Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:
Seven states have more people registered to vote than they have people eighteen and older.
Prince Andrew’s ex-lover Lady Victoria Hervey, said not only did Jeffrey Epstein know about the September 11th attacks on the Twin Towers before they happened, but he and his friends even allegedly bought plane tickets “as souvenirs” of the horrifying and heartbreaking national tragedy. She says, “Regarding 9/11 which I’ll touch more on tomorrow, I have a story that connects it to Epstein. As in he knew it was going to happen and so did his close circle. They even bought plane tickets as souvenirs and never got on the planes. This is a whole new level of Sick.” Indeed, it has probably been lost to time, but I saw an interview back then with one of the workers in the Twin Towers who got out alive, and he mentioned that he had thought to himself that morning, that it must have been a Muslim holiday, because the Muslim food vendors who packed food carts all around that part of Manhattan, were all, to a one, entirely gone that morning as he headed into work. He said now he wondered if they knew. Those food vendors were(are) probably static surveillance posts monitoring the wheelers and dealers of Wall Street as they head to their work each day. So there is a decent chance the local ground surveillance was warned something was going to happen, and maybe even knew what was scheduled. There is no telling what the gossip matrix within that Secret Society is like. I have said a thousand times, there is no way 9/11 defeated the domestic surveillance machine and kept it in the dark. Everywhere the hijackers went, even if they had eluded previous local networks (they didn’t), they were triggering flags with the new local operations, and getting looked at. Zero chance they were missed. And everyone in the domestic surveillance machine, maybe 5-10% of the population, knows that at the very least, their organization allowed 9/11 to happen. And at this point it looks like a decent probability their organization was probably tasked with running surveillance support for 9/11, because it was an active Cabal-Op which would increase the power of the elites over the population. 9/11 was THE horrific tragedy of modern times. It will be a huge redpill to find out how many people, right alongside us, viewed it completely differently – and managed to keep the secret from us. And I will guarantee you there was short selling going on like crazy, far beyond any dribs and drabs which leaked out to us.
Hunter Biden’s firm wanted to asset strip the U.S. Postal Service, E-mail reveals.
Newspaper clipping below supposedly shows Biden’s parents were radio actors:
When I was in High School some of the ground surveillance kids were in the acting club, which I always thought strange because there seemed no reason for them to take something like that on, and lose all the time to it. Sports, I would understand, science stuff could get you into a college, or so they said, band kids were kind of shunted into it since everybody had to do it, but acting club was this weird club you had to seek out, with a bunch of weird kids in it, and it was never put on anybody’s radar. I wondered about the ones in it, and how they ended up there. Now I look on it as training for their surveillance gigs as adults.
Dear business owners and CEO’s:
As a headhunter, I’ve been dealing with HR for 25 years, and I implore you to fire them now! All of them! Ninety-nine percent of them are liberal, woke, CRT-pushing pukes who prioritize personal pronouns over production and profit.
I see them stalking social media to ensure that resumes of ‘undesirables’ are never seem by hiring managers. These elitist group-thinkers have an agenda, and it’s not yours!
The CEO of a Fortune 100 company told me last week that he’s “scared to death” of his VPHR. Sound familiar? They’re your enemy, not your friend; a liability, not an asset. You’ve already outsourced your payroll, benefits, and recruiting – so what do you need HR for anyway? Do the cost/benefit analysis and see for yourself. Defund your expensive Applicant Tracking System, the infamous ‘black hole’. Defund your worthless money-sucking HRIS system.
HR gets their marching orders from the national HR organizations like SHRM and NHRS, and your company is probably funding them! Check out the websites of these organizations and see their agenda for yourself. Stop sending your people to HR conferences where they are encouraged to hate you.
Stop the nonsense! Show some guts! You know that HR is a magnet for anti-American, anti-white, anti-straight wokeness. Please, for the sake of your employees, your company, and your country: FIRE THEM! ALL OF THEM!
Washington Examiner writes – As former Vice President Mike Pence positions himself for a possible presidential race, he is setting a great example of substance of the sort that the public should demand from all White House aspirants. Another fully comped outlet.
Mike Pompeo is running — if not for president, then for a chance to be Donald Trump’s running mate should the former president mount another campaign. Never trust anyone from CIA.
Sarah Palin says she’s running in a Special Election for Alaska’s House Seat in Washington.
American Greatness warns the left is going to try and take over the Police. The left is not the problem. They are just one small subsidiary of the bigger problem, and if that gets full control of the Police, then we will have real problems. Of course, it would be difficult for Cabal to explain 9/11 to regular cops who watched their brothers in NYPD and NYFD die that day.
BREAKING: A pro-life activist has obtained ‘post-abortion fetuses’ from a notorious Washington DC abortion clinic
They clearly show these are the corpses of children
It appears they may have even been partially born when they were killed, a violation of federal law
— Jack Poso ?? (@JackPosobiec) April 1, 2022
The pictures are here, but they are graphic. There is a look to them that they were more than just a girl who got pregnant and didn’t want the child, so she got an abortion quickly. They seem so developed, you have to wonder if they were conceived and raised to that age for being sacrificed.
Abortion is not only murder it is an offering to Moloch
— Jack Poso ?? (@JackPosobiec) April 1, 2022
New inflation record in the euro zone, the worst is yet to come.
EPA decides not to regulate chemical linked to fetal brain damage in drinking water.
Aliens ‘are abducting humans and living on Earth before invasion’, a professor of history at Temple University in Pennslyvania claims. He says abductees are being told they will have a job to help with crowd control during the invasion. I just assumed the crowd control would consist of pulling up all the magnetized vaxxies into the Harvester ships with giant magnets.
Google adds new “fact checking” to News, will push users to “credible” sources.
Why would conservatives support Russia in the war in Ukraine? Why would Cabal oppose it? Our enemies oppose Russia is why:
Ukranian commander of defense caught getting banged by a tranny. There was a 4Chan thread with a video. I did not review the video, since as they say, there are things which once seen cannot be unseen. Mainly significant since this type of thing is a clear indicator that you are looking at an organization that has been taken over by Cabal, and its leadership filled with their blackmailable degenerates.
After hearing news outlets reference ISW, I began reading ISW's daily reports. I wondered how their battle assessments could be so consistently wrong. They always claim Ukraine is whipping Russia. I realized they are helping defense companies make money by prolonging the war.
— Jake Morphonios (@morphonios) April 1, 2022
Zelensky admits the Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion is now an official part of Ukraine’s military.
Ukraine attacked oil depot inside Russia.
Ukraine denies revenge airstrike on major Russian fuel depot. A third party looking to prolong the war?
UN needs to study Russian documents on US biolabs in Ukraine, says Chinese diplomat.
Anti-gun attorneys general lose again in long-running fight over 3-D printing.
Georgia General Assembly passes Constitutional Carry law.
Iowa House passes bill requiring schools to post curriculums, materials online for parent review.
We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.
Save America Announces Additional Program Speakers for Washington Township, Michigan
This Save America rally is a continuation of President Trump’s unprecedented effort to advance the MAGA agenda by energizing voters and highlighting America First candidates and causes.
Saturday, April 2, 2022, at 7:00 PM EDT
President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, Delivers Remarks.
Michigan Stars Sports Center
65665 Powell Road
Washington Township, MI, 48095
Newly Announced Special Guest Speakers:
Representative Lisa McClain, U.S. Representative from Michigan’s 10th Congressional District
John Gibbs, Candidate for U.S. Representative from Michigan’s 3rd Congressional District and Former Acting Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Previously Announced Special Guest Speakers:
Matt DePerno, Candidate for Attorney General of Michigan
Kristina Karamo, Candidate for Secretary of State of Michigan
Timeline of Events:
8:00AM – Parking Opens
2:00PM – Doors Open
4:00PM – Program Begins
7:00PM – 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks
General Admission Tickets:
Request Media Credentials:
All requests for media credentials must be submitted by Thursday, March 31, 2022, at 5:00PM EDT.
“Seven states have more people registered to vote than they have people eighteen and older.”
“Forge the signatures, and your journey towards the Dark side will be complete”

-Darth Bertha
“because the Muslim food vendors who packed food carts all around that part of Manhattan, were all, to a one, entirely gone that morning as he headed into work.”
Regarding Epstein and co. having plane tickets for the 9/11 flights and all the surveillance being gone- regard that as a clue everyone. If you find yourself without a surveillance/follow team, definitely be troubled, you are in the fire zone. Leave, or else you’ll be leaving the planet.
That just goes to show you that Jews and Muslims are allies.
What is Q waiting for?
Don’t expect Q to do anything. You’ll be waiting until you die.
Q was an Intel Op, and it is possible it wasn’t even directed at us plebes.
Intel Comms use a variety of different paths and formats to pass info back and forth.
The objectives laid out by Q may have been misdirections or blackmail threats.
The Storm may have already passed and Q achieved his objectives and moved on.
You have to come to grips with the reality that no one is coming to save us.
The Covid Op should be proof enough of that.
The so called good guys, and that includes Trump, stood by in near total passivity and let the entire economy get shut down and tens of millions kicked out of work. Trump could have shut down Fauci at any time and pulled the curtain back and exposed the Intel.
Instead, Fauci was given a free hand to run demonstrably false narratives that crippled our society.
If there was ever a time for the good guys to make their stand, it was the spring and summer of 2020.
What did the good guys do? They stood down and let Cabal run its color revolution script.
Then the good guys walked away from the stolen election.
Millions of Americans are completely demoralized and psychologically exhausted from the total disruption of our life paths from 2 years of authoritarian abuse, all so the good guys could supposedly prove a point.
Secure your own home and family, if you have one, and assume you are totally on your own, because that is the most likely scenario and the surest bet to make.
While I, like AC, still hold a small hope of some hidden hand truly fighting the good fight behind the scenes, the scenario laid out here is unfortunately the most likely. In either case, the solution remains the same. Take care of and protect your local community.
The only person you should have faith in riding down to smite all evil and save the world is the returning Jesus Christ, and the date of that is beyond our knowing.
Make plans to defend what’s yours with minimal support, and pray for strength and guidance from The Lord.
“They seem so developed, you have to wonder if they were conceived and raised to that age for being sacrificed.”
Yes, the Moloch and Baal thing is real. Until people accept that and vow to fight it, they cannot cross the threshold. Those who participate in the sacrifices are damned and will be punished eternally in exactly like manner.
Time for the Millstone Solution.
They may embrace the Gospel in Death Row. Yet regardless they will be executed.
Solves the problem of whether they are actually repentant or pretending.
As Paul said:
Acts 25:11
11If, however, I am guilty of anything worthy of death, I do not refuse to die.
“Peasants in China ordered to clear forests to grow emergency grain supplies in anticipation of global famine.”
Well Friends, I love you all. As such, you have about 1 month left to acquire enough storable food to feed yourself and your family for at least 3 years. If you put off buying food storage until today, well you screwed up. It’s ok to be a screw up though, but you have to fix your problem. You have 1 month to do that. Good luck. But do it not, and you are worse than a vaxtard, because the food the government will be handing out…
Matthew 6
25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[e]?
If they want to crash everything and starve out the world no amount of prepping will save you; they’ll push it for 20, 30, 100 years if needed to try and enact their demonic plans.
Prep if you feel the need, it’s always a good idea to invest in your future safety. Ignoring it or procrastinating because you’re scared but lazy is a bad plan. But believe that, in honest faith in God and trust in his protection of you, that you will find a way to make it through any tribulation and you will be safe. Maybe not comfortable, maybe not as you would prefer or like, but you will be provided for.
That’s true, but you still can’t quit and you’re never helpless, the devil wants you to think you are. And if you have responsibility for others remember this verse from Timothy which is a fairly strong warning,
“But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.”
1 Timothy 5:8, KJV
If you truly believe, and you believe that great turmoil awaits AND that the food supply is deliberately being reduced, then you have a responsibility to care for your family. So if you’re on this blog you would only have an excuse if you don’t have a family and are just by yourself.
“I just assumed the crowd control would consist of pulling up all the magnetized vaxxies into the Harvester ships with giant magnets.”
ba dum tss
“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”
The words of Jesus Christ,
John 16:33, King James Version.
AC, re: the large muslim non-attebdance on 9/11. I’m surprised you never mentioned the 4,000 jews who received text messages telling them not to attend.
Purely for balance of course.
Don’t forget the stock market shorts.
They can’t get enough recruits who can pass the PT test. Might as well just say, “well, we weren’t trying to get that many.”
“Too Fat to Fight”
Not just a trannie. A trannie REALDOLL. Not even a live trannie.
Somebody who watched the video on 4Chan said they thought it was a doll too from the pic on the thread, but at some point it turned around and complained about something. LOL. It might not have been a doll, though I am not about to go analyzing the video to find out. Either way though, that is a whole lot wrong with that guy.
Lul it was moving and touching its nose
Fwiw there was basically no actual sex and the guys were barely nude. Hard to see as everything was so frantic. Presumably it could’ve been a party and a group of them were sleeping.
“The left is not the problem.”
Only if you forget or abandon the knowledge of what the left truly is. On the actual political spectrum (not the one taught in government schools, then regurgitated everywhere else), the far right is anarchy, while the far left is totalitarianism.
One of Cabal’s most successful disinformation ops was to condition us to believe that far left ideologies like Fascism and Naziism are “right wing” and therefore the opposite of communism.
There was no “right wing” side in WWII. The war was between national socialists and international socialists. It was the left vs. the left; and our grandparents were duped into it because it was all wrapped with Old Glory. They were told they were “setting the world free,” “saving the world for democracy,” and winning “peace ever after.”
Left vs. right is very real–it’s just not what is presented to us. The definitions have all been obscured or twisted. Go figure.
They’ve redefined what life is; what a child is; what marriage is; what men and women are; what patriotism is; what treason is; what “democracy” is; what “racism” is; what “liberal” means; etc. etc. etc. But before all of that, they twisted the meaning of “left and right.”
Very insightful. Sounds about right.
“American Greatness warns the left is going to try and take over the Police.”
The left already controls the police–aside from a few maverick Sheriffs in rural areas around the country. In the riots of 2020 this became quite clear. Some cops may be neocon and/or vote GOP; but they do what is necessary to keep their salary and pension, which is under the control of communists and traitors. Revcoms are allowed to burn, loot, and murder in the big cities. The police only step in if:
Whatever happened to Sheriff Clarke from Milwaukee?
VD has an interview with an important Kremlin high muckity-muck, which you should read, but VD also added:
“No national empire ever recovers its former greatness. America has been invaded, overthrown, and occupied. It is a nation ruled by foreigners, women, and devil-worshippers. It will survive, but Americans will never again tower over the world the way they did after WWII.”
To which I will respond THANK GOD. The average American wants nothing to do with 800 bases around the world. The average American wants nothing to do with another war in Europe, because the Europeans are exceptionally capable of generating them and then drawing in other countries which have nothing to do with the situation. The average American wants the UN headquarters in NYC shut down, emptied and then demolished. They can go set up shop in Switzerland, and maybe the new building will have have a dedication ceremony with dancing demons like they do when opening new train tunnels.
We shouldn’t still be occupying Japan. Japan NEEDS to regain itself, reclaim it’s identity and it can’t do that shackled an to arms control treaty that doesn’t even allow them a real aircraft carrier, not that I would recommend Japan builds one as they are set to become rather obsolete, but the point is made. Same with Germany. Why are we still NATO?
When I speak of a new golden age for the United States that I believe to be coming, I do NOT mean a new era of great military power. I mean a new age of rediscovering our identity, our heritage, and our role in the world as the greatest missionary force the world has ever seen. For all the horrors inflicted upon the world by DC, the fact is that in spite of DC our people have planted more good seeds around the world than any other nation in all of history.
So was Russia invaded, overthrown, and occupied: by the same group: the Khazarian (Ashkenazi) Jew.
Good point.
And Vox seems to think that Russia has regained or is in the process of regaining its greatness.
Why would he try to tell us we can’t do the same thing?
And I would add that he thinks China is also achieving greatness again after its subjection to Mao and his western cabal handlers.
(They are not)
On that, we do have one major difference. Russia was fucked up because it kept Cabal out, and Cabal used its global influence to suppress it. The US is now fucked up because we let Cabal in and they got enough control of fuck up what America is. We now have decades worth of tsunamis of third world foreigners who really have no emotional connection to the ideas behind America, beyond the fact being here lets them have more stuff. Many even hold religious views or ideological views hostile to America, and even more are active agents of the conspiracy, who prefer a shadow dictatorship listening in everyone’s houses and following everyone around, and determining what everyone is allowed to do, so long as they are kept one rung above the people who are not in the Secret Society.
We have some indefinable advantage over Russia, I think, in that our extraordinary people are extraordinary.
But we really need to purge at least 95% of the foreigners let in over the last two or three decades when Cabal sped up the importation of agents under cover of migrants, as well as the probably 8-15% of the American citizens who have been cool with the domestic surveillance. Because there is no way we are going to come close to attaining our potential with people in our midst who want that kind of nation, and who would sell us out to literal pedophiles and the assholes who knocked down the twin towers. So long as they are here, they will always be looking for ways to tie down the gazelles, so the herd can’t get ahead of them.
Honestly, we can become great again, but the amount of purging required looks to me nearly insurmountable on our present path, unless we can stir up some shock and touch off what would be equivalent to a disruption the size of a Civil War. Again, saying these things is not intended as a blackpill. But we need to get a clear look at where we are, and what we need to do if we are to have any choice in what will happen next. We need a big upset.
Also, I would differentiate American greatness and controlling the entire world the way we do now. We can be a great nation doing shit nobody can dream of, from fusion tech to having a civilization on Mars, and have literally no control over Germany, France, Asia, and Eastern Europe. I am not sure Vox was saying the former was over, so much as he was saying the latter was over.
The bottom line is Vox is stirring brains up. Notice, you mention him, and everybody jumps up to chime in, even on a site unrelated to him. I will bet in the last five years, nobody has been bringing me up anywhere and getting the whole site jumping up with opinions and arguments. Even now, I am trying to figure out why that is and how to weaponize it.
Vox courts controversy.
I am avoiding discussing the things I disagree with him on here but they are controversial as are his over the top attacks on boomers etc.
You come off as more reasonable and don’t go out as far on limbs that would make people emotionally disagree with you.
Even your surveillance stuff (which I believe 100% and I may think there are more of them than you like to) is presented in a reasonable way designed to get people to believe it rather than emotionally reject it.
In short, I think you are doing better than Vox by not turning people away even if this has slowed the spread of your reputation.
I also believe that cabal fears you more than Vox and does more to keep you unknown to the extent it can.
A little controversy and competition is good. Too much can be disruptive. Vox’s audience on the boomer subject probably isn’t us, it’s probably boomers and the historical record. For every boomer he breaks is a boomer saved who can repent and perhaps help his family with the dwindling time and resources he has left. For every boomer that doesn’t repent or listen or change, well, damn that boomer. Then the boomer songs get pretty darn entertaining.
Vox admires that Russia and China are doing everything right. They are removing every problem that plagues the West, from diversity to free trade, to central banking, to democracy, to atheism.
Right now a Chinaman gets up in the morning, turns on the TV, and sees a Chinaman ruling over him. A Russian gets up in the morning, turns on the TV, and sees a Russian ruling over him. An American gets up in the morning, turns on the TV, and sees a demented pedophile whose son is banging his own niece, along with some half-caste Indian spouting inanities, with a mentally ill Jewish man in a sundress who somehow became a four-star admiral. How can there be anything but admiration for what Putin and Xi have achieved: they have completed upended the world order.
Whatever design either one of them has on Cabal or what may be in store for Americans and Europeans, it is unquestionably true that Putin and Xi have become Masters of the Real World, and there is nothing the US and Europe can do about it. All is left is the usual psyop against Americans, where the CIA media organs attempt to gaslight us into thinking Russia isn’t doing as well as it does.
And make no mistake about the magnitude of what Putin has achieved. He’s completed routed the USA. Every action the US has taken has destroyed the Russian oligarchs that Putin hates, has rallied the Russian people to his side, and has exposed how truly self-sufficient Russia is. And now Russia has ordered Gazprom to stop shipping natural gas to Germany. All hell is about to break loose.
What can the US do? What can the Biden admin do except throw more coke-filled orgies to numb the pain of their inevitable defeat?
China engages in central banking, it’s just the CCP that uses it to rob the people and control them instead of the Roths etc.
They do not have western democracy but what they have is no better.
China is totally atheist and anti-Christ, the people are expected to worship the party with Xi as its avatar and all other religions are slowly being strangled.
The good news is that China’s love of corruption has rotted its economy to the point that it will evaporate before or after it finishes off the western cabal in cooperation with Russia.
> China engages in central banking, it’s just the CCP that uses it to rob the people and control them instead of the Roths etc.
Maybe. There were a lot of people who thought there was some hidden subgroup who were actually running the Soviet central banking system for their own benefit. Of course, the conflict between reality and Marxist economic theory probably had a lot to do with Gosbank’s operations.
We have assumed that the Maoists managed to completely exterminate Imperial China’s financier class, but we don’t *know* that. The official story is that Mao essentially did a “Year Zero” and began everything from scratch… but that would be the same story even if the same old people were still pulling strings in the background.
Personally, I think there never was such a class, or if there was, they’ve simply replaced the Chinese Communist Party with themselves, like the aliens in “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.”
His attacks on Boomers are well founded.
Of the 11 Boomers in my extended family, every last one of them is as described, Godless and an absolute disgrace to them memory of all before and after them.
AC, please don’t forget that you figured out something I believe is incredbily important, though it’s not as sensational as r/K Politics, your work on narcissists, surveillance, and your ability to do a daily news roundup that basically trumps any other content-creator out there. All of the work I listed you have and are contributing to the fight, combined with how you moderate your comments, led to the development of a very high-quality swarm intelligence in which your commenters are maximally incentivized to contribute useful information while being disincentivized to shitpost/shill/etc. There’s definitely a book in there somewhere and I’ll explain why.
I know I’ve said this before but I’m not sure you understand how incredibly valuable this actually is, AC. I totally understand that it seems to you like you’re doing a roundup and approving comments, but it’s WAY more than that. There must be a method for what you’re doing, perhaps through divine intervention. I bet Atavisionary and Farcesensitive (who have extensive experience in growing communities of their own) can attest to just how difficult it is to generate this level of fruitful discussion.
You’ve basically found the secret “queen bee pheremone” that attracts a very specific type of highly driven, highly independent VHIQ+ individuals who are decidedly NOT midwits (no matter how much some will say they are, and you know who you are). AND you’ve somehow incentivized them to comment here regularly while somehow disincentivizing/banning shills. If there was a simple textbook formula for this, AC, we should ALL be using this formula in our free time to grow capable swarms like the one that exists here.
I also realized why you’re still alive, AC. No wonder you’ve got so many running coverage on you. I’ll tell you what they’re afraid of: Unlike a single person’s insight/writing, what you do is REPLICABLE. You disappear? That’s the LAST THING your coverage wants. They know EXACTLY what will happen. TONS of us with the same level of drive will crawl out of the woodworks and replace you. And many of us will discover the formula you did and the awakening will continue. How do I know? Because we were going to do it anyway until we found you, saw your degree of insight/dedication, breathed a sigh of relief, stopped and realized what that meant, then muttered “ah dammit that mission’s taken”, and found other incredibly painful ways we could attempt to spend our lives productively for The Fight. AC, you might not be building a media empire, but in my eyes, you’re freeing so many of us to attempt building other alternative businesses/platforms. And if you figure out your formula of how to replicate this type of swarm, our enemies will have to resort to EMPs, because the “Anonymous Conservative Bacteriophages” would begin to completely permiate the World Wide Web.
You nailed it, and well put.
AC has a gift, selflessly shared. His approach not only attracts top shelf thinkers, but likely creates a few as well. Very valuable.
Thank you for the kind words and encouragement.
“Honestly, we can become great again, but the amount of purging required looks to me nearly insurmountable on our present path, unless we can stir up some shock and touch off what would be equivalent to a disruption the size of a Civil War. Again, saying these things is not intended as a blackpill. But we need to get a clear look at where we are, and what we need to do if we are to have any choice in what will happen next. We need a big upset.”
We need a “YUGE” upset, and I’d bet good money that most of us here are not only on board with that purge, but expect to participate.
Russia is regaining its greatness, but not as an empire.
“…Why would he try to tell us we can’t do the same thing?…”
This is just the history of empires. There’s a few books on this. One is by William Playfair, “An Inquiry into the Permanent Causes of theDecline and Fall of Powerful and Wealthy Nations. London 1805″
Maybe he’s read it. There are some others also which I can’t recall at them moment.
As for what AC says about deporting a large amount of recent immigrants, we could do this. Politically right now we can’t, but it’s very technically possible. It could be done if we got a bunch of ultra nationalist politicians in office. People said it was not even technically possible, so I’ve actually did the math on how long it would take and how much it would cost to deport 100 million people and it’s highly feasible and likely cost-effective as a lot of these people cost us a great deal of money.
@Sam J
Thanks for the mention of Playfair’s long forgotten classic.
Here’s a very important quote from the book:
The general conclusion is that wealth and power has never long been permanent in any place, and that it travels the face of the Earth something like a caravan of merchants. When it arrives all is green and fresh, whist there all is bustle and abundance, and, when gone, everything is left trampled down, barren and bare.
Compare present day USA and China in light of this quote.
Both .PDF and plaintext versions are on
English Tom someone who knows! Quotes from Playfair, here’s some killer ones. So good.
“…William Playfair, “…In looking over the globe, if we fix our eyes on those places where wealth formerly was accumulated, and where commerce flourished, we see them, at the present day, peculiarly desolated and degraded….”
“…From the borders of the Persian Gulf, to the shores of the Baltic Sea; from Babylon and Palmyra, Egypt, Greece, and Italy; to Spain and Portugal, and the whole circle of the Hanseatic League, we trace the same ruinous remains of ancient greatness, presenting a melancholy contrast with the poverty, indolence, and ignorance, of the present race of inhabitants, and an irresistible proof of the mutability of human affairs…”
The last is really good.
“…As in the hall, in which there has been a sumptuous banquet, we perceive the fragments of a feast now become a prey to beggars and banditti; if, in some instances, the spectacle is less wretched and disgusting; it is, because the banquet is not entirely over, and the guests have not all yet risen from the table…”
“An Inquiry into the Permanent Causes of the Decline and Fall of Powerful and Wealthy Nations. Designed To Shew How The Prosperity Of The British Empire May Be Prolonged”
by William Playfair
I remembered some others.
“The Fate of Empires: Being an Inquiry Into the Stability of Civilisation” Sir John Glubb
He talks about the cycles of Empires.
One more
“The fate of empires : being an inquiry into the stability of civilisation” by Hubbard, Arthur John
I might add that if we got rid of the people running stuff we wouldn’t need an empire. Most of the empires that do fall are sucked dry by the rulers. If we could just gt these people off our backs and leave us alone we could thrive and have nice lives. I’ve talked frequently about the very near technologies that could be used to drastically lower the cost of living. Even if we made less due to not having the dollar a standard trade item, we would lose far less than what they are taking from us.
“As a headhunter, I’ve been dealing with HR for 25 years, and I implore you to fire them now! All of them! Ninety-nine percent of them are liberal, woke, CRT-pushing pukes who prioritize personal pronouns over production and profit.”
I’m to the point that I stop taking someone seriously when they refer to revcoms and other socialists, and other Cabal assets as “liberals.”
A failure to identify the enemy, and the state of war we are in, is a fundamental one. You can show them memes and hope to redpill them over time; but it’s an uphill battle we may not have time for. They will balk at any suggested action that addresses the core sickness and not just a symptom. Can’t trust them to guard your flank.
> A failure to identify the enemy, and the state of war we are in, is a fundamental one.
Agreed. Like Trump, I use the term “radical left.”
> In the 4/1 brief, AC said, “And if you do not know it [surveillance] is there, there is absolutely no way to resist it.”
So what do we Ks actually *do* to resist? For me, talking to a few very close friends about the Cabal is getting nowhere.
We are going to have to come up with a way to expose the surveillance. It is Cabal’s greatest power, but it is also its greatest Achilles heel. Not only is it horrific in and of itself, but it opens the doors of people’s minds to understanding just how extensively everything violates everyone’s expectations of normalcy. And it reveals other things as well. It is the only reason I accept that fellow Americans were involved with 9/11. Because I know the surveillance was all over it, knew everything, and at least allowed it. And allowing it is not that much different from actually doing it morally, and we can see how the aftermath benefitted the conspiracy, with even more surveillance, government power, overseas Military adventures to generate money for the industrial complex, and the subservience of the population. Them actually doing it is entirely possible, and if the ground operators have been cool with the massive invasions of privacy, and the complete destruction of freedom, and kept that secret, it si not that much farther they would know command was behind 9/11, and keep that secret too.
In short, the surveillance is a giant door, which if we can figure out how to open it, will bring everything down.
As awesome a power as surveillance is, its effectiveness presumes complete control of the environment. Surveillance is, basically, the maintenance of an existing order that has already been secured and conquered by a power. The surveillance is there to merely monitor the security of the existing order. It is not that power that ultimately secures that order.
Therefore, global Cabal’s global surveillance is only effective if Cabal had first already conquered the world, had already seeded every government with their puppets, and had complete control of the globe. The rise of China and Russia, however, has rendered Cabal’s surveillance moot. They have no useful assets in any of these nations to undermine either Russia or China. All they can do is monitor the kinetic assets being developed that will eventually be deployed against them.
What’s worse, if their monitoring in the West really is that complete, then they probably have a running count of what assets would willingly throw themselves in front of a Russian bullet. The Ukrainians, for example, are fiercely nationalistic, but, the farther west you go, the less nationalism you find. What Swedish man, for example, would lay down his life for Sweden? What does he have to fight for? Keeping his lesbian government in power and more Muslims on welfare? Putin could take over Sweden by simply promising to throw the women out of power and dumping muslims in the ocean, if he were so inclined.
What is Cabal seeing in the US? Are they noting all the people who like and support Putin? Can they see all the men that won’t fight for the US government, but are also heavily armed and ornery? What can Cabal do except plan a first strike in the beginning of a Civil War, attacking these people first, knowing that such a civil war will simply weaken the US enough for invasion?
Cabal is out of moves, except to take as many people down as they can with them.
“So what do we Ks actually *do* to resist? For me, talking to a few very close friends about the Cabal is getting nowhere.”
We are MUCH smarter and more capable than the average sheep. What do we start doing? First, we start thinking outside obvious dead-ends like trying to convince closed-minded friends about our opinions. Instead, we start getting off our damn asses, start thinking big, and start doing what AC, Vox Day, Lowell Houser, Farcesensitive, Machine Trooper, Cary Kembla, Atavisionary, and anyone else who I’ve missed or haven’t been vocal here about their fight are doing: Building platforms, alternative businesses, safe havens, local groups, meetups, etc. Etc. ETC. When in doubt, BUILD/GENERATE VALUE. Value Investing 101.
There’s so much to be done on so many levels of ambition/resource availability/skill/etc., it’s not funny at all: Do you have a steady job and your family is safe and sound? Time to cut some relaxation time and start working on a side business to contribute more. Are you some sort of expert/professional in a firm? Time to spend your free time consulting for max hourly pay you can get. Or go more ambitious like seeing if you can start a scaleable business. Or try starting a grassroots movement or something. Or even mentor someone of the younger generation. The list is endless. Even just making memes and posting them somewhere for people to find.
The actual questions you should be asking yourself are: What do you think you can contribute to The Fight that those here or those around you would find it difficult to match? What comforts are you willing to give up to keep the fight going? How far are you willing to go?
You, whoever is reading this, are an INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT part of the puzzle right now, and we need you RIGHT NOW. It’s time. There are no more excuses. There are no more fingers to point. It’s time to start thinking bigger, looking closely at ourselves, praying, and taking real action.
Also, make sure our side knows how much of the system is a dead end. The most obvious example is Hollywood. Kids with potential, who succeed easily and effortlessly climb social ladders in grade school figure why not go to Hollywood, become a star, and live as a millionaire. Or get a law degree and join a big firm, and be a big time lawyer. Or news reporter/journalist for Big News media, or doctor, or supply contract services to the government, or a lot of things. They even calculate into their plans an assumption of easy success when taking on stuff like student loans, because most people are morons, and they assume just being better will put them above everyone else. And maybe it is different now, but when I was 17, everyone was programmed to think you HAD to go to college to get a degree, because not having a college degree, even in “communications” was considered being a failure. A lot of kids who would never use anything they learned in college spent $100,000 and four of their most energetic, fearless years fucking time away at a glorified summer camp rather than hustling to get a clientele for their new business. But at 17, if I heard somebody wasn’t going to college to study poetry, I’d have felt bad for them, thinking in ten years they would be digging graves by hand at some backwoods cemetery. In reality, a landscaping business, HVAC tech, welder, plumber, car mechanic, pool service company, those can be big bucks, and produce stuff of value reliably, and the best time to start one is when you are 17 and hustling.
People need to understand the extent of hidden control in the established structure, and try to guard against it tricking them into wasting time in dead ends, to the extent they can, and all of us who know, need to try and help them get it.
So people basically on our side, courageous enough to speak up despite the consequences, are actually deviationist wreckers because they speak in the terms that normies understand but you, our self-apointed political commissar, have deemed insufficiently zealous. Luckily we have you to guard our flank against any allies.
You sound more like a like a wrecker sent to sow division yourself, comrade.
Didn’t realize you were all highly skilled resistance agents using Newspeak as part of your cover. Because the correlation I’ve seen is that such people tend to be clueless about the magnitude of what’s happening; and unable to call a spade a spade either due to ignorance or cowardice.
Sorry you had to blow your cover just to correct my wrongthink.
I get what you both are saying. But niether of you should take offense at each other. One the one hand, Machine Trooper is right, in that we all need to now shift our dialog from the old “leftist liberals” are the problem. That dies distract from the real battle, which is against in essence, a private sector CIA which uses those ideological fights to divide us and control us.
On the other hand though, a lot of people who have been fighting this battle for years do tend to use old terminology reflexively, even when we mean the new battle. I still find myself railing about liberals and the left periodically, when I know better than anyone our problem is one of intelligence operation infiltration, and the ideology stuff is Kayfabe. As much as we need to recalibrate dialog, we also need to be understanding of each other, and not criticize or fight, all around. All of us here are on the same side, and we need to be understanding of each other, and not take anything personally.
“On the other hand though, a lot of people who have been fighting this battle for years do tend to use old terminology reflexively, even when we mean the new battle. I still find myself railing about liberals and the left periodically, when I know better than anyone our problem is one of intelligence operation infiltration, and the ideology stuff is Kayfabe.”
YMMV, but in my experience, leftards were *eager* volunteers for the cult, whilst those on the right only accepted what brainwashing shoved them towards (and some of them can be rehabilitated). I believe there are genuine liberals and “true” hippies that are horrified by the works of cabal, but I’ve never seen one in the wild.
“acting club was this weird club you had to seek out, with a bunch of weird kids in it”
Most definitely. I brushed up against that clique in college. But it does make perfect sense, when you think about it. Theater types are extremely insecure; desperate for validation; are willing to compromise whatever personal standards (moral or otherwise) they might have; and for whatever reason tend to be sexual deviants–or at least curious/sympathetic to sexual perversions.
It’s no mistake Cabal got hold of Hollywood and public education first. From those highly influential beach heads they began their Long March Through the Institutions. Even before they were ready to begin overtly pushing it in mainstream culture, Hollywood was full of freaks and perverts. They just don’t have to hide it anymore. They wear their perversion with pride today because their gradual, patient offensive has been a resounding success. Their perversion serves as the new secret handshake and nobody in mainstream culture dares speak against it.
In regard to the Turpin children it is not surprising at all that they are being abused in their foster homes. The Riverside County Department of Child Protective Services has a long history of destroying the very lives they are sworn to protect. Many years ago a child died in Perris because the department’s social workers did not remove the child from an abusive environment.
There was a case of woman prostituting her five daughters who ranged in age from 5-18. CPS did not remove the children from the home. This ultimately resulted in one of their customers being murdered. Many of the girls died from HIV and/or Hepatitis C many years later.
The principal of a local school used Riverside County CPS as her own private Gestapo. Her husband was a notorious philanderer, rapist, and cocaine dealer who supplied not only cocaine, but also forged prescriptions for controlled substances for some of the biggest political names in the county. Any woman with children he cast an eye on got reported to CPS, never knowing that this sick bastard was selling cocaine to the social worker investigating her. He liked prepubescent girls too. He was molesting his foster daughter. Eventually it was reported. No charges were ever filed, but half of the department got sacked.
Foster care in Riverside County is pretty much a gateway to prostitution. The pimps know where these kids are and start lining up to take these kids in when their foster parents dump them on the street at age 18. The group homes for mentally disabled adults aren’t much better. They get molested and prostituted too. I’m a mandatory reporter. This is just a small sample of what I’ve seen in 40 years. For the most part it gets swept under the rug. You seldom see any of these people prosecuted.
This whole business about the sexual, and worse, abuse of foster kids really bothers me. These kids have no family or taken away from their own, and then on top of that abused by these psychopaths. It’s so depressing.
There was a Female State Representative in Arkansas that said one girl of I think ten or so was put into foster care then sold to a biker gang when then sold her to a Mexican prostitution gang in, if I remember correctly, Cancun. You know…I just can’t almost believe this can happen in the United States of America. It just seems that it’s just not possible, but that Representee that said that shortly after was killed. There was another State Representative, again Female, that said much the same in Georgia and she, was also killed. Sometimes I wish I did not know the things I do. It’s so depressing.
Evil can happen anywhere. There is nowhere that Satan doesn’t have his demons working. And nowhere where sin is absent.
Only its expression. And when it is expressed as a clear crime. Justice must follow(Romans 13). As much for punishment as for reward for the Good.
Dealing with Evil is the same as weeding. It needs to be purged as much as possible. Through Righteous Judgment.
Those working to root people out need our Prayers and the Christian services as much as we do. What they do is a Holy Mission. And doing God’s Will in carrying out his Vengeance on the Wicked. In accordance with Lex Talionis. In which Punishment always fits the crime.
I remember a Catholic talking about how the last thing that a person saw as he/she is about to be hung is a Cross that is held up before them.
For it is through the Civil Authorities that God’s Wrath is normatively carried out.
Even Christians are permitted by God to be tested by demons. We must call on Jesus Christ to help us but nonetheless we are to be assailed in a Spiritual War.
> I realized they are helping defense companies make money by prolonging the war.
That’s what Nixon said when he started demanding to know why, despite their enormous budget, the Pentagon couldn’t whip a bunch of pajama-wearing goons in Vietnam.
Answer: the US is the only non-third-world (sorta) country that allows staff-rank officers to simultaneously sit on the boards of defense contractors. Many of the decision-makers were making more from their “side jobs” at TRW, Raytheon, Honeywell, or Boeing than they were from their military salary.
“These are people of the highest integrity; it is an insult to their honor to suggest they might do something unethical.” Riiiiight…
> Peasants in China ordered to clear forests to grow emergency grain supplies in anticipation of global famine.
Brazil clearing forestland to raise crops: evil bastard spitting in the face of weeping Mother Gaia, and lost CO2 will roast us all with globular wormening.
China clearing forestland to raise crops: Yay! They’re altruists who are actually doing something about the oncoming food disaster. They should all be praised.
> Ukraine denies revenge airstrike on major Russian fuel depot. A third party looking to prolong the war?
Even if Ukraine didn’t do it… why deny it? They should be broadcasting videos and press statements everywhere, claiming Russia isn’t safe from Ukrainian retaliation. And a fuel depot is a legitimate military target in anyone’s rulebook. That’s Propaganda 101. Any time a Russian soldier stubs his toe, that should go into the propaganda machine.
As far as third parties… not just that, but the allegiances of “official” military units on both sides are questionable, given their histories of corruption.
“As far as third parties…”
Or Israel.
“Even if Ukraine didn’t do it… why deny it?”
Because Krusty the Klown is the president.
OTOTOT (as OT as it gets): bestgore went down recently. Kinda sad about that. But it turns out the reason is even more unexpected than the demise of the site. Bestgore now redirects to “NoPhoneMan” which just a little ironically, is an anti-technology website.
From the site (anyone who once visited bestgore will recognize the look of the site, and the name “Mark”):
“I live in the woods and spend a great part of my every day foraging for wild edibles and interacting with the wildlife.”
It’s satisfying to resolve the question of why Mark took down the old site, but it’s also a bit of a head-scratcher. Echoes of Ted K.
I think that Chris is alluding to the exposure of evil and response from the normies.
“Seven states have more people registered to vote than they have people eighteen and older.”
I looked at the list, and there is no correlation between suspiciously high numbers of adults registered (everyone is at between 85% and 105% of the adult population, and even the lowest percentage is much too high), and whether Trump or Biden carried a state, or if there were allegations of fraud.
So the article doesn’t say what it seems. What it does say is that no state correctly maintains its voter registration database, which would make election fraud really easy.
“Republicans in the Arizona Legislature passed a critical election integrity bill that requires all voters to provide satisfactory evidence of citizenship to be properly registered to vote.”
I think legislation like this is probably necessary, given all the crap that is getting pulled each election, but this is really the wrong way to go about it. As usual, it puts the burden entirely on the individual voter.
States issue death certificates and birth certificates. There is a registry of death certificates and birth certificates issued, so a database can be maintained that is accessible by the boards of elections, so when someone is born in a state they are registered as a citizen, then registered as a voter when they turn eighteen, then removed when they die. This would be accessible to other states, so the registration gets transferred between states once someone moves and transfers their drivers license. For naturalized citizens, this would require assistance from the federal government, but USCIS could keep track of who is naturalized and when, and inform the relevant state governments.
Note that this is pretty much already done with traffic violations, if you get a traffic related violation in one state, it shows up when you try to transfer your license to another state and for all sorts of other reasons, but for some reason this can’t be done with citizenship and voting.
There is no need for individual people to do anything, and in most other countries registries of legal voters are maintained by the government and updated regularly, by pulling information from other government bureaucracies. Then when people vote they show ID that matches what is on the list of registered voters.
Record keeping in the US is pretty horrible anyway. My wife got naturalized as a citizen, and we already have various bureaucracies asking for proof. Her proof is a single hard copy of a document given to her when she was naturalized. There is no electronic copy of this on the USCIS site or anyone else. We have to make the copy ourselves and scan it and make an electronic copy ourselves. If she loses the hard copy, she is SOL. If she was illegal, things would probably be easier for us. My wife has enough emotional issues that anything involving paperwork is a challenge for her, and by extension for me. But I think the bad record keeping and over-complicated bureaucracy is done or allowed to make it easier to run scams.
I don’t want the government keeping extensive records and sharing them around the system and I do want people to have to go to some effort in order to vote.
If you can’t be bothered to provide proof of eligibility in order to vote then you are probably a low information sheep.
The Social Security Administration keeps exactly those records; they’re the national registry of births and deaths, not just in the states, but the territories and posessions as well.
Their data is available to any other Federal agency, and they also provide the birth/death data to anyone via their web site.
That state election systems are not using it because they don’t want to, not because they can’t.
Disney Exec., 6 year sentence, child sex abuse: NOT EVEN THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG.
Klaus Schwab’s main advisor Yuval Harari. A video on him.
Keep Them Docile With Drugs & Video Games
and what is he, a Jew. It’s always a Jew. Top to bottom with their evil. Everywhere you look evil is going on you will almost, the numbers are astounding, find a Jew in the middle of it. The only way to deal with the Jews is to get rid of them. Peacefully if we can get it but by any means possible they must go.
I got this from Jim Stone.
Surveillance – you mirror people to annoy them. If every day at some same time you sit on a seat on the street and watch the people go by soon enough you notice other people lingering at the same time sitting across the street or standing close by or on the seat you sit on waiting at the same time you sit there for an hour or two. If you get many seemingly unconnected people to linger around an area the surveillance starts to show itself – if you know they are likely surveilance and not be deturbed they start to get nervous because all of the sudden another unknown group is doing exactly what they are doing. These people are all weak as well. They expect you to freak out by their presence. The will even stand too close. The best thing is to stand to close to them or stop and start following them too closely standing on the back of their shoes.
Pentagon Clarifies There’s No “Offensive” Bioweapons At US-Linked Ukraine Labs
A study in facial bifurcation:
Putin for the win.. again.
If Joe Biden is the president with full access to the White House, why does this studio even exist? Why has he been involved in green screen videos which depict him on the White House lawn? Why did they fake photos of him getting on Marine 1 the other day(trees have leaves in March)? Why has he not been photographed in the Oval Office since February 2021(which appears to have been the set used in Independence Day)? Why did they have to charter a jet to fly Biden to DC for the inauguration? Why did they do a funeral salute to Biden instead of the inaugural salute at Arlington and somehow escape punishment for such blatant disrespect?
We’ve been going along for a year now and everyone seems to have settled in and accepted the reality that we are being presented with on TV, even though none of the anomalies from January 2021 have ever been explained, and have even continued to pile up. I keep coming back to all of this because it just doesn’t make sense.
Because none of that matters while our house is on fire.
Brandon not really being in charge doesn’t change the fact that whoever is in charge is destroying us with a particularly sadistic attitude about the destruction.
If Q is really running things then the members of Q group had better stay hidden or they too will not be able to walk the streets.
If Q is sitting on their hands and letting some cabal freak do it to us with Brandon as a front while Q waits for some perfect opportunity to wake the normies who deserve to be rudely jolted awake while there is still something left to save for them and the rest of us then the same thing applies.
We can have the luxury of caring about who was really in charge when the fire is put out.
That’s just it, right now there’s definitely fire, but it’s a strange fire, reminds me of the time my family went to Universal Studios and the tour went through the Backdraft set. There was fire, lots of heat, but oddly enough you knew it would still be standing if you came back tomorrow.
I keep saying it, the reason the left has that saying of never let a crisis go to waste is because they understand that great change simply cannot be accomplished without political fuel to do so. Nobody fights FOR principles, they fight AGAINST something that outrages them. Something that scares them.
So, in the last year what do we have?
1)a dramatic increase in fatalities of all kinds due to the vaxx. A vaxx that was supposed to be completely optional until the Democrats made it mandatory wherever they could.
2)energy prices have skyrocketed taking everything else up as well. The energy prices could have remained low relative to everything else except Democrats shut off a key pipeline and have done their best to nerf every energy industry in North America that isn’t dependent on China(solar&wind)
3)The Democrats are demanding young children be taught about gay sex and put on hormone blockers.
4)The Democrats are fighting the release of the Hunter Biden laptop which is not only full of Hunter’s drug fuel sexcapades but also his trophy photos of being serviced by children. It also could be the masterkey to unlock indictments across DC.
I could go on, but why when the picture is clear – the public is being manipulated into HATING the Democrats, and to the point that they aren’t physically safe to walk around out in the open. Q’s plan seems to be to allow them enough rope to hang themselves. Q singled them out on a few occasions, which is why I’ve always believed they would serve as the scapegoat. This is why I think that the Democrats will get RICO used against their party, and why it will be illegal to be a Democrat in the coming years.
I mean if you think about, they are taking the blame for what they’ve actually done. The blame has to go somewhere, and why not to the people actually responsible?
I’m going to disagree with you here.
The fact is that the American people HAVE become too complacent, too brainwashed, too dead. A huge mass of them are still utterly entranced and worthless. Very rarely does change come without pain.
And in order to really change things in this country, a lot of people will need to feel the pain. And the rest of the public will need to either be indifferent to these people or downright hostile towards them.
For example, when Trump returns to power, one of his first goals will have to be utterly massive layoffs in the federal government. If he had tried this in 2017, there would have been a major uproar and strikes and so much more.
Before that could be done, much of the population had to be awakened and the media’s power greatly reduced.
This country is going to have to go through a massive amount of layoffs and quite a bit of stress for it to be properly rebuilt. Unless the population has been put a point of extreme stress, this will be challenging.
After the last 4 years, and the last year in particular, millions of Americans are much, much more prepared to accept the radical changes Trump will seek to make.
I understand that principle.
But the damage being done is too great and destroying things at too fundamental a level.
Between what happened when Trump was in office, the election steal, the 1st 6 months of Brandon, and the reveal of all of the treason and surveillance etc. that will start the storm, people who are not ready for the purge that is needed never will be and are part of the problem.
It’s long past time to kick things off.
“…The fact is that the American people HAVE become too complacent, too brainwashed, too dead. A huge mass of them are still utterly entranced and worthless. Very rarely does change come without pain….”
And disagree with you. The American people are making an honest assessment of the risk of stepping out to slay the beast. They’re afraid. If they step out then it’s very likely their heads will be chopped and no one will help them. They will get no reward for doing so but the people running things get everything. They own us. They will fight for what they have because they already have it. Ir’s always worse to lose great riches than to never have them at all.