News Briefs – 04/04/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


No DFT today.

We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.


I had to use one of those things online which will automatically mail you a code, and no matter what, I do not get the email. I also had to get an email sent to me from the host for AmericanStasi, and oddly enough that email did not arrive. As a quirk, the host sends it from an email they give you so I can see it was rejected and bounced back. Oddly enough I do get some emails though, so it is like some of the internet cannot mail me, while others can. Just FYI, the comments here are far from perfect, but I think email is probably less reliable.

I would propose this as a T-shirt, but I know none of you pussies would wear it, so I will probably just print a couple off for my Walmart runs, where I will fit right in. Still, let me know if you see any way to improve it:

These are incredibly stupid, but I will bet they get a much higher number of people who (a) see them and read them, and (b) think of them while they are online and stop by the site.

Big article from a CIA Officer who was hit with Havana in Russia. He thinks it may have been Russia, though I have heard others say there is an unwritten rule you do not do this, as soon CIA could be doing it to Russian intel officers in other nations as retaliation, so you do not play that way, for that reason. They don’t want an environment where all of them are turning each other into vegetables, all of the time, as nobody wins that way. And his work sounded pretty benign, even officially meeting Russian government officials. I don’t see Russia opening that can of worms over him.

I see a couple of interesting points. CIA leadership tried to keep him from being treated or even looked at by a doctor, almost maliciously, in ways other CIA people cannot understand. If I was a CIA leader, I’d have sent him to numerous doctors just to get intelligence on what happened. The leaders he dealt with didn’t seem to feel they needed any info on that, which makes me wonder if they knew more than they were letting on, because their op did it to him. Remember, there were doubtless CIA in Langley watching the towers burn before they fell, knowing, that was the op they worked for which did it.

Second, he continued to deteriorate in the US, rather than heal up. Not all DEW attacks feature a dramatic shocking event you cannot miss. The brain tapping, for me, was only detectable as a soft buzz, almost unnoticeable, like a soft cloud of buzzing surrounding my head. If I did not know about the surveillance, and our thing was not accelerating, I might have blown it off as sleeping on my neck wrong, or some nerve numbness. It is easy to explain something like that away. It was not until I moved my head and whatever they were doing inside it hit my ear drum, and I heard the drumming, like on a Tympany drum, that I realized there was a point in my head which had some kind of sharp trauma going on a specific point, whether it was tapping, or popping, or what I do not know. And I think now I was probably being hit each night as I slept from age 17 into my 30’s with the vibrations set low enough to inflame, but not so high as to wake me, though they botched that part once. He may have been going to sleep at night and getting hit softly each night in America, and that is why he did not heal from the first injury. I am sure his neighbor-terrain looks much like mine.

I still think the infiltrated parts of our intelligence apparatus are trying to purge the non-compromised, high-functioning elements, and Havana is one tool they are using to do that. It probably works for recruitment too. How many rock’em, sock’em Americans who would be kick ass intelligence officers will not seek to apply because they worry about Havana leaving them a vegetable now? Meanwhile people in the surveillance, who know 9/11 was their operation, probably also know that the Havana Syndrome will not hit them. So now they are the only ones applying, and soon the entire CIA could be completely cleansed of all non-compromised assets. I would love to know if this guy knows his neighbors are undoubtedly running a covert observation/monitoring post listening in his house 24/7. It would be fascinating if a top tier operations officer, like former Red Cell Navy SEAL Tom Mixon, has no idea how the world really works.

DIA memo discusses anomalous health incidents associated with what sound like UAPs. We heard this out of Gary Nolan, the Stanford researcher who said he had something like a hundred military personnel with similar symptoms to Havana, who had all been hit during encounters with UFOs, and something like 30 of them had died. Which seemed like big news, 30 military KIAs by UFOs. Somewhere on here, I think it is on one of the GATE pages, you have a commenter who describes being 7 or 8 years old, seeing a UFO light show outside his bedroom window, and then his parents freaking out because he was found shortly thereafter locked out of his house, in his underwear, and he is not sure how he got there. It is possible there is some kind of splinter society infiltrating us, or a military science contractor like SAIC, and they have access to UFOs, particularly flying saucer-types with white lights which glide around the outside edge of them in a spinning ring. That or the saucers are somehow curious about something the surveillance is up to, so they are seen in the same areas. Though obviously, Surveillance has reason to Havana me, I am not sure any saucers would care about me, unless they were tools of whoever set-up/runs the surveillance. Still just the introduction of the narrative is interesting, even if entirely fake.

On Twitter, more UAP stuff:

Hidden quietly on the National Nuclear Security Administration’s website is a link to 7 UAP reports that happened in 3 years at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The last incident happened exactly 3 years ago! While The Debrief did a story on this a while back, they left out some pretty interesting details. Seems not many people know about this, so I gathered the reports together and fed them into ChatGPT for analysis. Enjoy!

The provided text comprises seven Operations Reports from the Protective Force Division of the Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). These reports detail various sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) or drones near LLNL facilities between 2018 and 2021. The reports include descriptions of sightings, actions taken by security personnel, and notifications made to relevant parties, including the Central Alarm Station and FAA specialists. The incidents range from UAP flying over restricted areas to suspicious sightings near laboratory buildings, prompting heightened security measures and investigations.

The reports describe several unusual visual characteristics of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) observed in and around Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). These characteristics include:

Flashing Lights: Many of the sightings mention flashing lights, often in alternating colors such as white, red, and blue. These flashing lights are not typical of conventional aircraft and may be used to indicate movement or unusual behavior.

Silent Flight: In several instances, the UAPs were observed to fly silently, without the typical sound associated with aircraft engines. This silent flight is unusual and adds to the mysterious nature of the sightings.

In the report dated March 19, 2018, there is a mention of a low-flying “jet” that made no sound being seen around the same time a smaller silent UAP “drone” was spotted. This mention of a low-flying jet that made no sound is somewhat unusual. Jets typically produce noticeable engine noise, especially when flying at lower altitudes. While the report mentions a “low-flying jet,” it’s important to consider the possibility that the object may have been a UAP or another unidentified object that was mistakenly categorized as a jet.

Unconventional Flight Patterns: Some reports mention drones or UAPs exhibiting unconventional flight patterns, such as hovering for extended periods, making sudden stops and changes in direction, or flying at unusually low altitudes.

Bright Light Emission: One report describes a UAP as emitting a bright light in the sky, with specific mention of red and white lights.

These unusual visual characteristics contribute to the perception that the observed objects are not typical drones or conventional aircraft. The combination of factors such as silent flight, erratic behavior, and unusual lighting patterns adds to the mystery and intrigue surrounding these sightings.

Several aspects across the seven reports stand out as unusual or noteworthy:

Consistent Unidentified Objects: Despite security measures and patrols, the reports consistently describe unidentified aerial objects exhibiting unusual flight characteristics and appearances, such as hovering silently or flying in patterns not typical of conventional drones.

Multiple Witnesses: In several instances, multiple witnesses, including security personnel and laboratory employees, observed the same or similar unidentified objects, adding credibility to the sightings.

Lack of Identification: The objects lack typical features and markings associated with commercial drones. Despite efforts to identify the objects, such as contacting FAA specialists or reviewing surveillance footage, the reports often conclude with the objects remaining unidentified or unexplained. In the context of these reports, security personnel may have used the term “drone” as a convenient descriptor for objects they observed in the sky that they couldn’t immediately identify. This doesn’t necessarily mean that all the sightings were drones in the traditional sense; some of them could indeed be UAPs or other unidentified objects.

Variety of Locations: The sightings occurred in various locations within and near LLNL facilities, ranging from property protection areas to specific buildings, parking lots, and perimeter zones, suggesting a widespread presence of these unidentified objects.

Multiple Years: The reports span across multiple years, indicating that these sightings were not isolated incidents but rather occurred over an extended period, potentially indicating a recurring phenomenon.

Similar Characteristics: The descriptions of the objects, such as their appearance, flight behavior, and lack of sound share commonalities across multiple reports, further suggesting a consistent pattern in the observed phenomena.

Heightened Security Response: The reports highlight a heightened state of alert and security measures taken in response to these sightings, suggesting that security personnel perceived these objects as potential threats beyond what a typical drone might pose.

No Scheduled Drone Flights: Some reports mention that there were no scheduled drone flights in the area during the time of the sightings, adding to the mystery of these objects’ origins and purpose.

These aspects collectively contribute to the intrigue and mystery surrounding the unidentified aerial phenomena reported near LLNL facilities, highlighting the need for further investigation and analysis to understand the nature and origin of these objects….

About Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL):
LLNL is a research facility operated by the Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration. It is primarily focused on national security, including nuclear weapons research, nonproliferation, and homeland security technologies.

Here is some information about the buildings/areas mentioned in the reports:

Site 300: This location is part of LLNL’s Site 300, which is an experimental test site used for high-explosive testing and other research activities. The Fire Department likely serves the entire Site 300 facility, providing emergency response services.

Buffer Zone, Perimeter Drive, and Corral Hollow Road: These areas are mentioned in the context of security incidents and drone sightings near the laboratory’s perimeter and buffer zones. They are likely part of LLNL’s security infrastructure and may include access control points, monitoring stations, or security patrol routes.

On a interesting side note related to the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, investigative journalist Jeremy Corbell stated on the Joe Rogan podcast in 2023, that he has a witness who worked on a non-human device that had no markings on it while working at LLNL in the 1970s….

I would assume UAP reports are a distraction from a clique of our own people who managed to hide technology until they built up an advantage over everyone, but time will tell.

After a Pentagon report denying any evidence of alien technology or extraterrestrial life, Rep. Tim Burchett, R-Tenn., said there need to be more hearings on the subject.

Rockefeller insider gives a rare glimpse of the real reasons for the feminist movement – “One reason was we couldn’t tax half the population before Women’s Lib. And the second reason was, now we get the kids in school at an early age, we can indoctrinate the kids how to think.”

‘FBI violated American citizens’ 4A rights 278,000 times’: Bureau blasted over attempt to put gloss on Section 702.

Jesse Watters reveals the multi-million dollar perks going to Judge Merchan’s family for taking Trump to court in bogus hush money case.

Judge Juan Merchan, who silenced President Donald Trump from talking about his family’s financial ties to the current hush money case he is presiding over against President Trump in New York City, shot down his bid to use presidential immunity as part of his defense.

Lara Merchan, wife of judge in Trump ‘hush money’ trial worked for New York AG Letitia James.

Documents for Donald Trump’s $175 million bond in his New York civil fraud case were rejected by a court because a current financial statement was not included, and judge forces him to once again recount all of his financial assets.

Jack Smith issues veiled threat to Judge Cannon over her jury instructions in Trump classified docs case. Says he’s going  to seek “mandamus” at the appellate court level. One defense attorney said, “The tone Smith is taking with Cannon is no longer persuasion but outright threats. Unheard of dynamic btw DOJ and the bench.”

Democrats exploit illegals to flood voter rolls, jeopardizing the integrity of elections.

New voter registrations excessively outpacing population growth in several states.

Seattle Public Schools shuts down gifted and talented program for being oversaturated with white and Asian students. I used to think they just hated the meritocracy, but now I am actually wondering if this is being done as a shutdown of a Cabal intel-gathering op. If they offered to let my kid in the GATE program, no hesitation, it would be thanks, but no thanks. Assuming I wasn’t homeschooling, which honestly I don’t think is even an option today. GATE is just OpFor intel gathering.

DOJ seeks prison time for woman who stole Ashley Biden’s diary. Unclear if Joe is still molesting his daughter, but DOJ is OK with that, since he is her dad. Meanwhile Rudy and Bannon delivered video of Hunter having sex with his dead brother’s 14 year old daughter while smoking crack to Delaware State PD, and they cannot touch it.

‘Migrant influencer’ Leonel Moreno, who encouraged border crossers to squat in US homes, is under investigation for gun charges.

So Blackrock went on a home buying spree earlier. Now it appears various state governments will pay Blackrock $15,000 per month to house 4 illegals in one home, or $3,750 per illegal if other than 4 bedrooms. So Blackrock was clued into the longer term plan, and housing illegals was the purpose of all the home-buying.

When an illegal immigrant from Guatemala was accused of nine counts of sexually assaulting a child in Massachusetts, federal immigration agents wanted him detained, but the Massachusetts courts system, operating under the state’s “sanctuary” policies, said no, and the alleged rapist was released. Feds found him and picked him up on their own.

Millions of illegal immigrants are being classified as lawful permanent residents, allowing them to sponsor additional illegal immigrants for entry into the U.S.

Meet Aderbiss Pirela, the second-in-command of Colombian gang called “The Satans” and one of the seven most wanted murderers in Bogotá. He was just arrested outside of San Antonio, Texas on Tuesday SEEKING ASYLUM in the US.

Belgian Malinois K9 Corrections dog stabbed and beaten to death by a bunch of illegal migrant MS-13 member prisoners, after defending his fat female handler.

Some tuberculosis cases confirmed among migrants in Chicago, health department says.

Serious crime spiked again last year to levels unseen in nearly two decades, according to internal NYPD data obtained by The Post.

From this video:

>Eric Bolling: “I’ve had 2 Congressman.. Congress “people”, I’ll say it that way… call me saying there’s someone on the Democrat side paying off some of these members to Leave”

>Mike Johnson, who allegedly took $280M in donations from Paul Singer in one day: “No, I don’t think that’s happening.”

In bed with big pharma: Corruption fears as report finds US doctors received record $12bn in pharma payments in past decade.

Last week, Moderna announced progress on several mRNA-based vaccines for diseases, including many reportedly linked to the COVID-19 shot.

A troubling new study, published in the prestigious JAMA Network Open medical journal, found that the rates of adverse events among the Covid vaccinated were lower in Democrat-voting states and that deaths and severe illnesses caused by Covid mRNA vaccines are higher in Republican-voting American states. That could be bad, if the elites were directing where to send the hot shots.

House Democrat from Arizona announces cancer diagnosis.

‘This could be 100 times worse than Covid’: Bird flu warning from scientists who say HALF of infections with H5N1 in people are fatal – as White House says it’s ‘monitoring’ the situation. If it kills half the normal humans it infects, what happens when it hits immune-suppressed vaxxies? It doesn’t seem to spread well to humans, so we probably will not get to find out.

Biden’s DOJ secures FACE Act convictions for 4 pro-life activists, including 87-year-old survivor of communist concentration camp.

A group hoping to put an amendment enshrining the right to abortion in Arizona’s constitution said Tuesday that they had gathered enough signatures for the measure to qualify for the ballot in November.

Ohio congressman introduces bill to repeal 16th Amendment, arguing government shouldn’t tax income.

Former ESPN anchor Sage Steele revealed that her interview with President Joe Biden shortly after he took office in March 2021 was “scripted” by executives at the Disney-owned network.

Biden’s judge nominee backs ban on ‘assault weapons’ despite being unable to define them.

After draining strategic petroleum reserve to lowest level in 40 years, Biden cancels plan to refill it because oil is “way too expensive.”

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) on Wednesday likened Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) to a Democrat as she doubled down on threats to push forward with an effort to oust him from his post.

Wyoming governor vetoes bill to reduce gun free zones.

Wild dashcam from the Taiwan quake as massive rocks break loose from a cliff and pummel cars.

Taipei rebuffs aid offer from mainland China as disaster toll rises to 9 dead, 934 injured.

White House using 4-part plan to try to overthrow Netanyahu.

Israel faces ‘color revolution’ as opposition protests, Gantz wants new elections.

Iran vows retaliation against Israel for a strike in Damascus, planning a drone and missile response within 48 hours.

Russia and China back Iran’s right to retaliate against Israel.

Police Scotland hit with almost 4,000 complaints in first two days of new hate speech  crime laws.

Brutal justice for nine gang-rape thugs who sexually assaulted young girl in front of her mother as South African cops shoot them all dead in raid.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova has said that about 1,500 French soldiers will be sent to Ukraine as early as this month. According to her, the group will be put on full combat readiness in April to deploy to the “Ukrainian theater of military operations.”

The London crier: Zelenskyy acquires Highgrove House, former residence of King Charles, for £20M. It is OK, anon, you didn’t need that money anyway.

Zelensky says Russia plans to mobilize 300K troops by June.

Ukraine eyes Kerch bridge in Crimea for drone attack.

Senior Ukrainian military officials have voiced grave concerns over the potential for the country’s frontlines to collapse in the ongoing conflict with Russia.

NATO is debating a plan to provide more predictable military support to Ukraine in coming years as better armed Russian troops assert control on the battlefield.

Incredible high-tech window coating allows visible light through but blocks heat.

A team of scientists from the University of Tokyo has revealed a major breakthrough that allows them to create realistic 3D holographic displays using an ordinary iPhone screen.

Nebraska GOP gains ‘filibuster proof’ majority in unicameral legislature after Democrat switches parties.

Donald Trump spoke recently with Saudi leader Mohammad bin Salman; unclear what the two men discussed – NYT.

Trump vows to create ‘Christian Visibility Day’ following Biden’s declaration of ‘Trans Visibility Day.’

Marist poll: Independents swing 28 points toward Donald Trump in 4 years.

Spread r/K Theory, because you don’t need that money, anon

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10 months ago

The story about the parents who found their child locked outside is told on the show “Resident Alien”. The town’s mayor, as a child, experienced that. The show is actually funny, but I can’t tell if it’s some kind of soft disclosure or if they’re making fun of somebody.

10 months ago

Judge Juan Merchan, just made it possible for any real judge to shut down presidential immunity for Biden or any of his c0-conspirators…I mean members of his administration.

10 months ago

> It doesn’t seem to spread well to humans, so we probably will not get to find out.

I’m sure the CDC has multiple labs working on “gain of function” for it.

Remember they’re still paying the Chinese in Wuhan for bioweapon research. and probably the Ukrainians too. For all I know, they’re paying the North Koreans; it’s just the kind of whack-a-doodle crazy the CDC would do.

10 months ago

> Ohio congressman introduces bill to repeal 16th Amendment, arguing government shouldn’t tax income.

The power of the government to levy taxes was severely restricted by the Articles of Confederation. Taxation was why the Federalists wanted to junk the Article and replace it with their “Constitution”, which would have given the government essentially unlimited power.

The Anti-Federalists spent years opposing the Federalists. They weren’t entirely successful, but they managed to get ten of their demands appended; the first ten Amendments, otherwise known as the Bill of Rights – what most people consider “the Constitution”.

Alas, the Fed and the judiciary decided they were free to “interpret” the Bill of Rights as they wished, ignore it entirely, or even rule against it, because, hey, nobody could stop them.

Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

Federal income tax haters shouldn’t get their hopes yet. The governing Supreme Court ruling after the 16th amendment held that a federal income tax was constitutional even without the 16th amendment; the amendment itself was passed to reverse an earlier Supreme Court decision, and after it was passed the Court used the opportunity to reverse the earlier decision themselves. And of course none of this impacts any requirement to file state taxes.

Reply to  Ed
10 months ago

We need an amendment prohibiting income taxes at any level of government.

Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

The Articles were deliberately too weak to set things up for the too powerful Constitution.
Something in between would have been just right.
The BoR got us closer but not enough.

10 months ago

> Biden’s judge nominee backs ban on ‘assault weapons’ despite being unable to define them.

Probably doesn’t know what a ‘woman’ is, either. Or ‘civil rights’.

10 months ago

> Brutal justice for nine gang-rape thugs who sexually assaulted young girl in front of her mother as South African cops shoot them all dead in raid.

Being South Africa, my first thought would be that the cops were all members of a rival gang.

South Africa was once a nice country. It has gold, diamonds, and a few years ago they discovered what might be the largest untapped oil reserves in the world.

Now they can’t reliably provide electricity or running water in their capitol city.

“I wonder what happened…”

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

Huge mystery…green house effect???

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

Last I heard out of South Africa was the savages were burning down the water treatment plant that serviced their own town. They’re cancer.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
10 months ago

Obviously Trumptards and other deplorables, then, trying to sabotage the creation of a real-life Wakanda.

10 months ago

>Incredible high-tech window coating allows visible light through but blocks heat.

Already a pretty common tech in the building industry in Low-E glass coatings, but I’d love to see more data on performance vs cost. Low-E gets like 50-70% reduction in heat (if you buy the marketing push), and it’s not terribly expensive. If the improvement is 30-50% without much cost increase I could see this being huge for builders.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

Reduction of heat is fine in the summer; but, in the winter, the heat from the sun coming in the windows helps warm a room and keeps energy bills low.

Reply to  teotoon
10 months ago

Flip side, in a lot of areas there isn’t much sun in the winter/

Reply to  TRX
10 months ago

Shh, don’t bust the illusion behind solar panel farms.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
10 months ago

Hey, AC…
Your T-Shirt image looks washed out. You could easily make the colors deeper with almost any photo or image editing program by moving the “Curves” adjuster. Alternately, Gamma slider, or even Contrast could deepen the tone and make the colors richer across the board. I don’t know what program you are using, but nothing complex or expensive is needed.
For android, try Snapseed. For PC, check the Portable Freeware site for their recommended program that doesn’t even need to be installed.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

For PC I use with addons.
It’s free.

Last edited 10 months ago by Farcesensitive
Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

Wow. I haven’t looked at for years, but it has been supported and updated all along. It looks very good now, allowing layers and having plug-ins to use Photoshop-type 8bf filters and much more. Many other features and abilities have been added over the years. Will try it again, thanks! PS I have used Photoshop CS3 for a very long time, but it takes forever to load.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
10 months ago

>Corrections Dog Killed by Migrants…
What do you bet the migrants will be punished more severely for this than if they’d gang-rsped and murdered a White toddler!

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
10 months ago

They’d get a medal for either one if anything happens to them at all.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
10 months ago

Ohio Congressman’s bill to repeal 16th amendment income tax…
Yes, originally, this tax, seen as repugnant by the Founders, was popularized among the MAPI crowd under the slogan, “Soak the rich.”
Now you are *all* rich, MF’s! ($20 was one ounce of gold back then.)
Also, the new law was basically toothless until income withholding was passed as t temporary measure to help win WWII — just another way that Boobus americanus lost that conflict, being reduced to slavery and peonage.

10 months ago

None of the ground surveillance are jacked like that guy. They are feeble, pathetic creatures mostly.

10 months ago

Says he’s going to seek “mandamus” at the appellate court level. 

He will get rejected. Several reasons, starting with it isn’t ripe. She’s asking for proposed jury questions. It won’t be ripe until she decides on the verdict form. That won’t happen until literally the last day of trial.
Second, the state doesn’t mandamus. This is, once again, the clowns getting things ass backwards. The gov doesn’t have first amendment rights, it has restrictions. Smith doesn’t have a right to a speedy trial, trump does. The state doesn’t mandamus cases, because the state isn’t harmed by remand.
Update: Short version of mandamus. It’s a method to appeal a case in the middle of the proceedings. Normally, you can’t appeal anything until the case is over. If there is something that would irrevocably harm you if it isn’t cured before the end of the case then you can go to the appeals court and ask for an immediate appeal. These are rarely sought by the state and even more rarely granted, because the state doesn’t have any places where it is (from a legal standpoint) irrevocably harmed by a new trial.

Last edited 10 months ago by phelps
10 months ago

That could be bad, if the elites were directing where to send the hot shots.

Or, Democrats just don’t report that adverse events and deaths as such.

Moon Leader Daax
Moon Leader Daax
10 months ago
Thought you might find this interesting as it seems to align with much of what you discuss here. Thanks, AC.

10 months ago

I WUV the T-Shirt!!!! That’s good!

10 months ago

On the K-9, Rivan, being killed by MS-13.

What are MS-13 members doing in America? Because of the Roman Catholic Bishops. Who is responsible for the death of the K-9? The Roman Catholic Bishops are. 

We need a Judge Dredd. I am never so mad as I am now. This and all other sorts of crimes from the hands of illegals AND there is ONLY ONE GROUP Of people responsible—THE ROMAN CATHOLIC BISHOPS.

These people are dirt-bags one-and-all. Their sniveling empathies which are idiotic and evil, all based on the Heresy of Sola Gospel, is what caused this. They have all the information they needed to prevent that; they have philosophy degrees and theology degrees–There is a dictum of Western Law, “Ignorance of the Law is no excuse”. These pigs in gowns have the Bible that they refuse to read. These effetes have the sources of Wisdom but refuse to engage in Wisdom. These SIMPs flap-their-lips with Prudence and then disregard Prudence.

Who is responsible for the death of Rivan?

Every SINGLE sniveling puss that is a Roman Catholic Bishop. (including the retired.)

When SHTF, remember.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
10 months ago


Please give me your thoughts on Charlemagne. I’m conflicted but I dig his biography.

10 months ago

The drumbeat of evil continues. We all talk about turnaround. How many times are we “turning around”. We got rid of Paul Ryan. Turnaround.
McCarthy was a total failure. So we vacated the chair and got a Mike Pence feel-alike in Speaker Mike “Mr. Christian” Johnson. Turnaround, Right?

Here is Tucker Carlson interviewing Majorie Taylor Greene on what that POS Johnson is doing. Not only did he screw us over in the 1.2 Trillion budget deal–HE’S Planning to do it again with a new Ukraine Bill!
Tucker Carlson on X: “Ep. 88 Is Speaker of the House Mike Johnson being blackmailed to do the bidding of the left? It certainly seems that way. His colleague, Marjorie Taylor Greene, explains” / X (

She is mad as hell! I’m there too! What the Hell. We’ve got the Zombie Demonrat Party with knives out, our country is being destroyed, we are trying to fight back–and our biggest leader in government, can’t stab us in the back hard enough! It is a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, World. It is just mind-blowing!
(BTW–everybody needs to watch it!)

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
10 months ago
Reply to  Sam J.
10 months ago

Sam J

Just not sure I trust the 4D Chess with her. She was close to KM and that went nowhere. I know you’re a defund guy but I think that ship has long since set sail. There are precedents in history where the Military took over operations of National LE and allowed a loose oversight of the National Economy with an eye on BIG/bad players who would take adverse advantage by leveraging their size. We’re facing a decision of scrapping the “Great Experiment” for a new “Experiment” of collective/independent freedom or we are gonna see U.S. cities and suburbs see continuing decline and just die off with gentrification to follow…but not by our kind.

Last edited 10 months ago by Leverage
Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Leverage
10 months ago

a”…Just not sure I trust the 4D Chess with her. She was close to KM and that went nowhere…”

Anyone that throws sand in their gears I’m for. I know she was more trouble before that nude picture of her surfaced. Maybe she will get over that and cause more. We can hope.

“… I know you’re a defund guy but I think that ship has long since set sail…”

Every single funding bill is an opportunity. Every single one. I have not lost all hope. Every day is a new day.

Reply to  Sam J.
10 months ago

 Every day is a new day.

Reply to  Sam J.
10 months ago

This is a fantastic comment. It should be tattooed on the foreheads of every single good guy out there, especially that last graf. The Enemy is like cancer or toxic mold or fire ants: they never, ever ever ever ever ever ever EVER give up, no NEVER, not even when a blind baby can see the situation is hopeless.

It’s the true secret of their success. Read the history of any commie movement: in any battle or fight they ever lost, they immediately trotted out proud gleeful proclamations of their ‘Glorious Victory!’, and after awhile, enough stupid people believed it.

You’d think our boys and girls would have learned that by now. Since they {obviously} refuse to learn it, we’ll have to learn it for em.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
10 months ago

The Best paid/protected/coveted career in the 21st century is ‘Political Prostitute’.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Pleasepost
10 months ago

Yeah, until the Day of the Rope.

Lord of the Hundreds
Lord of the Hundreds
10 months ago

At least the state gov’ts helping Blackrock know where a lot of illegal aliens are residing. 

Those benefit lists should help the Trump 47 security forces much more easily round up these criminals for deportation. 

(State gov’ts not releasing the info? That’s what the other arrests lists will be used for.)

10 months ago

Excellent article by Vox today which references an RT piece which covers the rise and fall of national hegemons. The repetitive cycle are recognized; and each cycle ends with the financialization of national assets. This recognition of economic cycles covers several centuries; yet, there is a failure to notice the particular tribe which has been around and dominant throughout the centuries: the Canaanites;also known as the Tyrians, then Phoenicians, Jews; and finally bankers. In short the usury/merchant tribes.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  teotoon
10 months ago

Yeah just read Vox’s article. Excellent stuff, but you are correct the machinations of a certain ethnic commonality weren’t mentioned.

Reply to  English Tom
10 months ago

The machinations were loud and clear between the lines.

10 months ago

So P Diddy had intricate video surveillance systems, much like Epstein.

10 months ago

I finally got Substack. Only person I could think of to follow was Tex. Who else is good to read?

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Jimmy
10 months ago

Sigma Game by Voxday.

Reply to  Jimmy
10 months ago

Frank Wright, 2nd smartest guy, sigma game

Reply to  Jimmy
10 months ago

Coffee & COVID -Jeff Childers

Postcards from Barsoom-John Carter

Librarian of Celeano

Reply to  Jimmy
10 months ago

Tell me how this ends by Chris Bray.
Declassified by Julie Kelly.

Reply to  Jimmy
10 months ago

Other good reads are Postcards From Barsoom by John Carter and A Wrinkle in Tom by Tom Siebert.

a non anon
a non anon
Reply to  Jimmy
10 months ago

I would humbly recommend
He is pretty intense, but has massive info about how the whole Rona scene went down. He also ID’s the rabid wolves posing as helpful sheep. (Kory, Baloney, GVB, et al)
Another for documentation of the baffling rise in sudden deaths around the world since 2021 would be
He is a former (?) NYU prof, expert in propaganda. He seems to have learned that libs are tards, and provides lots of info.

Reply to  Jimmy
10 months ago if interested in commentary on RUS/UKR

Reply to  Jimmy
10 months ago

The Forgotten Side of Medicine

An anonymous doctor discusses forgotten treatments from decades ago, medical history, gaslighting & corruption. Problems with vaccines & long accepted drugs like SSRIs. The writing style is thoughtful and philosophical. He/she did endorse RFK tho.

I still think about a fascinating series on the 4th phase of water, how it moves & the heart & blood flow. Often the articles are in a series explaining complex ideas with subsequent essays building on the previous one.

10 months ago

Regarding Email trouble, your spf record is ok, but you need Demarc/dkim records at the dns server.
Your hosting provider will know about this because it has been a requirement for 1-2 months.
otherwise ask for help if needed.
but I also know they are siloing off the internet so we cannot talk outside out shared bubbles.

10 months ago

Comment from FR:

[quote]FWIW…the New Madrid earth quakes of 1811-1812 began ten days after the second of two eclipses crossed over the New Madrid fault. The second ecplise was seven years after the first one. The three largest quakes were 7.8-8+ magntude. There were over 2000 quakes, spanning nearly two years. We’re about to repeat the same event cycle of two ecplises, separated by seven years, over the same fault region.

Records indicate this fault shakes about every 200 years. This current repeat ecplipse pattern is 213 years after the 1811 eclipse.

Why have three states (Texas, Oklahoma and Ohio), just outside of the fault area, recently declared a state of emergency and mobilized their national guard? For a tourist event? Really? a STATE OF EMERGENCY? What is the real reason for the SOE? Do they suspect something that they’re not diclosing to the public? Some suspect a terrorist event, however, there seems to be a much more obvious concern here which has historical evidence.[/quote]

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

It could be both. It appears the Middle East is about to blow up (literally!) and so there may be terror attacks in US/the West as a response, alongside natural events like earthquakes, although we have to accept there may be technology that can actually induce earthquakes, which will be used.

10 months ago

The potential paths for coming out of this madness are narrowing. This is where I agree completely with AC. Where we may diverge is how much of a pushback we would see from full exposure of Surveillance by the everyday normie. My guess it would be fairly mild. Covid solidified my guess on this. Eastman is a marker of this at the Top. He’s the antithesis of Dershowitz. Eastman went down. The SCRIPT keeps turning its pages with a small edit here and a small edit there.

Who Trump picks as VP is interesting in many ways. It really makes no difference at all except to get a tell on how Trump sees our kind.

Reply to  Leverage
10 months ago

If Trump would like job security, who would be Hitler as the VP that Cabal would not want to see get the job?

10 months ago

CIA ‘warns Iran will attack Israel within 48 hours’ as revenge for consulate strike
US Intelligence officials have branded Israel’s strike on the Iranian consulate in Syria as “reckless” and fear a wider war in the Middle East.

10 months ago
Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
10 months ago

The Jews satanic demon god Yahweh demands blood, and the Jews give it to him. The demon god demands burning flesh sacrifices, and the Jews give it to him.

Never forget that the Jews “allowed” Hamas to kill Jews. They deliberately withheld forces to stop them for I think it was 7 hours. More blood, more flesh burning sacrifice for the demon god.

comment image

spare yourself, spare us
spare yourself, spare us
Reply to  Sam J.
10 months ago

Sam, I and many others, no doubt, appreciate a lot of what you post, but this is a direct error you can’t push, please.

Yahweh, the Creator, is no demon or blood thirsty entity, but rather, endeavoring to let all of us be saved by the sole sacrifice of his one and only Begotten Son.

You have been confused, by what source I have no certainty other than it is at minimum mistaken or deliberately deceptive, shown as obvious for use of the (classic image purported as being) child sacrifice entity known by many as “molech”, and the Creator would not like being conflated to that definitive evilness.

You damage your own soul and harm everybody’s that takes such a thought to heart, and perhaps turns away from the Loving Father in Heaven in any form or fashion, or has any tiny sliver of doubt formed by this mistake on your part. Don’t push this, please, you are on the complete opposite side. I am hard pressed to think of a more diametrically opposed comparison other than a direct equivalency of our Creator and His adversary mentioned throughout the scriptures.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  spare yourself, spare us
10 months ago

From your limited perspective, you cannot be blamed for imagining that you are correct. HOWEVER, your limited perspective, candy-coated as it is, is chock full of GMO fake spirituality and laced with monosodium Jewtinate. All surrounding the poison pill at its center: “original sin.”
Increase your perspective, anon, and notice the truth.

spare yourself, spare us
spare yourself, spare us
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
10 months ago

This is where the advice is to remove the beam from your own eye, before telling me to remove the speck.

By the way, it may be fictionalized, but the movie about Ruth in the Bible has her young life residing in moab, and she was raised to be a sacrifice for chemosh, their version of molech, but had a mysterious rash develop just at her time to be made the next victim and so, with blemish, she was passed by and when grown, was doing the raising and teaching of the young new victims. She failed her test of time there when she was beguiled by one of the Believers residing in moab, she married the man and then was his widow shortly thereafter. She and the mother in law fled moab while being pursued, and when confronted by relatives of her dead husband, they decided to be charitable to those refugee women after an initial confrontation.

Chemosh believers came to create havoc for Ruth, she put them to shame by saying can you recite details about the Israelite tribes etc., they balk, so she says, just praise the creator and curse chemosh, and they can’t and are led to their deaths praising their demon god of the dead pure and innocent children “hail chemosh” or some such. Look up the movie if you want an interesting bit of storyline.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
10 months ago

“…monosodium Jewtinate…”

Oh that’s a good one. I may have to steal that.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  spare yourself, spare us
10 months ago

“…You have been confused, by what source I have no certainty…”

Uhhh… how about, Jesus.

Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and I am here. I came not of my own accord, but he sent me. Why do you not understand what I say? It is because you cannot bear to hear my word. You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. But because I tell the truth, you do not believe me. Which one of you convicts me of sin? If I tell the truth, why do you not believe me? Whoever is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God.”
– John 8:42-47 ”
– then answered the Jews — ” (which makes it clear that Christ was addressing the Jews.)

“…Yahweh[a] was an ancient Levantine deity, and national god of the Israelite kingdoms of Israel and Judah.[3] Though no consensus exists regarding the deity’s origins,[4] scholars generally contend that Yahweh emerged as a “divine warrior” associated first with Seir, Edom, Paran and Teman,[5] and later with Canaan. The origins of his worship reach at least to the early Iron Age, and likely to the Late Bronze Age, if not somewhat earlier.[6]
In the oldest biblical literature, he possesses attributes typically ascribed to weather and war deities, fructifying the land and leading the heavenly army against Israel’s enemies.[7] The early Israelites were polytheistic and worshipped Yahweh alongside a variety of Canaanite gods and goddesses, including El, Asherah and Baal….”

“…Yahweh, the Creator, is no demon or blood thirsty entity,…”

You sure about that? And Yahweh worshipers have a multi-thousand year track record of this sort of behavior and are at it as we speak, right now in Gaza.

“…In the cities of these peoples that the LORD your God is giving you for an inheritance, you shall save alive nothing that breathes, but you shall devote them to complete destruction, the Hittites and the Amorites, the Canaanites and the Perizzites, the Hivites and the Jebusites, as the LORD your God has commanded” (Deut. 20:16-17)….”

“…Baal (/ˈbeɪ.əl, ˈbɑː.əl/),[6][a] or Baʻal[b] (Hebrew: בַּעַלbaʿal), was a title and honorific meaning ‘owner’ or ‘lord‘ in the Northwest Semitic languages spoken in the Levant during antiquity. From its use among people, it came to be applied to gods…”

“…Leviticus repeatedly forbids the practice of offering children to Moloch:

And thou shalt not give any of thy seed to set them apart to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD.

— Leviticus 18:21


Genesis 22:1-19English Standard VersionThe Sacrifice of Isaac22 After these things God tested Abraham and said to him, “Abraham!” And he said, “Here I am.” 2 He said, “Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you.” 3 So Abraham rose early in the morning, saddled his donkey, and took two of his young men with him, and his son Isaac. And he cut the wood for the burnt offering and arose and went to the place of which God had told him. 4 On the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place from afar. 5 Then Abraham said to his young men, “Stay here with the donkey; I and the boy[a] will go over there and worship and come again to you.” 6 And Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it on Isaac his son. And he took in his hand the fire and the knife. So they went both of them together. 7 And Isaac said to his father Abraham, “My father!” And he said, “Here I am, my son.” He said, “Behold, the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?” 8 Abraham said, “God will provide for himself the lamb for a burnt offering, my son.” So they went both of them together.
9 When they came to the place of which God had told him, Abraham built the altar there and laid the wood in order and bound Isaac his son and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood.10 Then Abraham reached out his hand and took the knife to slaughter his son.

Jewish Ritual Murder

Why I Believe in Jewish Ritual Murder by Winston Smith, aka Harold Covington

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Sam J.
10 months ago

Prof. Paula Fredriksen, Ph.d.
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
“Gods Run in the Blood”
By 3 and 1/2 minutes, she has explained it all. In other words, no need to listen for 2 hours, though you may find it worthwhile to do that.
This: All the old Gods were thought to be alive e.g. real, back then and with all of them, each attached to a specific ethnicity.
Some of her other talks will be found on the ‘Net.

Reply to  spare yourself, spare us
10 months ago

YHVH, or yod he vod he was not recorded in the written form until 1000 AD by the masorites. This was in conjunction with all the other time line and prophetic tinkering to deny our savior. Look to the septuigent for a more accurate version of the first 5 books of the old testament. As for the good news? Read all you can and use the discernment the lord blessed you with.

spare yourself, spare us
spare yourself, spare us
Reply to  Sam J.
10 months ago

And yes, you did have an indirect comparison of the Creator as “satanic demon god”, I just did not want to concentrate hard on such egregious error.

Reply to  Sam J.
10 months ago

Look, that’s Moloch Childburner there. Not Yahweh. You have to know better, so I assume this is a lie.
Second, Abraham took Isaac to Mt. Moriah to sacrifice him on Yahweh’s command. But God intervened to put a ram there instead to be sacrificed.
This is one of the clear differences between God and the pagan deities. He is not for human sacrifice, except for His own Son. They are for it.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

“…Abraham took Isaac to Mt. Moriah to sacrifice him on Yahweh’s command. But God intervened to put a ram there instead to be sacrificed…”

And yet…he expected it. He made no effort to ask why or to do anything but offer his son’s life. After all if a demon makes a bush burn without being consumed and you follow it’s directions and leave the country then why not kill your son when the demon ask. A trifle. And seeing as how it’s always lusting after burnt meat…well why not…

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Sam J.
10 months ago

God promised Isaac would have children. Abraham had faith God would raise Isaac from the dead.

Hebrews 11:17-19 “By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son, Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called: Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead; from whence also he received him in a figure.”

Abraham took his faith to the logical conclusion. In doing so, he was part of the fulfillment a very important foreshadowing of God’s sacrifice of Jesus Christ and Christ’s resurrection.

spare yourself, spare us
spare yourself, spare us
Reply to  Sam J.
10 months ago

Sam, using wickedpedia to explain might explain how you lost your trail on the Creator Yahweh, the Father of all and whose son is our Messiah, you quoted the Savior and deny His Father?!?!

If you use any text that shows you the True Names Yahshua the Savior, whose Name means Yahweh Is Salvation, maybe then you can stop conflating the behavior of the counterfeit tribe (the pharisees, talmudists) to the True Descendants of the Tribes of Israel. I resent you lumping everyone that knows Yahweh is the Creator Name with those who work opposing His Will.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
10 months ago

BTW it’s not sacrificed that bothers the demon god Yahweh. It’s the sacrifice to Moloch that seems to be the problem. Because, of course, the demon god is jealous of other demon gods.

10 months ago

If you don’t want to believe the Russians are behind Havana Syndrome then you are to believe it doesn’t exist and was just cricket noises

10 months ago

Denmark Sacks Defense Chief As Red Sea Failures Pile Up For NATO

10 months ago


My Mother retired from there. Dad worked there. Three grandparents. Four out of five were green badges. My paternal grandfather did not, because he worked at Sandia across the street(Both facilities are on East Ave). I used to work at the Round Table Pizza down the street from the place. On family day I got to see the Cray supercomputer that hadn’t yet been completely shut down and walk through the set for the ENCOM laser area in the movie TRON.

Livermore used to basically be a Lab Town, the place being built on a decommissioned US Navy airfield. If you went to work there you were getting your retirement benefits via University of California.

Rumor mill – the non-human “object” was there to be subjected to materials testing. They couldn’t get the pieces to stay bent, didn’t matter what kind of pretzel they bent them into, heat, cold, the metal returned to it’s original shape exactly.

The guts for one of the first cruise missiles in America’s arsenal was completely redesigned there because the sensor package didn’t work and they had to cram a whole new one into an existing space – in under three weeks. The reactive armor from the Abrams tank originated at materials testing in LLNL where there were studying a weird weapon that had popped up and was killing Israeli tank crews – some sort of steel rod that was easily punching through literally any tank armor available, likely Soviet but never confirmed. The Israeli’s beat it with tar and loose rocks. LLNL developed aerogel. Also some kind of fuel cell that was supposedly used by NASA but completely buried because it was a ridiculously disruptive technology.

The energy group figured out how to get a 440 Chrysler big block hitting 45MPG in the late 1970’s. They flew to Detroit to meet with representatives of The Big Three and AMC in one meeting, which lasted about ten minutes or so and they were told by all four that none of America’s auto makers were interested in anything they had to say.

LLNL has NEVER designed any kind of WMD… because those are designed at Sandia across the street using peaceful DOE research and patents. Clown World word salad again.

I haven’t seen the place in twenty years, but last I heard it was transferred to DHS and then put under contract to Bechtel, which has all but shut it down.

Last edited 10 months ago by lowell
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
10 months ago

The general thinking is that it’s now too visible. It’s at the extreme end of the SF East Bay, and Livermore has become a massive housing track for Silicon Valley. When I was a kid Livermore was the semi-affordable town where you could get a starter home at reasonable price, unlike neighboring Pleasanton or Dublin/San Ramon. CHEAP real estate was either Tracey or even all the way out to Manteca or Modesto in the San Joaquin which is what my mother opted for with her second husband. I bounced back and forth between eventually going to high school in Livermore.

Meanwhile in 2006 or so my Dad sold his 4 bedroom house on a quarter acre lot for $500,000 and I suspect the place is up around $750K today. To give some perspective on how ridiculous this really is, my grandfather is currently selling 40 acres with ten year old house on a picturesque hillside with eventual timber harvest for about that price ten minutes away from me, and let me tell you property values here are heavily inflated do to the artificial constraint of the Oregon land use laws.

So with the Cold War over if seems like they just shifted almost everything at Livermore over to Los Alamos. The NIF is still operational and claiming to make fusion breakthroughs, but not much else.