News Briefs – 04/08/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

Follow Don Jr on twitter here.


Georgia governor Brian Kemp and Lt gov Geoff Duncan block election integrity measures again – Bill would have allowed counterfeit ballots to be detected and electronic votes to be verified.

Mike Lindell says he has evidence that all of the overseas ballots and military ballots in 2020 were tampered with and the votes all went to Biden.

Durham files motion to compel the Clinton Campaign, DNC, and Fusion GPS to produce material they withheld based on “attorney-client” privilege, saying FUsion was hired to dig up dirt, not provide legal advise.

New York AG Letitia James asks Judge to hold Trump in contempt, and fine him $10,000 for every day he refuses to turn over documents.

The Atlantic tells us Hunter’s laptop is “totally irrelevant” now that it’s been validated.

Justice Department starting another witch hunt over Trump’s handling of classified White House records taken to Mar-a-Lago.

President Trump’s motion to disqualify a Clinton-appointed Judge in his case against Hillary Clinton is denied by the dame Clinton-appointed Judge. The judge refused to recuse himself, so I assume it will be appealed.

Violent Democrat mob tries to shut down Allen West speech; Conservative student attacked. Reminiscent of how Trump was treated in 2016. Could just happen, but makes me think Allen West is actually real-deal, on our side.

The two fake Homeland Security agents trying to penetrate Secret Service had ties to Iran and Pakistan, and the building they supposedly blankets with surveillance was home to lots of federal agents in sensitive positions. They are speculating possible Pakistani intelligence, like the Congressional IT guy Imran Awan, though someone else though it might be Iranian and Biden was covering it up for fear it would disrupt the new Iran deal. Interestingly they were supposedly busted by US Postal Inspection Service.

FBI memos suggest the Bureau runs spies/assets in the media, as well as places such as congressional offices, courts, churches, other government agencies, and the White House. It is called the, “sensitive informant program.” No idea if this is what I see, but it certainly sounds right, if it was expanded up to about 5-10% of the population, and you added a “sensitive technology program” which included live eavesdropping in church confessionals broadcasted to a permanent archive, and monitored by local archivists who updated everyone’s files with what was confessed. Notice that the CIA jumped in and said compromising the FBI program would compromise it’s intelligence gathering and sources  as well. They are all part of the program, and working together. Then the judge refused to order the FBI documents on it be made public, due to “national security concerns.” Dollars to donuts, the judge is one of them, because this thing has nothing to do with national security, and everything to do with national political control. You can see how there is no point in trying to be a whistleblower, when the very people you are trying to blow the whistle to, are reporting right back to the corrupt agencies you are trying to expose. I know I sound crazy to some on this site, but I do not lie to you about any of this, nor do I try to make it sound bigger than I think it is. Indeed, if I bend the truth at times, it is merely to not delve fully into just how massive I think this thing is, because I think the vast majority here would think me too far gone to take seriously on anything else. This thing will be bigger than anyone would believe. And nothing worked the way you were told. Also, the article says they have surveillance video of a second male exiting the Ryder truck in Oklahoma City after McVeigh left.

The FBI boosts its social media surveillance technology.

“ABC will be interviewing a rescue worker who is going to state that ATF had stored a large amount of explosives in the MURRAH BUILDING, which contributed to the explosion… The rescue worker had contacted the FBI with this information, and was told by the FBI to keep quiet.” Any story which acts like there were a few explosives there accidently, and doesn’t discuss Sgt Terrance Yeakey and his “suicide” after claiming to have seen unexploded charges against support columns inside the building after the blast, is just blowing smoke. But it does make you wonder if there is more coming out, and this is a limited hangout.

U.S. court reinstates Biden’s Covid-19 vaccine mandate for all federal employees.

127 House members have now tested positive, 30 since March 1, and 10 in the past 3 days. Go vaccines!

U.S. life expectancy falls for 2nd year in a row.

German and Austrian Mayors under 60 are ‘suddenly and unexpectedly’ dropping dead.

Bill Kristol of the kiddie-diddler Lincoln Project tweets – I watch the grotesque (and evidence-free) accusations of “grooming,” “pro-pedophilia,” etc., and feel I’m in another era, with some politicians embracing and others toying with The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and the media judiciously reporting both sides of the “debate.” Did he just effectively look at people castigating child molesters, and say, in all seriousness, the equivalent of, “Hey guys, cool it with the antisemitism!”?

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), announced on Thursday a donation to Democrat ally Rep. Liz Cheney’s (R-WY) reelection campaign.

Senate confirms Ketanji Brown Jackson, first Black female Supreme Court justice. This does make it look like we are on our own. If Patriots were in control, I would think Breyer would never have retired. Start making alternate plans.

President Biden’s pick to be the CIA’s most senior lawyer did legal work in the past for a large, Chinese Communist Party-linked pharmaceutical company, according to congressional documents and testimony, and she tried to not disclose it.

As federal agencies prepare for a “mass migration event” at the United States-Mexico border due to President Joe Biden’s ending Title 42 on May 23, Sens. Thom Tillis (R-NC) and Dick Durbin (D-IL) are setting their sights on amnesty for illegal aliens.

Former French Intel Chief: “All multicultural societies are doomed.”

US consumer debt jumped by $40 billion in February.

Big media companies are making another attempt to pass the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA), a bill that would give legacy media companies an antitrust exemption for ten years instead of the four years of the original bill, the legal authority to form a cartel, usually illegal under antitrust law, to collectively bargain with Silicon Valley tech giants for financial handouts and special treatment, such as prioritization in search results, news feeds, and other core features, and also force Big Tech to come to terms with Big Media, by imposing an arbitration process on them.

In a landmark ruling, a federal district court has ordered the U.S. Department of Defense to end a longstanding Pentagon policy forbidding enlisted military service members from deploying in active duty outside the continental United States and being commissioned as officers if they have HIV.

Unsafe levels of URANIUM have been detected in two-thirds of public drinking water in the US with those in the Midwest and South most at-risk. This could be fallout from nuclear tests. And yet, that “Rofschild” said all over the world, they would not drink the water, and they had copper stills to distill out their drinking water. Everyone needs to grasp we live in a Darwinian world, and face an enemy who has not been brainwashed to view the competition we are all in, as something where everyone plays by Marquis de Queensbury rules, and nobody seizes every advantage.

Prince Charles letters reveal he asked his good friend paedophile Jimmy Savile to advise the royals after a series of PR disasters.

Will Smith facing another major humiliation as man who bedded wife Jada is to sign six-figure book deal to tell-all.

If Finland and Sweden decide to apply for NATO membership, all allies of the defensive alliance would quickly welcome both Nordic countries, said NATO’s top civilian official.

Interesting resemblance, though the actual fact is unconfirmed/disputed:

German states outlaw displays of the letter ‘Z,’ a symbol of Russia’s war in Ukraine.

NATO says that by not condemning Russia, China is making a direct challenge to the bloc’s authority.

Three US intel officials tell NBC News that the “intelligence” Biden released on Russia/Ukraine was made up.

The Kremlin hopes the operation in Ukraine ends ‘in coming days.’ 

Western journalists & Kiev officials find no record of Russian atrocities in Bucha.

Pro Ukraine blogger saw no signs of atrocities from the Russians in Bucha.

Danish merc confirms Ukrainian forces are killing Russian POWs.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Thursday said Moscow rejects Ukraine’s latest draft peace proposal and claimed Western powers are trying to undermine negotiations between the two sides.

Fact checkers are silent as an 8 year old image goes viral, and NPCs claim it is a freshly taken picture of a “Russian mobile crematorium” being used in Mariupol to destroy all the dead bodies Russia has killed.

Black Peace Corps volunteers who applied were warned to be prepared to be called the N-word and face other racist behavior while in Ukraine, according guidance on the Peace Corps website that is currently being discussed on social media.

Ukraine Army is using fake ‘Terminator drones’ to ‘scare Russians’ into retreating to their bases. This is a legit Newsweek article telling us the Ukrainians are winning so easily that all they have had to do is create mock-ups of the drone robots used in the Terminator movies, and move them within sight of the Russian Army, and the Russians have concluded Skynet is real, the Terminators are coming for them, and they have run away frightened to their bases, which apparently the Ukrainians have otherwise been unable to locate in their own country. Then the Ukrainians hit the bases with artillery, and there are no more Russians. After which, presumably all the Ukrainians are coming out of their houses and dancing in the streets. I am not sure who is more retarded, Zelensky’s aide telling this story or our media reporting it.

Walmart offers $110,000 salary to new drivers amid trucker shortage.

Texas Military to begin mass migration response drills.

A US plan for the largest space ship ever built that would be able to transport humans to Jupiter and back have been revealed in Pentagon files obtained by The Sun.

Fort Bliss’ new barracks will be the largest 3D-printed building in the Western Hemisphere. They claim it will last longer than traditional construction.

Herschel Walker leads Raphael Warnock in Georgia Senate Race, 49 – 45.

So far, 40 percent of House Republicans who voted to impeach Trump to exit Congress.

Republican registrations surge in Pennsylvania in warning sign for Democrats.

Trump leads Biden by five points and Harris by nine points in a 2024 Presidential Election poll conducted by a pollster that overstated Biden support by 4.6% in 2020.

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news links. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.

Endorsement of Congressman Greg Murphy

Congressman Greg Murphy is doing a tremendous job representing the people of North Carolina’s 3rd Congressional District. He is working hard to Provide our Veterans with the Care they Deserve, Support our Military, Defend our Second Amendment, Lower Health Care Costs, and Secure our Border. I was proud to campaign for Greg during his landslide special election victory in 2019, and I am proud to do so again. I will see him on Saturday night at the big North Carolina Rally. Greg has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Endorsement of Congressman Brian Mast

Congressman Brian Mast is working hard in Congress for the incredible people of Florida. A U.S. Army Veteran and a Bronze Star and Purple Heart recipient, Brian is dedicated to serving our Country. Brian is Strong on National Security, the Border, Jobs, the Economy, our Second Amendment, the Military and our Brave Vets. Brian Mast is a Warrior for our movement, and has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Endorsement of Congresswoman Kat Cammack

Congresswoman Kat Cammack is doing a terrific job representing the people of Florida in Congress. Kat is working hard to Secure our Border, Promote American Agriculture, Defend the Second Amendment, Support our Brave First Responders, Military and Vets, and Hold Joe Biden and the Radical Left Accountable for their ongoing failures. The youngest Republican woman in Congress, Kat is a fighter for our America First agenda and our Country’s future. Kat has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Endorsement of Congressman Mike Johnson

Congressman Mike Johnson is a phenomenal representative in Congress for the Great People of Louisiana. Mike is working hard to Secure our Southern Border, Support our Military and Vets, Protect our Second Amendment, Hold Joe Biden and the Radical Left accountable, and Defend our great Constitution. Mike Johnson is a tough fighter for the America First agenda, and has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Endorsement of Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene

Marjorie Taylor Greene is a warrior in Congress. She doesn’t back down, she doesn’t give up, and she has ALWAYS been with “Trump.” Marjorie has worked very hard to secure the Border, stop the Radical Left, and ensure the truth is known about the RIGGED and STOLEN 2020 Presidential Election. She loves our Country and MAGA, its greatest ever political movement. Marjorie is running for re-election to Congress, and has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Endorsement of Congresswoman Carol Miller

Congresswoman Carol Miller is doing an incredible job representing the people of West Virginia in Congress. She is working hard to Protect our Coal, Gas and Energy Jobs, Invest in American Workers, Defend the Second Amendment, and Protect our Children by Securing our Border, Upholding the Rule of Law and Stopping Opioids from reaching our Communities. Carol is an effective and respected leader in Congress, and has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Endorsement of Congressman Jim Jordan

Congressman Jim Jordan is an America First Champion for the people of Ohio’s 4th Congressional District, and our Country. Quite frankly, he is a truly outstanding man, and a fighter like no other.

Jim is Strong on Crime, the Border, our Military, great Vets, and will save our seriously under-siege Second Amendment. He debunked the Russia, Russia, Russia Scam, the Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine made-up phone call, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, and the Mueller Report, which strongly stated “no collusion.” Jim will continue to hold the Radical Left accountable for their colossal incompetence and danger to our Country. He is a fierce advocate of our Make America Great Again agenda, and I was proud to award him our Country’s highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

American Patriot Jim Jordan has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Spread r/K Theory, because contingency plans are good.

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Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

Black Peace Corps volunteers who applied were warned to be prepared to be called the N-word and face other racist behavior while in Ukraine, according guidance on the Peace Corps website that is currently being discussed on social media.
From the article:
“The warning builds on the recent reports of discrimination against African students in Ukraine, choosing to study in the country for cheaper living and more accessible education.”
It is my hope that the Ukrainian and Russian people can find common ground and eventual peace by kicking out these invaders.
“Their understanding of African-American culture is fueled by the media and African stereotypes.”
All stereotypes are based on truth. It’s how they came into existence in the first place.

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago

> “Their understanding of African-American culture is fueled by the media and African stereotypes.”

And why not?

“African-American culture”, such as it is, is entirely an artificial creation. And we have the Soviets and mass media to thank for that; the KGB was behind a lot of the race-unrest and civil rights rioting from the mid-1960s (cf. former KGB general Oleg Kalugin) and the media picked it up and ran with it in the early 1970s.

People think there was “African-American” culture before that; there wasn’t, not as such. Black “culture” was was practically indistinguishable from that of whites at the same economic levels.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

> and maybe even having the prettiest surveillance girls bang them

I don’t believe black guys like pretty girls.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago
2 years ago

> FBI memos suggest the Bureau runs spies/assets in the media, as well as places such as congressional offices, courts, churches, other government agencies, and the White House.

The FBI officially admitted that in the 1960s; it was originally part of their counterintelligence operations. Remember, the while the CIA is forbidden to spy on Americans in America (wink-wink, nudge-nudge), that’s part of the FBI’s official duties.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

CIA executes BlackOps
FBI executes Cleanups, Coverups, Witnesses.
Cleanups = confiscating all evidence.

2 years ago

> Mike Lindell says he has evidence that all of the overseas ballots and military ballots in 2020 were tampered with and the votes all went to Biden.

Lindell keeps making announcements about forthcoming revelations which never seem to happen. While I have no doubt the overseas ballots were tampered with. If you remember the election in 2000, when we found out how most states deal with them (poorly), they’re a particularly low-hanging targets. But I’m not holding my breath for another Lindell non-event.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

This never ending game of empty promises that yield no results is beyond tiresome at this point. It’s a bad joke.
Seriously, the whole stolen election, the endless theatrics surrounding evidence of it and possible disclosure, the actionable material that is never acted on… it is proof positive that our system is totally broken.
I can’t take Lindell seriously.
Do any of the guilty actors look and act as if they are about to be exposed and prosecuted?
Nope. They just keep on truckin’, leaving shattered lives and nations in their wake.
As the kids like to say… Fake and Gay. All of it and everyone involved.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Another Dave
2 years ago

“Do any of the guilty actors look and act as if they are about to be exposed and prosecuted?”

Yes they do
Almost all if them are acting so unhinged that your question provides the answer.

2 years ago

FWIW, here is one person who thinks you are 100% correct, about surveillance, about Cabal recruiting and manipulation, and about the fabricated “reality” inflicted upon us.

The vast majority of people, even (especially?) those on our side, are not psychologically prepared to see the actual reality. In the case of people on our side, they are too decent and moral (IMO) to consider as real the magnitude of indecency and immorality inflicted upon us.

Last edited 2 years ago by Tonawanda
2 years ago

> The FBI boosts its social media surveillance technology.

The FBI was monitoring usenet newsgroups and mailing lists in the 1980s. When web forums came along they tried to write their own tools to monitor them. Then came “social media”, and they started issuing RFPs for someone – anyone – to come up with a “solution” (IT speak) for the problem.

They’ve been through a lot of systems, most of them *much* more expensive than “Babel-X” and its teeny $27 million budget. I think even Palantir has taken a shot at the problem.

The NSA also monitors social media, forums, blogs, mailing lists, and even usenet, and they’ve had the same problem: collecting the data is easy enough given their authority and budget, but “Big Data” hasn’t been all that helpful at identifying and predicting terrorist attacks, criminal activity, etc.

Sure, they can troll the dataset for keywords and apply some second-stage filtering before passing the data off to a human, but they don’t have unlimited manpower, and a lot slips through their fingers. And there’s so much, and more coming in all the time, that even working backward from a known event isn’t easy. They can turn the spotlight on someone and light them up like jacklighting a deer, log every keystroke and swipe, location, and anything said near a microphone or seen near a camera… but that’s after the fact. That doesn’t help them when angry Congressman demand to know why, if they can get all that information, they didn’t identify the problem ahead of time.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

This is a tangential reason behind why I’m not at all terrified of a hypothetical future where AI dominates as the only real tool of cabal and predicts every possible angle of resistance before it’s even taken. As long as there are 11 year old script kiddies uploading 500 terabyte zip bombs to every media upload slot on the internet and as long as there’s free to use DDOS tools that can be made in any easily accessible language on the web, etc., the world can never be overlorded by computers.

They will forever require a human element at some level and to some degree; the free human mind will always find an exploit for any artificial system they create. And if there are people behind the problems being caused by cabal, they can be stopped.

2 years ago

> “ABC will be interviewing a rescue worker who is going to state that ATF had stored a large amount of explosives in the MURRAH BUILDING, which contributed to the explosion…

Possible, but McVeigh’s truck bomb was *quite* sophisticated, not even in the same class as the IRA or Palestinians. The Wikipedia page on the Murragh bombing has surprising amount about the bomb design.

Nowadays you can find all the demolition information you want on the web, much of it from convenient .gov and .mil pages and publications. Back in 1995, that was god-level demolition work.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Cryptocracy = deception, illusion, … LIES.
Is it possible McVeigh’s execution was faked?
Could he be now living as Levin Goldstein or Harvey Smith somewhere?
Television gives endless possibilities to magicians and conartists.

2 years ago

Durham files motion to compel the Clinton Campaign, DNC, and Fusion GPS to produce material they withheld based on “attorney-client” privilege, saying FUsion was hired to dig up dirt, not provide legal advise.

Interesting as hell. Notes:
I thought that this would be about the crime-fraud statute (you can’t protect communications that enable a crime, it’s about defending you after you commit the act.) It’s actually based on it not being legal advice under (love this) Blumenthal v Drudge.
Durham notes that Fusion GPS opened themselves up to libel suits by rushing the reporters. Top kek.
Joffe was allegedly the client, but the bills all went to the Clinton Campaign. Smells even more strongly of RICO.

24. Moreover, in March 2020, U.K. Person-1 testified in a foreign proceeding about his work for the U.S. Investigative Firm. U.K. Person-1 described, among other things, the contents and substance of meetings he conducted as part of his work, including a July 2016 meeting with the defendant and the U.S. Investigative Firm at Law Firm-1’s offices in which they discussed the Russian Bank-1 allegations. Testimony of U.K. Person-1, March 18, 2020, In the High Court of Justice, Queen’s Bench Division, Claim QB-2018-006349, at 1-3

Uh… hmm. So the UK had its own investigation into Steele.
The pieces are coming together. And it looks like Sussman is a small part of the puzzle.

Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

It’s probably one of the most sig criminal investigations of all time, if not the most sig. Multiple US Presidents and at least one foreign leader abd numerous Intel orgs of multiple countries.

2 years ago

> Unsafe levels of URANIUM have been detected in two-thirds of public drinking water in the US with those in the Midwest and South most at-risk.

Note the OSHA maximum permitted exposure to uranium is zero, even for “depleted” uranium. DU is only slightly radioactive and harmless if external; the alpha particles won’t penetrate your skin. Internal, it’s bad juju. Plus it’s chemically toxic as well.

The Fed and various state authorities have been tracking uranium and other fallout constituents since the 1940s. The last A-bomb test was in 1992, thirty years ago. For “unsafe levels” to show up in “two-thirds of public drinking water” probably means Columbia University is using OSHA limits instead of AEC limits. Or making their own up, of course. Columbia has so thoroughly shat itself academically, why not?

Also note that detectable levels of uranium is naturally occurring in some ground water; it is picked up from trace uranium content in some rock formations.

Columbia University’s next paper will probably warn people that their drinking water contains dihydrogen monoxide, which can cause serious health issues.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Every person who ever drank dihydrogen monoxide later died, coincidence????? Best we ban the consumption before more innocent people can be victimized.

2 years ago

U.S. court reinstates Biden’s Covid-19 vaccine mandate for all federal employees.

2-1 ruling, which means it was a tribunal. It will be appealed to the 5th Circuit en banc (all 17 judges, 11 of them GOP appointees) where it will likely be put back on hold.

Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

Thus we all exist at the whims of
Judicial Dictators?
Every courtroom is a fiefdom for the
Black Robed Lords?

Reply to  X15
2 years ago

You missed the point. Its all Kabuki.

2 years ago

> If Finland and Sweden decide to apply for NATO membership

Huh. I’ve looked at the list of NATO members before, and never noticed Finland wasn’t one of them. Given Finland’s long history with the Russian Empire and Soviet Union, several wars of independence, and the Winter War, I would have expected them to have joined up as soon as NATO’s primary aim was redirected from Germany to the USSR.

(no, despite what umpty media flacks and bloggers have bloviated, NATO wasn’t created to oppose the USSR. The USSR was at the table in the beginning, and could have been one of the founding members, except both France and Germany declared they would not be part of any alliance including the USSR, which was then essentially voted off the island. The USSR retaliated by creating its own alliance, the Warsaw Pact. This is all documented in exhaustive detail in Dean Acheson’s autobiography, “Present at the Creation.” Acheson was Harry Truman’s Secretary of State, and was tasked by Truman to create NATO. Truman wasn’t impressed by how that “United Nations” thing as turning out; he set up NATO as insurance against the US having to back over to Europe a third time to bail their ungrateful asses out of trouble. And that’s why the US still provides most of NATO’s funding, though I think NATO has served its purpose and is long past the point it should be retired or passed off to the Euros to mismanage by themselves)

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Who benefits most from the existence of NATO?
I suspect the Confederacy of Weapons Contractors loosely referred to as
The Department of Defense.
And possibly the International Banksters.

At least half the United States Congress are agents of Weapons Contractors.
Three fourths of Congress are owned by some bank or another.
Every member of Congress is owned by someone or something.

2 years ago

Herschel Walker leads Raphael Warnock in Georgia Senate Race, 49 – 45.

I can’t believe that Herchel Walker is polling that low against anyone in GA. Fucking zoomers and millenials.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I remember 1980, when the local TV and radio stations were on the air at four or five in the afternoon, telling people not to bother to go to the polls, Carter was so far ahead voting would only be a waste of time.

Somehow Reagan managed to bitch-slap Carter 489 to 49. After the final count came in, the media simply changed their story and pretended they’d never said anything else.

My brother noticed the same thing, listening to the radio while he was on the way to the poll after work in 2004. John Kerry had it in the bag and the media was calling for Bush to resign to save the poor poll workers the hassle of counting more ballots. Somehow Bush managed to win anyway, 286 to 251. They came a lot closer to tipping the election that time.

Dirty Rethuglicans! They’ve been stealing our elections for years! Reee!

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

The real question becomes, how far back have national elections been rigged?

Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
Benny Le Cagot, Esq.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

since 1948, there have been 4.5 obviously crooked presidential elections leading to – by my count – 2.5 coups. 1948, 1960, 2000 (that’s the ‘.5’ election. that one was such a banana republic clusterfuck, nobody has any idea who really won), 2012 (I’ll go to my grave believing that the vast majority of normal people despised barky, and damn sure didn’t want any more of his bullshit in their lives) and of course 2020.

but that’s actually not the depressing part. the depressing part is when you realize we started having crooked elections no later than 1824 – when the country was all of 32 yrs old. which was to be expected, I suppose: the weakness of a system like USA democracy is that the smart guys figure out how to game that system within 1 generation max. *sigh* it’s really kind of a miracle we made it this long.

“There was never a democracy yet that did not, in the end, commit suicide.” – John Adams

Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

I guess sending them to Marxist indoctrination camps wasn’t a bright idea, huh?

Nor was letting the Left turn schools into indoctrination camps virtually unopposed for decades.

Fucking Boomers and GenX.

Reply to  phelps
2 years ago

Herschel Walker is extremely arrogant. He speaks with much sanctimony. In Georgia he is loved as a National Champion (1980), and Heisman Winner (1982), but as a man, he is nobody special. And the people of Georgia no it better than anyone else in America.

Rex Regum veniet
Rex Regum veniet
2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

They don’t all have to be turned, just enough of the bosses to direct the agencies for their purposes. The more clueless the rank-and-file agents are, the better. Less chance of some low-level flunky suddenly growing a spine and speaking out.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Why BOOTSTRAPPY? This is why BOOTSTRAPPY. It won’t leave me alone. If there’s something you have that won’t leave you alone get started. The sooner you get started the happier you’ll be.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Oklahoma state officials resist Supreme Court ruling affirming tribal authority