News Briefs – 04/07/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


If you are going out to vote in any election, wear a mask and sunglasses, at the minimum to protect your eyes and respiratory tract, and practice hand hygiene afterward.

Corona world graph looks like it may just be beginning to bend back down:

It grows exponentially because it has a massive pool of idiots, but as it grows into them, it exhausts the pool of idiots, which will begin to bend it back. I still expect it to take off due to it getting into new pools of idiots in places like Africa and India, but I think this may be a sign it has just begun to run out of idiots in America and Europe, and soon we will be able to begin to relax the lockdowns. Hopefully no new mutations will emerge and surprise us.

Hillary looks to get State Department protection from having to be deposed over her email server, State Department smacks her down and tells court they do not want the protection.

The Chinese Coronavirus has already mutated into a genetically distinct version in Europe, compared with the Asian lineage. Of course the Asian lineage had already diverged into the L and S strains. By now it should be apparent why they are so afraid of letting this virus simply reproduce unchecked. Each patient is bringing us potentially one step closer to a mutant with a much higher mortality. In essence they are not fighting the virus we see, but rather what it could become.

Home Depot co-founder says Congress should have been investigating the Chinese pandemic to protect the people instead of impeaching Trump.

Some coronavirus patients show signs of brain ailments. Stroke-like symptoms, loss of memory, loss of the ability to speak, confusion, nerve tingling, and yet no respiratory symptoms, but because they test positive, they cannot be released.

Grocery workers are beginning to die of Coronavirus.

NYC considering using parks as temporary burial sites. Cuomo denies, some say the city official claiming that is full of shit. Note how such an extreme claim, even if totally proven false later, will leave an afterglow of desperation about the situation. There is the fact matrix, and the lingering emotional vibe, and they are not enmeshed together.

Millions of Chinese-made Coronavirus tests bought by the British government don’t work.

Baltimore gangs are refusing to socially distance.

Gavin Newsom said Friday that California will support businesses that cannot qualify for federal aid administered by the Small Business Administration because they are operated by illegal immigrants.

Dr Mehmet Oz was doing a study on the effectiveness of TrumpPills, and Andrew Cuomo shut it down.

Andrew Cuomo scolds New Yorkers for slacking off on social distancing, raises fine to $1,000.

Cuomo admits the TrumpPills appear to be working in New York hospitals.

NY Gov. Cuomo asks President Trump for more Hydroxychloroquine. Tough call for him. Make things worse to hurt Trump and kill a lot of his own supporters in the cities, or keep his own voters alive, and concede President Trump was right all along.

A task force led by the American Thoracic Society in New York has temporarily endorsed using hydroxychloroquine for hospitalized coronavirus patients with “severe pneumonia.”

Dr. Anthony Fauci plotted a ‘Global Vaccine Action Plan’ with Bill Gates before pushing the COVID panic and doubts about Hydroxychloroquine treatments.

White House health advisor Fauci says we may never get back to ‘normal.’ Hopefully just setting low expectations. Though if this is a fast enough mutator, it may prove tricky to vaccinate against effectively.

Rep Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) is the chair of the Congressional team in charge of dealing with COVID19. Oddly enough Democrats may have found the one person who has me wishing we could promote the tranny from yesterday on the spot. Here is the woman who has our lives in her hands, donning her brand new surgical mask, for maximum comedic effect:

And then there is Schumer:

In India, Muslims are experiencing a Coronavirus outbreak, and manhandling anyone the government sends in to try and help get a handle on it.

Because oxygen was available on Boris Johnson’s previous floor, his move to ICU implies he has a more serious case of COVID-19. Prayers never hurt.

Boris Johnson’s government reportedly believes the coronavirus may have accidentally leaked from a Chinese laboratory.

A study sets out to show that surgical and cotton masks do not stop an infected patient wearing them from expelling all viral particles when coughing aggressively. Some viral particles can make it through, however the masks do stop much, and masks on others who are uninfected will catch much of what is left. I hate to see one of the legacies of this experience be a perception among the masses that those in power are lying to them, or trying to manipulate them, into self-injuring so as to serve some greater purpose. Then again, if that is a fundamental truth, at least the masses are being accurately apprised about that.

Coronavirus model lowers its projected number of U.S. deaths.

Ventilator demand slows in New York and California.

Yet despite the drop in demand for Ventilators, Rep. Elise Stefanik is still having to fight Governor Cuomo’s demand rural NY hospitals turn a portion of their ventilators over to him for redistribution to New York City.

Detroit Democrat State Representative says Trump’s touting of Hydroxychloroquine helped save her life.

For the reference file, a monster guide to PPE, although it is worth noting pretty much all N95 mask listings for regular paper masks have been wiped off ebay, or at least the search function has been set to return no listings for any search containing terms related to them like N95:

Back in December, a huge meteor blew up over the Bering sea with the force of ten Hiroshimas. And apparently this is not that rare, just it has happened over oceans so far.

The High Court has unanimously quashed Cardinal George Pell’s convictions on sexually assaulting choir boys, freeing him.

Ronnie Earle, who served as Travis County district attorney for more than three decades, and sought to prosecute Tom Delay punitively, died Sunday after a long illness.

Trump says he ‘may look into’ dismissal of ousted Naval captain. Trump loves loyalty and caring for the troops, and in a way this guy was loyal to his sailors in trying to light a fire under the Brass’ ass, even if he violated all protocols in ways the military really can’t conscion. I’d think the morale boost to the rank and file would be worth a little lightening of this guy’s punishment.

Lara Trump says a broad coalition is forming to close China’s bat, cat, and dog meat markets. It is now a threat to the lives of every human on the face of the globe.

Trump signs an Executive Order to support moon mining and tap asteroid resources.

Dow rises over 1,600 points on coronavirus slowdown, and new stimulus hopes.

In the latest Zogby Analytics survey, 51% approve of Trump’s job, for producing solid results for Americans in the war against the virus.

Spread r/K Theory, because you can’t keep a lie going forever

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Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  disenchantedscholar
4 years ago

Before I posted what I did I didn’t even look at the authors of the article about Women shaving their heads. It’s just obvious but for the hell of i I looked up one of the authors. Every fucking time. It’s just so obvious. I didn’t even have to look and got it right.

Sirena Bergman

comment image

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  disenchantedscholar
4 years ago

I think this is just propaganda put out to get some stupid Women shave their heads. I imagine the Jews that put this stuff out are laughing themselves silly that anyone would do such a stupid thing.

Once you realize the Jew run presses job is not to inform but to confuse, demoralize and destroy us it fairly simple to see this stuff for what it is.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago


On a lighter note, I really wish you were my boomer redpilled neighbor Sam, imagine the conversations.

4 years ago

AC, have you been following Anglin’s take? His prediction is that we are basically going to fall apart, economy is completely going to collapse, 100 million homeless etc. Do you think this is over the top? I’m hoping it’s just his trolling shtick.

Reply to  Demerera
4 years ago

He’s full of shit. Use your basic common sense and think critically.

100M is 1 in 3 people. How do the other 2 in 3 keep the other out of the homes? How does it even happen procedurally? 2 of the 3 happens to include the people at the bank who send you a letter telling you you have been foreclosed on, and then what? Do you think the cops will give a damn about coming and throwing you (and millions of other people) out on the street? Is the entire rest of the population in then eviction business?

I’m disappointed that a reader here even considered such a nonsensical claim. May God have mercy on your soul.

Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

It doesn’t happen procedurally, Phelps. In that scenario, there is no “procedure”.

I hope you are right.

Reply to  Demerera
4 years ago

Use your brain and stop letting fear paralyze you.

How? Does? It? Work?

There must be a procedure, which means it has to happen proceduraly. So what is the procedure? What do the banks do with 30 million (or more) houses? What do landlords do with the empty apartments? How does the bank keep foreclosing on that many homes when every foreclosure drops the values of homes even more? The houses cannot sit empty. Eventually, those $500K houses are worth $20, and then everyone has at least $20 equity in their home. There is no mathematical way that the banks would be willing to foreclose on that many homes, because they would be stuck with nothing once they do.

There is no way that 1/3 of America ends up homeless. It literally can’t happen. If there are 100 million homeless, you can’t stop them from squatting. Who cares if you own the paper on your house if they have no way to kick you out?

There are maybe ways that 100 million people lose the legal title to their homes or their leases. There is no way to literally get that many people out of their homes.

I cannot take you seriously after this. You are not a serious person.

4 years ago

Here is the woman who has our lives in her hands, donning her brand new surgical mask, for maximum comedic effect:

For low IQ people like her, she isn’t wearing it because she understands what it is for. It’s a magical talisman that wards off the evil virus spell.

There is a quite a lot of dey cultcha that falls into this broad category of Magical Talisman. She’s the fourth black woman I’ve seen wearing masks that way, three of them walking by my house.

Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

Seems like Chinese Virus ends up creating dark humor.
Maybe it is time to stop criticizing globalism goys, the self-writing memes are worth the complete obliteration of humanity via globohomo agenda.

4 years ago

Because oxygen was available on Boris Johnson’s previous floor, his move to ICU implies he has a more serious case of COVID-19. Prayers never hurt.

Or, in the alternative, he was moved there for security reasons.

4 years ago

Man Spits on Oranges: Shopkeeper slaps him into his next attempt at life.

Oldpasta. Not cooroonoo related.

Still worth a clap and an huzzah.

4 years ago

even if he violated all protocols in ways the military really can’t conscion.

He confirmed to China that they successfully took an American carrier off the table. And that’s before getting into who he was in contact with before he made the decision to grant shore leave in Vietnam during a plague, which would end up being VERY exacerbating circumstances.

He’s getting off light already.

Anna eppa
Anna eppa
Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

Agree. He got off lightly.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

I don’t agree. We don’t know what happened for sure but if he informed his superiors and got no action then publicly rebuking them was the right move with a super fast infecting virus. He did not have the time to wait. If you look at this from the standpoint of the effectiveness of his ship then hows the ship going to be effective if everyone is seriously ill or dead?

This is being spun as looking after the crew but it’s just as well could be he doesn’t want the whole ship to be ineffective. That it’s not wartime even strengthens his case.

I think criticism of him is one dimensional, “follow orders”, but if the orders are incorrect and in this case if no help was coming FAST then the orders were stupid and should be ignored as his REAL JOB is to fulfill the MISSION, not the orders. In fulfilling the mission he did his job to the best of his ability using what he had by lighting a fire under their asses. In terms of having the carrier combat ready he did the exact thing that he should have done.

In case you don’t know this is why the Nazis kicked the shit out of much larger forces consistently. They trained to fulfill the mission and if the orders were contrary to that task they were trained and told to disregard them. In Nazi training they set up situations where if you followed orders you could not fulfill the mission. They did this throughout all their forces. They were expected to think on their feet. The USA has been trying to instill this in our troops. We need it badly.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

We don’t know what happened for sure but if he informed his superiors and got no action

You’ve been lied to. He did not inform his superiors. His flag admiral was on his ship and he didn’t express his concerns to him before blast-emailing this on an unsecured network, ensuring it leaked to the media (which was obviously his goal and likely done with a co-conspirator on the recipient list.)

His ship was already combat ineffective. You don’t broadcast that to the force that attacked you. This isn’t about following orders. This is about him violating OPSEC and putting the rest of the fleet in danger by telling the CCP that one of our carriers is now surge incapable.

I know what mission type orders are. I’m not sure why you think the Nazis were so good at them — if they were, they would have been able to repel the invasion of Normandy. American line officers introduced the art to Europe in the Great War.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

Ehh, work is slow and there is only one thing in the news.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Phelps
4 years ago

“…You’ve been lied to. He did not inform his superiors. His flag admiral was on his ship and he didn’t express his concerns to him before blast-emailing this on an unsecured network…”

I don’t know anything for sure except that it’s extremely odd that a Captain of a carrier would do such a thing. That leads me to theorize that my scenario of him not getting action is true. I also have no great faith at all that his superiors are not lying to cover their asses. That I could be wrong I admit but unless you have some special inside track you could be wrong also.

It’s worth noting that a critic of the relieved Commander has himself been removed from duty. What does this tell you?

“…I’m not sure why you think the Nazis were so good at them…”

Lots of people have covered this. William S. Lind has talked about it a lot in reference to 4th generation warfare to counter non State actors.

“… — if they were, they would have been able to repel the invasion of Normandy. American line officers introduced the art to Europe in the Great War…”

It’s hardly fair to dismiss the whole topic because at the end of the war the Germans are defeated by massive attacks from many sides. I think the Germans got behind the curve at Normandy and before they could figure exactly what was going on our mass of air power made it impossible for them to reinforce. The Germans were flexible but not psychic or able to conjure tanks and aircraft at will.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

I don’t know anything for sure except that it’s extremely odd that a Captain of a carrier would do such a thing. That leads me to theorize that my scenario of him not getting action is true.

I have a different perspective. First, a captain in the navy IS one of the superiors. He is high level. The next step IS admiral. He’s not some E-3 whistleblower. Second, the navy is the branch most infiltrated historically by the Russians, and there is absolutely no reason to think that circumstance changed with the Chinese, who are even better at human intelligence than the KGB was.

It’s worth noting that a critic of the relieved Commander has himself been removed from duty. What does this tell you?

That he was a politician in a political role (navy sec is not a member of the USN) and he was incompetent at being a politician.

4 years ago

Gordon Chang: U.S. Should Seize China’s $1 Trillion in Treasury Obligations as Coronavirus Compensation


But that should be just the beginning.

And we should get the rest of the world to join us in doing the same.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

“…U.S. Should Seize China’s $1 Trillion in Treasury Obligations as Coronavirus Compensation…”

That’s a stupid idea. That we should even have this massive depth in the fist place is stupid but…we have it. We could slowly monetize it without debt over time. A damn wasted opportunity to do so is rapidly passing where we could buy off the dept on a schedule. They will probably wait until we have no room to maneuver THEN, and only then, monetize the debt.

Printing money is LESS inflationary than printing debt because the bonds can now be used to borrow more money. Better to just print, if you’re going to do so, and then the inflation is felt “relatively” right away instead of delaying it’s action. This guy Scott Smith who ran for President has a lot of info on this.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

What’s so stupid about it?

It’s one of the few ways we have of making China pay for what they did to us and the rest of the world.

You said it was stupid but you never explained what was stupid about it.

If you are concerned about people not buying our bonds in the future then this is certainly a historical exception and China clearly owes us.
Plus we should get the rest of the world to join us to make it clear this is not normal.

4 years ago

AC, hope you recognize you are REQUIRED to comment on the latest findings regarding NeonRevolt. No response will be considered a response.

Reply to  kjb2001
4 years ago

Could you elaborate on NeanRevolt and what sort of findings?

Helmuth Hubener
Helmuth Hubener
Reply to  kjb2001
4 years ago

What findings are those? I have no idea what you are talking about and I assume most others reading also do not.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  kjb2001
4 years ago

“…AC, hope you recognize you are REQUIRED to comment on the latest findings regarding NeonRevolt…”

AC is not “required” to comment on anything. AC does a fabulous job. He even puts with my (not always rambling) but sometimes mindless rambling which should be penitence enough for anyone.

If neon revolts or Q’s “#Coronavirus is a bioweapon designed by the Chinese to kill and cripple our economy, and prevent Trump from getting re-elected” opinion is that this is true then they are idiots. The last thing the Chinese want is loss of stability. The Chinese leadership are obsessed with stability and no surprises. A mass plague is hardly a stable event. Anyone knows the Chinese would never do this. Even a complete imbecile would know the Chinese wouldn’t do this…but the Jews might.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
Reply to  kjb2001
4 years ago

Please provide hints for the rest of us who have no idea what you are talking about. NeonRevolt hasn’t posted to his blog since March 25.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I looked at the latest post and it said “neon revolts or Q’s “#Coronavirus is a bioweapon designed by the Chinese to kill and cripple our economy, and prevent Trump from getting re-elected”.

If that is what he’s talking about it makes no sense at all. Neon revolt has some really in depth research but some things he says are just nonsense. The problem is I think he believes all of it is writ in stone. The truth is there is mass of confusion, propaganda and lies. Mostly I suspect on purpose and even truthful people can be confused. I know several times and even now I have no idea whether Trump is really on our side or not. He takes one step forward, two steps back, four steps forward , one step back and on and on in a serious jumble. I have accepted, a little, that if he is on our side that he has to be confusing like this…or else.

It does seem to be slowly inching towards our side but with corona as a new wildcard it could still go either way and there’s no way to tell that you could count on 100%.

Reply to  kjb2001
4 years ago

Here’s a response for you. Go floss your asshole with rusty barbed wire. Neonrevolt is a fake paytriot who plagiarizes other people’s good work, makes up “secret connections”, tries to insinuate that he has inside connections when he doesn’t, was part of the reddit cancer mod group that killed the reddit sub, brought his cancer to voat and tries to ruin it, and overall is a shuck and jiving huckster who sucks stupid boomers into tshirt and book scams to try to make some sheckles off Q’s good work.

Happy with your response, boomer? NR gets no response because the useless fuck isn’t Q’s Robin no matter how much your elderly retards want to fantasize that he is.

4 years ago
4 years ago

Bill Barr Indicts 8 For Illegally Funneling Foreign Money To Adam Schiff And Multiple Dem Senators

4 years ago

Pompeo to Afghan leaders: Make a deal with the Taliban or risk full U.S. troop pullout

4 years ago