News Briefs – 04/08/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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CIA is pushing to expand FISA to organized crime cartels. The more groups they can include the more American civilians will be within two hops from a covered group and the more Americans they can spy on without fearing that if it is uncovered, it is a crime.

Irish Nationalists kicked the ass of some Antifa who tried to break up a peaceful protest against mass migration. One of the Antifa dropped his phone, and it is rife with evidence that the Antifa were foreigners, and it detailed of all the connections between the government, the media, and Antifa, with even some journalists taking part in Antifa raids on peaceful protests. There are 4Chan threads on it here, and here, and here. If you want to do a deep dive through all that you can, but the takeaway is, the news media, these protest groups, and the government, as well as the NGOs behind the mass migration are all one big intel op, working together. Obviously, we have always known Antifa is an intelligence operation, and many of these migrants are assets of it too. You will remember Ryan Carson, an Antifa “activist,” who was killed in New York when he and the girl he was with picked up and began a follow of a black guy who decided he wasn’t having any of it. You could see them hiding their faces at the start of the video, until the target passed and they then picked up and began following him. When Antifa operators are not doing Antifa stuff, they are performing street follows for US domestic intelligence. At the end of the video, a black girl runs up and is told to continue the follow of the attacker, while the woman deals with her stabbed surveillance-compatriot. This type of thing is all over, all around us – and more so if you have any potential or ability, or are involved in politics.

Video here of an Antifa member being driven out at the Ireland protest. Notice how there is no traffic next to them at the start of the video and the scuffle, but by the end, it is a traffic jam on the road next to them. And two of the first three vehicles to begin driving by were taxis. Each of the surveillance cars which drives by is running hidden video cameras, and everybody there is getting documented. All of those vehicular surveillance people, are supporters of the destruction of Ireland. Whatever it is going on in Europe, with the flood of third world, violent, Muslim migrants, the surveillance people are running overwatch for the people doing it, they know they are helping it, and as strange as it seems, they are cool with destroying their homeland. It is very strange.

A video of P. Diddy and ‘The Game’ giving Justin Bieber drinks is going viral. People believe Justin was drugged and raped multiple times at this party. You have no friends in an intel op, and everything today is an intel op.

Flashback to 2001, Israeli messaging service says two of its employees were messaged by someone who warned of the 9/11 attacks before they happened. Obviously, the investigation was quickly tamped down. There were Israelis who knew. They were ground level operatives of the same intelligence operation which “gangstalks” people in the US who knew too. That was why all the food cart vendors did not show up for work that day.

64-year-old New Jersey man who operates Trump RV beaten with sledgehammer, airlifted to hospital with “significant head injuries.”

Biden admin installs new rule making it harder to fire the bureaucrats of the Deep State, in case Trump takes the White House in November.

Joe Biden balloons ‘temporary’ amnesty to include 1.2 million foreign nationals.

Economists are expressing concern over the increasing number of illegal immigrants in the United States, who they believe are obscuring the actual condition of the jobs market and the U.S. economy.

They’re screaming ‘death to America’ in Dearborn.

Liberal Chicago suburb of Evanston wants $20 million grant to make abandoned office building a migrant shelter.

Migrants in Washington State left a protest encampment on a local tennis court after an unknown donor subsidized a temporary stay at a hotel however now they are demanding a long-term solution from the county.

Michigan lost $1 million of liquor in audit of its stockpiles.

California is giving up to $150,000 to help first-time homebuyers.

Gun manufacturer Smith & Wesson went before the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals on Thursday, hoping that a dozen consolidated lawsuits could move to federal court, in an effort to prevent a biased Chicago court from ruling in a way that limits gun rights even more severely. These are families and survivors of that shooting by the little mousy dude with long black hair who fancied himself a rapper, but then dressed like a woman, took up a perch, and fired on a parade.

A study conducted by Pfizer proved mRNA COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy is highly likely to cause a spontaneous abortion but health authorities have been bribed to dismiss it.

Boeing 737 has to turn around after losing part of an engine cowling, which was videoed. You can see, if you run a big enough network of assets, and they will do whatever you say, you can know ahead  of time when these publicly traded companies will experience disastrous failures, because you can make your assets get hired on to the company, and have them create them. Then after you have profited from the stock decline, you can buy in, and then have everyone change tack again, and build the company back up, and sell it at the original price, profiting on the way back up. The whole stock market becomes one big tool to separate everyone else from all of their money, while only allowing them minimal returns. AB InBev was probably the same thing with the Bud Light fiasco.

U.S. Army to introduce the XM7 rifle, marking the end of the iconic M16 series.

Vatican backtracks, approves pro-homosexual priest as theology dean at Italian college.

The Israeli military has withdrawn all of its ground troops from southern Gaza save for one bridge in order to “rest and refit,” US officials say.

Brazil’s Supreme Court opening an investigation into Elon Musk for obstruction of justice and fining X.

Brazil is moving to regulate X after Elon Musk refused to comply with their anti-free speech demands.

Tucker on how the Biden Admin, along with the CIA, helped install the current government in Brazil—which immediately moved to silence opposition media and arrest dissidents.

Just one in five Scots back Draconian hate speech law, as leftist SNP government set for big election defeat.

British Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron will warn that the US is risking the West’s security by holding up a new package of aid for Ukraine when he visits Washington DC next week.

Drones attack the Russian-held Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant, according to plant officials, seeking to create a nuclear disaster.

On Twitter:


Testimonies reveal Ukraine’s clearance of a minefield near the Russian border ahead of an escape following a massacre.

Terrorists were instructed to head to Kiev upon entry into Ukraine and were assured compensation of nearly $11,000 each for their involvement in the attack.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, in remarks published on Saturday, said his country was awaiting a much-needed, large-scale aid package from the United States and that he still believed Congress would vote it through.

Zelensky warns U.S. congress: meet Ukraine military aid demands or Russia wins.

In a world first, scientists at Duke-NUS Medical School, the National Heart Centre Singapore (NHCS) and colleagues in Germany have shown that regenerative therapy to restore impaired kidney function may soon be a possibility using an immune-regulating protein which reverses kidney damage. Good news, if true.

Spread r/K Theory, because warriors fight, and this is the time of warriors

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10 months ago

Today I learned that Stewart Copland‘s dad was an Alabama-born CIA operative that worked in Syria around the time Israel became a nation.

Isn’t it funny how many of those CIA kids went to have success in the music business.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

Miles Coleman’s successfully ran IRS records for years. Surely a coincidence. Did he choose “IRS” records cos “CIA rexords” was a little too obvious?

a non anon
a non anon
Reply to  LaZZA
10 months ago

The Police as a band name was a nod too….

10 months ago

Several of the links were about the Ukraine mess. Here is Tom Luongo with his most comprehensive explanation yet:

10 months ago

U.S. Army to introduce the XM7 rifle, marking the end of the iconic M16 series.

Meh, not until they take the X off and make it the M7. I’m betting it will turn out to be a complete shitshow and get withdrawn like every other boondoggle of the 21st century.

Reply to  phelps
10 months ago

I maintain that it’s not about this carbine or the cartridge, it’s about the belt fed in that cartridge that weighs in at roughly half the weight of an M240(even less than an m249) and doesn’t destroy optics. The M250 gun is what the contract buys, and the rest of it is a package deal that SIG required to be willing to sell it to them.

The US Army’s new Belt fed Machine gun. The M250 is replacing the M249

Last edited 10 months ago by lowell
Reply to  phelps
10 months ago

Making your standard issue weapon system something that’s made by a foreign nation’s company (Sig is German) is truly a boneheaded move for a military. It presumes you’re never going to have an issue with said foreign nation, which is pretty dumb given German vs American relations over the past 100 years.

But trusting foreigners with your survival and outsourcing everything seems to be the MO of the current clown system.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

They already make the guns on our main battle tank, why not go all the way?

10 months ago

Ken Wheeler claims Havana syndrome is X-Ray related.

He may be worth reaching out to. He’s pretty responsive.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

That would make good sense. I had not thought there was such a thing but all that SDI spending under Reagan may have found a way to do this. They spent A LOT of money on x-ray lasers. I wonder if that accounts for the beam destroying towns also.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

“…And I mean I walk a line between our property, right against my house or ten feet out from it, and the microphone is silent, until I hit the edge of the house, at which point a hum turns on. It remains as I walk between the houses, until I hit the edge of my house, and then it stops…”

That sounds a lot like scalar waves. Tesla “supposedly” measured these in the earths field??? I think he said you could measure them when electrical storms were moving towards you. Lots of ouija board type sudo science around this subject but…could be??? Best I understand, scalar waves are like standing waves. I’m a bit foggy on what they might be. I know a scalar is a set value and I believe an unvectored value, but do not particularly understand the scalar wave part. Another guy named Tom Bearden was always going on about them. I read some of it but couldn’t ever get a handle on exactly what he was talking about. He tied it up with the USSR and the woodpecker radar that the USSR used. Said it was a nefarious plot of some sort. Free energy, antigravity, all sorts…this search link will give you a taste. I don’t know if it’s some new magic science or a bunch of hooey. I could read several thousand words of Tom Bearden’s and never understand a bit of what he was talking about. Don’t know if I’m stupid, or he’s some sort of mind warp agent sent to confuse the whole thing(successfully I might add, if that was his intention).

I only added all this weird talk about scalars just in case, just maybe, it might trigger some sort of idea. Likely all of it is nonsense, though.

Look Over There!
Look Over There!
10 months ago

Lie: New legislation has to be passed to require a warrant to spy.
True’: It’s already required and has been for a long time. Starting with the Bill of Rights.
But the obvious psyop here is to make up a phony “bill” and use that to circulate related PR that pretends to care about injustice but in reality embeds an untruthful meme that there aren’t any laws against spying and that attempts to pass such laws are failing.

Look Over There!
Look Over There!
10 months ago

And it’s no accident that they call them ”bills” (as in dollar bills) instead proposals or propositions or proposed law.

10 months ago

Re: Yesterday’s Sydney Sweeney discussion

Scottish-Irish, as mainstream sources claim?


Sydney’s paternal grandfather likely is Kenneth Burton Sweeney (the son of John Matthew Sweeney and Margaret Helen Fischer). Kenneth was born in Washington. John was the son of John Sweeney, who was born in Rhode Island, to Canadian parents, and of Phoebe A. Robinson, who was also Canadian; the family likely had French-Canadian ancestry, with Sweeney possibly not being the original family name. Margaret was the daughter of Adam Joseph Fischer and Barbara Heinz, who were ethnic German emigrants, from Odessa, now Ukraine.

Sydney’s maternal grandfather was William Eugene Mudd (the son of Lawrence Fayette Mudd and Lillie Mae Neumann). William was born in Missouri. Lawrence was the son of Charles Pius Mudd II and Mary Enina/Enia Abell/Able. Lillie was the daughter of Albert Neumann, whose parents were German, from Prussia, and of Elizabeth/Lizzie R. Frank, whose father, and maternal grandparents, were German.

Ukraine strikes again! “Germans” from Odessa, and with names like Fischer, Heinz (John Kerry), Neumann and Frank (diary girl Anne Frank).

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago


Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

“Able” too

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

Nice work!

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
10 months ago
Nobody Special
Nobody Special
Reply to  Teo Toon
10 months ago

So some students trespassed at a university admin building, were told to leave, and were arrested when they failed to comply. So what? The article says the student government voted to divest university funds from Israel. So what? The student government has no jurisdiction over university investment decisions. Whatever side you take on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, a bunch of entitled college students should be hauled off to jail when they engage in their protest stunts.

Reply to  Nobody Special
10 months ago

Were you born yesterday? Else you would remember the leftist student protests which took over college administration offices. Prosecutions were as rare as hen’s teeth.

Reply to  Nobody Special
10 months ago

Along with every other so called protester that comes in unannounced and makes “demands” what ever they may be. I for one would like to see the police start arresting the twits that block traffic. My way of thinking, they are attempting a kidnapping and any physical response to them is just self defense and evading an illegal detainment and false imprisonment.

10 months ago

I’ve seen partial eclipses before, but seeing totality broke my brain. For the moon to be the exact right size, distance and alignment to make that happen, for no functional requirement whatsoever, is God signing His creation with glory. I don’t know how anyone can see that with their human eyes and deny a creator.

Reply to  phelps
10 months ago

October 2000
Believe it or not, it actually is just a coincidence — and a happy one at that. The Moon and Sun have virtually the same angular size in our sky because the Sun is about 400 times wider than the Moon, but it’s also about 400 times farther away. This allows us to see spectacular coronal displays and prominences during total solar eclipses. Interestingly, this hasn’t always been the case. Tidal interactions cause the Moon to spiral about one inch per year away from Earth. In the distant past, the Moon was close enough to Earth so that it could block the Sun’s entire disk and then some. Our prehuman ancestors would not have witnessed the beautiful coronal displays that we now enjoy. And about 50 million years from now, the Moon will be far enough away so that our descendants will only see annular eclipses.So why do we happen to live in the brief period of Earth’s history when the moon just barely blocks the sun? Indeed, the odds against it are enormous. But the universe is a large enough place so that highly improbable coincidences can and do occur. It’s important to note, however, that even today some solar eclipses are annular because the Earth and Moon have elliptical orbits. — ROBERT NAEYE, SENIOR EDITOR
This article was published in 2000 and has been updated

Trust us, this is just random coincidence, don’t believe your lying eyes.
Believe us that pre humans and future people won’t see this, BUT there is nothing special about you or this time or anything. It’s all just blind luck.

Sigh. Anyone stupid enough to believe the above deserves their fate.

Reply to  scruffy
10 months ago

Sure, and it was just a coincidence that there was a total eclipse in Jerusalem right when Jesus died on the cross. There are no coincidences.

Reply to  LaZZA
10 months ago

If you look real close, and I mean real close, you can actually see a hand holding a pie pan in front of the sun. Every thing is a coincidence, but extremely rare.

Reply to  scruffy
10 months ago

Agreed. It’s like the evolution analogy of finding a swiss watch on the beach, ticking away the correct current time, and thinking, “wow, what a coincidence that this formed naturally on this beach!”

Danger Semiconductor
Danger Semiconductor
Reply to  scruffy
10 months ago

Either nothing is a miracle, or everything is.
I choose the latter.

Reply to  Danger Semiconductor
10 months ago

The “it’s all coincidence” people are sticking their fingers in their ears and covering their eyes… That’s hard to fight.

Reply to  phelps
10 months ago

there’s a waaaaay out-there theory amongst the hardcore CT whackobirds. since there are “multiple ancient oral traditions” among “lots of different cultures” that “speak of the time before the moon was formed”, the theory goes that it was…. placed there. “Whodunnit?” is of course the octillion-dollar question, along with the equally good question, ‘how come all the impact craters on the moon are only just a few feet deep’, exactly as if there was a layer of impregnable diamondesque material about 8 feet below the surface? and this is all before anyone gets into the fact the moon appears to be hollow….

anyhow, my favorite CT is the moon – which is moving away from da earff at a constant speed – the moon was PLACED *nearer* to our planet a long long time ago, by beings who desired that it would drift out to today’s exact 400/400 moon/sun ratio juuuuuust when humanity had become technologically advanced enough to understand what they {we} were seeing. So Who Dunnit? A: whyyyy, WE did! our long-distant children, time-traveling from way off in the future, did this to send us all a message: “we exist, so try not to fuck it all up, OK?” Presumably, there are lots of much more specific messages to be found under/inside the moon, or maybe somewhere on the dark side. Or, like, I dunno….. a big black monolith or something. Nice, huh?

because anyone* who thinks that 1-in-a-billion 400/400 sun/moon ratio is “just random” is so stupid they can’t not have an advanced college degree.

* and by “anyone” I mean the be-doctoraled astrophysics mafia, who will never no never admit the possibility of cosmic divine intervention, no matter how obvious it all is. Why is higher education so universally demonic?

Reply to  anonymous
10 months ago

I’ll bite.
There is another theory, originally by Velikovsky, and extremely difficult to convey concisely, that the Earth was initially a moon of Saturn, before the Saturn complex was captured by the Jovian complex, before the lot encountered the Sun and became the Helios/Apollo system.
There is so much about this theory which is utterly incompatible with (((modern science))), from the physics, to the time-line, to the nature of myth, etc.
However, we are predisposed to distrust (((facts and dogma))), (with a certain fascinating exception), and to be expansive-minded with our probability matrix, so a theory that violently clashes with pretty much everything we ought to ‘know’ may get a half-decent hearing here:

Electric cosmology models the universe as a set of nested energy fluxes (like the Dao) – call it electromagnetohydrodynamics (EMHD) to a second-order verbal approximation. The topology of this macro/micro as-above-so-below dynamic is fractal (=nested) and thus displays both self-similarity and quantization levels, and is instantiated as vorticotoroidal field structures at all scales.
These field structures have ‘moments of force’ by which they process and structure matter (again, at all scales, but in a quantized way), and the characteristic forms produced are filaments and spheres. The filaments tend to be helical and braided (sub-filaments (with sub-filaments)), and the spheres tend to be hollow and polarized.
In electric cosmology, gravity is a misunderstanding, and all that matters is electromagnetic charge.
When it’s worked out, electric cosmology can provide a model/mechanism for the preposterous idea of worlds in collision that Velikovsky argued for: interacting polarised hollow spheres, electromagnetically confined inside/along interacting tubular plasma filaments jump from local attractor to supra-local attractor, rapidly snapping into new meta-stable configurations in a phase-space constrained by EMHD.
Velikovsky may have intuited such a cosmology, but he made his arguments for the colliding worlds theory based almost entirely on the study of myth and archaeology from around the world.
That Kronos should beget Saturn, who should be overcome by Jupiter, before the dawn of the golden age of mankind, was such a mysteriously recurrent motif that he was forced to consider the possibility of its historicity. He came to understand the heavenly bodies as the original gods, and the myths as accounts of the observed phenomenology of the skies.
That is, for me, the hardest part of this theory to reconcile: it makes something as drastic as switching stars something which actually happened (twice!) in human ancestral/cultural memory. Hard but not impossible. Electromagnetic phenomena associated with such a transition would interfere with the isotope decay rates we/(they) use for dating. It would imply that the dinosaurs existed under Saturn and likely dramatically different terrestrial environment, re voltage, light spectrum, and likely effective gravity. Really hard to figure out chronologies. Especially if a year is counted as an orbit around the sun at current distance, and neither of those may be constant over Earth’s history.
The hollow sphere phenomenon supports hollow earthers, and also expanding earthers.
It is also notable that the elements most commonly synthesized in EMHD processes are the ones we most commonly see both under our feet and out there. Lotta carbon and iron. Scales up/down/in/out.
I’m giving the merest glimpse into the depth of the theory, especially since it has converged recently with electric/plasma cosmology theory/findings.
The point was to say that I can at least imagine, in such an EMHD/Daoic universe of nesting, attraction/repulsion shells, polarity and angular momentum, and quantization of size, how three interacting spheres might end up inevitably in the eclipse configuration, as perhaps a harmonic, or energetic minimum condition.

Reply to  Reanderthal
10 months ago

interesting cmmt. given that the astrophysics mafia hates hates hates Velikovski, I wouldn’t be surprised if some or all of it is correct. what I AM sure is, The Official Story is a Lie.

Reply to  Reanderthal
10 months ago

Velikovsky was interesting, he looked for history and tried to understand how could it be accurate. The problem is he suffered from Gellman Amnesia: he assumed all of it was accurate, and didn’t consider some wasn’t. Some is, and some of his proposed answers make sense (Asteroids were a planet, things were moving… Polar shifting…) but he also got some way wrong and that destroyed him and people taking him seriously.

Reply to  anonymous
10 months ago

I am very familiar with that one and somewhat ascribed to it. If it turns out to be created, it still hits me as God’s signature, because those would have been the ancient civilization of Tower Builders that He destroyed.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  phelps
10 months ago

It does seem far beyond the talents of a middle Eastern desert volcano demon that hangs out in a bush and frightens the local goat rustlers, doesn’t it.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
10 months ago

Let’s see you write on both sides a tablet.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  phelps
10 months ago

I probably couldn’t do that, but in Ripley’s Museum of Believe It Or Not, they used to show a grain of rice upon which some fellow allegedly inscribed the entire Bible. Anyhow, I mostly write on a phone these dsys, not a tablet.

Reply to  phelps
10 months ago

2,000+ mile diameter moon, 200 mile wide total eclipse path.

Make it make sense, space fags. Obviously the sun is bigger, but it’s also millions of miles away (allegedly). The sun’s angular size difference around the moon isn’t THAT much of a difference.

6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.

10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.

Small moon, small sun, much more local positioning. God divided the waters above and the waters below and placed Earth in the middle. There’s no space as described by atheist “scientists.”

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

I don’t have answers, but I do have questions. One I can never get a reasonable answer on is. With a 80 mile wide eclipse shadow, why don’t you see a 480 mile wide shadow on the moon. And it’s not that it’s a penumbra. The shadow seen on the moon is a very definite line. Even when it’s a extreme crescent.

Look Over There!
Look Over There!
10 months ago

I don’t know about you but I’m unable to look at expose’s of in-home surveillance devices called “TVs” without wondering how many felonies the spies are committing when they use these spy devices and systems. Manufacture should be a gelony too, but probably isn’t yet officially.

Look Over There!
Look Over There!
10 months ago

Oops. Forgot the link to an example of a report on surveillance of everyone through their TVs.

Reply to  Look Over There!
10 months ago

Any info on detecting this camera and turning it off?

10 months ago

The first story is about NGOs enabling drug addicts with open sores to continue their drug habits. The second story is about plant germs found in apples fallen on the ground in an orchard. There was a story about a single apple in Paris having a unique pathogen.

Scientific publications have ??Rothschild??Rockefeller??main sponsors. Scientific publications also get shared around worldwide in unversity libraries.

If I were to want to cook up novel diseases, I would think free range, open air petri dishes cleverly disguised as homeless drug addicts might be a way to go about doing that. I think it’s notable that the drug addicts that TPTB are solicitous towards are white Russians and white Americans.

Reply to  wooderson
10 months ago

That and gays.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

That’s the thing. The CDC can track variations in STDs to the block level in San Francisco. I assume elsewhere, but it isn’t mentioned as often. It’s not just HIV, but it’s also every HIV variant. The ranting radio guy had this campaign to shut down bathhouses in San Francisco. The governments- city,county, state and federal, fought back. I mean, how often do they all agree on a policy?

There’s diseases that confine themselves, more or less, to military guys stationed at particular bases. For whatever reason,those seem to be the bases that the advertisements promote as good family men? I mean, they are infecting their wives with stuff that’s almost untraceable, but shortens the wife’s life, makes her pregnancies more difficult, and possibly impacts the children’s development. The treatments are shortened, not very effective, and it’s regular doctors who are writing about it like “Hey,guys, have you noticed?” And they can’t believe it’s not a bigger deal, and they don’t know if it’s a pattern of infection.

Military doctors knew that men with deviant sexual practices carried all kinds of diseases. And, now, that’s who is getting advertised in recruiting posters?

I mean, they have studies on who rapes whom, internationally, by military. UN guys, yikes. American servicemen, down to the sexual habits or race or branch. I mean, if you wanted a disease vector that wasn’t all about seduction, but believed in forcing the issue? I mean, I have questions about the Ukraine forces, or private military contractors, or other services. I mean, it’s possible that some armies aren’t heavy on the licentiousness.

I just thought it was perverts getting empowered, but then an anonymous here said that they had seen military types handing out drug paerphenalia to homeless junkies on the West Coast. The usual cast of NGO journalists have come out for “harm reduction”- the junkie stays outside, stays taking drugs. NGOs are where mischief gets hidden, all sorts of way.

There’s a book where a guy and his wife are in international public health. They are both very cavalier about infections, international travel, all of it. I mean, they go swimming on vacation downstream from an Indian sewage pipe and get MRSA boils. They get flown to a top notch Western hospital, get it taken care of, and then continue on their unsavory ways. The man picks up some bacterial infection from, like, spelunking down an Egyptian tomb in shorts and open sandals. Then he gets flown to the USA, West Coast, a hospital that also has a wing for immunocompromised children. I mean, how much more vulnerable can you get? The doctors find a way to get phage therapy in him. What I found interesting was that the names of the phage factories was not mentioned. Nor was the name of the doctors attending to the phages.

I mean, public health professors at community colleges, not even prestigious universities, knew about the 100% human fatality rates for some bat viruses over 20 years ago. They were very casual about mentioning it.

To my eyes, the bits about a public health/NGO worldwide health war with covert operations seems pretty plausible. It also seems plausible that there are factions. One faction, or more, is trying to cook up specific germs outside of the university environment.

10 months ago

In response to a Brazilian congressman inquiring about possible election corruption, Elon Musk has stated that the 𝕏 platform needs to get its employees to safety before he releases a data dump…

Potentially revealing evidence that shows election scandal within Brazilian government

10 months ago

X (Twitter) declares “War” on Brazil – Opening salvos fired!

10 months ago

Milei: Argentina in talks with Ukraine, military aid a possibility

President Milei plans to meet with Ukraine leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy in mid-June and says talks between two nations includes potential sending of military aid.

10 months ago

RFK Jr. Says he Would Codify Nationwide ‘Right’ To Abortion If Elected President

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

It blows my mind how some “right wingers” see RFK Jr as a possibility because Orange Man Bad. RFK Jr is great on the Clot Shot and medical freedom, but he is literally a batshit insane leftist on every single other topic.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
10 months ago

Those “rightwingers” have TDS and would vote for Biden instead of Trump. RFK’s better but his deep pocketed woke VP pick shows he’s not really anything but a half-aware Dem. I think Tulsi is more redpilled than RFK is.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
10 months ago

His record on the shot is actually mixed.
He supported the lockdowns and all the Dems behind the mandates.
He also required people to take the fake tests or prove they had the shot to attend a party.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

Copy. I read his book, but didn’t pay a lot of attention to him outside of that other than a few videos on Telegram.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
10 months ago

He is the elite’s controlled opposition. He sucks all the oxygen out of the room with regards to the clot shot and medical freedom. Any real movement on those issues is now short-circuited.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

RFK jr. doesn’t realize that there’s not much difference in planting a bullet in a human brain and sucking brain matter out of a human while alive. Both alive, both killed. If your conscious allows you to handle it. Neither actions are a right.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

RFK is in the political party that has the rapists. They need the abortions because they are also the party of rape victims. He’s trying to get all of their votes.

Reply to  wooderson
10 months ago

Yes, he’s scum.

10 months ago

Apparently the tickets sold out in nine minutes.

Scottish HATE CRIME Special from Comedy Unleashed

Comedy Unleashed

10 months ago

Everything the public “knows” is fake and gay.

10 months ago

Milei takes another step towards the military conquest of the unwilling populace of the Falklands:

[quote]Milei said that he is currently thinking to recover the Malvinas Islands through a diplomatic avenue “Making a Military Base in Ushuaia is the GREATEST ACT of SOVEREIGNTY in the last 40 years, it is the FIRST STEP to think about the RECOVERY OF MALVINAS through diplomatic means”[/quote]