News Briefs – 04/01/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:




Some election managers ignoring Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling on absentee ballots that bans drop boxes and requires voters turn them in themselves.

Gateway Pundit asks, “Will PA Senate Pro Tempore Jake Corman or Attorney Tom King Representing Fulton County Appeal the PA Supreme Court’s Insane Ruling on Inspecting Dominion Voting Machines to the US Supreme Court? If Not, Why Not?”

True the Vote finds 7 percent of mail-in ballots were trafficked in Wisconsin – but it wasn’t just Wisconsin…

Black Lives Matter-Antifa mobs caused over one billion dollars in damages in cities across America since May, and many of these left-wing protesters ALSO were identified as ballot traffickers in Wisconsin. These people were not nitwit BLM protestors with 70 IQ’s, along the lines of Kyle’s attackers, Rosenbaum and Grosskreutz, who went on to unilaterally organize sophisticated ballot trafficking actions that by chance all worked together to swing a national election from widely beloved Trump to Biden, of all people. I have said time and again, what you are looking at is one giant intelligence operation, and the scale of the civilian informant/surveillant/crisis-actor network will be mindboggling when it is revealed. It is popping up here and there in the news and on these pages, but you have to understand, it is working non-stop, all of the time to try to hide. As obvious as these pieces are, they are 1/1,000,000th of the machine. What will blow you away, is that the machine had pieces assigned specifically to know you, and make sure you never became a threat. And if you do not know it is there, there is absolutely no way to resist it.

From here: “… the federal district court… found that in enacting certain election laws limiting registration outreach and the use of drop boxes, Florida violated the Voting Rights Act… intentionally discriminating against the state’s black voters… the Court imposed a very strong remedy of requiring that… changes in voting rules in Florida be precleared before the court for a period of 10 years under section 3c of the Voting Rights Act.”

An inspector general probe into the U.S. Postal Service surveillance program, known as iCOP, concluded that the agency did not have the legal authority to conduct the sweeping intelligence collection and surveillance of American protesters and others between 2018 and 2021.

There is absolutely no reason in the world to believe that Bill Clinton is a CIA asset—except for all the evidence.

DNC, Clinton campaign agree to the FEC’s Steele dossier funding fine.

It looks like Hunter’s wife struck out with the Secret Service guy she was hoping to bang, so she picked herself up a couple of Brazilian boy-toys. Cabal relationships are weird. It is why Lisa Page’s husband finds out she was freely banging co-workers, and has no problem with it.

Republicans demand the Biden administration and National Archives turn over any records related to Hunter’s communications with White House, his art work, or Russia and Ukraine.

Rudy says, “The evidence against Joe Biden on the hard drive is stronger than against Hunter Biden. I sent you what I believe to be the core of my racketeering case. In a racketeering case you have to prove ongoing criminal activity. I never had a piece of evidence like this. One of the co-conspirators Hunter Biden describes on Christmas Day 2018, to his daughter the racketeering enterprise. He writes it out. He says, “I love all of you but I don’t receive any respect. I hope you call can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years. It’s really hard. But don’t you worry, unlike Pop I won’t make you give me half your salary.””

Pelosi son’s associate convicted of fraud for scam that Pelosi’s son promoted in Ukraine.

Speaker McCarthy claims Madison Cawthorn has retracted his claims and tells him he needs to turn his life around or there will be consequences for his cocaine and orgy allegations. In other words he needs to begin going to orgies and doing cocaine so the surveillance can get control of him. Pretty amazing he just threatens him like this. And yet I am unsurprised.

Famous DC insider Roger Stone, known for his own wild escapades, confirms GOP Rep. Madison Cawthorn’s report of drug-fueled sex orgies of Republican and Democrat elites.

Roger Stone insists Madison Cawthorn has NOT retracted his cocaine-fueled orgy claims: Calls Kevin McCarthy a ‘corrupt RINO’ and asks who would believe anything he says.

Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) announced on Thursday that he will endorse state Sen. Chuck Edwards (R) in his primary challenge against Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.). One of the coke-sniffing orgy-participants?

CNN confirms: Trump phone call ‘gap’ of missing 7 hours on Jan. 6 turns out to be a hoax.

Another possible one for the Deep Fake archives:

California reparations task force is meeting to decide who will be receiving compensation.

Epidemiologists examining the biggest Chinese outbreak of COVID-19 in two years are trying to ascertain why nearly all of the cases are asymptomatic, and what it could mean for China’s future containment strategy.

They are promoting a new hemorrhagic virus in China now, just in time for the midterms.

Gordon Chang says China is collecting DNA from all over the world for creating ethnic-specific bioweapons.

Economist at World Government Summit, Dr. Pippa Malmgrem, a top American economist who served as a special adviser to former President George W. Bush, stated:

“We are on the brink of a dramatic change where we are about to, and I’ll say this boldly, we are about to abandon the traditional system of money and accounting and introduce a new one. And the new one; the new accounting is what we call blockchain… It means digital, it means having an almost perfect record of every single transaction that happens in the economy, which will give us far greater clarity over what’s going on.”

Five Democratic school board members were fired after a Pennsylvania judge signed a petition saying they defied a code by voting to make face masks mandatory for students.

Palm Springs, California is proposing a program that would guarantee monthly income as high as $900 to transgender and nonbinary residents in the name of fighting discrimination. Depending on how you spend it that is like a new gun or two or three per month plus ammo. Suddenly I am very confused about my own sexuality. I think I could be trinary, or quaternary.

In a move that surprised no one Thursday, Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham said that he will vote against Ketanji Brown Jackson’s nomination for the U.S. Supreme Court although his opposition will ultimately be purely symbolic.

22,000 union workers at 29 west coast ports may strike.

Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah suggested that he’d favor cutting retirement benefits for younger Americans in a bid to stabilize safety net programs.

People fleeing war-torn Ukraine are showing up at the U.S. southern border with Mexico and easily gaining entry, even as those from other countries, including Russia, are being turned away under the CDC’s Title 42 coronavirus protocol.

A “consumable sanitizer” from the manufacturing machinery is found in milk cartons at multiple Camden schools, students sent to hospital as a precaution. You can’t trust anything is accidental these days.

Pfizer recalling 3 blood pressure medication types due to unacceptable levels of a substance that may cause cancer.

Biden “Health and Human Services” approves castrations/mastectomies for children.

Conservative Jamie Wallis has become the first Member of Parliament to come out as transgender in an extraordinary post on social media in which he also claimed to have been raped and blackmailed.

Bipartisan deal struck ‘in principle’ on $10 billion Covid-19 aid package, Romney says.

GOP Rep. Cammack: Biden’s risking national security by draining a third of our oil reserves to save his poll numbers.

Federal Reserve warns of “brewing U.S. housing bubble.”

More governmental unrest pointing to an upset of the established order:

You probably don’t want to watch this one, and it is NSFW, but here we document the evils of Cabal, and the evils of those the United States government under Cabal will support – Ukrainian Azov Battalion Nazis torture a pretty young Russian girl.

Russians kicking the shit out of the people from the video above in Mariupol:

Deleted from twitter quite quickly: “A document dated 15.12.2021: Ukraine asked the Turkish drone manufacturer Baykar Makina if Bayraktar UAV could fly more than 300 km and spray more than 20 liters of aerosol. Russian MoD: Bayraktars were planned to be adapted for spraying toxic substances over enemy territory”

4Chan makes the case France is hiding something in Mariupol:

*… The recent failed attempt by 3 Ukrainian helicopters to evacuate troops from Mariupol was a desperate mission with very low chances of success. This raises the question why would Ukraine risk what little is left of its air force for something so suicidal?

*… Macron started spamming Putin with calls, demanding permission to carry out a “humanitarian evacuation” in Mariupol with the help of French, Greek forces.

*… The head of the French military intelligence is getting fired for “failures” to “proper assess” the situation in Ukraine.

So we have:

*… .ua suicide mission to evacuate someone

*… Macron shitting bricks and begging Putin

*… Head of French military intelligence getting sacked


US exempts critical Russian commodity from sanctions to protect farmers from fertilizer shortages.

“South Ossetia is taking legal steps to become part of Russia.”

All foreign leased aircraft still in Russia after the termination of Western leasing contracts have been entered into the Russian aircraft register and will remain in Russia, Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov said on Thursday.

Putin threatens to turn off Europe’s gas supplies TOMORROW if countries refuse to pay in roubles, saying ‘We get nothing free of charge and we are not going to engage in charity either.’

Terrified Roman Abramovich ‘asked “are we dying?” after being poisoned with deadly WWI chemical agent’ in Ukraine.

Another report says he was exposed to tear gas when a canister went off next to him, but offers no explanation of why a tear gas canister was going off next to a billionaire at a peace summit, and then goes on to say it might have been the Russians trying to sabotage the talks, which they had set up and sent Abramovich to. In other reports Abramovich clearly said he thought it was either chocolates or water which were poisoned.

India buys Russian oil at a discount of $35 per barrel, defying international sanctions.

GameStop’s stock is on fire once again.

Florida GOP threatens to strip Walt Disney World of its right to build anything it wants inside its theme park as feud over ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill escalates.

House Judiciary Republicans investigating Facebook and Twitter for suppressing Hunter Biden laptop news.

Judge strikes down Democratic-drawn New York congressional map over ‘political bias.’

Former Clinton pollster Mark Penn said President Joe Biden’s polls are ‘dire.’

Biden’s weakest racial demographic in new Quinnipiac poll is Hispanics.

In Florida, registered Republicans now outnumber Democrats by over 100,000.

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.


I hear that VERY low-rated “Morning Joe” and his psycho wife, Mika, think that I should not be asking Russia what the $3.5 million that Hunter and Joe got from the Mayor of Moscow’s wife was for. In time, Russia may be willing to give that information. The Fake News is also saying I called Putin a “genius,” when actually, and to be precise, I called his build-up on the Ukraine Border before the war started genius because I assumed he would be easily able to negotiate a great deal for Russia. The U.S. and NATO would agree to give Russia what they wanted. Unfortunately, and tragically, Putin went too far, acting on the WEAK Foreign Policy of the Biden Administration. The Fake News said I called him a genius during the war. No, I was describing the great negotiating posture he had prior to the unfortunate decision to enter Ukraine and fight. There was nothing “genius” about that!


Breaking News: Wow! Just out that the 2016 Clinton Campaign and the DNC paid the FEC today for violating the law by failing to disclose that their payments for “legal advice and services” to law firm Perkins Coie was, in fact, a guise to hire numerous companies, all of whom are now named Defendants in my lawsuit, to try and take down and illegally destroy your favorite President, me. This was done to create, as I have stated many times, and is now confirmed, a Hoax funded by the DNC and the Clinton Campaign. This corruption is only beginning to be revealed, is un-American, and must never be allowed to happen again. Where do I go to get my reputation back?


So after 50 years of being virtually empty, I built up our oil reserves during my administration, and low energy prices, to 100% full. It’s called the Strategic National Reserves, and it hasn’t been full for many decades. In fact, it’s been mostly empty. It’s supposed to only be used for large-scale emergency or conflict. Now I see where Biden has just announced he’s going to take what we so carefully and magically built, and what will be a futile attempt to reduce oil and gasoline prices. They will soon bring it down to empty again. It just never ends!


Endorsement of Congressman Ken Calvert

Congressman Ken Calvert is doing a fantastic job representing the people of California in Congress. Ken is a leader on National Security and Strongly Supports our Brave Military and Vets. He is working hard to deliver water solutions for California, Lower your Taxes, Secure our Border, and Protect and Defend our Second Amendment. Ken has my Complete and Total Endorsement!


Endorsement of John James

John James is a fantastic candidate running for Congress in Michigan’s 10th Congressional District. John was a brave combat pilot, flying the very impressive Apache Helicopter in Operation Iraqi Freedom. John isn’t just tough, but he is also very smart—he received his Master’s Degree in Supply Chain Management from Penn State and his MBA from the University of Michigan. He is a job creator and a problem solver who knows how to deliver for Michigan. What’s more important during a supply chain crisis than a supply chain expert? John James is going to be a great Republican member of Congress, and has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Spread r/K Theory, because anger can be a tool if you can control it.

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2 years ago

Over the last couple of years here on AC’s site we’ve frequently talked about the plausibility of an anti-Cabal operation coordinating Patriots in the US (Trump), Russia (Putin) and even China (Xi). The following article begins to fill-in the economic and political alliances that are emerging as Russia and China de-westernize globalist – Cabal – governance. The Russian liberation of Black Sea port Mariupol creates a significant pivot point in a multi-polar world. We may be looking at the first clear evidence of our geoeconomic future in which the USA, if freed from Cabal, is a productive, healthy partner to the major population and resource regions of the world.

2 years ago

Apropos to my comment above – from Vox Day:

“And more than anything, the World’s Evil Factory (World Economic Forum – ed) is an anti-Christian, anti-nationalist organization that seeks to heal the world by ruling it in the name of Lucifer. The Orthodox Christians of Russia and the nationalist, corruption-hating pagans of the Communist China are the two chief bulwarks against global satanry, as both nations have freed themselves of the chains that bind what was once known as Christendom.
It’s not about “authoritarianism” or “Marxism”. It’s about global satanism against a) Christianity and b) nationalism.
Those who shriek about “Chi-coms” are as deceived as those who still think “the communist Russkies” are the enemy. Both the 50’s and the 80’s have been inverted due to changes that took place in the 60’s; the USA is not the good guys and neither the Russians nor the Chinese are the bad guys anymore.
To understand who is what, one must look at where the Empire That Never Ended is currently based and who is presently ruling over the West.”

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Huck
2 years ago

I would disagree with him about China. The CCP is not fighting globohomo because it’s good, it’s fighting globohomo because it wants globohomo’s throne. Russia has no chance of acquiring that chair, and even less inclination to attempt to take it – it’s more work than it’s worth. The Han are arrogant enough to try, though. After all, globohomo is standardizing to CHINA’S surveillance society, not the other way around. The CCP had no trouble sacrificing it’s own babies for globohomo’s wealth transfers. The CCP is currently reviving imperial colonialism in Africa with a plan to offload at least 100,000,000 of their citizens onto the continent – the only way that works is by clearing the existing inhabitants.

The CCP is every bit as evil as globohomo, just a slightly different demon, and also under God’s judgment.

No doubt, Putin is currently engaged in God’s work in Ukraine, and the economic retaliation of essentially reintroducing a gold standard will be the domino that ultimately ends the fed which long term will be the best thing to happen to America since the creation of the fed.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

The real question is, when will China turn on Russia?

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

I mean, that is the real war. Not just against Globohomo, but also the global North vs. the Global South.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Vox has someone working for the CCP whispering in his ear like Wormtongue and Theoden.

The CCP is part of the Empire that never ended, it was created by them and still works with them on most of their projects.

Vox refuses to look at the truth about China or admit when he is wrong because of someone’s influence on him.
I’m still waiting for him to discuss China’s lockdowns, let alone admit he was wrong when he said China didn’t do lockdowns and wouldn’t.
There is more Scott Adams in him than he wants to admit.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

It’s interesting how unwilling many are to seriously entertain the possibility or, in fact, the probability that China is not one great monolithic entity that equals the CCP. Or that there are at least two major factions in deadly competition – Xi and Jiang – with very different global allegiances. Most likely, Jiang is Rothschild Cabal/surveillance state/Internal Security and Xi is Nationalist/Patriot/old-line socialist. Even the lockdown of Shanghai while Putin rocks Ukraine feels coordinated with the Biden laptop and Trump’s re-emergence.

Reply to  Huck
2 years ago

I entertain that possibility to its maximum extent.
And in doing so I find no more good in the presumed Xi insurgent faction than in the cabal faction or in the western cabal.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Well, I am being conservative and charitable because I don’t know enough about Vox to make a personal judgement.

I am trying not to come out and say he is purposely dishonest or working for the CCP himself because what he is doing is not clearly a case of that.
The influence of someone who is knowingly a CCP agent is one of the few other options so I have chosen to believe that until further notice.

Andrew Anglin is someone I am certain is a CCP asset and so is a former friend of mine who I have identified as a Beefsteak Nazi. (red on the inside, brown on the outside)
Both pretend to be hard right but now relentlessly shill for the CCP and it seems their alt-right personality is just a front to promote division in the west and make the right look insane.

Like I said, I’m not ready to make that judgement about Vox and it would not fit with your greater experience with him or with that of someone else I know who knew Vox personally in the past.
So I am left with the Wormtongue hypothesis to try to explain the obvious wrongheadedness of what Vox is doing regarding the obviously cabal equivalent evil of the CCP.

Last edited 2 years ago by Farcesensitive
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Vox likes a good fight. Conflict energizes him and as someone who likes regular conflict myself, I don’t blame him for actively seeking confrontation. This means that he will intentionally troll for reactions he thinks is hilarious (I admit his Boomer songs are great trolls even though I don’t agree on his position 100%). It also means that he will intentionally display a gap in his defense (say, regarding China) to promote conflict [baiting a punch] to prove a point he thinks is more important [to hit that counter]. This is textbook Sigma behavior.

Remember that he has never even pretended to cater to even the midwits in his writing, let alone to people with no ability to read between the lines. He will instruct midwits if he feels the need (as I imagine he often does in his DarkStreams), but that’s never been his primary wheelhouse. Vox likes living on the edge and duking it out in the realm of ideas. That’s what makes his insights so valuable in the first place. It’s the job of consolidators like you and me to help people better contextualize this type of insight. Different members in the body of Christ, so to speak.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

I’m reminded of a funny episode of South Park that came out a few years. It involved Pokemon and it’s potentially subversive influence.

When groups of parents went to Japan to complete about Pokemon’s malicious influence, they were mollified with this kind of flattery from the government:

American penis…very very big.
Japanese penis…very very small.

I suspect China has run the same script against Cabal.

Rex Regum veniet
Rex Regum veniet
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

We don’t know about Vox’s situation Farce, and shouldn’t speculate as we aren’t in his shoes. Besides, the man is right about everything else and has done a tremendous amount of good. Nobody, even great people on the same side will agree on everything.

The big thing for me is 1) the Chinese aren’t Western/White and never will be- but that isn’t a big deal because they are Chinese and proud of that. Also, Happas aren’t Chinese and also aren’t White. 2) They are not predominantly Christian and aren’t on track to be. Vox has a missionary attitude towards the Chinese, and that’s great but it will probably achieve very little.

Babylon lives in #1 and #2 is an ineffective counter to #1. The West is also probably screwed. More Happa’s won’t save the West and guarantee it’s death. Being nice to the heathen Chinese only assuages defective miscegenated amygdalae and only encourages the practice of race-mixing, which is r-selection. My 2 cents.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Farcesensitive, you are a) wrong and b) lying. You know literally nothing of me or my connections. No one is “whispering in my ear” and I trust absolutely no one except myself.
With regards to China, I refused an invitation to be a regular guest on their state TV and refused to accept any appearance fee or compensation for my travel for my two appearances on it. I owe absolutely nothing to China or any other state actor, including the USA and Israel. Anyone who claims otherwise is lying.
You are also lying about what I said about lockdowns in China, as a search of my blog will demonstrate. What I wrote on September 4, 2021 was this:
“What we’re experiencing appears to be fallout from the global war between the Sino-Russian alliance and the neoclown-occupied West; notice how there have been no lockdowns in China, Russia, or any of the nations allied with them… there will be more lockdowns, shutdowns, and other attempts to interfere with the economic forces that are putting pressure on the central banks to write off bad loans and deflate the credit market.”
To date, China still has not imposed a nationwide lockdown of the sort endured by many Western nations; even the initial Wuhan lockdown only lasted from January 23 to April 7, 2020.
I note that my description of the global war between the Sino-Russian alliance and the neoclowns is considerably more accurate as a predictive model than your portrayal of China as a wicked people seeking to rule the whole world out of pure Oriental evil.
The more relevant question is this: are you a paid troll or are you just another butthurt gamma who was banned from commenting on my blog?

Reply to  VD
2 years ago

I’m not paid and would never let someone pay me to spread ideas other than my own.
I have never commented on your blog because you required a Google account to comment and I refuse to use Google for anything I can avoid using it for.

I note that my description of the global war between the Sino-Russian alliance and the neoclowns is considerably more accurate as a predictive model than your portrayal of China as a wicked people seeking to rule the whole world out of pure Oriental evil.

My model is quite predictive of China’s actions at home and around the world while yours is willingly blind to all actions but those that you think are virtuous and in opposition to your preferred enemies.
I also have never ascribed inherent evil to Orientals and it is dishonest of you to claim I ever did, it is the satanic CCP that is inherently evil.

What I wrote on September 4, 2021 was this:

“What we’re experiencing appears to be fallout from the global war between the Sino-Russian alliance and the neoclown-occupied West; notice how there have been no lockdowns in China, Russia, or any of the nations allied with them… there will be more lockdowns, shutdowns, and other attempts to interfere with the economic forces that are putting pressure on the central banks to write off bad loans and deflate the credit market.”

To date, China still has not imposed a nationwide lockdown of the sort endured by many Western nations; even the initial Wuhan lockdown only lasted from January 23 to April 7, 2020.

That’s a distinction without a difference.
Western lockdowns were rarely absolute, and western countries are small enough to be regions in China.
China’s lockdowns have been constant (if rotating) and extremely harsh and cruel beyond most western nations equivalents.

And you said “ notice how there have been no lockdowns in China”
That is simply untrue and it is not saying there have been no NATIONWIDE lockdowns, it is a claim that there have been no lockdowns at all.
So which of us is lying about what you said?
(I will give you credit for being misled or mistaken in your initial assertion that there were no lockdowns in China as opposed to having deliberately lied about it)

I owe absolutely nothing to China or any other state actor, including the USA and Israel. Anyone who claims otherwise is lying.

Another claim I never made and purposely avoided making even by accident.
I am going to continue to assume it is not a true claim about you because I trust AC’s judgement and that of someone else I know who used to know you personally but you are not making it easy.

There is a lot more of the gamma in you than you seem to be aware of.

Last edited 2 years ago by Farcesensitive
Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

“…China’s lockdowns have been constant (if rotating) and extremely harsh and cruel beyond most western nations equivalents….”

To put it as directly as possible, I believe the Chinese screwed the Jews, who likely had planned to torpedo the west then move there. I think for doing this the Jews have been attacking them with biological warfare.

All the signs are there. The Harvard Jew that set up their biological research center where, surprise, surprise, corona broke out. He was arrested but I haven’t heard what happened to him. Before the info lock down five different government funded research labs said publicly that corona was engineered and that they were going to write papers on this, which never happened. Before they were silenced they said that the virus had sequences from viruses from several different animals that were all separated by long distances, making it impossible for their being part of the making of the virus. A Jew, not able to control his greed, popped up in Israel and said that he was working on the same virus in chickens and would have a vaccine in 6 weeks then, nothing. It’s even more telling that after he said this we never hear another single word from him.

Notice that several other hemorrhagic fever type viruses have broke out in China and China totally squashed them.

The Chinese are perfectly logical and accurate in totally locking down any area that, as it appears to me, is being attacked with biological warfare. There’s no other way to stop a fast moving engineered virus. They have no choice.

I wonder just how long the Chinese will put up with this. I note that after corona in Israel all the chickens died from some viral infection. I wonder if that was a shot across the bow of the Jews from the Chinese??? I don’t think it will work because the Jews appear as a group to be stark raving mad.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Btw, Sam J, that is a very plausible argument.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

I am trying not to come out and say he is purposely dishonest or working for the CCP himself because what he is doing is not clearly a case of that. The influence of someone who is knowingly a CCP agent is one of the few other options so I have chosen to believe that until further notice.”
As I pointed out, you’re a moron and a liar.
it is the satanic CCP that is inherently evil.
The CPC is not satanic. It’s secular materialistic. Globohomo is literally satanic as it is led by Satan-worshippers, as many secular people around the world are beginning to recognize.
There is more Scott Adams in him than he wants to admit… There is a lot more of the gamma in you than you seem to be aware of.
You’re projecting. Go find someone else to obsess over.

Reply to  VD
2 years ago

Let’s just compare predictive models, shall we?
Does your world view fit any of the following?

China initiated the lockdowns.
China collaborated with the western cabal to create the virus (or the virus hoax, which ever you believe) in the first place and to spread it all over the world.

China used its control of the WHO to spread lockdowns and jab mandates.

China continues to lockdown its citizens and jab them with shots that are just as deadly as those used in the west.

China had a major hand in stealing the 2020 election to get rid of Trump in order to clear the way for the Great Reset agenda and prevent America from befriending Russia. (China doesn’t want Russia to have any other options than China)

China continues to use its power and influence in Hellywierd, Big Tech, and the western MSM to undermine the good, the beautiful, and the true in the west.

China seeks control of and abuses globalist institutions like the WHO and Interpol.

China supports the satanic left politicians, parties, and movements in every western country and is supported by them in turn.

China is building a military large enough to dominate the world and seeking military bases around the world.

China supports and works with every corrupt cabal owned nation in the world including Israel, N. Korea, Iran, Venezuela, Turkey, Cuba, Ukraine, the Vatican and many others.

China pioneered the social credit system that is being used as the basis for vaxx passports and the rest of the Great Reset agenda.

China suppresses religion, especially Christianity, that doesn’t bow down and worship the party.
Churches that do bend the knee to the party are required to use altered scriptures that preach communist propaganda.

China continues to destroy its own environment and steal other nations resources to compensate.
(Examples are their pirate fishing fleets depleting the high seas and even the territorial waters of other nations of fish and the theft and militarization of the S. China sea)

China’s corruption is creating the biggest economic bubble in history and is teetering on the brink of the world’s biggest collapse with the Evergrande/Real Estate crisis.
Along with many other famous corruption scandals.

China under Xi is turning back to Mao’s communism which was a creation of the satanic western cabal.

China is trying to pioneer the creation of digital currency controlled by the government to further rob and tyrannize its subjects. (including an expiration date on the money to force people to not keep any savings)
(Pioneering the Mark of the Beast system)

China is a center of human trafficking, slave labor (in work camps or just through the 9,9,6 economy) and every other black market evil.

China recently opened its first clinic for transitioning children.

I could go on and on but this is more than enough.

“As I pointed out, you’re a moron and a liar.”

Considering you are the one who lied about what you said and then furnished the quote to prove you lied I am not concerned with your insults.
(My original post went out of the way to assume good character on your part and refrain from insulting you, your very first response was the exact opposite so I hope AC forgives me if I now take off the gloves)

“The CPC is not satanic. It’s secular materialistic. Globohomo is literally satanic as it is led by Satan-worshippers, as many secular people around the world are beginning to recognize.”

The CCP is absolutely satanic as shown by my list above.
They are and always have been part of the communist rebellion against GOD.

“You’re projecting. Go find someone else to obsess over.”

You are behaving exactly like SA and the gammas you preach against.
If I am then I do not care, I am secure and have the truth on my side.
How about you quit obsessing over China and denying reality?
I am not obsessed with you, I’m not even obsessed with China beyond the normal healthy watchfulness against an enemy.
I do admit to a lifelong obsession with lies and a compulsion to correct them.

“Why would anyone believe that China wants to replace Cabal? Or the USA?”

Because they say so and their actions show it to be true.

“Why does anyone assume that Xi and Wang are stupid and short-sighted, when all of the evidence suggests that they are the smartest, most long-term-oriented thinkers of their generation of national leaders? Before his death, the brilliant Lee Kwan Yew said Xi was even smarter and would be more influential than Putin.”

Pardon me if I don’t worship at the feet of communist tyrants and take their pronouncements as gospel.
I also see all the evidence of my eyes and ears and do not reject it on the orders of the party and that evidence shows I am right and you are wrong.

“The primary objective of the Chinese leadership is to never again permit foreigners to rule over the Han”

Their primary objective is world communist government dominated by the Han.

I will now await you ignoring all the points in this post or replying with twisted untruths and baseless insults as you have done to everything else I posted.
But perhaps you will just ignore this post and not reply at all.

Since I am still trying to respect the opinions of AC and my friend who used to know you I will end with this thought.
Proverbs 26:12

“Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him.”

King James Version (KJV)

Last edited 2 years ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

I repeat: you’re a liar and a moron. Your idiotic take on China will be proven just as obviously stupid and wrong as the Boomer take on Russia soon enough.

Reply to  VD
2 years ago

I think Vox’s point on China is that, no matter what moral stance China is taking, there is nothing neoclowns can do about it.

Whether China wants to usurp Cabal’s thrown or simply remain “righteous pagans,” that decision is theirs. You can’t prevent them from making either choice.

There is also the problem of interpreting what info we get about China. How do we know these draconian Covid lockdowns are actually happening and are not simply CIA propaganda? Well, we don’t.

What we do know is that China has not demonstrated the kind of evil we have directly experienced from Cabal. That they may become that is possible but, at the moment, not manifest. Therefore, the Chinese can be treated as righteous pagans, but I still prefer Trump dealing with them.

Reply to  map
2 years ago

Why would anyone believe that China wants to replace Cabal? Or the USA? The Chinese have witnessed and learned from what ambitions of global empire have done to both Russia (1917-1989) and the USA (1965-2022).
Why does anyone assume that Xi and Wang are stupid and short-sighted, when all of the evidence suggests that they are the smartest, most long-term-oriented thinkers of their generation of national leaders? Before his death, the brilliant Lee Kwan Yew said Xi was even smarter and would be more influential than Putin.
The primary objective of the Chinese leadership is to never again permit foreigners to rule over the Han, as their people suffered under the rule of foreign empires for three centuries, from 1644 to 1945. Every nation, including America, would be fortunate to have as leaders men who shared that priority.

Last edited 2 years ago by VD
Reply to  VD
2 years ago


Yes, I think that is the correct interpretation. Xi is avoiding all of the West’s mistakes, the ones listed above, and the one you added: avoiding empire.

And that is a great way of putting it: Xi wants to make sure that foreigners never rule over the Han again.

Btw, I am sorry for what happened to your family members. Also, how do you get on social galactic?

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago


If that is true then all the more reason for Cabal and China to fight each other to the death.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  map
2 years ago

That’s correct, but it’s only lately that Cabal seemed to have figured this out. When Xi slammed the door in the face of the diaspora jews confirming that they will not allow them to settle and subvert China they realized China was their enemy.

Fighting China will be difficult because China has the manufacturing base from both Europe and the United States. All three are deliberately vulnerable – 1)China is dependent on both food and energy imports, 2)The US economy is about to suffer it’s worst crash since 1929, maybe ever, and 3)Europe has outsourced it’s military needs to the US since WW2. Not a great plan.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

And Russia was the last piece. With the Sino-Russian alliance, the two together have become a siege weapon.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

“…When Xi slammed the door in the face of the diaspora jews confirming that they will not allow them to settle and subvert China they realized China was their enemy….”

Actually the real description is not that the Chinese are the Jews enemy it’s that the Jews are completely out of their minds. They are the most aggressive race on the face of earth and if you do not totally become their slaves they try to kill you. The Chinese, not being complete idiots, look around at the damage these psychopathic animals have done and realized they don’t want these mentally ill, Neanderthals anywhere in or near their country. Having Jews in your country is like inviting blood drinking vampire bats to roost in your kitchen.

If the Chinese “were” not their enemy it will not be for long. The Jews are working overtime to make sure that absolutely everyone, everywhere, on planet earth is their enemy. Soon, if we are to survive, all of us will have to realize that the only thing you can do with the Jews is get rid of them.

2 years ago

A few recommendations
Global warming hoax documentary

Windows on the World
French 9/11 novel by F. Beigbeder, very different

Tropa de Elite / Elite Squad 1 & 2
Brazilian law enforcement movies

The Freshman
Marlon Brando mafia comedy

2 years ago

> … Macron shitting bricks and begging Putin
When Churchill and Roosevelt drafted the Atlantic Charter at the beginning of WWII, they specified that one of the goals of the Grand Alliance was to restore the national borders fo the Allies to their pre-war status. This specifically included France.

Then both Britain and the US recognized the German-controlled Vichy regime as the legitimate government of France, which mightily pissed off the Free French and “outre-mer” (overseas) French polities.

Then, after the war, the US and UK announced that they had re-interpreted “pre-war borders” to mean “just the borders of European mainland France, not any colonies, territories, or protectorates.” However, Britain kept all of its colonies and (briefly, anyway) brought them back under British control, just to grind the French’s faces into it.

Communist revolutionaries from China and Russia moved into French Indochina; Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, etc. France had been pretty well hammered by WWII, so De Gaulle went to the Americans with his hat in his hand and begged for help. He was told, essentially, to fuck off, the US wasn’t going to support imperialism. (unless it was British)

Later, when the Communists started trouble in French Africa. France was a founding member of NATO. However, despite the NATO charter, NATO refused to help. Their reasoning was basically “well, it’s not another European country fighting you, so we don’t care.” In retaliation, France withdrew from NATO in 1967.

France turned to the Soviet Union to make new defensive treaties. The French Communist Party was still a significant, though minor political power, which the Soviets approved of. France was also more or less the home of European Communism, starting back in the early 1800s before Lenin or Marx showed up and copied their ideas.

France was a de facto Soviet ally, though not a puppet, until the collapse of the USSR in 1992. France rejoined NATO in 2009, apparently figuring the Russian Federation was too weak to be a dependable ally any more.

Anyway, TL;DR: ties between Russia and France go way back, and Macron is probably Putin’s puppet.

2 years ago

Generation Z was set to be the most conservative. And look what happened:

2 years ago

> “South Ossetia is taking legal steps to become part of Russia.”

…after fighting wars to maintain their independence from Russia in 1992 and 2008. I suspect their sudden chance of heart is more due to the efforts of the FSB than any local opinions.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

The war fought in 2008 was to keep South Ossetia and Akhazia independent from Georgia, not from Russia.

2 years ago

> 4Chan makes the case France is hiding something in Mariupol:

Along with the Americans and who knows who else…

Russia has never been shy about using brute force, but their normal means of operation is subversion. Russians can move freely through Ukraine as natives; they share a common border, and every important government and corporate organization should be thoroughly pwned by the FSB. They damned near did it in Britain and America in the 1960s, and that was a while lot harder than operating in Ukraine.

A “spontaneous declaration of brotherhood” and a rigged referendum to join the Russian Federation would be the Russian’s normal method of operation; that’s how they worked it in Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and the other countries that all “voluntarily” became Soviet puppet states. That’s how I would expect the Russians would take Ukraine.

For Putin to abort those plans and go for an immediate military invasion doesn’t make a lot of sense. Sure, the US and most of Europe are suffering from incompetent leadership at the moment, but even if Reagan and Thatcher were still in office, there’s bupkis they would really do about it.

Ukraine was toast already; it should have been just a matter of sending the orders to the agents-in-place to take the country down, and the Russians would have arrived as rescuers, not invaders.

What this suggests to me is that:

A: the Russians, or more specifically Putin’s faction, may have lost control of the FSB’s Ukraine operations

and B: they perceive some immediate threat coming out of Ukraine, serious enough to justify the current and future expense and economic retaliation against the Federation.

What could that threat be? We already know there were biological labs there. Of course, they were totally innocent and absolutely not working on any military-grade viruses, just like those poor maligned scientists in Wuhan, so unjustly accused by that madman Trump. Or at least, so we are assured by the US Government’s disease experts, the Speaker of the House, and sainted President Biden Himself, PBUH.

On the other hand, a dozen or two labs is a collection of nice, high-density targets. Some stealth teams in-country could torch them all overnight and nobody could prove the Russians did it. Or they could have sent some planes over, bombed them, and then just shrugged and said “whatever” when anyone complained, like the Israelis did when they bombed nuclear sites in Iran and Iraq.

So… damfino, just running off at the keyboard again.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

I think that the 2014 overthrow jinked up FSB’s Ukraine operations. I also think that the current FSB is not the equal of the KGB. But looking that results and trying to extrapolate backwards, it LOOKS like invading was a way to shock the entire system.

Putin invades Ukraine, immediately globohomo panics and declares economic warfare without considering the consequences. This allows Putin to trigger his own economic weapons in a retaliatory manner – at no point in this has Putin allowed Russia to be the true aggressor. The invasion of Ukraine is taking place in response to continued shelling of ethnic Russians as well as biological warfare labs right on Russia’s border AFTER a sister lab in China released a genetically engineered pathogen that shut down the entire world. And the Russians have been dripping out paperwork from the labs confirming that they were doing work on weaponization.

And since those labs were discovered it has been my contention that the next CV19 was set to be released by one of them across the border in Russia. Maybe even Moscow.

The new gold standard Putin is imposing will devastate the federal reserve note, BUT it won’t completely kill it, because the US produces oil and mandates the purchase be done in federal reserve dollars – so massive inflation. The federal reserve dollar will lose so much purchasing power that it HAS to be replaced. Since the inflation will be in full swing by the mid terms, we can expect action on this in 2023 some time.

Everything Putin has done would have been impossible without globohomo lashing out. It’s the boomerang. It’s Hammon being hung on the gallows he ordered built for an innocent man. Move and counter-move. When Trump comes back, he will have a MAGA congress and no shortage of long-festering problems that will have to be dealt with using massive overhauls of existing laws and regulations – only possible because of everything being triggered now. Putin will get the multi-polar world where there is no sole super-power dictating everything.

It’s the strategy of accelerationism, but happening in such a way that globohomo ends up stuck with the blame.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

Bros, I’ve recently discovered a horror so evil that even Pizza-gate pales in comparison.
In a recent quest for an obscure early aughts song I uncovered a phenomenon whereby young joggers are paid by boomers to listen to the music of their youth and react as if it’s the greatest sounds they’ve ever heard.
They usually have gotcha titles like “Young rapper hears Hendrix for the first time. OMG!”
The con consists of them just bobbing their heads to the beat for the entire song and then at the end looking on in wonder while saying
“I ain’t neva heard nothing like that befo y’all. In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida is the joint! This music is really opening my mind. Y’all send me send links in the chat so I can hear more stuff like this and don’t forget to smash that subscribe button”
It’s utterly disgusting how gullible the boomers are. The only thing more cringe than the fake reactions are the comments from the boomers in the chat.
“If you like this one Jamal you should really listen to some Lovin’ Spoonful. They’re the cat’s pajamas I tell ya! I just received my T-shirt btw. Looks great on me! I’ll send you a pic.”
Ugh, there’s loads of these channels too btw. It’s a cottage industry. I thank my aversion to big tech for keeping me unaware of these things. I won’t be going back for awhile. Found my song at least.

Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago

It is an entire cottage industry. Once you see boomer era music for the soul destroying machine it is there’s no going back. The Blacks taking advantage of the boomers here are cynical assholes but the Boomers are worse – pathetic tools.

2 years ago

RE: Boris’s nose, looking at the video it is just a spot on the tip of his nose. That is weird, but not deep fake.

2 years ago

4Chan makes the case France is hiding something in Mariupol:

That is from Gonzalo Lira on Telegram. Those are his words. Not 4Chan–they copied him.

2 years ago

One of Jeffrey Epstein’s earliest victims says Trump, Clintons, Dershowitz, and Rothschilds are all involved. As much as I would like to either believe or not believe the things these victim whistleblowers say, their minds have been so tampered with I refuse to trust anything they say without some hard proof.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  MeneMene
2 years ago

I believe Maria Farmer. I’ve seen quite a few interviews with her. I don’t remember her ever saying that Trump was involved with young girls. Other interviews with Epstein girls have said Trump was not involved with them but he was around. This does not mean he did anything. Epstein was known as some sort of rich financial genius, it would not surprise me if Trump wanted some sort of cash from him, explaining him being around him. There was a girl who said Trump raped her and filed suit but did not continue it. Another girl supposedly collaborated what she said. She said she was threatened so she stopped the suit. We don’t know what this means. Was she threatened or was she sent to make false charges? We don’t know. To my knowledge, there have been no substantial evidence that Trump was with underage girls. I think they tried to get him into this situation but he was too smart to be trapped like that.

We have to at the very least recognize that Trump could very well be a trogen horse. We are at a stage in our Jew parasitism that the people will do anything to get rid of these abusive Jews. They are literally hollowing out and destroying the whole country from top to bottom. Meaning, we need a Hitler. It’s entirely possible that Trump was a fake controlled Hitler that they propped up. They tried to do this with the actual Hitler but he was not for sale. After all Trump did absolutely nothing to change the long term trends and totally dropped the ball on Covid where it’s extremely likely that millions will die from the vax. Q appears to be nothing but a, “any minute now we will do something” false flag because nothing has changed. All the long term trends have never stopped, only slowed.

They’ve deleted the video but there’s a copy on the internet archive. You should watch it and see for yourself.

2 years ago

>“We are on the brink of a dramatic change where we are about to, and I’ll say this boldly, we are about to abandon the traditional system of money and accounting and introduce a new one. And the new one; the new accounting is what we call blockchain… It means digital, it means having an almost perfect record of every single transaction that happens in the economy, which will give us far greater clarity over what’s going on.”

Remember, crypto fanatics, that the first step of a Ponzi scheme is to ACTUALLY give some people the miraculous returns the scheme promises as a recruitment tool. It’s not a ponzi scheme this time, but the principle is the same: give some people who would never trust a government-backed digitally tracked ledger of transactions a huge financial win before ever announcing it’s an evil scheme as a means of recruiting them to shill, for free!

Same concept as putting out corn at the deer stand to lure them in for the kill.

You got duped by big dollar signs to become an unwitting shill for the beast currency system. Don’t be like Clott Adams with the Vaxx and just double down forever to try and save face; plenty of people could smell the poop without seeing the turd, so admit your error, return to the side of discernment, and use the lesson to be better for the next test.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago


2 years ago

> The Fake News said I called him a genius during the war. No, I was describing the great negotiating posture he had prior to the unfortunate decision to enter Ukraine and fight. There was nothing “genius” about that!
Even our GE does not think it was a good idea to attack Ukraine. Why do most anons still think it is a part of the Plan?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I do understand perfectly what you write AC. I’d also love to have a place to go, where people are not treated like livestock by sociopaths in the government, where family is protected, where “diversity” is rightfully considered as dangerous (among many other things), but I am not sure that Putin’s Russia fits the bill.

And do not get me wrong. I’d love to be wrong this time! Personally, I could fit into such idealized Russian society quite easily. My Russian currently lacks practice, but within a year or two living there, I think I would no longer be considered a foreigner by accent. (That would never happen to 99.99% people of non-slavic origin, Slavic languages are fucking hard to learn.) We shared quite a few “cultural” experiences with Soviet people, so we have at least as many things common as different and I would understand things which no “westerner” ever could. (Have you heard Reagan speaking soviet jokes? These were in fact “east block” jokes.)

However, I am afraid that Russia is still much more this soviet-like gray world than not. And no matter how hard is Putin trying to change it. Do not forget, he is no tsar and even tsars were unable to really change Russia for better. And if they tried (e.g. Peter the Great) the country paid in hundreds of thousands dead. It all goes deep into how the country is controlled via clans as ruthless as any other eastern mafias. And making living in this country better goes directly against basic interests of those clans.
It is sad that it’s this way, Russia is country with a fantastic potential. So, yeah, as always, I’d recommend caution when promoting Russia and Putin as always the good guys.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Thank you AC. You too kind – you haven’t heard me speaking fortunately! :)))

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  mkw
2 years ago

I think most of us, myself for sure, think of China and Russian not necessarily as any sort of savior but only someone standing up to total world subjugation of the globalhomo. It’s as if there was a factory that was grinding up humans to make sausage, anyone who throws a wrench into the works to make it stop is doing good no matter what their motivations.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

I can only agree with that.

I am just not ok with this wishful thinking of many on our side, that Putin is a white hat, the invasion is a part of the Plan and Russians are tremendously successful fighting those nazis, which are – as we all know – all over Ukraine. Neither of those points is really important in our struggle and that is why I believe we should keep some distance to this war and not invest much of our credit and hope into it. The real issue is the global intelligence operation against us. This is a home field for anons, this is where they fight best and anything else is just a distraction. At least IMHO.

Reply to  mkw
2 years ago

Stop taking everything Trump says at face value. A lot of the time, Trump takes positions just to avoid being seen as being connected to things.
A few months ago, people were upset that Trump was “pushing” the vaccine. He absolutely was not. He’s never “pushed” the vaccine. He’s made some very luke warm recommendations. He’s certainly never lifted a finger to encourage people to go out and get vaxxed. No desperate appeals.
Why? Because if he came out as stridently anti-vax the media would roast him for it. And it’s not like his words caused millions of people to go get the vax.
Trump is a negotiator, a poker player. He doesn’t telegraph everything. Literal readings of the implications of his words will just upset you.

Reply to  Anon
2 years ago

I do agree with you on vaccines 100%, and I understand that this is kind of a similar situation. However it is his wording which seems to me very different to the no-vaxx stuff.

With no-vaxx, he recommended to take it. Just like that, you’ve noticed that as well.
But right now, he said, that there is nothing genius about the attack. Which is something he would never say about a part of the Plan.

I might be wrong of course, and my understanding of the language as the foreigner are far from perfect, but I do feel that the separation from the attack is more than just optics.
Anyway, I’d recommend to proceed with caution when supporting Russia. IMHO you are giving too much of a positive projections of yourselves to that direction. But as always, I hope I am wrong. 🙂

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

For anyone wondering why I you might see my SHIELD on my hip in a BOOTSTRAPPY vid, right here:


Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago
2 years ago

One of Jeffrey Epstein’s earliest victims says Trump involved.”

And that all but proves she’s a liar.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Mossad works for the Roths.
It’s that simple.
The Roths own Israel.

2 years ago
Debra Shaffer
Debra Shaffer
2 years ago

They don’t “do” childhood, even for their own. Corruption from the get-go.

2 years ago

Judge upholds Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex trafficking conviction:

2 years ago


2 years ago

Apple Deploying Army of Lobbyists to Promote LGBT Legislation

2 years ago
Last edited 2 years ago by Farcesensitive