News Briefs – 04/08/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


At Trump’s Corona Press Conference, he was asked about some person who accused him of bankrupting the Postal Service because he pulled $25 billion earmarked for the Postal Service out of the stimulus bill. What was interesting was Trump pointed out the Postal Service, which he made a point of saying was run by a group of people who are “supposedly independent,” (said with air quotes), has been losing billions for years. Trump then went on to say what was bankrupting it was “online companies” (ie Amazon) shipping their products for nothing in sweetheart deals, and sticking the USPS with the bill, who has then passed the bill on to taxpayers. I have told you the Postal Service is rife with Cabal. What Trump is saying is Cabal has been getting billions of taxpayer dollars earmarked to USPS, which then turned around and spent the money on free shipping for Cabal companies like Amazon, who exploited the free shipping as a business advantage to drive every other company out of business, as they pocketed the billions of taxpayer dollars given to them to ship their products. Trump ended the explanation with a statement that if the person accusing him wants to know why the Postal Service is bankrupt, he should go back and look into all those special shipping deals and ask why they were given to those companies. It is just interesting all the ways Cabal came up with to allocate taxpayer dollars to itself through roundabout mechanisms, so it could pocket those costs elsewhere, as it would cement its own market dominance. And everywhere he can find it, President Trump is closing it down.

Prince Andrew accuser Virginia Roberts-Giuffre in hospital for COVID-19 tests. She has a chubbiness to her cheeks which in Chinese Medicine theory is seen as “dampness,” and I have noticed a lot of those who have the most difficulty with this virus have that indicator (not unexpected as dampness in TCM produces “Phlegm”). I would expect if Amy Schumer got this, as an example, she would have a very rough ride. Then again, focused infrasound can cause lung damage which I would imagine would look very similar to simple pneumonia.

Boris Johnson is not on a ventilator.

However the UK has rejected President Trump’s entreaties for the US to offer assistance in treating Johnson. It would seem that would be up to Johnson, if he was capable, and I cannot see him not wanting a few more eyes on his issues.

Deputy PM Dominic Raab admits he has not spoken to hospitalised Boris Johnson since Saturday.

Late breaking news is Boris Johnson’s fever has begun to subside, and he is in good spirits.

Coronavirus is set to rip through British jails, inflicting a lot of mortality. Lots of problem Muslims in there who ay never make it out.

Ecuador is having trouble handling all the bodies, and is leaving families with the bodies of their loved ones for days, and just covering bodies in the street with tarps.

Wuhan funeral homes burned Coronavirus victims alive. 

Executive Director of the WHO announces that authorities might take people out of their homes. They will do it in a dignified manner though.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot signed an executive order ensuring all immigrants and refugees, including illegal aliens, are eligible to receive the city’s coronavirus benefits.

Mayor Lightfoot criticized after post shows her getting a haircut during her stay-at-home order.

New Yorkers who die at home are not being tested for COVID-19, even if they had flu- or coronavirus-like symptoms at the time of death, and an additional 200 people are dying at home each day, in addition to the 20 to 25 people that died at home each day before the pandemic.

New York City auctioned off extra ventilators due to cost of maintenance. But deBlasio’s wife vanished well over a billion dollars with no receipts or ability to measure what she accomplished, which was enough in the first phase, to buy 40,000 brand new ventilators.

Walmart sued by family of worker killed by coronavirus.

You could get 18 months in jail for visiting one Colorado county in coronavirus pandemic.

Children of elites in Venezuela spread coronavirus at drug-fueled party.

As Sweden braces for their surge in deaths from not shutting down, they warn the public they may begin shutting things down.

Trump removes IG watchdog tapped to watch over the distribution of Corona rescue funds. Article says he was “picked by his peers.”

France reports highest coronavirus death tally in 24 hours; health minister warns pandemic has not peaked.

Some Corona patients have low oxygen, but no discernable damage to their lungs. Is the part of their brain that drives breathing damaged, so they don’t feel the urge to breathe? Could a virus evolve that ability to lower oxygen, reduce immunity, and give itself a leg up in the host?

Germany warns of spike in anti-Semitism linked to coronavirus. The truth is, the human is much more a confrontational, in-grouping creature than a globalist, non-confrontational specimen. We just have not seen this of late due to a total lack of amygdala-stimulation and flood of dopamine common to our unusual modern circumstances. But add a little amygdala, all of that will come flooding back.

‘Everyone’ will likely be infected with Coronavirus ‘at some point,’ California Health Official says. Probably true, but every day you put it off is a day that they come up with new drugs, therapies, nutritional regimens, and maybe even a vaccine, all of which can assure you of not having to take the rough ride, or infect vulnerable family members.

The virus may reactivate in some cases, through unknown mechanisms.

US law firm sues China’s regime for the CCP virus coverup.

Rand Paul, recovered from Coronavirus, is volunteering at a local hospital.

Graham backs Trump, vows no money for WHO in next funding bill.

A group at MIT figured out how to make an emergency ventilator for $100 using a common hospital item — instead of the usual $30,000.

New data shows U.S. companies are definitely leaving China.

Colleges across the nation are scrambling to close deep budget holes and some have been pushed to the brink of collapse after the coronavirus outbreak triggered financial losses that could total more than $100 million at some institutions.

Trump reaches a deal with 3M to bring 55.5 million masks to healthcare workers EACH MONTH.

Doctor prescribing hydroxychloroquine says all of his “very, very ill” patients with Coronavirus became symptom free within 8-12 hours.

Fauci says country should be in ‘good shape’ to reopen schools in the fall.

US surgeon general says – U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams said he feels “a lot more optimistic” about the “light at the end of this tunnel.” 

Nature publishes a study which finds Remdesivir and Hydroxychloroquine both potently inhibit Coronavirus a low concentrations. Another TrumpPills vindication.

On the bad side, a vaccine that creates sufficient antibodies may be difficult to produce, and even infection may not yield effective resistance, and the virus mutates quickly:

Spain to roll out a permanent universal basic income ‘soon.’

Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi’s ties to communist organizations in the US re-surface  as communist China asserts itself globally.

Acting Navy secretary resigns after insulting aircraft carrier’s ousted captain.

U.S. appeals court hands win to Trump plan to resume federal executions.

Bolsonaro reforms gun laws, and homicides drop precipitously.

The Trump administration is set to pare desk jobs at the top of the intelligence community, saying its staffs are too large and duplicative, knowledgeable sources say.

An NRA cleanout?:

Spread r/K Theory, because this virus isn’t the flu

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4 years ago

With regard to low oxygen level in the absence of discernable lung damage — you said: “Is the part of their brain that drives breathing damaged, so they don’t feel the urge to breathe? Could a virus evolve that ability to lower oxygen, reduce immunity, and give itself a leg up in the host?”

Not sure, but I think there is a better theory that explains this:

See this threadreader.

Essentially, the theory is that COVID19 is really a combination of a virus delivery mechanism that is delivering a malaria parasite. The malaria parasite has a well-known mechanism that kills its host. The parasite removes iron ions from red blood cells. The iron ion is necessary for the red blood cells to transport oxygen and remove CO2.

Thus, your O2 levels can be seriously low without damage to your lungs. You can breathe and breathe, but the O2 is not getting to your tissues and the CO2 is building up because the iron ion transfer link is gone.

This is one reason that a blood plasma transfusion is suggested as a possible effective therapy. The whole blood plasma would substitute oxygenated blood for the patient’s de-oxygenated blood.

Justin Baugher
Justin Baugher
4 years ago

Clif High has a theory for why the blood is low oxygen. And steps that we can take to mitigate the effects till a cure is found.

General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
4 years ago
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4 years ago

Here is a link to a paper which suggests a reason there might be low oxygen, but no lung damage yet.

4 years ago

>Some Corona patients have low oxygen, but no discernable damage to their lungs. Is the part of their brain that drives breathing damaged, so they don’t feel the urge to breathe? Could a virus evolve that ability to lower oxygen, reduce immunity, and give itself a leg up in the host?

Read this.

4 years ago

Is the part of their brain that drives breathing damaged, so they don’t feel the urge to breathe?

I think the heme damage theory fits much better, along with all the other things we are seeing.

And of course medium removed the post.

4 years ago

Can tell you from experience giving Hydroxychloroquine to patients that it doesn’t always work in one or two days. Not sure about effects beyond that time frame as I just started giving it. We are using Zithro too, as well as other treatments.

4 years ago

The Post office is also going bankrupt because Congress has not allowed their rates to keep up with inflation and also saddled them with the requirement to prefund 75 years worth of estimated employee healthcare costs.

But you are absolutely right about the sweetheart deals they cut for their friends.

We need to save the Post Office and not privatize it but we need to purge it.

4 years ago

“Executive Director of the WHO announces that authorities might take people out of their homes. They will do it in a dignified manner though.”

What a wonderful way to get rid of “troublemakers”, I’m sure many of the 21 million phone accounts that disappeared in China had this happen to them.
They are probably the ones who got burned alive.

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago

The threat of the virus helps keep anyone from resisting who might have read that.

4 years ago

“Some Corona patients have low oxygen, but no discernable damage to their lungs. Is the part of their brain that drives breathing damaged, so they don’t feel the urge to breathe? Could a virus evolve that ability to lower oxygen, reduce immunity, and give itself a leg up in the host?”

One theory is that some strains of the virus can damage the blood so that it can’t pick up oxygen from the lungs.

4 years ago

There is a theory out there that Sean Misko is the “whistleblower” of impeachment infamy and that he is Schiff’s handler who is running all of the attacks on Trump while hiding as a mere staffer.

4 years ago

There was a major glitch in the Matrix overnight (4/8 into 4/9). For multiple hours, this site would not load as I kept getting a ‘timed out’ error. Someone somewhere may be decidedly unhappy with this little spot on the innertubes.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Absolutely BASED and REDPILLED.
Thanks for all the never ending effort you put into the good fight everyday fren.

4 years ago

That Anitfa guy in New York hits like a girl and runs like a duck.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (6 trillion warnings and counting)
LembradorDos6Trilliões (6 trillion warnings and counting)
4 years ago

>”Germany warns of spike in anti-Semitism linked to coronavirus.”

Lembrador warns Germany of spike in anti-Semitism linked to Jewish behavior.