kiwis by the way they painfully squeeze several vowels into an ‘e’ sound and a tendency to up-talk at the eeeend of their sentences.
Back in my day, the AF fitness test was running 1.5 miles in fifteen minutes (I did it in jump boots under ten). They relaxed that to just shy of 17 minutes with a scoring scale based on time, and added pushups and situps to the mix back in 2010, I guess because they couldn’t count of people staying reasonably fit on their own; so something positive back then, but further relaxing standards suggests they are struggling with Gen Z and the millenials.
Happy Easter, Anon

1 year ago

Bud Light and Nike will go the way of Gillette.
The LGBT community was the first “Hey, love is love.”
Normies “Hey, sure, if you keep it to yourself.”
The LGB community: “F-You bake us a cake!”
The T community: “Nah, we want a drag show.”
Normies: “Uh, not sure we want that!”
The T community: “Love is Love. Now respect my choices!”
Normies: “Uh, not sure we want that!”
Corporate community: “Hey, we can get in on this trend and show how inclusive and diverse we are.”
Normies: “Yeah, F-that, I don’t need your piss beer or slave labor shoes.”
Corporate community: But.. but DIVERSITY! You Homophobe!
Normies: “Yeah, F-that, I still don’t need your piss beer or slave labor shoes.”
What happened? Marketing departments across Corporate America are filled with SJWs from leading Universities that don’t teach persuasion but intimidation based on false beliefs of diversity and inclusion.
How many in the T community will move the needle in selling more products based on this strategy? Maybe .00001% But the corporate community, under the thumb of the cabal, is instructed to do this to divide the nation further.
Normies stop supporting the products, and years of Brand Equity is destroyed.
P&G stopped reporting the sales of the razors after their failed attempt to tell men that they are racist, bigoted homophobes. Why? Because the Normies stopped buying the products.
Bud Light and Nike will go the way of Gillette.
We have the power of the wallet, which is more powerful than most of us realize. It is a simple act of protest. Stop supporting anything immoral.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Haywoodjablowme
1 year ago

The reason why corporations are burning their bridges is that most corporations are owned by the banks, and the bankers know all future profits will be coming from Asia.
You are correct in stating this is all about sowing division. The banksteins have had huge profits from the West over the last few decades, they know that cash cow is exhausted.
The parasites are moving onto a new host.

Reply to  English Tom
1 year ago

They are wrong about Asia.

1 year ago

Those UKR docs from Pentagon are wild. They’re apparently real. But the info as to troop numbers and losses is just UKR lies about their losses and OSINT from internet anons as to RUS. Most of what I saw is pretty much just that.

London of course has almost as many spooks and mil there as the rest of NATO combined.

It seems like the Pentagon is letting Zelenskyy and London run the war. And doesn’t really know what is going on at the front.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

London will be nuked.
The USA will stand down.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Such certainty undermines your credibility

1 year ago

Blessed Easter to AC and AC readers, commentators, lurkers! May the Peace of Christ be with you! Let us wonder at the awesomeness of God’s Love for us that His Son came down, was humiliated, put to death by His creatures and He descended into Hell to take our punishment and then God the Father rose Him on the third day to give us believers Life Eternal! Thanks be to God!

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

And to you brother, and AC and all the regulars here.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

PSA: They are scrubbing useful information from search engines. Let me illustrate. It took me 15 whole minutes to confirm the following recipe:

Poor Man’s Alka-Seltzer by volume:
2 Part Baking Soda
1 Parts Citric Acid
Aspirin Optional

Last year, it took me just a minute to find the right ratio. Again, today it took me 15 whole minutes of deep-diving various searches to find this information. I run searches for a living. A significant part of my job is to conduct in-depth searches to find exactly what my client needs. All I was getting was information about bath bombs, CO2 for carbonation, aquariums, science experiments (I even found warnings here of “chemists” saying never to try it! It’s just baking soda and citric acid!), and cleaning.

All I can think is that “they” must be trying to scrub useful health information! It’s happening, folks. Who knows what else they’re scrubbing. They are eliminating access to information to make slaves of us all.

Again, I’m getting way too many warnings from chemists putting fear into normies of ingesting this stuff! It’s absolutely insane.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

I always take baking soda and water for heartburn. Works every time. Only us Alka seltzer to play wolfman foaming at the mouth on Halloween.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

I started noticing this five or so years ago. I can’t find stuff anymore. Subject material that is “sensitive” to you know who, and I can’t find anything–Hell, I can’t even google my own papers! Or the phrases in them!

AC, you can add that to your page–I am definitely followed on the internet. What I search for–“they” disappear it! There is surveillance on the internet!

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

Yandex search is your friend.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

I complain about this all the time. You can’t find anything these days. I’ve found not a single search engine that gives good results like you used to get with Google many years ago. It was a great search engine. I could find some of the most obscure things with a few keywords and adding modifiers like + or – or a site.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I’ve had this thought every once in a while – all these things will probably still exist even when we destroy the bad guys.
We just revert them to their most perfect previous state, and we’re good. The shell that they infiltrated will still be there when they are exfiltrated, I’m trying to say.
The real problem is…them.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

Every search phrase on the Internet is an inflection point for advertising and/or surveillance.

Imagine a room full of Agent Smith clones introducing themselves.

“Hi, I’m ‘throttle body injection’.”

“Nice to meet you, I’m ‘turbocharged go kart’.”

“Aw, that’s nothin’, I’m ‘how to build a bomb in your basement’.”

[the first two Agent Smiths look at the third as if to say “are you fucking kidding me?”]

“Oh, yeah, I’m fucking kidding, I’m really ‘how to out yourself to the FBI’.”

When you go to do a search on nearly anything, all of the results have been pre-selected for you.

Most people have banal search requirements that can be computed and updated offline so they may be presented quickly, and these people believe it’s because the search engines are extremely powerful that the results show up that fast.

The real power comes in pre-loading the search results with anything that would let the search engines get paid. Anything unique might get a few more CPU seconds to build an index out of comparable searches, pushing anything that comes up that lets the search engines get paid to the top.

This is why FuckFuckNo search results suck so hard all of the time.

Search engines are like this because the truth of conventional advertising is that nearly all of the time, it doesn’t work and doesn’t even come close to making back what’s spent on it.

And so the red hot focus of advertising comes to you live and direct via search engines.

“Who knows what else they’re scrubbing. They are eliminating access to information to make slaves of us all.”

Once again, you are the product, and you’re getting this heavily curated advertising service for free.

Remember the kid bending spoons in The Matrix?

Eventually you realise that there really is no such thing as a search engine.

It’s all heavily curated advertising services presenting a unified portal that pretends to be a search engine.

You only believed you weren’t in The Advertising Matrix because you believed what you wanted to believe. They were always making you bend yourself to fit what they want, and you’re constantly surrounded by Agent Smiths.

Some of those Agent Smiths only pop up when you do completely unique searches, just in case you’re on top of something interesting that they have yet to “monetise” or sell as part of a collected list of interesting future-orientated searches.

Sleep tight, Neo!  🙂

PS. These are the same chemists who will evacuate the building if you put a few slices of durian in a dehydrator somewhere near their lab … try it!  🙂

Johannes Q
Johannes Q
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

They used to say the internet is forever. Now it’s disappearing like an Alzheimer’s memories, stuff that I used to easily find with a quick Google search is now completely gone, maybe I could get it with a direct url but no search engine will bring it up. In some ways it’s good (I deleted an old blog which had too many personal anecdotes and am pleased to note that the auto-archived fragments seem to have vanished), but try telling a normie “honest, this thing you never heard of really happened, I remember several news reports about it, there were even videos, but now I can’t find them…”

Reply to  Johannes Q
1 year ago

Archive everything important offline.

1 year ago

Greg Abbott – @GregAbbott_TX – “I am working as swiftly as Texas law allows regarding the pardon of Sgt. Perry.”

The pardon power is not like US Presidential pardons in Texas. The governor has no ability to issue a pardon on his own, and can only either sign or veto pardons that come to him from the pardon board. You can blame Ma Ferguson (democrat) for that. Pa Ferguson got impeached and removed from office for bribery, and couldn’t be reelected, so the Democrats ran Ma in his place. (Sound familiar?) After Ma spent the entire administration selling pardons, the lege amended the constitution to remove pardons to the parole board first.
The old Texas joke is that Ma Ferguson was holding a party at the Governors Mansion when someone bumped into her. The man said, “pardon me, ma’am.” She said, “sure, son, just follow me upstairs and we’ll do the paperwork.”

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

How does commuting a sentence work?

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Then one might expect a Texas Legislature utterly dominated by republicans to *instantly* – like, before noon tomorrow – *instantly* pass a law granting Abbott an exception to that, for, say, “as long as Austin/Travis Co. is run by the fucking commies/Soros whores.” One might expect that, in a state proud of its intolerance for liberal/commie bullshit. But I’m out of touch these days. Is there _any_ chance off that happening? Or would that be too… confrontational… for those soft gentle GOPers in the lege??

Reply to  Parch
1 year ago

Given that zero politicians were legally elected and are also on-board with anything alike to the CV19 hoax (manufactured crises), abrogation of “self-defense” is high on their list of needs.
Pre-crime all the way
It’s not God-given if one hesitates. He who hesitates is lost.
More theatre = ridiculous scenarios.

Reply to  Parch
1 year ago

Austin fights with the rest of the state about *everything.* Which can be good- Austin has parks, the rest of the state is a blasted heath of oil patch. Only now, decades in, are some cities learning that tech workers like green space. Tech workers pay high taxes. Tech workers have high IQ, mostly polite, mostly shy children. They are easier on teachers. Austin built out a plan to become a tech playground. The plan started in the 1960s/1970s.

Austin has a bench of lawyers- a deep bench- Austin has the premiere law school in Texas. The graduates want to stay in Austin- it’s green, it has parks, it has creative types. The deep bench of lawyers gets practice. The deep bench gets renewed every year with fresh lawyers.

When I say everything, I mean, everything. Water rights. Land rights. Real estate zoning. Energy zoning. Human rights. Immigration. Abortion. Who gets into the colleges. Where college students live. Standards to stay in school. Civil Rights heros. Statues.

Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

Tech workers tend to be leftist termites.
Lawyers are even worse.

Austin is a gangrenous extremity on Texas.

Green spaces are nice for everyone, if you can afford the water to keep them.
Maybe the rest of the state is imperfect, but there is nothing good about a liberal cancer.

Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

Austin has a bench of lawyers- a deep bench- Austin has the premiere law school in Texas. The graduates want to stay in Austin- it’s green, it has parks, it has creative types. The deep bench of lawyers gets practice. The deep bench gets renewed every year with fresh lawyers.

This is where you went off the rails. UT is a premiere law school, but I wouldn’t say the premiere. SMU Dedman is likely more exclusive. Also, the baby lawyers would like to stay in Austin in a perfect world, but the reality is, the money isn’t in Austin. For a few lawyers in the regulatory boutique, sure, but the overall money is in Dallas and Houston. All the best lawyers go to Houston and then Dallas (in that order) for the money and the next tier ends up in places like Austin, San Antonio and Fort Worth.

1 year ago

A Happy Easter to everyone here.
I hope MBS continues to thumb his nose at Globohomo. The US is one of the few countries in the world capable of actual Autarky. Instead we’re forced to go begging to other nations for energy we can supply ourselves because those evil flyover people cannot have high paying jobs and the ability to rise above abject poverty. Who will buy the Mexican meth and Chinese fentanyl otherwise?

Reply to  Sim1776
1 year ago

Happy Easter to one and all!

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Happy Easter. Garandthunmb celebrated by using tank rounds on ballistic dummies to deliver pretty much exactly the results you would expect.

What Happens If A Tank Shoots Directly at a Human (Point Blank)

Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago
1 year ago

Some anecdotes about experiences with women in the military in chapter 6 of this short PDF memoir.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Complete disaster.

1 year ago

So I live in a blue state. It will not change. The local congressman with 40% approval always wins with 55% of the vote. Maryland has a closed primary. I plan on registering Democrat and trying to get RFK, Jr. nominated for president. I encourage everyone else to do the same. The Donald should win the Republican primary but we can drive Cabal’s hand for the Democrat nomination. Make the tyranny naked. if you’re interested. I dont believe in voting but I will spite the Left if I can.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sim1776
1 year ago

This is a great move.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Things that make you go hmmmmmmm……

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

one more:

Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

It’s no coincidence it’s a British actor.
We should have driven out all the Tories and made England our blood enemy forever.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

I hope you really mean the British Parliament?
England is a place!
Only leftists make an enemy of fields and trees etc.

Reply to  Mr Twister
1 year ago

I mean the entire nation as long as it is controlled by the current dynasty/regime.
The individuals may be ignorant and even innocent but they are controlled by our enemies and we can’t trust any of them.
The land is just land, but it is controlled by our enemies.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

There’s more fight from the natives going on than is apparent in the media.

Reply to  Mr Twister
1 year ago

That’s good if true.
But we in America can’t count on it or risk trusting our original enemy.
Maybe if they have a successful American style revolution.

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago


Leonard Gearhardt
Leonard Gearhardt
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

By arab jihadists, muslims, and knives, swords and “tolerance.”

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I wash twice per day – thank you very much.

I think you are very rude

1 year ago

It all comes down to this. US subs. Dollar hegemony and neocon craziness. This is why they feel so confident. We’ll see if RUS can really extend an umbrella over ME with S-500 and hypersonic counters.

1 year ago

Am I the only one who thinks the slow-speed UFO is a flying one-dimensional outline of The Great State {and hopefully soon, Sovereign Nation of} Texas?

It’s a Sign From Above, I tell ya.

1 year ago

Sort of interesting thread on Steve Sailer’s blog, where the commentators get closer to getting it than usual:

Steve Sailer starts out by noting that Boston and Portland are comparable cities, similar size and culturally and politically similar, but the situation in Portland has jumped the tracks and caught on fire to an extent that hasn’t happened in Boston. The commentators then have a fairly informative discussion on the topic, at least for the first 23 comments.

However, comment #1 (Art Deco) and #23 (Clifford Brown) get close to the mark. First sentence of the first comment, “Perhaps the sorosphere outfits financing Antifa decided to allocate their available manpower to places other than Boston.” Clifford Brown notes that the transformation happened very quickly. “The libertarian lifestyle is likely just a philosophical Trojan horse for the preferred authoritarian agenda.”

I think the commentary blaming the long term residents of Portland miss the mark, though they probably could have done more to fight this. The place got targeted by the Cabal for special handling. Its not clear why. It could have been nothing more than the city and metro area being more functional than most before 2015.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Portland is fully cabal owned and operated. They control much of the state. The elite of Portland largely send their children to a Jesuit high school, once again indicating the Catholic/Jesuit connection to cabal. The Freemason temples are largely empty or rented out for other purposes.

The evidence is all around us.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I’m curious where you’re getting your intel from.

How do you know who all the power families are? How do you know where their kids go to school? Do you have proof of all this or are you just making assumptions that fit your narrative?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

When I first moved to Portland I noticed a guy panhandling on the freeway off ramps and he looked pretty good at first. The next time I saw him after a few weeks he looked a lot thinner and gaunt. After another couple of weeks I saw him again and he looked worse again and so on. After a couple of months I stopped seeing him.

I think it was the drugs he was taking and living on the street that caused his decline.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Don’t forget that Winter is much much easier in Portland than in Boston. Homeless are much less likely to freeze to death in Western Oregon than a New England state.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

“The place got targeted by the Cabal for special handling. Its not clear why.”

Portland is, as the name suggests, a port city. It controls the flow of agriculture products out of Oregon to the Pacific, but also watches over the export of most Washington state agricultural products. And Idaho. The Columbia River flows from eastern Washington state and forms the border with Oregon. Portland is on the Willamette River which dumps into the Columbia near where Columbia meets the pacific.

Oregon has a long and gruesome history of human trafficking. Bars in Portland over a century ago were the last places loggers and millworkers were seen. They ended up over in Shanghai as slaves. Shanghai was, coincidentally enough, a major stronghold for the Jesuits.

Despite all this overwhelming evidence, including all of the government workers churned out by Jesuit colleges in the precise fields critical to cabal, there are still people who think that the dozen or so 60 year old blue collar workers at the seemingly abandoned Masonic temples are running the world.

Leonard Gearhardt
Leonard Gearhardt
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The Chinese are well infiltrated in western Oregon. Embraced by Oregon leadership and lots off PPPs.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Portland, Oregon was essentially taken over by the FBI in the 90s. At the time, environmentalists concerned with Oregon’s logging practices adopted direct action in the form of “monkeywrenching” sabotage and thus became branded the “eco-terrorists” of the “black bloc” which was then completely infiltrated and redirected by the FBI which then used it, starting with the Occupy Movement, to unleash the violent co-intel chaos programs known as ANTIFA and BLM to benefit the criminal DC ruling class and, ultimately, the British Crown to which it is loyal.
Be sure to watch carefully. The FBI has planned multiple psyops of fake terrorism to be staged at several so called PRIDE events in June 2023 in Portland and in other cities and towns in the USA.
These psyops will fail spectacularly, and the homosexual pedophile cult at the FBI will be taken out by a now fully engaged devolution command structure of US military Special Ops.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The enviros were always cabal/commies.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Yes, but FBI used to be anti-communist.

1 year ago

Ukraine launches competition to land a drone on Red Square during Russian military parade May 9th. Could Russia take Ukraine by then?”

But they could break Ukraine by then.
The mopping up will take longer.

1 year ago

As to our spies inside Russian intelligence, I have no doubt that the Russians are very aware of many spies in their own ranks and are undoubtedly feeding them misinformation about the state of things in Russia. I’m sure any claims of Russia’s military being “ravaged” are highly exaggerated.

1 year ago

comment image
He promised us it wouldn’t get to that.

1 year ago

This is just a share of something random.

One of you guys mentioned Niall Doherty as an interesting side-hustle site. I discovered this really neat Excel formula builder using ChatGPT.

1 year ago
JUST NOW: President of the Liberal Party (PL) is hospitalized in Sírio Libanês, Brasília

Valdemar Costa Neto, president of the party of former president Jair Bolsonaro, is hospitalized at Hospital Sírio Libanês, in Brasília, after feeling unwell
According to medical information, Valdemar had a heart attack and is unstable.

This comes before the week where the party would negotiate the delay of the meetings of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) about the possible ineligibility of Jair Bolsonaro

Leonard Gearhardt
Leonard Gearhardt
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Ruh roh…

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I’ll go with my Dad here. I mentioned female pastors. He stopped me and said, “Not pastors, just women pretending to be things they aren’t.”

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I listened to a few female preachers and was disappointed

Last edited 1 year ago by AnonymousBill
Reply to  AnonymousBill
1 year ago

You listened to a few females who claimed to be preachers.