Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – German Mortgage Lending Collapses
DFT – Musk Once Again Beaten On Forbes’ Billionaires List By Bernard Arnault
DFT – UBS Looks To Reassure Investors After Credit Suisse Merger
DFT – Nord Stream Pipeline Insurance Renewed, Possibly Signaling Repairs Forthcoming
DFT – Virgin Orbit Files For Bankruptcy Protection
Not much today, with Trump’s arraignment sucking up the oxygen.
Accomplished New York psychiatrist says demons, demonic possession are real based on findings from his decades long career. He has a book he is hawking, but it doesn’t detract from the truth of the matter.
Trump’s New York indictment turns one hush payment into 34 felonies. And judging from Stormy’s statement, pre-her induction into some secret society thing, made it pretty clear he never slept with her, which is what I would expect of a Germophobe. It is such a waste of energy. Just tell everyone about the surveillance, get it shut down, and then tell us who needs to be dealt with.
Trump’s maximum sentence could be 136 years, if convicted. I wonder if Trump signed on to take this fuckover, so all of us recognize the US government has lost all moral authority, and can be morally disregarded, and destroyed, going forward.
BREAKING: The daughter of the Manhattan judge presiding over the Trump criminal case is a Democratic political strategist who worked on the congressional campaign of Democrat Rep. ADAM SCHIFF, who led the first impeachment of Trump
Trump’s next court date pushes up against 2024 primaries.
Trump’s female lawyer Susan Necheles voted for Hillary Clinton, represented NXIVM leader. This does not look good. She must be a psycho.
“I if I had to characterize it, it’s disappointment. I think everyone was hoping we would see more about the direction that they intend to take this prosecution. What is the legal theory that ties that very solid misdemeanor case 34 counts of misdemeanors to the intent to conceal another crime, which is what makes it a felony?” McCabe said. “It’s simply isn’t there. Now, it’s possible that the DA has an elaborate and solid theory that’s backed up by a lot of evidence, and he has just decided to conceal that at this point. That would be a strange decision on his part, but nevertheless I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt. At the end of the day if all of our legal friends read this indictment and don’t see a way to have felony, it’s hard to imagine convincing a jury that they should get there.”
Former President Donald J. Trump secured another legal victory over Stormy Daniels on Tuesday, with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals reportedly ordering the pornographic actress to cover an additional $121,972.56 of his legal fees incurred during her failed defamation lawsuit. On top of $500,000 she already had to pay.
From Wikipedia, on the Special Counsel investigating Trump:
Smith is a competitive triathlete despite not becoming a swimmer until he was in his mid-thirties. In July 2011, he married Katy Chevigny, a documentary filmmaker known for Becoming, an award-winning 2020 documentary of Michelle Obama. They have a daughter. The couple has been living in the Netherlands since 2018.
I remember reading Netherlands is actually the hub of a lot of CIA activity in Europe, I do not know why. Supposedly they put a lot of their NOCs there as business people to spy on the European business environment. Still, how recently did he return to the US? Was it just for Trump?
Joe Biden seeks to make it easier to fire conservatives among the federal workforce.
Liberal judge wins in Wis. Supreme Court showdown. The race featured the same kind of unusually “high turnout” you saw elect Biden.
Group steers Swiss billionaire’s money to liberal causes in America to affect US elections.
Bud Light stands behind partnership with trans activist Dylan Mulvaney despite backlash.
U.S. former top diplomat Mike Pompeo visits Kyiv, underscores support. This dude is a high-functioning sociopath, and pure evil inside. Don’t let the jolly Santa Claus act fool you.
$2.6 billion more US taxpayer dollars just thrown away on Ukraine.
Russia warns of ‘retaliatory measures’ over Finland’s NATO membership.
Musk just labeled NPR state-affiliated media. Musk is a shill but at least his character is written for him comedically.
U.S. District Court rules local government may not restrict Free Speech during declared emergencies.
Poll shows Ron DeSantis support drops below 20% while Trump surges after indictment.
Spread r/K Theory, because the path not taken was not your path
“I remember reading Netherlands is actually the hub of a lot of CIA activity in Europe, I do not know why.”
Gateway to Europe for shipping & Internet cables. Also just a shirt trip from London.
The Netherlands was also a serious hub of finance for many years.
The Netherlands also has a history of being extremely permissive of sexual depravity far longer than almost any nation in the West.
Neanderthals is a crummy place.
“crummy”? An over crowded country built on a river bed that is the major food producer in europe, port hub, and home to feats of engineering.
The people are remarkable. Tall, strong, good looking, and hard working and built many countries.
They have been corrupted with drugs, immigration & feminism – but they are waking up
Belgium would be a more logical place for a CIA hub.
I also think the Dutch are one of the populations that need to be kept down the most. Subservient they are not. They like flat, egalitarian power structures, and thrive on chaos (a Dutchman once told me that the Italians are chaotic, too, but they’re not good at it). Think of people exhilarated by taking risks whitewater rafting. Rambunctious.
There’s also another side, as they worship their royals too much.
But they’re a smart bunch, and the best non-native speakers of English.
Scandinavians were historically quite egalitarian. Including between Male and Female.
Feminized men and women that wear trousers, is not a good thing
Prince Bernhard and the House of Orange.
I would rather die of thirst, than drink a can of bud light.
Like drinking piss, it wouldn’t save you anyway.
Now its transvestite piss
[…] News Briefs – 04/05/2023 — Anonymous Conservative […]
Looks like the Trump trial is already rigged. The jurors will either be woke, or intimidated with threats of doxxing or worse. He is being railroaded and his odds of NOT receiving a felony conviction don’t look so good to me.
We live in anarcho-tyranny. The faster people get that the faster we will get real solutions.
He would if the enemy is still in power remain in prison and will never leave.
Trumps lawyer voted for Hillary – I know it seems like there is an endless supply of these blood suckers to choose from , but I am sure he does not have many options like 10 years ago.
It is literally impossible that he can’t find a good lawyer that isn’t a Dem or a Hillary supporter, and yet, that is who he chooses.
A very odd part of the script… and make no mistake, this level of clownery and ridiculousness is scripted.
Shitty movie.
at least she isn’t a (((cohen)))
‘Study Confirms Trans ‘Social Contagion’ Theory: “Gender transition” is driven by social pressure; Mentally ill youth were more likely than non-mentally ill to “transition.”’
They needed a “study” to confirm this? Teenagers are malleable and stupid and the sexual deviants behind the curtain are taking full advantage of that.
You just woke up a memory from the sixties: there was a romantic comedy movies starring George Peppard and Mary Tyler Moore; he is part of a group of hipster beatnics and she a straight up fifties chick; in the end she becomes a hipster; at somepoint in th emovie it is revealed Moore’s character is part of an intel experiment on using peer pressure to change a young, conservative female , so to speak, to a leftist.
It’s already come down to fight or submit – I suspect “submit” will win in the end. Unless and until there a few well-placed assassinations, there is no chance to overcome the “woke”. Screaming “Lets go Brandon” is just chatter in the wind.
Q: “protect trans kids” from what?
A: From psychotherapists who talk them out of it.
They have used that “protect” line several times now.
In UK they used “protect NHS” to attack the population
This is going to be ridiculously funny if the whole head of Cabal is from the lowland countries instead of England or Italy or Israel.
In favor of this: the Glorious Revolution, installing a Dutchman as king of England. The fleet supporting William of Orange was larger than the Spanish Armada.
Oliver Cromwell, killer of a King, financially supported by lowlanders?
The Hague, and all the modern superstate bureaucracy, is staged in a lowlands country.
Oh, the Pilgrims. Founders of Yankeedom. Went to Holland, and then onward to America.
Spinoza, and that nest of diamond merchants.
The more lurid Cabal abuses children by hunting them like game animals by royals and aristocrats and bankers is from here, as well as the grubbier child molester stories.
Obama is from Indonesia, his wealth is from Indonesia, and Indonesia was a Dutch possession.
Our elites speak retarded German and ride bicycles and have tulip manias. How humiliating.
Having Necheles on the Trump team makes it easier for Team Good Guys to feed her manure, which TGG know will find its way to the opposition, leading them properly astray.
It’s not my way of running an op–it amps up the unnecessary difficulty–but perhaps they have an eventual “reveal of seditious trash (Necheles and others)” in mind.
Both twitter and 4chan seems to have more and more people of a “Nationalist” or “Right-Wing” persuasion. Being anti-Christian and promoting Heathenism, Dharma and other “Faiths of your Ancestors”.
Christianity vs your own people and blood. Dichotomy is being pushed.
What’s your thoughts on that?
GOD and Christ were always the targets.
The enemy loves controlled opposition and useful idiots.
As if it’s a big conspiracy! No. Christianity was the first NWO, every bit as horrendously evil as the Bolsheviks, spreading feudalism and all of it’s travesties. The fact that there are mass quantities of fine and exemplary people who are Christians does not negate that. Y’all would be much better off as animists. That’s a fact.
Really, feudalism was a development after the 3rd century european social collapse.
Well, Mr. Villizzianto, wasn’t that about the time they really got rolling by adopting the Nicean Creed and deciding to bring the Trinity thing onboard?
Must also add that the Christian concept of Heaven and Hell, and going to one of the above after one perishes has no basis in the original Hebrew way of the O.T., does it. Those were simply tossed in or grafted on as an easy way to swindle those Northern Europeans (Germanics or Teutonics) who already knew the concepts via Valhalla and Hel.
Enslave those free people to a creed of self loathing and guilt, but promise them salvation and redemption if they “Give Value (as their lives) To” the Merchants of Mammon (who is one of the Semitic Trinity, with the other two being Moloch and Baal.
Yeah you really see Cabal going up to bat to destroy every possible instance of animism, anon!
Sike, you’re being brainwashed into believing any religion but Christianity. Cabal doesn’t give a fuck about Buddhists, Hindus, Confuscians, African tribal deities, your retarded ooga booga animism, or any religion other than Christianity because the enemy knows their ultimate fight is against God, and the salvation provided by Jesus Christ.
Explain why they aim to infest churches with trannies and fags but have never once made a move against you allegedly true belief system.
Step outside the box for a second or two, Anon… Christianity — and the others you mention (except ooga Booga, mind you) were part of the same operation that created, spread, and enforced Christianity…
YES, *They* were very set on getting rid of the so-called animism. Why? Because it was not “inclusive” in any way whatsoever because it was everywhere a bit different, being the ETHNIC way of whatever tribe or race you were dealing with, yet not of the Folk down the road.
Thus, a bane unto empires — which always seem to be the projects of Merchant ParsiteZ, because empires are needed for large scale trade.
The operation mostly occurred with what is called the Axiel Age, but don’t depend too much on the textbook definition of that.
What you probably find difficult to understand is that as time passes, things change. With the industrial Revolution and the opportunity it offered, Protestantism was needed — pretty much created and run by the Fews (let’s call them).
And today, Christianity is not just not needed by them, but it hinders them, as the need to accomplish certain ends that Christians see as evil… By means that Christians see as “Satanic.”
Would you believe that even if “Satan” doesn’t exist, the Satanists certainly do!
Of course the rank and file Caballist cum “Satanista” is pretty much naive about things, as is the rank and file Christian. Sorter like yer average Brit, who loves to rant and ramble about “our Empire,” when in reality, there never was a British Empire (just ask Rothschild and Sassoon).
Christianity is a collection of nice-sounding things, all packed around the mother of all poison pills: the separation of you from your Ethnos, at the alleged behest of the alien “God” of a nation of “desert cut-throats” (Hapiru”), slavers, swindlers, child molesting mohels, and inverted anti-hunsn / anti-nature types — who most likely are under the control of some evil spirit or another.
One end goal is that your DNA be “muddied up,” to use a hateful term that is none-the less both true and real.
Look into these things, Anon. Rome was not built in one day, nor is the understanding of mixed-up, complex things that are also rather simple.
They mix up the Gospel versus Judeo-Christianity
>Trump’s female lawyer Susan Necheles voted for Hillary Clinton, represented NXIVM leader. This does not look good. She must be a psycho.
What is up with this retard and being incapable of hiring ANYONE worth a damn to work with him? It’s just infuriating at this point to see the alleged leader of the counter-cabal make borderline braindead choices of allies over and over and over again.
Hit me with your best explanations, I cannot understand these tactical and strategic recruitment blunders as anything but mental retardation at this point. 100% rate of choosing to surround himself with backstabbers and enemies is surreal.
You have to get into the game, and see how big this thing is, and how much control is has leveraged to literally take almost every possible position of power and influence.
I could drop you in Trump’s shoes, with his resources, and this is probably better than you could do.
I was nothing, and I go back through my life, and shiiitttt. The number of these motherfuckers who were dropped all around me, like a layer of insulation between me and just the normal community.
And I could fucking feel it. I read accounts later in life of other people growing up, and when they would describe interacting with the people around them, the relationships they had, it was all different. Deeper, more connected, more genuine, made more sense in an action/reaction sense. I could read and feel situations, and think how they would have been in my life, and read on how they were completely different for these people, and I would think to myself, yeah, that makes sense, why would I innately expect something weirder? I had no idea why, but can now see how I had a palpably different youth growing up because of this thing. I can’t complain, this is, at the end, all God making me for what will happen. I needed to be programmed to trust nobody because I can trust nobody.
But if you are asking, why can’t Trump assemble an army of people like him around himself, you haven’t seen this thing around you yet. Once you do, you will realize, it is made specifically to prevent a guy like Trump from assembling an army of people like himself around himself.
And it is just too big, and been doing this too long.
I understand that’s the case for normal people, but for the alleged person working to save America he doesn’t have the resources or know how to dig in and find someone who isn’t an enemy? How are we expected to have any belief that he’s ever going to fix anything? Why waste the time trying to pull up on the controls and not just crash the whole system if it’s literally impossible to hire even one competent, loyal person?
Good question. I believe the answer is in the question itself. Trump winning in 2016, and the massive fraud in 2020 to remove him, plus all the other BS of the last 3 years, is exposing the system and also, IMO, helping to crash the system.
Friends close, enemies closer.
>Cash App founder, MobileCoin CPO Bob Lee stabbed to death in San Francisco’s Rincon Hill neighborhood.
The question is this: was he outside the conspiracy and needed to be removed to facilitate a takeover, or had he outlived his usefulness as a member of the conspiracy? Mega-Millionaires don’t get shanked without someone on the enemy team knowing it’s coming.
Trump had to be indicted and possibly convicted because of the conviction of Douglass Mackey (aka Ricky Vaughn). Trump’s group couldn’t have Mackey be the point man on this.
Want to know the amount Cabal is short to meet payroll?
“$2.6 billion more US taxpayer dollars just thrown away on Ukraine.”
They are still astronomically wealthy. But they definitely are needing to cut-back.
“China warned U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Tuesday not to “repeat disastrous past mistakes” by meeting Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen, saying it would not help regional peace and stability, only unite the Chinese people against a common enemy.”
China must need a war as much as Biden cabal does.
Along the lines of yesterday’s post on the young woman who didn’t (at first) make it into her college of choice…
Ivy League presidents.
Court Jew System.
Seeds of destruction sown in 60s and blossomed in the 70s
Laurel Canyon is where 60’s culture was birthed:
Both wings of sexual dysfunction. Either assaulting healthy and vigorous sex within marriage by frigidity or promoting such a thing outside of marriage.
One knows the enemy by their attacks on good marriages. And healthy sexuality within marriage. As much as their attacks on “Patriarchy” which is as integral to orthodox Christianity as the Trinity and as synonymous with real Christianity with an unbroken line through the Apostles and the venerable Church Fathers. To the Divines of the Reformation.
Its no coincidence that the ruling bodies of the Church were called Patriarchates:
Only within marriage where a Man cleaves to his wife in One Flesh is Sex actually Healthy, Good and Clean. Holy and Pure as God intended it to be. Actually Wholesome.
As commanded and celebrated in Proverbs 5 and Song of Songs/Song of Solomon.
UK Equal Pay Act 1970 and Sex Discrimination Act 1975
Women in the workforce increased competition and halved cost of labour.
As cabal changes are often coordinated, I imagine same happened in US
The Disney CEO had a conference call with investors the other week. His performance would be a disaster for Disney if it was (still) a company trying to make money for their shareholders. Of course it isn’t, so nothing will change, but its enough a dumpster fire to be somewhat amusing.
The links are from the Arkhaven comics blog, which I think is associated with Vox Day. The second post has a fifteen minute video where a Florida lawyer explains that they really screwed up the improvement district deal they had going on.
Off topic, but on the background wierdness of the world.
Matthew Crawford ( has a couple of substacks commenting on his history:
“During a rough stretch in 1999 that I would describe as mild, but prolonged depression during which I was constantly learning about and handling the many criminal acts of my brothers (which ranged from selling drugs for a government-associated mafia family to theft to physical abuse and assaults of others, and were weirdly encouraged by our parents), “
“Twice when I was a kid I was baited into shoplifting. “
“But I did have security clearance, which was entirely unrelated to that job, and is a far weirder story to tell. Oddly, it appears to have been something like a clerical error that I was given security clearance due to being an experimental subject in a DoD paranormal testing program when I was in elementary school. “
Very bright kid has strange life: Government associated mafia? paranormal testing?
Reading your site has ruined me for reading anything else without a bit of paranoia.
This world is just a very weird, weird place, and I think there is power in understanding the weirdness, so they brainwash everyone into thinking it is not weird.
A question for ppl who think Q is legit and the deltas real:
Looking Glass?
Or, just planning and ops?
Or some third option?
Ngl, I am kinda spooked by the whole thing. But have no opinion and am just watching it all.
Its all bullshit. Any good Op will be cristal clear and frontal. Dark ops are this kind of thing. Trump is part of it. I think there is even a biblical passage about this kind of thing.
You have experience?
Was involved in 2019 and 21 in political campaigns here, and were threatened due to wanting and being able to present a candidate who pressed the incumbent from the right.
I’ve been wondering if Q was AI. I assume this technology has existed in advanced state before the public became aware. Used by cabal and now countered by patriots with their own version? Might explain the “4D Chess” and general weirdness of things.
“…wondering if Q was AI…”
Q is too stupid and retarded to be AI. A real AI would be more believable.
After YEARS of…two weeks! Come on.
Best I can tell Q is,
Well I feel I would be overwhelming if I spam endlessly the book I wrote, but for it to be of any use, it needs to be discussed on its merits, as it gives enough arguments and proposed reforms to go on an effective social and political offensive against the governments.
Also this book opens a lot of stuff for discussion.
It would be a waste and something saddening if my efforts this austral summer were wasted.
How to choose a false president: Cronic based in data, documents, and journalism – Kindle edition by Villizzianto, Pablo. Politics & Social Sciences Kindle eBooks @
So may leave it for some days or a couple of weeks, so that readers can read it, think about it, discuss it in an elaborated manner. Maybe even make a series of discussions through a future dedicated forum to it.
Ideally, I want this issue to be pressed. Who knows, maybe Americans end up gaining their country back from fraudulent rulers, as well as brazilians. Argentina is fucked though, have proved it positively in my 1st book about the libertarians.
Would be nice to have some feedback on how those reading feel, if willing to give it a look, to review it, to further discuss it in a forum, and to act upon anything planned and prep in the social and political environments.
To this effects, just 17:30 of today, I have made a Gab Group, where I expect participants wont be censored at all, and we will be able to openly discuss this dangerous and violent breaches of rights by the internationalists against their victims, the citizenry of most countries.
How to choose a false president / Group – Gab Social
From experience, the path you are walking will be a long one. You will get sales here and there, but if you really want to get into the space, you are going to need to do two things. Spread into new pockets of people who have never heard of you, and do it again, and again, and again for years and years.
We are dissidents, facing intelligence agencies which control this entire internet, and they are using it to suppress you. I don’t want to be a downer, but you are going to need to do this for years, and become a personality people know. You are going to need to amass followers, which will be a slow process, made slower by intelligence agencies suppressing your visibility and your spread.
It is a long, tough process, and I am not even sure this site is capable of succeeding at having any mass-effect now. If I had known getting into this, there was this much stacked against my ability to do all this, I am not sure if I would have judged this a practical use of a decade of my life. Had I not known about intelligence being on me, and being poised to stifle whatever I did to exert control over my path, I might have figured some other path would put me in a better position to have an effect.
That said, if intel is on you, this will be as productive s anything else, and maybe a better use of your time. And you will get small victories, individuals you help along the way which will make it worthwhile.
I don’t want to be a downer. I know you put everything into the book and made it a killer, and you feel if you do not follow through and make it a success it will be wasted. But that amazing book is a very small part of this process, as you are going to find out. You might want to decide if you want to dump ten years of your life into this, and end up in a hostile relationship with the hidden domestic-intel actors in your local community before you get deeper into this.
It is cool with me, in no small part because from the time I was a kid, I was in a quasi-hostile position with these people, and getting into physical fights, and just having cold relationships with them all. The only difference for me is today I understand why everything is like this and it makes sense.
But if you are more normal, maybe you’d prefer the white picket fence and the kids playing on the lawn.
I don’t know, I just want to warn you, you are where I was ten, twelve years ago. It is a long road, and there are not a lot of fun places to stop off at on the trip. And I am still not entirely sure where the road ends, though for me, it may prove more interesting than for most, but only because I think God will have me taking a more interesting detour at some point. You may have to follow it to the end.
No anon, I have always been in a hostile place.
For succeeding I just need known people to give it a look, promote it (political supports) and then see (plan) what to do. I know of intel, even been threatened by it in 2019. Am a vocal of a minor political party here. No real intent of amassing a following more than for selling, planning, and maybe one day being hired for something. Remember, as a foreigner I can’t run for office outside argentina, and here the country is doomed, due to being destroyed by its own population, so here in argentina only short term incomes are worthwhile.
I will be fine, have faith, and just give it a look, read it, then it’s a matter of getting in contact with other people globally who may be interested. An issue to solve, is how fast getting into contact. Social proofs work right, so contacts here are the most important stuff. Thats it, that’s all.
Meanwhile I will continue with my studies, career, and so on and on. Will be fine.
Should email it to other bloggers btw.
Inversely, if I email people, and nobody gives a fuck, thats it, thats all. Moving on with the next thing, and done. It would still be useful as part of my future political ambitions in my country.
You are right in making a well regulated, moderate and efficient effort. Abstain myself from going all in leaving everything else.
Apart from the previous reply, there is another issue.
I will explain how I see this war politically speaking.
We all know of the insane corruption. Cold harsh truth is, via the election, its possible to start putting in check our enemies.
There is also the other issue, of how americans answer. I have seen you all taking too seriously the trashy people. Just send them to read a book, and to discuss it, thus showing them their inferiority.
Then its an issue of just discusing the issue. I show that everyone knows, excepts the plebs fucked up by the elites. Everyone already knows anons, stop treating them like “normies”, they are corrupt pieces of shit. Leftists know of the electoral fraud, they were and I quoted them bitching about it for a little less than 20 years. Just quote the media aligned with the liberals if they dare talk about this issue. I also quoted socialist democrat allies in south america, in front of the argentinian senate, explaining how they opposed the liberal US state department pressed electronic vote, by doing fraud in front of everyone with a simple smartphone app an argie intel operative wrote.
There is more of course, but I get you are all understimating how demolishing what I wrote and am proposing can be if pressed. If mericans just like brazilians ignore this, or dont wish so to press the issue, I wont keep anoying the people with this, will have written 2 books in a year, and will (sadly) continue my career with the monstrous potential for issues of state and politics continue to being wasted in this dominated shithole I was born to.
So please, decide if you want to read this book. If so, when you have read it, may we discuss it, and you should decide if you would like or not what I found, and if recomend it or not by sending a couple of mails, ex: to other bloggers and fairly friendly media. If not interested at all to read it, I won’t be pressing further in this blog, will just take the no, and that’s it. I may or may not look for other political supports, will just evaluate the situation, and follow my intuition. If you decide to read it, can even contact me at the proton or gmail, phone, or twitter I gave in the book.
With how intelectual you are, I believe you will give it a look at least. Most politicians are midwitted, so I believe they wouldnt even look at it. I expect this site to suffer temporarily from the time given to this book. You are free to review it here, ex: quoting parts of it. Would compensate the content of this blog for the time expended. We could even discuss it in detail in here.
Im looking forward to any answers with the best intents for freedom loving people, even taking a huge personal risk proposing a complex scheme to finish off this issue, and if you read between the lines of the 4th chapter, you may notice, finish this off in a deepest sense.
Pablo Martín Villizzianto
I will try to take a look, but I am presently down to four to five hours of sleep a night, only under two last night due to stuff I had to do today, and it wears on the system. Every few days I need five or six hours to reset, so I cannot do it immediately. But I will put speed reading through it on my list.
>I will try to take a look, but I am presently down to four to five hours of sleep a night, only under two last night due to stuff I had to do today, and it wears on the system.
You really need to cut on the workload, rest some days, or you will prematurely age. Currently, you are most likely cognitively weakened in a temporary fashion, and phisically too. Take a rest, and if I were you, I would reevaluate how I employ my time too.
>Every few days I need five or six hours to reset, so I cannot do it immediately. But I will put speed reading through it on my list.
Its normal, dont worry. Chill some days to rest of the overeffort of these days, and then you could temporarily pass some of the effort of the blog to open your mind to a global vision of the cabal operations in committing globally electronic electoral fraud.
Even this blog will grow better due to it. Will have a novelty, how the gayball is screwing us, in painful detail, globally, and how they openly talk about it.
Rest some days, remake your agenda, pass some of the news effort to this, will be good. This is one of the rare cases with an uncommon argie who wont defraud you and I believe you will concur with me in that I over delivered by a lot.
You are even free to quote some passages of what I wrote, so you could fill some of the news-space with an indepth investigation anon!
Can you do a paper version?
Ok, will take the effort. If amazon’s kindle accepts it, you will hear of it. If not, would have to look for other ways, but know none.
May still succeed working with a partner, maybe a possible american printer.
Trump’s New York indictment turns one hush payment into 34 felonies.
Why not 33 felonies? I’ve been keeping an eye out for a “plus one” which might explain the 34.
And here we go…New York indictment takes “one hush payment” and turns it into “34 felonies”
33 = Freemasonic sodomy
34 = the Crown
This is for all the conehead watchers here. Did TexArcane ever comment on their fingers?
Have you ever met a person with “human hands” that look like these???
I do think “the rules” require them to disclose.
Want to know more about them,
“…A priest of ancient Egypt, writing about conditions in his times, remarked on conditions in his country. I will give his statements in the translation I was shown.
“Semites have moved into Egypt. They have seized the harvests, diverted the streams, and drained the fish ponds. The custom of ritual, sanitary burial has been abandoned, and dead bodies are now thrown into the river. Social chaos abounds in the land, and the natural aristocratic order has been turned upside down. Murder happens in broad daylight, and people look the other way. The ties of kinship have been weakened so that men no longer love their brothers. Everyone demands to be accepted as they are, saying ‘Love me!’ but everything good in life has disappeared. Property is taken away from its rightful owners and given to others. If someone ventures an unpopular opinion, others reach for sticks and say ‘Kill him!’ The people become poorer while taxes and bureaucrats increase. The better people lose so that the inferior might gain.”
In that summary, written 3700 years ago, the Egyptian priest referred to the rise of multiculturalism, egalitarianism, moral degeneracy, cosmopolitanism, humanism, the tragedy of the commons, communism, political correctness, liberalism, and something akin to Affirmative Action. This is exactly the way America has been going. Similar events, leading to similar conditions, stemming from similar causes…”
And it’s not just the national vanguard, the Jews say much the same.
Whooops! You’re not supposed to know this. I read elsewhere, can’t remember where, they separated all the people and mixed them all up. Moving everyone somewhere else from where they were raised and that is the reason that Egyptians are mixed African early Mediterranean today. In the past, mostly White Mediterraneans lived in the North and Blacks in the South.
It’s just the same shit. The same racket for thousands of years. The only thing to do with these people is to get rid of them. Peacefully if you can get it, but by any means possible they must go.
An ethno-geneticspecific weapon has been released to target the ancient cabal bloodline. That is how the nations will be rid of them. Look at Charles III hands and face.
¿ source?
Its key to be in touch with reality to win any conflict and can smell a delusion in here.
Current royalty anywhere in the world are not part of the ancient cabal bloodline.
The purpose of cabal is to wipe out all royal and elite blood lines anywhere in the world.
Take a look at the bolshevik revolution: they immediately killed the entire royal family and then went after the rest of the blue bloods. The intent is to take away the brightest minds and charismatic leaders in every culture so that they will only be left with the common people who they will then rule.
The efforts to identify intelligent children with leadership potential in our schools and then screw up their lives is part of this.
Don’t be ridiculous.
They infiltrated and captured all the royalty all over the world centuries ago.
The fighting with royalty since that time has been between cabal factions.
Learn the skeletal anatomy of your hand.
Even with that though, it looks like the lingers are long and spindly.
NOW — Ukraine will become a member of NATO — Stoltenberg
They have said that all along.
It won’t happen soon and Russia will see to it that any Ukraine left is a tiny rump state or is absorbed by Poland.
Another sheep for the herd
Jim Stone argues that dissident sites on the web are now quarantined enough to be completely ineffective:
“Is it pointless to even do alt media anymore?
“I am not thinking about quitting, but there’s something going on that is glaringly obvious: People are not going to do anything to stop the corruption because everyone, even me, has been programmed to believe that taking action to put things right outside of the way a now totally corrupted system has authorized (protests, lawsuits, or anything else that is totally ineffective now) will be “wrong” or “crazy”. And that’s exactly the way the corrupted want it.
“The plan was brilliant: Present the state as the only answer to all problems and then corrupt the state. It worked. Rather than have people handle their own problems, put it into every mind that everything gets handled “by people in government who know better than you” and put perverts who belong in nuthouses in charge. Perverts are running most of the important things now and it reflects in medical policies and school curriculum. If parents complain, perverts smash them into oblivion.
The problems cannot be fixed via the courts either.
“The courts are now totally corrupt and staffed by perverts also, all the way up to the judge, in damn near every court. Many people probably remember a few years ago where a judge was getting off sexually on screwing people over and using a peter pump behind the bench that he occasionally made mistakes with and sucking and whooshing noises came from behind the bench . . . . especially during sentencing or ruling, the problem is so bad that corrupt judges are “getting off” on the corruption. Case in point: How can a grand jury indict Trump for anything at all?? Let alone 34 felony counts?? It’s called perverts in power, perverts behind the bench, pervert prosecutors and pervert selection of perverted juries. The system is gone. Totally gone. And no one will do jack about it because everyone is still programmed to believe the state will solve all problems rather than create them.
“It won’t.
“There’s another glaring problem with alt media also.
“If it’s effed up and wrong, it can go viral. If it’s accurate and damning, it will get ZERO circulation, even among trusted people who are credible. It is obvious to me in recent months, especially the last couple months after an announcement that AI would be “managing perceptions online” that there is a concerted effort, probably managed by AI that checks whether or not a story is accurate, and if it is wrong to disable censorship, or if it is right to censor it straight into the crapper. More and more the most popular stories are a load of bullshit once really looked into. And that’s a problem, we need a lot more than people who are mad about bullshit, because if they do anything about bullshit it does nothing to stop or prevent what is real. And at this point, what is real is going to eat us.
“So I am sitting here wondering what to do when “having something go viral” means it is crap, while all the good stuff sits and rots. What am I supposed to do? Sit here in my own little chamber with my own little audience, knowing damn well that outside of perhaps a stadium full of people that will see a particular report there’s nothing more that’s ever going to happen because it is all contained now? My echo out used to be in the millions, sometimes double digit millions with reposting. Now??? not so much. And it’s not just me, I have noticed that to get anything anyone else posted, you have to go directly to their sites and who can hit 150+ to see if any have anything relevant? Stuff that should go viral enough to hit all the watering holes is just sitting on one server somewhere, like a destitute puddle because anyone who tries to mail it or re-post it gets flushed by AI. The watering holes are drying up. We’ll never “stop the next vax.” Just look at what has posted: “Please tell people about this site, we need more traffic.” It’s not just Mike, AI caused that to happen to many sites. We are probably effed.
“Whatreallyhappened is one of those legacy sites that has been around since the beginning of the web. Everyone knows about that site, if that is happening to him it’s a big problem. My own sites have been around a long time also but have been wrecked by multiple shutdowns, I have had 5 domains shut down now so damage to this site is expected. WRH never got shut down, it’s still at it’s legacy location. If there are problems, the “problems” caused by AI are dead serious. We are probably effed.
“The problem with asking people to tell people about your site nowadays to “reach a wider audience” is that anyone who tries will have everything they sent filtered by Spamhaus and similar, we now have a weaponized web where AI is managing the death of anything that tries to get any inconvenient truths out. He won’t see an uptick in traffic from announcing that. Maybe this post, which is via direct IP will help. ”
One this is true. I can see in my traffic history, Up, Up, Up, Pause, Up, Up, Up, Pause, for probably thirty or forty cycles, followed by Pause, Fall Slightly, Pause, Pause, Fall Slightly, Pause, Fall Slightly, and so on, since the 2020 election. They have something they are doing now, I have no doubt.
That said, keep the faith. I think we can still do good things. They key is understanding how things work, and adapting to them. I think we can do that. They control a system, but it only gives them power if we limit ourselves to that.
And other interesting stuff will come about. It is destiny.
AI can’t censor you talking to people in real life. Being terminally online is the problem, and caring about events more than gossip-distance from your home a secondary symptom.
If you dominate your AO with real connections and work from there you’ll be more effective anyway, even if you had the capacity to reach a billion people online. No one is inspired to act by random comments online, you have to influence real people.
👆🏼 This, x1000, and then 1000 more. Walk away from the computer and get to work.
Something, something, Diversity.

Something, something, Indoor Plumbing.
Something, something, Vox Day.
Something, something, right again.
What are the odds of that?
I own a new construction and remodeling business, I see absolutely insane work like this on a daily base. And it’s worse than it even appears on the face: code usually doesn’t require it everywhere, but it’s pretty standard procedure to protect concealed utilities (plumbing, wiring, vents, etc) with a steel plate spanning the studs over top of these risk areas for the exact reason that homeowners might nail through into the utilities.
Literal pennies spent in the original build to plate over the pipe before drywall could have avoided this. Proper exploration into the wall structure / concealed cavity to confirm the presence of a stud could have prevented this. Even worse, it looks like a TV mount that was being installed, and they’re relying on standard screws driven into lathe strips in what looks like a floated basement wall. Even a 50lb TV would probably rip that whole mount clean out of the studs after a couple months/years due to under-spec’d fasteners and wall structure.
The entire scene is a mess from first build to this shoddy renovation. I mean it very literally when I say only hire American labor, and make sure the contractor is from a white collar background. You get fast work when you hire out mexicans, but you get sloppy, rushed work overseen by a moron. Most contractors suck, many are only one step better than copper thieving meth heads, and will actively cut corners and scam customers because they know they can get away with it due to the cratering level of construction knowledge the average American has these days.
“What are the odds of that?”
100%, apparently.
Heh I’m beginning to think we’ll welcome Chinese rule in the US. The thinking will be “at least they’re not satanic trannies.”
No we won’t.
Yes they are.
Them Chinese babes are pretty hot. Few and far between though.
While they may not be satanic trannies they will be godless communist re-education camp oppressors of Christians. Probably will force abortion on various peoples they don’t like as well. That will probably include a lot of Whites.
China’s first clinic for transgender children and adolescents set up in Shanghai
Story of teens at a transgender clinic in Beijing
Hong Kong trans men win appeal against gov’t ID card amendment policy in landmark ruling
Former US President Obama to relocate to Kenya in June
“When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape.
If this is the world situation left behind when they’re approaching end game, I’d hate to see the “do nothing” alternative. Shit’s on fire, guys, let’s hurry up the “save the day” part of the story.
It’s overdue.
He just declared he wasn’t a natural born citizen.
Statue of Liberty represents Ishtar bro. It is the largest example of idolatry probably ever.
The the average normie it represents welcoming hordes of immigrants into our country.
An idolatry that is just as destructive as Ishtar.
This meme is aimed at normies.
“…Statue of Liberty represents Ishta…”
No. no, no. There’s actually a good book on the Statue of Liberty that covers the whole story. An artist planned this. THE WHOLE REASONING behind the Statue of Liberty is that, get this, “As long as the light of freedom still shines in the USA the world has a chance to be free”. That’s it. That’s what was sold from the very beginning before it was built.
So what happened. The French public saved pennies and with small donations built the statue. Then the base, just as costly, was paid for by Americans with exhibits, postcards, public fund drives. The base is built and then,
A Jew bribed someone and put that stupid “give us your poor and wretched” plaque on it and declared that’s what it stood for. Look this up. I’m telling you the whole story. The same bullshit that has always happened. Someone builds something good, and the Jews bribe or con someone to take it over and turn it to shit.
Another Passover arrives, hope all is well, AC, thanks for all you do.
Thank you! I hope all is well with you and yours!
Mentally ill youth are more likely than non mentally ill youth to transition.
This has to be the no brainer of the century.
I had an epiphany of sorts and found that I can support transgender rights, playing women’s sports, participation in beauty contests etc! Just get your junk surgically altered first so the whole world witnesses your commitment. Make a video of the procedure and post on social media. Go on I double dare you!
And give regular updates on all of the side effects.
They do this in Iran. If you claim to be homosexual you MUST get a sex change.
AC and folks, here is Derek Johnson talking about the Continuity of Government operation in regards to the recent Trump “arrest,” meaning it is getting close to exposure of all crimes and treason ant the ensuing tribunals ant televised executions. See if this sounds reasonable to you. I find nothing wrong with what he says.
One hour and 46 minutes. Damn, these people really need to learn how to write scripts and edit stuff. People who make videos by just turning on a camera and rambling create these monstrous videos that I can’t imagine most people watch all the way through. I’m 3 minutes in and he’s not said anything on the topic. He should be halfway done in his presentation by now.
Amen, brother.
That’s true, and he was a whole lot worse, when he first started out. Doesn’t mean he’s wrong, though. This is his only video that I have watched all the way through, for that very reason. He has several PDFs that you can download free, BUT those are also very long. Woe is we! Lol.
It’s been up 23 hrs and garnered 546 comments.
Considering most don’t bother commenting on videos, I’d guess a fair few have watched it all the way through.
TV etc has ruined many a concentration span.
The Last American Vagabond goes nearly daily anything from 2-4hrs.
I rarely fail to finish them even if it takes a few visits, he covers so much that’s worth seeing, and I’m not in the US where much is centered, provides great insights useful for all imho.
Mr. Sandman,
wasting my time,
please hurry up
get to a line,
that tells me what you want to say,
so please cut
all the garbage
Thank you thank you, you’ve been marvelous.
In case you couldn’t tell, use the tune “Mr. Sandman”
“I’m 3 minutes in and he’s not said anything on the topic. He should be halfway done in his presentation by now.”
Your criticism reminds me of Rollo from the rational male dot com. His podcasts take 20+ minutes to get to the topic. I stopped listening some time ago.
I never listened to his podcast, but I couldn’t read him. He took too long to get to a point. He seemed very popular for some reason though.
He had a meltdown on Roosh’s forum and got banned. I think this is the first I’ve heard of him since. But a lot of those popular “game” bloggers went through the same thing, and around the same time. I don’t know what was going on, but I doubt it was a coincidence.
Thanks, Eric. I didn’t know about the meltdown in Roosh’s forum.
This gentleman is quoting chapter & verse of supposed Executive Orders from Pres Trump affecting Continuity of Government, Nationalization of the National Guard, Electoral Vote Tabulation, Executive Branch powers that were changed under FDR during WWII.
He is attempting to demonstrate that everything is under control, the evil was seen in advance, and “we got it/them all.”
It sounds too good to be true.
Can a qualified person (Phelps?) please weigh in on this. Is it credible?
BTW, I skipped the initial 5 minutes and listened up to the 33 minute mark.
I was thinking that Phelps could probably determine if this is legitimate pretty quickly. What say? He has a website with “all” the docs. I think he has shorter and faster to the point discussions, but you’d need to ferret them out. Whatever the case, if he is correct, it will be good. If not, we won’t be any worse off, will we?
NCBA Statement Correcting Internet Falsehoods About mRNA Vaccines in CattleToday, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) released a statement in regard to false information circulating on social media about the use of mRNA vaccines in cattle:
“There are no current mRNA vaccines licensed for use in beef cattle in the United States. Cattle farmers and ranchers do vaccinate cattle to treat and prevent many diseases, but presently none of these vaccines include mRNA technology.”
From Wikipedia, on the Special Counsel investigating Trump:
Smith is a competitive triathlete despite not becoming a swimmer until he was in his mid-thirties. In July 2011, he married Katy Chevigny, a documentary filmmaker known for Becoming, an award-winning 2020 documentary of Michelle Obama. They have a daughter. The couple has been living in the Netherlands since 2018.
Just a small thing I noticed from the Trump speech on the indictment. He said, “Jack Smith, I wonder what his name was before he changed it.” It sounded like possible ADL bait. Also I haven’t been able to find anything about a name change or even a record of his parents names. Seems like a small but possibly big thing. Maybe a trap? If the other side brings it up as a negative they also bring attention to it. Haven’t seen anyone mention it as if yet. Another strange piece, his listed name is John L. Smith who if you search is a famous football coach who drowns out all results for the lawyer. I tell you, strangeness is afoot with this one.
Real Name: John Doe
In need of an lol moment? Here you go:
“If patriots really are in control, worst case scenario, you will make things interesting, and if they are not, you might save the country:”
Huh? Wut?