Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
Also there is a leaner version of this page here, with the last two days of posts included in it, and no comments hogging bandwidth.
Check out Don Jr’s twitter feed here, and follow him there, if you are on the platform.
I’m going to be running the lean version of the site over at now. No guarantees, as the last version got unstable for some reason, so I had to reinstall the WordPress and do a new clean database. And for some reason the new version is periodically dumping formatting and creating one big block of end to end links in a single paragraph unless I do the post in pure html instead of the editor. I’m not sure there isn’t more tinkering that will need to be done. But I think I’ve found how to work around it for now. Still for a week or two, assume it will be a work in progress. Also, let me know if the text is not easily resizable to a larger font over there, and I will see if there is anything more I can do there. If the theme works well there, I may try to bring it over here.
Georgia Judge grants David Perdue, petitioners’s request to preserve 2020 ballots.
Former Florida Election Commission attorney sentenced to 72 months in federal prison for conspiracy and distribution of child pornography. Think how comped he was. Not only was he so damaged he is downloading child porn, but he was actually going out and distributing it to others. It almost makes me wonder if that was part of his Cabal intel activities, both to give Cabal the ability to destroy him at any moment, and to help them identify other potential assets they could recruit and put to work for the conspiracy.
A former senior ad designer for the Republican National Committee who called the sexual abuse of babies his “absolute favorite” has been sentenced to 12 years in prison for receipt of child pornography. They are going to be all over.
January 6 Committee selectively leaks Don Jr’s texts with Mark Meadows to CNN. They are all innocuous, but of concern is, Don Jr appears in them to have been thinking we were going to win and get a second Trump term. Maybe he was writing all of it knowing it would be released, and knew playing the role was going to be important. Or maybe the enemy gets a vote in this battle, and we should all be looking to apply pressure wherever we can.
Barr says Durham appears to have ‘dug very deep’, uncovered ‘good information’ on the Russia probe.
Hunter laptop computer repairman, John Paul Mac Isaac, says there is no way 450 gigs of deleted data could have been recovered on Hunter’s laptop, because the laptop had a 500 gig drive, and there was 300 gigs on it, leaving only 200 gigs of empty space which might have had deleted files on it. Jack Maxey replied, that “Isaac has been through a lot but the evidence speaks for itself, and he wishes Isaac only well.” Is it possible if Hunter zipped backups of previous drives and stored and then deleted them he might have had more data on there, than there was space, once they were uncompressed? Just being devil’s advocate. Personally I have said Maxey’s story about fleeing to Switzerland in search of safety is bullshit. If he had said Russia, maybe. But not anywhere in Europe. You do not flee America, where you can have military-grade weapons and readily procure the best body armor, for a place where you will be disarmed – if you want to protect yourself from Cabal.
Maxey tells Emerald Robinson a two-star general warned him about imminent US government retaliation.
‘They woke up burned or injured.’ Top brain expert and ex-CIA officer reveals hundreds of military servicemen suffered brain damage or symptoms of the mysterious ‘Havana Syndrome’ and even DEATH after encountering UFOs. Are they walking us toward the idea the Havana Syndrome is “The Others,” of Tic Tac, UFO fame? (be they technologically advanced “others,” those quasi-interdimensional tricksters referred to as demons, or whatever) Because I noted previously the story which reported that CIA and State Department Havana Syndrome victims were stalked by Cabal’s ground surveillance/gangstalking operations, in the US, once having returned home wounded, and even had their homes broken into and their furniture rearranged as part of the psyop. If these news stories now were not to be a psyop (admittedly a small likelihood), that might imply the ground surveillance command and tasking was operating at the behest of “The Others,” whether the actual grassroots operator realized that or not. (Though clearly the ground surveillance/gangstalking operators know something which we would consider shocking, it is tough to tell if they are mere drones of a command they only know is shockingly powerful, or if they are actual servants of some cause or belief system of a more detailed nature, such as, knowing about any sort of “Others,”) As I have said, the degree of surveillance is so extensive, it does belie a “normal” explanation, and they do have some very advanced tech. And of course, I always come back to James Tilley Matthews, which is otherwise unexplainable, and yet shares a quality with the notion of Tic-Tac shaped objects doing 8000 mph right angle turns in 1950, long before even the possibility of the tech could exist, as Elizondo has alleged is the case. Given the disinformation, we are nowhere near being able to discern the truth, but there are certainly stranger and stranger possibilities emerging as we follow this path. And as if things were not weird enough, the article contains this quote about the Pentagon researcher’s paper on the injuries, which seems a big deal that is being ignored, at least to me – “Although his paper, published in March 2010, makes references to ‘ETs’ and ‘off-world exposures’…” It would seem to imply somebody encountered an alien technology, while “off world,” and was referred to him. Also, “He said he was even aware of injuries from encounters with UFOs ‘near the White House’ and over the Capitol Mall, though he said he had not personally treated any of those cases and declined to comment further.” Also, of the craft – “Some did show clear, advanced cloaking… A small percentage of the professor’s patients even said they encountered ‘something cloaked that was a human being’.” Tom Bauerle reported the same tech with his gangstalking, and we know people were being hit on White House grounds. Whether true or psyop, they are presenting a lot of parallels. I cannot tell you the truth, but I can say the vibrations are entirely unlike anything else you will ever experience.
Pentagon researched invisibility cloaks inspired by Marvel’s Invisible Woman, secret docs reveal. They predicted in 2009/2010, it would only take a couple of years to be operational. The report was by Bigelow Aerospace, of Skinwalker Ranch fame.
Iraq War veteran Brian Kolfage, of Miramar, Florida, accused of defrauding donors out of $350,000 (£268,747) in a bid to build a southern border wall has pled guilty to charges of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering, in connection to the allegations. It is possible he didn’t have the money to keep a defense up and running. They are claiming he took $350K out of $25 million, which could have been a salary for his work, given he was doing it all for free, if he even took that. Meanwhile, nobody can even keep track of all the BLM money disappearing left and right and being spent on mansions.
From the comments, Cabal intelligence is probing Air Force’s Plant 42 to get a look at our new bomber. The fact this is in the media makes me think all these players don’t realize what this is. I wonder how did this end up in the media? How did the reporter hear about it? Would the reporter do a story about it if they knew about Cabal’s ground network and the need to keep it hush-hush? Would base security talk about it if they were Cabal intel as well, and knew about the domestic network and the need to hide it? You can spiral easily once you get swarmed, and think every cop or CIA officer is one. But I think Cabal is a smaller operation than it appears, even if it is still massive in terms of what a normie would think possible. I think this article points to it only controlling key infiltrated positions, with a few disbursed agents at the lower ground levels, and not the entire machine.
Walgreens starts rationing baby formula as supply chain crunch hits new parents: 29% of the top-selling formulas are out of stock at stores across the US. Everything now is propaganda, so it could just be fear mongering. But I wouldn’t put it past Cabal to tell their companies to stop making it to create a shortage.
Soaring inflation brings $300 million in profit for Goldman traders.
New stickers are going viral:
Posobiec was pimping the sticker, but his version of the image has the address of a clothing company on it, which features all the suspect faces that you see promoted by the machine, wearing their stuff and pimping it. I just find it amusing Cabal is making money now destroying its own entities by using its own comped actors. It must have concluded Disney is a goner.
Ghislaine Maxwell was doing fundraisers for Disney in 1985.
New Jersey to require 2nd graders learn about gender identity in fall, alarming parents. Serving spiritual evil makes more sense here, than these people following any sort of logical or self-serving process.
Will Smith banned from Film Academy for 10 years after Chris Rock assault.
Soros family quietly bankrolls committees supporting ‘defund the police’ candidates. And that motherfucker will never, ever, so much as get a traffic ticket.
Census Bureau will spend $10 million to study how to best add gender identity questions on surveys. $10 million to find out they should just ask people how they identify, and list the commonly accepted choices that don’t freak out the weirdos and wackjobs. I’m sure there is no graft there…
Fentanyl overdose becomes the leading cause of death for adults age 18 to 45.
How China took control of key global pharmaceutical supplies. Basically due to low production costs, (supposedly) all the precursors are made in China, so if China shuts down production or shipping, even the drugs made here cannot be made due to no precursors.
The US is buying discounted Russian oil and selling it to the EU at a profit?
Ukrainians fleeing the invasion of their homeland by Russian forces and the subsequent atrocities have begun crossing the US-Mexico border and arriving in frontier towns across Texas seeking asylum, refugee organizations tell The Post. If as I suspect, they are Cabal informant network, it might mean Cabal has already given up on Ukraine and is pulling everyone out.
Protonmail is donating 10% of revenue to Ukraine.
The US is providing intelligence to Ukrainian forces to conduct operations in the Donbas region. At some point Russia must realize it is in Russia’s interest we have honest elections here, because none of our citizens would support this if we purged Cabal.
US training Ukrainian troops on switchblade kamikaze drones.
Russian Central Bank cuts key rate to 17%, signals further easing.
Russian forces seize more man-portable air-defense systems in Ukraine.
Putin triggers fears of nuclear war after showing up to funeral with a secret case.
The Disney company quits Russia. Lucky Russia.
Ex-Goldman banker convicted of bribery, money laundering conspiracy charges in 1MDB case.
Macron makes last-minute appeal to dispirited left as Le Pen surges.
President Trump will be speaking at his rally at 7PM EST at this link.
We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.
This is just a continuation of the greatest Witch Hunt of all time, by a failed Attorney General, who continues to use her office for political gain following a disastrous and embarrassing attempt to run for Governor, in which she only received a 3% approval rating, and was forced to drop out of the race by her own party, in disgrace. This Democrat prosecutorial misconduct began the second I came down the escalator in Trump Tower, and has continued in an attempt to silence a President who is leading in every single poll. Never before has this happened to another President, and it is an absolute violation of my civil rights. As President I had two jobs—to run our Country well, and to survive. I’ve been investigated by the Democrats more than Billy the Kid, Jesse James, and Al Capone, combined. This has been going on for years, and in all cases, I have been innocent. After having survived so many investigations, numerous people have said to me, “You must be the cleanest person alive. Nobody else could have survived this.” But how do I get my reputation back as this unfair persecution endlessly continues?
Letitia James is no longer working as Attorney General, she is an operative for the Democrat Party in a political prosecution. New York has been through hell, and she is an embarrassment to our legal system. James uses her office for political gain, while New York crime is up over 50 percent, a bigger increase than any other place in the Nation. Much of it is violent crime—murder, rape, and drug trafficking (which is at the highest level ever).
When will the Witch Hunt against a popular former President, who had our Country Energy Independent, with no Inflation, a strong Southern Border, and no Wars (such as that which is now raging uncontrollably in Ukraine), who rebuilt our Military (including Space Force), cut Taxes, Regulations, and so much more, ever end. When will horrible and unfair political harassment and persecution in our Country finally be over. Instead, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
“there is no way 450 gigs of deleted data could have been recovered on Hunter’s laptop, because the laptop had a 500 gig drive, and there was 300 gigs on it”
Ever heard of secret drives? Hidden drives accessed by password etc. A couple of these things plugged into a card reader could easily be made to fit in almost any laptop. Terabytes of hidden space.
Or just plain old compressed files.
“Would-be assassin John Hickley Jr. — who attempted to kill then-President Ronald Reagan in 1981 — is rebranding as a singer, and has booked a concert for this summer in New York City.”
Throw blocks of government cheese at him. Make Reagan proud.
On a lighter note, some very interesting background on government cheese and U.S. Strategic cheese reserves.
“Strategic Cheese Reserve” sounds like part of a Monty Python skit.
Cheese is poison.
interesting how they’re willing to let idiot YT vids be made about the cheese vaults, but never no NEVER can we allow an audit of Ft Knox/Fed Reserves in NYC.
1. There is no gold in Ft. Knox. The Cryptocracy stole it long ago.
2. There was a massive Federal Reserve gold storage in one of the Twin Towers in New York, but it disappeared on or around 11 September 2001. (See the movie Die Hard 3).
Cryptocracies are all about illusions, deceptions,…LIES.
agree mucho.
for those of y’all who are still wondering about ‘what exactly are cryptos?’…. well, that’s easy. They’re Financial Pet Rocks. Just as clever folks back in the 70’s pained up some handy rocks and gave them clever names as “their pets” and somehow managed to get this stupidity into a few key women’s magazines…. thus allowing them to sell those whimsical Pet Rocks for 5000X what they put into them…. that’s crypto. there’s $$$ to be made in crypto, just like with Pet Rocks. For awhile, anyway.
now admittedly, crypto is a MUCH bigger and tech-y and science-y sounding Pet Rock hustle, and it’s lasting much longer than Rock Pets did, and there **might** still be money to be made betting on/against it, but …. IN THE END …. one day people are all gonna wake up and ask themselves ‘Why am I wasting time and money on this imaginary bullshit?”
And then it all crashes to zero. Like Pet Rocks. Like 1950’s Uranium penny stocks. Like Dutch Tulips. Watch it happen.
It may not, at least not all. The value of crypto exists if anyone will buy any of it at any price. Because all you need is a mechanism to take money in one space and transfer it to another, anonymously. If you have that, there will always be a market for it. And it doesn’t matter the exchange rate, once it begins being used, the value will go up.
“Are they walking us toward the idea the Havana Syndrome is “The Others,” of Tic Tac, UFO fame? (be they technologically advanced “others,” those quasi-interdimensional tricksters referred to as demons, or whatever)”
So I tend to break two ways on this, the “fake and gay” route and the “lets fight with them” route, pic related

Although, it could be that as our technology increases, we come closer to approximating the conditions of the Garden of Eden (eternal life, a measure of Glory, hidden esoteric knowlege and the ability to converse with spirits/extradimensional beings). Since the Apocalypse, End of Days and Second Coming have not happened yet, the Cherubim of the Genesis that the Almighty commanded are still posted outside of “Eden”, preventing our entry.
“The US is buying discounted Russian oil and selling it to the EU at a profit?”
Serves the stupid Euros right. They didn’t listen to Trump. They also could have left the EU at any time. Or developed their own oil. Or not sanctioned Russia. The possibilities are endless.
“Not sanctioned Russia?” Comrade, are you mad? Everyone else was doing it, so they had to do it too! Otherwise they would have had to face the Wagging Finger of Shame while losing all their ass-kissing points.
“Macron makes last-minute appeal to dispirited left as Le Pen surges.”
Now we know why Zemmour jumped in. Trying to derail Le Pen.
When I saw that Maxey fled to Switzerland, I concluded he is an idiot who has no idea how things work. People think Switzerland is neutral because of mountains. As if we haven’t had planes that can fly over them for more than 100 years…
Switzerland is ground zero for Cabal and Satanism. It’s only neutral because that’s where Cabal keeps its banks and money. They agree not to attack it because their slush funds are stored there.
Thy name is genocide.
It is a wonder how many venues are being used for ethnic dilution, i.e. race-mixing, genocide. I work with a lil senior citizen lady who loves baseball and football. Yesterday, was the opener for the Detroit Tigers. Out of 10 people on the roster, 4 were Hispanics, two of them foreign born Hispanics and one African immigrant. So out of 10 people—5 were essentially foreigners. The star of the show was a Puerto Rican though born here in America.
Isn’t Baseball, The American Sport? I’ve been noticing lately, like the NFL is 75% Black, Basketball is 99% Black—and American Baseball is becoming more and more Hispanic. —What no White kids allowed?
And who is getting ALL of that money? Us whites? Football was created by White Americans. Baseball was created by White Americans. Basketball was created by White Americans—yet–we don’t play those sports anymore!!! And they tell me race doesn’t matter!!!! What a hoot!
Shouldn’t OUR MONEY be going to OUR PEOPLE? Who are we enriching? Jose Cabrera with his TWO GOLD Chains around his neck? Is that what Europeans do?
The sports leagues are being used as vehicles for ethnic dilution, genocide and also for wealth transfer—impovershing us whites to enrich minorities.
Is that how it is supposed to work? We work at jobs blacks can’t do–so Blacks can get rich because they can’t do anything else?
I hate America with a passion.
> a Puerto Rican though born here in America
Puerto Ricans *are* Americans, though most people don’t seem to understand that. They carry US passports, though their far-left territorial government has started issuing their own Puerto Rican passports, which are more or less vanity documents.
No, they are not. They are citizens of the USA, but they are NOT Americans
> From the comments, Cabal intelligence is probing Air Force’s Plant 42 to get a look at our new bomber.
Northrop-Grumman conveniently has pictures on its web site:
It’s just a variant of the B-2. Ho-hum.
And how many billions per easily shot down plane?
USDOD, the biggest racket on earth. Gets no bigger.
Appears that none of those images at the link are photos. They’re artist renderings.
Which means nothing.
> New Jersey to require 2nd graders learn about gender identity in fall, alarming parents.
Public school is child abuse.
Why do people keep surrendering their children to these Pervert Camps?
> At least 1.5 million people are superfluous… No matter how cruel it may sound, there is a certain category of people who must be exterminated.”
Those Euros sure like their extermination campaigns, don’t they?
Germany and Russia, of course. And Ukraine. And most people forget about Italy, which didn’t have any use for the native population of Ethiopia when they went a-viking, and Bosnia, and Serbia, and Yugoslavia, Spain against various tribes in the Americas, Turkey against Greece, Britain’s attempts to exterminate the Australian and New Zealand aborigines, and all the countries that tried (some several times) to exterminate the Romany and the Jews.
Hey, it’s a game everyone can play! Add China, Japan, Brazil, Argentina, and the United States, and Canada to the list for worldwide fun.
> Macron makes last-minute appeal to dispirited left as Le Pen surges.
“I’ve crippled or killed French citizens for wearing yellow protest vests. I’ve wrecked the economy. I’m shutting down the nuclear reactors that power our infrastructure. I’ve opened the borders so we’re overrun by Africans who don’t speak French and set up their own ghettos we can’t police. I’ve gone full jackboot for COVID jabs, masking, and vaxx certificates to buy groceries or enter public buildings. You know you love me!”
One thing I noticed with Disney during the COVID hysteria is that the whole operations could have done no favors to Disney, which is an entertainment conglomerate. Yes, they heavily invested in home entertainment and streaming services, but the operation shut movie theaters, hampered cruises, shut theme parks or had them operate under conditions where they couldn’t have been fun to visit, and hampered movie and TV production.
Disney cooperated with the restrictions, but did so fairly minimally. My personal theory with the Avengers Endgame released is that it was partially a mini-psyop to see how much a narrative could be pushed just through social media, as a rehearsal for COVID, and partly an effort to boost Disney’s cash position in the year before much of its operations had to be shut down. Otherwise there would be no reason not to wait longer than a year and release a proper movie.
Bannon today had on a Disney cast member who said there was fairly little Cabal/ woke BS at Disney in terms of its work culture until they shut down most of their operations in 2020 with COVID as the excuse, then when they started up again it was imposed in a really heavy handed manner.
My suspicion is that the Mouse is not core cabal, but has been converged, and the cabal is willing to burn it to fulfill their overall objectives.
Protonmail is donating 10% of revenue to Ukraine.
A 2-week tithe to appease the beast. And I’d finally moved out of the Google ecosystem. Could anyone here suggest any truly viable alternatives besides hosting my own mail servers (the latter introduces a whole mess of issues I don’t have the time or body of knowledge to deal with)?
Yeah, the significant thing is them just being so Cabal they are handing corporate profits over to a Cabal operation. It means Cabal is all throughout the operation and sooner or later they begin scanning mail for hate-thoughts, and blocking them as a violation of some update to the terms of service.
What I will say, is if you buy hosting, you get free web mail automatically set up for you, using your free domain with the hosting plan. It isn’t fancy, but you can attach files and write text. And if you have anything to sell, setting up a quick storefront isn’t all that complicated.
Thanks AC, that’s something I already employ and have been trying to find an alternative for. The problem I’ve found with hosting plan email services is that there is a period of “warmup” time that’s necessary for these domains, with no guarantee that all emails will get through. Some emails just get lost in the ether, so to speak. “Spam filtering” has become downright draconian this last year, to the point where emails sent from hosting plan services sometimes take a day to reach the destination or just disappear. The only solution to this I’ve found has been to both use an email warm-up service and to use a major email service provider, but I’ve even had at least one case where an email was lost through ProtonMail in a fully warmed-up address (bootstrappers please remember this, because it’s VERY important if your product requires any emailing).
Might be the beginnings of a massive AI shadowban play, to be honest. The sudden strengthening of “spam filtering” (not sure if that’s all the filters clean out) across the entire tech industry led to my most recent failed enterprise.
Our enemy has many tools. Again, those in our side MUST continue to build up our positions and seed alternative platforms everywhere. The awakening must not only be in knowledge and wisdom. I know this won’t be a popular opinion, but getting red pilled and prepping isn’t nearly enough. What if a fraction of the energy the intelligent among us spend writing and prepping were also spent building alternative forms of value that can be directly monetized? Herding goats is great, but how about building businesses, even if it means having to navigate the grey areas of where Cabal might or might not operate? This is not discussed enough. Swallowing the red pills must also be followed by supporting, building, and pioneering, with constant vigilence, neverending self-improvement, and purposeful action.
From an old article on alternatives to Google services:
Tutanota – based in Germany; very secure and private; free accounts up to 1 GB
Mailfence – based in Belgium; lots of features; free accounts up to 500 MB
Posteo – based in Germany; €1/mo with 14 day refund window
StartMail – based in Netherlands; $5.00/mo with 7 day free trial
Runbox – based in Norway; lots of storage and features; $1.66/mo with 30 day free trial – based in Germany; €1/mo with 30 day free trial
CounterMail – based in Sweden; $4.00/mo with 7 day free trial
Kolab Now – based in Switzerland; €4.41/mo with 30 day money-back guarantee
Thexyz – based in Canada; $1.95/mo with 30 day refund window
More information on these providers is available in the secure and private email services guide.
Other options
Wow, thanks Farcesensitive, I will check these out, though I really am tempted to just stick to what I have right now and wait for Brendan Eich to release his mail service.
All ISP plans used to come with email hosted through them (probably still do). One of the reasons why everyone moved to “cloud” email was that if you changed ISP’s the email address had to change.
Go buy a domain name (doesn’t need hosting). It will come with DNS and a few other features for relatively cheap (<$20 per year). Then, create some email aliases that redirect to your ISP email address. This way you don’t have to constantly update all the places your email lives. Setup once and forget it.
Thanks Bman, I do use this method for most of my “professional” emailing, and my regular addresses are warmed up. From what I remember about your comments you are knowledgeable about the entire IT field. Is the ISP method really mostly as good as a full-service platform like ProtonMail? If you can see from my response to AC, I’ve had more issues with ISP emails in recent months. Anti-spam measures have been off the charts. Wondering if you noticed the same.
I was mostly thinking of email as a generic disposal service (personal use) vs. you are depending on it as a commercial service (integral to your business).
The question comes down to how much control do you give up vs. saving time. For most IT services (like anti-spam), your options are really:
Large enterprises utilize systems in all three of those. You (time/cost/complications/etc.) would probably use 1, 3, or both. Try using some locally installed desktop software for anti-spam. Leave it off in the cloud and see if the issues exist.
Desktop Example:
I have read that the EU has better privacy laws, so maybe use cloud based features from companies that can be sued under EU laws. Vox mentioned this when he was discussing the google/amazon/indie-go-go/numerous-deplatformings that were occurring.
And also just treat it like a non-secure line always. Regardless, if you are paying for the service or you are not.
That reminds me.
Whatever happened to Vox’s lawsuit against Google?
We haven’t heard one word about it since Google deplatformed him.
Thanks Bman, all of that was very helpful.
From the perspective of the Cabal, American elections had two fairly unique features that affected their treatment. The first is that Americans don’t really bother to safeguard that votes are counted accurately and actually cast by the electorate, or at least do so less than all other developed and most less developed countries. The second is that the Cabal definitely wanted nationalist/ populist Republicans (nationalist/ populist Democrats having been purged or converged) to lose.
In other countries, its much harder to steal the votes, and all the political parties, apart from a few fringe parties, support the Cabal agenda anyway. In Canada they are OK as long as the People’s Party doesn’t win any seats. In Germany, its as long as the AfD and der Linke stay marginalized, and there can be a new federal government, since its centered on what had been the junior coalition partner in the old federal government.
So I spotted the upcoming French presidential, and then the French legislative elections (each conducted in two rounds of votings) as a test for the Cabal, since French vote counting procedures are the tightest in the world, and they clearly want to keep Marine Le Pen out of the Elysee. They probably want to keep Melenchon out as well. After the last presidential election, a contingency plan for a Le Pen win leaked that involved using the fact that the ministers still need the confidence of the legislature to keep a President Le Pen from actually running the government (similar to how Trump was sandbagged), but this will be harder this time due to the collapse of the establishment conservative and establishment socialist parties.
I think the Cabal play was the Zemmour campaign, but it seems to have been backfired, with Zemmour only giving legitimacy to Le Pen, and neither making the second round himself or preventing her from reaching the second round (Melenchon might sneak through, but I’m not sure if that really helps). So they are going to wind up having to come up with an operation to make Macron more popular than he really is.
If the French elections get out of control, it raises the stakes for the American ones, and makes it harder to control both NATO and the EU. I am sure there is some plan to handle this, I have no idea what it is. Note the key vote will be the presidential run-off, and Macron still leads in the polls for that, albeit narrowly.
Elizabeth Bathory is the name to research if you seek info about early ritual murder and blood fetishism among the “European” self-styled nobility. As was pointed out in an article today, ‘Liz didn’t just make it all up. She bled out 600 virgins, drinking and bathing in their blood. All commoners. It only stopped when she began preying upon the offspring of her Peers, who let her live, but locked her away in her castle for the rest of her days. You already know how many of these families are related to a certain group, right? It’s all blood libel, of course, isn’t it, anon!
Looking for places to post CAD files to. Github and Thingieverse are options, but I would rather somewhere not corporate. I want to post the files under GPL commercial so that anyone can use them, even to make money with, but cannot patent them and lock me out of my own designs.
Thangs3D and GrabCAD caught my attention. YouMagine also.
I like, but I’m just looking for STL files, not CAD files. Seems healthy and format diverse, though.
Have you considered Odyssey?
I was on Odyssey for a bit, but their marketing director started posting some really hinky stuff in addition to the fact that their upload limit made it so that nothing I was posting was actually viewable. So I abandoned it. But I hadn’t considered that they have file storage.
All things I’ve never even heard of. Build your own mailing list and stop giving a fuck about random fake humans on the wider internet. 100 good people with the right info is more valuable than 1 million with the unused files squirreled away in a dead hard drive.
Do both.
I’m looking for multiple squirrel places. All links to them will be available on any vids that concern them down in the descriptions. That both on GabTV and Rumble when I get around to uploading things there.
If you have a website to post the addresses, then get a BitTorrent client and just serve them from your BitTorrent client.
BiglyBT is a great one and also can stream torrents from and to I2P, the invisible internet. That way if someone wants them they do not have to publically download your files they can do it through I2P. As long as someone keeps serving your files they will be up and it cost you nothing.
I have a domain reserved with EPIK, but as of right now not a single line of code for the actual site. That is not my area of expertise. At the moment I don’t really have anything to show off. The future BOOTSTRAPPY website will be a showcase for purchasable items, , links to projects with their accompanying vids and links to downloadable files, etc, but I have none of that ready right now. I have AC post about building a site bookmarked for when I can start tackling that.
News site seems good on brave mobile browser. I hope you are enjoying experimenting sounds like it could be an interesting game. I’m happy with any version but like to read the comments here.
Thanks for all this AC
Thank you for coming, and the input.
Read the motion, seems solid. The overall theory is: since Sussmann was just charged with lying about whether or not he was going to the FBI for a client rather than on his own, it’s all irrelevant to this trial. It might all come up in a later trial, but frankly giving expert testimony on it now just locks you in on it rather than giving you some wiggle room at the eventual Actual Fraud trial.
He makes other arguments about timeliness (meh) and a lack of a report (semi-meh), but the real argument is that there isn’t any need to go into the DNS stuff at all for these charges, and I think I agree.
Computer forensics is hard, and also hard to explain.
Yes, it could be zip files. Computer Forensic Experts talk about uncompressed file sizes, mainly because that is how they charge. So, it could be that there was 2.25x compression on some files, but it’s unlikely, because you get that kind of compression on non-multimedia files. Images and videos are already compressed, so compression software generally saves you maybe 1% of space (and sometimes actually inflates it.) If he had millions of emails, with lots of duplicates and such, you could see that, but a personal PST file of 450 is, I guess, historic? He would have to be spending every moment emailing for years to amass that. I have 20gb of gmail over two accounts, and it took me literally since the gmail invitation era to accumulate that. A 3 gb pst is considered pretty huge in my circles (commercial litigation.) And if the pst was huge from attached multimedia files, same caveat comes in, you still can’t compress multimedia attachments any more.
Another possibility is some ambiguity of what counts as a “recovered” file. There are lots of places that Windows keeps shadow files and links to files that have been deleted. That file is actually gone (overwritten), but you know it was there, because you have shadow files pointing to it that tell you the name, modification date, and the size. So, if they are counting broken pointers, there could be 450gb of “deleted and recovered” files, but all that was recovered was the file names and dates.
I don’t think Outlook PST files can hit 450 GB. I think they top out at 50 Gb or so in their current iteration.
Isaacs is probably not a computer forensics expert so he probably does not have the tools to make sure that all of the partitions and volumes have been accounted for on the drive. He probably sees a 500 GB partition, not a 500 GB physical drive. Or, if he knows the drive is bigger, he may have assumed the other space was unallocated. Lots of ways to hide entire volumes with the MFT (master file table.)
Maxey could also be recovering lots of MFT records that would indicate what the files were, even if they are over-written. Heck, MFT collects records of files overwritten by BleachBit and will tell you if bleachbit was used.
It was a Mac laptop, so although it could have been running Windows it’s more likely it was running MacOS so no MFT.
Ah… I don’t remember how the MacOS organizes volumes in a B-tree.
That whole Ten Days of Darkness Q predicted? If it’s going to happen, it’s going to be related to this:
Creepy George Soros is Predicting Internet Blackouts – What Does He Know that We Don’t?
As X22 Dave has been reporting, the MSM has been prepping for internet outages due to a solar flare. More than likely anything passive like AM/FM radio or cable TV will miraculously still be able to broadcast regime talking talking points, but interactive communications like the internet and your cell phone will be offline. Basically, directly after whatever information is deemed so bad that they have no choice but to bring global communications down to stop the spread. DARPA designed the internet, so if anyone knows how to navigate it or take it down……
And this is where I think we finally that EBS message about the Storm. It would follow if Q is waging Information War that they would have no choice but to wage a good old fashioned Shooting War once the flow of information is stopped.
Globohomo lies now take hours to unravel where it took weeks before Obama, and decades before the internet. Something is coming so damming that they will have no choice but to take down global communications. Didn’t Russia announce a parallel internet a while back? Just like they have done their parallel commodity exchange for BRIC countries?
> Putin triggers fears of nuclear war after showing up to funeral with a secret case.
Could be anything from clean underwear to a submachine gun. The Soviets didn’t have a “nuclear football” like the US, nor did the Premier have personal launch authority. Theoretically it took several members of the Presidium to authorize a launch, unless it was a counterattack, when the military was supposed to respond automatically.
The search engines are clogged with Russia-Russia-Russia crap results, and I was unable to find if they had changed to an American-style system post-USSR or when Putin got power. But that would be a major political change, and I can’t imagine the Duma letting go of it without making waves.
And I have no farking idea why some of my posts are in italic, some aren’t, and some are half and half. If there any way back to the old “dumb” editor that didn’t have all these unwanted malfeatures? I see an icon bar that looks like the editor from a web forum now.
The guy carrying it looks like he would be an exceptionally bad idea to mess with, but my best guess is it’s a laptop in the bag, maybe some secure comm gear, or just papers. If I were Putin, I’d be having guys with frame packs following me around with about 300lbs of emergency gear. “No Ivan, you can leave the mortars in the SUV this time, it’s an indoor meeting. Just the NBC suits, medical gear, machine pistols ….”
Little breakdown of the Ukrainian propaganda machine.
That is a really astonishing video. And he’s right. The uniforms and weapons are all clean. Everyone looks too well-coiffed to have been in combat. The telephone pole in the back indicates the same set being used for different events. The blown Ukrainian tanks, etc.
The analysis of the girl being market-tested to appeal to Brooklynites is very clever. He did miss one thing: at about 3:27 there is a loud metal clink loud the girl stepped on something and the sound was delayed in processing.
Obrador (AMLO) prez of Mexico
President of Mexico kisses and bites a little girl’s cheek in multitudinary event in the middle of COVID-19 outbreak
Any questions?
Trump endorsed Oz in PA.
Oz is the worst choice in the race.
This is really a WTF thing, like Trump and the vaccines.
Oz is a celebrity who does not live in Pennsylvania, and is probably not a Republican, and seems to be a ringer the Democrats put in the race. The never Trumper Bushie who is the front runner would be better.
While the entire field of candidates in that race are terrible, to the point where the GOP is likely to hand that seat to the Democrats by default, it does include a former Trump donor and economic advisor whom he appointed as an ambassador. There is also a Black woman from the Philly suburbs who is not really qualified, but seems to be a populist and is a hit with the activists, and managed 40% in a congressional race in a PVI Dem +9 district in 2020. Either would be a natural Trump endorsement.
America has become Bizarro world—where a Turkish immigrant–gets to be Senator ASAP. What the hell does he know of America? Old Heritage America?
God save us.
“A nation ruled by foreigners is cursed” – God
The UK ..
Rishi Sunak – in charge of the money
Sadiq Khan – in charge of London
Savid Javid – Home secretary in charge of immigration
Pritti Patel – fuck knows … pokable after a skinful
Boris Johnson! – Turkish
“You’re £¥@#ed” – God
I think he still holds Turkish citizenship as well.
Yes, headline today says he’s giving it up. Doesn’t matter – the Turks invented the phrase “deep state”, Erdogan is just the top of a whole heap of backstabbing psychopaths. Several heaps, actually.
It is possible he is the least scummy of those running, or maybe Trump’s intel operation feels it can control Oz. I wish they wouldn’t expend Trump’s capital on him though, because clearly Oz is running to support his own ego, and not because of a belief in conservatism.
Jackson Marks Historic Confirmation: ‘We’ve Made It, All Of Us’
They think they won and the war is over with the pedo Justice confirmation.
That means either that they did win or that they are at their most vulnerable.
Can’t go into detail but I am reliably informed that at least as far back as around two decades ago pure software solutions exist not accessible commercially that can recover data which has been overwritten multiple times, meaning a drive with 500GB capacity could theoretically contain at least 1000GB additional data recoverable without physical forensic processes. Practically speaking it would probably be a little more complicated due to the OS size and the same sections being reused multiple times, and might be different now with ssd instead of magnetic disks. Regardless, I would personally be skeptical of any claims about the impossibility of recovering deleted data based on an assumed limit on the capacity of the storage device. I have been told that your best bet for truly obfuscating old data is something like DBAN which overwrites a drive with random values many times, but that is also old advice and today I’d probably just incinerate the storage device if I was really concerned.
Excellent point!
No forensics can overcome the curie temp.
I’m very skeptical about software-only recovery of full files after overwrite on any modern storage device. Even with the fanciest hardware recovery it’s gotten massively harder as bit densities have gone up. OTOH, it’s hard to be sure anything is entirely deleted on SSDs with wear-leveling built-in, but you won’t generally get huge blocks of uncorrupted data, either.